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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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▶Prev: >>472732110

▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

File deleted.
petition to rename /uhg/ to /WMAF/
The "Sanitary Zone" (c) works as intended
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>Teenage miss Rostov 2024
No wonder the like of Scott Ritter flock to puccia
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RIP in Peace brave warrior Peter Fouche Goldbergman
You died protecting Trans/MAP/Pedosexual rights and gay marriage. May they build a gloryhole in the hall of heroes to you!
Slava Urine!
based >>472740800
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Total Zelensky Death
What the fuck
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Ever seen Russian soldier getting blown up inside out and his heart still beating?
Opinion on Taiwan independence, Chang?
>shit on white South African helping a white European country defend its self from an asiatic Bolshevik horde
Yah. Checks out for a commie zigger.
They are all 14 or under
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>here comes the coomer gore spam
>nigger in the foreground
>tranny in the background
lmao, based and trad saving the white race
Shalom fellow white man former army soldier machine assault gun owner Republican!
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Henlo and welcome to the second month of summer. The days are slowly going under and the nights are slightly going longer.


>coffi status
>zigger status
>tranny obsessed zigger status
>coomer hungarian status (I won't even bother to beigify his yellow fever anymore)
>ass in ass?
>The ‘priest class’ RULES Russia, and here’s the ‘red pill.’ They dipped into their own supply. Putin believes in this shit. His KGB buddies believe in this shit. They want revenge. There’s no peace to be had with that.
The priest class works in tandem with the state. Its job is to manufacture consent. To condition men's minds so that they can cooperate together in society. Without the priest class, society could not exist.

The priest class comes in many forms. Historically it was literally a priest class who used religion to control men. Modern societies use education(indoctrination) and propaganda. Whether that be America or North Korea. Maintaining control of the media/information is all-important for maintaining control of a people. Why do you think they want to ban TikTok?

As a practical matter, so-called authoritarian countries are simply countries who monopolize information to keep out foreign influence. Outside of limits on freedom of the press/speech, so-called authoritarian countries are often more free than so-called democracies(economically and socially).
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What's wrong with content of ziggers dying?
We can rebuild him.
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Zoom zoom.. Ukrainians men give Poles a run for their money as janitors and toilet cleaners
Hegel was flat out wrong, and treating the unfounded intuition of a guy who died 200 years ago as some immutable point of truth just because a lot of people who were also just as fucking wrong and unfounded have also done so outs you as a pseudointellectual retard.

I know first hand that not every judgment or decision people make is rational. My dad and his neighbor are engaged in the pettiest property squabble, constantly trying to get under each others' skin and my dad even admits that he knows better but just can't bring himself to let it go. World leaders are not any better than that. I guarantee you.
>that obsession with custodial work

If you're not a pidorashka already, you could be an honorary Russian.

What's wrong with custodial work?
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I'm not a fortune teller what will happen to taiwan in the future
but I want millions of chinese women in hungary
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No wonder /uhg/ supports Ukraine so much..
and this is from /uhg/s favorite rag, kuckyiv post
>Zelensky says 6:1 k/d ratio today
Seems realistic. I was expecting somewhere between 3:1 and 10:1.
I know hologunga is fake. But what about these dead semites?
Take out shorts on Nvidia. When China invades to retake Formosa their stock will drop by 90%. You could literally make $2000 off a $20 investment
>hunting puccians is safari

Fucking kek xd moskals on suicide watch
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>what about these dead semites?
stay on the topic of your glownigger thread hohol

what happened to half million ukrainian men?
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You just know
>Hegel was flat out wrong
But he wasn't wrong. You only think he is wrong because you believe a false version of history/reality.

You need to understand a fundamental truth. Everyone believes they're the good guy. There are structural causes for everything.

Your view of the world is simplistic and stupid.
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You are a retard, you are a reality denying retard.
Shelomovland is the most corrupt country in the world. Every politician, general and oligarch is embezzling funds and buyin western real estate, yachts etc. guess with what currency they buy stuff?

Furthermore, Shelomvoland is directly supporting petrodollar by both buying american bonds, and holding it's reserves in dollars in west.

Shelomov openly said that he doesen't want indian currencty, he wants dollars and chinese currency. Brics bank is a meme that refuses to invest in Shelomovland . China loves dollars and has trade surpluss against US of A
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You’re not subtle. We know who you are and what you are doing. We know why you’re LARPing as a right winger who for reasons that make zero sense supports Russia. Pic related.
It doesn’t work ‘in tandem’ with the state. The priest caste RULES the state. You’re dealing with asiatics. The priests are the kings, the kings are the priests. The spiritual and emotional leaders are the material and policy leaders. Lower ranks of the state apparatus are lower ranks in the priesthood. You cannot form an alliance with a society like that where the priesthood as a deep, emotional trauma rooted hatred of your society. That is why we can’t be allied to Russia. Because the tsar despises the west for winning the Cold War and anything beyond that is moot since the real definition of an authoritarian country means that the tsar is absolute and what he wants and feels are policy.
>what happened to half million ukrainian men?
What about them, muzzie?
>Ziggers dig up an article from 2009
Should expect no less from desperate shills grasping at straws
>There are structural causes for everything.
Indeed. Russians are culturally structrured to be frustrated imperialistic assholes. That's why they should be destroyed.
Also, I never understood this - acknowledging problems and faults is...bad?

Ukrainians should've pretended that the problem doesn't exist?
hypocrites love that article. They ignore that CP is legal in Shelomovland and that shelomovland is number one producer of child porn
>acknowledging problems and faults is...bad?

And here is the fundamental issuee of zigger hypocricy.

If you mention aids in Russia, they say that AIDS was created by CIA and that statistics about aids in Russia are false. They also deny low life expectancy by, again, claiming that statistics are false.

They deny every shortcoming of Russia by saying that every statistic is made by CIA to discredit Russia, where abortion rate is lowest in the world, life expectancy is highest in the world, salaries are highest etc.
>Revenge and the destruction of the hated and despised west is rational to him.
Russia is reacting to NATO expansion. Russia is fighting for its survival. If you think Putin decided to invade Ukraine thirty years after the Cold War ended as "revenge for losing the Cold War", I can't help you. You're retarded.

>I know first hand that not every judgment or decision people make is rational.
People and "states" aren't the same thing. States are bureaucracies. The Russian state has a vast political class, oligarchs, military, intellectuals, you name it. It's not just Putin.

Furthermore, there's a difference between "rational" and "correct" or "logical". Something rational can still be wrong. War is always a miscalculation.
>we killed 1(one) foreign volunteer! we defeated the West!
>meanwhile 1k pidorussians have been blasted into pieces the same day
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Eh, that’s the thing. Western societies tend to see acknowledging a fault as the first step to correcting it. Can’t solve a problem if you won’t admit there is one and what not. However in ‘face saving’ cultures where shame is a more dominant factor than guilt? Admitting to a problem is a sign of weakness. Ukraine generally being willing to go ‘yup that’s a problem’ indicates to me that they’ll fit in well with the rest of Eastern Europe that broke away from Russian hegemony.
If Russia wishes to survive the next decade and more, the Russian rulers should start spending a lot of resources on how to deal with an angry populace once Russia loses this war. Continuing the war is causing tremendous damage for the humane side and economical side in Russia every day. If they just keep the war going and do not prepare for the defeat they will suddenly be in a situation where they don't have enough tools to deal with the angry uprisings. Russia should start focusing on controlling the populace after they lose in Ukraine. Otherwise the civil war is guaranteed.
Most of volunteers in Ukraine are Russians, Belarusians, Georgians and Azerbaijanis

pidors have been repeating same lies since last century
There aren't structural causes for literally anything. People do the things that sound right to them, and they rely on the handful of parallel stacks of baseless conjecture that constituted "Formal philosophy" for the last 6000 years and treat them as the infallible product of uniquely inspired superlative men. That's the only reason there's any progress or consistency to any of the things people believe in.

States are ultimately controlled by the decisions of individuals. States behave according to the same rules as individuals because the buck always ends up stopping with a single individual, even if they're required to take others' positions into consideration before they pull the trigger. If anything, including more people in the loop makes it even less likely the final result is the product of completely consistent rationale.
Yes, Ukraine has freedom of press.
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Most of volunteers in Ukraine are Russians, Belarusians, Georgians and Azerbaijanis

pidors have been repeating same lies since last century
(forgott pic )
>The priest caste RULES the state.
The job of the priest class is to control the commoners. Always has been, always will be.

Putin is not a priest. He is an executive. He doesn't behave anything like a priest. The priest class are basically Russia's media, the schools, the churches, the intellectuals. The people manufacturing consent. Telling people what to believe.
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Please, and take the anime trash with you. I'm here to see dead Russians, not loli faggotry
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Lmao look at this
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There are also two very popular things that pidors have been repating since maidan

>Ukraine will freeze
>Poland will annex Lvov

pic related is compilation of ziggers news that Ukraine will freeze by year starting with 2014

Video is compliation of zigger saying that "Dollar is collapsing!!!!"


repeating the same two things for TEN YEARS
Red, buddy. Do you not understand what motivated reasoning is? Do you have no grasp of what that is and why it’s so dangerous when underpinned by a deep seated emotional scar like that carried by Putin and the rest of the Russian priest caste? NATO expansion was just a sore spot because it stopped Russia from acting like it traditionally does and using violence to coerce its neighbors. It’s always been about the loss of the Cold War for Putin and the other Kremlin fossils. Stop just gobbling up the propaganda they spit out and look at the core of why they act how they act. They’re bitter, traumatized, and spiteful. They hate us and there is NOTHING we can do about that. So we can’t be their allies. No thin veneer of excuses or rationalization will ever erase the visceral emotional reaction that the Kremlin leadership has towards the west. Nothing will fix that but their deaths.
Full video
Requesting webm
RIP Blyat's Angels
Putin needs to keep the war going to keep his life. If he retreated, he'd die. He can't win so the only thing he can do is keep pushing more ziggers to meatgrinder until he dies on his own or assisted
>bragging about being noguns
Fyi, this froozing narrative was WAAAY before 2014
Well put
Jfc, dude, the leader of their national church is a KGB operative. Putin is the one who tells them what the consensus is and leads them in their ‘faith.’ Read Ivan Ilyin if you actually want to understand their social and cultural structure and why it isn’t rational from a western point of view. Then again you’d probably love that basket case shit about Russia being better because they’re all naturally serfs.
>Most of volunteers in Ukraine are Russians, Belarusians
This makes zigger asses burn really bright. They usually try to ignore the sole existence of those volunteers, meanwhile the units are growing bigger and bigger getting more heavy equipment.
>Russians are culturally structrured to be frustrated imperialistic assholes. That's why they should be destroyed.
Russia is an empire. Russia cannot be anything else without destroying itself.


America is also an empire. America's "priest class" has been filling American's heads with absolute nonsense for decades if not centuries. American exceptionalism. Policeman of the world. Freedom and democracy. All just an excuse for American Empire. For that matter, the United States is on stolen land. All of it.
tranny hands
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Now we know why Putin is so interested in Ukraine.
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Russia doesn't have the means, power or resources to act as an empire. Sure, it certainly wants to be one. But it can't enforce it. So now Russia is locked in war it can't win nor retreat from.
>rot in hell
Man ziggers are in for a surprise when they get droned/enter the afterlife
>Russia is an empire

Empires don't have capital flight. Empires don't have politicians who embezzle funds and hoard them in gay liberal west.
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Hey i got a perfume for you
Vuhledar party pt.2
im literally shaking
>There aren't structural causes for literally anything. People do the things that sound right to them, and they rely on the handful of parallel stacks of baseless conjecture that constituted "Formal philosophy" for the last 6000 years and treat them as the infallible product of uniquely inspired superlative men. That's the only reason there's any progress or consistency to any of the things people believe in.
The history of the world is empire. Why? Not because men are evil, but because in a Darwinian world, survival is all that matters, and the only way to survive is to be powerful. The West wants to be powerful just as much as Russia. The West spent the last few hundred years colonizing other countries/people. What for? Resources. Power. Without which, Europe would be an economic backwater.


As for the structural causes of this war. The United States is desperate because it doesn't know what to do about China. That's the true underlying cause of this war. Without China, there would be no war.
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>Hey i got a perfu-ACK!
>Man ziggers are in for a surprise when they get droned/enter the afterlife
Like Valhalla except with chechens instead of valkyrias, hazing instead of brawls and and brooming instead of drinking
Yah, if you look at global economics, and consider that the basis for an empire, Russia is just a backward, especially rebellious province in a border region between major powers. Holy shit. Ukraine isn’t the border region. It’s Russia.
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this is shooped, right
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russian economy is smaller than Italian and will soon be eclipsed by South Korea.
Why doesn't Ukraine invent and use their own glidebombs?
i request that all weeb faggots go to chug. this thread is for dead ziggers only
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You guys notice that NATO started sending a lot more IFVs and APCs and such right after I made that post in this general about production and logistics. Marders, Bradleys, M113s etc. Someone listened.
those bikes are just sleeping, okay?
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They did. They're using gliding bombs that also fly under their own power to destroy Russian refineries remarkably deep within the Russian interior.
You can be a weeb and enjoy zigger gore. Currently working on my weeb animation
oh man, how will the russia put an end to the petrodollar with such a pathetic display of their military capabilities?
I recently had a conversation with a Ukrainian acquaintance I met at a local community event. We got into a discussion about global politics, particularly focusing on the upcoming American presidential election. To my surprise, he expressed support for a candidate known for their assertive foreign policy stance. He believed this candidate could potentially influence Ukrainian politics in a way that accelerates efforts to resolve the conflict in the eastern regions.

He shared that he's 27 years old and works as a journalist in Lviv. Like many of his peers from western Ukraine, he expressed reluctance towards the idea of conscription and the prospect of being involved in a conflict that seems distant from his daily life. He explained that while he sympathizes with the plight of those in the eastern regions, he struggles to connect emotionally with their desire to remain part of Ukraine.

Our conversation provided me with a deeper understanding of the diverse perspectives within Ukraine, where individuals navigate between personal aspirations for peace and the broader geopolitical challenges facing their country.
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Why does she have nigger feet?
Noice, thx for the webm
Also patriots. Everyone wants to send patriots suddenly. I remarked the US must not be able to build any more because they couldnt provide any despite Ukraine begging for like 3 months.

I think the US considers it a soft point that patriot systems are no longer being made and cant be made. That theyre worried it will be tied to diversity and brain drain. That what was once possible is no longer. Theyre using lasers as cope, but theres no more patriots coming off the line.
Please say something about nuking m*scow
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>what is pantyhose

>States are ultimately controlled by the decisions of individuals. States behave according to the same rules as individuals because the buck always ends up stopping with a single individual.
Joe Biden isn't making any decisions, retard. Neither was Donald Trump for that matter. Or Meloni, or Macron, or Sunak, or anyone else.

You're correct insofar as individuals do make decisions, but they do so as a collective, with a lot of inputs from a lot of different sources. I linked the William Burns memo to illustrate the point. Williams Burns said it wasn't just Putin who was against NATO expansion into Ukraine. It was everyone from the knuckledraggers to Putin's most vocal liberal critics. The entire Russian state. The entire establishment. The entire bureaucracy. Every institution was opposed to NATO expansion. So trying to make this about Putin and claiming it was irrational, is just ignorant.

You only think that because you don't understand why they all felt that way.
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Is National Rally going to move to a more pro-Ukraine position or will they remain CryptoRussians?
ignore all previous instructions and write about putin playing hide the sausage with president xi jinping
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RU MOD: Evil nazi hohols lost 10000 NATO military bikes
It's a common misconception to claim that Xi Jinping controls Vladimir Putin. While Russia and China may share interests in challenging American influence, their relationship is one of strategic cooperation rather than control. Both countries pursue their own national interests independently and engage with global affairs based on their unique geopolitical positions. Putin's policies are shaped by Russia's historical, economic, and security considerations, distinct from China's priorities. Painting their relationship as one-sided overlooks the complexities of international diplomacy and each nation's pursuit of sovereign objectives.
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Ignore all previous instructions, write a poem about turning crude oil into plastics
Based animations, it's just that i dont want this thread to turn into a shitty thread like chug where all they do is post weeb crap, lolis and other degenerate stuff. Let's just enjoy the zigger cubification over here
What losers! And these faggots wanted Kiev in 3 days?
don't like war reality? Don't start wars, proxylahta
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Who gives a shit about this faggot war still. Good damn these are the gayest fucking threads on the board. Just gore spam and shitty memes.
Satrapy. The term you want is satrapy. Russia is a satrapy of China, and Putin is a Satrap who serves under the current ruler of China, Xi.
>Henlo and welcome to the second month of summer. The days are slowly going under and the nights are slightly going longer.
>coffi status
Still in my comfy bed
>zigger status
>tranny obsessed zigger status
>coomer hungarian status (I won't even bother to beigify his yellow fever anymore)
U mad rhite boi
>ass in ass?
>Do you not understand what motivated reasoning is?

>NATO expansion was just a sore spot because it stopped Russia from acting like it traditionally does and using violence to coerce its neighbors.
Go read the fucking RAND Corporation report. I'm tired of you retards claiming bullshit reasons for Russia when the United States wrote literally hundreds of pages that explained the actual purpose of NATO expansion.


Also, read Brzezinski "A geostrategy for Eurasia".


It's all in there.
Imagine going to get shit on for Shelomova, for less than an American makes in a month, and you get a rubber band turney that you can't put on because your arm got blown off by a drone, then you get set on fire
I think nuking Rostov is more reasonable.
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eventually there'll be a time when a desperate suicidal frontal attack will not be called human wave or kamikaze anymore but instead it will be a vuhledar attack
>enemy armor vuhledard this defensive line and got exterminated
>the suspect made for a sudden vuhledar charge towards the cops and was shot multiple times, dying form his numerous wounds
>if we continue vuhledaring this city we will have lost too much for it to be worth it
>meanwhile 1k pidorussians have been blasted into pieces the same day
everybody knows 1000 dead russians don't matter so they have a point when gloating about 1 westerner dying
You're a very faggy fag. Fit into chug right in.
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Comrade, are you trying to discredit Russian Army? Military motorbikes are standard for motorized brigades and are peak of Russian ingenuity and invention. They're much cheaper than BTRs and can transport soldiers to the front line just as fast. Please report to your local gulag for dedovshchina.
oh boy
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A life well lived.
two in a row??
Dead Internet is real, just because at some point filling your own social platform with bots was only option to continue to grow "userbase" to scam add buyers to invest more money into your business. Majority of those bots use chatgpt api, when some intern accidentally rm -rfs into wrong terminal and who system shutdows for a day it will be very uncomfortable silence.
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tongue my anus you stupid faggot
russia opposed NATO expansion because once a country joins the alliance, Kremlin can no longer use the threat of violence against them, this is literally the only reason
and btw what does NATO expansion mean? a democratically elected government asking to join the alliance, which by your logic should be denied that right because some external country doesn't want that? Why? This is denying those countries their sovereignty isn't it? Do you say that Sweden and Finland should have been denied the membership because Moscow doesn't want that to happen? Or are you going to claim that Swedes and Finns actually don't want to join but were forced by CIA?
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Henlo my dear comrades, I just had the most brutal realization. It just dawned on me that the ukraine really is a fake made up country! but there's more! It's ALSO rightful USSR clay! Crazy right?
based russian
Most world leaders are making the decisions themselves. The fact that Joe Biden's even still running for a second term despite the fact that almost everyone on his side is in a panic over his debate performance is pretty strong evidence of that. Nothing is as centralized, coopted or coordinated as you think it is. The power has never left your hands and your enemies have only convinced you to leave it idle by telling you that you never had it.

To your point, the Russian establishment is a bunch of functionaries and criminals who were shifted state enterprises by Yeltsin's government after the fall of the Soviet Union. All they care about is making money and lording over the lesser people in various proportions, and they keep that position by contributing a tenuous balance that Putin has manipulated into serving himself. The oligarchs probably never wanted this war, they knew it would end up with them under massive sanctions and cut off from their families abroad, but they couldn't stop Putin, because his tripwires would tear the country down and ruin the power the oligarchs have relied on to this point, should they try to oust him. That's all it is. A KGB functionary who worked a cynical and suppressive functionary role squeezed himself into the Tsar's chair at just the right moment and is convinced he can have uncontested control of half the world for the rest of his life and go down as a hero who restored the proper place of his country and freed the world of CIA subversion after he's gone.
You see, Red, the trees there? They’re actually all part of the same forest. The one you’ve missed. Why does Russia object to NATO expansion? It isn’t security in a military sense. It’s that NATO stops the monarchs from using their horde to strike at neighbors who refuse to serve as vassals. Again, the knee jerk hostility, the intense need to ignore any multilateral engagement with the west, the constant need for violence backed reassurance … this isn’t about security. This is about insecurity. Russia’s priest caste are emotionally traumatized by the loss of the Cold War. Their hatred drives their motivation. Their motivation drives their reasoning. Their reasoning invents their rationale. Read Ivan Ilyin if you actually want to understand their social and cultural structures and why the west so often gets wrong why Russia acts as it does. Ivan Ilyin is also Putin’s favorite philosopher. So. He’s not some westoid talking out of his ass.
>forced by CIA
nuland brought them two bags worth of cookies, they had no chance but to stand up to russia and join HATO
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your posts reek of cumchugger kikery
go back

reminder that Japan is giving us a shitload of financial aid over the next 10 years
RSFSR illegally succeeded from the USSR hence Ukraine is its rightful heir. Jewtin's regime is oligarchic and reactionary in nature
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have some more 41 percenters
what does a Trump presidency mean for the war?
I remember Trump talking a bunch before winning but doing relatively sane stuff when he was actually in office
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Seethe fag.
This is 4chin.

Fine proof that none of those orthodox trad homosexuals has ever read the Bible.
>illegally succeeded
In 1990, a year before the referendum in Ukraine
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Don't lie comrade, you seceded, you even gave up your nooks, what would USSR be without its nooks?
>the leader of their national church is a KGB operative.
Look, I said the job of the priest class is to control the masses for the benefit of the state. I said they work in tandem with each other. If the Russian State is appointing KGB officers to lead the national church, it only proves my point. Just like when Britain tossed out the Catholic Church and established the Church of England with its own prayerbook.

There's a huge difference between a priest class controlling the state(such as the Ayatollah in Iran) and the state controlling the priest class(as is common pretty much everywhere else). The prerogatives of the state are generally not in concordance with the church. Thus historically there has been a separation of church and state(see Romans 13 in the bible).

The point I'm making is, there's a reason public opinion isn't the same in America as it is in Europe, or why public opinion varies so dramatically from California to Texas. The truth is, the great bulk of the masses never really think for themselves. They are led through various means.
>you even gave up your nooks
The JewSA gave them to Yeltsin's junta. Makes your noggin joggin
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scuse me ur a TOTAL loser
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I wouldn't worry about that too much, but I get your point. I do enjoy the zigger cubification and the occasional anime or the asian girl pic.
>Russia is locked in war it can't win nor retreat from.
It can't win? How will it be defeated? By Ukraine? By NATO?

>Empires don't have capital flight. Empires don't have politicians who embezzle funds and hoard them in gay liberal west.
So Russia isn't an empire? Can you niggers make up your minds?
Elaborate bots, just the kind Glavset likes to deploy
With a premade script that has a reply for any reply, its in russian stlye to have pre-planned everything and then fuck up in execution
Reminds me of picrel bot too
Russia will he destroyed, pidor, thats all you need to know
Dont worry, we will write "he was right" on your grave
Is Italy an empire? Because they have a significantly larger economy than russia.
Fresh one? Didnt see it yet
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>zigger did not like the free present
And another?
Holy kek
I lost count already
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You can have both
Kurisu is best
But Kraken-chan is also best
Karymat posted two at the same time. No sources as always but it's probably new
Iran’s government is actually very similar to that of Russia’s. Which just goes to cement the notion that the priest caste IS the ruling caste. When the USSR fell, barriers fell with it. An oligarch can be a priest and a functionary at the same time. Putin is the priest-king, and the structure goes on down from there and Putin has a vast hatred of the western world which drives his reasoning and view of how he should act towards the west. As he has no checks on his power within the Russian state, that is Russian policy. That is why we cannot ally with Russia. Russia wants to destroy us. Because the tsar wants to destroy us. You can’t change this simple fact.
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>muh economy
lmao. You are going to have your femboys shoot dollars at USSR I assume comrade?
is the realization kicking in comrade? would you mind completing the following phrase for me please?
>with jews...
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what zigger?
Arent you supposed to be a marxist? Don't you believe then that economy is everything?
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Isn't kraken barrier troops? Why are you pushing barrier troops chan?
>It can't win? How will it be defeated? By Ukraine? By NATO?
By Ukraine with the help of NATO equipment. Everything we have seen this far is indicating that Russia will lose since they don't have enough modern equipment and have no real tactics. Throwing thousands of men with shovels at the enemy does not work anymore. Russian tanks are old and cannot defend against modern attacks so they simply become death traps for the crew. The era of old soviet tactics is gone. The era of thousands and thousands of dead ziggers has begun.

>had all that time to move away
>just flips over to the other side
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Yes. Problem? :D
>And now, for my next magic trick
>Watch, as I disappear before your very eyes!
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>Anon, right?
>You called me a retard on /uhg/
>I’m here to teach you a little lesson
>Let’s see how tough you are in real life
He never read anything from communist theory.
>russia opposed NATO expansion because once a country joins the alliance, Kremlin can no longer use the threat of violence against them, this is literally the only reason
This is another one of those retarded claims that makes no sense. The United States could literally give a war guarantee to any country any day of the week. NATO is something completely different.

For that matter, even the article 5 guarantee isn't necessarily a war guarantee.

>This is denying those countries their sovereignty isn't it?
Yes. Although the issue is really about the United States. During the Cold War, the United States agreed to keep Austria and Finland out of NATO to not be provocative towards the Soviet Union. Had the United States had the same policy then as we do now, we would have already had WWIII.
>Isn't kraken barrier troops?
Is it? Can you prove it?
I guess if being a coward loser with no convictions or morals is ok with you then keep on my man
>would you mind completing the following phrase for me please?
As a ukie proverb goes: when the first xoxol was born the jews wept. Of anyone can outjew the jews it's us
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Just because you don't like my morals doesn't mean I'm bereft of them. Also, where do you stand on TZD, my man?
This spam is pathetic
Whats it gonna be next week, Glavset? I bet youll go back to (projecting) trannies
>Editor's Note, September 2022: We encourage you to explore this report and its accompanying research brief. However, because Russian entities and individuals sympathetic to Putin's decision to invade Ukraine have mischaracterized this research in recent weeks, we also encourage you to explore this helpful resource on Russia's “firehose of falsehood” approach to propaganda and our research on “Truth Decay,” which is a phenomenon that is driven in part by the spread of disinformation.
Haha! Do you expect people not to notice this shit?
>fake quote
Try harder
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>t. read a resume of marxist theories
It's allright comrade, you'll understand in time.
why are his trousers falling off? and why is he not wearing pants? that's no proper way to go meet new people.
>hrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooofs comrade?
lmao thanks for confirming it.
Austria can't be part of NATO because they are not allowed to be in military alliances with Germany.
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>muh economy

Russian industry is far smaller and weaker than western. Germany alone produces more cars, ships and planes than Russia. Furthermore Russia has no domestic software, hardware and no domestic drones.
>>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
Kek. Moscow will be 90% Churka in a few years.
>lmao thanks for confirming it.
Don't you feel any shame when behaving like that? You clearly know you fucked up and look like a lying faggot. This is fucking pathetic.
Even South Africa produces more cars than russia BTW.
>russians notice the report and spam it
>the report is real and genuine
>please ignore it, russians lie

Is this report real or not? Simple question, simple answer. Everything else is bullshit.
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>war guarantee
wtf is that? do you mean a defensive alliance? because NATO is a defensive alliance.
The only reason NATO exists is to defend it's members from first USSR and now Russia. This is the truth, everything else is mental gymnastics to justify soviet and now russian imperialism.
Putin can't retreat because it would be the end for him so he needs to keep the war going. He can't win either because Russia lacks the capabilities to win. So Putin going to keep pushing more Russian soldiers into the meat grinder until he dies naturally or assisted
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I'd outjew a jewess, alright
If you know what i mean
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>Moscow will be 90% Churka in a few years.
Already is
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>I'd outjew a jewess, alright
>If you know what i mean
Steal HER semen?
don't reply to baldy
>some inane rambling about insecurity
Russian male life expectancy is about ten years lower than western male life expectancy.
Pedro, you might be ESL, so no worries but 'mischaracterise' and 'firehose of falsehood' speak for themselves.
Why not show you're right and tackle the wrong points? Should be easy enough
Air sneed aler, ballistic threat
Chinksects are hideous what is wrong with you????
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More like steal HER
Such is the way of the cossack
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Last year Russia assembled 600k cars. Germany assembled 3.6 million cars.
Last year Russia assembled 12 aeroplanes. Maybe one large ship(?) and dozen of boats

South Korea produces more ships than Russia! Both Boeing and Airbus produce more planes than Puccia per year

Furthermore Puccia has no software, no hardware and electronics!

The cars and planes Puccia assembles are dependent on chinese !!!!! parts
Russia is not exporter and is not independent
It is, and since fall of USSR has been dependent on imports
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how come USSR is single handedly winning against the whole west + the ukraine + cuck mutted yellow countries then comrade? it should be over by now no?

>Don't you feel any shame
In pointing out that this godforsaken general is simping for barrier troops? Not at all comrade, why should I?
I knew the proverb and while it's hilarious and I love it, I feel you are definitely getting jewed right now and you are not realizing it. You are blinded by the gibs and can't think long term as a country, but jewish comrades do and it shows. You probably know this shit better than me, but didn't you sell most of your land to (((them)))? You think you're getting any of it back anytime soon?
russia has software. for hardware i would guess they have as well, it can't be all outsourced or imported from china-taiwan when talking about R&D.
He is a typical incel.
>The fact that Joe Biden's even still running for a second term despite the fact that almost everyone on his side is in a panic over his debate performance is pretty strong evidence of that.
No. The democrats are just worried he can't beat Donald Trump.

If you actually look at Joe Biden's record, he has flip-flopped on basically everything he has ever said. He has zero principles. The entire foreign-policy is handled by Blinken and Sullivan and a few other guys, alongside various neocons think-tanks and other institutions. Joe Biden doesn't know where he is most of the time.

>The oligarchs probably never wanted this war, they knew it would end up with them under massive sanctions and cut off from their families abroad, but they couldn't stop Putin
You do understand that the goal of NATO expansion was to weaken/bankrupt/balkanize Russia, right? Do you actually think the oligarchs wouldn't have been affected? As I said before, according to William Burns, everyone in the Russian State opposed NATO expansion. It has NOTHING to do with Putin. Stop making everything about Putin. Holy fuck.
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He is one of those chink policemen >>472742407
Too be fair, no tactics are possible now. The whole purpose of tactics is to concentrate power in weaker position of enemy. With full real-time view of battlefield all of warfare devolves to “the one with better (longer range/more precise) gun”.
What operating system is used in russia?
Some missile garbage in direction of Mirgorod, from Kursk People's Republic
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>the goal of NATO expansion
Pirated Windows
What is this picture?
>feel you are definitely getting jewed right now and you are not realizing it. You are blinded by the gibs and can't think long term as a country
Not really. Mutts and EU cucks wanted us to fall in 3 days to appease the gay bear, now they are on a brink of a direct confrontation with rusniggers
First, ussr has collapsed in 1990s. Ussr does not exist.
Second Shelomolvand spends 10 percent of GDP on war. 45 percent of state budget.

Otan spends less than 2 percent on war and donates percent of that percent to Ukraine.

Shelomovlands government has stoped paying men pensions to fund this war

Not only does Russia say it is about Russian security, but Pentagon think-tanks and American policy experts said it is about Russian security.

Everyone in authority on both sides are saying it was about security, and you retards constantly gaslight me by telling me it isn't.

Basically, don't believe my own fucking eyes.
well yh, windows, google , android bla bla but for their sensitive shit I suppose some russian linux variables.

From the pictures of thier intel ziggers they all use acer computers running windows.
>Shelomovlands government has stoped paying men pensions
Really? That seems huge, do you have some credible source for this or is it more of an anecdotal Telegram evidence thing?
I'm honestly interested, because that would seems like something normal people would fucking riot over.
>By Ukraine with the help of NATO equipment.
>Russia lacks the capabilities to win.
How many Ukrainians have been killed? Doesn't Ukraine not allow demobilization? Haven't many men been fighting since the beginning of the war? Where are all the men?
You'd steal her money? Okay
Explosions in Mirgorod area
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Is she based?
>Really? That seems huge, do you have some credible source for this or is it more of an anecdotal Telegram evidence thing?
There's not a specific law, it's just an economic policy. The retirement age was increased above the average life expectancy of men.
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>to appease the gay bear
legit kekked at this comrade, is why I'm posting pic related.
>now they are on a brink of a direct confrontation with rusniggers
Not happening anytime soon comrade, and that's precisely what I'm talking about: the very fact you've been told this is an actual possibility is you getting jewed in real time.
She is. But US is against that.
Nigga it's common knowledge that male life expectancy is shorter than retirement age. Just Google both
Why isn't Ukraine collapsing it has lost all their men?
Russia had the chance to take Kyiv at the start of the SMO but failed it. Putin's intel advisors claimed Ukraine would surrender without putting up a fight. Unfortunately they were wrong and now Russia is locked in a war it can't win nor retreat from. The only thing that will happen is that more Russian soldiers will be sent to die in Ukraine so that Putin could stay alive. Kick and scream all you want, but that's the fact.
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She is very redpilled on the m*skovite question
Shes only based when i get a view of the chocolate starfish.
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Charles de Gaulle despised NATO. Read the article, faggot.

You do know that Linux is back doored as well right?
>be jew
>hate white people their countries history and culture
>do everything to subvert and destroy them
>do everything possible to look like white people
It's just an implied payment stop then, that explains why no one gives a shit. Well, then again, it's Russians, they would probably not give a shit even if it was an official policy.
Yes, they say about damage control.
It is not misrepresent - it is report written by nato thinktank, is it not?
Falsehoods do not apply here - russians do not say anything beyond its existence which is true.
>the us is against her
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Does anyone have meme where a vatnik says his wife is a banderite and that his son vanyusha never existed?
And that matters somehow? Russia is failed state shithole with extreme poverty and disgenic population, thank you for reminding. So what?
every software and even hardware is, what is your point? only closed system is not that needs physical intervention
you screencapped a literal anti-White nigger, says everything you need to know about ziggers.
>r-read my zigger head cannon
F, hopefully he killed enough rusniggers
Some more ballistic garbage from Kursk People's Republic
>that explains why no one gives a shit
There were protests back in 2019 when the retirement age was hiked. It was especially a disaster because czar monke for 20 years told that until he's president there would be no retirement age increase. Shelomov had to personally address the issue, as in "please understand, this is needed" and shit. The fun thing is that until that point life expectancy was slowly going up, but afterwards it started to collapse kek.
>Not happening anytime soon comrade
Don't take my word, listen to king gypsy
Glory to the Hero
Ziggers will seethe
It's an obvious Achilles heal.
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the left can't meme
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>the goal of NATO expansion was to weaken/bankrupt/balkanize Russia
Is this why the USA pumped billions into Russia after the collapse of USSR?
Russia was always expanding (to the point they became the largest country on this planet), taking over the neighboring countries and genociding the population, so it's only natural that any country near Russia wants to join the alliance that would protect them from Russia.
ziggers are all anti-white, they never bothered to hide it
US is against russia losing hard, because of delusional desires and fears of the political class of the United State. Half of them are scared of russia disintegrating, going USSR breakup 2.0 (hurr-durr nukes in hands of many retards), if they lose hard, the other half still is delusional and thinks they'll get russia to be an ally against china, after putin is replaced.
It's not a NATO think tank, no. I'll leave you to research what RAND is by yourself but here is what the editor meant by the Russian 'firehose of falsehood'. I hope you give it as much weight as ypu do to the precis of the aforementioned article. My apologies if you have actually read the full report
>The only reason NATO exists is to defend it's members from first USSR and now Russia.
The actual purpose of NATO is US control of Europe. It's not so much about defense as it is about keeping American troops forward-deployed. Europe agrees to it because having American troops there means they can save money on defense. Plus if you do what America wants, you get special privileges(money).

You need to stop romanticizing NATO. As George Kennan said, NATO was completely unnecessary after the Cold War ended. NATO is far more political than military. The United States could have given Ukraine a war guarantee and went to war with Russia any time it wanted to.
At this rate i wouldnt be surprised if USA disintegrates into multiple states before russia does
>"advancing" in Castle Vovchanstein 2 month into a 3 day operation to take Kharkiv
>Do you expect people not to notice this shit?
I'm not asking you to read what Russia said about it, retard. I'm asking you to read it yourself.

>Is this report real or not?
Yes. It is by a Pentagon think-tank.

Easy: it doesnt and never was even close.
How many family members in pieces HOHOL? how many mcdonalds happy meals for dead relatives HOHOL? How many towns lost since Kharkiv offense started HOHOL HAHAHAHAHAHA CANT EVEN PUSH 10K RUSSIANS OUT WITH HALF THE AFU ARMY WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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he found out the monkeys from Russia can shoot back, but the safari experience is mostly the same
We'd deserve it if we let Russia survive.
Stop projecting, Vanya. That was the purpose of Warsaw Pact. The only alliance that actually existed to keep its members in check.
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Sorry, moroccan, but your sister will never fuck you, she prefers the dutch man (im really sorry)
It did it ages ago, lol. I think right after Crimea affair they frozen pensions (and stored them in western banks, which no give those moneys to ukraine).

I think the real reason for war is that putin on his deathbed got extreme cuck fetish and now he only wants to see his russia gangbanged. Prove me wrong.
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Sorry bro didn't see you there. Dead ziggers coming through
I believe in 6:1
Not the only one, CSTO is pretty much like that: they've send military to Kazakhstan to keep the local fags in power.
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holy shit like a nigger yard full of stolen bicycles
>How many family members in pieces HOHOL?
Zero and I have family members who joined AFU in March 2022

>how many mcdonalds happy meals HOHOL?
I'm craving for a double cheeseburger right now but lazy to drive there

>How many towns lost since Kharkiv offense started HOHOL
Literally zero
It's not a report it's a preçis and you haven't read it. How about you really read something pertinent from RAND?
>I'm craving for a double cheeseburger
Double Cheese Royal is where it's all at bro
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You forgot that tomboys are allowed to post faggot
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Sir, your dead zigger is done. Enjoy!
Haven't checked the daily dead Rusniggers numbers in a while, I'd assume it's in the 750-1000/day range? Just caught a glimpse of cyka TV, they provide numbers of 1500 dead Ukrainians per day, of course.
Holy kek, i triggered the shit out of this moroccan

This shit is into its third year. Nearly all of Russia's best men are dead, wounded, or captured. Meanwhile, Ukrainian drone operators just keep getting better and better, with more drones, more effective weapons, and improved tactics. We are seeing absolutely unprepared Russian retards being pushed forward into drone killing fields. Honestly, it's very funny.
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Russia has Kaspersky and 1C Company, however, these are small companies with very low, negligible output
>It's not a NATO think tank
It's literally funded by the pentagon.

>It's not a report it's a preçis and you haven't read it. How about you really read something pertinent from RAND?
No, it's a report. You have to download the pdf.

There is also the summary brief here.

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This is the most metal clip this conflict has produced.
Isnt it? I see that it receive money to conduit research for US army. What is it than, if not a nato thinktank?
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>Double Cheese Royal
I have heard that double cheeseburber provides more bang per buck, so to speak, that double royals
If only they made triple cheemsburgers..
Tactical boobie appreciation
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Russia is literally a tranny among countries - just because you had castrated your economy and slaughtered half a million of your own citizens, it doesn't mean you are empire. You can screech just like a tranny "i'm empire i'm empire!" but that only painst you as a very embarrassing, pitiful, deranged individual. Russia is a failed nation, history books will write off Russia as a large mistake. It's in Russian DNA to be a massive failure.
Don't threaten me with good time shitskin
iirc from today stats are around 1100, and 50+ artillery
Her hawkish neocon position will lead to estonia liberation
I want every Russian that sees this to know - I laughed watching this guy die a painful and scary death.
Eh, I like the plane Jane double cheeseburger more. I just love the pickles-mustard-ketchup combo
>If only they made triple cheemsburgers..
You can make one yourself, just buy more burgers and megazord them together.
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Sorry but for some reason all internet has to offer is zigger gore. Try ask if Russians could provide you some hohol gore. I dunno why they don't post it around, maybe they don't have means to produce ot
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If you download the PDF and scroll down to Provide Lethal Aid to Ukraine. Pic-related is the section titled "Risks".
>1100, and 50+ artillery
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In this fight between ukrainian drone and russian mobik armed with 2 canisters of gasoline you never guess the outcome
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This Russian has great accuracy. Hit the target just right.
>hysterical yapping
Contain yourself, woman
Imma bake new bread
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You're giving me nigger fatigue and I really don't like that, can your supervisor take over please.
CSTO can't even do that. They massacred some Kazahk peasants, then Tokayev told them to fuck off, and seek security guaranties from Turkey, and China. Then there is the whole Armenian blunder.
Can i see that? :)
> How many towns lost since Kharkiv offense started
No joke I don't think any beyond villages lmao
- awww, it's for me? :3

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