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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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the wave of "LGBT" youth is slowly coming to an end

anyone else notice online and IRL lots of people who used to be "queer" are now finally over it, getting with the opposite sex and returning to normalcy?

picrel, they used to be gay now they are a straight couple.
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bump for ex-gays!!!
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he is insanely lucky
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Hahaha its too late, she'll always know he's been a faggot that had dick in his mouth and she'll always know in the back of her mind hes been a faggot bitch his life and bring it up every arguement and compare him to the straight men out there who wethered the faggot storm, making him depressed and never ever filling the void he sacrifcied his manhood too But all the best to them!
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I have no clue who these brownoids are.
Fucking nigger.
>he's been a faggot that had dick in his mouth
that's not necessarily true, just because he used to identify as gay
That's a man
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you are delusional. get the trans stuff out of your brain my brother.
your point?
that's a lot of words just to say that you're a faggot
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yeah but she used to like girls so why would she care?
homosexuality is natural and will never stop to exist

it's literally mentioned in the bible and still exists to this day
But then what does the Right have to complain about?
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soon white men will search the cities for gays to end chanting 'curb stomp a queer for Jesus'
how does hurting gays actually fix any of the countries problems though
by removing one toxic demographic as an example to other toxic demographics
Jannies remove this nigger spam
but what would that fix though
wouldn't fix your shit economy or wars
you underestimate the value of the feel good factor
also racemixing, residual vax fears

>was mentioned i the bible

I bet lots of stuff was mentioned in the bible
if everyone was gay, we would stop existing after a single generation, it's also how deadly illnesses are easily transmitted

everything about it is so antinatural as it is deadly
so you admit you act like a nigger
just look at all those prosperous and flourishing countries that punish homosexuality

oh wait
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okay but they're not gay anymore.
Its proof that, while the homosexual community’s definitely experienced massive growth lately, a good chunk of the hyper gay stuff was likely a fad & that most people who simply hopped on the hype train are getting off
what's nigs got to do with anything
other than needing a good stomping
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exactly! their sex life is probably so much more fulfulling now in a hetero committed relationship.

although i doubt the guy actually had sex with any men when he identified as gay
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>your point?
It's the sharp end I stab with after a nigger puts shoes on my sofa.
This makes sense as Neptune ingresses into Aries in early 2025. There will be a collective shift which will abandon the fantasy and delusion brought on by Neptune's time in its home sign of Pisces. Prepare for a more straightforward time where masculinity and conflict will be held in high regard. The pendulum is about to swing real hard.
astrology is gay
yeah thanks you only fucked up humanity
you know we don't want everyone to be gay

we just want the people who are gay to feel cared and loved and have the same rights as everyone
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but how do you explain how this man's life became so much better once he stopped IDing as gay?

look how happy he is vs. an old gay pic
That IS a man, you idiot. It's a literal, actual tranny, you fucking blind moron.
who is complaining that he's happier now

all I'm saying is let people explore their own feelings
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no, she is not. you have no sense of what women's bodies look like, dumbass.

also she's been on the internet since she was a kid and has always been a girl
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here's an old pic of him when he used to be gay, looks miserable.
based celestial schizo anon
Not a lot of room for a prefrontal cortex there.
>large skull
>Chad jawline
>long arms
Yep, that's a dude.
he looks like he's having a normal day

I'd say the person following him around taking photos is infinitely more miserable
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nice trolling, i am not going to go back and forth with you about it.
yeah i don't know who took the pic
Believe it or not, gaynon, I don’t have a problem with gays. I have a problem with a media & sociopolitical landscape that constantly panders to them in the least tasteful ways imaginable. If pols & the media just acted like normal people with gays, it wouldn’t be much of an issue but instead we get “look how fucking gay we are” on every screen, in every show, in every music video. That’s annnoying as hell

Bisexuals though typically end up with the opposite sex. Even if they are in a long term relation with the same sex, they eventually still go back after the relation is under a lot of pressure to the opposite sex. It's rare (but can still happen) for a bi to settle with the same sex.
that's a result of making sexuality political for thousands of years
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regardless i am sure he is happier with a black woman than a white man. here is a cute vid of them on vacation together
KYS faggot
they weren't bi though.
You must be a faggot and or a nigger yourself that you have any fucking idea who these apes were or are.
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let me guess, single and jealous? you should be happy for people who find the light
throw them all off of tall buildings ISIS style
I don't think most people would do that. Russia has a good idea in that there's no faggy things where it's visible to children such as schools or TV.
These two clowns are literally glowies/ paid by glowies and part of a psyop to make young white men feel like they won so they go to war and fight in ww3. It’s why Le Pen, Reform, Afd and Trump will all be elected. If I was less disciplined I’d even go so far as to say that this has been the plot all along. Go far left so that the masses beg for a strong militaristic revival in the west which is capable of challenging the new “axis of evil” in the East.
Ex tranny here, can anyone suggest a super glue to glue my peenie back on with?
i am guessing no one watched this
>lots of people
Those are niggers. They always fuck anything. Prison rape wasn't a thing until they started locking up niggers instead of hanging them.

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