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Happy Canada Day to all of my leaf bros. I know we are tough on you fags, but I do have an appreciation for our northern neighbors, having spent a lot of time there in the past. For anyone interested, this is a link to a multi part documentary about Canada’s founding made well before it went to shit. Also some pure Canadiana links. Enjoy your day off bros.
>Canada: A People’s History
>Log Drivers Waltz
>Black Fly Song
>Tom Brokaw Explains Canada to Americans
Seconded, Happy Canada Day to all real Canadians. May God strike Justin Trudeau down with monkeypox.
Canada sucks bag.
It didn’t always.
I appreciate the gesture burgerbro. I will not be celebrating canada day though, there's absolutely nothing to celebrate. Also, why the everloving fuck do you even know about the Black Fly Song, and Log Driver's Waltz?
Did you miss the part where I spent a lot of time north of the border? One of my parents is Canadian so I have been up there a lot.
>tfw no Nanaimo squares
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>A baptist minister was seated next to a Newfie on a flight to St. John's.
>After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken.
>The Newfie asked for Rum & Coke, which was brought and placed before him.
>The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a drink.
>He replied in disgust... "I'd rather be savagely raped by a dozen whores than let liquor touch my lips."
>The Newfie then handed his drink back to the attendant and said, "Me too. I didn't know we had a choice."

>Did you miss the part where I spent a lot of time north of the border?
no, I just made the assumption that you were a lot younger than I am. You used to watch Teletoon when you were up here I take it
also, Nanaimo Bars are pretty good
I did. Also Much Music. I’m old enough to remember how great Canada used to be. Anyone born after 2000 has no idea, unfortunately.
Hang in there Leafs, there's still a .0475% chance you guys can make it.
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>.0475% chance
so you're sayin there's a chance
Canada went to shit in 2015, right after that Kike Puppet Justin Trudeau Castro became Prime Minister for Israel. Death to Trudeau. Fuck Canada, and I was born here. I want this fucking country to burn. But thanks to Trudeau, it already is. Death to the Jews!
it was alright back then, I'm guessing your experiences here were mainly out in the sticks somewhere, maybe at a cottage or something.
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this country deserves to die but fortunately one need only take a walk through any city center for any length of time at all to see it is well and underway
ruination upon those who would uphold this wretched fucking place let alone celebrate it
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thanks OP. kind of a bummer having fireworks on a work night though
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fuck you and fuck canada. not a real country
They were in rural Atlantic Canada, so yes. Very much in the sticks.
>tfw remember watching Hockey Night in Canada in an A-frame cottage on a floor model TV barely getting reception
The charter is such a shitty constitution.
Maritimes are great, I love it over there as well
Happy Canada Day. We can save this country yet
we live in a circus up here
kek based
When life is a circus, become a clown.
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way ahead of you
N'oubliez pas le sweater de hockey.
>muh le rocket richard
>muh maurice abloooo
>hon hon muh je naime pas les anglo leafs
i hate it here so much
How can any Canadian celebrate Invasion Day (“Canada” Day) when the systematic genocide of Indigenous women and children have yet to be addressed?
Fucking based Newfie joke.
Someone post the Newfie portapotty.
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This place is cozy, Nova Scotia is fucked.
Thanks it time like this that reminds me that we’re all retarded faggots together
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Oh Mon cheer madamme Richard!,
Oui oui oui Les French women.

I think the most fucked up part about them is they won't even admit their French, they keep calling themselves AcaDEEEENS.
i dont even mind quebec all that much. they should be their own country. balkanization should happen. "canada" doesnt deserve the size of land mass it "governs" over from that shit pit swamp in between toronto and montreal
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No, we can't.
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canada will be unrecognizable in just a few more years
imagine assuming street shitting goblins are going to wash their hands
its unrecognizable now
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no hope in sight that i can see
It's pretty good I think. You have Canadian boys doing boy things like obsess over all the details about their current focus to be just like it. You have the mom naively trusting in a facet of Canadian administration. Then you have the Canadian administration indifferently screwing the boy over. Then the mom choosing not to understand the boy's point of view and that's final, followed by the boy being proven right when local officials screw him over too. Then the church shows up to gang up on him too for daring to feel outraged and attempt to express his rights.
A part of our Canadian Heritage.

The same people orchestrating the ceremony in government and media also do it for the truth & reconciliation day and also are totally fine with following the recommendation of a short performative prayer (land acknowledgement) before quasi-official events and totally fine with ignoring all of the other recommendations that might actually cost somebody important money or influence.
canada has to die. it was never meant to exist. it is a chimera of the new world post industrial revolution. a disgusting farcical mix between a monarchy and a constitutional republic. its a fucking joke here. its always been a fucking joke here and now canada is doing suicide by jeets. it has to die
Does it still have the gas station with the Pizza Hut & Subway?
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youre not wrong
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>A part of our Heritage
No most subways here are in stores or stand alones, don't see many combo fast food places.

First time here in 10+y and I'm mostly downtown, alright place but it used to be max cozy.
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life sucks
Saar I am not of the liking of seeing my hometown defamed and made to be of the famous, as I have previously stated I have give you troublemakers an inside view of the behaviors and actionsing of the local pajeets who are all dysgenic and malnourished looking and not true Ayran Brahmins like ourselves.

The doing is needful, and alot of the Canadians are starting to exclude and give dirty looks.
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Excellent vehicle
Good morning
So stop voting for the cuckservatives and vote for Mad Max. In fact, get involved. Get out there for your local candidate. Change minds. Tired of this defeatist bullshit.
reminder mandarin's is FREE today
Morning lads. Happy Canada Day. Happy first day of Canada Month. How will we all be celebrating?
>Tired of this defeatist bullshit.
>keep vooting guys
>maxime isnt a career politician like the rest of them
you still have faith in the suits, anon?
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Watching the tidal bore, it's bore-ing.
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Fucking with their Timmies goyslop will get even the most politically disconnected liberal normie here start to hate the jeet menace. It's a line they shouldn't have crossed.
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have a nice day bro but watching classic Canadiana now feels like watching Triumph of the Will in 1949
also fuck PP

Surf's up dude
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Thanks anon! Happy Canada Day.
I fucking hate what my country has become
I have been to that location multiple times and can confirm it is 100% jeet staffed
Might want to get checked for Hepatitis.
They all are, except in Quebec. I've literally never been into a Whiye Timmie's outside quebec in the last 10 years
Happy Canada day, anon
No point dooming and glooming. Find something constructive to do today. Lots of parades today so get out and about and be around your people.
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>having spent a lot of time there in the past.

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Not for another four hours maaaaan.
White staffed* an hero time
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No BUT seriously Canada is like the rest of the west. Ran and controlled by zog and having the same hell pushed upon them. And we need not forget this. Happy Leaf Day Faggots.
>your people.
Good one. I live in a major city. Every time I leave the house it's 80% shitjeets. I'd honestly rather drink myself unconscious than celebrate this shithole alongside shitskins, and I don't even drink anymore
>Another Amherst anon.

Mah bruddah, why is dey so fucked in deh head. Is it the water? I din wan a be der no more so I left
Based on my viewing of the local new Indians I believe them to be dysgenic or having suffered from malnutrition for most of their development years.

Seriously the ones in Amherst are 5/8ths a normal Jeets size, it's proportionally odd.
Sorry to hear that anon. Give yourself some projects to do for Canada Month.
We used to carve out mountains and built the at-the-time largest rockfill dam to operate the Kitimat aluminum smelter.
im debating whether or not i should go and record some of the antics that will inevitably unfold this year in my city. im leaning towards not, though
I don't eat there explicitly because it is 100% jeet staffed. I just use the washroom
It's mostly just Halifax, or maybe because there's so much Indians here now the rest of the province seems good by comparison (except UCB).
Record yourself throwing eggs at them.
Sadly I am an NB Chad and just pass through often when going to Nova Scotia
Go outside, it's a good whitepill
Sorry, I kneel.

t. Anglo who seeks refuge under the quad trails and lobster fisheries of the Acadians.
Now we build a few mcmansions so street-shitters can live 26 people to a 3 bedroom house.
what are you talking about? no it fucking isnt, you mong. its shit driving around foreigners. its shit walking around foreigners and its shit trying to buy things around foreigners.
>throwing eggs
shut up, faggot
Amen and thanks
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Everyone I know and every stranger is a goddamn marxist communist who hates white people and I fucking can't take it anymore. My life is over with no job because even the pajeets take up the trades now.
Then move to Alberta or Saskatchewan,

Don't move to Acadia, or the maratimes, I know it's an odd thing to say, but seriously anons there is no future for anyone here.

Also anons posting pictures from Canada Day Canada wide is based.
What are "we" celebrating again? Multiculturalism? Lgbt?
Thank you but it is hard to celebrate lately. This once great country has fallen on hard times and there are less and less strong men to create the good times as we import hordes of weak men who are an ever growing share of the overall population.
>Then move!
so that the invasion can spread easier?
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im in alberta. you type like a faggot
Unless you speak French, you're not moving away from the infestation. And even then you're just trading it for a different sort of disease.
we celebrate sodomy and cow shit worshippers. thats what canada is
You have no idea how bad the population centres are. It's actually a massive blackpill
Leave canada, all of you need to get out
go flames go
fuck you, sportsball nigger
Don't forget the most important Canadian celebration. The core value of "fuck you, I got mine".
>tfw no one to go to the fireworks with
it's a puck sasr
There are pajeets everywhere with signs telling them how they get first priority in everything and white cuck faggots here still think we need more pajeets and love the fuckers. I can't fucking take it anymore
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kill yourself, jeet
But the French women!
I'm going to leave my water on tonight just for you anon, being in Alberta is the goal of every anon,
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Happy Canada Day!
alberta has been a shit hole since late 2015. if you move here after then, youre a carpet bagging interloper and youll get what you fucking deserve. eastern swine
>tfw no fireworks
But it's so nice seeing the mayor's/councillors friends or family getting a contract for drones [made in china].

Actually I get fireworks assuming it doesn't rain but it's a fucking tragedy how corruption and hatred of Canadian culture is allowed to spread in city administrations. The most pathetic excuses for why are accepted when everybody knows they're lying.
No? Nobody going to give advice on living with self loathing white hicklibs who love pajeets above all else?
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voting does nothing
>But the French women.
Quarter chug whores banging Haitians. I don't see the appeal.
>Talking to me like that.

I'm not an East Coaster, I'm an Albertan, just like you. And I sure as fuck ain't a Canadian.
>white hicklibs
why dont you go ahead share some advice with us, nigger

i fucking doubt it
I like how we spent 20k painting rainbows on crosswalks in each bumfuck small town with 3000 people and then when people do burnouts on them they spend another 20k to repaint them and also spend another 10k on cameras to watch them which all costs 50k in deliberations.
The inevitable disease spread on their vax compromised immune systems should cure them. Maybe that's why they're importing so many of the disgusting critters. Make Cholera great again.
To think of the dump trucks of burning cash spent investigating these heinous hate crimes. Good thing the money is fake. Lol.
Who honestly loves jeets? The most left wing faggot I know hates them, women in general hate them. Is it a rural boomer thing?
Offer them something better?
>Maybe that's why they're importing so many of the disgusting critters
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Thanks Ameribro, and likewise sentiments are expressed from this side of the 49th.
It is. Anyone above a certain income bracket will suck them off. Usually around the 90k mark. Or the "I got mine" crowd.
My friends and i drove to windsor from ohio when we were 19 to go to the bars. The canadian border police tossed our car and then checked our buttholes for drugs. They didn't find any. Why are Canadians like this?

sign of the times only a 1000 people showed up to Canada day celebration in nations capital
There is a new wave of them in Surrey as well that look markedly more rural than the others we've been getting. Eyes don't line up right, more hair on the girls, more staring and deader eyes.
Happy Jeet and Chang day bro
ty fren but Canada is dead, its in a decomposing state waiting for whatever new seed is able to sprout
>Is it a rural boomer thing?
That's what most of the white population is where I am and its so bad that even their boomerisms dripped down where millennials love pajeets.
Feliz dia de Canada, pinche pandilla de homosexuales comunistas...
Literally everyone and everything hates shitjeets
Yeah these ones straight up look dysgenic, weak, and as if they spent their whole lives malnourished.

What benefits do they bring to this nation I ask?
Saw a couple getting gas the other day, the woman was maybe 4'5", just as round, and hairier than me. Skull looked like something out of an abo documentary. Her 5'5" man just as dysgenic but rail thin, three new streetshitters squalling in the back of their shitty Honda.
>t. Rural Sask.
>tfw no Nanaimo squares

If you're not making your own then WAYSA?

How to Make Nanaimo Bars
You'll find the full, step-by-step recipe below — but here's a brief overview of what you can expect when you make homemade Nanaimo bars:

Make the bottom layer: Melt a stick of butter, cocoa powder, and sugar in a double boiler. Beat in the egg. Remove from the heat and mix in the crumbs, coconut, and nuts. Press the mixture into the pan.
Make the middle layer: Beat a stick of butter, cream, and custard powder. Mix in the confectioners' sugar and spread the mixture over the bottom layer. Chill to set.
Make the top layer and cut: Melt the chocolate and butter together and spread over the chilled bars. Let the chocolate set, then cut into squares.
Not where I am. Everyone loves the fuckers. I only know one person who hates them but he loved the covid lockdowns so that doesn't count
Also, if everyone hates pajeets why hasn't anyone done fuck all about it yet?
>Parents still believe the browns flooding the country are a net good of skilled labourers
>Also hate the useless shits that are renting out houses on their cul-de-sac

I don't know how people can be so retarded especially when one of said neighbours was eventually evicted for not making payments and the owning company had to come in and basically rip out the insides of a 40 year old three story home because the family there destroyed basically everything with stuff like starting massive kitchen fires and never vacuuming anything.
They're beyond disgusting. I do like that they only rent to their own, if you get jeets in a building, you better be prepared to commit arson for insurance fraud, even taking it to the studs doesn't get the stink out.
The entire province has the like second highest income tax rate in the country because they haven't adjusted their tax brackets for inflation in like 20+ years. It's actually fucking INSANE how much taxes they pay. Especially when you consider that the average income is lower, and there's generally less access to healthcare etc.

My wife wants to move out there but I can't justify it with how fucked their tax system is.
I make 120k and work with dozens who also make the same, we hate jeets and don't hire jeets.
What's the logic, pride in antiracism? Did the not fuck the housing market in those areas/is there no teens to work in the service industry?
I'm a Haligonian and even literal faggots I know hate them. Poor Redditors even hate them cause they fucked rental prices via hot bunking (which is technically illegal).
Boomers in control.
Firm handshakes all the way to the bank.

Don't come here, as a skilled tradiefag I'm outright disgusted at how I'm treated and ridiculed for having skills and wanting to work. Then you go to work and it's barely more than EI is after tax, it's a fucking joke, if you aren't locked in with a firm Handshake on housing going back before 2010 it's over before it even started.

Also general mentality of people here is they hate other people being successful or having ambitious and will use firm handshakes to teach you a lesson. Don't come here.
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Well lucky you. The railways love them.
My father worked on that project. $$$$
>pride in antiracism?
This is exactly it. The insane shit people say here is truly amazing
>It's not pajeets causing the housing crises, its the government, divorce rate, needing more migrants to build, ect
>Street shitters are actually cool people and we need them here to save them from India!
>Sure, people only hire pajeets but thats because whites don't want to work, people are abusing pajeets!
>Sure, somebody I know got scammed by pajeets but they need the money more then we do!
It is completely fucked.
The province is mostly an old folks home which it why the income is lower. The government via the military is the biggest employer. The taxes suck and our power rates are higher due to monopoly privatization of an essential service. The positive used to be we had the whitest major city in the nation but that claim will probably disappear. The wealthier rural areas are nice is you like that lifestyle though. Chester has been noted for being racist and it's a lovely upper-middle class paradise.
Starting in 2025 they do plan on pegging income tax brackets to inflation, but it's not retroactive, so it'll still be 20 years behind.

In Ontario you hit the second tax bracket of 9.15% at 51,446$, in Nova Scotia, you hit the second bracket of 14.95% at 29,590$ It's actually fucking batshit insane. Even people making over 220k a year in Ontario only get taxed at 13%, and that's when you're OVER 220k.
I was busting my ass for 50 hours a week just to make a little under EI in a fucked dangerous environment so I quit. Of course my mother just told me how lazy I was when everyday I was exhausted and spent my days off recovering.
It's a beautiful province with a nice laid back attitude and a smaller amount of pajeets, but holy fuck the financial aspect of it would make retirement for my family a lot more difficult.
I'm aware dude, it's cheaper to drive 20m and back to NB to get beer and put the difference in the tank, cross border shopping is how people survive, then the people who can't do it complain and want to make it harder for others to get their shi for cheap "because they can't"
The Sunday shopping debate is another fuck up Hippocratic thing they did, boomers were the loudest against it, but the ones who profited the most from it once it happened.

The people in NS are fucked in the head, something is seriously wrong with them, it's fucking brutal being back here knowing that your never going to own a home, kek. Tons of work though.
I don't know you but you are most likely right by not listening to baby boomers
So nobody can explain to me if Canadians hate pajeets so much why don't do anything about the issue. Got it, leafs really do love pajeets.
Well via rail is practically government run so I'm not surprised they're checking the DEI boxes. Maybe this will be the final nail in VIAs coffin.
God that sounds awful. That's literal cult mentality. Maybe I few more and it will get pounded into their thick skulls they're a plague.
i used to not mind the jeets too much but things changed the last few years and now i hate everyone with a foreign accent. no exceptions
>That's literal cult mentality
I'm completely demoralized by this shit. Go online, I see commies, talk to people in the community, they are commies. Go enjoy media, its commie talk. I am losing my fucking mind.
Happy leaf day leafs, you guys are the funniest dudes that side of the world. Burgers can only dream
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Happy ZOG day fellow Canadians. We have an AIPAC too. Welcome to Zionist Occupied Canada.
Kek I had one fuck me over and make me look like an absolute jahbronie so I accepted I have no future as an employee or an employer and left.
After mailing a fuck load of tools home in anticipation of starting a company and working locally.
They LOVE destroying you and then playing the 'ohh tee hee is just a dumb Newfie ya can't gets mad at me now byy" game.
Went from applying to higher education, and helping out the people around me and acquiring materials and stuff for crafting to fucking grabbed my tool belt and went back to building houses just to get out.

They don't see the error of their ways, or the cause and effect. It's funny to them and causes them enjoyment seeing others suffer.
Canadian boomers are so clueless its insane. They have no idea how anything works but act like they are better then everyone. real nice of them to leave a country thats going to be 25% white at best and totally bankrupt when they die
We have to remove boomers from all positions of power and basically treat them as Kulaks.

They fucking deserve it.
I just spent $160.00 for a month of public transit full of haitians and smelly jeets so boomers can continue cashing out their luxurious pension plans, free public transit so they can give away their fortunes to DEI charities instead of estranged children. I've never felt so bitter towards this swamp.
Those cameras probably cost a max of $500 on aliexpress and the storage of the video is probably an additional subscription with its own markup.

>why hasn't anyone done fuck all about it yet?
What are Canadians supposed to do? File a formal complaint? And if all the complaints processes have been hijacked by either official Human Rights processes or Human Rights-flavoured lazy media slander? Reminder that the PPC's limited media attention in the previous election never ever mentioned their actual policies but absolutely always made unfounded accusations of racism. Didn't mention the diversity of PPC candidates either since that would put paid to the official shared lie.

In the 90s some assholes tried to ban Christmas from either their school system or municipal government and were blocked by the courts because that's against Canada's Multiculturalism Act. Today? Assholes successfully ban Christmas celebrations and Christmas trees because "it costs money" or "the environment" and get away with it.
If you do file such a complaint you're not only asking for Canada to correct itself and do the right thing. You're also asking for the official to commit (office) political suicide.
Trudeau never campaigned on mass importing 2m economic migrant serfs per year lol. No one voted for this, or could have imagined this would happen. The LPC just lost a liberal stronghold in the heart of Toronto that they haven't lost in 30 years... Their entire party is falling apart.
I'm hoping we get a real right wing party, something more serious than the PPC. PP is going to win cause people have a lot of pent up rage against JT, but that won't stop the jeets. The next decade is do or die, if an anti immigration party doesn't win I'm moving away. Hopefully at least ONE European nation will have it's ass in gear to be an escape zone.
I noticed that, aside from people being racist to Quebecers its the Newfies that people around here tend to be the second most racist towards.

The boomers here think you are being lazy if you don't own a house yet and think 17 dollars an hour is an amazing deal. This brain rot dripped onto the younger population where they love the migrants replacing them.
based fuck invaders of all kinds
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>What are Canadians supposed to do?
People on the east coast want to exist in this sort of eternal twilight zone. It's actually crazy. Feels like a dream sometimes.
People around here are pro NDP just so they can get that commie ubi shit going and think they can't win because people are racist to ragheads. It's hell, I'm in hell.
Never underestimate the price of consultations and bearucratic bloat. Buy thr cheapest and pocket the rest.
>Be brainwashed for decades to go to Tims
>they switch the employees with jeet bioweapons
>80% of the population infected with South Asian Anal Refuse Syndrome (SAARS) by Timmigrant workers' shit-covered fingers.
Canada will fall, not with a bang or a wimper, but with a slurp.
>jeet bioweapons
People need to start calling them bioweapons more because thats what they are and removes the "race" aspect of it for normies to digest better
>He's a Nova Scotian.

The people here have this sick game where they do stuff like that to eachother then fuck them over in life and then just play stupid or come up with some magic Boomerism of how "two rights don't make a wrong" that it's okay, and it's not okay for you to be mad at them.

They can't be helped, or taught.
Explain, I'm enjoying the coziness of it, but I remember them being alot cooler before Canada day, 80% of it is food trucks and bouncy castles, and theirs a big rig truck set up kids can go in and see, pretty Canadian, all in all.
May the canadian people survive and avenge themselves upon the traitors, infiltrators and unwashed invader masses.
Gimme yo dick cracka
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niggerfaggot country
Happy Canada month bros. What will you be doing?
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Boomers are peak cognitive dissonance.
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Me? I'm gonna get some chores done, do some 5BX and go for a nice walk, and I'm going to engage every Canadian I see.

No one going to protest immigration today? wtf.
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If voting did anything they wouldn't let us do it.
Have my garden to tend to. Partaking in glowops that accomplish nothing is pretty low on the priority list. Your average protest leaf is just as backstabby as the rest. Might be a few hundred thousand that are actually worth a damn in the whole place, and they're out making little signs.
>Not out*
Autocorrect dropping whole words. That's enough of this shithole I think. Lol.
Thanks for giving me a PR card Canada bros. It's a pretty chill country and I loved sitting in the snow in full moonlight, smoking a cig. What a pretty country
It was always going to fail because it is the wrong idea. The buddy should have created and promoted a Canada Month celebration. Something positive, fun, and constructive. This 'take back canada' is negative even if people support it. Why foreigners are doing do well is Canada is because they are doing their best and helping and supporting each other. Thats what Canadians need to to. Feel energy and purpose and be out and about working with each other.
"Comments turned off"
They are scraping the bottom of the barrel of foreigner quality now. Word is getting out in pajeet-land, there are actually fewer applications now but Trudeau (and Pierre) still wants more bodies coming in. You think it's bad now just wait, I'm leaving winter 2025.
Every day I do anon,

Any streams of the other ones/pics ect ect.

Don't let them silence it. Go outside.
>Why foreigners are doing do well is Canada is because they are doing their best and helping and supporting each other.
Or maybe, just maybe, the government is paying these people and have laws in place with diversity bullshit and boomers selling us out

Even here you white cucks are worshipping pajeets.
i drove by calgary's and it was a pathetic turnout. besides, the fuckers that organized it are the faggots that are still afraid of being called racist. i was told on ch2 pleddit that my views are not welcome. they can rot
There is truth to that as well, but these ethnic groups are very loyal to each other and work together. Canadians (whites) have been splintered and atomized. And they have believed the American propaganda that 'white people are (insert negative descriptor). Essentially thought 'learned helplessness'. That can be reversed, its just people need to believe in themselves again.
Yeah, that is true. It's funny, how how much leafs bitch about hating America they sure love the democrats view of white guilt
Move to asia, they are extremely nice people there and extremely racist towards indians and blacks. I am out winter 2025. If you can manage the heat then you have viet/thai/malay options for excellent quality of life. I spent the entire winter over there and want to puke on the daily being back in this shithole.
>tired of shitskins
>Move to asia
to live in shitskin central? deranged
Wait wait wait, why isn't Google changing their logo for Canada day? Wtf?? Also, happy Canada day anons
And I think the the big problem is they don't have an examples anymore on how they should conduct themselves. Its fine to be nice, but Canadians have confused 'nice' with 'passive'. A person can, and should, be nice and assertive. Thats one of my Canada Month goals. Act as what I imagine a good citizen should. Be polite, friendly, patient and good humoured. Also, be strong, courageous, industrious, and assertive. I am going to take back 'cool'. I am going to live in a way that is fun and successful. A way that is admirable. And these beaten down Canadians will see me and go 'huh, there is another way. We don't have to be depressed and miserable anymore. We can be fun and assertive. Do our best for ourselves and others'. This is my goal for Canada month.
Ahhh, Ze Thai ladyboiis.
You will get put on a list, bet on it that, Justin/Pierre have both made it clear they will force the pajeet down our throats no matter what and they will ramp up legal action against dissenters.
Unfortunately I have a lot to lose, I'm not sacrificing decades of hard work for the infinitely small chance of saving this place (which frankly wasn't that great 15 years ago either). However godspeed you patriots, I wish you the best.
>>tfw no Nanaimo squares
op is legit
"We don't litter here buddy, do it again and we feed you to the grizzly bears"
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Canadian KINGS own the 'cuck
>You will get out on a list.


Also boomers who optics cucknwill be the first to stab you in the back to justify their position, or conversely if you can show them a Twitter page or some form of social media that says your an important person they will give you leadership, kek. It's so bad it's funny.
>to live in shitskin central? deranged
That's not how this works, only the trash browns move to canada, we get all the rejects that can't make it in their own countries. Imagine you are wealthy successful and have all your family and school friends in one place, why the hell would you move to frozen shithole canada to sling timmies?
Besides malays/thais truly HATE indians, 4chins is super tame compared to what thai cabbies say rant about indians. Non-india asia countries are incredible and I highly encourage you see for yourself, I'm out ASAP!
you can have fun living around little bug people that eat cats. i hate canada but id rather die than live in malaysia or thailand. fucking listen to yourself, good lord m8
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OP is right. It's a pretty solid documentary.
We have two options: Pray that max does the job, or a violent revolution.
If you prefer the latter, you're fucked in the head.
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>revolutions are le bad
>ID: Gay
RCMP officer confirmed.
>fucked in head
Such a huge gulf between good ones and shitty ones though. When they're good they're amazing but man they can really, really suck.
Its one of my goals for Canada Month is to engage in our history. To be honest, I really don't remember a lot of it, so a refreshers is good. And yah, its a great documentary. Here was my rough Canada Month program I posted a while ago

I think a Canada Month should be a month of celebrations, but also of education and accomplishment.

>Sing the anthem every morning (the real one)
>Wear a flag everyday. It can be a hat, a shirt, a pin, a flag in your window or vehicle.

>Read some Canadian history. Most people do not study Canada even in the slightest anymore so they have no idea what they had, and how it was accomplished, and what they should have and how to gain it. People need to remember that everything good in Canada came from the Victorian English standards, institutions, and morals.
>Watch 'Canada: A People's History". Its not completely cucked and its free on youtube. Try and get other white Canadian to watch it. And avoid the last few episodes that were added under the Trudeau regime that promote gayness and multiculturalism.

>Do 5BX for a month. Good fitness training. 11 minutes a day. And it was what Canadians used to be about, not whining that the government isn't doing everything for them.
>Good for a good daily walk, fi you can, even if you hate what you see.
>Be friendly and helpful to every true Canadian you deal with. Friendly, patient, good humoured, and industrious. Think about the old idea of what a Canadian citizen was meant to be: strong, courageous, moral. Live like that for the month. Hold yourself to a very, very high standard for the month.
>Get out and about. it's summer. Everyday go out in a public space and make it ours. The beach, lake, parks, wherever.

Thats what I got. Thoughts?

Think I might fore up some Duolingo French as well because why not
Ok enjoy being shoulder-to-shoulder with hordes of pajeets everywhere you go, they ain't leaving anytime soon. I'm just saying you'll be surrounded by browns be it canada or in asia, may as well live where it's 100x nicer. I will be early retired living in an ocean front villa, banging slutty village girls who worship my white penis, grilling imported Australian steaks every night with fresh tropical fruit harvested that morning for dessert. Enjoy canada, it will be fun watching this country crash and burn from afar.
thats cowardice in my book. fight and die with us, pussy. or are you a special individual?
If we can deport all the non-whites and race-traitors, why shouldn't we?
They're my enemy and they're not innocent, but if we can get rid of them without murder I'd prefer that over literal genocide.
>advocating for irl fedposting means you're a fed
>advocating against irl fedposting means you're a fed
lmao, even
>>advocating for irl fedposting means you're a fed
>>advocating against irl fedposting means you're a fed
Ok, you got me there.
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Hey buddy!,
You don't need to genocide them to deport them by force.
Plenty of revolutions happened without genocide.

Just because you don't want to kill millions (as disgusting as they are, neither do I), doesn't mean you have to hope the faggot politicians do something.
But I'm not advocating for a revolution, because I am not going to get vanned by RCMP. Just saying.
Why not both?
You get one life my man. I'm third generation WHITE canadian with ancestors hailing from Norway. My grandfather died in the hospital crammed in a single room with 9 brown fuckers jibbering non-stop all day and night in their pajeet language. I guarantee you my grandfather would tell me to get out of this hellhole in a heartbeat.
You stay, you will die like that, if you're lucky. Canada is lost and anyone who thinks it can be saved is a true moron.
You're not entirely wrong. I'm sure there's feds here who are trying to move us away from revolution at all costs, but to say that revolution is the best outcome is, in my opinion, sadistic.
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>Happy Canada Day
My country's dead.
There's nothing left to celebrate.
Cool. I went to the library yesterday and got a Canada history book. The Penguin History of Canada (2006). Might be slightly pozzed but should be a good read.
Sorry, couple of days ago lol
Honestly, anon, I want to escape too.
My wife is a bit leftist though. She is starting to notice clown world shit, but if I leave now, she will make up some bullshit about gentrifying third world shitholes or something
My life is hell at times.

I'm kind of grateful to Indians for being so repulsive that they can steer even a diehard communist away from diversity.
>jeet bioweapons
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Happy Canada Day!
Best of luck to you, I am jealous that you have a loving family of your own, even if there are ups and downs.
If I had familial ties, I'd be looking at moving to a rural area within canada and working remotely. Pajeets are infesting even the smaller cities, but surely there will be a few holdout refuges and canadiana, good luck.
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happy canada day, mayb you preserve against the jeet hordes and the chinese
Based library card holding anon.

Reading is based.
happy canada to all the pajeet scumbags out there
>deporting citizens
has this ever happened in modern history
Thank you fren, and the same to you.
I moved out of the city 3 years ago. I've been having trouble with employment (entire industry has been outsourced, got an education and 5YOE, but no work for 6 months now). Still, it could be worse.
I guess the grass is sometimes greener on the other side. I shouldn't forget that. A bit ashamed that I do as often as I do.

I know there are a lot of young white women in expat countries (daughters of expats), so all the best, anon. May you start a family of your own.
Probably. I'm sure some of the jews that got deported were technically citizens. I'm not a historian.
UK stripped citizenship of 50+ ISIS members and nicaragua of hundreds of criminals after release
No jobs where I am and they all pay under 20 dollars an hour anyway

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