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where do they get all the money to buy everything ?
Jewish printer magic
RIP Mangas.
Straight from the printer.
They pretty much have unlimited funds to play with.
Who knew jewish money magic was that simple at the highest levels.
More American style trannies for Japan.
The government. They know that kids these days are watching anime and manga so the government is now giving blackedrock money to brainwash the youths. They want japan to be loving niggers as much as the US is. Why else is government funded media constantly telling everyone that japan's reproduction rate is going down. They want niggers and pajeets to head over there and erase their homogeneous society.
their goal really is to make life devoid of any fun at all... I wish good people had the fanaticism these dirty kikes and their army of women, faggots and trannies do
people who STILL consume goytainment are not only part of the problem but actually the problem itself
BlackRock and BlackStone are essentially the same entity.

Also, One Piece is based, that's why they want to kill it.
Anime and manga watcher were not consuming the goyentertainment complex. Blackedrock knew this and that is why they needed to grab the anime/manga market.
4chan flourished because of their users' interest in anime. Previously, anime and manga was out of the goyentertainment's reach and so they weren't affected by the jewish propaganda that was being dispersed. Blackedrock knows this and so they are attacking this sector (with the blessings of the US and isreali's government) in hopes of brainwashing the next generation.
A.I. enables text to media;audio, visual, comics

And besides Manga there's Manhua and Manwha.
>A.I. enables text to media;audio, visual, comics
What does this have to do what I just wrote?
>And besides Manga there's Manhua and Manwha.
They're also gonna go down. Signs of this sector is cracking as shown with the popularity boost of the isekai genre. Why do you think it's being pushed so hard? It's because it generally shows a world where niggers/demons get along with regular people.
You're retarded if you genuinely can't connect those two dots.
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Jews feared the Samurai. So they bought them out.
Manga is unironically my red line. I'm not joking.
The jews, the leftists, the koshervatives, the journalists, the bankers, the americans, you better pray to God there is no civil war in my shithole country. Pray to God I don't ever get a rifle and don't expect any mercy from me.
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I'm drunk. Spell it out for me.

>what does....

Have you seen a Dall-E thread? Text to a complete comic is here! In our life time you'll see the deaths of the music industry, Hollywood and centralized comics!
Ultimate White Pill.
I just want to say it's a fucking tragedy that the US and Israeli government is "priming" the pump towards asians to accept diversity. They use isekai genre but I guess it wasn't enough and so blackedrock is stepping in.
i doubt the anime/manga scene will get destroyed by ai in the near future. Most of its database is based on english works. They can't even correctly write in japanese from what I hear.
Printing, debt, and loans.
is that monkey luffy? what's a luffy even

Blackstone and Blackrock are evil guys! I know this because their names sound SUPER DUPER SCARY! I am 10 years old.
>One Piece is based, that's why they want to kill it.
if by based you mean giving out world spook secrets in the form of anime
This, newfags24 and former NPC's will never understand.
Some 20 years ago it was just a niche, like many others.
It was cozy and the content enrich the viewer/reader instead of lobomozing like the western (((media))).
Anime has already being butcher for at least 10 years or more, since they start introducing 3D crap, now they make whole movies out of 3D and call it anime, despite being know that it's a 2D art.
Other problem that is thanks to globohomo, at least here in the west is localize translation and butcher translation that is never account for.
Both are copy of manga, and despite the chinks and koreans having some good ones, is not the same.
You'll never get a manwha or manhua on the same level as Dragon Ball, or One Piece.
Not even a Hunter X Hunter.
Because the story telling is different.
The chinks mangas are just for the most part media translation from chink power fantasy novel, I enjoy them but after awhile they start to get stale.
No doubt there's great xianxia stories that will never be able to get a good manhua adaptation because their skills are not on the same level as a mangaka, not even close.
These 2 styles current diverge from manga from the simple point that they are only working with color, mostly because they are e-manhua and e-manwha.
So technically they are more like comics than manga.
Saying all that I remember and I also have a hard copy of a manwha about martial arts club.
You know the type. Classic trope.
Another problem is that these 2 industries also suffer from corporativism, the same way anime/manga does or anything for that matter.
So are State Street and Vanguard.
They bought up a huge amount of real estate after the 08 financial crisis.
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>hur dur i'm 10 guys
You must be. The names don't sound scary at all. Black Rock/Stone/Cube refer to Saturn
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Everything will be niggers and trannies anon. The beautiful, the pure, and righteous must be made ugly, tainted, and wicked. This is the future, accept it.
It's more because them and the other two Big Three asset management companies are the majority shareholders of 88% of the S&P 500, meaning they own nearly 9 out of 10 of all major companies in the United States. They are legally permitted to sue for negligence any company they believe is not participating in the interest of their profits, which they dictate is the tenets of their ESG program. The reason you know what ESG and DEI are are because Blackrock invented them and is holding the entire stock market hostage under them.
consider how much world has changed. one machine does job of thousands of workers and in a fraction of time. for everything now. internet, digital banking, etc speed up deliveries, payments, ordering and communicating. computers for processing and writing and printing. accounting software replaced 100 man accounting department.

now realize everything costs more than ever before. nothing got cheaper. all the time and resources saved by technology, yet every single thing costs more than even inflation could account for. no deflation occurred from massive leaps in technology. massive yields in crops, food preservation, massive machines harvesting what would take thousands days to do. nothing cheaper.

all the wealth in world was stolen. usury enslaves. they then collapse econo.ies in cycles and buy up everything and continue to gouge until they own everything.
It's as if the cabal is openly using references to the Kaaba and Kabbala to signal it really is them ruining and plundering everything just to rub salt in the wound.
It's over.
For. Real this ti.e.
Akamatsu sensei I have failed you.
literally the root of all jewish financial power
If I ever became a president, no more interests at all.
your grandparents. literally. these kikes are in charge of boomer pension funds, which the boomer gives to the jew because the jew promises them a certain % in exchange for 'safeguarding' their life's savings. The jew then directly takes that money to the casino and gambles with it. They rarely lose, because the games they play are rigged, so nobody questions it. Its only within the last 10 years that some kikes got really ballsy and started directly losing the money on purpose to push forward their own fetishes. So now instead of just going to the casino, they stop by the strip club and pay all the black hookers extra money just because they know they will never be held accountable. They know this, because if they ever did lose it all then they could just hold thegovernment hostage and demand a bailout because if the boomers one day woke up with no pension or retirement then they, being stupid goyim, would blame the government and not the jewish sorcerers whoare actually responsible. They would do this, because the other jews in media would tell them that, and boomers of course are the greatest of alll shabbos goyim.
Yes, that's based as fuck.
10tn means they're not really using money at all, they could grab anything they wanted and losing 100bn won't even bother them
Manga about to turn to shit and there is a reason a bunch of investment kikes are focusing on Japan right now.
They can't have Japan stick out as an obvious example of a safe, culturally significant, homogeneous country.
It completely destroys all their narratives.

So they are focused on importing a bunch of Pajeets and Africans into Japan and will try to take over Japan's cultural exports.
agreed. problem is the goyslop is aggressively moving into non-goyslop vectors, as the thread mentioned. it wont stop/
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The World Government stops the unveiling of the truth yet again.
Biz/bant/ine here. I knew along with about 12 other dudes on this website.
From the retirement funds of all the God Goys out there. You put your money in to grow, they "manage" it by buying things up on your behalf.

>black and white Japanese general
>Japanese flag
>obsessed with culture war
all he needs now is a blue check
BlackRock actually have something like 5% of BlackStone shares
it's basically the same peoples anyway
They roll the nickles kid...
It's a metaphor in fact. Blackstone and Black Rock...are becoming....ONE PIECE LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHA
Easy when you can just hand out "I O U" as currency that they can then transfer to a offshore account and forget about it. Not your country so not your problem anymore..
Which manga firm exactly? There's several companies in Japan that print manga, and some of them like Shueisha and Kodansha are part of the biggest media conglomerates in the nation, with Kodansha being part of the NHK and Fuji TV.
infocom and mechacomic
>not a Mediterranean
Disgusting abomination
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we love Carrot here
How does it affect the nips since most manga sales in Japan relies old fashion printing and it'll mostly affect westerners who consume it legally through online? 8 think it'll just make more pirates on all sides or everyone will just rely on chinks for raw again.
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You can (not) join
Well, I own about 5k worth of their stock, so partially me. They also issue bonds and borrow from other institutions.

I also own KKR and Carlyle Group stock
Had to attend a meeting on Zoom. To your point, the entirety of all things remains under the control of a small cabal of bad actors. These demons and deviants hates us all unequivocally. They're creating famine and new and deadlier diseases to cull the population. They're funding civil unrest in countries like Haiti and Continents like Africa! They demand control over every aspect of our lives and eventually they're going to come for all of us free thinkers and anti fascist radicals that they can't control! Be encouraged!
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we hate Carrot here
Worthless old fucking boomer money ruining everything.
The government literally gives infinite free money to those organizations. It’s justbprinted whenever they need anything, they’re insolvent and dont turn a profit. Paid for by your taxes and by inflation caused nybtheninxreased momey supply. “Blackrock” and “blackstone” are effectively jusy Arms of the jewish government.
From you. When you invest your money in a fund managed by these investment corporations, and they use it to buy stakes in other corporations. The Jews who manage these funds then have the ability to exert control over the corporations that they buy.
It's actually not "printing." The money is created when loans are created. As long as banks lend with fractional or no reserves, the loans are an asset on the bank's balance sheet, poof money. As long as you have borrowers who pay back their loans, you've created a money producing asset. Oh and it gets even better when the borrower takes out another loan from another entity which just juices the system again. Government endorses this activity and does it by selling bonds to banks which hold the little guys' funds among others. During a crisis the Fed will even buy shitty debt from banks at whatever price the banks tell them it's worth.
Terrible news. I think they grew tired of One Piece exposing them to such a large audience.
Print money
Btw we're perpetually "in crisis" at this point so the Fed has the window open for banks to swap their shit assets for cash right now.
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reveal your flag now

you scared aren't ya?
Infocom owns mecha comic:


They're not even a publisher. They're a provider. Ergo, an online platform. And the focus seems to be josei manga, yaoi, and romance. Idk why all the articles fir this feature Jump, when it has nothing to do with Jump.
If 1.7bn can be tossed away to buy something that will operate at a loss, just to psyop chuds, then yes it's printed.
This will be the third nuke for Japan, there's no coming back from this.
it is not based, you're too far gone
No way wabbiturd
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>he is actually scared to reveal his geo

I am a Capitalist.

I was enlightened by reading Atlas Shrugged. Money, profit and wealth are the one true God. I kneel to those with more money than me and heed their words because I know that Capitalism will favor me if I stay faithful. I refuse all criticism from those less wealthy than I or the producers of society. Those who defy Capitalism's will shall be eradicated. They deserve nothing. They would be lucky to be tortured by the wealthy, as they would serve a purpose to those closer to Capitalism's will. Altruism is a Nazi Socialist demon to sway us from Capitalism. The Jews are wealthy because they are Capitalism's chosen people. I want to import the entire third world because it will cheapen labor for the Capitalists, thus being an objective good. Welfare is an abomination when the parasites use it, but it is an objective good when I and the other producers of society use it.

The invisible hand is God. Hail money, hail wealth, hail profit, hail greed, hail the Jews and hail Capitalism.
It's about pirates fighting a corrupt world government that casually commits genocide, erases world history and all sorts of fucked up shit while being THE GOOD GUYS (tm).
From you
The Capitalist has no loyalty to the nation

They are coming for it all, your town, your children, your workers rights, they won’t rest until you’re either dead or enslaved
>giving out world spook secrets in the form of anime
What spook secrets?
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I keep asking over and over again but nobody gives me a right answer on this mess

What the fuck is up with jews Nigger addiction?
Niggers will no doubt butcher jews at moments notice so why do they spread em worlwide like the infection they are? Why destroy everything an surround yourself with rabid animals that will leave culture, science, life itself stagant?
Whats the whole point?
>Make whites gone
So why the whole world must go nigger lover then? Why niggers in japan? Why niggers in asia itself? In Latam? In slav lands? Why why why??
Minkshit will never be human equal
one piece is good so they have to clownworld it offcourse.
It's quite simple, they need stupid people that are easy to rile up into mass violence. Look at what they did with communism in Europe, scooping up ex cons and junkies and dropouts to be protest activists and do the fighting and killing until they either got busted by the opposition, or weren't needed anymore and were shot.
The reason they needed blacks so badly was a combination of western educations and lifestyles made too many whites too smart and too comfy to become the sort of brain rotted junky activists they need in significant numbers for their activist armies and red shirt mobs that can be lined up and shot when they're not needed.
Is shueisha or any other major publication tied to this group? If not then its a nothing burger to me.
Why do you scortch the earth and salt the land?
Niggers are a bioweapon
So what IP does blackstone own now that they can tarnish? If it’s just a distribution channel can’t creators just bypass them by using a different one like crunchy roll for example?
One Piece named (((them))) so yes, it is based. One of the heads of the World Govt is literally a rabbi named Saturn.
Anime has fallen...
In what way?
OMG, someone bought a thing!!!
if you don't want it bought, just don't sell. is it really harder than that?
I don't care, I'm still not gonna consoom
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It's not going to work. The jews think the Japanese are as gullible and open-minded as those stupid americans and europeans.
All they're going to do is make whatever anime/manga this "Black Stone" produces lose fast interest and money. And while they might not care about losing money, they WILL lose relevance in Japan.
And some other Japanese company will become #1 under the rising sun, because they produce the manga and anime that Japanese audiences actually want to see.

It's a move of desperation, not tactical competency.
It's been dead for almost 2 decades now for the most part
Only western made anime suck
Manga is still OK as a whole, but the biggest publishers are phoning it in or specifically turning malicious. Also, there's a comic about selling weed in Ultra Jump
I think they just wanted a foot in the room, and they'll start investing aggressively and trying to acquire/hostile takeover from there.
>Text on the wrong side
Illiterate onigashima inhabitants are only good for sex
and niggers. hopefully blackrock can present a more diverse and equitable japan in anime.
100%. people don't realize that they can literally turn the propanda off and stop consuming it. You'll be saner and happier.
And whats their "Master stroke" once the golemns rise up against their masters or everything becomes idiocrasy 2.0?
>Delets them
Thats great, so now they will rule over ashes of a dead world, quite genious (sarcasm)
>Wont happend
Is this how jews cope?
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I consume it sometimes, but I don't buy it
why are americans like this.

at this point, china is the last hope of beauty in the world.

like i don't know maybe its part of their culture and revolutionary zeal but they hate it when the "old world" has beauty. A soul if you will.

I distinctly remember the time when americans cheered literally pic related as a high form of "aryan beauty few europoors dare breath the same air with." lmao. Its just wiggers, and you americunts are spiteful
Based Jews
fuck piss skins
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that is just long way of saying jewish printing magic.
it's good that the fed is (((private))) and (((independent))) with other jewish organizations as (((IMF))) and the (((world bank))).
Why is it called Blackstone?
Shonen anime is literally made for little boys and closeted faggots. And more than likely those boys become closeted faggots
So does Japan, they have a central bank too and the world's largest debt to GDP. They were the first country to use quantitative easing. Sucks to suck, Japanese debt printed over 1 million times wasn't strong enough.
Chinese art annd music awful. We need to bring back ateliers and classical conservatories. A revival of high culture
What's the difference between Blackrock and Blackstone?
jews are anti-civilization and ally with the scum of the earth which includes niggers, trannies, criminals, gypsies, kurds, and albanians.

jews even spread propaganda to other jews that albanians saved them from the holocaust which is a bat signal ot other jews not to fuck with albanians -- because albanians are subhumans and anti-civilization.
you are the american here. why don't you answer the question yourself.
Are there any news outlets in Japan covering this? What do the Japnese themselves think about all this? Or is it just westerners being on the defensive on the behalf of the natives when it should be other way around?
what is your nationality and why are you in america? if american why talk as though america is a country separate from your own identity?

They are not even remotely the majority of shareholders of 88% of the S&P500.

You are financially illiterate and don't get how an index fund works. Many such retards!
yeah, americans have fanciful ideas about how the stock market works. They should literally just buy some books and actually read about how stock markets work. Its not rocket science.
I just study here retard i have a nice safety net amassing in my home country, have fun paying rent

China, my parents came at the 90s, what about you poojeet? Im here to gain skills and wealth. I got a final pharmD lined up this year and after 2 years of work exp im set.
>where do they get all the money to buy everything ?

Federal Reserve is backstopping them. If the american government went around and bought shit, it would raise suspictions and complaints, but if a private company backstopped by a private central bank that also is one of cornerstones of the actual real american government aka the deep state does this, nobody lifts an eyebrow because "market forces". You will understand jewish power once you realize that they are running the worlds largest etnic organized crime network and the United States is their property.
why am i a retard? How would i know that you're a foreign student? since you're a foreign student it makes sense that you know nothing about america.

are you american?
>money printers got in
Bye bye gook circus.
the question is whether or not american firms will be competitive in the media space in japan. if nobody consumes it or the media is not competitive than the cultural subversion won't work. part of the reason jewish subversion worked in the west is jews were the most mercantile racial element so they had monopolies on enertainment. not so in japan since asians are mercantile just like jews.
Maybe its just me but you canadians know americans more than any immigrant but aren't they naturally like this? Like wiggers?

Like americans have to be socialized to learn things.

I wouldnt know my chinese grandfather instilled me to fucking read. At the very least imagine the apple
what does wiggers mean? White americans are the most productive group in the world and they created the biggest superpower since imperial britain.

the wiggers are the low IQ races like Chinese, japs, indians, etc.
if you're chinese you'll know that most of Chinese civilization is what Chinese people learned from Americans. You chinese are the dumb ones compared to white americans.
No wonder I'm not seeing much of anything in the Japanese media news outlets...this news is like 1 month old reported back in march. It's just Westerners are just now reporting on this. And it doesn't seem like anyone gives a shit on twitter searching めちゃコミ with ブラックストーン only pulls up people talking about massive growth.

So once again, why are we being outraged on their behalf? If they don't give a shit, we shouldn't, either.


I take that back somewhat. One or 2 tweets that question. Can't really find much else.
1) dont buy anything
2) ?????
3) profit
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Time for a second Joker in Japan

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