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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472896072
Ultra MAGA.
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push polls ..be pushed
>not raping her
All right now the DNC has to lock Biden in with an early nomination before the entire party abandons him. Let the civil war begin.
>my brother talking about how easy it is to sign up for mail in ballot and to just mail it and he will vote blue all the way down because Trump must be defeated

A reminder that Republicans never fixing the mail in ballot issue will lead to their demise. There's no path to victory until it's mitigated. Mail in ballots overwhelming benefit democrats because they have more of a voter poll to pull from (not to mention obvious fraud)
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Top link on Drudge
Bros. Is it happening? Are we actually winning? Like in a way that exposes the enemy in a way that harms them for decades? Like the king of winning that makes further winning easier?
That's pretty funny for the wrong reasons.
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Sup, bros
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Lara Trump has a literal army of lawyers.
The 2020 Romney rnc is dead hahahhahaha
everyone knows that Mcdaniel started running the republican party into the ground starting in 2017.
good day!
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

To fix nepotism, we must first seize all of the Rothschild family's possessions in the United States of America.
Dems for 4 years
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"trump has lost support" makes that post rather bad, trump *gained* voters from 2016 to 2020
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>Hunter Joins Meetings
Make way for King Hunter
The retard is also claiming Hillary stopped her rallies when she had one with faggots like Jay Z and Beyonce.
Good evening, generaleepastawoo

>To fix nepotism, we must first seize all of the Rothschild family's possessions in the U.S.
Whoa...you're going straight for the jugular this evening
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On a scale of 1 to awoo, how awoo do you awoo right awoo?
hey i was in the middle of responding to that, but i was a lot more aggressive in calling him a fucking faggot
glad Thomas can finally retire and handpick his replacement
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No talking
No problem
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concession noted
11.6 million voted NETTED too. Not even like he just simply remained stable. Also the GOP has embraced ballot harvesting. Why CA will have 21 Republicans by 2032 and why they’re getting 39.6% to 43% of the statewide vote
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this I guess
So you really think he is going to deport millions of immigrants?
Drudge actually joining the frenzy can't be good.
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Also "buh buh buh drumpfpublicans don't do anything about fraud" is beyond fucking retarded when there are anons IN THIS THREAD working on county/state level election integrity teams within state parties.
how did i possibly concede
>i was doing x
>but then you did it
>Hunter joins meetings
lmao, going the crack route
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no the bureaucracy will refuse to do anything but it'll be really funny for him to win anyway
the fact that you can't see how that is a concession is another concession
You forgot soviet kgb lasers
Trump lost
chevron is very far reaching.
plus the other rulings in concert.
a large chunk of federal code was just obviated with a pen stroke.
Like he was going to build the wall and many other things he couldn't do the last time?

So you are voting for him just for the laughs. I can understand that.
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I'm imagining a sleazy drunken Randy Marsh vibe
no but he stopped the foreign born population growth in its tracks before covid
Political cartoonists are people who can draw but still have no talent whatsoever. If it were up to me I'd hang them upside down in a scorpion pit next to a sign that says "learn what real humor is".
Trump won, and there have already been multiple arrests for election interference by cheaters.
There are no true successors of Thomas because Federalist Society has been scamming conservatives for decades. According to Federalist Society, John Roberts was suppose to be a clone of William Rehnquist and Amy Barret was suppose to be a clone of Antonin Scalia. Pure bullshit.
I think people will be lining up to be deputized by Trump as commander in chief.
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you know >we need a concession counter for every thread.
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I thought flying the flag upside down was le ebil fashism
Like I was talking about earlier look how uncanny this mischling looks with a hairline that low
Why is Kamala worse than Biden?
Where did all the malamutes come from?
>Trump is a convicted felon!

So's the Biden actually running things right now.
Because if trump is floating tribunals then that means he intends to make the assertion lawfully actionable.
He's going to need a LOT of deputies.
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Trump's not actually a convicted felon until he's sentenced (he won't be).
shove it up your foxhole
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went from horse pussy to loli?
sorry sister i believe in stephen miller :)
no pedophiles on /ptg/, thanks!
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i'm also voting for j6 pardons!
no need it's always going to be [positive integer]-0 in my favor every time
because her brain actually works, problem is, she's a 73iq whore who literally sucked the right clocks to get where she is now
You know how irritating blacks and women are? Imagine someone who's both.
As much as I want Trumo to win, a brain dead black woman presiding over the total economic collapse of the West would be really funny.
Based and Inquisition pilled
no one cares about Hairy Sissy
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worse than that right now with this conniving old jew id rather have a possibly influenced black woman
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is that some sort of "gotcha"? Elon should ban Rupar again until we figure out what's going on.
>mfw a terrifying werewolf
I think an official statistic kept would be bretty funny
the usss might
wait did /ptg/ get raided lmao
Yo it’s Hiki. Are you balding yet?
I don't see how those 2 things are bad for a left candidate.

So she can talk better. Then she is better.
This is building towards the left using the state to go authoritarian. "We have to save democracy from Trump by doing away with democracy." They're going to act like fascists in the name of "defeating fascism."
Something bad is going to happen and they're building plausible excuses for it.
Say it with me:

President-Elect Kamala Harris

Vice President-Elect Michelle Obama
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The hungyposter was spamming lewd GR14 because he was so mad about Trump probably getting a mistrial in the business records case in NYC.
hey see this cope lmfao
remember how putin treated obama?
he was pure trash to putin, just imagine kamala having to be in a room with putin
Just like we need to go straight to the root of all of America's problems once we finish the symptom of Joe Biden being permitted to have a single term as tyrant.
Shitskin left is absolutely convinced white leftists will never vote for a brown woman. There was infighting about that on several occasions
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I'm warming up to the dude who keeps calling everyone hiki
Biden was the only one who could beat Trump in 2020 because he was is a “Johnny Blue Jeans” “Blue dog” moderate Democrat. He won nationally by 4.3% and won 5 states by 500,000 votes against very underrated Trump who had no soft support
Kamala Harris

>Talks better than Biden.
>It's going to say the same things that Biden says.

Tell me how she won't do better than Biden. I know she is not very popular and liked but she is better in comparison with Biden.
call me a hikimori one more fucking time i dare you
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The fix is so in for Kamala
>Biden must go
>wait, here's a new CNN
>Biden down by 6, everyone else down by 7
>but what's this? Kamala only down by 2!
>zomg put her in!
It's funny how all of a sudden Kamala's polling magically got better than Biden's (despite being behind him for the last 3 years) and Newsom's is conveniently just as bad as Biden.
I used to be a regular here
how'd he miss all the innuendos? what a retard
HAHHAHAHA okay i was not expecting that
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She apparently does better with non White voters
>Biden wins non Whites 60-39
>She wins non White 64-35
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now see this seethe
>Tell me how she won't do better than Biden.
As you said
>talks better than Biden (not much better)
And she does worse with men than Biden does. It's funny how she went from the "dreaded backup" to the "savior backup" in just 5 days.
Trump lost and every court case was thrown out for lack of standing. This kills the migapede.
>multiple arrests for election interference by cheaters.
name one that wasn't a Republican
>Cunt Kamala
>talks better than Dementia Veggie Joe

Don't make me queue up one of her many compilations of repetitive, mind-numbing world salad, pedro
Dumb move.
> talks better
Nigger Dan Quayle
This should be impossible too. Blacks flat out rejected her in the 2019 primaries and voted for Biden.
some guy just needs to slap her shit every time she pulls out that hoe voice its hard for her i remember she tried but gave up on that in her speeches
Why are most of the /ptg/ posts from Florida and Virginia? The same states with Elgin AFB and Langley AFB? Why is the /ptg/ anon with the Templar flag from Okaloosa county, the same county as Elgin?
It’s push polling to persuade Biden’s millennial/non White staffers
is this true though?
>rapidly rising wages
I hate kikes so fucking much
dude stay off my ports bro dont touch my IP
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so kamalalalalala is whittling down her choices for a running mate between Epstein and DeSanctimonious? That's the gist of what I got from this
I rarely see anyone post in here from VA
Trump was impeached for soliciting foreign aid for his election, threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine.
Trump was also impeached for inciting his supporters who attacked the US Capitol on January 6.
Trump had a Jury find him liable for sexual abuse and defamation in E. Jean Carroll case, he raped her.
Trump had a Jury find him guilty that he committed fraud in New York, on 91 counts of fraud.
Trump had a Jury find him guilty that he paid an adult porn star hush money with election funds and bad business reporting, on all 34 felony counts.
Trump has three other pending cases:
The Classified Documents Case
The Georgia Election Interference Case
The Federal Election Interference Case

He is the first president to be tried and convicted of crimes, a felon.

In the 1980's: Investigators examine Trump’s dealings with organized crime figures, focusing on whether he gave three apartments and a swimming pool in his signature Trump Tower building on New York’s Fifth Avenue to a woman tied to a key mob figure and union president, who in turn allegedly kept construction of Trump Tower moving even as the city’s building trades workers were on strike.

In the 1990's: New Jersey regulators investigate Trump’s finances and conclude he “cannot be considered financially stable,” yet extend his casino license to protect jobs at his Atlantic City hotel. The Casino Control Commission warns that “a complete financial collapse of the Trump Organization is not out of the question.”

In the 2000's: Federal regulators spent years looking into allegations of money laundering at Trump’s Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, finally fining his company $10 million in 2015 for failing to maintain proper controls against laundering and failing to report suspicious transactions. The casino admitted to “willful and repeated” violations of the Bank Secrecy Act.

In the 2010's: New York state sues Trump, alleging his Trump University defrauded more than 5,000 people.
>Trump signed bill for COVID vaccine to get it made as quickly as possible and took the vaccine while denying it and pushed pseudo cures so his own supporters died
>False "law and order" Republican who had classified documents in his home and tried to hide them from the relevant agencies trying to get them back.
>Printed and added 8.7 trillion to national debt during 4 years a lot of which were corporate hand outs, fucked the tax code up so that people gradually owe more with less ability to process write-offs
>Uses lawfare and stalls all court proceedings
>Doesn't pay/stiffs contractors and lawyers
>Wears lifts in his shoes and lies about his height/weight
>Said that military veterans are losers and is a draft dodger himself
>Made fun of a journalist with a disability
>Wants to dismantle unions
>Spent 266 days of his presidency golfing in his four year term and has golfed more than Obama as president
>Has 91 counts of fraud and has been found guilty in New York
>Fake christian with 3 marriages, who betrayed his wife with a pornstar and used campaign money to silence her.
>Multiple failed businesses
>The border wall doesn't work
>Surrounds himself with corrupt people
>Hung out with Epstein, walked into a teen america pageant locker room, got creepy with his daughter
>Wannabe authoritarian dictator that visited and cozied up to multiple dictators internationally
>Owns a gold plated toilet, loves gold in general which is tacky
>No court has discovered election fraud even though he packed all the courts with Mitch McConnell
>Look at his list of who he pardoned, pardoned Steve Bannon who stole money from people donating to "build the wall" while Steve just pocketed all of it
>Worked to sell national park land
>Sexual assaults/rapist because why would you settle out of court for millions if you were innocent
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bold of him to think we're gonna let polisci still be a thing
don’t care LOSER just take the damn L
Biden’s least serious accusation is worse than Trump’s worst accusation
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She talks like a condescending retard and she hasn't has the privilege of the opposition finding every bit of dirt on her.
Get used to saying MADAM PRESIDENT KAMALA chuds. Hillary was going to replace Biden but Kamala said fuck no and wouldn't budge so now Kamala is going to win. Your only hope is that the Jews you despise hate Kamala so much that they sabotage her.
>Jill Biden hates Kamala
>didn't want her as VP because she called Joe a racist and rapist
>Jill will keep Joe in the race just to spite Kamala
any time I hear polysci I think obedient tool
> fucks 14 year olds with jeff epstein for over a decade
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>Employment and good wages is bad for our democracy
Holy fuck these jews are insane
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Very awoo
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aren't these dum kids taught nothin but gender theory, queer theory, and basketball
>look, I'm walking around the court bouncing the ball and I'm 7ft 3
I'm tellin ya man, I only play MAN sports. Like Football. And Hopscotch.
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it's probably the bidenhq fags, lol
>she can talk better.
Not really. She can say words more clearly. But her voice and way of speaking repulses people on an instinctive level.
yeah that's way worse than eating two scoops of ice cream
what's there to discuss?
>back in 2016, democrats decided to play the "he's dangerous for democracy" card
>they lost
>instead of walking it back, toning down the rhetoric, and playing a reasonable amount of ball, they decided to kick it up a notch
>now trump was not only dangerous, but a fascist nazi scumbag traitor
>this has continued to escalate since
>oh, and after they won in 2020, possibly by cheating, they also tried to throw trump in jail, lol
>and now it looks like trump might win again, lol

this is a legitimately dangerous time for your democracy.
if the dems cheat (again, possibly), or even if they win fair and square, but with a small margin, civil war is not out of the cards.
if trump wins with a small margin, its probably going to be the same
the real win condition is a clear, resounding, undesputable win from trump, followed by 4 years of cleaning house. by which i don't mean death camps etc, but serious introspection from the democrats who created this dangerous, polarized climate, and also from the media who gleefully helped and fed on it.
if you don't fix this shit, and soon, civil war 2: electric boogaloo is coming for sure.
he's using the silly shill line popular with neocons that the economy and job market is actually great and everyone is stupid for believing their lying eyes
i don't understand where is this Kamala bump stuff is coming from?
I ddon't know why she talks like that, it's like if she is drunk or something. Do you think it's an act or something? I have heard her talking normally sometimes. They could say to her to change that way of speaking.
feel like hes boasting about being a typical scheming kike rat
When she says 'I throw my hat in the ring' is she running as a biden replacement?
>by which i don't mean death camps etc, but serious introspection from the democrats who created this dangerous, polarized climate, and also from the media who gleefully helped and fed on it.
It's going to involve massive deportation camps that will turn into death camps when they riot and the guards mow them down.
She's a guaranteed victory.
>donor money already secure
>incumbent VP
>history as a prosecutor
>not a career politician
>diverse heritage
>diverse family
>self-made woman
>reflects modern corporate, academic, and societal preferences for a leader
>sound political platform that doesn't cater to fringe elements
The American public's only issue with Biden is his age and mental health. Kamala fixes that issue and reassures every reluctant voter.

If she takes over the ticket, they win historically. Multiply that if she has a running mate like Michelle or Booker.
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love you fren, nn for like an hour
Kamala I aint voting for no camel
>not a career politician
>self-made woman
Yea that’s why Trump still lead this women by 2.0% in a D internal push poll
I said it before and I'll say it again:
Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein. They NEED him as a scapegoat, to keep people under a constant state of hysterics so it's that much easier to institute their "utopia"
>I don't understand
Neither do I

You forgot to mention that she can suck anything from a golf ball to a basketball through a garden hose
This is huge. With the pause on all of Trump's court cases, his money won't be going mostly to legal fees. And Biden has spent a hundred million on tv ads before the debate, rendering them pretty much worthless. And despite Biden having a good few days of fundraising, that won't last as his donors are already freaking out and asking for refunds.
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I was driving around a [spoiler]black[/spoiler] area earlier and saw two political signs on one's lawn. One said some stuff about Trump being a le terrorist and "Vote Democrat Save America". The other was Kamala in that Obama Hope design, but it said "Vote" instead.
What is this nigger smoking.
I'm sorry that I filled your house with unlimited niggers.
the weird part is it's probably the easiest time to get a license right now... they aren't even verifying renewals belong to live people anymore, so i can't imagine just ...getting one would be much harder...
For all these reasons she should have won the nomination in 2020. But voters don't like her. She talks word salad stupid.
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How many borgars and tendies will this man buy with that money?!
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i already have dum gay in my walls why would you do that
>The other was Kamala in that Obama Hope design, but it said "Vote" instead.
that's fucking awful
glad to see someone else is confused
Every time, every single time the media says its acceptable to hate some far lefty thing only then do people start changing their minds
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Any white knights left or have they already ponied up?
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hey remember when democrats wheeled in a vegetable to vote on the civil rights act?
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The fact they were thrown out means they were illegitimate with no evidence anyway, so yeah, voting Trump. And you're a jew!

Seniors love Biden now. They see how Biden would look out for their interests, how hes one of them, its endearing to have those senior moments in public.
The sudden heel turn against Biden is very telling. No one with a functioning brain is surprised by any of this but now its front and center.. Very slowly and then all at once... the next few months will be off the map. Also where the FUCK is our military? this is extremely dangerous to our national security.
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that was signed into law 60 years ago today
only retard seniors who vote democrat, not anybody in the country side schlomo.
>Seniors love Biden now.
They loved him before the debates. But literal boomers don't like what they saw. And they are still the "listen to what tv says" generation and the tv is saying Biden must go.
where is ze poop?
Huggers is really fucking gay
It's a good thing Trump loves the military and biden literally calls them dumbasses to their faces, then hm?
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Previous thread had pony pron spam. Since deleted.
that guy comedically fat
who's that
Boomers are split 50/50 always have been but whatever is left of the silent gen+ and older Gen X are 60% Republican so it cancels out
probably some troon
Gotta keep those immigrants fed somehow
The Midnight Cat’s greatest psyop

Joe Biden, through all his pain and misery, managed to deliver responsible leadership for the people.

Donald Trump is a convicted rapist, con artist, tax cheat, who fumbled the handling of the covid crisis.

Do you want me to simplify it some more for you?
>elect a guy with dementia
>nominate him 4 years later
wow how could this happen?
Nigger where the fuck are poly-sci majors going to study when the West collapses?
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back to whipping poor old whitey again to keep migrants as kangs
McDonald's Hamburger University
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nevermind that, what are all the administrative law fags going to do for their new major this fall?
Because they can't base their career off of chevron anymore!
why did dems nominate him????
Still voting Trump. I appreciate your bot just spamming walls of text instead of doing it piecemeal.
>I can imagine what will be, unburdened by what has been!
abbott never even wanted to pardon perry that's the best part
also why is this one anon just stating random /ptg/ buzzwords is he okay
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And like that a new baker is now needed. Have a good Nohrian Groyper night.
>Flying on a private jet makes me too sleepy to govern
Not a great look.
Fuck off, Fuentes
and wheels will keep doing it until you libtards learn dont fuck with texas
>vote for biden a few months ago
>i want a new candidate now
sorry suckers
Thanks doc
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one would think that anarchists would become hardcore Trump supporters if their own acceleration ideas were to be realized & they really believed what that guy wrote.
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50 to 100yrs from now someone is going to make a dark comedy about this presidency
j-just like that?
i got it
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idk but I hate the us military. they are trying to bait me into a kill spot.
It's crazy that SCOTUS just said administrative law cases require a jury and it completely collapsed the charade.
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it's just a new batch of election schizos enjoy them
>letting the first black female VP having to compete in primaries
This would be a DISASTER for them. Kamala has to be the nominee if Biden isn't.
All the "hurr durr Hitler lost" retards are basically repeating Soviet propaganda to downplay the impact of lend-lease. Who will be the arms factory of the world to oppose Trump? Not the domestic MIC, they love selling to him. Not Russia or Europe, they're tapped out handling the Ukrainian front. China?
>Chinese build quality
good idea
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because if they get rid of Joe it literally has to be her, and that's even worse.
she's just a terrible person
but also all of this
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>vast camps
>deport millions
voters want that
Mag dumping a shotgun on an African village Groyper didn’t mention this. >>472907465
Yes because someone has to restock the baker breakroom.
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Europeans' laws are so weird sometimes. It says they're mandating the sixth day or additional daily overtime for all workers, but they still get overtime pay (40% extra).

This is literally the same thing as any American who works Saturday and gets 50% extra for overtime.
pure chaos,

i thought the way they would pick the candidate is in a smokey back room
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>that's money even if i had it
>you're never getting it back
>i'm stealing from you
Trump aint gonna do shit but be a moderate they always work themselves up into a tizzy like some southern christian woman fanatazing about strong military men sweeping them off their feet,. so much faggotry no shame. never say a peep when their agitprop never comes to fruition dumb fucks
This is like that movie he death of Stalin where everyone is putting on their best suit and trying to look like the next best leader.
Biden is too chicken to do that.
But Trump isn't. =D
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they're having pretend victories again lol
dark brandon cope will outlive biden himself lmfao
gn anon and have a happy Guatemalan Family Blows Up House With Roman Candles Groyper night to you
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sorry i like the /ptg/ that was only three or four people in one thread at 3:00 AM in early 2022
(also i have people texting me who are political novices and they think kamala harris is a huge political threat it's funny)
Everything is an audition now
You here that Biden! Trump said you yeller'd bellied dont got the gumption to do a damn thing

Thanks to these retards its now a nightmare to get my CC to chargeback a shitty norton subscription from years ago I can't even cancel bc the email is lost.
He'll militarize the border and nominate 1000 more Heritage Foundation judges. And that's all I need to be happy.
i don't miss not being able to fall asleep until 11am-2pm do to reasons.
but i do kind of miss posting all night until 8am
hear ye hear ye
Between July 2005, July 2014, and July 2024 the US has gotten 7.6% and 2.6% more non White overall respectively…
Pick one
>we rigged the primary process to get the outcome we wanted now we want a do over to get another outcome
>these are the people who claim they have to save democracy from Donald Trump
>democracy to them means gaming the system to get what they want and not what the people want
This isn't going to end well.
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lol harris herself is fucking dreading it you notice she isn't even making a case for herself in public right now?
Someone needs to make a bunch of tiktoks of people crashing rental cars and sticking the CC's insurance for the bill
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>The White House’s explanation for four trans-Atlantic crossings in nine days was simply that Mr. Biden had commitments in Washington. But by presidential standards, his public schedule looked light: a lunch with Vice President Kamala Harris, a Juneteenth concert and a speech to a gun-safety group.

He shouldn't have made that comment. I'm sure they don't want to see this article from early June making the rounds again.

might as well get mcaffe you like shitty antivirus. eset or kapersky bro
Chairforce is hard work huh
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after trump wins i want to go find the thread that was (and i'm not exaggerating) probably 290 posts solely between me and lol
hopefully the archive still works by then
How exactly would putting Harris in work? Is it like this:
>Biden says "I'm not running and want Kamala to be the nominee"
Does she become the nominee? Or will the delegates at the convention officially have to nominate her?
She wanted to live out the rest of her life raking in millions from 15 minute speaking deals and ghost written books.
he needs to release the delegates and then the convention will nominate her
but there is no guarantee they will do it if they dont want to kek
biden would have to resign or die.
deebly irresbonsible XD XDDDD
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Where is the guy that likes pierced chicks with tattoos, I found a new one.
Also, MAGA!
It doesn't matter what you vote, culture, education, media, that is what shapes society. It doesn't matter if Trump is in power another 4 years because society will be the same after him.

We will see what will happen in France now. I bet that things won't change much.
>biden would have to resign or die.
This would make her President, and the defacto nominee by default I assume. But Biden will never ever resign his term.
don't encourage him
>It doesn't matter what you vote
okay thanks for letting me know! still voting trump btw
but I'm still voting Trump
law can drastically change culture/ed/media tho
watch how roe/aa/chevron changes this country
>he needs to release the delegates
I assume he would do that after he drops out. Or does it happen automatically (drop out = delegates released).
>but there is no guarantee they will do it if they dont want to kek
This is interesting. They would have to pick someone. Would DNC and media put pressure on delegates to just pick Kamala?
LEAK: Biden’s Corrupt DOJ will Pursue Lawfare Cases Against Trump Past Election Day – In a Race Against the Clock Before Inauguration Day – If He Wins

correct and no.
the convention hasn't happened yet.
if the convention were passed, then sure, but they can do all sorts of shit to get where they think they want to be.
hillary controls the dnc.
These are exactly the reasons I'm reluctantly voting for Trump even though I think he's a kilke-loving narcissist. If he just delivers on one or two we'll be headed in the right direction.
>It doesn't matter if Trump is in power another 4 years because society will be the same after him.
This is the final battle. This election will set the direction of the country/culture for the next 40 years. Will everything magically change in 4 years? No, it never does.
I see the Democrats are taking this well.
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okay but they are all seeing her gaffes and her laugh it's very fun
(i sometimes have the problem assuming that people know the very basics)
wait until people find out she was the border tzar czar and was the last person in the room for the afghanistan withdrawal
Wasn't that the case in 2016 too?
>Would DNC and media put pressure on delegates to just pick Kamala?
possibly but the reverse could also be true too depending on who they want
its going to come down to which factions are strongest and if a deal can be done
>Kamala's Jewish husband will stir up anti-Israel leftists
This keeps getting better
The campaign and therefore the delegates are slated for Biden’s running mate. Literally no one wants that bitch as President. Especially since she’s not even legal to run. But mostly because she’s a dumb bitch who doesn’t think so.
GLOBAL WINS: RNC MAGA takeover, Merrick Garland Contempt of Congress, SCOTUS Chevron Decision, GLOBAL LOSSES FISA renewal, USA Last Foreign Aid Bill
>Donald Trump 2024 Campaign https://www.donaldjtrump.com
AZ – DEM Gov
>BREITBART: "RNC Files Motion to Enforce Proof-of-Citizenship Requirements for AZ Voters" https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/01/rnc-files-motion-to-enforce-proof-of-citizenship-requirements-for-arizona-voters/
>VIDEO : ABC 15: "Maricopa County testing election tabulation equipment ahead of 2024 primary election" https://www.abc15.com/news/political/elections/maricopa-county-testing-election-tabulation-equipment-ahead-of-2024-primary-election

GA - REP Gov, WINS: HB 974, HB 1207, SB 189, End big Fani’s witch trial
>VIDEO : John Fredericks: "Marci McCarthy Rocks DEMS World in Dekalb CTY: Who Is This Woman?" https://rumble.com/v5547qt-marci-mccarthy-rocks-dems-world-in-dekalb-cty-who-is-this-woman.html

MI – DEM Gov, WINS: Case No. 24-000041-MZ
>The Federalist: "MI Lawmakers Ask Appeals Court To Find Democrats’ Election Amendments Unconstitutional" https://thefederalist.com/2024/07/02/michigan-lawmakers-ask-appeals-court-to-find-democrats-election-amendments-unconstitutional/

NH – REP Gov
>VIDEO : John Fredericks: "John McLaughlin: Trump Seizes Lead In NH-Bidens Dam Just Broke Wide Open" https://rumble.com/v55490f-john-mclaughlin-trump-seizes-lead-in-new-hampshire-bidens-dam-just-broke-wi.html

NV – REP Gov
>LVRJ: "NV GOP official takes on role as Trump campaign adviser" https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/nevada/nevada-gop-official-takes-on-role-as-trump-campaign-adviser-3079150/
>NV IND: "AOC stumped for Biden in Las Vegas. Will NV progressive voters follow suit?" https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/aoc-stumped-for-biden-in-las-vegas-will-nevada-progressive-voters-follow-suit
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kouhai my father didn't even know trump was on trial until after he was convicted
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Ballistic missile that fits on a HIMARs, bane of the Russian army.

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commies are always nihilists saying it doesn't matter or all the same then flip shit if the enemy gets an upper hand
PA – DEM Gov
>VIDEO : Bannons War room: "Presler: Gap Between Registered REPs And DEMs In PA Tightening In REPs Favor" https://rumble.com/v5567vh-presler-gap-between-registered-republicans-and-dems-in-pa-tightening-in-rep.html
>BREITBART: "Democrat Bob Casey Sticks with Joe Biden Despite Widely Panned Debate Performance" https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/02/democrat-bob-casey-sticks-joe-biden-despite-widely-panned-debate-performance/
>Newsweek: "Joe Biden Gets 'Huge Red Flag' in PA" https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-pennsylvania-red-flag-1919687

WI – DEM Gov, WINS: WI Ballot Question 1 & 2, map unchanged for 2024, LOSSES: DEM redistricting, Robin Vos recall failure
>WI Journal: "Joe Biden to return to Madison on Friday" https://madison.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/wisconsin-joe-biden-donald-trump-election-2024-madison-campaign-debate/article_4fb9788c-38a5-11ef-80b9-6fa62fbe26f2.html
Ok. So basically it's
>Biden drops out
>delegates released
>bunch of people throw their hat in the fight (Kamala, Newsom, Buttplug, etc)
>delegates at convention in August decide who will be nominee
Yikes, what a mess. Even if Kamala wins right away, that only leaves her 2 months to campaign.
You guys, with Biden now dressing like Trump, how will we know if it's the real Trump or Biden in disguise when he shows up to rallies and stuff?
EXTRA: Trump truths: "A really bad day for Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor used for Crooked Joe Biden’s attack on his Political Opponent. Today, as in the past, the Supreme Court gave the Deranged One a high level SPANKING! His “real” bosses, Andrew Weissmann and Lisa Monaco, not to mention Merrick Garland, whose once great reputation has been shattered by these Thugs, and his constant defense of Crooked Joe, must be furious at him. Garland ought to call an end to this never ending HOAX, and let people focus on bringing back Greatness to America!" https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112715084660399231

EXTRA: VIDEO : Bannon’s War room: ""This Debate Is A Trap": Caroline Wren Exposes DEMs Breaking Precedent With Early Debate In Order To Change Nominee With Zoom Meeting" https://rumble.com/v553gxy-caroline-wren-exposes-democrats-breaking-precedent-with-early-debate.html

EXTRA: AP: "Trump’s campaign reports raising $331 million in year’s 2nd quarter, beating Biden’s haul" https://apnews.com/article/trump-fundraising-biden-second-quarter-ed2a070b3e513277dc9ab0f57d52b48a

EXTRA: TGP: "U.S. Marshals Find 200 Missing Children During Operation “We Will Find You 2”" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/u-s-marshals-find-200-missing-children-during/

EXTRA: Elon Musk tweets: "When will politicians, or at least the intern who runs their account, learn that lying on this platform doesn’t work anymore?" https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1807761917274214899

NNTNN Note: Travelling tomorrow to be with family. Double update on Friday. Have a fun and safe 4th of July!
any thoughts on who will be the VP?

I keep reading that it’ll be Vance, Burgum or Rubio. Rubio makes the most sense to me
>transgender personnel ITT
its a mess no matter what
there are even issues like if she can even get on the ballot in certain states due to timing and laws
>no leaks, still
enjoy the holiday weekend MAGAman
these past few days have been incredible (except for bannon of course)
>Wasn't that the case in 2016 too?
No. Not even close. The media and half of American voters have been completely brain broken by Trump. Trump is too old to run again. This is it. This is a compass election. Trump winning = libtards went too far (the media is already acknowledging this with regards to how they cover Biden). But if Trump loses? It will be the DEI States of America from now on and every Republican after Trump will adjust to this mold.
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Politics is a waste of time. Take it like an entertainment, that's all it is. People are easily brainwashed and you won't be able to fight against the masses of brainwashed normies.
Rubio is worse than Pence.
Wow, I think Trump is really going to win.
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Thanks Hope/Kayleigh. Have a safe trip and happy 4th!
Cool, still voting Trump.
Someone put up a tweet from Burgum in 2020 in support of Georgy Floyd shit. Trump should just pick who the polls say help him the most, but I'm hoping for JD Vance.
>Trump runs as his own VP
the problem with rubio is that he's currently a senator from florida
it's very risky to do so, especially if the election is close
oh wow that sucks
i'm still voting trump + driving people to the polls lol
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hey i wonder how many drivers there are in your area
You sound like a faggot in Spain in the 1600s saying "Spanish Armada defeat was no big deal, it's all entertainment". Meanwhile Spain pretty much never recovered from it.
The problem is that when people treat it like fanboying a sports team, it spreads. Stupid shit isn’t going to make me waste money on a pair of Oakley sunglasses just to get a thumbs up at a shitty cowboy dive bar or some guy holding a stop sign during road maintenance.
>ABC 15: "Maricopa County testing election tabulation equipment ahead of 2024 primary election"
oh boy i'm sure this isn't going to be a cluster fuck as intended
One way to look at it is Florida is safe red for the time being and it would put Rubio in an inconsequential role while possibly getting a more MAGA senator.
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>Dem cope at its finest
anon no VP candidate will be perfect. burgum was a prototypical conservative governor. jd vance fucking hated trump with a passion. however, both of these men (vance especially) has proven that they are now loyal to the MAGA cause
i always ask this question but nobody answers it: how do you prove loyalty in politics?
(note: saying you can't is not allowed)
Florida is still a glownigger shithole. It’s where all the black pill and TikTok propaganda is filmed. Same with porn and IG escorts.
He's in a red district and is up for re-election. He's doing what he has to do. But its' the first sign that elected officials don't want to be associated with Biden.
>Even if Kamala wins right away, that only leaves her 2 months to campaign.
i may be (probably am) inferring 4d chess where there is none, but that's probably for the best. my undestanding is that she is a stupid, unlikeable cunt. the less time she spends out there, and the more she relies on people just voting "not trump", the better she'll probably do.
>anon no VP candidate will be perfect.
I never said as such. But sucking up to George Floyd shit? Just rubs me the wrong way. Trump is a hot head wild card so I can see why people were initially against him.
I don't care about Spain either so I don't care about that. Go vote for Trump, it won't change anything, he will be 4 years in power with all the media and all the other powers don't allowing him to do much, as the last time, he will leave, a democrat will win next and nothing will change. All that he did will be stopped by the next democrat president.

But that is all it is for most people. It's like sports.
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i am VINDICATED yet again
it's jared golden he's one of the very few remaining blue dogs in the house
they are a dying breed
you still here?
he's too busy asking stupid questions!
>Go vote for Trump, it won't change anything,
Yeah, because nothing changed under Trump last time. Court picks ALONE have reshaped major aspects of this country. And if Trump wins, Thomas and Alito will retire and Trump will put in 2 young conservative judges.
Rubio's terrible. He was placed in charge of the Senate investigation into the 2016 Election Tampering. The man proceeded to find the evidence and then bury it so it went nowhere. While I don't know Vance and Burgum's deal they'd be better than a foam boy like Rubio
kek I was gonna say he has a very important job to do, and then I saw the post count



The parlament makes the laws, not the judges. A democrat president will change the abortion law and judges will have to accept that.
The only way really is longevity. Trump could pick a reliable cabinet member from his previous admin
>, not the judges.
The judges confirm if the law is just or not, retard.
Only if it is against the constitution but there is nothing about abortion in it, right?
>the most critical/important campaign/election of our lifetime
Yeah I mean what would happen if the next president was one of the last two presidents? Who knows what could happen
>Hunter joins meetings
You know it's bad when you invite the village crackhead to get his input.
National security? Our entire defense force is double vaxxed and boosted.

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