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Previous: >>472942419
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine -https://archive.today/kxBLx
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Comfy morning in Dnepr
>Repelling night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk
>2S6 Tunguska destroyed by two Lancet strikes Kharkov region
>Hohol Marvel
>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>Destruction of multiple Su-27s at Mirgorod airfield
>Hohol forgot to hide tattoos
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone

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kek what a fag
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Hohols continue loosing jets
Iskander strike on Dolgintsevo airfield in Krivoy Rog
>Two Su-25







thanks for bread

yummy wagner bread
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To the last hohol
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Lmao, why hasn’t Russia been denazified?
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Your daily iskander strike on hohol airfiled has arrived.


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>Russia is Nazi
I fucking WISH.
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It's gonna be fun watch hohols trying to hide their F-16
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A good poem is a good poem, even when plagiarized.
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Squish the pig
Pull the pork
Everything but the oink
Eh, they're just gonna land them here.
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At this rate, I'm starting to wonder if Fag-16 wunderwaffen will even get to fly any combat sorties before they're blown up on the tarmac.
Oligarh streamer Arthas from Vinnytsia left Ukraine few days ago and moved to richest hotel in Dubaisk.10k$ per week. Betting company pays him to spend 100k$ in a month, wearing casino logo and making videos. Operator is 14.1 girl

ps. you can bomb Vinnytsia now
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread!
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I hope they bomb your airfields. Russia start just fucking up NATO perimeter facilities any time they catch some pig fag running for them. Neutral nations are supposed to impound combatants vehicles and personnel. If they don't they are considered active participants in the extent of the enemy parties materials. See: South American naval battles in WW2
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TJD before THD at this point
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2 weeks and hohols will surrender
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>In the days of painful thoughts, I look at your portrait,
>In the shining eye reading the answer to his question. That's what we say for hours: portrait and man,
>It's like you've been around forever.
>And if we freeze for a moment before the case,
>You, our faithful comrade, will support everyone who has come to sleep.
>And here in your portrait is solemnly beautiful
>I understand the meaning of being Russia's son.
banzai putin sama!!!
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thanks for musician bread fren
I wonder if these people even go outside to touch grass in fucking Arabic Peninsula...
Hohols should have some hardened aircraft shelters left from the USSR times, and considering miniscule amount of planes they are getting - they'll be properly covered. Most likely.
Total Jew Death before Total Hohol Death could prevent the latter.
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From idol
To exposing her self in public. Buhanka is my favorite t-back gravure idol.
Nice boom
DOD operatives just keep coming into Kiev. ;) it’s unKyivivable
What does he mean by this?
What's the Jew York situation?
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Nice Buhanka, but where's is my waifu 2weeksandhoholswillsurrender poster?
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>KYIV controle la meute mediatique?
>KYIV, monsieur?
I've already posted the coordinates for the potential bases used for the shitshow, as well as the one base that's currently training 10 Ukrainian pilots on the F-16s, so yeah, same.
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>tsundere is a bad archectype

>hruks finally get the F-16s that people have been /k/oping about for over a year
>they get blown up on the runway before an Su-35 or S-400 even gets a chance to shoot them down
Kind of anti-climatic in a way, but it wouldn't be unexpected

The general consensus after the Gulf War was that hardened aircraft shelters were pointless given precision munitions, and that its just better to keep move aircraft around to avoid getting hit.
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The sacred laws of monke
Banan for all!
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>they're just gonna land them here.
Your goverment will fall the moment your military airbases gets bombed by ruskie kinzhals.
No country will host hohol planes
>Your goverment will fall the moment your military airbases gets bombed by ruskie kinzhals.
Meant janny but yea
Lol you foolish ZIGGERS. They meant for you idiots to waste your bombs on that broken plane. Everything is going according to plan.
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Hail Putler, Hail Victory
We are such retards. We should support the LNA not hinder them, It the eternal civil war which is profitable for jews that is fucking our country with bajillion migrants.
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russia russia russia
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>that many flags in bio
Many such cases!
Of course a pig would support pigs.
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>all those astofolo figs in the case by the window
the more i see of this image the worse it gets
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So many gainz lately, can't keep up. Is there a map showing what's been conquering since the start of the year?
You cannot destroy the holol airforce because it's already destroyed!
HAHAHAHA checkmate ziggers!
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The plan is most likely to fly them in from NATO airspace like with drone strikes.
Yes… yes… nothing personell ZIGGERS. You putlerthanos followers are finished.
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>day 2000 of trying to defeat this guy
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Its all the plastic bags for me. How the fuck is the figurine cabinet the most organized/nicest looking thing is that pigsty?
>day 9001 of trying to defeat a monkey
With the help from the most powerful military organization on earth that just gives away its most powerful military equipment only to be captured by the Russians.
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>Fines for playing Russian music in Ukraine will increase from 70 to 25,000 hryvnias.
>you can get fined or go to jail for speaking russian in kikeraine

why cant we do the same for nigger music and speaking nigger jive?
Because Kanye said that all his superiors happen to be jews and jews are exempt from laws in the USA.
i get it now, this guy is hoping that russia invades the us so he can take venti as a warbride. a bold move let's see if it pays off.
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putin is killing more russians than we ever could
i think he works for us
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dont call it a grave
>why cant we do the same for nigger music
Because 70% of your cities would burn in the same day. Niggers rioted for less.
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don't worry we'll make more
and it's just more moneys and jobs for usa
>putin is killing more russians than we ever could
That has bern debunked.
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why is she so smug?
>this guy is hoping
More like coping
>that russia invades the us
It's not really geographically viable for anyone except Mexico or Canada to invade continental US, and trying to Ukraine Mexico would not go well either.
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Okay, thanks for correcting me.
seems like you are struggling to make 500 patriots a year
when you are going to start making more?
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Omg, you totally burned me.
Wars over putin won.
Ukraine is George Floyd.
Ahem, I'm sure those millions of dollars pumped into Ukraine through taxes and Equipment worth several millions of dollars that needs to be replaced will certainly benefit the USA.
All money that could be spend on your average US Citizen. But hey you can potentially brag about a victory that wouldn't benefit you in any shape or form.
With most Americans not even being able to find Ukraine on a world map.
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Nuclear war behind glass walls we level the storm death to Globohomo who stray from the path and are now feeling the Wrath.
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>With most Americans not even being able to find Ukraine on a world map.
kek, you got me
we are so dumb
We can't spend money on the citizens here.
The economy is entirely based around giving corporations billions of dollars from the taxpayers every week at this point.
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>In Nizhny Tagil, near the UralVagonZavod buildings, a new heavy infantry fighting vehicle based on the T-72 tank was spotted.

BMPfags, our response?
>kek, you got me
>we are so dumb
Glad you agree.
US geostrategic goal is not "killing Russians" that's just the propaganda they put out so low IQ zogbots will go along with their plans due to their simple minded bloodlust
>double reply
>we are so dumb
>and gore
he mad!
I trully did because you are incapable of producing efficient ammo/military hardware which is not beneficial for the kikes in charge of mic
Do ou want to know how many missiles russia makes per week?
That number has three zeroes.
Per week.
I don't see any armament, so that would be more in line with an APC
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im literally shaking rn
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Good Day! Ukraine is having the worst day.
Shit, sent that too early.
I find it surprising they'd build one based on a T-72 hull, people have been saying they're running sort of short on hulls and have restarted hull production.
Because Russia has nukes. We can denazifiy anyone and nobody can denazifiy us
Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
That guy could talk the balls off 10 brass monkeys.
Basically Namer?
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most of them dont work, and those that do get shot down, cope more zigger
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I love how he always says "I will be traveling for a week and my videos will no doubt be shorter" and churns out an hour of content daily anyway
why do jannies hate 2b and to a lesser extent megumin and buhanka?
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Is there anything russians won't liberate for their jewish masters?
Dude is all smiles lately.
Minuteman status?...
I can't get a feel for this guy
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omg, so many zeros
wtf its over
Another day another Ukraine airfiled blown up, how UN flag gonna cope? Anybody seen him since energy was turned of in Kiev today?
Can someone explain how this guy used an AT mine to take out a building?
because they are trannies
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t-those are the export versions they gave to the Brits, so it doesnt count, and it doesnt even matter because AMERICA is 100 years ahead of everyone else
it is all you can do is cope when your empire is crumbling around you
Reminder that Russian elites red or white, suffer from centuries long disease called Westernophillia and inferiority complex. The only man who cured that disease was Stalin, also coincidentally it was the only time when Jews and Anglos kvetched out of fear and completely respected Russia
Probably had several and put a grenade in there.
They've got lots of T-72s lying around so i'm surprised this wasn't thought of sooner.
BMPs need to be chucked, they're shit for the modern day, even the BMP-3 is pushing it and they simply don't have enough. The boomers and millenials in command were too busy arguing over tank production they just skipped over the IFVs.
very realistic mutt talking point
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Why are you cold? Do you need a blanket? Maybe a hot chocolate or a nice warm tea?
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What is dark brandon's real goal?
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Good evening, frens and sers.
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my heckin' empire
jewtin ruined it
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I'd expect them to add weaponry later, after the engine trials.
>running sort of short on hulls
The only potential bottleneck is electronics, there still are plenty of t72s lying around.
EveningZ Nazunafren!!!!
Russian anime is out
>jewtin ruined murcia
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Ukrainian grandpa walked from territory occupied by ukrainian regime to russian lines

Good evening sir
Even thinking that Biden has any control over the US gov shows that, for you, it's already over.
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The BMPs are OK. Just going the Israel way of only having fuckhuge, massive vehicles isn't viable unless your country is 200x50 km. And just because you make them that heavy they aren't magically invulnerable to FPV drones and loitering munitions, even MBTs get knocked out by these on the regular.
If anything you could probably argue for even lighter IFVs only protected up to .50 rifles or something like that and instead put a massive focus on APS.
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why is dark brandon like this?
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To kill as many ukrainians as possible so russian can populate the land
wow finally a baker who isnt a lazy pos and got some new links
Evening frens.

Henlo Katyushafren!
Russian anime?
one day they will dig a tunnel to the russian side to surrender
He drilled a hole in AT and put grenade detonator.
>I can't get a feel for this guy
Jeet with nigger dick fetish
Did he explain why?
That's an idea,
Alya-san first episode subs are out
>be brandonoid dicksucker
>fart and shart himself live while debating orange Hitler
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It's called Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian
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Has Russia declared war on us?
I wonder where the uptick in strikes came from.
Nazi stuff is always praised when its origin is hidden. Look at how many times Mein Kampf with minor edits has been hailed by public figures. The content shines through.
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Not comfy
Probably realized his country was heading to ruin.
>>472957788 (checked)
>googles it
>wiki link is purple
My dementia is showing, it seems.
How was Putin's last debate?
brave grandpa, is there an interview with him?
>b-but whatabout peepeeput-
Brandon LOST.
Almost dropped it at the first minute. Goddamn I hate clichés. Ended up being decent, will follow for a couple of episodes more at least
They will be stationed in a neighbor nato country and will start flying when Russia advances further.

They will fly missions and park out on the open and when Russia bombs one on the ground nato will try and invoke article 5
I'm not saying they should have american weight IFVs, just that more thought needs to go into quality and production. UVZ is sitting there shitting out some 200 t-90s per quarter (or half a year, can't remember) and the BMPs have been languishing in comparison.
With the jerry rigged TBMPs it seems we'll also see the proposed 2018 upgrades of BMP-1s, which is just a BTR-80A turret slapped on top more or less.
They won't keep them in neighboring countries as Russia said if they do they are officially targets. They all backed off when that happened. They can talk a lot of shit but most butthurt belters are pussies.
Btw those fly maggots are not dangerous, they only eat dead flesh. They are used in hospitals to clean up wounds
ok i got it you are actually insane to worship blabbering senile grandpa why you had to do yourself like that
я coбиpaюcь oбocpaтьcя
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looks like another tranny discord raid
you are just a mentally ill fag
Also you can't fucking invoke article 5 if you are literally sending jets to bomb somebody. GTFO of here.
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New Simplicius:
Ukrainian losses, Russian gains, ISW & MSM cope, motorcycle troops and speed supplant armour in a battlefield where Ukraine has little armour but plenty of FPVs, innovations in EW, more strikes on AFU airfields, Ukraine has one month to avoid default while Russia upgraded to high-income economy by World Bank
>they only eat dead flesh
The how is fly strike on living sheep a thing?
...нa /uhg/.
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Times Yar status?
Guided bombs

>the meme
Lmao the glownigger shit
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Those are some funny moonrunes anon
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>Dnipro. Russian terrorists have struck our city again. As of now, five people have been killed, and thirty-four injured, including a child. All necessary services are on site, and rescuers are helping all the victims.

>Only two things can stop this Russian terror – modern air defense systems and the long-range capabilities of our weapons.

>The world can protect lives, and it requires the determination of leaders. Determination that can and must make protection from terror the norm again.

Prohres is like 1.5km from the front now.
мoлoдoй чeлoвeк, дepжитe ceбя в pyкaх!
>Article 5
>When you're doing bombing runs
Wow i can't wait for Estonia to condemn Russia for bombing the shit of my airfields and do NOTHING else.
Imagine losing a war to a senile Grandpa and jewlinsky.
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I think its some sort of redditors now
mutt unironically worships biden
jfc its beyond everything, political trannynism
You fucks are different, everything is deadly in the most horrific way in your bushes
Good evening frenZ!
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imagine bringing alliance of 30+ nato countries, losing a war despite using all sorts of loser tricks like industrial terrorism and then claiming that you are winning
fits for someone who tries to present senile grandpa driving his country into the gutte as imposing leader, he probably also thinks hes winning
He probably can't imagine it because no reality exists where it happens
Why are they laughing?

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to jest prawda!
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Good day
Imagine pushing "Dark Brandon" when even the fucking Democrats started talking about using Mike Obama as an alternative for Biden.
Hello there.
I'm sure it'll be fine when Trump becomes president. He's known for making good decisions and he never gets angry or holds a grudge.
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hohols are having a bad day, jew york is suffering and russian troops entered chasov yar and captured a district
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henlo fren!
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So, NATO-Niggers are commiting seppuku because they got their asses kicked while "Secretly" on the frontline?
Its fitting because russian enemies are kikes.
And henlo for you too!
Hallo Leute!
Wie geht s?
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Because GDP went up 150k or so in that salvo.
That's an old image
Russians have entered the urban area on the Niu York front.
I'm kinda hoping Trump wins just so all the retards who've been saying he's a force for peace can be proven wrong. Of course they'll just making up lame excuses like he's getting bad advice from his generals etc.
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>ISW’s latest theorycrafting propounds the ‘novel’ idea that Russia is seeking to win the war of attrition by way of the boa constrictor strategy I’ve been detailing since nearly the conflict’s start
War of... attrition?
>nato will try and invoke article 5
The only people who bring up article 5 is people who don't even know what it implies.
>now NATO can pretend they comitted aggression against Russia from their communal territory!
>And can larp as if the Russian defensive strike hit not just Pooland or Romania, but each one of them, like the international criminals they are
>which enables them to do exactly nothing except continue larping some more
If anything it would be a comical own-goal.
>it's not just Pooland responsible for hosting Ukrainian attacks against Russia! It's all of NATO hooray!
And who didn't know it already?
Easy loot from Iskander in Dnipro for sale
I dont diagree, but thats just another halmark of how shit usa situation are, your choice is just between worst and the bad, and both are zogged to the max. Its bleak man.
Jews all ran from Ukraine so it's probably empty
>russian troops entered chasov yar and captured a district
b-but nato is supposed to be victorious?! Russia is just a big gas station with some AK-47s! what's is happening?!
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what do you think all those (((training accidents))) were
>ISW’s latest theorycrafting propounds the ‘novel’ idea that Russia is seeking to win the war of attrition by way of the boa constrictor strategy I’ve been detailing since nearly the conflict’s start
I finally understand why the US needs an institute for the study of war. Every fucking autist caught up on the Russian strategy 2 years ago, they've only just now figured it out.
How come you guys don't have a link to an English version of The Best in Hell? For those who don't know its Wagners movie lol. I'm going to see if I can find a link and I'll post it here.
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hohols are just bringing them in closer, then the trap will close shut
Why hasn't Putler drop a switchblade style missle on Zelenskyy yet?
i like it though, so i posted it
Ofc, trump is a gdp man, hes not capable to change fully corrupted structure and will be pulled towards escalating. I fully expect him to start a 3rd war in taiwan despite being not in position to fight.
How many bottles?
I'm willing to bet money that the graph contains people currently in Russian-held territories (including Crimea) as well as half of Europe.
I don't get that, most of these people probably never shot a sand nigger, why they ACK themselves?
you'd be surprised, but the maggots might have actually saved his arm from necrosis and sepsis
That explosion is very obviously a SAM
the longer zelensky stays in power, the more ukraine's military will be destroyed and the more land russia will acquire.
You are so naive
Are you like 14?
He does more damage alive than he would dead.
Imagine the sheer amount of bullshit he okay'd to budanov just for something good to appear in the papers, the butcher's bill ignored.
Just wow...
i guess we'll have to wait for a couple of weeks for the great counter-offensive...
And what damage does Zelensky in particular do to Russia? Pretty much everybody with any level of access to real information has fully acknowledged him as a clown by now.
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I like it as well.
>Why are they laughing?
Like and subscribe to find out.
They missed their collaborators already having defected and the Taliban marching on them without a fight despite the fact you could watch it in real time on livestreams.
who the fuck even remembers those memewaffens?
fucking commie block survived 3 FAB-500s what the fuck
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i like your pic as well, based doggo not buying nato bullshit.
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>A senior US State Department official said on Tuesday, July 2, that the Ukraine is anticipated to receive positive developments regarding its request for additional air defense systems at an upcoming NATO summit in Washington next week.

>"We hope we'll be able to get to the summit and make some new announcements on air defense," said the official, speaking anonymously. "You've heard that the the Ukrainians are keen to secure additional Patriots or similar systems. And I think we'll have some additional good news for them on that front."

>The Ukrainian officials have been calling on partners for months to provide more air defense systems to protect its cities and civilians against Russia’s daily missile and drone attacks.

>We hope
Solid strategy there, my man. Hope it works out for ya.
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nafo fags will accuse Russia for running out of turrets
Possibly. That flat trajectory is highly sus as well. What Russian warhead would come in at such an angle?

sorry for the youtube link it was all i could be bothered to find that works and is in english. hopefully you guys enjoy it. I did.
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Deploy combat infrastructure and engineering group. Pay "Northern Bonus" to civilian volunteers for this effort.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. An event on 10 September to remember the heroes of WWI and the Russian Civil War, and to venerate the Romanov Martyrs and remember that, before the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was a great Empire which spanned from Kalisz to Novoarkhangelsk.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
Bist du ein Boykisser?
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he wears ukraine socks
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>Winning side is maintaining its winning strategy as a way to win
I love ISW cope.
pardon my drunk and tired ass, but, is it possible that through all this help with guns etc to Ukraine is also an elaborate money-laundering scheme apart from nato's imperialist goals?
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Nope. Never tried and have no plans to try.
you got anymore? Im going to watch this with lunch and if you give any more, later on tonight.
>an elaborate money-laundering scheme
Of course not! They would never, NEVER, us this conflict to make shady money.
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If Russia already won they can't keep winning
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>Take it with a grain of salt as everything, but it’s one more data point to consider—MacGregor states his European sources have told him that Ukraine is now over 600k dead with 1M+ total casualties, while Russia has 50-63k dead.
I can't take this shit seriously. Prigo admitted 20k dead in Bakhmut, there's no way the rest of the conflict has only left another 30-45k Russians dead. I know western-aligned media shills but this is just as bad on the other side.
shit that looks intense do you have a TG or catbox link fren
Commieblocks built as strongholds against NATO agression.
you sure a glide bomb couldn't come in at that angle? They did seem kind of small for 500s but we have just been watching 1500s and 3000s drop for like 6 weeks
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hivemind kek
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General Soleimani...Whatever happened there
Doubt it makes much of a difference for whoever was inside.
Prefab concrete is strong stuff
That's rude. Silly cat did nothing wrong.
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cat looked sus
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Hey, how are you doing?
MacGregor's Ukraine KIA number is BS, but Mediazone did count only 50k confirmed Russian losses recently from obituaries with about 20k of those being Wagner. Obviously not everyone gets an obituary, but most do.
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they have more meat to fill it back up, no worries, but it makes me feel better about the commie block i currently live in. This baby survived the bit quake without a scratch
Oh it is kot o'clock already?
>Reports state that Ukrainian women are now dropping out of medical school en masse because the government is forcing them to register for the military for potential call-up as medics.
Destroying Ukrainian aircraft just proves that Russia is getting desperate and is afraid.
How you know confidence in your vaunted Su-57 Felon?
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it might have something to do with the God knows what concoctions the kikes pump them full of
thanks fren
fuck man the sound is really terrifying, also they amount of debree that gets scattered thru the shokwave is a lot

whats going on here have they updated their conscription laws again? also the one filming seems to say"what the scheiße" at the end
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when is it not?
Actually yeah, a glide bomb would be a good example or Russian ordnance that arrives in this manner.
However: those explode in a different manner.
While the explosion looks vaguely like a shaped charge it's an anullar blast warhead, or continuous rod warhead or similar, that sprays projectiles to the sides, with only debris moving forward after detonation.
While this does not guarantee it's an AA missile it probably wasn't a glide bomb. Grad missiles fired from nearby would also look roughly like this, but I doubt Russians have positions there within 10km of the impact point.
>We are such retards.
Many such cases.
80% of those reports come from Deepstate mappers
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Fisting Niu York.
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dark brandon did this

we won't let him get away with it
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Hey how have you been?
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total russo-ukrainian friendship
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Hillary Clinton urged Kiev to go on the offensive for Biden's re-election

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a telephone conversation with Russian pranksters Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexey Stolyarov), called on Ukraine to go on the offensive at the front so that the current head of state Joe Biden would be re-elected in the US presidential elections. The phone conversation was published on July 3 on the prankers' Telegram channel.

"You need to provide support to try not only to hold the line, but also to go on the offensive. And then, obviously, many in our country will do everything possible to re-elect President Biden."
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>German army has a rifle for every 4th soldier
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Prigo is certainly a level headed, honest and reliable guy. We won't know for sure until long after the war, maybe twenty years down the line.
That's more than I would've expected...
How do Wind Power Maintenance Hatches aid the LNA?
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I mean it's probably 50k total of which half "might" work, eventually.
Still, goddamn.
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whats the problem, it worked in Enemy at the gates
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Hello Beefren!
But NATO stands for Democracy and Freedom?! NO WAY...
>Hillary Clinton
And the government wonders itself why nobody wants to join the Bundeswehr.
who the fuck is that guy?
That old hag is still bloodthirsty
The one with the rifle shoots. The one without, follows him! When the one with the rifle gets killed, the one who is following picks up the rifle and shoots!

Dont worry, there might be some malfunctions and out of battery explosions in SOME, not all.
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couple of years ago they had to pretend with broom sticks

actual news message back then

sex fox

>only 50-60k rifles
wew lad I didn't think it was that bad, that's only enough for ~2 corps?
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I thought the Broomdeswehr did something in the decade after this shit happened.
they hunger for jew blood
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Russia has lost a total of 1180 soldiers and 57 artillery systems now just today. That is over a thousand soldiers in one day. The Ukrainian army keeps steamrolling the Russians, pulling them out like weeds.
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New Mearsheimer out:

Funny bonus video:
good, donate more to Ukraine.
"At least they have their use there" lmao
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>Please don't shoot so much
>The G36 rifle has been in service with the German armed forces for 15 years, and now, according to SPIEGEL, it turns out that the weapon gets too hot during long battles and its accuracy drops drastically. So what should soldiers do in combat? The instruction manual gives a simple tip.

Bit older news... but hey...
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>I thought the Broomdeswehr did something in the decade after this shit happened.
yes they send their good broomsticks to ukraine probably
lmao https://youtu.be/KMjYNKED0U0
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>have one of the best weapons manufacturers in the world
>can't be bothered to actually make sure they have full stock
absolute state
dang and yet ukraine cant capitalize on anything. anyways moving on.
germans go bang bang during training? I remember there was some NATO country that did it due to ammo/rifle shortages as well
>Russian pranksters Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexey Stolyarov)
Are these the guys that the media was mentioning some years ago about an interview of something with some important politician? i can't remember, but i think it was two Russian pranksters.
I enjoy how disconnected corpo media reporting is from reality.
Most of Russia still uses outhouses, a toilet is a luxury there.
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Ein with ze rifle shoots, trei with ammo follow. When ein with rifle kaput...
spiegel is retarded, the source of the problem was found long ago, it was the french made 5.56x45mm bullets who had a stupid coting on top of them
Also holy fuck tell me comments written by bots please
Fine, how about you?
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Start spreading the news
A Veteran from the Afghan War. Veterans are notorious for having PTSD in the US and being very unstable in general.
Its kind of a funny situation. You've got the old "conservatives" bitching we need a bigger and better army but they never want to spend the money needed to do so.
Then if someone of these old "convervatives" steps up to try it, he's immediately called a nazi fascist by leftists and mainstream media. With direct comparisons to Adolf Hitler.
Sometimes they do.

That's what you get from getting stuff from the frogs...
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does any german anon remember the shitstorm surrounding the H&K G36 from like a decade or so ago still?
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Under the supervision of Ursula von der Fuckface, the Bundeswehr went from impotent to almost dead.
What side is he on? And who is the sicko just filming it?
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henlo frens
Uh, yeah?
It was them you're thinking of, they've somehow tricked like every Western politician into saying dumb shit by pretending to be Poroshenko or Zelensky
Today was nice
>That comment
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Kind of bullshit. Also where are G3s?
Henlo beefren!
hahaha, thanks. i'll check this out then.
no they didn't, they just went around it, Mykola didn't think to cover the flanks with any defensive positions
Lemme guess, she's a doctor or nurse?
45k Russian army + several dozen k Wagner + a lot of DPR/LPR and Rosguardia from the initial part of the war...then 3-5x that amount of wounded...puts the total number of casualties at a few hundred K which is believable

i do agree that propaganda is egregious on both sides, which is to be expected. sometimes (for example) the daily casualty counts put out by the Ministry of Defense are kinda eyeroll-inducing. also stuff about industrial production, projections for trade between allies, stuff about how everything is perfect in Russia and China and everyone is happy and loves the leaders, is pretty neo-Soviet

i think it's important to be critical consumers of media no matter what side it comes from and what your ideology is (unless you view yourself as fully partisan for one side or the other, and are actively engaging in information warfare manipulation of truth, but even then you should be honest with yourself instead of becoming a True Believer)
they're drafting babushkas now?
any info on how exactly they were able to make this breakthrough?
all slavyansk's post said is that UAF reserves had been drawn towards Ugledar and other parts of the frontline which left gaps to be exploited but i'm still unclear on how they managed a Toretsk-style incursion without any apparent change in tactics or conditions
Actually this is a myth to begin with.
G36 exactly fulfills all the demanded specs.
Problem is, when they drafted their requirements 200 rounds of rapid fire was enough, what was specified the rifle must be able to endure.
And lo and behold, HK made the barrel so light you can fire maybe 250 rounds before it melts.
>exactly as requested by the German Army
Issue is that when the propaganda is that bad it's hard to gauge how reliable anything is. I'm confident at this point anything MacGregor says can be discarded without consideration, and that anything quoting him as a source is already bad faith. Maybe it's just cause I'm a westerner and steeped in that media, but western-aligned media (excepting Ukraine itself) seems much better at providing believable figures that are still almost certainly propagandized.
>because they are trannies
This. Trannies are jealous of real women, which they cannot compete against.
whoa bro this isn't the cringe thread
>complaining about muslims
Your side (uhg) post gifs of Russian civilians having their throats cut by Muslim terrorists. You are not only sick in the head but also disingenuous. You can't complain about Muslims in Mariupol while also glorifying the terrorist attack in Crocus, retard.
>why is dark brandon like this?
He's senile. He probably shit his pants and thinks its funny that an unfortunate secret service person will now have to clean it up.
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No early life required.

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