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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>What's happening
Elections for 650 seats in the house of commons by FPTP. This is not one election but 650 separate elections at once. The party which wins 326 or more seats will have their leader become PM.

>Timelines (all in BST/UTC+1)
- 7am-10pm polls open for voting in 40,000 polling stations. News reports on voting and electiona issues are banned.
- 10pm, polls close and the combined broadcasters' exit poll is released. This has been quite accurate since 2005.
- 11pm, the first seats will declare, usually safe Labour seats in the North East of England
- 12am-2am (5th July), a smattering of early seats. Keep an eye out for Swindon North and South, both traditional bellweathers.
- 3-6am, most seats declare, we are likely to know the winner
- 6-9am, stragglers declare
- 12pm 5th July, new PM in office if needed

Conservative - centre right
Reform - hard right
Labour - centre left
Liberal democrats - centrist-to-left
Greens - Green
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - who cares lol

>Where can I watch results
BBC iplayer (needs VPN for non-Brits): https://www.bbc . co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone
Sky News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUvTVdTMyY
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There is no hope. Spoil your ballot
>Reform - hard right
Kek! I wish
Why not vote Reform? Might as well give that dark cloud a silver lining by having Nigel Farage's wide-grinning froglike face in Parliament in the coming years.
Voting three times cause they sent me 3 ballot papers. One to old address I just moved from, one to new and one to parents house. They are in commuting distance and different wards. They will still dilute me with niggers anyway
explain this to retards or at least spell it out nigger
>party which wins 326 or more seats will have their leader become PM
that's the convention but not the rule afaik, King can pick his government regardless of the results, but he does so based on the results
That's a criminal offence you know
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
No way the King picks anyone but the parties' chosen leader as PM now, hasn't happened since Victoria and the bedchamber crisis in the 1830s.

For foreigners:
>FPTP - first past the post
>Whichever candidate in each constituency gets the most votes wins, no requirement for 50%, no thresholds.
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That's only /b/. /pol/ are serious business.
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>Reform - hard right
So is carrying a Zelda toy sword

It's not though, I 100% have three poll cards
>getting paid to post election threads in poll
Sorry state.
Never heard about Reform before, is this a new party?
It used to be the Brexit Party, which won the 2019 EU elections in the UK
I remember a few months ago a Muslim party tried to get registered and failed for some reason. If they had been able to run do you think they would have gotten any seats from labour?
So its a rebranding of the Ukip?
>explain this to retards
The post isn't a set number it moves so its not a post. Its more a pissing contest
Nige cut UKIPs throat when they were looking too based
Reform is a registered company and not a party
because Nigel is a politician and I dont trust him. hes funny but i wouldnt want him near me. if reform by some mircale win they wont do anything they claim they will do and they'll be tory lite. id rather vote for my mate wellie atleast he'll bring the price of lucozade down.
Used to be the English would tell you to fuck off if you asked who they were voting for.
Guess it doesn't really matter now since the only thing to vote for is letting more pakis infest the country
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Vote Reform make this far left faggot cuck boy Cry

I want this wanker to be a girl by next election vote Reform
So what's the pro-White party then? I only had Reform as the only "right wing" party on my ballot
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remember, Farage is controlled op
Am happy for anon, their democracy needs any amount of help
Voted for reform. Also I feel like the Tories are going to do better than expected. So many old cunts are going to vote for them regardless. My polling both was like a sea of grey heads all running panickily to the polls to fight of Starmergeddon. They all gave me nasty looks because I was the only young one there, and one made a quip about how I'm most likely going to vote Labour. Fucking boomers man
Opposition to what?

He is the pro british candidate
Because if you vote for a party that literally has zero chance of anything, you're giving the party in power validation.

the 100% best course when you know labour are going to win anyway is to not vote and have historic low voter turnout, which is what they fear the most. This will require big changes and will make them look terrible.
He hates Labour now because they're not lefty enough for him. Starmer winning big would upset him a lot more.
Why is a national election being held on a weekday?
>If they had been able to run do you think they would have gotten any seats from labour?

Not really. It would have to be geographically concentrated very precisely. Basically the same issue Reform has
Parliamentary democracy is a controlled op, doesn't really require any situational awareness to vote.

We all know that there will at some point be an Islamic party in the UK and they probably will win a lot of votes

I mean in my area all the local English are either not having any kids or only one at most

Meanwhile all the muslims here just get their cousin from fuckknowswhereistan to come here and then they have like anywhere from three to six kids each

How do you really think these is going to end for the UK?
I do it for free
And one day it will, when God's authority reigns and this world passes away with all the wicked
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>So is carrying a Zelda toy sword
Hope you went equipped to the polling station. Lots of darkies about, it's dangerous to go alone.
I doubt it
New to politics?
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>Conservative - centre right
>Reform - hard right
>Labour - centre left
Why would I be paid? My OP is factual for yanks and jf, not shilling any party
don't give fuck that far left faggot would trigger even more everytime he see reform get a seat tonight.

Fuck labour. Only good commie is a dead commie
You went all lovercraftian on us and I love it

Just tell me what devastation to summon, say no more Devastator it is
It's always held on a Thursday except I think twice when it was held on a Tuesday
Shut up faggot.
If I could wish for one thing, would be tempting for every person talking about an overton window to get a bullet in the head
It's pretty grim, we are following right behind, it's like a look into the future for us.
Remember lads a vote for reform is a vote for Labour. Once Queer Starmer gets in his constitutional reforms will means there will be no viable right wing party.
See, this is what happens when you racist bigots keep complaining about immigration, it shifts the Overton wind-ACK
if you are going to "waste," your vote by not voting, you might as well vote reform.
You seriously think those in power give two fucks about voter turnout? lol
Piss off Rishi
just got back from my vooting lads
reform probably cant win where i am but the conservative is literally jewish so glad hell be gone at least
Queer is going to have a super majority with less votes than Corbyn got cause the right wing is split.
The overton window is a real thing and Farage is part of the process of shifting it to the left. Cope all you want double nigger.
seems like the only "right wing," party to vote for their is the reform party.
All other parties seem to hate ethnic brits because they welcome unfettered immigration.
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You don't understand lads, we need commonwealth visas because the next Steve Jobs could be toiling in a slum in Kuala Lumpur right now and would love to study in Britain, work in Canada and once they've extracted all the value from our institutions and economy they feasibly can, then they'll just go back to their home country and set up a "startup in Mumbai's 'tech scene'" (read: set up a call centre to scam old white people out of their pensions LMAO!).

The commonwealth improves our 'soft power' and lets us get favourable trade agreements (read: endless visa routes) with 'growing' (read: terrible) economies.
Overton Window
Le bacon narwhals
and your leaders welcome it. I'm not sure why liberal ethnic Europeans hate their own kind so much.
Farage literally complained that EU membership favoured white european immigrants over indians
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Who did pic related vote for lads
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Thank goodness we have these newly imported voters really focusing on the important issues, such as: how to maximise the number of people like them brought into the country.

I'd take this over being stale, pale and male any day!
Nah the REAL important issue is just having a change of party for the sake of change. Who cares about boring pointless shit like "policies" and crap like that? lmao.
yea heaven forbid a nation puts its people first and focuses on educating and developing its populaces' skills.
Only white countries do this type of shit. By every indication, our leaders hate us and believe we shouldn't have a good future.
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You're shilling the political paradigm itself, as if it has any place on this board let alone in reality beyond it's theatrical meanderings. Voting is useless. Selected not elected.
yeah hes chatted a lot of shit over the decades we know mate dont need to post it every thread its not news
thing is do you believe what he says when he shows a picture of browns invading europe and talks about stopping immigration or do you believe the odd line here and there over the years from interviews or whatever where he was trying to not look too overt to women and normies
its really an iq test that you failed
or youre simply subverting
what did he actually say?
he still seems better than the other liberal fucks you have as an option.
>nooooo stop quoting what he actually said, how do your emotions FEEL about what he might do?
Don't forget to use the pencil provided so spiteful mutants can alter your vote
They never do, they know the blackmailed desperate and retarded will vote, and they will vote, in a hundred years no election has been revoked b4 of lack of votes
Exactly. Do it for keks
yes feelings triumph facts 100% of the time in decision making. and the feeling we all have is too many wogs
this isnt a jordan peterson youtube video comments section you nonce
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It's not election rigging if you just make it legal for anyone from any country to vote!
that mentality is how you lose a country. you may not vote, but other non Europeans will vote and they will vote for people like them. Then, when their people have all of the political power, where's that leave you?
My polling station had blue argos pens
Because as Wilders proved, and Meloni, these populists do nothing but continue the same policies they say they are opposed.

Also fuck Farage. At least Labour will give us some good social systems
You seem to be under the impression that there is some option to vote for where we won't simply get more of the same.
exactly. they don't care if people participate in democracy. they only care that right people participate.
saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
>This will require big changes and will make them look terrible.
voter turnout has been shit for decades, why would they suddenly want to do something about it now? they'll just interpret it as a vote for whoever is currently in power and take that as a mandate.
No option is saving this country full of Godless men, that's what you omit in your comment or fail to understand.
well then you need vote for the guy who looks like you and says the most things you agree with.
well, I guess you can sulk away in nihilism if you want. that's an option.
>one made a quip about how I'm most likely going to vote Labour
Haven't you got a voice? Tell him it's none of his business.
labour doesn't give a fuck about actual brits. it's fill with a bunch of commie fucking browns.
Yep, look I know defending Nigel b4 of brexit sounds irrational, but after all this time is obviously the candidate who hates anglos the least, and well is sort of the job to like anglos
Meloni literally has rat physiognomy, and she's a woman. There was never any hope with her.
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>tfw you walk 5 minutes to the polling station just to draw a dick.
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>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change.
People don't really know what they want. They think they want what Reform is offering, but really they don't, here's why...
>Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises.
>His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms.
This is literally the stated goal of the Tory party - they actively try and stop meaningful action from the Right.
>Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements.
What 'enduring values and strategies' might these be then exactly? I swear it's crazy how 'political expert' now basically means someone whose job it is to explain why changes cannot be made to the current system.
>Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals.
Absolute cope. I don't even think Reform is that great, but jesus christ what is this wanker on about?

Pure blue-jumper rhetoric.
and what party did the person who posted that support? Reform seems to be the only "conservative, " party.
When there is no way to win, the best strategy is to not play.
He gave you Brexit. Be respectful.
This is because India is a "qualifying commonwealth country" and he resides in the UK. We need to let go of the past.
it's obvious the person who wrote all of that sees reform as a problem.
I love that the first thing democracy solved was this tactic

Now let's freely ignore the absent
Very shitty retorts on your parts
I’m just gonna assume you’re underage teenagers and will not engage further with you idiots

Grim as fuck. Over half of labour voters are doing it because they don't want another party in power, not because they want labour. This is why the UK is so fucked up now. The majority of people never vote for someone, only against someone else.

This culture of voting against a party has to stop. It's ruined the country and there is no hope of a recovery as long as people keep voting like this.
Conservative - Liberals
Reform - Liberals
Labour - Liberals
Liberal democrats - Liberals
Greens - Communist and Liberal alliance
SNP - liberals
Others - Liberals, communists, and muslims
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no, the best strategy is to organize, build a community and use the systems that are in place.
Conservative - Social democrats
Reform - Liberals
Labour - Progressive social democrats
Liberal democrats - Socialists
Greens - Communists
SNP - Scottish communists
Others - Irrelevant, mostly communists
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>At least Labour will give us some good social systems
Under Corbyn maybe. Starmer and his power hungry minions will be just as bad as tories. Angela Rayner is a spiteful power drunk bitch and Yvette Cooper would require everyone to have a licence to own a plastic spoon.
Get ready for the mass cutting of service's with the lines "we are prepared to do what is needed for the British people, as we are a government of service".
I have the Holy Spirit. You don't realise that, thanks to my faith, I realise more than ever how doomed the West is, along with the rest of the earth. Yet not I, nor the rest of God's children.

By the salvation of Christ Jesus, whom bore our punishment of sins and died on the cross, whom rose on the third day conquering death, we will inherit eternal life by the grace of God. The wicked, who reject Christ, who don't turn from and realise their wickedness; their lies, lusting, blaspheming, and hatred of brothers; who choose sin over Jesus Christ - salvation - the gift of God, will perish in the lake of fire, the second death, for eternity. This is the end of their very souls.

On the contrary, I have an inner peace that will never fade. Voting is useless to get the change you want. Pushing against sin, abortion, the synagogue of Satan, and spreading the gospel... a blessed endeavour.
the first past the post sytem works like this:

party 1 gets 50k votes
party 2 gets 49k votes
party 3 gets 1 vote

Party 1 wins, party 2 and 3 voters get no representation at all. This is repeated for every region in the UK.

This means voting is pointless, unless you're in an area that is dominated by party 2 and 3.

There is literally no chance that Labour are not only going to win but get a massive majority, no matter how good reform does in terms of raw votes it will not be able to get more votes per region than labor and so will be lucky to get a handful of seats. The SNP will get more due to how their system works, even if they only get 1/100th the actual number of votes.
what retort? I asked what that writers party was.
That post was all rhetoric with no detail or substance.
Reform is a left-centre party you fool
9 bongs remaining
Yeah no shit, welcome to politics in Britain.
Who was openly anti migration like all left centre is
well, if you don't consider the future of your people as worth fighting for, then i hope you don't have children.
God helps those who help themselves.
Low, massively low voter turnout would be hard to whitewash.
Looks like we were on the path towards it naturally before the mong right came out with their tactical strategies and Reform turned up to further validate Labour's "victory" with increased participation
Maybe the public will vote to force Nige to provide on what they see as his coded messaging, but we're getting into ever finer margins of possibility.
>yes feelings triumph facts 100% of the time in decision making
Presented without comment
I'm doing more for my people than you ever will without God in your life.
in the UK, that is about as conservative as you will get.
As opposed to
Party 1 gets 59k votes
Party 2 gets 40k
>party 2 gets 20k secondary votes
Party 2 wins despite not being the number one choice.
Oh yeah, and last I checked, letting a rigged election go through and doing nothing about it isn't "fighting" for your people last I checked.
If we have historic low voters turnout there would be incredible pressure to change how the entire voting system works, the UK is one of the only countries in the world with a first past the post system.

It's undemocratic as fuck.
and your God will just be replaced by a foreign God as immigrants take your country. but hey, at least you stuck it to the man by not voting.
Stuck my fingers at him and told him to fuck off
There was a referendum on the voting system on May 2011. The people said no.
>Farage postal voted
Lmao why?
Vote for Workers' Party. They are against Israel, against NATO expansion, against globalism. Reformists are just a bunch of cucks, controlled opposition similar to Germany's AfD.
Wanna see how easy it is?

Name one voter turnout
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Right-wing working class white people are hilarious

>vote Brexit to get rid of pakis and niggers
>record non-white family mass immigration which was the obvious result as voted to stop single white Euros coming here
>paki PM as muh BoJo was incompetent
>believe Farage's b.s. yet again splitting the right-wing vote
>record Labour landslide putting white straight men at the bottom socially below even black trannies

Meanwhile my brown family made a fortune charging rent to white people who blow their crap job money down the pub with Dave or watching crap football teams, while I fuck the shit out of my white girlfriend. Kek. Absolute clown show of a people no wonder your time has ended.
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I shall fix it for you since you are a faggot and love sucking cock so much. Please try to suck less cock today anon. It's not healthy.
>Conservative - Centre Left
>Reform - Centre
>Labour - Far Left
>Liberal democrats - Extreme Far-Left
>Greens - Ultra-Extreme Far-Left
>SNP - Literal Marxists
Because people are completely ignorant, and have no idea how it works.
Norn iron bros, explain yourselves
Brexit wasn't about getting rid of niggers, it was about choosing which empire to be part of.

The only reason we were allowed to vote on it, was cause the US wanted us out of the EU to weaken it.
>conservative is literally jewish
Starmer is literally a Jew. That's why I voted lib dem, that legalising the green
Do you recall the brexit negotiation, I do

It wasn't kind to the brexit proposal, also those white single males were hungarian truckers
saw this on /r9k/ and agree wholeheartedly:
>When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
If you have a George Galloway party "Workers Party of Britain" candidate that representals a good blow against the establishment, especially against a sitting Labour MP.
Reform are doing more to influence public policy than the greens. Their vote share isn't negligible and it's rocketed in the weeks leading up. They might not get many seats but they're hoarding votes the other parties want. Both major parties immediately pledged to cut immigration when garage started standing. Yet labour cut their 28b green policy and Carla denyer couldn't say shit. No one even asked her opinion, yet farage makes headlines
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Norf Ireland anon threadly post.

I will be posting NI updates as they come in tonight and tomorrow. Pic related is the layout of NI Westminster Seats last election, and my predictions for this election. Feel free to AMA

Here are the seats to watch:
>Belfast East
The last part of Belfast that still as a Unionist MP. It too is at risk, however, as all 3 major Unionist parties are contesting it; Alliance are the favourite to steal it. In the previous election, which was a 3 way race between the DUP/UUP and Alliance, Alliance only lost out by a thousand votes or so.
>Lagan Valley
More Unionist heartlands, it is also very vulnerable to Alliance. It was previously held by Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of the DUP, but he was recently outed as a nonce so it could be over.
>North Down
Currently held by Alliance, many Unionists hoped to "take back" what was once a relatively safe Unionist seat. However, several Unionists are running-meaning that it's highly likely Alliance will retain it.
Usually safe for SDLP, but some think Sinn Féin will take it. If they do, it's curtains for the SDLP.
>North Antrim
If Jim Allister doesn't win, it will also likely be curtains for the TUV.

Party List:
>Sinn Féin (Nationalist)
Once the political wing of the IRA, they're the largest party in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
>SDLP (Nationalist)
Irish Nationalism, but opposed to the IRA.
>DUP (Unionist)
Once the party of various Loyalist Paramilitaries, they're the largest Unionist party in Northern Ireland. Previous leader recently outed as a nonce.
>UUP (Unionist)
The party in charge of NI from its founding up to the Troubles. Now, they're trying (and failing) to be a more "progressive" Unionist party.
>Alliance (Neutral)
No official position on the constitutional question, but generally align with Nationalist parties due to similar social policies. Main threat to most Unionist seats by mopping up moderate Unionists.
>Conservative - centre right
>Reform - hard right
>Labour - centre left
>Liberal democrats - centrist-to-left
>Greens - Green
>SNP - Scottish nationalists
>Others - who cares lol
Nice gaslighting anon, not a single party is right of centre.
Fuck off no one gives a shit about NI
nah george galloway is a nonce im p sure
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now now
>people dont knoq how ot works.
Whoever has most votes wins the area, whoever has most areas wins the election.

Its simple. What do you propose. The loser gets the seat because someone said theyd want 'x' paety to win if 'y' didnt.

Losers should never be awarded medals. Not even second place.
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Come on Nige, placing us Aussies next to curryniggers? That hurts.
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he's alright nige but all politicians are snakes. if it was up to me id have my mate wellie in number 10. he'd get these rising lucozade prices under control.
Have you not been paying attention? We haven't had a right wing party since thatcher (and she was still a neocon).
That's Naomi Long, leader of the Alliance Party. They're centre-left, but neutral on NI being in the UK/Ireland.

Naomi Long is currently the favourite to take East Belfast, the last Unionist seat in Belfast.
That referendum wasn’t going to replace fptp with proportional representation but a convoluted instant run-off system where you would rank each candidate by preference from first to last. There would be multiple rounds of counting by eliminating the candidates with the least first preference votes until they could get someone with over 50%.

It was far too complex for most low-information voters to understand to win that referendum. AV also has the same issue as fptp that it breaks the national election up into hundreds of constituencies where the major parties could still probably push out the smaller parties by having more first or second preference votes.
You don't know Whom God is. He isn't going anywhere.
>At least Labour will give us some good social systems
I like your optimism. Here's what's going to happen: you're going to get more Blairite privatisation, and at the same time the Labour Party is going to use obscene amounts of government money to get themselves back into the graces of ethnic power blocs in places like Hackney (which Diane Abbott ran for years as a private fiefdom using a council-housing-for-black-votes scheme) and Rochdale (which is now a perpetual toss-up between Muslim particularists and normal Labour politicians).
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If I want this for Britain, which candidate should I vote for?
Wasn’t Fermanagh supposed to be really close between UUP and SF in the last election.
vote for my mate wellie
You might as well not vote then, because all parties - even Reform - are hell bent on the policy of Infinity Bomalians.
Whichever party is anti-christian
Don't know who to vote for. The only parties in my constituency that have a chance of winning are Lib Dem or Conservatives. Do I vote for Reform anyway, or do I vote Lib Dem and hope the Conservatives move further right next election?





The pedocracy?
Voted Labour
Sounds like our voting system.

It's nearly 11pm in kangaroo land, what time is it in bongland and how long until you fags get some results
You did vote for Bad Chompers Brook Wimbury, right?
voted labour exit poll cunt

eat my shit
>Someone knocking furiously on my door
>Think its the rozzers or something
>Its a gyppo asking if I want "any work done on my garden"

Live in a very boomer area, so probably easy picking. Fuck off you slimey cunts.

lmao look at this inbred piece of belming nonce dna
if id recognised him beside all the fucking pensioners on scooters i passed i wouldve knocke dhim out
Its mid afternoon here. Polls finish at 10. If its like the last one, after vote counting and vote discarding it wont be till friday morning (your time).

Use to be id go to bed voting day wake up next day knowing who was in charge, times have changed.
Nobody, non citizens can’t vote in a general election.
Polls close in 8 hours at 10pm, then exit poll out then counts declare 11pm through 7am
>I've voted
guessing he voted
> Starmer
Is that the freemason nonce that protected Saville?
It’s nearly 2pm. Voting polls close at 10pm and the main news broadcasters will publish their exit polls of the expected results. Exit polls are based on samples taken from people they interviewed leaving the booths, they’re usually fairly accurate but can still be off as some constituencies are only won by less than 100 votes.

Actual counting will go on all night with most results in by around 4am, some stragglers finishing later in the morning.
QRD on the political parties? It's all neoliberal pozz isn't it?
>non citizens can’t vote in a general election
Any commonwealth citizens legally here can vote actually, sweety.
Yes, unfortunately. Even Farage’s party only wants to slow down immigration from its current high of 700,000+ per year to less than a hundred thousand - something the incumbent conservatives promised back in 2010 and have failed spectacularly ever since.
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There we go, the eternal conservative seeking absolution at the last minute.
Paki fucker voted Labour thousands of times goading his retarded simps into voting for "the dark lord" for weeks. Predictable as.
Yeah, about 60 votes. I think SF will hold it, though.
Based young Labour voter
>If we have historic low voters turnout
We won't, polling stations sound fairly busy everywhere
I don't even care about the party wins and what policies they have as nothing will change. I'm more interested in the process itself and the little contests that might give parliament some variety. Will George Galloway hold his seat? Will Nigel Farage win a seat? Will Carla Denyer unseat Thangam Debbonaire and cost her a cabinet position in Kier's government? Probably yes to the first two, unsure about the last one.
He took a greasy shit on Twitter Street. That is all.
Who do I vote for if I want less boat nigs?
Correct. We have no right wing parties in the UK.
labour are the only ones proposing actually processing nigs and sending them to skull island prison
>>Conservative - Centre Left
>>Reform - Centre
>>Labour - Far Left
SDP, English Democrats, but you might as well just write Hitler on the poll card
My lefty mates are all voting Workers party, independent or green because labour support muh genocide
Hopefully others do this and dilute the labour vote so reform can sneak a few extra seats
Tempted to vote workers party myself but I don't think I can bring myself to vote for a sectarian brown person islam party even if they are anti-zionist
your mates are pakis
Vote reform, it’s not just seats that’s important it’s national vote share
I like the SDP. Nice cozy party.

Labour will win a fucking landslide. Be nice if some smaller parties got through and could form a coalition.
fuck off nige you rat faced investment banker tory lite cunt

you shouldve died in that plane crash you camel fucking hook nosed nonce
Greens are my biggest sadness, they got played hard with the anti incel psy op

I could detail the psy op entirely and explain who and why started it, specifically to fuck up the green enviromentalist movement

Is a known fact that Vince McMahon hates the WWF for example
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I just want to see the party that put a pajeet as PM crash as much as possible
SDP wouldn't form a coalition, they're more solid on immigration than Reform. Not like they've a chance of any seats with Nige's shenanigans now anyway.
bnp are far left retard, but the far right are the current bogeyman and the average pleb cant tell the difference
Stop posting this
CCHQ seething
Worst advice possible. The only reason we got brexit is because people voted for UKIP and scared the conservatives into having a referendum. Not voting is the same as voting for the leading party, which is Labour.
Tories are turbo fucked aren't they
I wonder if UK rejoins eu in the long term alongside with Balkan nations
I just voted REFORM.
If you didn't vote for Reform it means you're a faggot.
Vote 4 Seethe tho
Choose wisely for maximum seethe.
i already voted for my mate wellie though
the reason we got brexit is literally because tories lied offcially convicted of such and that gen pop is a bazillion times racist and retarded enough to fall for boris and nige fucking profiteering

they made millions
how are you doing though?
This, none of the parties are going to be able to deliver real change, but reform will at least rustle all the right jimmies.

The candidates you get to choose between for are pre-filtered by the establishment anyway, so you should never be voting under the expectation that it will change anything on a deep level. The purpose of voting isn't to change deep government policy, but rather to change people's perception of what the masses believe. The media creates a false narrative about what the masses believe and this creates an illusion of peer pressure that makes people think that way. If election results contradict media narratives about what is or isn't popular then this dispels the false peer pressure.

It doesn't matter if reform are just the same old globohomo zionism with slightly less migration, all that matters is that people perceive them to be an ultra nationalist party. If a party that people perceive to be an ultra nationalist party wins then this shatters media narratives about ultra nationalism being unpopular among the masses and dispels the false peer pressure that is keeping them from asserting themselves. If that party turns out to be the same old establishment as before then this will piss of the hard right, but most normal people aren't hard right. The way normal people will react is to think
>we were told to expect Hitler
>and what we got was normality
>therefore we can safely move much further right before we need to be afraid of dystopia/WW3/etc
Supposedly far right parties turning out normal is a disappointment for people on the far right who vote under the expectation of change, but the effect it has on the masses is different. It makes them less afraid of moving further right. This is why it's a win-win situation. Real change = win. More of the same = accusations of being far right lose their power and the masses become more comfortable moving further right.
A gust of wind would upset that cunt
The most important thing is that the silent majority voted racism at the slightest chance of success.
The will is there
But Cuck-Boy-Cry is being employed to play a double game. He is employed to cry about Israel's genociding Gaza because they know almost everyone hate him and it makes the position seem 'out-there'.
He still gets published in the Guardian among other places and you don't get published in the Guardian unless you're playing an approved role for the Zionists.
no one here is actually voting reform its just russians and pakis trying to trick you lmao
A jew wrote this
I voted for liz truss
Your posts in this thread are indicative of you being heavily semitic.
HItchens, the rabbinical old Trot, playing consservative-gatekeeper - He Make Call To Grey-Heads.
>its the pakis!
>its the russians!
I literally voted reform
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As someone who was canvassing at that time, one of the major things that moved the needle to leaving were the images of endless trains of immigrants just walking into Germany.
Had that not happened it might of been the other side of close.
im norf you cunt i hate tories and rich cunts and pakis and jews and muzzies and every fucker simple as

i want services and i hate the rich

simple as
you fags alright over there? The news was talking about you
>Why not vote Reform?
It's controlled opposition.
and now theyre here
Yeah am norf too, vote reform you dickhead. A vote for anyone else is a vote for labour. A vote for reform is a vote to kill the 'conservative' party.
I hope he gets deported by them
>liberal ethnic Europeans hate their own kind so much.
Do you not have Zionist brainwashing from infancy onward where you live?
Ä°t's funny that everyone hates pakis
Ä°ndians Brits Bengalis even us recently
Brexit was the anti-corporate position.
Corporations and billionaires are still seething about it to this day.
Vote kick the darkies out, even if that's not what they're running on. Solidarity with racist grannies and Deanos or gtfo.
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>Just voted for Reform.
We're winning lads. Wogs and benniemongs seething.

Plus, once it gets to a certain tipping point the Muslim electoral caucus will make a play to swoop up all the niggers into their camp by 'speaking their language' - especially the 'spiritually lost' West Indian ones.
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>Reform - hard right
we love all invaders and THE FOOD! Just please try not to rape women!
>reform to win 13 seats

That would be fucking nutty. UKIP only got 1 (or 2?) with 2 million votes, 13 seats would be incredibly surprising for Reform.
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i vote dlabour and convinced every othe rfamily member to do so

nige is a rich private school investment banker tory toesucking nigger lover

he was shit in the EU and shit now

hes a fucking nobody with no chance of running anything successful and a putin apologist

fuck him up the junction 1000x i hope he burns in hell

i support nhs

and i dont give a fuck about these rich twats who think they can tell me what is best for me
Collapsed tory vote helps reform. I expect half a dozen at most though, not 13
you might get 1 lmao
but since his putin dick sucking interview he might not even win in clapton
Imagine being any less transparent of a shill than this
I voted Labour lad
Farage is a putin loving spastic, at least labour might rip up the shitty planning system and tell boomers to fuck off

fuck investment bankers
fuck tories
fuck russia
Some polls predict 18-28.
The red wall alone covers about 42 seats and reform should do well there.
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>No mention of the millions of wogs that have been let in to the country and given everything for free by the tax payer
How odd.
Voted reform because fuck the two main parties.
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What are the political implications of me voting Reform not but 10 minutes ago?
Back to basics
Depends, how many pakis did you see on the way to the polling station
I wonder this though
How severe of a fall will Tories suffer
Could we see libdems becoming the main opposition
>didnt watch the bbc interview where he was asked about ukraine and just run with your own narrative.
You people are utter spastics.
Despite that nobody gives a shit about ukraine except the obscene amount of money we give them
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>political implications
None. While they may pick up some seats it's also possible they pick up zero seats.
Hope everyone has voted lib dem today
Looks like Neom in Saudi
Also starmer has aged great for a 62 year old dude
He looks 10 years younger
he said the same line as trump
he speaks at trump rallies

hes a rich faglord inbred govelike nonce

2faced and shallow and stutters and stammers when asked anything even remotely policy based

a vapid cretin
Well if they are not there we don't have to feel guilty about the next part of the plan
Stick ur dick in a blender faggit
i thought he was 40ish
I reckon 90% chance they get single digits. If they reach double digits the tories will be on a complete wipeout
Surprised to see a brit with TDS. Move over to America so you can vote democrat mate.
Maybe. Still voted for them anyway on the off chance you're wrong and they get to do some good down the road. It will be worth it just to see the outrage and seething if they get seats.
england is the leader of the world

where we go america will follow

labour victory means biden victory
Actually fixed:
>Conservative - Neolib globalists
>Reform - Civic nationalist neolibs
>Labour - Neolib globalists
>Liberal democrats - Neolib globalists
>Greens - Social democrats with an environmental veneer
>SNP - Social democrats with a nationalist veneer
Ultimately Reform dividing the right-leaning vote is Farage's plan. His plan is to be parachuted into Tory leadership.
Guys. Who should I vote for? I'm stil undecided but obviously I have to vote.
so hes a liar?

In which constituencies?
Go back to plebbit you dumb cunt so you can suck off biden with your peadophile pals
Please just vote reform.
If they do really well it'd be funny and if they don't it won't mean anything anyway. The conservatives are a bunch of shit retards who have never conserved anything and labour are all weirdo liberal spastics. If you're not voting reform I don't know why you're even bothering to vote.
he changes his mind every interview
Not a Brit but
Look at your constituency polls and go from there
That's what I would have done
If that were true they wouldn't get so much flak and farage would be our new prime minister
Well right now I'm thinking Tory or maybe Labour.
Go Tory if reform is just a blip in the polls
unless its about making money for himself and his banker cronies

remember he made millions off finicial exports due to brexit
he likes russian investment and capital
>Well right now I'm thinking Tory or maybe Labour.
Are you taking the piss?
Why is a turk shilling tory?
are Reform the good guys?

they're cucked on israel, but based on immigration right?
Thatcherite neoliberals, so no they are bad
Reasons to vote Reform: They propose to massively reduce immigration, end Net Zero, fight against woke shit, change hate crimes and take a more balanced view of ukraine war and they are going to fuck up the tories beyond all recognition. If you don't like these policies, vote for literally anyone else because they the rest all want the opposite. Maybe vote Green and hope they ban electricity.

Reasons to not vote for Reform: Nigel isn't explicitly racist and took the jab ergo 'controlled opposition'.
I support the total destruction of Russia.
Nah that's what I would have done if I was a Brit
And besides starmer is prime minister elect and Tories are fucked
Vote lib dem, they will smash your blue balls with their yellow hammer
>starmer is prime minister elect and Tories are fucked
Exactly so why would you vote for them over reform
Depends on who is on the front in the polls
Too bad. you should vote labour or tory then. Or better yet, just an hero yourself rather than dragging the rest of us into your suicide pact.
They are, sadly, the best we have.
I dunno about good guys, but the best on offer for reasons stated above: >>473047450
Cope, Vatnik.
Reform are centre-left libtards
You're the one coping while you choke on zelensky's dick if you really think this ends the destruction of russia. The only way that happens is if we go full thermonuclear war.

And for the record, i don't support russia or ukraine. I just don't intend to die for either.
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daily reminder international students that arrived a week ago have same voting rights as you lmao
Voted Reform literally no one else to vote for
All this seethe, kek.
All I had to do was call you what you are, a Vatnik shill and a Ruzzia slurper.
Any meme independents running in your area?
What is the point in voting for a party who have told you that they aren't going to be in power? Literally every policy they present is meaningless. It's just a vehicle for Nigel Farage to become and MP because it will improve his lifestyle and brand.
Migrate once this is full
They are saying Rishi is afraid he might lose his seat as well.
whats the point of voting at all? either way you're getting replaced by a nigger chud. Might as well have some bants on the way to total civilisationsal collapse
the absolute fucking state
The two things that would make me laugh the hardest tonight is if Rishi loses his seat and if the Lib Dems become the official opposition. The former is more likely but I will fucking piss myself laughing if the latter actually happens.
His lifestyle will be a lot worse as an MP.
But it is gonna be funny to see our Nige poking holes in Labours insane delusional policies that are identical to the conservatives policies.
a vote for reform is a vote for russia

russia love migrants and they are the ones sending them here
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u need to post this in every uk elections thread
what a joke of a country kek
>its da ruskies
>Noooooo why is everyone poor?!
Maybe something to do with the millions of imported wogs who don't pay taxes.
Dignified cheating.
First past the post is a rigged system that allows either leading party to manipulate the third place party to swing the balance of power into their favor.

It is anti-democratic and should be removed.

It allows a party to wield power without being elected. Take my country for example Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of my country with only 22% of the national vote.
Who knows why Josh does what he does
Agreed. Vote Torie or Labour my friend!
Oy vey!

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