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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Retarded jewish janny moved thread from /pol/ to /bant/, a form of soft-censorship
What are the political implications?
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>Previous thread still active
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Fuck off Shlomo
>Big bang is talmud
Also known as Ein sof
>Now fuck off
like i said; all you want is to shit up /pol/ with your cultist memes. what a silly little fag you are.
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Like I said, kvetch more Shlomo
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>Farts debunk the globe myth too
Fucking lol
>i'll spam all my flat earth memes again and again
>and avoid ever discussing any of them
You weight a little bit lighter at the equator than you do at the poles to account for centrifugal force
Jews well poisoning with flat earth again
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>jewish shills HATE memes
Keep on trucking!
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>Caught ya Shlomo
Kek, jews are so predictable
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>I will continue to kvetch
Ok Shlomo
>posts lying memes non stop
>never bothered checking them out before reposting
>calls other anons dishonest
just stop. get help. take meds.
For what exactly? Getting me to go back to church?
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>Keeps kvetching
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>jews love to try attach their jewish jebus nonsense to the reality of a flat Earth
Keep alert!
>In reality, the fact earth is flat does not mean a jewish god exists
Right. So what is the intention of your flat earth "activism" then?
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Good question
OP, can you answer these questions?

1 - How come if I go to the northern hemisphere and take a time lapse of the sky, the stars rotate around a central point in a clockwise direction, then when I go to the southern hemisphere and do the same thing, the stars rotate around a central point in the opposite direction? Eg, from left to right at the north pole, from right to left at the south? How does flat earth explain this observation?

2 - I take 2 heavy, non-magnetic balls, and suspend them on a torsion balance (a rod hanging by a string in the centre, one ball on each end) then I leave them overnight to come to a complete rest, then I come back in the morning and put 2 more heavy balls between the two suspended on the balance, such that we have an X shape between the balls and the string (looking down from above), I observe that after some period of time (hours to days), the 2 balls suspended by the balance rotate towards the balls we placed down. We can repeat this observation anywhere, however you like. In a vacuum, whatever. When I place down 2 heavy balls that are allowed to rotate freely around a central point, then put heavy mass on either side, it creates a force causing the balls to move towards each other.

What causes this phenomena?

3 - If I were to charter a private flight over the ice wall, what would happen?

4 - Final questions, feel free to answer all or none of these: How does a lunar eclipse work? Further, how does a solar eclipse work? Is the sun real? The moon? How do day/night cycles work and how do we explain that while maintaining a consistent explanation of the behaviour of electromagnetic radiation?
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Ask some real life questions and you will find truth, not silly questions from your insane globe cult
Thought it wasn't religious and that flat earth didn't prove jewsus. So why is that entire meme referencing creationism?
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>Step 1.
Ice wall may or may not surround Earth containing the ocean

It may or may not open to expose a greater ocean and land mass area, or multiple

Dome is a jewish lie, there is likely no dome

Jebus is garbage, as is zionism

Earth is a slave colony

Where is our true homeland?
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>An idea, nothing more
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>The (((Summer gate))) passage
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>How far have they reached?
Sounds like the kind of deflection a cultists would have to make.

Can't let those pesky 'empirical observations' mess with day world view, amirite?

Do you ferment your piss too?
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Sounds like you hate science and love cartoons
Why is it when I lived in the Northern hemisphere I captured a time-lapse of the stars rotating one way, then in the southern I got one rotating the other way?

Flat earthers cannot answer this one simple question without being BTFO
he says while posting cartoons
The sheer ballsiness of this flat earth shill
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thats why he doesn't answer
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>Still kvetching
Do you have any actual real life evidence as per the scientific method for any claims made by your insane globe cult?
When did you last conduct any 'science'? You know you can go outside and look at things, right? Like, the stars rotating overhead?

You live in a delusion.

Flatties BTFO cope is visibly seeping from their fiveheads
you absolute nigger. i asked you for a source on one of your lying memes and look how you behaved.

you must be a troll. nobody can be this retarded and dishonest.
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What Shlomo
One of these.
you're a waste of time. even your trolling is boring and low effort.
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>Fake jewish news
Are you brown?
Oops, can't upload incognito, doesn't matter.

My Nikkon and astrophotography setup.
You don't need anything near as expensive as my rig. Tbh, you can achieve a similar (lower quality) effect with a gopro, or any camera that allows time-lapse.

Buuut the catch is you need to travel at some point. Or you need to know someone in the opposite hemisphere that is willing to engage your lunacy long enough to go through the hassle for you. It's not my job to educate you, you're all about doing your own research, right? Well, this is about the easiest thing to check I can give you. It's basically trivial. Anything less than actually trying some of these experiments while still preaching is just lying. Which you are. And you know you are.

Low IQ Flatties BTFO, try this one simple trick that defeats flat earth! Preachers hate him!
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Lol, using a Nikkon camera instead of a moderately priced telescope, no wonder you think Earth is a ball

What do the things in the sky have to do with the shape of our flat Earth below our feet?
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>What do the things in the sky have to do with the shape of our flat Earth below our feet?
That's a church in Reykjavik, Iceland. I've been there twice.
Earth is flat . Agree. Every possible scientific proof shows that it's flat or that we are on a locally flat surface at least.
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The floor is below my feet.
are you fucking retarded?
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>Walt Disney speaking in code to fellow "elitists"
Showing them the Earth and surrounding explored lands
Have you actually researched any non jewish sources for the evidence of the flat earth look up Taboo Conspiracy ii
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What the fuck?
Learn to read you dumb third world jewish retard of zion
Did you know, The Big Bang Theory was a TV show?
Let that sink in.
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jews need to fuck off back to israel
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There is no downwards acceleration. End of story. Globe is dead.
Solving "gravity" is the key to everything. "Gravity" is the imaginary concept that holds the whole global universe together. In physical reality force is motion. F = mass x acceleration/velocity. The constant motion of earth upwards makes you stick to it, that's pressing against your body with 1 g, that's displacing the liquid in your balance system and you detect the upwards vector. In "freefall" you don't have pressure or a directional vector, because there is no force acting upon you anymore. If you detach from earth, you begin to lose momentum with 9.8m/s^2. It's not an acceleration. "Gravity" is kin to The Force in Star Wars, it doesn't exist in physical reality.

How much are these kikes being paid to spam anti flat earth bs, All i can say is research it yourself the evidence of a flat earth is fucking overwhelming
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Did you know jews rape kids?
That's the way the cookie crumbles
Kikes BTFO with my facts.
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>This guy gets it
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You can't even speak English you turkey
We know retard. Kikes like you rape kids.
Holy shit these are sooo fucken bad
Cartography is a art
This shit u posted is fucken preschool
its sooo fucken bad and wrong
The scales are all fucked
Theres nothing to acount for costline paradox
No legend
no ruler
Fucken hell they even forgot a compas....
Lazy and dumb

Flatties arent just stupid
They are incompetent
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Caught ya again Shlomo
Just Spam Taboo Conspiracy ii youtube, anyone with an open mind will see reality. 99% of the time when you post Taboo Conspiracy ii the thread is killed
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You think cartoons are science
Are you sure? What kind of research can I do, independently, that might verify a flat earth over a globe?

Ive listed 2 very simple experiments that annihilate flat earth, and I've done both of them myself. Could you give 1 experiment that I could conduct that might lend credence to the flat earth hypothesis?
This fucking retard doesn't even know he is jewish.
Kike BTFO again.
Can't take time lapses with a telescope? Are you retarded?

The only real conspiracies are the ones you are unable to talk about
if I say "jews control the world" I will get censored and jailed
If I say "the earth is flat" I will just get looked at as retarded but nothing more

if I say "Israel controls australia through America which is controlled through AIPAC" I will have my life ruined
If I say "bigfoot is real" I will barley get a second look

The fact that you can even talk about your bullshit "conspiracy" shows its fake and just used as wellpoisoning for the real shit to make eveyrone look retarded, everyone hates you, progressives hate you because it makes them feel superior, rights hate you because you well poison them by association and make them look retarded, and I hate you. Fuck yourself.
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>The jew is raging
Flattards have no answer to the pole stars question. They know this single fsvt alone completely btfo's any notion of flat earth and proves it to be geometrically impossible
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Simple. Because if we were on a flat plane, and that plane is spinning, then the stars will appear to track in the same direction at any point on earth, no matter where you stand or which way you face. A time lapse would show linear motion, or consistent angular motion, if the earth were flat.

If the earth is a sphere, and you plant your feet at the north pole and look up, you'll notice the stars trace a circle around you. You'll then notice at the south pole, when you plant your feet and look up, that the stars do the same thing but in the opposite direction (for you), because you are now 'upside down' relative to where you were standing on the north pole.

Seriously, this is not difficult. If you couldn't infer that yourself, it's no shock that you fell for this brainslop
you were already rage spamming retard.
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Why the fuck would a plane be spinning?
Where the fuck is your chin?
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Not my fault you have a mutilated jewish cock Shlomo
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You're just confusing them with all this talk about geometry, viewpoints and space. Someone with an IQ <80 (so literally every flat earther) doesn't have the mental capacity to even visualize what you're saying. That's why they're capable of falling for flat earth to begin with lmao. They think they're ahead of everyone else when it comes to spacial reasoning, but the opposite is actually true
You're mad I said kikes rape babies.
kikes now rage spamming
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>jews be like
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What, why do you keep trying to play victim?
we know kike, we know
stop raping kids
not cool
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>The evil jew exposed again
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>Terrible at jewish damage control
ok kike, we get it.
You will continue rage spamming your talmud "rituals" until we submit.
kys kike
Actually, let's take this a step further

If you go to the southernmost point in Australia (I've been there), take a compass, and look south. You'll see this


The southern Cross. If you go to South America, and you take a compass, and look south, you'll see this


How does that work on a flat earth? On the flat earth 'map', the south of Chile and the south of Australia are pointing completely different directions, and yet both can ascertain south from the stars.

Actually, here's one:

How do you explain pre-gps navigation? How did Columbus navigate? Using a sextant? Well, guess what that requires (glove earth).
Because it's retarded and people don't generally engage with retards.
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This isn't actually true.
Globohomo centers (Brits, Swiss) and the Vatican have their own brainwashing centers and truth destroying internet trolls.
The Vatican also.
The CIA also.
All of the above push ball cartoon and are hiding ancient white civilizations.
>sextant? Well, guess what that requires (glove earth).
it requires a flat surface
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Even Neil Degrasse Tyson was accused of raping 5 students and quickly covered it up
>The jew works together to keep the goy docile
This entire jewish sex pervert cult of balls is absurd
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oh no
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Yes it is
>Keep up
So if the plane isn't spinning, why do the stars move in a circular fashion, and why does that circular motion seem to go the opposite direction at the opposing pole?

I don't care if the plane is moving or not, either way the question remains the same, the observation remains the same, and you remain wrong and deliberately ignorant
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What the fuck are you talking about?

Did you know that oceans do not bend in real life?
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>How jews think lighthouses work on their ball shaped cartoon testicle Earth
keep rage spamming kike, we have all day in the US, it's a holiday after all
That’s not even level
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I don't think you quite comprehend what is going on here Shlomo
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This is what you believe because you are slow
Israel pays you to post.
Yeah, we know.
Stop raping babies kike.
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Talmud 101 - accuse the enemy of your own actions
>Good one Shlomo
1 - Space is really, really big.

2 - things in space are really, really far away

3 - Polaris is the North star *now*. It wasn't 1000 years ago.

You're using words you don't understand, to argue against evidence you aren't willing to examine, while posting self-defeating images. You *have* to be a troll. That image alone debunks flat earth. The time lapse literally shows an arrangement of stars that would not be possible on a flat plane, it just hides that fact because it's poorly shopped.

How do you explain those patterns of stars, bearing in mind that the ones in the north rotate the opposite direction to those in the south (for an observer on the ground). You can't. Because the earth is not flat.
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Why do jews hate science?
You ever go into a really thick old growth forest where the average tree trunk is 4 foot wide or more? Very interesting place if you havent been. Compared to a nearby field it will be much cooler because of the shade. But because of all those huge trees and because the forest is so thick with them there will be almost no breatheable air. If you were say just going for a hike youd be fine and not notice anything but if you were doing strenuous work in that forest, say clearing a path with hand tools, before long youd be gasping for air for lack of oxygen. Its more dangerous to do manual labor in that cool forest than out in the sun in the nearby field, because out in the field you know you need to take a break well before you do but in that old growth forest it will sneak up on you and you can feel fine one minute and be having a medical emergency the next. Whats that got to do with this thread? Maybe nothing. Or maybe my point is that things dont always need to make sense. Without experience working in such a forest youd never think it would work like that. Even having experience hiking through such a forest youd never think that working in that forest would be so different. But there is very little airflow in there, while hiking you are moving but if you are staying in a general area and doing work there the air quality deteriorates because its like breathing in a sealed room. Science seeks to explain such things and it does a decent job of coming up with explanations for things in closed systems (laboratory settings) but it can never see the whole picture so it can only explain what is visible at that time. Perspective is always limited and can never be complete and without a complete perspective any rules observed can only pertain to what is visible at that time.
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lucky for you the compression of ms paint knew to show the optical illusion of curvature, but only with the horizon, not with a drawn straight line
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Just found a couple of videos on the flat earth truth. Here you go anons:

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Who told you that?
And then science, of late, comes to the conclusion that because we can define what we can see eventually we will be able to fully define what we cant see based upon what we can see. What they miss is that it will always increase. The more we figure out the more there will be that we havent figured out. And what we havent figured out will always be undefinable by what we have figured out. Why? Because, put very simply, God is real.
It requires longitude and latitude lines which only work on a globe, not on a flat earth.
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>Fake jewish news attempt at subversion
These videos are gay
Further proof the earth is flat: ocean waves.
The ridiculous notion that the moon somehow creates ocean waves and tides is patently false.
What causes the waves is the earth being so flat it actually flexes a bit.
If the Earth were not so thin the vibration would cause it to break apart.
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>Shill shit
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The wave travels across the demonstrably level ocean
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I don't get why globetards has the need to lie so much.
>Talmud 101 - accuse the enemy of your own actions
>Good one Shlomo
Yeah, I know kike. That's why you keep rage posting.
Did you miss your afternoon baby rape today?
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No sane people want to see your retarded psyop
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>Beware of shills attempting to promote flat earth as a disc in space to keep you docile
>Find the real stuff on Yandex
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>Still kvetching
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So you think Australia is upside down in real life do you Shlomo?
The bit about the stars rotating opposite directions? I told me, when I did it.

Or do you mean about space being really big? Cause that's a different story. That comes from my undergraduate years, I spent a long time looking through telescopes and operated out of some observatories. So to some degree, I've seen the wheels of the solar system in motion, with my own eyes. I watched a couple of Jupiter transits, those were cool. Looking through high quality equipment gives you a much better sense of scale.
Saying that science has become hogwash is shill shit? Found the yid
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Is English your first language?
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Buddy I don’t know how someone is supposed to throw an enormous concept at you like this, but the majority of things are just empty and too big to wrap your head around without a comparison or a cartoon.
Like this is a real picture taken by a probe of the sun, and in one of the little zoomed in sunbeams is the earth. I’m pretty sure you’re just not capable of accepting that the world you live in is not only too enormous to wrap your head around, but all the worlds beyond are too far away and big to understand or ever see with your own eyes. This is a fundamental issue with flat earth. It’s too small.
Kike, please stick to English.
I don't speak jew.
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Science is science, cartoons are not
>You think cartoons are science
Filthy jew
Yes, but please bear in mind we are in a flat earth thread, so I am trying to write in a simplistic fashion. When in Rome, and all that
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>Trouble comprehending the English language
Ok Shlomo
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NASA and modern astronomy claim that star-trails in the Southern Hemisphere rotate clockwise, while those in the North rotate counter-clockwise and provide this as proof positive of their spinning ball-Earth. In reality, however, the Earth is an extended flat plane and all the stars and other celestial bodies rotate East to West around Polaris, the only non-moving star in the sky situated perfectly in line directly above the North Pole. The so-called "South Pole" and South Pole star "Sigma Octantis" are both myths - complete fabrications to bolster their ball model.
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Earth is flat, go look at ya gilf's tits
Your brain is rotten. Who gives a flying fuck what shape the earth is? What would it change about your life?
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NASA is code for NAZI jewish garbage
Kike, I asked nicely.
I don't speak jew, I don't know a sholmo.
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>Does not comprehend what is going on
Kek, it is unfortunate you are from the 3rd world Shlomo, dream big
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Reminder this is the face of the "white Australian" flat earther who calls Hitler a jew.
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>Tfw you find out that's a random arab from an internet forum sent to set up jewish stalkers on reddit
>Fuck off
Explain density without using mass.
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>Imagine trying to stalk the glorious EIL and sucking so hard at it that you think he is one of 3 people, all of whom have crushed the tranny known as bardfinn and posse
>Come at me ya filthy jewish criminal of the internet, and retard who hates science
retard is rage posting so much they can't keep it straight who is a nazi, kike, nasa, racist
this is too funny
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He loves talking about himself in the third person.
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>the tranny known as bardfinn
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Who is he?
>Did you know Hitler was a rothschild, and a zionist jew?
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Yes yes, EIL is fucking wonderful, we know
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He's been doing this deranged shtick of excessive ban evading and schizo talk for over a decade.
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>Imagine trying to complain about EIL on 4chan, where literally 95% of peoples support him against his crusade to crush internet terrorists of malicious countries imposing their garbage into his own
The rage posting is so hard, the kike can't keep the jpg folders separate.
Next thing you know the kike will be posting nsfw images.
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You're a flop, post more shit for my archive jew
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You're a schizophrenic sandnigger.
oh fuck you're a redditor?
fuck it, I'm out.

Did you really think we wouldn't notice you switching to your phones IP and putting on a memeflag silly same fag?

Flat eatth is Judeo-Masonic nonsense
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>I'm a pirate
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Imagine being stalked by a bunch of mutilated dick, hook nose jewish supremacists, fucking lol

Poor EIL
Can you post your time-lapse videos please?
Kelsey Hughes - known as 74 Gear, is an American pilot and YouTuber who resides in Dallas, Texas
he was organizing a flight over the south pole and raising money to prove the flat earthers wrong.
it never happened and he never talked about it again.
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>Beware of trannys!
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Wonder what's over the ice wall
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>A map from before the jew took over and changed everything
>After 1650 the zionist jew removed 4 countries from the top of earth and called it "the north pole"
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>The ridiculous notion that the moon somehow creates ocean waves and tides is patently false.
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>NASA is just MK ULTRA
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This. Actual Earth's electrical / electrostatic / electromagnetic field is torus shaped.
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Beware of jews promoting "flat earth" as a disc in heliocentric 'space' to keep you docile

NO legitimate flat earther thinks Earth is a pizza in the sky
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>The 'heliocentric' system
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You will never have a flat Earth. You have no model, you have no math, you have no testable predictions. You have a zoomed in photo twisted by bad line-of-sight calculations and weed into a crude mockery of God's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, and your “friends” laugh at your flattie videos behind closed doors.

Rational people are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of hours of education allow smart people to sniff out pseudo scientific frauds with incredible efficiency. Even flat Earth photos which “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a thinking person. Your unanswerable questions are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl to watch a video with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she realizes you weren't just joking about flat Earth conspiracy theory.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake "I know it's true!" every single morning and tell yourself others are going to believe. But deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight caused by the force you deny, Earth's gravity.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a ring laser gyroscope, start your livestream, and plunge into the cold abyss of Internet mockery. Your parents will find you accidentally proving the globe, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll copy and upload your video across social media, and every viewer for the rest of eternity will know Earth is a rotating globe. Your flat Earth videos will decay and get deleted from YouTube, and all that will remain of your legacy is a video with an experiment that unmistakably proves the globe.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
>>NASA is just MK ULTRA
It's more, it's swiss CIA / Mi6 glowniggers , the freemasons and they are supported by the Vatican jesuits.
They are completely and utterly erasing any real information from Google, from Google Earth (any discriminating pictures of real stuff gets edited) and from Youtube.
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Globies think maps and models and cartoons are evidence, lol
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>It's the jews
>actually do math
>gravity is much much greater than centripetal acceleration on the earths equater
It's nice not being retarded
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Well, This is the agreed upon Scale and shape of your flat earth model
That image should be targeted towards /ptg/ posters
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Step 1.
>Cartoons are not proofs
The end
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Did you get that information from your globe cult?
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How come every time I post the model the thread gets banned shortly after?
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Look in the top right of this image and compare it to this .webm
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That's the moon
No, I asked for a model in a Flat Earth thread and they provided this and said it was the best one they had, If you have a better one please share it
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Top left I meant.
It’s over for the globeniggers lol
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The moon is a reflection of Earth, the true Earth, not the jewish ball earth farce
The jews are the tiny front of the massive Freemason and the Vatican agencies.
Euro kings are above everybody.
If you look at 100 YT fake history videos that they are doing to erase actual real history.
There's always french freemason, brit glowingger, occasional swiss CIA agent, occasional amercan cia "historian", and very commonly some vatican agent claiming everything is a "tomb", "temple" or "church".
This can be seen on thousands of YT videos they are publishing from historical centers.
I have yet to see someone there in yarmulke, other than low level hired "historian".
Because kikes have flat earth as their belief, that alone is reason enough to stay globe, even if FE was right.
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Nice try nigger
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>The moon reflects our true Earth
A map of our demonstrably level Earth
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>True story
The globe myth is fucking dumb
I'm spoiling some people's fun, but you should be made aware that there's an IRC channel with a dozen guys who cook up the most outrageously goofy Flattie shit they can think of just to troll.
Nobody wins by engaging with them; just let them bump spam their own threads until they get bored or the jannies keyword ban them.
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Wow you so smaht
Why the fuck are you retards responding to this?
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You mean every single culture to have ever existed except sciencism you dumb fuck?
Also isn’t it hecking funny Israel is a national socialist ethnostate?
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Gravity is the answer to all the bullshit they can't (or won't) explain. It does so many things it may as well be magic.

Look at what "gravity" does to water.
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>Check this fucking thing out
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it is like a disk world out there.
I don't know if it's sad or hilarious how much pride flat earthers take in not understanding highschool physics.
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>perfectly straight line
Why would the rail gun projectile be immune to gravity?
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relative to what?
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>Doesn't understand her own globe myth
>Solving "gravity" is the key to everything. "Gravity" is the imaginary concept that holds the whole global universe together.
In physical reality we have MASSIVE planetary electrical, electrostatic and electromagnetic fields that are so much stronger than imaginary gravity, that imaginary "gravity" can be ignored.

> force is motion.
Ehh. You get electricity , electrical field as soon as you start motion. From that you may get your energy.
>The constant motion of earth upwards makes you stick to it,
Its actually massive planetary electric fields.
Ground is charged with (-), atmosphere above certain level are charged with (+).
The (+) ions are constantly flowing to the ground, producing downward electrical and electrostatic forces.
>something like that, my physics is rusty.
"Wait what? so there never was a resource problem?"
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Lol globeniggers eternally btfo itt
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>People supporting the globe myth are jewish shills and bots on 4chan, not legitimate globe believers
You can tell because they all say the same useless garbage, taken from their shill handbook
>The amount of shilling in this thread makes you think something isn't right
Earth is clearly flat
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>my physics is rusty.
It's not rusty, it's non-existent. You're merely parroting Witshit who also has no clue about physics.
That picture isn't taken 0 feet above the water, it looks like it's taken like 20 feet above the water. When you take into account the height of the camera, globe model still predicts you could see the city.
You know for every single "meme" image you post, I know why it's wrong and what specific mistake the retard who made it made
The MOST convincing stuff you have is the random pattern on the moon looking very vaguely like the UN flag
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Oceans don't bend in real life though
It's hilarious how much retarded ball earthers are that they take pride in taking high school physics, yet not actually understanding anything that's said in the classes:
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Hey poika, where's your alleged curvature?
Globe model blows itself out of the [level] water.

You can complain all day with the intellectual superiority complex of a 19 year old atheist, but doesn't make Earth a spinning, flying, spaceball.
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(no physicist agrees with flat earthers)
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Mods have been putting in work.
The last three threads were sent to bizzant shortly after I started posting flat maps.
Imagine being so stupid you actively participate in a thread like this. You stupid fucks, just ignore this shit. Look at how big this thread is? Fucking retards.
Why don't you go on YT and learn something, retard? I swear people just repeat crap without actual understading of it .
>How Powering with Atmospheric Electricity Works
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Rape ape is 4chan's #1 jewish janny
>Why don't you go on YT and learn something, retard
The irony, coming from a flat earther.
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Where is that Defrap cunt
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Have you guys managed to find the sun at night?
Encyclopedia Britannica. Makes it a bit complicated, because I actually never seen lightning that strikes from the Earth into the clouds. It always strikes from the clouds down to the Earth.
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Talmud isn't for the goyim.
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Light is always localized.
>you need 40 light bulbs to light your rooms at night , not one.
>Retard flerf thinks lights stops propagating after a certain distance, and as a bonus doesn't understand camera exposures
Obviously basic perspective applies
But that image doesn't sound ok in enough to see a long enough segment of the bridge to notice anty curve
The most critical part, where the bridge disappears, is covered up by a bunch of MS paint lines!
Water is effectively "level" at small scales. You need miles and miles of water to do experiments that measure the curvature
Putting on full display the fact that you don't know the meaning of scientific theory are only understand the colloquial usage of the word.
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Flerfs cannot explain why Mount Everest appears below other mountains
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>Smooth brained glerf hates science, makes things up as she goes
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Flerfs cannot explain flight paths or times in the Southern Hemisphere
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>Glerfs hate that farts debunk their anti science glerf myth
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Flerfs still cannot explain Southern Hemisphere flight times on their pizza world
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Glerfs think cartoons are science
>Terrible at jewish damage control
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Flerfs cannot understand focal length and other aspects of photography
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Glerfs get their fake news from youtube
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Flerfs will lie to you about focal length and zoom to make their memes
23 posts
51 posts
37 posts
16 posts
16 posts

Half the thread is these 5 people
>he says while spamming memes from flat earth youtubers
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Glerfs do not comprehend perspective which is why normal people do not take them seriously
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Flerfs will not use proper solar filters when lying about the size of the sun
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>Kvetching science hater
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Flerfs lie and say "the horizon always rises to eye level" when this is demonstrably false
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Glerfs love liquid hot mag-ma
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Flerfs lie and say "the horizon always rises to eye level" when this is demonstrably false, part 2
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Flerfs lie about perspective
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Flerfs cannot explain the Moon
It's even worse. The memeflags and OP are the same person, so that's 111 posts (and counting) by the same arab schizo (see: >>473040677)
Weird how somebody took a picture of that lightbulb from a dark area. Shouldn't the lightbulb be hidden by the magical horizon, just like the sun at night?
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>FlatEarth W.S. A glerf site that implies cartoons are scientific evidence
Kek they are getting desperate
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Flerfs cannot explain the Moon, part 2
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>Turbo jewish science hater
Kek, why do you hate science, Shlomo?
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Flerfs use incorrect math in their memes because they know the simple-minded will not question it
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Why are globetards always lie?
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Flerfs use incorrect math in their memes because they know the simple-minded will not question it, part 2
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Flerfs still cannot explain Southern Hemisphere flight paths
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>Hilariously, a triggered jew is raging behind the scenes

Did you know oceans do not bend in real life and that cartoons are not scientific evidence?
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Flerfs have no map that can explain the easily demonstrable size of landmasses or flight times
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Flerfs cannot explain how people at different longitudes can all see the Southern Cross at the same time when they are looking in different directions
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>Thinks cartoon maps are scientific evidence
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>Globe believer: "These cartoons are evidence, if you do not think they are evidence you are stupid"
>Normal person: "Get fucked you jewish retard"
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Flerfs cannot explain how stars rotate clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere
They will often say "It's because you're looking in a different direction"
Put a clock on your ceiling - at what position can you see the clock rotating counter-clockwise?
You can't, flerf is thus disproven
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Flerfs still cannot explain the rotation of stars in the Southern Hemisphere
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In September 2017 during the Equinox, 23 amateurs from 9 countries measured the shadows cast by a vertical pole at solar noon
They gave their data, including photos of the measurements, to a Youtuber called Sly Sparkane
All of the photos as well as GPS locations for each person is shown in the video

He mapped them onto a flat plane and saw no correlation indicating a single local Sun
Then he mapped them onto a sphere and saw all angles fell within one degree of parallel
This is what Eratosthenes did over 2000 years ago, but he did it with many more data points

The Flat Earth is thus disproven by sticks and shadows
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So you see why nobody takes globies seriously then
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Flerfs cannot explain how the sun sets
Let that sink in - they cannot explain something that has been seen by every living person, ever
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The entire globe myth is based on jews and freemasons larping and lying
>The jew turned our Earth into a prison world
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Flerfs cannot explain the sun below clouds
The people on the ground must be burning up, right?
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Flerfs cannot explain how a mountain can cast a shadow on the underside of a cloud
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>Why would they lie about the shape of our demonstrably level Earth?
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Flerfs cannot explain how increasing elevation can cause the sun to re-appear after it has disappeared beyond the horizon
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Flerfs cannot explain how the sun stays the same size (minus atmospheric distortion) as it sets
Perspective dictates it should shrink
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>Terrible at science
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That's actually the only half decent question this jew here brought that is actually half legit.
Because "Southern Cross" is not a star.
It is electromagnetic fields , massive intersections of electric fields of the planet that you see that I posted above.
>the earths electrical field is a rotating TORUS.
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Flerfs still cannot explain sunsets
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He's an idiot, like all science hating globe believers
Why do you hate science?
Every 70 miles you travel the stars will appear 1 degree lower. It's perspective. >>473036737
Get a clock and room big enough to test your strawman.
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Flerfs are in a cult and are unable to be reasoned with
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Man, you must feel stupid
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Let's be honest
>Only 5 years ago you used to think Santa was real
Now fuck off, dork
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>I believe in santa and the globe and the easter bunny and a jebus
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Flerfs do not use solar filters and lie about it
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Flerfs cannot explain it
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Farts debunk the globe myth, so yeah
wow. so stupid u are. in one pic there look up and the second one their is looking to the side to the side. if we look up in sky we see same stars wtf ever we are. this is a low IQ trick to lure ppl in to a visual illusion of the realty. the ez way to mind fuck some one. the result is same on flat and round earth
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It's perspective, did you flunk early-school or similar?

All your shit is dumb, kek
nah flerfers are wrong. distances and sizes of objects don't make sense on a flat earth. plus we know that mass displaces space, that space isn't empty -- all the "missing dark matter" is space! space is a /thing/ that other things move through. a medium:

>Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof, (Job 38:19)
>He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. (Psalm 18:11)
>And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. (Isaiah 45:3)
>zoom in with a camera
>see BOTTOMS of the windmills
>prove you don't see a ball.
Hahaha globetards effed themselves here.
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>ITT: Flat earther single handedly crushes 50 jewish globe shills with great ease
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Zero evidence for a ball shaped testicle earth existing, just bots and jewish retards larping
what a dumb thread!
All flat earthers should be euthanized
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Not as dumb as thinking France is sideways in real life
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All jews should be expelled
Finally we can call all these "Round-Earthers" what they are - ANTISEMITES!
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if by talmud you mean orthodox christian, then yes.
everyone knows ein soph was ripped off from yggdrasil and the assyrian tree of life
idk if you know this but jews are incapable of original thought. everything they do is a corruption of something else or someone else's work
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>I am a triggered janny and I made it so the thread don't bump anymore, so I'm going to have to keep a look out for the new one very shortly
>Zero evidence for a ball shaped testicle earth existing

Make a rocket, go 500kms above the earth and show us the flat earth.
you've been spamming this place for years and still you don't know about bump limits
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Looks like we're over here now!


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>Bump limits
you will always stick out, sandnigger
not one flat eather i've ever seen post shit like this has any idea how little the globe model says the surface should curve over these short distances.
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yeah well you're talking about "buoyancy" right? matter "floats" in space because while it displaces space, space pushes back on it which kinda quantumly locks it in place just like it does on a small scale to individual atoms. so gravity is a real force, it's just defined by how much stuff displaces how much space. and it's got some limits built into it, so there's an upper limit on how big a thing can be in our universe.

all this btw helps proves God's existence and the necessity of a created universe. flat earth really doesn't do it for me, and there's lots of reasons why. flerfers still can't explain the virtual horizon other than to say it's some fall of distance or whatever. observation doesn't match this though, and bending of light can indeed be explained by displacement of space.

please stop spreading lies, that it "has to be" this way for God to be true, because it's just not so. the earth being round solves a ton of problems. apparent problems are solvable with more schooling, but it is likely that lots of you flerfers just can't grasp advanced concepts or rotate 3D objects in your head, and won't ever "get it".
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its mostly a couple, or even just a single, flat earth spamming schizo. this is the worst flat earth thread ever.
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I am famous, filthy jew
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Mudslimes and jews are both negros of the sand
you're mentally ill
they do use them in some of these silly videos....but then they still manage to over expose the sun so the whole thing is pointless.
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You're the one who thinks ya grandpa's an ape, dork
>uses a football field
>doesn't know they are higher in the middle than at the edges (crowned)
>or does know, and lies about it anyway
mental illness
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>Doesn't comprehend perspective
Here's a giant lake
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