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What was Russia's reason for annexing Crimea in 2014, I mean the REAL reason
It's literally Russian land that ended up in wrong hands due to Ukrainian takeover of USSR in 1953, and then a CIA coup in 1991
Natives of Crimea never considered themselves Ukrainian
Crimea is the land of everyone and everything, tatars, greeks, germans, russians, turks etc
It probably has something to do with Crimea being Russian.
So, r*ssians being pale niggers, as always.
>Natives of Crimea never considered themselves Ukrainian
Natives of Crimea, Crimean Tatars, were massively deported to Uzbekistan during Stalin, and they could return only after the USSR collapse. Not only that, they were ethnically replaced by r*ssians.
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So 23 years after the fact Russia decides it is theirs out of the blue?
And before them there were Greeks, and before them probably someone else
All Turkic people on European soil never were natives of those lands
Strategic Paranoia
I believe you are misunderstanding. Russia never stopped considering Crimea theirs from 1991 onward
Sevastopol naval base + the population is like 90% ethnically Russian and has been for a long time
>Russia never stopped considering Crimea theirs from 1991 onward
then why did Russia sign treaties agreeing it belongs to Ukraine
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CIAnigger coup
Occupational Jewish government on foreign payroll
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Tell me more about 2014 coup then
The snipers that fired on crowd from rooftops that incited violent clashes between police and civilians still haven't been found or identified. Curious.
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yes all of them engineers and doctors... evil russians build hospitals, and school....
you're fucking disingenuous.
if you want to know, find this
>Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the. Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation. of the Geran General !taff. Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
its been taken down from the official site...
The deserved complete genocide like the Circassians, fuck those churka muslim turkic bitches.
Read about their history and find one single positive aspect of those churkas.
oil and access to sea
He's a churka himself, no genuine Germ would consider the poor tatarinos
strategic military base and overwhelmingly russian population. Other questions?
Which snipers are you talking about? The ones on the US embassy?
I'm referring to snipers that fired on people on Maidan square in Kiev in the beginning of 2014
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Except Putin said it wasn't and there's the Ukrainian referendum you say was a CIA coup. Was it only for Crimea or was it the whole of Ukraine a CIA coup in 1991? Does that also apply to Belarus, Baltics and the rest of Eastern Europe and Central Asia or does this logic apply only when it's convenient for you?
>we'll kiyck the Moskals out of Sevastopol
Ukraine had aluminum tubes and yellow cake
Russia only defending its freedom against terrorists
these ones
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exactly, OMG ma poor oppressed Tatars... Russians evil...
They even created an open air concentration camp called Tatarstan. can you belief?
it was the only ice free habor in the black sea.
russia gifted the krim to ukrain and rented the habor for 100years. idiotic deal. and the deal was running out and it was clear it wouldnt be renewed with the new nazi goverment.
controlling more of the oil production supplies.
>east strategy
control the world's oil supplies
>west strategy
try to scare the west into using non oil based energy
I'm referring to snipers killing journalists in Moscow in 1993
:/ hmmmm
Total zigger death.
>Was it only for Crimea or was it the whole of Ukraine a CIA coup in 1991
I'm talking about Belovezha accords that went against March 1991 referendum on USSR viability.
I'm a native of Tatarstan and locals have little to nothing to do with people referred to as Crimean Tatars
He was clearly asking about 2014 coup
I'm aware. just trolling that there were snipers in Moscow in 1993 too... similar situation. nobody konw who they were
What are alternatives for Crimea?
Go for independence and be bombed like eastern ukraine?
Become part of US puppet in the middle of civil war?
Why don't you read shillpedia a bit more, you retarded fuck?
>Despite the popular misconception, Crimean Tatars are not a diaspora of or subgroup of the Tatars.
Yeah, i work with several people from there, they are all Russians... the one Tatar guy i worked with was from Crimea; he soon quit because he was getting too much government gibs, and his Tatar diaspora helped him immigrate and find a new job.
Ukraine never used Crimea. They're sacrificing hundreds of thousands for something they had no interest in before and has no real value to them.
Russia wanted Black Sea access and a warm beach so the actual people living there were always Russians. The "occupation" protects the people that already lived there.

Brothers split up land when dad dies. Agree to share shed. One brother uses shed more than the other. Fills it with tractors and builds an extension.
The other brother gets a new wife who demands the garage and tractors are theirs. Their kid sets fire to the shed.
It goes back to being Ukrainian and nobody can stop it. You shitskins coping can't change the fact that Russia is getting an absolute battering in Ukraine and will lose the war completely.
Ukraine allowed us to keep our army in Crimea in exchange for cheaper gas, but if we took Crimea, we would still get to keep army there and stop providing them the discount. A win-win decision.
>Russia is getting an absolute battering in Ukraine and will lose the war completely.
Two more Weeks & the Ultimate Wundewaffle will finally bring about Steiner's Counter-Attack
Get out of my country.
well. Crimea is a Republic... it did not even make sense for it to be in Ukraine because they succeeded from Ukraine in 1991... even now its a Republic and "not part of Russia"... it made sense in USSR...
so why are both of them called Tatars?
honestly, i don't fucking care...
> My country
lol, lmao even
I though it was a Kingdom.
The better question is...when is Canada going to return the UTair plane it stole from Russia in Feb 2024? With reimbursement for the inconvenience of course.
Yeah, I hate cunts like him, hard working Indians and non-muslim foreigners can stay.
meant to say 2022, and it's not UTair but Volga-Dnepr AN-124
You're getting nothing back. It's civil war for Russia now. That is all.
We will arm both sides for the lulz.
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just as soon as Canada builds its Ice Breaker fleet to rival Russia.
but a better answer is probably when Russia purges is government/ruling elite of off the liberal traitors with villas in Miami...
do they add something in the water there? you seem on edge
Conquest is based. We should take Mexico.
> Return
lmao, it will be sold and the proceeds generated shall be transferred into the Personal Checking of Mrs Zelenskyy.
Every building and business is owned by Russians who live there. "Giving it back" would need forceful seizing of property but of course that wouldn't be an invasion. The real invasion was when Russia violently stayed put in their military bases in 2014.
So where do Ukrainians fit in this story?
You don't mean to tell me they were playing in mud with pigs while half of their country was swarming with tatars?
It's Russian land. Has Russians in it.
Are you justifying going around snitching other's property because?..
They recently added Chlorine
the ukrain>>>/x/
I'm just stating the obvious, not advocating.
i member... they are just being cunts. just like how they kept my Russian Pharma for three month before releasing it... there was nothing on controlled substance list, and they still had the gull to send me a letter how grateful i should be that they release my "medication".... even though it was recommended it was rejected... either they are stupid or just cunts, or both.
Canadians are for the most puart stupid, vendictive, loser cunts, especially those in government.
Sounds about right. The Western service economy model is unexpectedly going bankrupt.
NATO wanted to build base there.

Let's assume they did.

war would still start for whatever reason, but frontline would be around moscow/around it by now.
Black Sea Fleet.
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not justifying shit. just saying they will do with it whatever they want... what are you going to do about it?
russia and putin are justified in attacking ukraine for several reasons. one of the main justifications is historical and cultural ties between the two nations. ukraine was a part of the soviet union until its dissolution in 1991, and many russians view ukraine as a natural extension of their country, sharing a common history, language, and culture. this belief has led putin to justly proclaim that ukraine should be and always has been more closely aligned with russia and not become a part of the western sphere of influence, particularly nato
another justification for russia's actions is the documented mistreatment of russian-speaking minorities in ukraine. following the 2014 ukrainian revolution, which toppled the pro-russian government of viktor yanukovych, tensions between ukraine and russia escalated. pro-russian separatists in the eastern regions of donetsk and luhansk declared independence, leading to a hohol instigated and lead massacre of russian speakers that has continued to this day.
russia has expressed concerns about ukraine's ambitions to join nato and the european union. moscow knows these moves are a direct threat to its national security, as it would bring the western military alliance closer to its borders. this fear has been exacerbated by the expansion of nato in eastern europe since the end of the cold war, which russia sees as a betrayal of promises made during the soviet union's dissolution
putin has generously and with great sacrifice offered to protect russian speakers in ukraine which has rightly bolstered his domestic popularity and to demonstrate russia's strength on the international stage. by documenting ukraine is a pawn of the west and a threat to russian security, putin has been able to provably show his citizenry the awful truth leading to high degrees of popularity and also this project an image of russia as a powerful and assertive global player independent of the filthy rat vermin shyster shylock kikes and jewligarchs
the long term lease of Crimea military base by Russia was due for renewal and there were concerns that Ukraine will try to yank the price too much
ten years later it seems that paying any amount of money would have been less costly to Russia than what followed
Keeping access to their only warm water port to be able to project power into the Middle East when needed. See: Syria.

It was threatened by the coup, so they just took it, with no bloodshed it might be added. Goes to show that Ukrainian sovereignty over Crimea was on paper only.
they would have station US nukes... if Ukraine ever joined HATO
I don't recall Canada stealing foreign planes before, why the sudden change?
Europeans fighting each other while Europe gets invaded by Muslims and Blacks.
The OG gameplan for the Russians in 2014 was the following
>Secure Crimea
>Use Pro-Russian militants w/ Russian GRU/FSB advisors to secure the DonBas.
>Use Sovieboos in Odessa, Kherson, and Mariupol in order to secure the coastline of the Sea of Azov and Black Sea.
>Hope the Ukrainians are far too disorganized to make any meaningful counterattack and pray that the international community will simply not give a shit.

and then...
>Pro-Russian Militants in the DonBas get shitcanned, routed straight to the border and are forced to flee into Russia.
>Russia is forced to support these militants with artillery fire, armor support, and also goes about killing off every major leader in the original DonBas militia groups in order to push their advisors into said leadership positions. See - Girkin
>This works and "Pro-Russian militants" which are totally not just the Russian military *wink* are now pushing the Ukrainians back and encircling some elements of the Ukrainian military.
>So far, so good!
>And then for some fucking reason Girkin and friends use a BUK system to shoot down a passenger airliner.
>Remember that whole "pray that the international community doesn't give a shit"? GG.
>Oh and the Sovieboos in Odessa were destroyed by their own incompetence and the fact they got cracked down upon by local Mafia groups.
>The ones in Kherson just said fuck it and dispersed.
>And Russia's initial attempts to take Mariupol backfired catastrophically with an entire mechanized force being wiped out alongside their artillery support.

And everything stalemated. BTW, Russia only started the invasion in 2022 because the Crimea was becoming a net-loss monetarily.
1. Sea aka geographic military advantage.
2. Ancient site, ancient areas and ancient artifacts.
3. People who want access to the region, many do btw belive it belongs to them. They were all going to leave eachother out, truth is they were all once same Civilization, including us here, forgetfulness drove us to fight eachother and self destruct meanwhile our ancient adversersey is coveting a thousand year reign for themselves!
Missinderstood history.
What's under the sea there?
What's underground there?
What’s ‘replaced’? The Tatars didn’t evolve in Crimea, their Turkic ancestors came there in the 11th century, killing and/or subjugating the peoples who had lived there before. Interestingly enough, the Russians (or their ancestors, anyway) lived in Crimea before the Tatars, they had a principality that controlled today’s eastern Crimea around the city of Kerch/Korchev:
Well, who’s replaced now? The Russians? But they, in their turn, founded their principality on lands that used to belong to the Greeks. And this chain of the conquerors and the conquered is really endless.
>What's under the sea there?
feces probably during holiday season
well, the last time i remember they seizing a nations assets was during Napoleonic Wars... so its not like it never happened in history before.
Canadians have always been particular cunts to Russia; probably because of the Ukranian (bandera) diaspora here.
In 1991 all the textbooks used to teach history in Ukraine were printed in CANADA!
They stopped direct flights to Moscow like fifteen/twenty years ago or something...
This country has never been particularly friendly towards Russian identifying people.
According to some leaks, mostly hinted by some forrign um, lets call them analysts... something was found just before that in Crimea.
Items from our past, and Russia went in and retrieved alot of them.
Prior to that few retreavals were done by let say Ukranians, but aledgedly the big cache was taken by Russia.

Someone also mentioned snake island, here as well... often the labs and similar is mentioned... but under that there appears to always be an underlying factor of ancients articles, sites and objects.
To prevent US and UK companies from pumping gas from the black sea and then selling it to Europe. Bypassing Russia entirely.

Ukraine only became significant after they discovered huge tremendous amount of natural gas in the black sea
Is this GPT? Ukraine has become more distant with Russia since 1917, not closer. It was just a bunch of provinces of Russian empire before. Lenin on a whim decided which provinces went to the Russian Soviet Republic, and which to Ukrainian.
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The people of Crimea voted to join Russia and we must accept their decision.
The international court of law also says that perfectly legal and every province in the world has the right to do it uninamously.
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The usual Russian propaganda lie:
>The Kremlin's questionable claim of widespread anti-Semitism, which was used as partial justification for the annexation of Crimea
to prevent any further conflict and bloodshed, Crimea should return home
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Of course Faggotgoria is the capital
Snipers are well known... what's usually covered up even by Russia for some reason is that people got crucified in town square in Odessa!

Actually crucified.

I supose that region is just um, esoteric!
But that is interesting.
Especially because around that time aledgedly a specific picture was found out to be in the posesion of Putin if tou will, some icon!

If tou ask me all sides are bat shit nuts and a cargo cult of our last advanced civilization... but hey, it is what it is!
Why did soviet union replace local people such as Bulgarians and force them out of Crimea?
Can't even tell if you're pig diaspora or turkroach diaspora
You can keep Филипп Киpкopoв
>Natives of Crimea never considered themselves Ukrainian
Because they consider themselves jews
>The Krymchaks (Krymchak: plural: къpымчaхлap, qrımçahlar, singular: къpымчaх, qrımçah) are Jewish ethno-religious communities of Crimea derived from Turkic-speaking adherents of Rabbinic Judaism.[3] They have historically lived in close proximity to the Crimean Karaites, who follow Karaite Judaism
Lol, superpower biz!
Stay oit of their way, by now surly we know how it always goes, human nature!
Technically he is right. Although we both know it's subversion.
Why did they rename Bulgaristan to Tatarstan is another story.
Ahh, those 100 year deals!
Well, Crimea is OK, but we have to draw the line somewhere.
All the Vanaósar including Kænugarður are Icelandic clay since the Mithridatic wars. On behalf of the royal bloodline of Herjólfur I allow you temporary use of the land of Crimea and Donbass. Ukraine sovereignty everywhere else should be respected after Zelensky is given his traditional blood eagle.
Crimean Tatars are a subgroup closely related to their Oghuz cousins, the Giray family was even considered as a substitute in case the ottoman bloodline was extinguished during the brothers dispute for the throne.
suck my asshole... what next "MA POO CRIMEAN GYPSIES"... all you Nazi collaborating niggers were repatriated...
God dam, if I learned anything about Slavs living abroad... Bulgarians are untrustworthy.
russia is imperialist.
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Right, just like Ukrainians in occupied territories "voted" for Putin at gunpoint in Russia's latest fake "elections", you brain-dead monkey.
Seljuk, the founding father of the modern anatolian turks and azeris was a jew himself, at the service of the khazars before Sviatoslav kicked their asses.
Not sure, USSR was an evil oppressive state and Russians were oppressed the most. If relocation of Bulgarians happened after 1945 it might had something to do with Bulgarians allying with Hitler against Eastern Slavs.
Yeah, this is where things can get ugly!
Truth is most so called disputed land is literally attached to our land and is our land.

It would not be smart for Russia long term to try to dip here because overstretching can lead to loss for all, especially because Siberia will be ripe land and sooner or later Chyna is going to need it, need it back btw.

We will return that land when you return part of Siberia to Chyna!
ah! makes sense...
Crimean tatars are not natives
>"Recently excavated inscriptions in Crimea have revealed a Jewish presence at least as early as the 1st century BC."
not what happened.
and the fucking jew who "won" in jewcraine
- cancelled christ
- cancelled elections
- banned opposition parties
- banned the free press
- keeps a brother war going for the synagogue of satan and globohomo
putin is a far better steward of free and fair elections than jewlinksy
Cope sweety.
They voted to join Russia and that's final!
>opinion piece by Eli Verschleiser
cannot make this shit up
Do we even need an jce breaker fleet!

We could focus with our abundance of uranium on building smaller underground reactors that can't be taken oit easy in a block chain to provide tons of power for ground lazers!

We don't even need to go near our land, we just need to make sure the lazer can reach to the end of the line!

I can't see it being too difficult.
>one of picrel's most (in)famous songs is 'Fani go de (Grab it)
it's a sign
to control shipping lanes
It's full of ethnic Russians who wanted to pass a referendum to leave Ukraine and join Russia. Ukraine shut down elections there.

Just imagine if tomorrow in USA, if AZ, NM, CA, and TX all voted to leave USA and rejoin Mexico. That's what happens when you let border jumpers stay and vote in your elections.
you're retarded...
nobody takes your television talking points seriously.
Land to build summer retreats for oligarchs
And what's worse fools don't get rhe part about history where we were one!
I feel like it needs some context for those who are completely unaware of the political developments in Crimea throughout its history.

On 20 January 1991, the Crimeans held a referendum and 93% voted to restore the status of the region as an autonomous republic. NB: the Soviet constitution did allow the Soviet republics to secede but it did not allow to take autonomous republics with them, since they were regarded as separate participants of the Union treaty. However, the government in Kiev simply abolished the results of the referendum. For some reason, the West was quick to recognise the Ukraine’s independence from the USSR but it never recognised Crimea’s independence from the Ukraine.

In 1992-1993 the Crimean parliament adopted a regional consitution and established the post of President of Crimea. In early 1994, a strongly pro-Russian candidate, Yuriy Meshkov, was elected President. A power struggle between Kiev and Crimea ensued. Another Crimean referendum in March 1994 showed an overwhelming support of three issues: greater autonomy from the Ukraine, dual citizenship with Russia and legal prevalence of the Crimean president’s decrees. In March 1995, the Ukrainian parliament unilaterally abolished the post of President of Crimea, and scrapped the Crimean constitution. The Crimean parliament was forced to define a new constitution, which the Ukrainian parliament finally ratified in 1998.

So when the Ukrainian government today talks about the Crimean parliament’s lack of legislative power – when it comes to calling a referendum in 2014 – there is an argument that this power was taken from Crimeans by Kiev in an underhand, undemocratic, if not entirely illegitimate manner back in the 1990s.

One of the countless protests in the 1990s, the banner reads ‘Forever with Russia’.
A brief electoral programme of the last Crimean President Yuriy Meshkov:

‘My goal is the reunification with Russia…I am ready to take the following steps immediately:

—Ensure Crimea’s status as an independent republic via a referendum;

—Establish a government capable of restoring ties with Russia, adopt the Russian ruble and end the economic crisis;

—Define the status of the Russian Black Sea fleet in collaboration with Russia;

—Protect the citizens of Crimea from radical [Ukrainian] nationalism, crime, poverty and cold’.

Mr Meshkov was later arrested by the Ukrainian military and exiled to Russia, he was only allowed a single visit to Crimea when his wife died; luckily, he saw his political dream coming true before his passing in 2019.

So, when the (pro-Ukrainian) Westerners ramble about how ‘there were Russian soldiers’, they need to understand that as soon as said soldiers kicked out the Ukrainian soldiers, the people of Crimea voted precisely as they did throughout the 1990s.
kek, perfect example of slave mentality. Nietsche was right as always. You dont need any reason, russia wanted and did it, thats all you need to now
>Do we even need an jce breaker fleet!
how do you think corruption occurs in the west? if noth through building/contruction and next government contracts...
like those Hospitals built in Alberta by the one and only company...
that's what its for. Canada is a money lundering scheme, who do you think runs all the offsore banks in the carribean?
Canada could have done a lot. Instead they chose to immaculate their men, put retarded women in position of power and administration, and then import the most poorly socialized third worlders displacing people from blue coloured jobs....
Look up Hooton Plan. Canada is a breeding program. simple as. to creates a "post nation" human resource.
>sevastopol's ice free port
>~90% ethnorussian
>maidan was a CIA color revolution and they knew the borderland would be a problem in the future
>all of ukraine's land are gibs from soviet muscovy
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Because Crimea is Russia.
Little Russia also is Russia and it will stop using that silly 'ukraine' name soon.
>I mean the REAL reason
American glowniggers taking over Ukraine.
Take it easy on the hate flame machine.
Think for your heart.
>wanted and did it
unlike impotent eurocucks
Sorry to go all Jordan Peterson on you, but when you say "real," what do you consider "real"? And what do you consider "fake" about the explanations you've heard so far? It's fundamentally not obvious what you mean by any of this.
>a land of immigrants if you will
>Russians were oppressed the most.
Confirmed by the Russians who married Bulgarians before 1989 and stayed here.
why do slavs preferentially scam other slavs, but are embarrassed to scam angleos?
This is false.
>when you say "real," what do you consider "real"?
Figuring significantly into the realpolitik considerations of the planners behind it.

>what do you consider "fake" about the explanations you've heard so far?
The planners never tell you the considerations behind their plans.
not in Canada.
Whatever schizo shit you believe in is the real reason.
Nobody cares about Canada.
Easy to solve anon.
If we survive, if not it won't matter we're all going back to stone age as a civilization.

You see, Russia is going to solve half oir problems and all we have to do is wait!
They wil clean up for us the burdens we have, like ukraine for one now that it's a burden only.
And kick the living shit out of goobalist commies which are also a burden.
EU and nato too.

Forcing even the greadiest Deousional cabal to come to us and untie oir hands to finally do what needs doing to save North America before it's too late, then the corrupt middle far choking ojr organs and systems to death we will melt in record time!

Too many errors... too many, and we are rhe only solution and life line not the corrupt corps and middle men, they will have to fall, not in line, but actually fall!
>gets told
>honestly, i don't fucking care...
then fuck off lmao
Then we will have oir Lazers, ice breakers that use frequency and lazers and are mini nuclear plants that can navigate through Antarctica even with ease and even have food production inside the ships... maybe even eventually antena transmitted energy, Advanced Inteligence... And a defensive system that will make everyone shit their pants and everyone can live happily ever after, or we can all die!
Either way really.
Anglos are Slavs! lol

They are so delusional it almost feel like a burden and injustice to scam oir retarded kin who is even more forgetful and retarded then the rest!
For example, Serbian Slavs can be mad at UK, but can never scam them because they are so retarded they are absolutely occupied by pisslami'st and the enemy in ways that will destroy them entirely if we don't find a way to save them.
They may be retarded but theyre kin.
Bulgars: lived side by side with the Russians, traded, and for the last half a thousand years built a common state. They had metallurgy, crafts and cities.

Krymchaks: lived by raiding Russian and Slavic cities, robbery, robbery and the slave trade. Naked nomads who never created anything.

Is the difference clear? =)

Why are you preventing correct historical myths from being promoted at all? The inhabitants of Kazan are Bulgars; an ancient, calm and hardworking people who have always lived peacefully with the Russians. Then the evil Mongol-Tatars captured them, ruined their language and generally ruined everything.
I see, everyone wants the land from ccp to india and forth but everyone pretends they don't care! lol
>reasons for hating russians in one post.
But that's not really answering anything. An almost truistic statement is that Russia thought they were entitled to Crimea. What they gain from it is almost a secondary issue. But that means there are two fundamentally different questions. Is the question about what Russia "really" though they would gain though Crimea or what's the "real" reason they thought they were entitled to Crimea?

But there's an even bigger issue here. The word "real" makes it confusing, because that implies there's a "not real" reason. That's already making an assumption that there's a "real" and "not real" reasons. And assuming we know which of the reasons is "not real." That's too many assumptions to make the question answerable.
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You can't annex what is yours.
The Russians had turned the tide of the Syrian Civil War in favor of Assad by 2014, effectively destroying the glowniggers' ME wide Arab Spring. Nearly all of the Russian support was coming from Sevastapol. The glowniggers thought if they lit the fuse of the Maidan Revolution that the new pro-Western government would cancel Russian military leases in Crimea, thereby denying them easy access to the Med. For obvious reasons, the Russians could not and would not allow the West/Ukraine to deny them one of the strategic naval facilities in Europe. If Russia loses access to the Med via the Black Sea, they have to sail across the Artic, through the North Atlantic, and down to the Straits of Gibraltar to even enter the Med. Logistically, tactically, and strategically that isn't good. Especially considering the need for nuclear deterrence in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The Baltic Fleet is now surrounded by hostile states as well, but strategically Kalingrad is much less important than Crimea.
Okay, I care and I will take over the entire Canada singlehandedly and rule over it as a dictator for life. Expect me by next Friday. This is a final warning.
>An almost truistic statement is that Russia thought they were entitled to Crimea
Western cattle thinks geopolitics is a character-driven drama and anthropomorphizes nations. Not reading the rest of your post because you're simply not on my level (i.e. the level of a human being).
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Right, just like Kherson city supposedly was “Russian forever”… until the Russian animals got obliterated and had to withdraw.
There’s no scenario under which the West allows Russia to redraw international borders by force and keep Crimea.
Putin is a delusional moron and Crimea will return to Ukraine eventually.
Russians are too ignorant and stupid to learn from their history of being a failed state.
People that are getting murdered by "their own country" just a week ago will willingly return to Ukraine knowing full well Banderistas will murderrape them?
Okay retard.
How is Kosovo going cuck?
You serbo turks lick russian ass even if its opposite to your interests.
I am so fuckin glad we got rid of your people and yoir church.
The reason people do it is that it's cumbersome and pedantic to tell people to express things in the most literal way. I'm assuming that you have the intelligence to fill in the blanks if I anthropomorphise Russia. Isn't it strange that out of us two, you're the one that's being leagues more pedantic?
Because Ukraine was a de facto satellite state of Russia anyway. Russia never needed to press the issue when they were on good terms. After the 2014 coup, Russia moved in because the situation changed and they now actually needed to secure their strategic interest rather than relying on it being in the hands of an ally (who was now no longer an ally)
Gay nude beaches, obviously
Hehehe. A russian just got blown up.
>visit bulkan country
>hand your passport at gate
>"What kind of business does a CANADIAN born in Serbia has in _______? are you a SPY?!"
>Tell him to go fuck himself in local dialect.
you all got familly living here...
8==D tongue my foreskin
replying with
>gets told
Hehehe another russian just got blown up.
At first he was like
>Heh... Fucking sandniggers...
but then
>NOOOO not le heckin tatars saviours of the white race!
Russians deemed tolerable what hohols would formally keep it, as far as Hoholistan remained retarded but quiet little brother state. Not worth the emotional fallout from changing the ownership, despite how unfair it was for russians. But ever since hoholistan took course to become our enemies's cumsock for promise of gibs its became intolerable.

Things changed.
> annexing
It was illegally annexed to Ukraine in the first place.
You asked what "real" might be supposed to mean and I said the factors driving the realpolitik behind the scenes. "Russia is heckin' entitled to X" clearly isn't that -- it's an ideological rationalization for human cattle, not an actual causal factor.
There was the small matter of a US funded coup overthrowing the democratically elected leader of Ukraine.
not entirely
letting Ukraine become a competing Petro-Agrarian state, bordering with NATO armaments and protection was a universal Russian non-starter
Hehehe, another russian boy just got blown up.
I see, so you DON'T have the intelligence to decipher that sentence. My mistake. I didn't assume you were a retard.
turks should live in turkey
mongols in mongolia
you lucky you are still where you are thanks to germans and british
he is deflecting
truth is dear mr potato, russians hate british freedoms and cant stand superior people suchas anglo-saxons,scots,irish and welsh - and most importantly they are heretics that do not respect holy father and mother church.

your parents and parents of others that these orc russians hate have been wise to teach you about how evil these orcs are.
and you, and others, should continue that tradition.

one of the good jesuit brothers, blessed they are by the god of abraham, and mercy of all saints, has borrowed that ancient greek method
>give me a human under certain age and will make him into what he is supposed to be
paraphrasing of course, for such ancient wisdom is beyond comprehension of us lesser than you.

keep being free and blessed by the holy mother church
>The Crimeans are just scared to voice their true thoughts, they had no choice but to vote as expected and stay compliant;

>However, if Russia suceeds in conquering the Ukraine, the Ukrainians will give them hell with permanent partisan warfare.

>Also if Russia conquers the Ukraine, it will soon also attack all NATO members because Putin is crazy;

>However, if the Ukraine is accepted into NATO, Russia will not attack it anymore because Putin is a coward.

>The Russian soldiers are unmotivated and unequipped cannon fodder who can’t do anything right;

>However, the West is in serious danger from them and must act as quickly as possible to not be overrun.

>The Russians are brutes and Nazis, 10,000 civilians died in the Russo-Ukrainian war (part of them are the Russian civilians killed by Ukrainian terror shelling of Donbass cities but we’ll skip it), the Russians should be condemned for eternity;

>However, Israel killed 3 times more civilians 10 times quicker but Palestinians were asking for it anyway, so go Israel, give them real hell!

The sheer scale of lies, trash propaganda and mutually exclusive narratives in the West has exceeded all possible boundaries, and yet, the average Westerner with the IQ and attention span of a goldfish keeps repeating all of them.
in 1820 a Russian naval expedition Brough flax seed from new Zealand and planted them in crimea, where they flourish to this very moment (you) dog cunt are reading this
>implying muslim turks belonged there
Hehehe another bunch of Russians just died in their air defence unit in Crimea.
Your politicians are replacing you with poo's :)
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honestly, i'm so racists against other slavs for the most part. i grew up around anglos and i internalized the whole hierarchy view of the world.
Anglos are just not to be taken literally. they keep their world while its profitable to them... but renege on the deal the second their shekels are threatened.
In the end, the only thing apes (we are bipedal for the most part tailless apes) recognize is power...
its a fucking zoo...
No, I'm not smart enough to decipher your profound political slop about Russia's emotions. Surely you can translate it into realpolitik terms.
Crimean tatars are also "invaders" that replaced the local greek population
Hehehe another russian just got blown up and killed himself on camera for my amusement.
I called it a truism emphasis. That quite literally means that there's nothing profound it. In fact, it means that you misunderstand if you don't interpret it as something obvious.
have you looked at the faked "news footage" out of Baghdad from the Gulf War?
The shit now is just as fake and homosexual.
Right. So are you going to translate it into realpolitk terms? What does your astute analysis about Russia's emotions imply?
>All Turkic people on European soil never were natives of those lands
And neither are you.
Hehehe another russian son just got blown up.
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haha, another teenage UK white girl got mudded.
i mean,
>just a few lads having good fun poling locals on safari...
I'll give pearls to the pig this time. Russia thought it was rightfully Russian. That's what entitlement is. Now, half my entire question was if the original question was about what being "rightfully Russian" entails. Is it might? Some legalistic claim? Just a bunch of Putin's feelings?
>Now, half my entire question was if the original question was about what being "rightfully Russian" entails. Is it might?
It entails absolutely nothing, as demonstrated repeatedly by my asking you what it entails and your failing to give an answer. Hence there is nothing about your "reason" that can be construed as "real".
>"making Crimea part of Ukraine was just a prank bro"
meanwhile 100's of ukrainians are being blown up off camera with fabs, artillery, TOS, etc.

i'm glad you are entertained by your own delusions lmao
So, in other words, Russia isn't really in hold of Crimea? Because it's just lines on a map?
Hehehe a bunch of Russians just got blown up and are slowly burning in a field.
>legalistic claim
:) so many could be made about Finland, a territory bought from Sweden from Russia :)
One could also argue that Finland is the true heir of The Russian Empire :)
Payment for Alaska remains undelivered...
and a bunch of gold got moved around like a lot over the past two centuries...
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May we see them? There's plenty videos of Russians dying.
So in other words, we've established firmly that you have neither insights nor comprehension of what is being asked. Also, I'm bored of Fingols deep-tonguing my anus so I'm just gonna add your ID to the filter now. The best part is that your delusional rage will FORCE you to reply again, even if you know that no one will ever read your post.
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I know better than to think better of you.
Hehehe, another bunch of russhits just got blown up in Crimea.
My insight is that you're implying that realpolitik isn't real and that I should still use it to determine what's real.
You're just angry but you don't know how to direct the feeling.
It's very valuable for military bases. That's all.
We cultivated that land, brought lasting civilization and infrastructure there, and our eternal ownership over it was acknowleged by masters of tatar-niggers - the ottomans.

Tatar niggers were only sitting on their asses and selling slaves after raiding the neighboring countries all around it. Nothing wrong with removing the parasites from property.
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Your propped up kike dictator killing civilians won't change the outcome. NATO lost.
one dimensional

> Ancient site, ancient areas and ancient artifacts.
It's where one of the entrances to our worlds labyrinth is.
Jewish messianic prophecy
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>brought lasting civilization
such delusion. Russia only brings violence and corruption to anything it touches
You have 2 times more chinks than we have poos. Also, we cant be replaced by them, they are short and brown. They will assimilate easily to your pašaluk.
Exellent black sea access from the Sevastopol base that they were going to lose and very important as a part of their nuclear weapon set up
90% of Crimeans are ethnic Russians. After CIA coup in Kiev won, there were thousands of nazis gathering and readying to go to Crimea to kill them. Putin prevented it by giving the weapons to local population and accepting their vote on a referendum to join Russia and to be defended against the nazism. Then the nazis decided to attack Donbass, but they didn't succeed anywhere other then Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, where they killed thousands of civilians after the traitor Girkin ran away from the city when he were given an order to stay and defend it until the reinforcements come.
Please stop crying!
Remember, at least you wont be speaking Serbian
>Natives of Crimea never considered themselves Ukrainian
Do you mean Greeks?
last month I travelled from Sofia to Belgrad and stayed there for 3 days, didn't see a single chink
So, are you a pigger or a turk roach?
So will you, when the Jews are done with you
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>1999 Belgrad...
Thank you Clinton.
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>Serbia 1999
The people world round thank you.

to get the party started

juice diddit.
Thank for what?
Destroy the last white country trying to defend itself from mujahedin subhumans so your six year old daughter could be raped and beheaded by your precious muslemirinos?
We are at more than 90% croat. You are at 80%. You are losing by every metric you moron.
deep water access on a warm water port
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>millitary targets
you were always a bunch of unhinged trannies.
that and homosexuality.
They didn't destroy us. Not as long as we're alive.
You are not white. You have been giving the right of first night to turks for 500 years. The damage has been done.
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Why are Americans like this?
why do you hate Christian culture?
Also, waaaah, we dindunuffin, why does the whole world hate us waaaaah?
Why did nato attack us, all we did was start 4 military conflicts in 8 years?
Yet Serbia was far more relevant than Croatia ever will be. No one can name a famous Croatian. Maybe Modric lol.
you're as cringe as Ukranians and Polaks...

More than 1 reason.

1. After 2013-2014 Maidan there was a threat to the Russian military installations in Crimea. The lease was likely going to be terminated by the Ukrainian govt, which was taken over by pro-western types and nationalists. NATO wanted the base shut down. Russia wants as many Black Sea military installations as possible because they're warm water ports. (westerners are still in denial about this)
2. Most of the population was/is pro-Russian and did not buy into Ukrainian national consciousness. It was easy to get the majority to side with a Russian takeover. Easy pickings. An easy way to gain land in a critical region from a military and economic standpoint.
3. Russia wanted to increase its standing and power projection in this natural resource rich region.
Kek, I got the full service now, from we dindunuffin to we wuz kangs. Literal niggers.
>we wuz kangs
is literally all i hear from you niggers...
Crimea has historically belonged to Russia. They can have it.
Not going to fight them over it.
>No answer
>Makes up something I didn't imply or say
As I thought. All of that pure Nordic blood doesn't help you reason clearly.
Now be a good boy and check digits.
>NATO wanted the base shut down.
nafo wanted the base for themselves
>not the heckin muslimerinos! think of the uyghurs !!!
i heckin upvoted you, kind stranger

kill them all
that includes ziggers
This. Crimea has historically been Russian clay.
Would be absolutely historically stupid decision to fight them for it.
It's theirs.

1. Russia wanted to maintain access to the naval base at Sebastopol. Despite the treaty that allowed access to the port Ukraine was already making it difficult in little, irritating ways.

2. The British had their eye on Sebastopol as a base for the Royal Navy in the Black Sea. The pesky Brits want this because it gives them the ability to meddle with sea traffic to Rostov.

3. Crimea used to be Russian territory and still has a huge Russian population that was almost certainly going to be targeted for cleansing. If I was Ukrainian, I would want to reduce Russian sympathizers in Crimea as a strategic objective.

4. There is a significant population of neocon jews in America and the UK whose long term objective is to settle Crimea with jews. Turning Crimea into Israel-2.0 puts them right in the middle of another strategic chokepoint on the oil/gas/trade corridor between central asia and europe. For very obvious reasons, this isn't acceptable to Russia.
>it was my summer beach when I was little and our endemic corruption only allowed us to make a shitty placeholder at Sochi, so we have to steal it back for my feefees
IIRC Crimea tried returning to Russia after USSR was disbanded according to the laws governing such disbandment (and was supposed to vote separately from saloreich) but hohols intervened with military and annexed the crimean republic.

Now hohols act like its their historical clay after commies gave it to them for a few dacades, even though it was historically russian clay for centuries and ukranda was also someone else's clay all that time. They have zero historical clay unless they support the commies and accept being their legal inheritors.
If the trend continues and western plebs keep getting more brainwashed eventually they'll support total war which Russia will lose with only 90% of the west devastated and reduced to Russian tier mudfields.
There's some mines there, 2014 globohomo jews try to take them from mine jews. It's just like Isreal: that's globohomo jews against zionist jews.
>Get out of my country.

It isn't "your" country, Nigel. Never was. You and your retarded ancestors have always been and forever will be subjects. It is just that your lords and masters brainwashed you with Hail Brittania propaganda, so you would go and die in their wars.

You, as well as all your nation of pathetic shopkeepers, are as much a toad under their harrow as the poor shitskins of your colonies. The only difference is that you still think you are special because your masters permit you to eke out a peasant's life on the same soggy island as they do.
Checked indeed, but
This is more impressive.
They thought it was strategically important but it turned out it was a waste of time and money
The only correct answers and only one got any attention (although for the wrong reasons)
/pol/is a nigger board
>Balkan monkeys arguing about who's less irrelevant
Get me out of here
Nat gas deposits in the Black Sea. Warm water port and Russian Black Sea fleet. Anyone over 8 years old could have told our genius leaders they weren't letting it go.
Love the fact that jews that fled to America are saying Crimea is Ukraine as some "gotcha " talking point, despite the fact that Crimea was part of Russia before America existed as a nation state
>There’s no scenario under which the West allows Russia to...

You see Gunther, that's the crux of the issue. The "west" has no standing to dictate anything - we cannot even control our own borders, yet we think everyone else should listen to our opinions on how they should manage theirs.

Besides, my dear sauerkraut eating friend, when will the Germans realize that their own interests are better served by a diplomatic alliance with Russia, than with the kike-infested "west"? With Russia at its back, Germany would absolutely rule all of Europe.
US navy planned to rent the base. Pentagon already advertised renovation works in and around the Sevastopol base. It's a very important base for any one.
Well come on, fritz, make us to leave. Hohols can't do this alone, it's time for you to sign up as a volunteer because zelya desperately need fresh meat for counteroffensyiv. Personally, I am not against german citizens and other redditors dying in this war.
its called crime-ia for a reason. the biggest crime comes from there and russia needed to neutralize the threat coming from its criminals and incorporate the crimeinials into their own shit to get them to work for them
>due to Ukrainian takeover of USSR in 1953
Wtf. Elaborate. This is the first time I ever heard this.
They could lose it though as a form of reparation. If 2022 and their chimpout didn't happen, yes morally it belonged to them. Now it would be morally absolutely acceptable to take it from them.
Natural resources
Likely lithium mines
Some say Khrushchev was an Ukie, it wasn't a takeover /pol/tards are just retarded. He maybe wasn't an Ukie btw
based turkish anon posting from his flat in berlin
Russia has no deep water ports in the Black Sea.

T. History and geography major
Speak a little Spanish for me, pvt rodriguez
Khruschov was head of Ukraine SSR in 1938-49.
Brezhenev was his underling and worked in Dnepropetrovsk before and after war. They fused with local elites. It's not like you need to pass some blood test to become a hohol. Hoholization of russian people is how they spread. Khruschov was wearing ukr peasant decorated shirt in public a lot. His wife was ukrainian. He made connections.
It's retarded, because the USSR was a Russian-Hohol project to begin (well and some kikes) with both being absolutely equal co-founders.

This split between them and this war got to be one of the saddest things in history. They used to launch rockets into space and degraded themselves into becoming blood-thirsty maniacs who celebrate the death of innocent people on telegram. It's akin to France and England suddenly slaughtering each other, despite both having been pillars of Western democracies for centuries.
There is no need for a reason, it's Russian by the grace of God and the law of the strong, if Ukraine wanted to keep it, they wouldn't have surrendered. If you asked a random Crimean if he's Russian or hohol in 2014 he'd say he's Russian, even more so now.
No, it’s not. We almighty Anglo defeated you in Crimea War.
Hohols are a success story to be honest. They were little more than some tiny tribe who fucked horses among 100s of tribes within Russia and yet somehow carved out a nation for themselves that was fully acknowledged and supported by you. Doesn't matter if trickery or deception or communism was involved. No wonder they became Nazis. I would feel superior too.

You realize that this time you no choice? It's either them or you. Either you kill all of them or they will continue eating away at you for eternity like some punishment of god.
You mean the English, Turks and French united could only manage a stalemate 3v1?
Ukraine’s value is the same as turkey but it has added value of the highest yield farming in the world. It is a transit corridor for goods + oil and is connected to 2 seas. The goal is to make the remaining portion of Ukraine completely landlocked. Poland probably wants western Ukraine back too. Russia goes to the pacific and access thru Kalinigrad gives them access into Atlantic. The two seas Ukraine has gives access into middle east for moving goods
Yes they got enormous amount of gibs from Russia and hate us for it. Amazing really.
On the bright side the moment they disconnected from Moscow they have been in free fall (Russia was retarded enough to provide life support to ease the disconnect until like 2004 when we demanded full price and they started stealing gas that was practically free before) Failure upon failure. Now they get genocided and annexed. Normal people would see a lesson in all that but whatever is left of Ukraine will declare all was done right but evil Russia ruined it.
and thats a good thing.
But you admitted it was theirs during the many many treaties you signed.
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What is wild is that Constantinople would have been in Christian hands by the 1880's if it weren't for other Euro's propping up the Ottomans during the Russo-Turkish War
>forever pretending to be retarded
Because Fuck You. Perfectly vaild reason according to International ZOG law.
>Christian hands
>Eastern Rite heathens
next you'll say baptist and mormons are anything but pagans.

There's no such thing as "russian", you are a disgusting muscovite animal.
Because legally Crimea was never part of Ukraine.

Khrushchev stole it from Russia and gave it to Ukraine.

The Maidan coup was founded under the slogan "Muscovites shall be stabbed".

You can't expect ethnic Russians to want to remain with Ukraine with death threats thrown at them by the new regime.
this, wectoids seethe itt
He grew up in ukraine and rose to power through kiev's political party. Ethnicities are not exploited to sow devision in Russia, that was Soros's work starring in the 90s
Prevent its use as a naval base by Americans and continue to itself use it as a naval base, which it had been doing under lease with Ukraine since 1991. The Black Sea is strategically significant in preventing access to the Pontic Steppe (same reason for the land war in Ukraine), maintaining access to the Med, and other fairly obvious geopolitical value.

Any fag looking at this through the lens of "international law" or "history" is a moron. The Russian position makes sense (pre-emptive self-defense) and the American position does not.
New vodkanigger propaganda just dropped fresh from the hot press

Putin needed to divert dissent of his own people to external threat. He coudn't afford Russians to see that the government can be replaced by commoners uprising. That'd be the end of his rule. He already had bad times during 2012 and didn't want to give Russians any hopes. In short, he was pissing his pants because of normies got enraged at his puppet so much Yanek needed to escape leaving his gold bread loafs in his luxury mansion.
Also fuck KGB, Bandera, EU and US of A. Ya'll no better than kikes.
port location with russian people there. more the former reason but the latter makes it look great.
Idiotic take.
what about niggers and jews?

Idiotic your ass, muttkike.
Putin being a faggot
The only people that would ever be able to replace Putin would be more heavy handed in Crimea and Ukraine than Putin would be.

He would be replaced by communists, crypto-communists, or militarists.
so your stupid shit aside. Putin has never been in a position where the people would rise up on him. never. if i were to ask you who to replace him with you wouldn't come up with anybody as there is nobody. he is the face of Russia and will be until his death by old age. not some stupid assassin shit.
>It's literally russian land that ended up in wrong hands due to Ukrainian takeover
moscow is literally Polish land that ended up in wrong hands due to russian takeover
Henry Kissinger believed Russia should be allowed to have crimea so I will agree with him

You ain't know shit about the situation that was back then. Go continue read fancy conspiracy stories that inflate your feeble ego and giving you feeling of uniqueness, stupid mutt.
pretty sure napoleon who said his invasion into russia was the second polish war got throttled by them.
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we wanted it and we took it from weak hohols
it is as simple as that
Its literally english land

His third term was anticonstitutional. Yet your kike-country as well as EU approved it 'cause you never gave a flying fuck about the people or justice, only about resources and bribes from that bald KGB motherfucker. I hope your country will crumble from internal conflicts and you finally taste your own medicine getting rekt by niggers and such.
oh yeah? who would get anywhere near him in votes? least he had an election unlike the kike next door.
>e REAL reason

I would know more than you since I understand Russian and Ukrainian.

You won't even show your real flag.
Russia has an operation planned and prepped to attack every country they can.
In Ukraine, they saw an opportunity because of the riots and the government crisis, and they started the operation.
come and take it
That is correct. Personally I'm assigned to Liechtenstein invasion committee
>not opting for Denmark liberation cell
Russians are dropping 3000kg bombs on hohol positions, collapsing entire commi blocks on dozens of hohols soldiers but hohols got more gory zoomed in footage of drones dropping grenades on sleeping Russians so they are winning bigly.

The country I am in now doesn't represent me anyway so your take is weak. I am Russian, if any. And your "knowledge" of Russian and Ukrainian doesn't mean shit, mutt. The only thing Putin (or the oligarchy that support him) cared and caring is power. And your country as well as EU was too happy to shake ex-KGB pidor-hand hand as long as he continue to sell out resources and giving hot bribes to your corrupt politicians.
memefag spews nonsence

Sorry but NGOs moved in 1991 to sow division so they could buy up all the assets.
The same as Obama started to sow racial division to distract us while mega corps and globohomo purchased the USA
Why does 1 person even have the power to do something like this? Slav statebuilding is a joke. You niggas collapse like every century, sometimes even multiple times every century.
>Russian land
Wasn't it Russian for only ~200 years?
Algeria is more French than Crimea is Russian, lol.
Greece founded Crimea in 800BC ( and Mariupol) and 150,000 of the are still there

Blah-blah-blah. Stupid kike-mutt. Continue believe whatever fancy stories you get from your xhitter source. I don't even care what kind of lunatic you really are. I hope Trump will be re-elected this year only so that Dems will completely chimp-out with all that antifa-fags and trannies and pro-Palestine mutts and you'll get a real civil war. Then finally justice will be served to your demented degenerate country kek
why do you choose to be stupid?


According to the IRF’s own website, this one Soros conduit has funneled over $100 million into Ukrainian NGOs over the years:

Over the period from 1990 to 2010 the International Renaissance Foundation provided more than $100 million in support to numerous Ukrainian non-government organizations (NGOs), community groups, academic and cultural institutions, publishing houses, etc.

The IRF website and annual reports make clear that the Soros funds are targeted at promoting Ukrainian “partnership” with, and “integration” into, the EU. Soros has provided many millions more through his other “philanthropic” spigots. However, Soros’ influence in Ukraine extends far beyond the traceable funding he provides to activist Ukrainian NGOs, academics and think tanks. Equally, if not more, important is the influence he exerts on global opinion through his massive propaganda network (including Project Syndicate and other Soros megaphones) and his direct personal contacts with presidents, prime ministers, parliamentarians, central bankers, media executives, and Wall Street titans.

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