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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473015740
new baker needed
What will happen if the democrats, as a community, and with the children of the community, do what they've been doing everyday and manage to unburdened the passage of time of what has been of Joe Biden and he begin to exist in context of all in which he live and what came before him. I mean, think about it.
>Trump leaked a wrestling promo to the press for fun
I love this motherfucker.
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happy 4th of July, yanks.
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Happy Birthday America !!
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the f bomb makes me think it wasn’t planned but who knows
ukraine lost lol
is that why your pasta is retired?
and you’re still literally BEGGING for (You)s kek
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>They thought they were getting Joe out
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reminds me of this poor old bastard
Lads I've been given a free Norwegian cruise to the Dominican Republic next month. I will almost certainly catch the attention of brown women with big round asses. Am I still white if I give into one?
Fbomb was barely audible and it wouldn't be the first time the President swore for emphasis in an official capacity.
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Grilling for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Simple as!
Nobody knows what you fucking retards are thinking, you rely on cheating not public opinion so I don't know why you think any of this matters for you.
turn on your trip you pathetic nigger
>you rely on cheating
Damn. Guess you better not vote then.
Seemed pretty organic.
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Hello everyone, welcome to my mukbang. Nobody's ever seen anything like this.
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>reminds me of this poor old bastard
Nooooo !!!
Not THAT America !!

Happy Birthday MAGA Country !!!
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if you're from nyc and you don't use f bombs you will get your ass kicked
Truth hurts, you fuckers have never been legit elected, the dead always votes Democrat and you're registering illegals to vote, you fuckers fill ballots out for people, you influence their votes etc. Even with all of this, Joe Biden is such a fucking disaster for you that you're worried you won't be able to cheat hard enough to elect him again. The person cope posting in this thread is you, every single fucking day you come here
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I’m confused.
I’m off from work but it does t feel right. Is it cat picture day or bear picture day?
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he's going to set himself on fire in 4 months
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If you honestly believed even half of the bullshit you just spouted, you wouldn't bother supporting Trump nor would you bother voting because it is all meaningless.
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Biden has to lose for that to happen. It won't happen lmao
I'm voting for Trump a 3rd time because he won 2020 and deserves his second term.
Wonder how much that would all cost now thanks to Bidenomics.
Even I can't afford fast food now. I guess it's getting close to 80% if not more of all Americans eating pay check to pay check with no savings.
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>because he won 2020
81 million. Cope and seethe.
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>shills have to resort to posting photoshops of their senile puppet
Good lord...
You bet he did. He deserves every term.
Children this is bait. Only an uninformed fool believes this pedophile got that many votes
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Joe must feel invincible given how he won in 2020.
>Just find me more votes, he yells at his staff.
He's not going anywhere because his ego and hubris took him this far. He'd have announced his retirement months ago if he planned to be reasonnable. It'll be death or President Biden.
I love when leftists out themselves as racist.
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>walls of text
Warms ny heart to see kikes working on a holiday.
What happens when trying to tell people not to vote doesn’t work? What happens after that?
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I honestly believe everything he spouted because Trump is the first president in my lifetime who actually did what was best for the country.
If Trump is a Jew puppet this is the biggest work since Vince MacMahon blew up his limo and tried to pass himself off as dead. Unironically real life interrupted this plan when Chris Benoit decided to kill everyone in his family including himself.
Similarly if installing Trump as a puppet was a work, real life has crashed their plans because…
>Voter fraud is is shown to be a legit problem
>Mainstream media and Hollywood has been shown to be their propaganda arm
>The 2 tier justice system is now on full display
>Everyone has been taught how the legislation game is played (create an unconstitutional law, let it take years to repeal however enforce it while it’s working its way up to SCOTUS)
>The Epstein / Maxwell honeypot operation is wrecked
>Everyone now knows the southern border is a problem and got pretty much everyone to agree illegals must go and a wall must be built
>People now know the educational system is indoctrinating kids and working AGAINST the parents by teaching them degenerate behavior and trying to turn them trans
> Jews (in the US) can no longer walk down the street thanks to their military action in Gaza
>Most of America is wondering WHY are we sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine and Israel
How has Trump being their puppet worked out for them exactly?
Their system is being dismantled and the people have been awakened. Good luck trying to get the toothpaste back in the tube.
Now had they installed Clinton in 2016, then it would be business as usual. Everyone would have accepted it as just another D presidency that we would’ve had to deal with and their agenda would have chugged along uninterrupted
That's a fuckin Hardly Boys smile sweet fuck
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>What happens after that?
You lose in embarrassing fashion like last time.
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ukraine lost and poland is next lol
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Hi frens! Are we all pumped for getting a Zionist billionaire back in the White House so he can start a war with Iran for Israel??
Nah. It was a shoot for sure.
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I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens then won’t we.
You’ll be here Inauguration Day… right?
8-4 day shift?
In the meantime I’ll just enjoy the chaos the deep state is going to throw at us to thwart Trump.
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>chang AND tripfag are here today
Their panic is tasty.
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I can't wait to vote. I would crawl over broken glass to, be set on fire, have my teeth yanked out and still vote for Trump.
Oh look the jew is here, everyone make sure you respond to IeRGcAFs appropriately as you would all jews.
Note how he hasn't put on his trip. He's already ditched it. He's trying to figure out how to make a trip that spells out "harris".
maybe one of your buddies will give you a (You) now!
also, ukraine lost! which is good for america!
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I wanna vote right fucking now
>You’ll be here Inauguration Day… right?
Yeah, I'll be in this general that won't die making fun of you for losing to Joe yet again. Say, how is it that Trump only has a minor lead against a demented 81 year old? That must mean either Trump is really bad or Joe is just that good. By the way, Joe outperformed his polls in the 2020 election. Don't believe me? Go look at the final average vs the final result on RCP.
Hey guys, I'm near DC and just got a silver alert about a man in his early 80s who is being held in isolation while legacy & estate decisions are being made on his behalf by his drug addict son (who is also a convicted FELON).
Anyone have any idea how I can help?
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Of course he did that, he knows people here have the trip filtered.
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Good morning, /ptg/

Good morning, ancapvidyanon...grill, grill, grill today
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>Polish kike think's I'm panicked about Trump not building a wall and kissing Jew ass again
sus thumbs up
did you bring that box of tissues to zelenskyy yet lol
You are jewish
Those filters don't do much good when you're seething at me so bad that you unhide my posts and reply to me anyway.
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>Yeah, I'll be in this general that won't die
Seethe about it nigger, you're staring at the final boss, the fight hasn't even started yet.
We're just in the opening moves.
>or Joe is just that good.
LEL, I'm sure this helps you sleep right
>The Polls
I'll leave that to the other anons they are more obsessed with polls than me.
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Awoo and mornin guys. Happy Independence Day!!!1!
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happy 4th 赫歇尔
He's a Trump shill so you should love him.
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Biden is illegitimate. The military knows it. Theyve been compiling fraud evidence ever since 18. In 20 Trump couldve held a presser laying out the evidence but opted to fall back. He felt the chance of civil war was too great. He let Biden take office & the result has been the biggest red pill the country has ever had. The left is not hiding its agenda & the public sees it. It’s is why I laugh when shills claim Trump is an establishment puppet. Trump has displayed the corruption in DC & the people who arent seeing it are shills & those who dont want to see it. Puppets dont do this.
Inb4 cope.
1 Gen Mike Flynns brother was promoted as commander of the Pacific after Bidens inauguration. Why would Biden allow this? They spent 3 years trying to paint Flynn as a traitor & lock him up.
2 We arent in Ukraine. When was the last time the US said no to a war?
3 Biden cucked on the border. The left is calling on him to send in the military but the worst hes done is sanctions
4 Within 24hrs of Trump saying the Chinese balloon be shot down it was done
5 The border bill failed to pass within 24 hours of Trump saying it is a bad bilk
6 Trump demands FISA be killed & in 24hrs the House votes to kill it
7 Biden unable to use forces in Kuwait because Kuwait & Qatar say so
The military is in charge & currently holding the country in escrow until Nov when the people vote themselves out of this mess. When they try their cheating again it’s going to have to be on such a level its going to be obvious to everyone except for shills & people who don’t want to see it. Again theyll be compiling evidence so when Trump DOES hold a presser declaring victory & citing voter fraud he will have 6 yrs worth of evidence & a pattern of behavior so they cant claim it was a glitch or a one off.
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These next 4 months can't go by fast enough.
If I was Jewish I'd be here with you shilling for Zion Don.
>you're staring at the final boss
74 million vs 81 million. Nobody who lost by that many votes went on to win in the next election cycle. There is no historical precedence for Trump winning again.
Even better: bird picture day
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I like his near constant state of coping
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Daily reminder that everyone on the left is literally a satanist and utterly insane.
it is strange how when this nigger >>473038789 isnt posting, there are barely any awoo posters. the whole week last week when this fag was absent, the threads were actually better. how many sock puppets is this nigger using?
also MAGA and fuck Biden.
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the latter
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what’s your next optic since shilling for ukraine and wignat copypasta didn’t work?
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No president had gained votes from the previous election and lost.
Trump did.
So Biden either cheated or using precedent to predict future elections is useless.
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Daily reminder you're a kike faggot
Leftism will be the new byword for evil in the future, given how bad a person each and every leftist is.
reminder that kike is a jewish word that jews use
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I can't believe you're wasting your breath arguing with that dishonest kike instead of filtering it.
Do you think it will give up and stop lying?
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Hi andrzej

Please do both and everyone, please try and get along today...I'm fucking depressed enough as it is, but enough comfy grilling and drinking today will get me through it
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>another id swapped 1pbitd crying shill
boring as fuck
That seems normal and sane..
he uses multiple, and ban evades quite often
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Did you guys know jet lag som!times takes a full WEEK to start affecting you?
I learned it yesterday during a press briefing.
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I see the future, two great powers, AI powered racial slur generator vs AI powered racial slur hatespeech labeler bot.
and the dark horse apropos euphemism bot. fighting for control of the dictionary. If all words are nigger what then?
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morning johnny
I accept your concession. Enjoy the impending L
yet he accuses others of ID swapping like here >>473040675. is he/she just projecting?
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aren’t you the original ukraine shill of /ptg/? lmao you have no business of calling others shills
also, ukraine lost if you forgot lol
Because they believe the false alarm and urgency that the democrats and media spread. Whether it’s global warming or Trump, everything is an existential crisis that only they can solve.
Get it?
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I love the cope so much, bro
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>tripfag jumping at the pajeet go-to, "I accept your concession"
I knew he was retarded but a streetshitter too? Jesus Christ.
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It’s my chance to demoralize him. It’s got to wear on him that he spends all of this time ever and achieves NOTHING. He’s not changing anyone’s mind here. He should at least flip burgers for a living. He’ll at least be doing something to prevent people from dying of starvation.
I worked in a customer call center once and it was my job to literally lie to people every day. I HATED it. I’m sure he knows he’s lying. It’s got to be gnawing at his soul. If he’s any kind of human being he’ll quit.
>Schizos crying about "trpfags" when nobody is using a trip ITT
He doesn't want to convince anybody. He just wants attention. Give him no attention, not a single (you) or even an acknowledgement, and he'll dry up and wonder what he's doing wrong.
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Guise, biden is fine as long as he only has to be president between 10 AM and 4 PM, with a four-hour power nap in the middle.
Real white supremacists lust after shitskins folks!
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Oh I think we do.
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Wouldn't it be just high comedy if he just dies in August?
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also you can have a cold that only lasts 90 minutes + is gone the next day
imagine being a slave to IDs and tripcodes
Contrary to popular (ill-informed) belief, Presidents don't work 24/7.
Aren't you that jew loving chink who thinks China is somehow WN?
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Demoralization doesnt work on half sentient beings like shills, browns and pajeets.
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all boogaloo, no boys
the life of demfags
>the debate was too late
They're the ones that scheduled it though
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I applaud your attempt at gaslighting but we all know the truth
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They need to be available at all hours but could work 2 hours a day for months with no issue.
ukraine lost + what happened to your /nsg/ memes? you don’t post them anymore.
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Based Jews.
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I sure hope WWIII doesn't go too late into the night!
because /nsg/ won :)
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Who are you even describing? Haven't seen anyone like that in /here/
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>pole whips out yet another sockpuppet
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Now that I think about it, I could see Alaska going blue as well. Palin got smoked by a Democrat, after all.
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Again if I loved Jews I'd be pro-Trump because nobody suck Jew ass like Zion don.
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The anti-Polish shilling is so silly. Imagine picking a random country to attack
>Hey! You're from Estonia! Kim Jong Un lost lmao. Go back to aus/pol/ faggot
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Now let's see how the most Jewish Jews vote..
Well I'll be damned!
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Associated Press spitting hard facts against the right-wing narrative.
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The guy on your side, who dislikes Trump, just wrote this >>473041290
same idea as having a plan to kill everyone in the room, nothing wrong with that
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Jared is giving Donald an extra helping of jewjewcum for the holiday!
Who still gives a shit about Ukraine?
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>writing negatively about someone in obvious mental decline is "election interference"
good god i hate these faggots so god damned much..
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Actually that 2% prefers biden, too.
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we all get extra helpings of jewjew cum this holiday
are they portraying Thomas as a house nigger?
seems racist
this but unironically
I do - it's been central in the collapse of the faggots in charge of all of the evil.

been fun watching them get crushed slowly
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Preach it, KHive.
We shall see what can be, unburdened by what has been.
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do you have this image in 1080p?
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Trump is fucking brilliant! Nothing is surer to keep biden in the race to the bitter end than shitting on his pride like this.
Feels like a saturday doesn't it!
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psst Trump is funded by Zionist Jews.
>I crushed drumpfie one time I'll do it again huhhasaaaaa
Yeah Trump telling Biden to drop out is the best way to make sure Biden never drops out.
What of this makes him "unfit for office"??
Sharing the opinion 90% of Americans have ?
Happy freedom day
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But if the most Jewish Jews vote Trump doesn't that invalidate your theory that Trump and MAGA are antithetical to Judaism and Jewish interests? If that was the case orthodox Jews would me most against Trump right? You MIGA faggots just cannot square that circle lol
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psst you’re a ccp shill
real desperate for interaction this morning?
ukraine is still losing btw
Someone tell this call center scammer to fuck off and stop robbing grandpa, he has dementia it isn't cool. He can't even walk up a set of stairs.
>rolls up
> Kamala in particular are pathetic
> So fucking bad
> unfit for office
>BIG change to ABC's Biden interview rollout plan: It "will air in its entirety as a primetime special, Friday, July 5, at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on ABC." Additionally, "a transcript of the unedited interview will be made available the same day."
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It's CPC (communist Party of China) by the way.
Saying CCP is like saying States United of America.
I don't believe them.
He can still read from a prompter and appear alive enough
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I'll be putting that in my okuu folder
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thanks, btw saying you’re a commie who hates jews is very silly
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>Alright joe, this is the 50th take, hopefully you get it right
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You know the wild thing, bidenshill is such a schizo he has multiple subtly edited versions of all his images he spams so they don't get picked up by filters and archives as frequently.
You idiot... the jews think they're being sacrificed after the election. Don't you remember? WW3? Gas the jews? Yeah, we're not done with that.
yeah he always does that. just ignore and/or call him out so lurkers are aware. he’s only been here since 2020.
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Nobody's watching that shit on a Friday evening in the summer and during 4th of July weekend, no less...and nobody likes that fucking midget interviewer, either

It really is Dementia Veggie Joever
>Gas the jews? Yeah, we're not done with that.
I'm not a commie and neither is China really. They are simply authoritarian nationalists using communist symbols.
Cry about it.
hey isn't it funny how you weren't able to btfo a single polack?
that's kinda pathetic lol considering you have spent six months straight trying
>End wokeness
Why do you follow that Jew faggot? Are you a Jew?
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>Here watch Joe read a teleprompter
>Are you reassured?
>No I won't tell you what time this interview was filmed
>sockpuppet returns after inactivity
looks like I ruffled the pole’s feathers (again)
Why do Jews give Trump so much money?
He's def not in poland. He lives in the US and uses vpns.
>noooo you have to be posting 24/7
cope :)
/nsg/ won :)
trump 2024 :)
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I'll get the next one
The pole’s a faggot and so are you.
Do you think bidenshill gets doubletime today?
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>6 months
Has it really been that long?
It's literally a nigger twitch stream...
>how do you do fellow goyim
>this is restart 67,842 in %debate runs!
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three lies in one
his obsession and multiple ID switches is bretty funny
Happy birthday, America! Get out on the lake!
>sockpuppet using emoticons
oh boy he’s piping mad now lol
yes the group started in january lmao (well, december but i can't prove that)
>michigan +7
I'm hopeful but come on now
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This actually tracks I just didn't realize it had been that long.
They could be doing this just to go full scorched earth and make Biden seem even more pathetic than he was during the debate.
Or, maybe they're just that arrogant. Who knows.
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it also stems from st*lla's group of trannies that includes the gayporn spammer. they've screenshotted parts of the thread before and shown they hide the Pole's posts while they were both seething over Batowl
>1pbtid id swapping intensifies
Poor buck broken shill.
nope! it's a different group that consists of the no reply list anon
he got upset that he was banned from baking and said
>you will regret this!!!!!!
and then called his discord buddies over here to seethe constantly
you’ve been typing quite a lot this morning with all these sockpuppets!
also Ukraine still lost just in case you forgot
oh no! you used capitalization! what a blunder!
>/nsg/ won
>never see it in catalo anymore
reminder that Trump is not a socialist and that NATSOC is not MAGA
TRUMP 2024
>he looks in the catalog
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It's been a weird mix of we stand by joepedo and he's got to go it's joever from dems.
Regardless, I think they want to play down he's just a drooling retard who shits and sleeps.
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I have to. Gotta see the days hott topics!
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regardless, its all silly
Has she seen the price of soup cans?
We reached luxury status, best to make your own stock.
Is there a soup tier list or should I ask /ck/?
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Yes. That's why she moved from leafland to Tennessee
Do people unironically not make their own soup? You just chop vegetables up and simmer them in water and stock then blend it to your desired chunkyness. It's way cheaper and 1000 more MAGA to buy fresh vegetables to make it yourself.
Trumptards are growing complacent. They're gonna pull a Hillary this year.
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b*den is so shit and braindamaged, dems are thinking of using AI for him
You're talking to a Trumptard, little guy.
I know, you dipshits are gonna get complacent.
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>He gets soup from a can
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1. Split pea soup
2. Beef bourgundy
3. Chili
You ever get tired of having to gaze up to your lessers, lil buddy?
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The addiction to goyslop is hard for most Americans to break.
The lockdowns and inflation unironically forced me to learn cooking and was worth it.
For some reason women think it is more empowering to spend 30-50 dollars for delivery shit.
holy fucking shit
>that old broken down pile of crap
lmao. considering there's not been a single leak of anything the entire campaign and how perfectly this convo is framed despite it being 'covert', there's no way this wasn't intentional.
Damn really? No tomato? Chicken noodle?
You should see some of the replies.
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Yes, sorry. It's the official list of soups, can't change it.
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hey what is this in reference to?
(this is an actual question, I'm not baiting out an annoyed maki picture)
kamala harris being in charge of America's nukes
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oh no...
thanks for answering
no need to bee rude
Madame presidente is a true poet.
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If you can you should also grow your own vegetables, it's super easy and you get 100% organic no jew chemicals no high fructose corn syrup no niggers handling your groceries and you get 100% fresh from the ground peak nutrition food.
Even better if you can use them to make your own sauces or condiments. You won't need to buy jew ketchup ever again.
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>actually answer his question
>don’t get a you
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wtf. How have I not picked up on this line before
Do Americans dont have shops that sell fresh veggies tho? You dont have to choose between buying canned soup or growing veggies on your own.
DDHQ Polling Average Update: 2024 Presidential (Wisconsin)

Joe Biden (D): 47.7% (+0.1)
Donald Trump (R): 47.6%

This average is based on 38 polls.

Yeah no thanks I'll just eat beef.
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sorry I stepped away to grab something to eat
Good taste.
For me nothing beats perfect beef shank for gulyás.
And any of the American chowders are great too what with all the fresh sea food available in Florida.
>This average is based on 38 polls.
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she says lots of retarded things so not surprising
Rewind for Biden interview that just aired: https://youtu.be/UopSP9GemPc

Sounds very scripted
yeah he did two nigger radio shows to prove how fit he is to run for president
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But it sure does help. I wouldn't imagine going back that far into jew world order time now.
And that is why laxatives are the number 1 thing sold at pharmacies in America.
is /ptg/ the longest running general in the history of /pol/?
>Hey guys, Biden sucks and is braindead, so let's make an AI deepfake of him to campaign!
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>not buying probiotics instead
I posted that too >>473044037
If you think beef is bad for you then there's no helping you.
>Biden has had a lifelong stutter
we are reaching levels of gaslighting that shouldn't be possible
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It's definitely easier than citrus, I don't know how farmers do it which is why I guess OJ prices are through the roof.
Something I should definitely try!
Yea, there are farmers markets and places that sell fresh produce locally. A lot of farms in South Florida so you have plenty of choices and usually is way cheaper than retail grocery stores.
As you can imagine most nigger cattle don't venture outside shartmart.
Like if I need celery root or other things I usually don't see those at publix etc.
nice. you guys are warriors
Good morning, everyone.
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Reminder still baking. Bread is in the oven and will be ready in a little more than 30 posts.
You don't remember
>I don't want my children growing up in a r-r-r-r-ruh-ruh-riri-ruh-racial jungle
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homemade consomme with the ice drip method is horrifiyingly good.
Its like 2-3 days but its unbelievably good and you get a wad of gelatin out of it. for thickening other things.

anything with roasted veg and homemade fond is fucking delightful

pops said he forgot a pressure cooker chicken stock for a whole day, and only a few bits of the larger bones remained. said it was the best thing ever.

my man alvin showed up after asia tour with this banger. I haven't tried it yet but everything alvin makes is close to heaven
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>>473045911 checked 911
>Good morning, everyone.
Good morning, sir !!
I live in a middle of one of the biggest cities in Poland and i still have like four different shops that sell fresh veggies in casually walking distance..
I cant imagine living on Shartmart food alone ( our equivalent of it, aka Bideronka ).
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heyya happy 4th
Today’s going to be a good day I can feel it.
wait, I thought Hitler seized power and no one ever supported him
so which is it?
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so now that the dust has settled... how long does Zombie Joe have left to live?
a month?
maybe... six months, tops?
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hello frens
it's gonna be 96 today... gettin' nekkid
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Happy 4th
looks like you're feeling a bit wacky, judging by the gif alone
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gm fren adn checked
That all depends on if the drugs keep failing him.
also beef sukiyaki
not exactly soup but hotpot is good
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I might be feeling a bit wacky, only because it has been a really good lead up to the 4th this year, I'm excited for what's to come.
never stuttered once in that vid of him grilling Thomas during confirmation hearings
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Is it actually happening?
I don't think it's bad for you, meat is based and I'm on almost entirely a carnivore diet too. I say almost because unfortunately we need other stuff too. Yes I would eat just beef and pork if I could, but I would die. You need vegetables too and if you don't want jew chemicals it's easy and simple to grow them yourself. The reason Americans buy so many laxatives is because they don't have any dietary fiber due to only eating burgers.
The point of this is to avoid buying things and making them yourselves. If you can grow your own probiotics as a substitute for your dietary vegetable needs then go for it.
>2 women
fucking do it
>Today’s going to be a good day I can feel it.

I heard a story
About a rumor
About some anon who earned an unplanned involuntary vacation
Posted something about being White in a grocery store.

Probably isn't true at all tho

Yes, they let hippies fly

Sorry to hear about the other goat kid.
What do you think is the cause ???
why does she just ..buckle..like that
To live? Five years tops. And they won't be good years, because he already has to be led around by the hand.
>Yes I would eat just beef and pork if I could, but I would die.
Verifiably false, not reading further. Have a good day.
that video has been scrubbed from youtube
>Kameltoe & The Faggot
The absolute state of this country...
It has meat so it's a stew.
Honest question, can Biden pick somebody else as VP to kick Kamala off the ticket? If she's looking poised to backstab him then he might just cut her out. Full blown Democrat civil war.
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Is chicken noodle soup really a stew?
past presidents have switched VPs between terms
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Its a badly looped gif.
They will whack him either after picking vp OR after they try to steal another elections.
poso is full of shit
I remember when he had a big report from a "WH insider" that Kamal was going to be replaced as VP a year or two ago. Since BIden's taken office, he's posted this WH insider mess.
Frigging jantoids. Anyway, I think maybe the little goats died from dehydration/diarrhea.
Stewing is just a cooking method.
Hence vegetable stew.
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I think it's time for Harris to go.
>I think maybe the little goats died from dehydration/diarrhea.
Very plausible
no dumbass stews are specifically made with milk
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All real soups have meat in them
They’re not used to the heat like their parents.
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Go fuck yourself, glowfag.

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