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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473038600
Tactical Independence Action
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Make everyone hate America edition
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happy awoorth
>posting the same image multiple times in 1 thread
>using and losing four (4) different trip codes
not even eva was such a schizophrenic nigger
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new baker kneaded btw.
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Ultra MAGA. Time to get some music going.

I got it.
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Get some veterinarian gf.
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Apparently there was a mistrial declared in the Karen read murder case.
The only person the President can't fire is the VP.
But Biden could choose another running mate for this time around. Kamala would still be VP though until her term ended. Can't get rid of her after she's been elected.

The VP does not work for the president. The original concept of the position was someone would be adversarial to the president, but that caused too many problems, culminating in the first impeachment, so after that the adversarial part was dropped, but the not working for or being subject to the president part of the position remained the same.
you are slow! that happened a while back!
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rich pedophiles deserve the guillotine
>a while back
Wasn't that yesterday?
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Wrong again dumgay. It was not a while back.
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Stars And Stripes Forever doesn't get enough usage despite being incredibly MAGA
yes it was!
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shoot fireworks at stellas balls
I have the updated noombers for that...
>It will come as little surprise to American consumers that the price of food has increased substantially since 2019. Inflation fueled by expansive monetary and fiscal policy, exacerbated by supply chain snarls that caused demand to outstrip supply has driven up food prices by roughly 13.5% since 2019, making this July 4th barbecue the most expensive ever.
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Wow, I didn't know Trump was that based.
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everything the left does turns to shit
Did Jean Pierre or Biden give us our annual Hot Dog Price Index report this year?
I need to know the HDPI so I can budget accordingly for the rest of the year
Yeah there's no fucking way food prices are only up 13.5% since 2019. It's a MINIMUM of 25% according to my bills as I have an extremely routine diet and have bought the same shit monthly for a decade now.
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Hello ptg it is me Donald Trump

Have a very MAGA 4th of July.

-Donald Trump
You've been wrong so much lately. What happened to you? Are you just not keeping up with news and current events?
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Meant for
The womemes seems to like the sheep.
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Kind of kino, kek.
If the jews want a real holocaust I will gladly help.
You didn't know?
(this was from Salon or some other prog rag)
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the left CAN meme
A Happy Fouth to you too, Mr. President
Same with the Washington Post.
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well good beef dogs are like $6 a lb but a slab of beef chuck is like $5 so its literally cheaper to just buy non processed beef so thats what i do. i dont think ive bought hot dogs in the biden regime
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Yea, I know they fudge those numbers as well so it doesn't look worse and looking at your bills can't lie!
Shouldn't you people be campaigning and making memes to ensure that Biden continues his run for presidency?
Show weakness when you are strong.
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No, they are deliberately avoiding cost of living issues as that is polling very badly.
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I was genuinely surprised that song is named that. Hail Columbia is pretty fun too
what do you mean! it happened a while ago! here's the definition:
>A while ago is commonly used to refer to an unspecified time in the past.
the trial resulted in a mistrial in the past! that's yet another concession!
you used to be so good at this... ugh... it's kinda sad...
I have opened the mayor.
The caricature that these people build in their imaginations of Trump.. wew lad
No wonder they thought Biden was going to ride into the debate on a unicycle do a backflip onto the stage, slam a beer, and call Trump fuck face.
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Trump 2024 is not the same thing as Trump 2016, or even 2020. Even in his first presidency he folded under pressure and barely got anything done, and that was when he was talking big game and making big promises. now that he talks like another establishment republican and takes jewish donors' money, what will his second term look like?
Trump already did that with the 'leaked' private conversation calling him a worthless pile of crap. Antagonizing him is the best way of keeping him dug in.
Needs more Akon on the hook. I'll post my cover of this song if this post gets 15 updoots.

He'll Make American Great Again ---- Again, Euvgeniy
then you shouldn't be worried since that's exactly what you want
Guys, lets not even bother voting. The Demoshits are just going to rig it anyway so why bother wasting the gas to drive to the polls?
Best thing to do would create arguments for both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris so the infighting amongst democrats continues and they eventually kill each other.
It's a march.
I like to let my car run 24/7
his biggest donor is a white christian who hates niggers and wants to deport spics
what are you talking about?
Time for my afternoon swim, great weather in Florida!
I almost only buy bogo now for slop dogs, too damn expensive.
Enjoy the wear and tear, moron.
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Remember ptg

Voting is very legal and very cool
I just buy another
let it run 24/7
You're talking to a krokodil addict.
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boy i'm hungry
i could go for a big bowl of noodle chicken stew
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have a good swim, Floridaman
I don't actually want that. I want US hegemony for as long as possible, just not under the jews for obvious reasons
Miriam Adelson isn't white or christian.
>i fully believed you when you said you let your car run 24/7
>he folded
I don't think you understand what a president actually does
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It’s over.
they aren't sending their best
You don't think yesterday is a better word since it happened yesterday? It seems you are intentionally trying to hide the timeline. Why is that?
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damn that's crazy bro

that's not trump's largest donor :)
his largest donor is timothy mellon :)
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Trumpturds can't afford to do that.
never have been
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the audio isn't great in this but its very MAGA
what do you mean? it's july 4th, 2024
the mistrial was declared on july 1st...
wtf is wrong with you...
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here's to president harris
and she doesn't even have dementia
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Back in the Trump era, I bought a couple of six packs of cars. Can't afford to do that now thanks to Bidenflation.
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kaminald harrisumph
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Well, hopefully, this November they don't get rid of the TTPI (Thanksgiving Turkey Price Index), otherwise my Christmas budget will be fucked.
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>Can't afford to do that now thanks to Bidenflation.
Luckily, inflation is falling rapidly.
Just reading these quotes is going to give me a stroke.
Oh good! So it happened 3 days ago instead of "a while back". I'm just trying to figure out why you are intent on being wrong about this. It's strange to me.
Fake. If what you say was real, CNN and MSNBC would have been all over it for years now, making it their only news story.
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I never really cared about the quality of my hot dogs and used to buy whatever. But one time, I was like fuck it, I'll buy some Japanese Kobe beef hotdogs. They were expensive as fuck, but the best damn hot dogs I ever ate.
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Not like this…
i am glad you agree! three days ago is also a while back!
look at the definition!
>A while ago is commonly used to refer to an unspecified time in the past.
>A while ago means some time ago.
>The period of time we're talking about can be a day
this is getting sad...
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this is reminding me of carkeys insistence that 2000+ words from Arabic adapted into Spanish isn't "a lot"
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IDK why you are trying to obscure the timeline instead of using a more accurate description. It's very bizarre behavior dumgay...
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I saw some fag complaining about that song a while back. Saying its all about genocide and racial holy wars.
tiny balls?
biden interview tomorrow, right? hearing conflicting info about it being an hour long and unedited and other sources claiming it can be as short as 15 min
not at all! you stated
>Apparently there was a mistrial declared in the Karen read murder case.
i then stated that you were slow on the uptake since the mistrial happened three days ago! on july 1st! a while back!
Do you actually think after the debate and the current damage control they’d release an unedited video
it's not live
will be heavily edited
AI presidents skits have proved Biden's voice can be mimicked perfectly
lol, even
All I know is that the interviewer is a former Democrat.
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A church I normally go to around this time of the year has its choir sing that song very lovely.
I swear I saved a picture of awoo being forced to eat chocolate by the other tengus and named it something like "NO AWOO DON'T EAT IT" but idk where it is
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Peak clown world!

I always liked this one.
"Former" lol
Is this supposed to make me not like Trump?
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>former Democrat.
But forever a manlet
The interview is going to be an hour long, but the stipulation is they must edit it down to 15 minutes.
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ayo, we kamala posting?

That woman is either 6'6'' or she is standing on a step.
Bill Clinton is about 6'2''
And her name? Alberta Einstein
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She's on a step. I posted the low res version accident. But George is tiny as fuck.
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>shitlibs have to reference fictional work of art that is thinly disguised fetish of the writer
>as a counter point right winger can just point to any country/place that shitlibs ruled for more than five minutes
Funny how that shit works.
vets and nurses make for the best gf's.
Thoughts on this leaked video?

it's from the ebin feminist scare movie they use to signal "Trump will end your abortions"
>can only get 15 minutes of understandable answers out of an hour of conversation
>jet lag
What's the next excuse?
You forgot the past his bedtime excuse.
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Dementia Veggie Joe is finished, and the question now is how to time the events of the next ten days to completely steal the thunder from Blimpf and the GOP convention
>George is tiny as fuck.
Except for the time he interviewed Trump. They saged his positioning and Trump to make all Five feet of George look as tall as Sauran from Jackson's Lord of the RIngs opening scene.
>next excuse
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I hear they often like to party and do drugs, also notoriously known as sluts tho
veterinarian gfs sure. nurses big no
I miss Trump tweeting during REAL NIGGA HOURS

Oh yeah, that. Should make this a campaign theme.

Was George wearing lifts?
'fraid so
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It's great that Barron gets to enjoy time with his father, I dislike left-wingers a lot for weaponizing the Federal Government and trying to put an honest man who did nothing wrong except trying to make decisions with the best results for the country in mind in jail.
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Not really. They do make great wives tho.
>>473050631I worked at CHU St. Pierre for ten years (if you're Belgian, you should what this is). The nurses partied, but they didn't do drugs.
MLK was interviewed by Playboy?
Apparently the justice department also edited the president's statements he made during an investigation.They "edited out repeated words". Newsom speaks very well though.
Did our world pass through a threshold after last week?
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They party as much as anyone with high stressful job. No drugs tho.
Especially the good ones.
back in the day Playboy actually did some good interviews
the John Wayne interview still makes liberals seethe
newsom! the rust belt!
btw i accept your concession i'm leaving now for festivities you lose again!
It was a different magazine in a different time.
>I believe in white supremacy until blacks are educated to a point of responsibility
his only mistake was thinking blacks could be educated or responsible
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it still had nekkid bitches in it thobeit
>This is just like Star Wars
>This is just like Harry Potter
>This is just like Doctor Who
>This is just like Marvel
I can barely stand modern media.
Less so when it's a fictitious story.
Even less when it's sci-fi/fantasy.
Between the leftoids worship, the wokeness it's become, the absolute over-saturation of it all and, perhaps the worst offenders, the man-children... I've utterly given up on it all. It's all so cringe.
Anyone drawing parallels between fictional stories and reality ought to have their rights revoked.
For crying out loud, our world is so rich in history, why can't you use reality as your analog to reality?
No, you have to turn to fiction because they threw in lightsabers and magic wands.
Even more annoying is how all those authors already drew inspiration directly from historical events as-is.
But let's juvenilize it, filter it through a short, condensed form, with an easily digestible narrative so your feeble mind can process it.
Dare say you actually try to learn something real, but I guess the point is better that you don't.
If you did learn actual history you'd probably see yourself beginning to repeat it and change sides.
(((They))) can't have that.
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Gotta give the people what they want!
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I don't even feed my dog the crap they put in dog food these days
I welcome people to resign themselves to eating dog food instead
Lets just ensure they aren't allowed to vote or reproduce
Is Walmart open today?
I actually have that issue
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>what the people want:
I'll vote for whoever promises me a Eurasian harem.
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>For crying out loud, our world is so rich in history, why can't you use reality as your analog to reality?
To be fair history isnt most people forte so trying to reference history can often end up with you having to explain everything three times over..
t. history buff
You would be surprised how many people dont have even the most basic historical facts squared away..
>his only mistake was thinking blacks could be educated or responsible
Did we ever tried without kikes fucking it up/sabotaging it?
Damn that mofo is short
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have a good one
"That means we have Kamala... she's so bad, she's so pathetic, she's so fuckin bad."
-President Donald J. Trump
God bless, you Mr. President.
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Walmart is open every day except Christmas (for now).

Real talk

Terror? Just don't go too crazy with the fireworks!
>You would be surprised how many people dont have even the most basic historical facts squared away..
Which is a big reason I think people ought to learn some more.
Between books and YouTube there's enough to retain the layman's interest and even entertain them.
And yes, some people are dense enough you have to explain over and over.
But there's far too many otherwise intelligent people that fell into the trap of sci-fi/fantasy media and vidya that they wallow away in their homes as NEETs when they have potential for something much better than to end up in a hole where they have convinced themselves that socialism is actually a good, workable idea.
So I've seen the debate, why did Trump dodge so many questions and rebutted Dementia Joe instead of addressing them?
>not answering gotcha questions
>lays out plans and truth instead
fucking based
He didn't answer the one about child care being more affordable and went on a tirade about the worst president and such.
CBS: "July 4th gas prices expected to hit lowest level in 3 years"
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>in three years
that is literally what Biden was in for.
>in 3 years
>back when Joe was president
>still higher than when Trump was president
come on man, put in some effort
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>Which is a big reason I think people ought to learn some more.
Oh of course they should, no argument here.
>And yes, some people are dense enough you have to explain over and over.
Its not even the case for being dense, just simply people not having the knowledge because they either dont care or no one bothered to teach them..
Its ghastly to watch those street polls on YT and see Americans failing to answer basic ass questions about history while i know the actual answers despite not being American myself.
And dont even get me started on anything earlier or god forbid pre Rome..
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> in 3 years
Wow, during an election year? It's like a fucking miracle.
Hoes (Trumptards) Mad!
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Trump won.
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>tfw big mike sticks it in without spitting first
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>Last miliary parade was in 1991
>DNC blocked the last attempt to have one when Trump was in office
>Siri, who is President?
Next debate should be at 11 am to even the playing field
>Biden is President for 6 hours per day
>Trump is President for 0 hours per day
Not for long, fatso. Joe's in the mud.
not sure I'd wanna see one now
all the White boys are no longer enrolling
be a parade of manlet spics, trannies, obese negresses and faggots
pretty sad really
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>signature or avatar use
Not if Trump is in office.
Get your copes in now because when the Fall gets here, you'll all be hiding.
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How's the 4th progressing?
Can't happen. It wouldn't do as good ratings. They should have it at 1am if they wanted to see something funny.
Reminder Dem virtual convention is in 3 weeks. Time is running out.
>Trumpshits can't handle the bantz
as a loyal subject of his majesty the king etc I am casting my vote for Nigel.
Does project 2025 have a plan foe getting the faggotry out of the military?
Post current Biden he doesn't look like that anymore.
>virtual convention
The fuck?
the dems are already fleeing his sinking ship, it's Joever and you know it lol
100% The Army backs it.
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>shill got called out for not changing his MD5's
>start spamming the same two pics with minimal changes to avoid filter
Kike neurosis kicking in i see.
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If you call this bants then you must be shit at parties
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Their only hope now.
there's an early august deadline to fill as a candidate in Ohio before the in person convention so they're stamping Bidet in early (in theory).
Trump should start a war with mexico so mexicans will kill mexicans
revenge for FDR making Germans kill Germans
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You know the last time a big metallic flower appeared on July 4 didn't end so well...
Debates don't matter.
Whenever people post these, I think "Only a husband should be seeing this show".

Get a wife, you freak
>Its not even the case for being dense, just simply people not having the knowledge because they either dont care or no one bothered to teach them..
Yes, and for the simpletons we have the other media.
Part of my original point was people that would otherwise be smart enough to understand history are instead siding with the simplicity and ignorant lives of the dullards
>let fools be fools
There's strength in numbers
You know history, so you know how great societies fall, one factor is when everyone begins to latch onto proverbial "opiates" and shirk their social responsibilities.
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Did Obamaleaf cross the border into USA illegally?
I heard that if Biden stepped aside, the only person who could legally receive his 200 million dollars of campaign money, per FEC rules, is Kamala. That does not preclude a Big Mike candidacy, but it does add an advantage for Kamala being the nominee.
>leaked video
Don't think it counts as a leak when its on his truthsocial account.
>1 in 3 people are complete irredeemable nigger cattle who think drooling geriatricly and shitting yourself on live tv is owning blumpf
some people are beyond help
covid proved that definitively
>drooling geriatricly and shitting yourself on live tv is owning blumpf
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>You know history, so you know how great societies fall, one factor is when everyone begins to latch onto proverbial "opiates" and shirk their social responsibilities.
I do but the problem is - can you even get most people to care? Historically even at the times of greatest crisis only relatively few were concerned about anything more than simply surviving..
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Happy Independence Day, /ptg/!

TRUMP 2024
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He changed the hash again. Imagine going through this much effort lmao
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Heads up that just 5 hours till the UK polls close and Are Nige wins.
How many seats won is Nigel shooting for?
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Manifest Destiny is real,
do NOT fall for the propaganda,
God is with us,
we win in the end,
always awoo,
red, white, and blue,
hats off to you!
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Imagine doing this on the 4th.
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Quality plan
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I don't really know how things work over there, but if 8 is what Nigel wants, I hope he gets his eight.
I don't... what?
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First the NYT, now the economist. It doesn't look good if they don't find a way to sneak newsom in there.
So is the poo out as bong PM in a matter of hours? Not that it matters...the jews navigate the ship over there just as they do here
That cover is savage
oh god, not the economists too, tiny balls! It's joever now!
I want Trump to win because he's entertaining. That's all that matters. That video of him shitting on Harris made me laugh until I weeped. In this shit world, levity is invaluable.
They're trading 70% brown communism for the 100% variety but yeah no matter what happens their 'tory' party is going extinct tonight.
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Absolute kino, checked.
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i will vote for donald trump in november!
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>I saw some fag complaining about that song a while back. Saying its all about genocide and racial holy wars.
That's literally the opposite of what it means though, there's a whole verse about fighting to free the nigger slaves.
For once, Nigel himself is virtually guaranteed a seat by about a +10 margin. The polls, however, range so widely that it's useless to say for Reform. You'll have one poll saying Reform will get 3, another saying he'll get 8, another saying he'll get into the 50s, and one forecast who has an upper limit of 103 for Reform.
kek, that's exactly what I was thinking when I read anon's post. like isn't the song all about freeing niggers?
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Very based, reminds me of the chuddie rumble.
Damn, that's an extreme variance
Reminder that I am baking.
The NYT is the ordinary dem's scripture, the economist is what the donors are thinking.
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One of the lines is literally "As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free."...
Nigger persecution complex is breaking all bounds.
true that, tiny balls.
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This is jewkraine levels of cringe.
It is beyond joever...
Yep. There seems to be a divide on the anecdotal data, because there are Tory volunteers in once-safe Tory constituencies leaking to the press that all the houses they hit have switched to Reform and it's freaking them out. The extreme variance is echoed by Tory projections ranging from the 50s to the low 100s. Everyone knows it's a Tory wipeout, but nobody knows how big it'll be and whether Reform will be able to just barely split past Labour to nap some of the tight seats. If so, that's how you get the higher Reform numbers: lots of +1 margin of victory nail-biters over Labour.
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Total Nigger Death is the only way to stop their attempts to make us re fight the Civil War.
A looking through my dad’s collection, I found out about Quadaphonic stereos and 20 Questions with Lee Marvin.
I get it delivered every Sunday. A friend of mine is a Harvard-educated world finance fag and when we talk politics I pretend to be impressed with his "super knowledge" and just nod. One night he tells me "Hey, you should read the Economist, I'm going to send it to you."

So now it comes to my house every Sunday. I never read it, because nearly every article subject was covered a week or two ago on /pol/ with a way more based take and funnier memes.
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The Tories have done it to themselves, they had a mandate and did everything they could to delay and bungle it then adopt all of the worst parts of the EU
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They're really going with that incoherent nonsense branding huh
Chaos is our friend
Either Joe or Kamala would wipe the floor with Trump.
>American Pride
Have a glorious Independence Day
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Thanks for fighting for me!
See you at the rally!
He's an agent of chaos, one might say ^-^
Oh great do we gotta summon KEK now or is this not necessary?
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Whomp whomp
he's a big guy
Because, as Nigel said, there are 5 or 6 factions in the Tory party that all hate each other, and thus they nuke any attempt at actually doing anything of worth on policy that isn't just about "muh GDP."
>unburduned by what has been
If these people hate "what has been" so much, they should move to Mexico or Gaza. Mother fuckers making hundreds of thousands of dollars to write 2,000-word essays about their hate for America, even though America has given them everything, including those well-paying jobs they use to shit on America. Fuck them.
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for you
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happy fourth of july sisters
Libtards have the mindset of a 5 year old.
Poll suggests what we already knew, contrary to that one poll that claimed Kamala was stronger than Joe (no doubt a push poll to try and push Joe to withdraw). In the end, we'd beat both, but keeping Joe in is the safer bet for Trump because there's no chance for minds to change.
I feel optimistic about the future of my country.
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happy 4th, dumgay!
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I figured it was because they're all owned by foriegn entities and despise the British people, not unlike Republicans.
kek, they are PISSED
Trump's right; she IS so fucking bad. He said the exact same thing anons here say! Same words even!
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As willing zogbots to die for the jews goes down to zero they won't have endless wars to distract goys and the system all comes tumbling down.
Washington Post wrote a resignation speech for Joe.
>*draws picture of klan rally*
"Stop"... racism?
>Literal who poll
Desperate much?
>When Nikita Khrushchev was forced out as leader of the Soviet Union, he sat down and wrote two letters to his successor Leonid Brezhnev. He said, “When you get yourself into a situation you can’t get out of, open the first letter, and you’ll be safe. When you get yourself into another situation you can’t get out of, open the second letter”. Brezhnev soon found himself in a difficult situation, so he opened the first letter. It said, “Blame everything on me”. So he blamed Khrushchev for everything, and it worked. Eventually, he got himself into a second difficult situation he couldn’t get out of, so he opened the second letter. It said, “Sit down, and write two letters”.
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Please, Trump, do something that will take Biden off the news cycle!
The devil you know is better than the devil you don't, voting for a man you know is a vegetable is uniquely demoralizing, Kamala is terrible in other ways but at least she's not filling her shorts in front of the pope.
The Post is the voice of the deep state in Washington. They will not stop with this until Joe quits the campaign. They are so mad he hasn't done it already.
>Dem debates
This has to be the GOP secretly running the Washington Post, right? Nobody could possibly be stupid enough to put a bunch of Dems who just knifed Joe in the back into a pseudo-primary contest 4 months before the general election, giving Trump free rein to himself.
All he has to do is keep his mouth shut. Hell the next rally is on Tuesday.
>WaPo writing and publishing extended universe fanfiction for current events
this is gettin' good
And how would votes be counted for this primary?
Who would pay for it ? How long would it last?

This is just some silly idea an idiot at the DNC came up. It's complete fantasy.
A pseudo primary that lasts for three weeks, no less.
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The jews are terrified.
Hours before the debate started they swore he would do 100 pushups and chug a case of beer.
Suddenly he's no longer their shabbo?
business insider wants he/sheboons
>a bunch of Dems who just knifed Joe in the back
Maybe they should haven't have made his appearances scarce for the last few years?
Trump is at all time highs in the polls going into july. The reason why that's funny is because candidates usually get a polling boost after the convention and they get officially nominated, so Trump could easily go 1-3% higher. But what's even funnier is that democrats are trying to not have a convention because they're afraid of party mutinies, and so won't benefit from the polling bump. And because gas prices are going up in summer, Biden's poll numbers will probably go down a little more. Probably will see Trump 49-Biden 42 in august at this rate.
Yeah, it would be total disaster because the American public who not be able to take it seriously. Trump would just need to make one comment about "the seven dwarfs" and it'd be a kill shot.
If you read what WaPO said, they wrote that the primary will not be decided by the people's votes, but do not worry because your betters will decide for you.
For an OP
I found some good pics to use but I'll post the links in the next thread.
Trump lurks.
uh ho... wall street sees... they see... the writing on the walll.... as if they didn't know joe was a potato already
oh look. samefagging pole admits to using a vpn.
New thread
I am the last to awoo
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Will anything change if he wins enough or whatever?
That pajeet doing an interview with an onlyfans whore was peak humiliation for the once great empire.
I'm sure the hard core lefties will love having a bunch of elites select their new candidate.

These people are smoking crack and still just as out of touch as ever.
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Embrace the power of kek, he already won.
no she's just filling her mouth with nigger penis
The sheer chaos of a mini primary would be breathtaking, all these candidates running around the country for just a few weeks before some kind of massive vote off since they can't stagger the states voting individually, which would almost certainly leave several candidates standing as they march into the convention with their respective delegates. All while Trump giggles and plays another round of golf.
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>My cancer was spreading rapidly, now it’s just spreading slowly. All the growth is from the rapid spread is still there and damage has absolutely been done, so be thankful.
You’re retarded.
Then everyone clapped
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Unironically this needs to be a large ad campaign from Trump’s team. Completely throws water on the idea that Kamala would be a decent vote now that Biden isn’t there - brings out that not only did she lie, but she was fully willing to let a confused man have the launch codes and risk the American people to preserve appearance. And now they only backtrack because they’ve been caught.

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