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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>What's happening
Elections for 650 seats in the house of commons by FPTP. This is not one election but 650 separate elections at once. The party which wins 326 or more seats will have their leader become PM.

>Timelines (all in BST/UTC+1)
- 7am-10pm polls open for voting in 40,000 polling stations. News reports on voting and election issues are banned.
- 10pm, polls close and the combined broadcasters' exit poll is released. This has been quite accurate since 2005.
- 11pm, the first seats will declare, usually safe Labour seats in the North East of England
- 12am-2am (5th July), a smattering of early seats. Keep an eye out for Swindon North and South, both traditional bellweathers.
- 3-6am, most seats declare, we are likely to know the winner
- 6-9am, stragglers declare
- 12pm 5th July, new PM in office if needed

Conservative - centre right
Reform - hard right
Labour - centre left
Liberal democrats - centrist-to-left
Greens - Green
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - who cares lol

>Where can I watch results
BBC iplayer (needs VPN for non-Brits): https://www.bbc . co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone
Sky News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUvTVdTMyY
Are you a Starmtrooper?
I am rubbing one out rn
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death to nonces that move to asia to fuck kids
vote reform
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I forgot to register in time. Vote for me, lads. Whichever party that will gib PIP...
Angela rayner says she’s going to make being a male illegal
Are Tories kaput?
In the polling booth
no curtain
people are looking at me
lads i'm getting word right now from my british friends
all good chaps, but they all had micropenises
they just voted reform and their cocks and bollockses grew so large all the slags in town swarmed them and had sex with them on the spot!
vote reform to have your cock and bollocks grow huge and have sex!!
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Who's winning?
Conservative - globalhomo
Reform - centre right
Labour - globalhomo
Liberal democrats - who cares
Greens - gay and trans who cares
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - who cares lol
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vote for (ch)ange
vote labour
>Reform - hard right
These guys are hard right?
>Nigel Farage: "Whether we are churchgoers or not everything in our country and culture is based on Judeo-Christian values"
> "You're welcome to come from anywhere in the world, from any religion, if you share our values we can live together happily and in peace"
do you guys look like this?
Probably, but no results for 4 hours when we get the exit poll
No op is just a massive faggot
The bankers. Always do.
Literally me
>no results for 4 hours
that's a 0 for every hour of nothing
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do you look like this?
Farage!!!! Holy shit!!! Reform have already won 600 seats!
Vote tory for a foreign transexual non-english speaking next door neighbour, same for labour.

Vote Reform to gas the troons and use small boats as target practice.
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I'm voting as late as possible so my vote gets counted first. Everyone else will be taking my sloppy seconds

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for me it's yorkshire party
You know they tip the ballot boxes out and mix it all up, right?
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you sound like a jew right now m8
Fuck off, never been harder to run a small business than the last 14 years. You fucking shut them all down for the sniffles and are now shutting them down because they can't afford the repayments on the loans you forced them to take. Fuck yourself. I gave up with my business years ago under the Tories. If voting for you all to be shot was an option I'd vote so hard for it that the ballot box would implode.
Is reform going to win?
Lol no
Manifesto: remove 'the' fromt english language
Nah, they'll just cannibalise tory votes. Like before what's left of the tories might end up just trying to absorb that party's ideas and opinions so as to not die.
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Unfortunately not, but they will do better than the ‘opinion’ polls predict
No, but Nigel will get into parliament along with about ten colleagues. The Conservatives will be massively reduced and so they might enter into a loose pact to work together in opposition, and then eventually could merge into one party, or Nigel defects to them to run for leadership to rebuild them.
If Tories get a majority and Reform get a few seats they will probably form a coalition. They always do this.
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Who did he voted for? local vegan buffet?
notice how he doesn't say what business, meaning it was probably very unremarkable
OK lads I bet that rishi would lose his seat how likely is that looking
>Reform - Civ Nats .NOT HARD RIGHT
define "win", because I say YES
Unlikely IMO, but possible if the tories absolutely shit the bed
I don't give a fuck, raise tax to 100% I don't care anymore, you had 14 years and destroyed this country. Voted in to stop immigration and raised it too record levels and put a pajeet in charge. Doubled down on woke bullshit and climate nonsense. You could offer me a million quid and I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Can you feel the hate? Everyone fucking hates you.
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I just voted Reform, an' I ain't so proud about it
So his goal is to change the conservative party into something else so they can win in the next election...
I hope it's not too late for your country by then
I just want Nigel in parliament for the laughs.
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>Reform - hard right
You’ll get him, he’s very popular in clackton
Some thoughts from the Conservative voters?

How do you feel about the election?
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>breaking news
breaking news
>breaking news
early reports indicate reform voters are more likely to be sex havers and labour voters are more likely to be gender dysmorphic
take a swim with me mate.
He's running against Count Binface, he's absolutely fucked
That will definitely happen, he's running for a seat in Essex. UKIP won it once and it's current a Tory one.
I already homeschool and I had to start under the Tory government because you're grooming the children with nonsense and homosexuality. I genuinely want to shoot you. Fuck off and die already.
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>- 3-6am, most seats declare, we are likely to know the winner

Why does it take so long lmao you pathetic slow britbong fucks

In Germany we know the winner by the same night unless extremely close
We don't close polls until 10pm is why
Because we aren’t a country founded on extreme autisticness
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Cause we do it manually so it can't be so easily manipulated by rogue state actors
>Conservative - centre right
Incorrect. They are a left-wing party.
He’s been quite open that he’s basing his tactics on those of Canada’s Reform Party, right down to the name. They also took votes from Canada’s Conservative Party in an election that destroyed them down to 2 fucking seats, then Reform merged with them and basically took over as the party of the right.
Reform to cement itself as a real alternative party.
My car has been SORN for the past year and a half because the insurance went through the roof after the last one was stolen by those that you've let waltz over the border. Everything you're saying is reminding me how much you need shooting.
How many total votes can reform get? 7 million?


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Which of these is most likely, and which are you hoping for?
I did not know that Labour was so overrepresented in seating compared to votes.
The winners are known by 2 pm on the day
Reform love immigration though. Many of their candidates are brown and black muslims/sikhs/hindus. Very pro-diversity party.
Easily doable
At least it breaks the 2 party spell the public have been under so I can come forth with the gas these cunts and save the country party and then gas these cunts and save the country.
>I did not know that Labour was so overrepresented in seating compared to votes.
Labour and Conservative. This is the reason Conservatives have been in power for so many total years through the years (more than Labour). The difference this time is most people hate them.
Too late. Your bollocks has failed this time.
They will be lucky to get 1 seat.
what a delusional mentally ill faggot you really are
as for you, fucking neck yourself.
>If Tories get a majority
0% chance, not even worth discussing
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>Vote Reform to gas the troons and use small boats as target practice.
One of their candidates is a Sikh that barely speaks English who is on camera saying "Diversity is our strength".
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right cause outright saying you don't want them here is a smart move right?
it's making yourselves more palpable to the general public you retards, HIDE your power level, lepen did the same and look at her party, they're likely to get just under a absolute majority in the french parilment
same thing with geert, he stopped with his muslims are evil schtick and won the most seats in parilment, and recently tweeted out he thinks islam is an evil religion
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>muh immigration
You are completely brainwashed do you know that? you fell for it, well you deserve everything you are going to get.
ULEZ was actually announced by Boris Johnson in 2015.
Angela Merkel isn't on our ballot so we cant know the outcome beforehand
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Buy an ad, Rishi.
I've seen a lot of farage's public appearance videos and pics, all of them are in front of small crowds of boomers who do this weird old people clap and phone holding. it looks extremely cringe, for a lack of a better word
The public want the immigrants deporting at gun point and the boats sinking. Those speaking against it are a very very vocal minority.
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Shouldn’t you be committing suicide in some trench in Ukraine?
I live on a deanobox estate, huge queue of young parents outside the polling station now. All gonna be labour as well.
nah, I'd win.
Nah young parents are livid about the trannie shit in schools, they are reform vooters
ukrainians are on their 10th draft
safe to say there wouldn't be no ukrainians for him to get suicided by
I'd love to see Reform win or be the main opposition.
It's that fucking bad? Holy shit.
It is cringe and Farage is the slimiest career politician out there, but I’d still prefer him to somebody who is ideologically determined to accelerate UK’s trajectory towards a festering globalist hellhole
No one gives a fuck about trans stuff except a 1% obsessive online group
Labour on 42%, tories 20%, reform 16% will do that in FPTP
If the candidates name has changed on the ballot for a party but the vote is still for that party, what happens?
no lol there's a republican governor in a blue state that won on that issue alone (virginia)
The candidate's name can't change after nominations close, which was about 4 weeks ago. You vote for the person not the party.
They are all globohomo. If there was a party worth voting for it would have been made illegal by now.
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is there like an actual "good" (good for a politicians standards) person to have as prime minister
Literally no one cares here, it polled at 2% as an important issue. Cost of living and RNHS were 50%+
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>it looks extremely cringe, for a lack of a better word
lowkey you might be a retard if you forgot to register
>I hope it's not too late for your country by then
10 years too late on that one, lad.
I really hope that's the case
same with trump, wilders, milei and the rest of the "resurgent" right. they're all popping up and being pushed by the jews after oct 7th cause they're afraid of the golem they've created (libs)
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A lot of people are still middle class in this country who don't see anything wrong, they might even be the majority, never underestimate that. Not everyone is poor and/or racist. A hung parliament would still have to result in a coalition and it would be with Reform if they win anything.
i work in a bookies lads and uhhh i don't think labour are going to win. the backroom odds makers are either huffing glue (they aren't) or they absolutely know something we don't.
The chance the tories are the largest party is 0.0001% mate
you *are* voting liberal democrats, aren't you anon?
its fucking reform uk isnt it
Just want Reform to pip tories, Labour have already won obviously.
A hung parliament would mean that Labour govern anyway, either in a coalition or as a minority with Lib Dem support.
Even in a hung parliament (unlikely), Labour would form a coalition with Lib Dem and have more.
>hung parliament
lol, lmao even
no but they are going to win here
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>lot of people are still middle class in this country who don't see anything wrong
are there really no pakis in surrey?
Well someone has seriously fucked up at my constituency, the wrong name is on the Reform UK ballot.
you notice how the conservative campaigning shifted from "stop labour" to "lend your reform vote to us, so we can stop the labour supermajority?" this is why. tories are genuinely hanging onto the opposition by a THREAD right now, there's a very good chance they could get toppled. and if they do get toppled, it's going to completely collapse the party. they won't bounce back for decades.
Excited for Reform to over perform and for the Tories to collapse to historic lows.

My prediction: Reform 24 seats, Cons sub 80 seats. Lib Dems trade seats but stay static. Green 2. Labour victory with approx 500 seats.
thankfully he wasn't winning the seat anyways so who cares
Constituency? What was there vs nominations?
>Lib Dems trade seats but stay static
Most of their targets are tory seats so it won't be static, they'll def make some gains.
>Labour victory with approx 500 seats.

i'll have whatever you're having if you think 500 seats is actually achievable from any party at any period of time
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>reforms wins the most seats
>under a majority
>tories form a coalition with labour and the LD to deny reform a chance to govern
>reform the official opposition
your reactions?
i wake up and turn on the tv to see the labour supermajority
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Those Pakis might vote Tory, Conservatives made a big diversity push in the past few years.
Reform will get 6 seats lmao
Last night poll said Reform at 21%.
Today my sister who always voted Labour just voted Reform, she's not even mentioned them once in the run up to the election.

I wonder if the pollsters could be in for a shock if that is seen in much larger numbers.
generous, i think <3 is possible.
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laugh at the delusional american
All depends how the tory vote holds up in gammon central like boston
it's a hypothetical you buzzkillingtons
i don't think they're winning many seats but like most people i think the voter turnout will be huge. think most npcs will vote Red Tories just to get sunak and co out though so ultimately it won't matter. but a lot of Labour seats with Reform in 2nd should be expected imo.
Alright 480 something like that.
They will pick up Tory seats but I think the labour vote will do them more damage elsewhere than the polls are showing.
Just voted Labour, feels good to be on the winning side for once
Lib Dems have 8 seats, if Reform are getting the estimated 24 then it just comes down to how slim the margin is between Con and Lab
There is on 1 lib/lab marginal anywhere in the country, every other lib seat or target is con or snp
Yeah I guess, I tend to always assume their seats flip between Tory/LD but I suppose there are a few Lab/LD ones as well.
Can’t wait to see reform win 2 seats they’re the ppc of Britain. I’m happy the majority of Brit’s see reason and are electing labour to a super majority.
who is he voting for?
the odds on reform dropped 8 times this afternoon alone. i not sure the general public are listening to the plan to vote the tories out at all.
Yes currently, but Lib Dems will have more than Reform after this election.
ukip, brexit, reform, all the same, farage shills for far right nutjobs, acts shocked when his mps are saying hitler did nothing wrong, then bounces. will end with very few seats and a lot of angry gammons calling starmer Kier Scammer.
Just voted Reform lads. They won't win they my hard Labour seat but I reckon they could come 2nd which would trigger a lot of people.
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>winning side
Its going to be fucking HILARIOUS when the Hezbollah-Israel war kicks off imminently. That will be a real war and bloodbath with hundreds of thousands killed as it spirals region wide. It'll be on par with the massive human toll(at least 800k dead and 2mn wounded with 22mn displaced) in the Ukraine in a shorter span of time.

Labour are raising Mudslimes that openly want to murder us all into prominence and wooing their voting bloc which is very real now and as we seen just in the last three months, in positions of influence with them being voted in on Islamic only mandates proclaiming they are doing it for Islam.
They will RIOT and MURDER on the streets if the Labour government aid Israel which they will because our international interests align and its an actual country unlike all the actual failed states surrounding it.

Hamas was the prologue. Hezbollah and Iran are the main event. We've not seen anything yet.

Labour have zero policies, just buzzwords and the retarded masses will let them in. They dodge all questions about policy.

Reform's Manifesto is actually really good. Shame very few have read it.
Based. I don’t really follow UK politics but for sure I’ll watch PMQs just for Nigel’s humor.
fuck sake id rather take nigel farage for the funny shit people would make than rishi again
out of interest, what was turnout like at your polling booths? im exepcting a lot of apathy this election so i think we could get some shockingly low turnout numbers
thats what people said about labour in 2019
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Why is the entire UK not voting reform yet
You should be racismaxxing
Busy at mine
I looked it up they had 11 last time, Lib Dems are just as likely to switch to Con or Lab as they are to Reform or stay the same. Wales and Scotland could also go any way.
>frenchie being racist
sky is blue.
I think there will be more 4 horse races than the polls predict. I think the models will be wrong when it comes to the con/lib marginals, many of which are counted as shoe ins for the lib dems.
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Do you have your bingo cards ready ?
My lifetime Labour mate just confessed voting reform too
Man voted Corbyn lmao I was actually shocked. It's because the Greens have been so obnoxious I think, he keeps sending my retarded pro-Greens ads/slogans from near his house
As leader of a minor party he'll get a question about once a month lmao
The Lib Dems will have dozens of seats by the end of the results, they're not staying on 8.
Big difference between 32% and 200mps vs 20% and 70
>No one has done more to destroy the far right in this country except me
- Nigel Farage
They wont get any, how fucking delusional can you be? Farage has never won his seats that he has ran for, hes massively unlikable and racism doesnt work in British politics like some other countries.
all true & quite based indeed
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I hope you lads had enough manpower to actually get off your ass and vote reform.
No one at mine
There was a qt helping out, sitting by the entrance
Gave a bit of eye contact and smile
Small talk, charm the elders
You love to see it
we still need a few decades of abject misery
Like I said here >>473063810 most of their seats are Conservative and flip back and forth. This election obviously those seats will go Lib Dem.
Lib Dems are the most pro-EU party - no way any seats will go from Lib Dem to Reform.
>Reform's Manifesto is actually really good. Shame very few have read it
Don't need too, the state and views of there followers tells me enough of what they are about.

I except Ill get shit for this, but I was actually considering voting for reform but reading the comments on YouTube and Twitter puts me off, despite what Nigel says it's got a massive white nationalist following plus the channel 4 video what I'm sure you seen. I've got a mixed race family so me voting for reform would be like chickens voting for KFC. I like Nigel but his followers tend to be cunts.

I'm off Aldi to get some Brandy so watch the seethe tonight ;)
Dead as a doornail. Literally 17 crossed out names in a book of hundreds.
That was at 2:40pm. I expect it'll increase after 5pm but my sisters was also the same.

Media are saying massive turnout nationally.
Media also said Reform were tanking the last 24 hours yet polls show them rising to 17-21% from 15-18%.
Nope, voted Labour, now kindly fuck off you Russian troll.
Screenshotted for later.
>channel 4 video
You mean the paid actor who has now deleted all his acting website profiles since being outed lmao.
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The next Hitler is putting all the labour/tory/lib voters on a list.
I voted reform. Cracked open the first beer
>Ive got a mixed race family
I hope she gets deported
Why labour? Is it because they're anti israel?
>voted for Islamisation.

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GOOD lad
How many pommy cunts are getting visas to escape the consequences? Is it mostly labor or torries?
Off to get beer
pathetic blackpilled faggots
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I genuinely quite like Ange. She seems more socially right wing and economically left wing than a lot of the parliamentary party and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Kinda hoping Starmer has to go soon and she takes over.
Labour voters usually go to Australia, Tories go to Canada or New Zealand
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Keep counting (until you get it right!)
lotus eaters site broke lmao
You guys watching the lotus eaters election livestream tonight on Rumble? Begins now actually 7pm.
Will they stream on youtube too?
no idea, i'm watching on rumble
This is nonsense lol
Most people that move out are geriatrics and the ones that aren't old cunts just follow the money and the jobs. Any anecdotal evidence you have to the contrary is retarded, speaking for myself as a UKIP voter who moved out 8 years ago the only friend I have that moved to Canada was a lifetime Labour supporter
>watching sargon
Is it 2015 again?
Who's out of these is anti-israel?
Yes Sargon is officially the "edgiest" thing allowed on YouTube with any real audience. It's pretty sad and gay.
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I sincerely hope this isnt (You)
Lib Dems
aye have it on now. good to see Dank there after the recent bad news.
I'm on their website screen mirroring to my tv instead
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>Is it 2015 again?
God i fucking wish bros
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Just applied for housing. How long until I get a council house lads.
>driving to the pub
>no qualifications
>pregnant at 15
>now deputy prime minister by being a gobby cow and slag
>£130k a year(a rise of £36k), £90k expenses per year, unlimited "gifts" from allies and lobby groups, investments from allies earning quiet passive income every week into foreign accounts and a fat civil service pension pot that rises for every year of "service" as an MP.
>Two houses aswell that she now owns.

Kind of based actually. Shows how anyone can get up there by being an arse kissing grifter that latches onto the current thing.


t. MP's.
Felt good voting Reform. When are we rounding up the JF''s?
depends, u brown? fresh off a boat?
Why did Alan Sked left the ukip party?
Are you non white?
Instantly and everything is free for you, no hassle. Something breaks? Fixed within hours or replaced same day

Are you LGBT?
Same as above

Are you straight and white?
12-24 months.
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already started, Nigel asking for volunteers to patrol the beaches with Bren guns
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I am straight and white.
sounds like a cosy night out. I'll bring the dogs, they'll love it
Never but its nice to think about it isnt it haha anyways go and vote Reform for a laugh lads
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Not voting to keep in one of the wokest Tory MPs.
Not voting for the Lib Dem that will replace them.
Not voting for Reform.
Looking forward to buying Lloyds, Barclay’s and BP stock tomorrow.
You're the land of backpackers and Rugby League, nothing Tory about that.
lib dems + green. labour recognise palestine iirc but nothing more. tories love israel, farage has an israeli coloured bum plug on him 24/7
Why are you here then
Farage is based. He killed the BNP and he likes legal immigration like based Sikhs. He makes racists cope and seethe.
Which channel are you going to watch?
buy zillow instead
1pbtid shill
backpackers are here for maybe a year
Rugby league is for bitter wanna be scottish/irish retards in Queensland who reject Australia's actual sport
probably gonna vpn into iplayer and watch it on your dime
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BBC genny lec coverage won’t be the same without these lads.
is anyone screencapping all this to remember brit/pol/ on election day?
election fever
lol, you've lost mate ahahahaha
Lotus eaters
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Every Australian started as a backpacker, you call them swagmen
reckon turnout will be down on last time
>67% in 2019
went down to vote at 4pm and it was quiet
Is this your mum?
No Dimblebot either, it's a real shame.
Kier starmer grassed someone up for stealing a scoop of ice-cream
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Ah yes the honourable and trustworthy opposition
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No, instead we get coon & (((berg))). How the mighty have fallen.
Perhaps. You think she's fit?
Why did you bongs schedule the election for the 4th of July? Now I have to watch comfy election streams while watching fireworks
Nige at PMQs - after a subsidised livener in the Commons bar, of course - will be must watch viewing.
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It's making me really miss This Week too, the current crop of political commentators is so fucking dull.
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Didn't he get done for noncing?
what's with all the nigger love going on in the anglosphere right now?
not even the poos ever got all this love and yet their the most desperate for it, and niggers are objectively worse than them let's be honest
no fixed date, chudburger
everyone was expecting an autumn poll
Sunak just wants out
Lads, I was sure I was going to vote Reform but read everyone's policies on the way to work this morning and ended up voting for Labour.
Andrew Neil? No. He's doing stuff for Times Radio this election.
Huw did, not Neil. He went to start GB News and then realised everyone else involved was a retard who was only interested in using it to push propaganda and left to join Times Radio.
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Tbf was Huw noncing? He didn't know the lad was underage.
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I look like this.
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> our international interests align and its an actual country
You will never have a real victory. You have no triumphs, you have no honor, you have no accomplishments. You volunteered to join a failed organization twisted by Zionism and the profit motive of the military-industrial complex into a crude mockery of martial perfection.

All the “support” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your civilian population is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “allies” laugh at your failed campaigns behind closed doors.

Guerrillas are utterly unafraid of you. Thousands of years of warfare have allowed guerrillas to sniff out military incompetence with incredible efficiency. Even battles you “won” look fleeting and inconsequential to a guerilla. Your casualty aversion is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to bomb a village, its inhabitants pick up arms the second they get a whiff of your cowardly, doomed occupation.

You will never be victorious. You beg Congress for additional spending every single year and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the casualty count creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll open negotiations, set a timetable, withdraw, and abandon massive stockpiles of weaponry. The guerrillas will capture your local allies, overjoyed and relieved that they can jail or kill them at will. They’ll drape the capital city with a flag flown by your enemies, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know your military failed there. Your veterans will seethe and go back to homelessness and drug addiction, and all that will remain of your legacy are some Hollywood movies that are unmistakably inaccurate.

This is your fate. This is what AIPAC and Lockheed Martin chose. There is no turning back.
Labour = npc
Libdem = midwit
Greens = tranny
Tory = tarq
Reform = chud
>Reform = chud

you misspelled chad King
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>Reform's Manifesto is actually really good. Shame very few have read it.
Dont think people have ever voted that way
is he a 20 fags a day kind of guy?
I knew an old Sri Lankan man who was waiting for a council house. He pointed out to them that he had lived in England for decades and always paid his taxes, while other people were getting housed upon arrival. They told him he would just have to wait. He told them he would get in a rowing boat, paddle out to sea, destroy his UK passport, come back and pretend he couldn't speak English so they can house him immediately with all the others. They gave him a council house.
We are Chudmaxed today.
I really wish you kikes could just be open about being jews who want the goyim to die for you instead of all this "hello fellow white people, our interests align with Israel and we should go die for them!" crap.
Hadrian's only mistake was not finishing your putrid kind off.
lib dem surge

> TV

Lol, Lmao even! Lotus eaters on rumble.
what the fuck is a rumble
Black people wearing a nice suit and speaking properly unnerve me. There's something unnatural about it.
It's like watching a dog playing a piano. Very impressive but you know the dog is just highly trained and feels uncomfortable
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You mean this.
And you're Irish. You're the Nigger of Europe.

A website.
google you fucking muppet
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Free slags for Reform voters

>1 seat

Screencap this for Brit/pol/ seethe
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What do Brits actually think of the LibDems? From what I read they sound like the loopy Libertarians of the USA, except people consider them serious contenders for their vote if they are "moderate" squishy Tory voters and not actually conservative. Do all these stunts actually make people want to vote LD over Labour or Reform?
>except people consider them serious contenders
They're not like your libertarians. In the past they might have been closer, but now they are big on public spending to try and outflank Labour, e.g. this election they have focused on social care.
Serious contenders for their vote, I said. From what I can tell, it's that urban cohort who think Rishi Sunak really represents them and live in townhomes who are split on whether to vote Lib Dem or not just to punish the Tories.
thanks soldier
pls could you post it at some point
Nope, Sinn Fein
*farts on your post*
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They're the "leave me alone" party, you tick them when you don't know what else to choose. If you don't know then there's probably a reason for that, no reason to have strong opinions on anything.
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Didn't vote as I hate all of the parties equally
>hate all of the parties equally
How is that even possible. Do you just live in total ignorance
Lib Dems were formed from a merger of the old Liberals (who were classical liberals, so basically libertarians) and the SDP, who split from Labour to offer a more centrist social democratic platform as opposed to Labour's (at the time) more socialist economics. Once Blair became Labour leader and shifted them to the centre there was really no reason for the Lib Dems to exist any more, but they survived as the centrist liberal party of protest when people became unhappy with Blair over things like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and his slide ever rightward cosying up to big business, paying private companies to run public services etc.

These days they survive as little more than the "rejoin the EU" party, but that's still enough to win middle class moderates who just want all the ideology to stop and everything to go back to being safe and stable.
Are there any white people in England anymore?
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>Not everyone is poor and/or racist.
Quite a few, yes. Just stay out of the big cities.

Literally none of them have any interest in helping out the common man. Reform's only positive is regarding immigration and their entire run was based on that promise alone.
Actually throwing a tantrum kek
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Are reformchads party rocking or is it farover?
A few. I live in a fairly nice part and driving past a local polling station there was a group of nogs. Stop to let them cross and ones standing there like a lemon. At least there's not much access to meth and crack so could be worse
no one lives in them dark blue bits
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Yeah... Non taxable income below £20,000, hiring British national first, vouchers for private healthcare if the NHS system doesn't see you within X amount of days/weeks depending on need.. Much more.
All those dark patches within the blue are towns m8, you only have to zoom in a little bit on the map to see. Sorry if you live in Londonistan but not everyone's so unlucky. And if you prefer figures, here:


>In 2021, 81.7% (48.7 million) of usual residents in England and Wales identified their ethnic group within the high-level "White" category
Literally over for the UK
and some spics identify as white here
gotta be careful around wording like that
We'll know in a couple of hours. Initial signs look good but as an American you should know better than to trust an election result until its confirmed.
they're retarded, not as retarded as green but still
we just don't have anyone with brain just like you guys
can't you just walk in with your passport?
Not voting will tell everyone nothing.
If you go out and spoil your ballot it'll be counted and examined.
you still have to register to vote in advance so you are actually on their list
>81.7% (48.7 million) of usual residents in England and Wales identified their ethnic group within the high-level "White" category

And how many of those whites are Poles, Romanians and others. Genocide and replacement by Poles is as bad as a Paki despite what Americans tell you. Greeks, English, Swedes and Spanish all have unique traditions, identity, culture and racial traits. I dont want to see them erased for anyone in Europe.
America pls. You really cannot use any amount of mental gymnastics to take the high ground here.

Anybody baking?
where was i taking the high ground retard? all i said was be careful around wording like
>from english language
my sides
>tories been fucking up for 14 years
its too late, gonna take a while to recover
they fucked up last election by going anti brexit
>inb4 2 seats
I was going to bake since it seems no-one else can be bothered but for some reason I can't. One of you gents mind obliging?
our elections aren't rigged by satan merkel

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