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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Voting continues as millions have their say in UK general election

Voting for the first time: All you need to know

What photo ID will you need to vote in the UK general election?

Selfies, dogs and drinking: What can't you do in a polling station?
Keir Starmer let Jimmy Saveloy off the hook
bennyspakkers frantically googling if ireland still has bennys
you DID vote for the liberal democrats, didn't you anon?
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We're fucked

What if Keir Starmer is good? Try and get your hands on that gov money lads.
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So. Fucking. Back.

Everyone I know is voting reform. There's something happening out there and it's exciting.
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better start dusting off those smart shoes bennie bros

the end of your free gibs is icumen in
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I'd vote for her, if you know what I mean.
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Vote reform bongs
Even my University whatsapp group is buzzing with Reform chat despite being adult learners who are typically left
i'd buy her £6 sports bra and skirt in the hopes theres a smell of her sweat and trapped farts still lingering
Far right? Far correct.
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Might become a bus driver. Already have my C+E.
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doggo on da polling station
How the fuck do exit polls even work? I have never ever seen an exit poll conducted in my constituency
>Labour will save me they will
>They won't make me get a job they won't
>Love the unemployed they do
>I'll be fine I will
What kind of chink is it with the hooded eyelids?
you're getting your hopes up for nothing
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>yous want oat milk in that laaah
I get my hopes up for nuttin'
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Reminder for a less crass and infantile GE experience
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How much will this break the north London Liberal elite?
if only she didn't have shitskin coloured eyes.
what a shame.
>no sussex
I'm winning
And so is Reform
how many more hours?

is the BBC stream the best one to watch results?
I quite like oat milk. No homo
It's about the shitposting
Hey britfags, I've been seeing a lot of anglos dropping massive blackpills on normie social media about the economical and political state of England, is it really that bad? I want to know for sure that the bongs are suffering and it's not just some kind of propaganda
you walk out of the polling station, and some mong with a clipboard asks you how you voted. that's it.
Oh no no no spasticbros we got too cocky
Why can't they just wait a couple of hours.
Where the fuck have the Lib Dems been during this campaign anyway? The tories are weaker than they've been since 1832 and I haven't seen anything from the Liberal Democrats other than Ed Davey's not-so-extreme sports adventures.
im okay with the country going to shits as long as josh gets to keep his bennies
Yeah BBC news broadcasts the exit poll at 10pm UK time
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Brexit eye candy checking in for R Nige
gonna be quite a lot of seething from bame MPs
i'm thinking kino?
I'd vote to see her tuppence
>this is an 8 in britain
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so who won?
>globo homo or did homo globo prevail?
british politics is fascinating because its all globalist
so that spergs on twatter can reeeee about it
Just wait till they figure out how FPTP and postal voting works.
It's Putin lies.
we won't know for sure until about 9am tomorrow hans. although we'll be 95% sure by about 10PM uk time (UTC+1)
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>is it really that bad?
It's shit but not Russia-tier shit
Lads, the average Labour voter where 61% are voting just to remove "Conservatives" rather than actually looking at policies(or lack of).

Yeah, we're fucked.
BBC is full of fags and wogs.
Filtered, filtered and filtered. Toodle-pip!
He will be good because he's a top Lawyer. They are very clever strategic people. He's not just some cunt who went to Eton and dossed about before getting into politics which is what the Tories have served up over the last 14 years.
>is it really that bad?
No, it's worse.
Why is there no live chat? I like banter.
Yes. Britain is a dead nation. Ironically if Putin nuked London, Birmingham and Manchester it would save Britain and we would have a revival.

You know what to do Ivan!
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The suffering never ends Ilya.
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as long as josh gets to keep his bennies i'll be content with living under a Labour government
I post on 50 other id's you'll never get me
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We're fine, just a little tired.
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That dole dosser paedophile in Runcorn seriously thinks him and his lazy PIP bums aren't in the "can work but choose not to" camp? Kek you're fuck and reality is about to hit you hard, loser. Time to grow up.
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>the average Labour voter
has never voted based on policy
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Lib dems are fine with a labour win
you work for josh kek
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>Touching a boob
Christ he's good
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>Why is there no live chat?
There is? I'm not signed in either.
Ed's just been on his jollies, he knows he's got guaranteed protest votes so he's just having a good time. Bless him
Lammy seething will be epic
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>party A: shabbos goys whos main concern is how much kike taint they can lick

>party B: same as party A but with a different colour

>party C: Controlled opposition to give the illusion of choice, also licks kike taint on command
they toil for you
you are their boss

boss josh
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>I agree with their policies
Enjoy your "shop assistant" job, fucking loser.
I still remember how much Douglas Carswell's mere presence on the opposition benches made Diane Abbot seethe. Farage will be several orders of magnitude greater than that.
very nice
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I voted for the ugly low iq nigger paki nonce gang party. Wbu lads?
Where's the live results cunts
you may not like it but this is what peak representative democracy looks like
Dole scum can't even afford a boss belt hahahaha
but there are two of them
dago did warn us that they would lash out at you tonight
voting doesnt even finish until 10pm you dumb aussie retard. Thats like 4am next tuesday for you upside down cunts.
Being generous there, even shops have standards.
McD burger flipper material would be my bet.
You're in the future you tell us retard
>Winning the largest majority in decades by default
Enjoy the bants because that's all we'll have after this
Josh still sperging over retards that can't figure out parliamentary democracy, or is he off doing other degenerate things. Couldn't be arsed skimming the thread.
dagolini was right kek
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he's as english as a packet of crisps
this matched betting shit isnt that great, could probablty only get £8/6 profit from each free bet
1130pm the results start coming in which is 830am here you spastic nonce
4hrs to go ay up
cor underboob. would.
the other one, wouldn't.
you're eating
they're seething
>mental health conditions need therapy and medication not money
>booted off the gravy train
Fucking kek
Samefagging nonce
Yesterday? What time zone are you in, mate?
you work for boss josh
get back to work
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>I voted for labour
>Yes my wife fucks other men, what of it?
Nice delusions tubby
>13% The country needs a change
Yeah, red ties will totally change the country
Gmt10+ results come in, starting in 4hours all good. I'll put me nacker cracker away for now
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literally me in the waiting room at the brothel seeing my chosen prostitute walk in and out and chat with the receptionists but take no notice of me because i arrived half an hour early so i sit nervously and politely and wait my turn trying hard not to get an erection but not too hard as i dont want to be totally turned off by the time i get called to the room just wanna be in that middle zone of arousal trending upwards timed right so i continue to look at the whores come and go but not stare too much looking away plenty as well
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>only get £8/6 profit from each free bet
Learn how to use the exchanges and check odds quickly then learn EP's (extra place offers) and you can make £2-3k per bet if you've got the bank.
Imagine being happy with your life with £500 per month bennies kek
blue men bad
red men good
until it reverses again
forever red or blue and everything getting worse no matter what
>he thinks labour will leave him in a one bed flat capable of housing six African men
I pity whoever ends up with him as a housemate
Three if you count the Greens.
rumble stream is better
i like those odds!
Is Sunak the worst politician of all time yet?
Pathetic isn't it. Low life scum
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Reveal to me the seckrets of the ten year benny claim.
Just proudly voted Labour and there's nothing you Reform brainlets can do about it.
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bring back the workhouse
put josh in it
Everyone you know seems to be a cunt, anon.
It was 200/1 two days hours ago
Lmao good one tubbytits
i earned 4 grand this month as an evri driver lol
mad how the brinnies that work contribute an infinite amount more to society than josh does but only get paid 3x more than him
>look laaaa the government wont take me £2,000 a month when they're only looking at the unemployed people on £300 a month UC
Brainless twat. Hope you're on the street by Christmas with your B&M garden gnome and a bag for life with all your Primark clothes in it.
PLEASE nuke London
If you were going to get a dog to take with you the next time you vote, what breed of dog would you get?

I like Labradors but also Jack Russells are cool
Thank you. I just wanted someone to understand my frustration at this smoke and mirrors election
checked. he's going to be flipping burgers by Monday.
Put all the useless eggheads in it and make Josh clean the toilets, deal?
Who else is eagerly awaiting ARE NIGE buck breaking all the bame mps?
maximum pip with all components is less than 300 a week as far as i can tell
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Where does britpol stand with the middle east as of late, havent been around a while, we are on the Israeli side right?
>Jack Russells are cool
They're spasticated dogs for spasticated people.
Please go rogue and nuke every major English city, if you have a suitcase nuke I will hold it myself
He gets housing benefits to cover the cost of his sheltered accommodation. Bigger parasite than the boatwogs
a pitbull with a reform badge on. I'd tie it up just outside the polling station door and it would bark and attempt to maul/kill every person that entered the building.
What the fuck does he mean by this? Vote Green?
He knows alright. He's so done
Send all the muzzies and all the jews back to the middle-east and forget about them.
I'm on the side of civilians, whether they're in Israel or Gaza

I oppose both the Israeli government and Hamas because both of them have killed many civilians
You should buy a nice suit
Total semite death, or they can all fuck off and shut up about it here. Not bothered which.
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What did the Times mean by this?
If you’re +10 and the results are in four hours you should have had them six hours ago. Spill the beans.
No lad, TKD side. Take the beam out before the splinter
>2k a month
>do nothing
>go nowhere
>no family
>still skint
>happy your mum died for a few quid to spend on a pc
Hmm think he might be telling porkies again kek
>but you lost most of your free time
started at 9.30 today when the lorry drove to my house. Unloaded it, delivered my parcels (i cover 2 rounds) and was finished by 4 .

Being self employed rewards efficiency, unlike being a true wagie where it doesnt matter how hard/quick you work, you get paid the same pittance. I basically control how much i earn per hour because it depends on how quickly i get finished.
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Did you vote Conservative lads? We wouldn't want a Labour supermajority.
could be so yeah, probly extra benniemaxxing stuff we dont know about
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Total loser

years ago

double breading



Just a quick one Pubbes is not called Josh

here ave this

josh won
you lost

get over it.
is josh still this fat or has he lost weight again?
why should we show mercy to your kind?
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Is it true that if you vote in a British election they also do the penis inspection as you turn in your ballot?
You’re doing two Solus rounds? Six days a week presumably. What’s your rate and how many parcels do you get per day? Rural or urban?
>£1500pcm outgoings on SIM cards and VPNs to samefag on a car boot sale enthusiast forum
He's on retard bennies for a reason.
They're going to squeeze you like a pip until you die or get a job. If you're lucky you might make page 6 in the Socialist Worker as a casualty of Starmer's uncaring Britain when you top yourself. Or you'll be sweeping the car park at maccies. I'd drive to Runcorn just to throw my shit on the ground and watch you clean it
are you applying for the inspector job?
zdrazvitsia tovarish. kak dela?
kak vash zhavout?
if you're on minimum wage the market values your worth as a human at roughly three joshes
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dont think i would pass the minimum requirement to be an inspector
>Penis inspection
I believed this to be only an American tradition! Do they do this in your country when you use a public restroom as well?
Of course, that’s been standard practice since the early nineteenth century. What kind of tinpot country doesn’t do a quick knob check before polling?
What dog would you have then
Glad you guys were able to get labour in power. Tories are retarded







met Bez back in the daze at a club ,
strangely he was not off it and a decent funny fecker m Paul heaton was totally off his nut on drink .. Jaquia Abbot is a delightful lady


Vote Tory
Vote Tory
Just need to have cold hands mate.
>Everyone I know is voting reform
that's like five people and they're all josh
Cope hours kek
Jack Russells are bitey little cunts. I’m just waiting for the day when I can stamp one to death in front of its owner.
Not bad odds kek, but it looks like the bookies are pricing for a huge labour majority
>40 years old
>Sweeping maccies car park
You should kill yourself now
Hold on a minute while Josh runs that through a translator
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2 hours til exit polls
>just remember to not lash out at good lads like josh when you come to the slow realisation later tonight that Reform in fact will have ZERO influence whatsoever within politics over the coming years and Labour will undoubtedly make your life significantly worse off through terrible policies.
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knowing are Nige is gonna get 2nd % vote share and only 15 MPs
Vote Reform and it'll happen
you sound mad and jelous, enjoy getting up for your job in morning, make sure to get your boss a coffee and doughnut on the way in and thank them for your job cuck
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As long as we don't get dragged into it, they can kill each other for all I care.
rural, 6x per week, (on GMB pay deal under SE+ program) , am VAT registered so get paid VAT from evri, get holidays because SE+, am opted out of their shitty pension scheme so they cant rob me.

Heavy/large is 1gbp
packet 70p
standard 93p
postable 56p

averaging around 160-170 parcels per day
had 192 today, lorry turned up at 9.30, was done by 4. I just do it in a rav4 and reload for second round. Can do a round in under 3 hours atm. Usually have around 100 on first round 50-70 on second. Both rural, but not really spaced out because they're large villages so the actual area i cover is tiny.

Current invoice is 3.8k
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Will they election fraud you guys too?
Aussies had the results at noon but won’t fucking tell us.
I am still genuinely pissed off at how blatantly David Cameron lied to the public and absolutely nobody in the media held him to account at any point since

>promises to remain leader no matter brexit result and will deliver brexit if it wins
>immediately resigns as soon as brexit wins


like NU LAB v2

DEAR GOD they will RUIN this poor nation even moar

Blaming tories the extinct party

starting to think sideways 8 can be a productive worker
labour should put him to work
Greedy bastards, didn't warn the yanks about 9/11 which is a little bit based but they wont tell us where Jay Slater is. Rude!
How accurate are exit polls to final result?
They've been pretty spot on since 2010
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>Labour supermajority on the way
15 seats for Reform would be amazing though.
Typically bretty good, last time they got it wrong was 32 years ago
I'm American and have trouble understanding British politics because of the language barrier. You guys are electing a 'Prime Minister,' right? And the current guy is Indian for some reason. Is that correct?
Irrelevant squabble between sand people. The fact we have to care is a catastrophic indictment of British immigration policy over the last fifty years.
I was bang on right, I said 15 seats for reform
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>will make your life worse
But I'm not a dole scrounger
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and I Love hoe the KIDS ARE ON BOARD with Reform

WE SLAG off young uns but FFS
they are moar clued up than the DREADFUL MARXIST millenials

twik twok is based

so that's why you all have a weird gap in the stall doors.
i reckon reform will get 5 or so seats
There was no fraud in 2020, Biden won fair and square
Nice, I can go to bed after that then
Total labour dictatorship
>samefag cope hours
Melty by midnight kek
It meant they've breached electoral rules by talking about exit polls while the polls are still open.
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Is that another left-jew vs farleft-jew??
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looking good sers
Its in the archives
I drive the truck that does the delivery to Solus couriers. Much easier than doing the house delivery. 7 or 8 drops, clear out a couple of sub depots and maybe collect a few boxes from a business.

I can only do six days every other week because of tacho laws but I get time and a half on anything over 40 hrs/wk. Typically take 38K pa before tax, but of course have paid holiday and all that.
any rochdale polls?
what are the chances we get farage and gorgeous george in the same parliament???
>32 years ago

HUSH nanefag yer doxxing selve now kek

We're the same. I also drink potato vodka and eat pickles while rushing B.
Is that rigid or artic?
What vote % gives them 15? As I think they’ll get more than 20% of the vote share.
Based racist. Will you be using your military experience to help with the implementation and execution of right wing death squads then? If so can you slip me the recording of josh being done in?
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Nigger I aint doing maths
He's already been going all day, going to flag at some point no doubt
as i suspected. fake rashan.
like the swede that can't understand swedish.
so easy to spot.
>nobody in UK could speak swedish or russian.
>EXCL @GBNEWS: Several Labour and Tory candidates have supported a 'Sikh Manifesto' by an organisation that called for a "Sikh homeland" through the "break-up of India and Pakistan"
lel fucking mongs
Although Balkanising the subcontinent is a reasonable idea, but you would also need to break up China
We elect local Members of Parliament from 650 constituencies across the country. The party with the most MP’s becomes the governing party and their leader becomes the Prime Minister.
How are you preparing for the THOUSAND YEAR (((STARMER))) REICH?
Dyeing my hair blue
go back to trying to derail the thread to talk about dogs and hamas stupid kike faggot
Reform will not even get a single seat. There was a poll yesterday showing Farage losing Clacton.
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Did my vote for the Chris Whitty slug eating party today
Okay okay I see. And the king tells the prime minister what to do.
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>70%+ vote share for RNige in Clacton
RNige is going to be kino in the commons.
Any good streams to follow this?

This is exactly whats needed
its not a bad gig desu, as long as your depot doesnt fuck you about and make you cover the whole solus round in your area. Some of the drivers have to cover the whole of the depot's solus runs sometimes lol and i end up getting my parcels at 12pm which fucks up my day.

My gross income for 23/24 was 46.8k. After expenses around 32k but obvs im putting through absolutely every drop of fuel as expenses and any car repair, the cost of the car itself, my car insurance etc. So my car is basically free to run on a 32k net income. It pays well if you absolutely cheat the system.
I don't believe this, I think the Tories will do a bit better. I think they'll get at least 100 seats. Also I don't think Reform will get 15 seats. I reckon they'll get like 3 if they're lucky.
Well, yes, but it is hard for someone to inspect your penis with their mouth through the gaps.

I love it when a real Pol guy shitposts here

Both are on the pol speccy but can disagree and Respect each guys points ..


Like Enoch , John Smith , Tony benn, an ???

carry it on ..

You must be the dumbest BRIT EVER
used to love listening to him in the EU parliament. wouldn't watch any of it unless he was there
>Well, you're not laughing now are you drunker?
based. he's going to rip starmer a new one, and he's going to be 100% right when he does it.
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Hows the gennyleccy going lads?
Imagine being a dole mong knowing the party gaining a super majority is going to force you into work.
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How long until labour drops below 15%?
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I’d usually stay up and watch the election coverage but I have a shooting competition tomorrow early doors, so need the sleep.

Feels weird to be going to bed early and missing out.
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Why is there a muttoid (you)ing me?
I think the Muslim vote will collapse for Labour and not do them any favours
In most countries you have a "unifying" head of state who meets foreign dignitaries and signs off on things and a head of government who actually runs the country.
In America those two roles are combined in a single office called the presidency but in Britain the head of state is the king and the head of government is the prime minister.
The prime minister is whichever MP is in charge of the biggest party in the House of Commons. At the moment it is Rishi Sunak, Conservative MP for the seat of Richmond (Yorks) but in a few hours it will almost certainly be Kier Starmer, Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras.
Because the Prime Minister is just an MP, Sunak was only ever directly elected by the people of Richmond. He was put in charge of the Conservative Party by its MPs in 2022.
The moar you know.
Keep an eye out for Blackburn, might be a surprise there
Rigid, normally a 12 tonne truck because it’s small and manoeuvrable enough to drive in residential streets to deliver to couriers houses. Most couriers collect their parcels at sub depots, it’s only a minority who have their parcels delivered to their house and it’s normally the rural ones who are too far from urban areas to make it viable to run a sub depot.

I drive artics too but that’s from depot to hub and back, loading and unloading at warehouses, dropping and collecting trailers.
josh has spent the past few hours watching tutorials on how to tie nooses but he'll have to wait till next week's pip comes in before he can afford to buy some rope
they'll never him talk
>I hate dole scroungers
>not a valid option
No, I am not homosexual. That's not to say I've never been curious, or got excited by the odd libdem policy, but it just isn't for me.
>voting doesn't change anything
Vote Loony then. You know it makes sense.
He warned them about war in ukraine too and they laughed at him, as they always did. He was one of the only real sounding ones in EU parliament, the rest were fucking zogbots.
That’s right. There’s a royal audience every week where the monarch issues orders and the PM has to kiss his ring.
It shows that they do not have any real support. Once things get much worse in the upcoming years they will drop like a turd
He will barely get any time at PMQs though, will he?
Just had a very watery poo lads. Not sure what could have caused it.
MI6 won't let him win either.
Major vote tampering incumen.
Royal mail in on it.
BBC paid actors
Channel 4 paid actors
Did you vote Reform?
Pubbes reconned he was ex 42 RM and he talked so much about me his training he saw on a ch4 docu he watched ,after me telling him I was a stab .. top kek

Spastic colon. You’re a spastic and so is your colon.
>High turnout recorded. Could be wrong, but if true that's even worse news for the Tories at this time on election day. The blue-rinse brigade tend to be morning voters, especially in good weather. Sustained high turnout later in the day favours Labour.
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BBC already running 'some postal votes are running late' campaigns lol
Actually full on gunna america 2020 you
for labour that's more seats than optimal
>lots of super marginals to defend
>lots of fruitcakes on the backbenches
Labour HQ would prefer closer to 400
still a dominant majority but with a more manageable PLP
Just come back and voted for reform lads. Done my part.
Now I’m curious about how you would tie a nose
I'm stumped then
after counting the votes they put them in the bin, then just make up realistic numbers to put on the telly.
not surprised. the glowies fear the nigel.
i bet they've opened and disposed of all the reform postal votes already.
That's why every opinion he has is half baked nonsense. I'm always amazed how little information he can absorb
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You did bring a pen with you today lads.. didn't you?
We'll all find out at 10pm when the exit poll results are released
Where THE FUCK is H i t l e r ?
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We already know labour is winning. It's just a question of how big will their majority be and how many votes Reform will accumulate across the country.
Bets on r nige pulling more votes than expected from pissed off conservatives. There's too much voodoo spirit in the breeze this evening. Summits off.
Chose to "work" from home tomorrow to watch it live
What if the best system is to vote for the most white candidate and shill their policies so you can get a cut of the pie?
He can suck me off for £10. Money for old rope.
>Labour is going to win
>We're voting Reform for the lulz
>Both parties hate dole scroungers
We've already won
There's only one faggot in this thread and it's you
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I feel something in the air my friends, tonight's the night. Total Reform Victory.
gis a bit
Alright lads move to the other thread
Not one seat for fascism
+pajeet pubes and hair
Total paid priceless
I got shit from my SW/plod today

I am asking for EXTRA bennies now , cause I feelz in danger from the police state
under Labour too
I do feelz they will try to strip my Rights too bennies,
which we know tories were going to do
and Lab now,
NO PIP in 5 months and voucher system..

Its worth a try on monday kek
If they do say no PIP
tories ruined it I will end a few top bods in minecraft and get to play scrabble each day with very good afrikkan psychos , who can spiell better than me
We're talking about whether they'll rig it to keep Nige etc. out
Best channel to watch the results when ready? I need some post burger entertainment.
I know that place
took one off the ladies desk who gave me ballot paper, two bames infront of me dithering about getting the ids out could barely speak english, made me feel like my vote was cancelled out.
P'yar blow out on them bin bags
>Tesco extra special ham, macaroons and mushroom pizza
>what's this, yellow sticker? £2.95..
>Total saving £31.85
number of niggers enriched? 0
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I like reading these as its refreshing yer guys are out working and trying Lads

awaits some snidey twat with a nasty comment .. fair play

Based and Respect lads
>I drive artics too but that’s from depot to hub and back, loading and unloading at warehouses, dropping and collecting trailers.
Corr I'd love to drive a lorry
reform to pull too many tory votes but get few seats from it. but it's going to split the tory vote so hard Davey sweeps up and secures a Lib Dem official opposition. i'm an insider.
You mean Based and Reformed surely
Man the 80s was wild.
>im an insider
m8 voting isnt even finished yet lol.
You really wouldn't
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>not making your own dough
It's infinitely better. You'll never ever pay someone else to make pizza for you again.

need this choon now


It’s breddy gud being the king of the road, I won’t lie to you. Downside is that if it goes wrong it goes very wrong and you get sent to prison and treated much more harshly than a car driver.
how many hours till results?
How would you go about it? I'm a solid driver, white and never had points on my loicence.
Exit polls in 1 bong and 30 bings
1.5 hours
I feel like I'm the only responsible cunt left on the road. I've been driving over 15 years and it's gotten out of hand. 5" pajeetas who can't see over their steering wheel driving massive 4x4s. 90lbs white girls driving a massive fucking range rover while fixing their makeup and scrolling through tinder.
Actual results tomorrow by around 7AM, at 10PM today it is exitpolls (which is an estimate, supposedly accurate).
Fundamentally untrue, I eat pizza because it's convenient not because I am unable to make pizza.
realistically, how big can Labour win, and how fucked is it?
also, what about Farage?
Not anymore. That was about 4 years ago.
3.30am is when the actual result comes in.
honestly they could secure the biggest majority in british political history. it could get real bloody for the conservatives. people are rumbling about Farage/Reform getting a lot of silent voters, its very much up in the air rn.
estimates at the top end have labour with 450+ seats with tories under 100
J nigger busted for being a paedo again. lol.
If only you knew how bad things really are

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