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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>What's happening
Elections for 650 seats in the house of commons by FPTP. This is not one election but 650 separate elections at once. The party which wins 326 or more seats will have their leader become PM.

>Timelines (all in BST/UTC+1)
- 7am-10pm polls open for voting in 40,000 polling stations. News reports on voting and election issues are banned.
- 10pm, polls close and the combined broadcasters' exit poll is released. This has been quite accurate since 2005.
- 11pm, the first seats will declare, usually safe Labour seats in the North East of England
- 12am-2am (5th July), a smattering of early seats. Keep an eye out for Swindon North and South, both traditional bellweathers.
- 3-6am, most seats declare, we are likely to know the winner
- 6-9am, stragglers declare
- 12pm 5th July, new PM in office if needed

Conservative - centre right
Reform - hard right
Labour - centre left
Liberal democrats - centrist-to-left
Greens - Green
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - who cares lol

>Where can I watch results
BBC iplayer (needs VPN for non-Brits): https://www.bbc . co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone
Sky News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNlqaj7h2AA
Channel 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fey2cmdOa-g
Not true
retard boomers voting tory for tactical reasons so labour don't get a "supermajority" is the only reason they even got the 2nd highest vote share
>Truss fucked up the budget
lmao how are people this moronic. The bank of England and a bunch of other parties in the financial world literally ousted her by intentionally crashing the pound and lowering the amount of money the government could borrow. Labour is going to be allowed to borrow as much money as they want because the powers that be in the financial world generally favor them and have more connection to the party.
What constitutional changes will labour make first?
You're thinking of the Conservative Party.
Reform does better with younger voters than older ones.
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All opposition parties leaders get to question PM after the main opposition exchanges are complete. Even the green goblin lesbo lass will get her turn
Who said anything about "regret"
He is an archon of the libshit elite. He knows that if they don't fix and reverse the immigration shitshow that their entire libshit technocratic vision is finished and their positions along with it
Historical high loss, it’s raining heavy rn. The gods of the North are repulsed by the jeet it seems.
Ever heard of re-mortgaging your house mate. If so, think re-re-mortgage. Think hedge your bets.
lol wtf. Brain dead. Still salty you no longer get my tax gibs I see.
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Always a LibDem
Always a lie
COCK Party Candidate
>131 seats
Why are people still voting for the cuckservative party in current year?
Muslims will form their own party and voting block, everyone who has more than two brain cells to rub together knows Muslims take over once they can. They’re a religion of conquest.
Thought it was a 5 year plan
Love this ad.
Cons flooded the part with self hating bames, chased the populist vote.
Then imported harder than Labour ever could, suppressing wages, subsidising business and throwing dosh at their mates.

Cons lost it in the 80's, Heseltine was one of the last.
It is.
This system has its advantages as it strengthens the responsibility of the individual MP to his local voters (instead of his party).
>be tranny
>get to choose your own name
> “vix”
Isn’t that a type of vasoline or some shit?
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penny lost her seat too...
so sad...
With Reform performing as well as they have, any party that doesn't significantly curb migration would be insane and just inviting 30-40% of the vote going to Reform next election
You're worried that Mudslimes are being Mudslimes?
Maybe it's time everyone takes their head out their ass and looks at the problem.
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My new MP. Say something nice about her.
The polls said 40%+. 35% is actually pathetic.
Reform 4,020,133 votes 4 seats.

Liberal democrats 3,413,630 votes 70 seats.

What the fuck britbongs?
>ousted her by intentionally crashing the pound
it dropped to the same rate months after she left but the (((media))) didnt report on it in that case. Strange innit.
It directly benefits the Tories and Labour to maintain the FPTP system. That's why they rallied so hard against a change in 2011. That system directly encourages the dysfunctional tactical voting and "I don't want to waste my vote" mentality that completely destroys any sense of democracy this country thinks it has.
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>gregg cock
>borrowing money
yeh well usury is where they get you anyway. Should have steered well clear of those kikes
He definitely did.
one of her eyes is slightly higher than the other
We don't negotiate with imperial traitors and terrorists
she cute
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pretty decent for a bong
What is the point of the Tories any more? If you're lib right the Lib Dems make more sense because they actually care about civil liberties and if you're centre or further right you'd have to go for Reform.
The tories are an incoherent mess, at least usually they'd be the party of Line Go Up but they can't even do that any more
FPTP system fucked up reform in seats. They had pretty good vote share.
liz truss losing her seat has definitely made my night
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How is it that every election britain just keeps getting more and more cucked? Even france is moving in the right direction
Because the Lib Dem’s are an established party with money who target seats they can win very effectively. Reform have no ground game and no money
Something nice about her
crypto markets tanking today ffs
farage did this
The Tories (read: Sunak's supporters) were gagging for any opportunity to see her ousted. That was just a convenient excuse to get her out and make sure the game would go in Sunak's favour the second time.
Much better than Angela Rayner
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It's true (except for Germany which has it's own specific problems).
It’s the crown jewel of a night full of great moments
Could be great, we’re not the world fiat currency like you mutts. There’s a limit to printing money here and the Tories maxxed it. Dead economy (could go rollerblading here and get a pint at the same time — that business died covid).
So Kemi for Tory leader?
I have a new ginge minge mummy
Conservatives in Australia are also get outmanoeuvred by our version of LibDems called the Teals. Conservatives in the US are the only ones that seem to be doing well, mostly because of the batshit religious vote
Lefty/pol/'s woken up huh
She got fucked almost as hard as she fucked the country.
what sort of fuckery is this? is this just the brown vote they imported?
yeah vapour rub, spelt it wrong too.
Angela rayner will make being a male illegal
I’ve seen many of Nigel’s interviews and rallies and I don’t recall him saying anything about a 10 year plan he just wanted to boost his chances in the 2029 election by getting some seats this year.
true they claim they are a "broad church". They did that to gain power & game the system to get enough votes in seats & put liberal candidates in liberal areas & more right wing ones in right wing areas. They don't conserve anything tho
You use FPTP as well
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farage did this
It's 7am, the dark skins are finally waking up.
and how did any of this effect your parents?
look at turnout since the 90's
only answer you'll ever need
one party system
based can't wait
The Athenians used to have voting day stragglers beaten with sticks and forced up the Acropolis.
>If you don’t want Britain to be entirely brown in 40 years it’s not at all
Stfu Bruce. Blairites are more anti-immigration than the tories now
They will call next elections when Nigel is on vacation or otherwise occupied..
Rent a small factory in poland to make widgets 6 grand a year.
Rent a small factory in UK to make widgets £136000 a year + £90000 council rates for the benefit of existing, for which you get nothing/

>Why aren't we competitive
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can't believe Farage did this to Shiba Inu

I hate him so much it's unreal
Oh no, me tadpoles want out.
>only 2024
>EU: 0.5% growth
>UK: 0.1% growth
>g-germany doesnt count!
WOW idiot
Lack of their prescriptions at Boots and the general cost of living.
Jess Phillips is raging over nearly getting toppled
Nothing sweeter than reading rightards teary posts. God damn they are malding and seething HAHHAHAHA.
Also welcome back to EU in 4-8 years UK.
>Out of all the major world economies UK has done the worst and Brexit is the main reason why
Maybe if you keep asserting this without any evidence, it will become both truth and evident.
It pretty much destroys fringe nutcase parties that work on 'enthusiasm' and voter turnout and also removes any motivation to do voter suppression as is common in the US. Compulsory voting has made Australian politics extremely moderate
its about as many votes as UKIP got in 2015
Why are you gae?
>what what wait why isn’t England a democratic country?
>asks an American
>a day after the 4th of July
remember now why you doused them in boiling tar, rolled them in chicken feathers and dumped all their tea in the ocean?
it’s because they deserved it, and basically still do
Jeremy Cunt will be chasing it as him having Chancellor job. Hopefully, the tory membership will reject the cunt once again though.
Fuck off you dosser you dont own anything other than that stupid red light bulb and gay pc
me, josh and shoelad are the three good ladateers
The milf is fitter, is that her mother
*Extremely liberal
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>The brit milf lost
I knew the brits were gay as fuck
Precisely and thats EXACTLY why Blairite Labour WILL fix immigration.
They already said they are not going to revert brexit.
Teals are destroying the Libs for going too far to the right, as they should. Dutton keeps trying to transplant the culture war here and it's fucking stupid
you toil for josh
all of josh's crypto is thanks to you
get back to work and start earning for him
most of her teeth could be said to be a shade similar to white
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oh no!
Blair and team literally said they wanted to do it to "rub the rights noses in diversity" and sent out literal search parties to find shitskins to bring over.

In his mind he didn't "fuck up", he achieved his exact objective.
Broken Britain
Do you think labour would try to rejoin EU?
Nige usually says whatever in the moment.
He makes it up on the fly, wings it, always has, always will but he's a welfare queen posing as a man of the people.
His interviews have declined this year, he's more populist than ever right down to refusing to answer questions; another grim import from the US.
His beeb interview was abhorrent, a waste of taxpayer money, resources and collective time.
On the crack early this morning are you
Why are you gae??
I don’t think they realise we welcome the decline they inevitably bring.
It's a sword dangling over the head of any incumbent party that will force migration low, under threat of total Nigel dominance. He actually did a good thing for British politics
Your answer is here >>473130678
most folk put them in on the assumption they were the small govt free trade party, what they got were the party of mary whitehouse, they're here to take your flutter, your irn bru, your pint, your freddo, they're the nasty party
The left have woken up
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>Blair and team literally said they wanted to do it to "rub the rights noses in diversity"

and then made it defacto illegal to talk about it
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yeah maybe this year. But sooner or later it will happen.
You should be proud culture wars don't work in Australia, our population aren't that retarded, yet anyway
how does this get a sticky. UK is quintessentially uniparty, including farage's new cues. this is practical chomsky at work, limited allowable discussion, but vibrant.
>lame, who gives a fuck
Britain is an ISIS slave market, select persons with privileges pretending otherwise in this thread
to be fair he did say the UK won't be joining the EU or even the single market in his lifetime
>Brit/pol/ sticky.
>Josh exposed to outer/pol/.
>Oh yeah and something about Labour being in power now.
Truly a dark day for Britain.
Don't lower BTC prices indicate an increased belief that "everything will be fine"?
The lower BTC, the better for all of us.
The right wanted Conservatives to lose dummy
Errr sorry fat gaijin but the USA is a pseudo democracy (flawed electoral system plus near dictatorial presidential system) and the uk is a top ranked democracy…
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idk shit about uk is lab good for UK at this time?
70 seats for the lib dems what a result. Could get 100+ next election if the “right” takes over the tories and one nation types (like Rory Stewart) switch over.
Starmer is a force for global economic stability
He was the man we needed all along
>It's true (except for Germany
So it's false? I accept your concession.
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Easy enough to fix innit.
Hammer in his skull.
Chaos with Ed, back in the babes.
My dad went to a shitty state school and worked hard to send me to an independent school in South Africa.
And you think it's a bad thing to educate a child better than a bunch of fuck knuckled retards the state provides as teachers?
Wind your head out your arse and go touch grass.

Besides, I voted reform.
And Farage to win kek. They are retards.
It's the biggest election win of all time in Britain. It's also probably the worst example of first-past-the-post in history and will probably precipitate its downfall in Britain. It's all pretty historic
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Why are you gae???
That was 27 years ago nigger. Linear time exists
>Sir.. the containment has failed..
how does this get a sticky. UK is quintessentially uniparty, including farage's new cues. this is practical chomsky at work, limited allowable discussion, but vibrant.
>lame, who gives a fuck
Britain is an ISIS slave market, select persons with privileges pretending otherwise in this thread
can't fit a piece of paper between cameron, blair, corbyn, shinak, and whoeverthefuck labor has now. it's all the fucking same.
SNP did not lose.

westminster seats are not the scottish parliment, SNP are still the scottish government, wesminster seats are just for fun and free money
>Lib Dems 12.2% (+0.6%): 70 seats (+62)
The difference 0.6% makes in FPTPstan
>4 million votes
>4 seats to show
Hurray for democracy!
Stfu Hitchens you useless doomer kike
Mate I don't sleep until the 2nd minister has seen the royal.
>That was 27 years ago nigger.
Pakis don't have kids
Yes its the voting process that is killing britain
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Time for the king to root out democracy along with fptp
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Which party was the anti-monarchist party?
I'm assuming you bongs have at least one of those... right?
They're still counting?
Better than nothing I guess.
what is this "Josh" you speak of
My £900 tax return says otherwise you fat little bitch
>Besides, I voted reform.

Hahaha waste of voting paper reatrd
Australia doesn't even have one of those
Nearly? So what if it’s nearly you still win bitch
> the uk is a top ranked democracy
top of the charts in child sexual abuse maybe
now watch your gummy mouth or I’ll tell old bobby about your toy Zelda sword
And Farage did win. Didn't you see the Clacton results?
He won the seat that he was contesting, and he achieved his national goal of destroying the Tory Party. You're welcome, lefties.
I'm the king of brit/pol/ mate
Would reform have done any better if Nigel came back the day the election was called?
Oh that Labour vote share is pathetically low.
workers party and the green party
They seethe over Josh because he was right about Reform. They have no arguments against him so like all those who're desperate for an argument they just spend all day calling him a pedo. Quite sad really.
Born and bred. Extremely comfy but also economically destitute. We worship Plaid for the same reason the rest of Wales worship Labour: we think they're the same parties they were 60 years ago.
He's the new minister for benefits.
I don't give a shit about australia, australia is the lowest of bars, mate.
The seats with the closest votes are the last to report results, as much recounting will occur.
Labor put in an staunch republican governor general, and would have pushed for a referendum if the voice succeeded.
It's terrible and we're fucked.
Feckless layabouts and muzzshits will be happy with their gibs though.
Morning Josh
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What will her fiscal policy look like?
Hmm interesting system. Makes one wonder why the French put their voters through a two voting day process if the same can be accomplished by ranked voting like that.
Labour will just spin it as first past the post being good because it keeps le ebil extremist parties out
TND party when?
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Its pissing it down here, apt


Yeh lets just vote tory again who brought in more pakis in the last 2 years than the previous fucking FIFTY
I'm here you nob
The biggest takeaway from the election was the josh is so powerful he can sway elections and alter the voting preferences of others
What's wrong with having an effectively unimportant figure-head, that gets handed on by inheritance?
The King has no power. He is a marionette of the government.
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will keir the queer live up to his mentors workrate??
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She loves those shoes frfr
I would be surprised if it happens even in a second term of Labor government. Boomer vote is still too strong
>a Mancunian
is that what the kids are calling it these days
Literal fat yank jet program sexpat says what
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Hear hear.
was Best Hitchens goal, too.
Oh yeah and they also accuse everyone of being Josh because they can't fathom anyone slightly agreeing with him. So obviously me must be just samefagging. Every single person ITT is Josh, even you!
Morning Josh
>mancunian candidate
holy fuck
its a massive fucking landslide
is it due to the immigration and illegals attacking, raping citizens?
does it also include the mental power tripping lgbt/tranny cops that this happened?
the last thing i read in the national mood was appointee internationalist law cunt with brown horde in tow here to prolong war and fuck your finances, is that why the polls were so extreme? they had to sell this pig in lipstick, these nato cunts are audacious, give them that
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>you will live to see a 90 iq chav running the country

What a fucking timeline
So how is it going?
Will labour beat their 7 new laws a day rate from last time?
morning josh

morning josh
Sky news is interviewing a streamer about politics.
christ that is so nasty
the labour party conference voted overwhelmingly for Proportional Representation. he didnt put it in the manifesto or campaign, but here's hoping he does it anyway
Sorry if I'm reacting late but
>Galloway was off by 1500 votes
He does nothing and just eats your taxes.}
Also, he's not the government's puppet, it's a globohomo puppet.
This cunt will be out of the cabinet within 6 months
It's just sickening how many people are STILL voting Tory
I didn't expect zero seats to become a reality, but still...

Who the fuck ARE these people? Just boomers??
The decline since 2010 has been staggering, and millions of "people" looked at that decline and support it

L*bour supporters are barely any better
Virtual Larry again.
>the SNP losing £millions and influence is actually a big win!
Lmao cope
>Conference believes that the next UK General Election should be used as an opportunity to advance the cause of independence
What's the corrolary of this? If the SNP winning the most General Election seats in Scotland is a mandate for independence, then the SNP losing nearly all it's Westminster seats is __________
lets vote red blairites or blue blairites until pakistan rises and we establish a landbridge to Mirpur
which one?
if its not asmongold
I'm not interested
isn't it customary for there to be a comma between
I'm aghast. Why did they do this? I mean, realistically, why has Labour gotten so hugely popular again?
Nice, does he play league?
all is proceeding according to keikaku (note: it means plan in japanese)
Reform is set to win the election in 2035 under Farage and then UK will officially be back baby

trust the plan
saving israel for last
Also Northern Ireland fags how you feeling?
So many voting systems are just legacy of whatever was best practice at the time the country formed and have never been updated, no matter how broken the system is. The France two-part voting system is the same antique historical nonsense and could easily be boiled into one day with a ranked system.
Ranked Choice would absolutely kill the Right in America because the lefties here are like the borg.
I'm sure those are parts of it.
I’m ashamed of myself for being attracted to this, think it’s my 25% Celtic blood
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Galloway lost his seat
Hope I can be her career ending scandal
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That's a survey of opinions not economic data. Dingus.
What happened with Galloway?
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Free dog food
Some scouse one
Truss interview
imagine lockdown but with no restraints on the govt
it hasnt, everyone just realised tories are shit on a stick
With this result will you look like children of men now? I like that movie
farage is already eyeing someone up to take leadership of reform at a later date
it'll be that muslim millionaire who's one of the major doners zia yusuf
the leftists won? lmao UK is about to redefine the meaning of "accelerate"
is a new """fair""" referendum on EU membership on the table?
The labour party will split if they kick Rayner out
They freaked out about it after Sarah Palin lost to Lisa Murkowski because Alaska has ranked choice and started banning it everywhere. GOP don't actually want to compete
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so, britbros, what is to be expected of this win?
what is expected to be changed for you bros?
Red blairites are machiavellian technocratic realists
Blue blairites are true believer shitlib retards
How? If anything it would kill the left since most Democrats are Centrist.
His voter base worked out he isn't actually a paki
nato coup, not a brown horde, they took over the labour party
come to think of it, I don't know any scouse streamers at all kek
she's trying to escape the interview lmao
now you’ve stuffed it lad I’m calling the parish beadle
>it’s just sickening
Stop with the histrionic buzzfeed language ffs. We’re not on Twitter
>is a new """fair""" referendum on EU membership on the table?
I hope but probably not. In fact, definitely not.
>Thatcher and Regan
Detective Inspector Jack Regan (John Thaw) 'Shut it, you slag!'
thought they were naturals, oops
Love those ads on the tram.
It's is boomers
how is this possible?
brit/pol/ said Farage was going to eradicate the Muslim menace from England
Then he’d be a fucking idiot, I’d prefer to vote for starmer than a brown Muslim
Comrade Kier won't want to give up powers when he can keep them for himself.
>Basildon South still waiting on recount
I can see it now, the absolute last seat they count will be a Reform gain
Sorry mate but we are fucked for ten years. Most people are idiots who listen to the media and the media are pro labour

This is why Reform UK are the winners of tonights election. The most powerful man in the world giving them a platform.
>He does nothing and just eats your taxes.
>Also, he's not the government's puppet, it's a globohomo puppet.
Same thing, if you handed that office to someone using a vote.
You need a head of state. And at least in Europe that guy tends to be nothing but a figurehead to begin with.
I expect to see a lot more red ties.
It’s just boomers and their own financial self interest they don’t care about anything other than their private school fees, their house price and their pension. Honestly hope Labour raped them.
Democrats are anti-human.
Weird bloke
Imagine being the raghead-loving equivalent of a weeb
At least weebs I can sort of understand, but his fetish for grim middle eastern culture and people who hate him as a white person is baffling
Let's be honest. Immigration is a issue and the Tories wrecked Britain's control of its' borders. Brexit isn't working.
We have to implement sensible immigration policies that dont resort to hostile policies.
We cannot risk sending people to countries that they could face incarceration or execution
The prospect of sending women back to Afghanistan through Rwanda is dangerous and emboldens the Taliban terrorists
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I did what I could Lads
Would have been happy with more but getting Farage into parliament means it is definitely not a loss for them.
I don't really respect Reagan enough to spell his name correctly when shitposting.
just realised I spelt donor wrong KEK

thats you though
you're a minority
most people don't care about race anymore
A big drop for saggy tit lovers
which is hilarious when you consider how many muslim independents won and even corbyn survived kek
>We have to implement sensible immigration policies that dont resort to hostile policies.
>We cannot risk sending people to countries that they could face incarceration or execution
>The prospect of sending women back to Afghanistan through Rwanda is dangerous and emboldens the Taliban terrorists
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Never forget Trump's mother was a Scotswoman. The UK means a lot to him, though he doesn't talk about it a lot publicly.
Anyhow ranked-choice-voting would only be viable for presidential elections anyways no worth introducing it in the congress since you can just use state-based mixed-member-proportional.
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No, liberals and traitors viscerally sicken me - they are sickening
That anyone loves pakis enough to vote Tory sickens me
UK parliament last heard..
"No you are fucking fucking! Bloody bastard bitch!"
They manage to purge rayner and there's not a fucking chance they're here in 2029. Their only hope would be outlawing reform and killing every conservative candidate so they were forced to vote labour. They're already sitting quite far from centre atm.
donated doner kebabs to reform
what a good lad
no wonder nige is eyeing him as his heir
He likes moral crusades and he's smart enough to pick the easier side to defend even when its not obvious at the time.
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The tranny was the labour candidate
You created the terrorists in the first place
The monarchy contributes millions of pounds, net, to public finances you ignorant cretin.
The US will never, ever use any system other than their weird broken college/FPTP system. There will never be bipartisan political agreement on an alternative system.
brexit was in part supposed to better put the pressure on the parliament at westminster, so you see how that is working out with this very election
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Nigey likes Israel
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This is the candidate
Need to edit that tbqh
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Exactly. Complete blood traitor.
What would you do then? What policy would you have, if you even had any?
I've always attributed it to an impreg fetish.
Much like how I feel when the BBC london news comes on, that mouth is built for something I tell you.
Great. Labour won. Well I hope you're happy people. You just cemented the downfall of everyone. Good job.

If you thought gay rights were bad now, just wait until labour make it a law that you must bend over and pay homage to a fag anytime it demands. Just wait till they make homosexuality the "normal and correct" orientation and hetrosexuality some kind of freak outlier. There will be pride shows every weekajd you'll be shot if you ever ponder out loud if gay rights should even exist.

I hope you like Islam and fucking voodoo, cos soon your neighborhood is going to be absolutely flooded with mudslimes, pakis and niggers. Oh, and YOU WILL be housing them. Yes. They have rights yknow and one of those rights is to your property so say goodbye to that.

And when you want to complain about it all you'll be getting arrested and jailed cos it's not politically correct to point out foreign invaders are coming and raping and stealing. Those people have rights yknow! We owe them!in fact get your wallet out now and hand over all your cash to them as reparations!

Crime will sky rocket as Labour tells police they must undergo sensitivity training and have to be nice to everyone. Juveniles can stab anyone they want cos Labour will simply ask them how it made them feel rather than jail them.

Labour will send more money, YOUR MONEY, abroad tonight foreign wars and will definitely even commit UK forces to wars and bring untold shit down on our heads.

Get ready for a total and utter nightmare of hellish proportions, where you own nothing, have no rights, freedoms or privacy, where skin color equals power and superiority, where doing good is evil and evil is good.
I have an interview soon to start a job offshore, am I to assume that’s cooked now
What site has the most up to date results?
>spoil your vote for a meme
hurr durr
they could have chosen a picture with [its] eyes open
There will be once the Democrats lose just a few too many elections while getting the vote majority.
Yall lads will only continue to decline until you accept the truth. When you start from a position of delusion, you will never have a functioning or decent country, because civilization is fundamentally based on accurate understandings of the world and how to organize. The delusion holding you back is that Britain is a country and not an American colony. That delusion will contine to feed your downward spiral until you finally just accept the truth. You are American and you will not have any semblance of society until you integrate Britain into America where it belongs. Demand annexation before it's too late.
>You need a head of state
Generally presidents serve as head of government and state and there's no problem with sharing both titles.
>And at least in Europe that guy tends to be nothing but a figurehead to begin with.
Then why paying him?
With politicians at least you can remove them from office one they subscribe to jew ideologies. You can't with kings.
That's what is did for the Chris whitty slug eating party
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>Entirety of Europe voting in right-leaning parties very much in favor of booting out every brownoid
>The nation just voted in Labour
>I'm about to watch the migrant numbers soar to 2+ million as the UK takes in all the "poor displaced legal EU residents unjustly evicted from their homes"
>Tory and SNP wipeout
Remind me why I'm meant to hate this again?
Who is the mingebag on gbjews panel?
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Hey guys, paused my movie (picrel) and dropping a shit.
Is the UK saved or are they still cucked?
for real though if you look at the way he speaks in interviews he's framing himself as being a voice of leadership. like he's prepping people to accept him as that, while in recognition of his connections to reform. that to me is a sign that he's hoping to, or will be at some point, sidestepping into the leadership. but the format is very long-gamey. which we know reform in general is going for
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I don't think it can open them. I can't find a pic with its open eyes anywhere
Does she wear stuff like this because she missed out on being a teenager due to getting knocked up at 16?
Tried that in my constituency with a blind candidate, they made fun of her instead and voted in a middle class thief.
Yes we are going full North Korea but instead the border only works one way
No there won't. Vote change would require a constitutional amendment which needs 2/3 of states to agree, which will never, ever happen. Their system is so utterly broken, it is beyond fixing
Where shall we go?
We're saved pal
Just because you lack a backbone.
Besides at least my constituency isn't run by a socialist rat for now.
i'll vote that your trident is a less a broken arrow and more a bent carrot, and labor can play pivot from displacement migration to blairite war profits in the next two years, in lockstep with (Kennedy, Biden or Trump [they're all DTF]), and the fact that this thread gets a sticky means that /pol/ might finally be MSM proper
>They manage to purge rayner and there's not a fucking chance they're here in 2029.
They'll remove her from cabinet. She's a low IQ incompetent embarrassment. She'll be a back bencher MP or theyll create some pointless vanity position for her. Simple as.
>Their only hope would be .....
Bollocks. She's a fish wife slag. Not the Queen.
You’re starting to do my head in now
years I’m sure whenever he hears auld lang syne he gets all misty eyed and runs off to toss a caber
Are you literally 18?
She kinda bad
The tories were not sufficiently wiped out enough. 2029 will have a tory party which will split the right vote. If Farage somehow becomes leader, he will quickly be subsumed by the rot of the party.
Aye. I can't hate on it too much when you had figures like the haunted pencil & gallo kicking around. They're gone now though so she'll need some weirdos to offset it.

She'll be flirting with President Trump when they finally meet
COOOORBYYYN! He won right?
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...then you wonder why (Un)Reform(ed) only has four seats.
Still, Labour thanks retards such as you for their megawin
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That's a man.
so, what will change with labour now in power?
let me guess, nothing much?
would Ange walk around without a bodyguard these days? Even charlie veitch has one
Stfu retard
Can always top yourself pal, that'll solve it.
Yes. Yes it is
They arent dead
Is silly prat Anon here?
>Then why paying him?
Why would he continue to take on that role otherwise?
>With politicians at least you can remove them from office [...]. You can't with kings.
That's a valid point. Although over here the political caste simply keeps electing some stupid retard no one likes, and the people have no say in it.
Not sure how I feel about all these mummys getting into politics.
Don't the states have the right to do whatever they want with their representatives already?
When's that dickhead Keir going to Buck House to kiss the ring?
its only a a mandate if we win, if we dont win, we are still in scottish government and can force indepdence vote
Oh dear oh dear how wrong some of you were.
Safe legal routes for the bames, and Starmer plans on clocking off at 4:15pm on fridays and not resuming duties until 9:45am on saturday
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>Suicides up 300% this morning
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Top kek
assume he's talking about reform
Yep lmao.
Yeah it's run by one of the biggest lairs and griffters in present time politics. And retard people with low IQ vote for him. I doubt your IQ is ove 100...
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I'd bet she grew up near this street.
NHS gets properly funded again, trains get re-nationalized, lower migration, green power funding
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that's what i did too
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Open borders for Israel
They will govern extremely competently, even cut immigration, and then in the second term will go all in on completing the Blairite revolution.
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Are you really?! If the UK and Greece wake up then the rest of Europa will follow!!!! You're not fucking with me?
World don't work that way, sorry mate. Gotta wrestle with being a poofter on your own.
>look up policies
>seems like the same shit sandwich, just with a different type of bread
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Yeah I’m here and im a silly prat. I genuinely thought boomers up midlands and north in seats like Skipton and Ripon would take a chance on reform, turns out I was wrong and they’re all braindead
fuck sake got this song in my head now
All the money the crown spends was your money before, retard.
The fact that he gives a small portion back doesn't mean he isn't still robbing you.
America has a total land area of 3.8 million square miles, and a total nigger population of 47.9 million. This comes out to approximately 12 niggers per square mile.

England has a total land area of 50,301 square miles, and a total nigger population of 2,400,000. This comes out to 48 niggers per square mile.

England has exactly 4x the nigger density of America. If Britain was to join America as four new states, your new national metric of niggers per square mile would plummet.

Demand annexation before it's too late lads.
They can do whatever they want at a state level, but federal elections cannot be ranked choice without 2/3rds agreement

>trains get re-nationalized,
the 40thousand lazy cunts at network rail on £80k a year for a 2 hour working week wont go for that desu
a gibbet
for you
for your belonging
for the good of the people
Thats a fucked up guess. No doubt they will try to push even worse policies, the British need to be ready to avoid and protest.
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I refer to that senile retard as Raygun
Shut up Hitchens you ridiculous little doomer hypocrite
>and can force indepdence vote
No. No you can't.
Starmer is a wetwipe but literally all the others are worse except maybe the Lib Dems.
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>smash her back doors in on a Friday night
>go for a kick about Saturday morning
Lads, she's perfect.
Looks like she makes a decent dinner too.
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which party did deano vote for?

presumably apathy with tories for raising their mortgage rates under Truss
Labour are literally just going to mollycoddle Muslims with endless bennies in the hopes they have a permanent, dedicated voter base. All foreigners landslide vote for Labour.
God damn it you rightoids are scared. Let me guess they shoul take their country back with muh guns!!! The true patriots! All13 of them!
No talent to be found anywhere in politics or the media desu.
>Why would he continue to take on that role otherwise?
Exactly, he wouldn't. The PM would, and you already pay him.
>Although over here the political caste simply keeps electing some stupid retard no one likes, and the people have no say in it.
Well good point too. I guess you should revamp the whole voting system along side removing the monarchy.
yes we can, we womt hold an election 2026
It's morbidly funny how expensive trains are in the UK
Lets see what the markets make of rKier in a couple of hours. I think they'll love a labour landslide
>Chicken noogits, chips 'n' beans lad
No, you moron. The Crown gives all profits from its vast property portfolio to the government. It receives a fraction of these funds back in "public funding".
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>Not sure how I feel
you should feel them up then, sort of a test drive
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Hi anglo brothers
guess what, they are going to pump real estate 2-3x higher because even Labour knows its good for GDP.
Reform wasn't an option, so he wrote it in himself. Didn't you see the video?
Yeah because you’re meant to purchase tickets earlier and not when there’s only 4 left you mong
Has the counting finished? I just woke up
I have a soft spot for slags
if you ignore the two muslim independents who won in the north west based on centring their campaign on a non-UK issue
whats that a couple of hours?
so who's going to be the next Tory leader? I'm guessing it'll be a nigger
Very ugly. Not surprised she has become an ethno nationalist.
Nobody is scared, you dumb weird fag.
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You're the weird cousin we dont invite to Christmas at best
The duchy of Cornwall doesn't. That's his private plaything and he keeps the income. Always has
light blue wave coming in ETA 2 more weeks
still annoyed jess phillips kept her seat
An exception to the rule.
5hr trip, 600km for the low price $200 AUD
shalom fellow anglo. What anglo-saxon things shall we do to annoy foreign governments today?
Ok and?
It could it all be just public organizations. No need for a fucking king as if this was the dark ages.
Have you ever considered that 90% of other countries don't have kings and half of them function better than your shithole?
And before you say anything, no, that's not including my country.
9 left
If Labour win all of them they match ‘97
wazi would have been so much better innit bro
Well, that's the dream of Scottish Independence fucked up. All because of a fucking caravan...
Turnout surprisingly low lads
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>Reform mogged by Lib Dems
That must sting chuddies
don't know who that is
>If Labour win all of them they match ‘97
Actually having vivid, nightmarish flashbacks.

I got a return to london from york for £150 m80, though I have no concept of money due to pretty much having it in unlimited supply these days
ballot paper wasn't printed in bantu this year
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What will her international diplomacy be like?
Tories already had blocked it in British courts because they want to keep leeching off Scottish oil, didn't seem like it had legs anyway
came 2nd to r jess
How old are you?
100% would
Wouldn't say it's that surprising. The media had wall to wall coverage of THE POLLS so most believed it was a foregone conclusion. And nobody actually really likes Starmer, they just dislike Sunak more.
And this.
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>the inferior subhuman rightards that exist here
...because she never had the right to exist in the first place. Just as white rightards are inferior subhumans that need to be genocided.
Based Bomber Harris had the right idea. What Avro Lancasters dropped on Dresden: the Solution to the Nazi Problem.
Cute whore
What does this result mean? Will stuff change? I'm retarded so pls explain it to me like I'm 8 years old
Not really suprising given the country of vaxxies that they would vote for the WEF.
Hate the SNP but they were always based when it came to immigration.
We couldn't house them and because the conservatives had slashed budgets we don't build houses, so they all went South then the fairies would have a melty about it. That and all the old fucks needing care are down there.
There's only one area in the city designated as an immigration zone and the pakis and Africans are better than the junkie povvo scum that reside there. Only the Africans stay.
comical, goes without saying
The feeling is mutual.
>that flag
yeh i could already tell
I wanted to see when the last time was that the tories got mogged this hard was and found that this is the worst tory performance since before 1800
Red establishment party usurps the Blue establishment party
Yeah, I always cut about in a tunic, bearskin and carry a rifle
regular slags, or chav slags?
am getting in bed
He seems like he's on twitter every day, often arguing over trivial minutiae as he can never be mistaken on any point. But I like the fact that he's a much a prohibitionist on drugs jus cuz it's obviously somewhat unpopular and numale onions boys absolutely hate it (altho I don't a bit of this or that sometimes)
She got that anime ass drill hair
farage is no FREN
and for pretending he is
i'd scalp you with a rusty spoon for free,
It means more niggers
English minority by 2030
sky news is playing a high pitched ringing noise
Getting literally fucked basically.
This is gonna be a rancid couple of years
And reform is going to have no easier time justifying its existence, even with the amount of votes if it only lead to same amount of seats as the greens.
whatever genre of slag that is, top taste there
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Mogg mogged
Well I like rayner but she does look a bit man ish at times.
So I get why Boris was enraged, he did write a book about wanting to brutally throatfuck and impregnate a gender swapped David Cameron so he'd be into a bit of a blokey girl for sure.
In order for me:
Ladies day slags
Chav slays
Regular slags
>Doesnt know anything about bongland
Literally only the cities have mixed races and even then its still a white majority. You step 2 metres outside a city into the country side and its 95% white.

Whats unfortunate is all the white people are sick of rubbing elbows with foreigners that dont share cultural values so they're selling up and moving out to the country side, which means the cities, and thus the capital, is gonna be majority foreigner led within a couple generations
Conservatives won again in my constituency. Good.
sucking cock
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>ere Kim Jong ill, no banta no fanta m8
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>i want browns out of this country
For what purpose? The monarchy isn't involved in politics or governance. Abolishing the constitutional role of the monarchy wouldn't automatically cause them to lose their privately owned property.
You are hilariously ignorant of British politics and history if you think "King = dark ages".
Spain, Denmark, Norway, Japan all have similar symbolic constitutional monarchs. Why does the UK get singled out?
>24% swing against
holy fuck
I tested your hearing frequency abilities and you came out as over 50 years old the other day
Can't be that high pitched
So Reform only have 4 seats after all of that. Farage will have to do a bit of work for a change (he'll hate actually being an MP)
>50% voter turnout
>Labour landslide
Not exactly a resounding endorsement from the public is it
Not at all, completely expected. Less popular than Corbyn
very british photo
Total Damp Rag victory
Cor lad she's a right tasty slag
low high pitched
I've got parents pushing 60 that still wanted to vote tory because they "Always vote for them" because "things were worse under labour" and now that push has come to shove they'd rather vote for nigel fucking farage than the red party. Its insane. I dont think they've even read the manifestos they just vote based on "how it feels"
Didn't even show up to European parliament other than a couple of occasions to bitch and waste everyone's time kek
Killing muslims isn't a crime. It's a human obligation
The worst in the whole history of the party, which goes back 190 years. There is a funny graph that shows it by timeline. Turns out the British won't vote for a brown Indian, huge Tory miscalculation
I'M SLEEPY ANON Z__________Z
>Brit/pol/ descends into slagposting again
He's stil allowed to say it
corr imagine the smell
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>Ladies day slags
lol. the write-in candidates
they are playing at 90s fest in sheffield next weekend
Well this is shit, on the plus side they'll flood more foreigners in so more to kill when we take the country back, silver linings and all that
10 would have been a good number to cause some disruption. Doubt they can do much with 4. Shame.
Its inevitable
Labour with 35% of 60%.

21% of the electorate.
You did well Anon. I appreciate the effort posting throughout the night.
What time does starmer go to the palace?
Shut up you little nerd, manifestos are for gay retards. Based boomer parents voting on instinct shame they raised a faggot like you.
>Farage will have to do a bit of work for a change
He doesn't have to, he never did before, there's no rule saying he must. He can even have an assistant hold surgery and send out template letters. He's not even obligated to do that even if it's a central government issue.
Somebody please rape this bitch straight already
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i do like R wheetos box celebrity sir john curtuce
>labour landslide
Does this mean we all support Israel now?
I'd fuck all of them
if only we had proportional representation...
wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood
Why do we let women vote again?
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I knew the past the post system in this country was bad but the fact that almost 20% of the voters in his election are only getting 0.6% of the representation in the house of common really calls for some type of radical change. A (peaceful) riot needs to happen immediately. Democracy is not working in this country, it doesn't represent the true democratic will of the people.
They're just a different class. You can see in their facial aesthetics. They have patrician genes but are larping as tacky slags, really hot
fitting, seeing as how all we're getting is 1997 new labour manifesto leftovers that Kier put in the microwave
oui oui baguette
fuck off dweeb. nobody gives a shit about your talmudvision proto-golem rents voooting.
>wind-up dolls
we support der Führer
Sieg Heil!
ur mom
Light up ya spliff, light up ya chalice

It's r time laba bros
A jew and a nigger. What did you expect?
Fucking moron.
Gaslight the Labour party that they will lose their mandate next election if they don't change the system
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>Mogg finally out of parliament
Its not enough
He deserves worse
I want him to go bankrupt or get beaten up
Reform might have won East Thurrock by 127 votes but Labour are being salty bitches and refusing to concede and calling for more recounts.
9 seats left to announce
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am in bed lads
Not just Labour millions of leftie spastic voting for the Lib Dem’s and greens. Reform + con got outvoted yesterday by 3 million votes plus.
Just because the tories do nothing doesn't mean you'll suddenly want labour who do nothing but also want more browns in. With how shit conservative is I still wouldn't want a labour government
be the change you want to see
indeed. one could do worse that that lot
To put them ahead of the greens on seats will be pretty nice. And will cause disproportionate seethe.
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its not something being allowed or not
its simply ironic
There's always the hope his kids and wife die in a tragic accident anon.
but he'd be fine with that, maybe his mum or nanny going, that'd shake him.
LDP is at least 1/3rd seething Tories and most Tories remained home.
That's the face of a man who knows he won.
where's the content about british election? even on a day like today you won't post anything vaguely brit/pol/ related and continue to treat this place like your personal discord server. Kindly fuck off
is her hand inside?
>labour landslide
>taxed to death
Won't even let you doss on bennies. It's over
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Why so upset?
>most tories remained at home
No they didn’t the right vote split. And all those ‘seething tories’ are lefty spastics anyway.
you know it

I've literally been talking politics all. night you fucking moomin
he single handedly defeated the Tories
show him some respect you stupid ass nigger
We've had Neoliberal rule since the 1980's and we've elected Neoliberal party B over Neoliberal party A.
The status quo remains untouched.
morning lads, labour won I take it?
4 fucking seats lmao, this country is beyond COOKED. I just dropped missus off at work and drove past a bus stop that had an entire African tribe standing at it that looked like they landed yesterday. Normies are beyond saving. Fuck this shithole
Josh won
Starmer voted reform and still won
>the true democratic will of the people.
the true democratic will of the people.
>the true democratic will of the people.
the true democratic will of the people.
have you ever read such nonsense parading as of wise? after eddie berneys changed language .:. i don't agree with the premise that the
the true democratic will of the people.
is anything more that the product
and pretend it isn't "store-bought" seems silly ... here
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Thiiings... can only get betteeeeerrr
The two women in that picture look like the most spiteful witches I've ever seen and I bet you anything they work for the government. I hate this country.
>My dad went to a shitty state school and worked hard to send me to an independent school in South Africa.
your dad is a cunt
Labour will win LESS seats than 1997. Blair won.
What did you expect? Nigel Farage is a grifter reform is nothing more than a self promotion vehicle. They will gradually disappear when he gets fed up with mongs from Clacton nagging him about potholes.
If you think its bad now, you have no idea how many voters Starmer’s going to import. Best of luck bong anon
Theres still a bunch of results to come in, reform could still pick up sests, right?
Whatever the outcome of the UK election, it's such a relief not to hear about the US election for a day
Doing well for yourself I'm sure, you can drop your fat bitch off at her job and some imports will look after yer mam and need to take public transport.
You're both leeching from the government, both take out more than you pay in but wahey my lad bat down bat down that's the spirit.
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We are so fucking back
I think they've done what they can pal, but Farage is in Parliament which is good enough for me
>namefag (you)s me
>about another namefag
>it's j*sh
what would it have been had there been PR?
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Things are looking up already here in Leicester
Only 7 left
Morning pal
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He's that dull I genuinely can't even see him. If I was asked by the Police to describe him, I couldn't do it... Is that his super power?
looking forward to his maiden speech
PC Keith Palmer was killed by an Islamic terrorist who was trying to get into the Houses of Parliament. Now they’re just voted in through the front door. Britain has fallen.
more than two lines
didnt read
probably cope
Fuck off Josh you goblin nonce ugly cunt
I wonder how the SNP woulda done under PR. They got fucking wiped out but they tanked AV in '11.
Did you expect some kind of reform landslide? Even Farage said it would be a labour landslide, why would you think any different? Farage is now an MP and has the endorsement of the next sitting US President. I can’t think of any better outcome for a populist movement running in an election designed to prevent such a thing.
am handsome you tit
looking like SNP will end up with 10 seats when it's all said and done. Nice to see them get kicked in the teeth.
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Ok quick rundown who won and what's the vibe
You've described the perfect spy you have.
>all that hype for reform
>up against sunak's tories
>get only 1% more votes than they did in 2015
It's over. Boomers simply will not vote for anyone other than tory
Literally only 9 seats outstanding.
Remember Oscar Schindler?
>Not the work. Not the work.
I don't think Farage is really the work hard type. He'll swan about on alt media and turn up in the US at an Orange Man rally. But he'll leave the day to day to someone else. Which is fine, he's not even opposition leader, he can just sit and bitch and whine and call for removal of Kebab, and he's still more use than like 500 MP NPC's.
>all this right wing cope
Someone make a Hall of Anal Devastation for all the reformers and tories
Americlap here, can I get a quick QRD on the UK election and how much bongs are fucked?
2 of the undecided seats are at the border which is historically very tory. They could end up with 9.
Lefties won by a huge margin
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on the bright side at least a poojeet isnt your pm now.
Corrr did all the brinnies migrate here for the night?
Andrew Bridgen lost his seat, vaccine data will remain off the hansard
but notice the ploy
namefaggots @ eachother
never reply to a namefaggot (if you can help it)
Because we got 4 seats and only got 15% of the vote? We’ve got 25% still voting conservative after everything they’ve done? And we don’t have 10 years left to fuck around?
>Nice to see them get kicked in the teeth.
Too right by half.
but it's not over until they get their womb ripped out and their balls cut off in 2026. They NEED to vacate Holyrood.
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so how fucked are you
You watch Liz Truss' interview with the beeb lol? It was good.
Lib dem won our seat. What were even their policies?
the one up north is SNP heavy, I believe. Tories might win the border seats, if not then Labour will get those
Labour won the most seats by far but their vote share didn’t change that much. Their success is mostly due to reform falling short in most seats due to vote splitting by the tories, who also lost seats to the Lib Dem’s. SNP wipe out at the hands of Labour and the DUP got shagged
We've just elected an unrepentant communist and globalist who was unironically best mates with the most infamous paedophile in British (and possibly global) history.

"Fucked" doesn't even begin to describe the situation.
SNP absolutely raging
Despite the shit turnout, it's actually a pretty good outcome

Neither the Tories OR Reform are even remotely Right Wing.
there's been zero seethe all night
that changed when the wagies woke up
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ffs how did he get in there?
Do Labour want to send more or less aid to Ukraine?
he wanted 6+ million votes because his plan was to push for PR and then become opposition next election and PM after that. It's over, he's fucked it
Red landslide, it's well and truly over for right in the British Isles
another muslim steal
>just have a laugh lads
Ed Davey is based, just spent his campaign running wheelbarrows and driving tractors and still won a bunch of seats, what a lad
Tax on banks to pay for more paki doctors and Nigerian nurses
Importation of infinity boat wogs
New environment regulator and something about water companies
It will be ok, Starmer is just a tory-lite. I expect he'll achieve next to nothing in the next five years but with moderate growth.
Morning you kant reading cunt.
Alright, same shit different day innit, we had a zombie government for a year and a half, 6 weeks with no parliament and we've still got a summer recess.
Grim innit.
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i'm using the self-checkout lane tonight, because that's how i roll on the sticklies
Isn't "leftism" in England basically just "import more Muslims and Indians"?
I'm a leftist as an American because I'm pro-human want abortion rights and so on, but England already has those things. It's basically just importing foreigners that they're running on right? Because some pseudo Marxist appeal I'm sure
good on him. only decent man in uk politics
>60% turnout
Pretty dire state.
the honourable member for alton towers
Ah ok bro
made me chuckle, he really is
>Mogg not being able to get the daily handjob from his nanny
he'd unironically wither and die of consumption like the victorian ghost he is
>Labour only received 2% more of the vote than last time
>Take Scotland (dickheads) out the equation and they have fewer votes than tories
Our voting system is wank

Muslims don’t vote for Labour you silly pleb. They’re anti LGBT
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Wonder if we'll fall to AV tier turnout in 2029.
checked, compulsory is the way to go
I wuz rite again
Hearing reports he's tied up everyone at the HQ and barricaded himself in
More or less. They pretend they want to reduce immigration to win votes but their actual politics will definitely be pro immigration now that they have so many seats they have their own majority
British left: import infinity boatwogs
British right: import infinity boatwogs but for some reason the MSM calls them racist for doing so
You can come here and get shot by niggers
Agree conservative on such high percentage of the vote and after everything they’ve done is disastrous especially in such unique conditions. Can’t see how anyone can suggest what has happened is remotely positive cookoo land. There is no right wing in Britain just an assortment of atomised boomers who vote Tory because muh pension muh tax.
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>this is ur conservative candidate bro

truly the face of vibrant engllish culture
where the fuck have you been all night
He didn't. He knew full well that would never happen. He was selling hope to Reformongs who don't know how the system works. What he wanted was an mps salary and expenses to replace his lost MEP income.
With the FPTP system in play, compulsory is just piling bad onto worse. Fix that first and maybe people will be galvanised to want to vote.
yeah nah get fucked
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I called the Labour landslide but got the Reform seats wrong. Not bad.
it's funny how many tory MPs, who campaigned for the no vote in 2010, lost their seats because it was split between lib dems/reform
You're wrong. They're happy to let the LGBT stuff slide if they get more bennies.
braverman looking absolutely gutted in her address of the loss kek
is it getting to the point where all the Unionist parties in Ulster should combine into a single party?
>to pay for more paki doctors and Nigerian nurses
Fuck off.
England doesn't even hire paki doctors, they hire failed med school students. PAs, and that's all the extra money that went into the NHS has been able to be used for. Enjoy your misdiagnosis and death because some retard diagnosed you via webmd.
Those paki doctors sit at home.
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So.. is this good thing? Will London-England will deport muslims and niggers to africa?
I literally predicted everything regarding Farage and Reform all the way from the beginning of June until now

I told you he was a degenerate bourgeois piece of shit
>went to bed looking at 13
>woke up to 4
Fucking normies deserve the rope
Whole country’s part & parcel now
voting is for fucking retards
there has not been "right-wing" in the UK since before the end of BNP.
pretending any meaningful "right" existed after is a bell-end sodomite-reindeer-game and you all turboniggers need to stop watching (((pornography))) if you think the "right-wing" has existed in the UK (at all) for 50 years.
>more uniparty garbage
Ok thx
That may be true, but he's also placed enormous pressure on Labor to cut migration merely by existing and threatening to siphon even more votes in 2029
What's this mean for SNP up North?
here's my next prediction:
/High Tory/ come back next decade

we're so back
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>mandatory workplace assessments for all unemployed claiming disability benefits
It begins.
why are you even on a politics board you windowlicking moron?
Four is still impressive. I think they suffered from having what was actually quite a shitty manifesto. Next time we'll be prepared, better policy etc.
We'll import them even faster.
Wish I'd checked here to see the ensuing meltdown last night
They'll never do that. They will start killing each other like they did in the 1990s before they do that
here but anonymonging ffs
Aye, I'd give her fanny a go, let her give a few strokes.
Tho I'd need to not see those hyper uggos behind, might kill the boner if I pictured them at any moment and that'd be embarassing.
Josh on suicide watch
So at least that's one thing that's not changed.
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Queen Victoria’s great great great son lost his seat ):
voting has absolutely nothing to do with politics
there has to be some budgetary issue in order to kick start cutting migration
Labour won't do it on reasons such as "migrants don't assimilate", but rather out of pure budgetary necessity
You should go back to watching football
They didn't have any kind of policy on Ukraine because normies care about Palestine now.
If you want that to happen they need to move right and claw back their vote share from Reform.
Politics exists outside of democracies
you cannot stop the power of /High Tory/ supremacy

we are destined to rule the world
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>moderate growth
Of what, imported pakis and pajets?
Good morning faggot, so same shit different plate.
>four is impressive actually

Oh okay nevermind it's still happening
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You could fit all of Reform MP’s in a 5 seater car and still have the middle seat free
Genuine chance libdems become opposition in the near future & its just the left vs the farther left running the uk
reform were projected to get 13 seats in the exit poll, what the hell happened? Are boomers really this cowardly and two-faced?
A great thanks to our comrades in Reform for splitting the vote and guaranteeing a labour landslide. See you in 5 more years!
these already happen you mong
>cut immigration
Oh so instead of getting replaced by the population of Birmingham every year it’ll be the population of Manchester instead that’s good.
we will win
/High Tory/ supremacy is inevitable
the world is ours
The only solution for Britain is to import a fuckton of Pajeet Hindus to fuck off the headcutters because fat-fuck whitey can’t be arsed to do it themselves. But to be honest why come to this muzzy shithole when you can go to the US or Canada
Another Muslim Independent gained from Labour bt w
Tories will not even win an election after this year with a workable majority. Unless Labour fucks it up big time.
why is there so much division between the Unionist parties? Seems stupid at a time when the tide is turning against them.
she'll pop out a few of those if you give her a go
should have reformed himself, too late now
If gaybour don't kill us all beforehand
They've taken a kicking.
Labour lost another seat to a literal who independent. Muslims can band together easily to vote in favour of their people, why can't whites?
No radical policies. It will just be the natural order of things. The less he does, the better he'll look.
I hope that laboUr rise to it at least. I'm not hyper anti-immigrant like a seething reformer or southerner but it would help wages. The issue is still with skilled fields but investment could level that out over the years.
Labour are going to lose votes in 2029 anyway. Everyone wants results now and we have long term rot to turn round as a nation. People who are angry will stay angry.

Labour aren’t giving anymore bennies, they’ve already clarified that. The Tory votes last night came from Pakis that hate queers yet who still believe Farage hates them because Sky News told them on da tee vee
Z1nger one, refueling, standing by.
exactly, and that's why only an authentic Right Wing faction like High Tories can win back this country - not degenerate bourgeois left-centre parties like Reform
Another Jihadi just got in.

It's going to be so funny seeing these little gangs in the house, I can't wait for Question Time.
Who are the 6 millions mouthbreathing cunts that STILL voted for tories?
How the fuck is it fair for reform to only win 4 seats with 4 million votes?
My expectations were rock bottom but I'm still disappointed.
They dove for cons anyway and got stomped on their fat necks with all the vote splitting.
mad ting
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I wonder if they'll form a new party or join the Workers Party.
1iq retard

This already happens, you don't just say 'I'm disabled' and suddenly free bennies, first you go through PIP and then an assessment to get LCWRA or more.
Yes. They fell for
>muh Labour supermajority
>MuH vote reform get Labour
Spineless cowards
>Are boomers really this cowardly and two-faced?
So it seems
brexit didn't happen in 1939
I hate niggers and pakis
If you believe that, and I'm not saying it's not true, then there is almost no material difference between the Cons and Lab. It will just be more of the same, just a big gayer.
Ultra giga omega demoralised, you will see a Muslim party getting formed and Shariah becoming a serious possibility next election, poofs may be getting thrown off roofs in the next few decades
The Labour coalition is so brittle that they could very well lose in 2029. Watch out for Corbyn + Greens + SCG potentially banding together and forming a leftist party. They’ve essentially lost the working class and muslim vote.
Scottish Independence is dead, there's going to be so much delicious scotnat salt on Twitter today.
Muh tactical vote
Muh vote won't count if I vote fringe party
Muh vote reform get labour
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/High Tory/ comeback arc starts TODAY
you can start by being completely aligned at the spiritual level with His Majesty

and by that I mean, read the complete works of Rene Guenon
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Perry Barr is 90% Muslim. It’s already a lost cause that’s had >insert pic as their MP for 23 years
How are we feeling about the four seats lads?
Fptp is no longer acceptable, labour have an insane majority with only 1.3% more votes
Nah the demographics will fuck the Tories forever unless they become a broad coalition party.
They’re gonna actually have to enforce it now.
Every spacker is getting an interview and reassessment in the coming year.
McJobs are back on the menu.
Well, your hopes and prayers should be sent to 1997 asking them to beam forth their fiscal energy to 2024. Might actually happen. For all the memes about Labour bankrupting us, 97's government was fucking tight.
It's note tory, get labour now
Simple as that tbqh
what's the fucking difference
Its not like japan, anon. Nationalism has become such a dirty word in europe, any rightwing party is deemed unacceptably racist. Especially the anti immigrant ones. Mainland europe seems to be changing that but the UK’s still like that.
That already happens, retard
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thank you for my new wallpaper
She lost?
Nige is commons is based. Reform needs to do a lot of work in the next five years.
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I am kind of confused, how does this work?
Reform has more votes than Libdems but somehow less seats?
you do realise i have been sending these posts to the benefits office.
Reform: 4 seats
Pro-Gaza independents: 5 seats
You're fucking deluded. There is no pressure from him at all. He will get to ask the odd question at pmqs and that's it. He has no power or influence and will go the same way as Galloway as soon as people get another chance to vote. Nobody in Britain cares about immigration this election is another example of that. It's a dead issue. Even reform were promoting multiculturalism.
> Who are the 6 millions mouthbreathing cunts that STILL voted for tories?
Old people
> How the fuck is it fair for reform to only win 4 seats with 4 million votes?
Tactical voting to get rid of the tories. If you had PR the voting would be markedly different.
> My expectations were rock bottom but I'm still disappointed.
Welcome to real life.
What's the NI independent?
Will Starmer cut spakkerbennies?
Acceptable to who? What you going to do about it? Exactly.
this already happens you stupid boomer
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Did we get a bingo labour chads? Someone check it for me
Broad support vs condensed support, aka how first past the post makes democracy a joke
center-left is pure cringe, even more than the far-left. Imagine being some center-left pooftah lmao almost as cringe as the greentards (purified cringe).
Why these retards continue to talk about something they literally have 0 clue about with such confidence baffles me

Glad I left
By the time vooters wake the fuck up it will be too late. Rivers of blood was fucking decades ago and nobody listened.
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So its just the same shit as usual. How many trillions of poos will they bring in now?
What jobs are these?
>why can't Whites?
they can (and more)
they will
or they'll die where they stand
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That idiot is just talking about laissez-faire capitalism, meaning lots of "cheap" labour being imported
here's what going to happen:
factions within Labour and its BAME lackeys will start pushing for a democratic socialist republic in the next decade
then us /High Tories/ will have an ultra-monarchist reaction against them and seize power once and for all by eliminating all forms of Parliamentarianism.

/High Tory/ lads... we're so back...!
He will, he'll try to cut mine.
Streeting and Kendall will come up with something worse than third party checks by low grade docs and middle managers.
6 trillion per year, as a concession they will build 1 (one) more school
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Same shit barely a different color.
The only win in this election was getting a white man back as our prime minister

That shows the current state of this sh!thole.
so syd to coffs....$65.
No they will increase if anything
4 million votes is an excellent result
The real question is, where's Eddie in all this?
Stamer's looks (facially) somewhat like a piss artist, or someone who maintenance drinks. Comparatively small neck doesn't help.
First thing I noticed - because when I was bit of a pisshead I had a similar kind of bloatedness and slight ruddiness of the face. So there's no malice here. Happy to concede it's probably just his normal phenotype rather than chemical/environmental effect
there's been practically zero conversation about any sort of policy in the weeks just gone but they've all been going on about me getting bennies cut and that they voted reform for that purpose kek
PR will be nice.
Shame the uniparty is never going to let it happen as it will destroy their powerbase.
Gaza life does not affect the UK. If Gaza dies or lives the uk still needs to manage taxes etc th2 fact muzzies and hyper liberals decide on who to vote for because of another foreign land is so fucking stupid it makes me wish for deportation enmasss
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So the WEF plant shabbos goy was replaced by the WEF plant shabbos goy but with a different colour???
nobody cares about the UK, is this guy a russian shill or pro ukraine?
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never been more bullish on being a /High Tory/ ever in my life
imagine supporting that degenerate bourgeois Nigel Farage and the centre-left party known as the Reform Party kek
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Elite clown winning
ok I am still a bit confused because miniscule parties with miniscule votes like the SNP and "Sinn Fein" have more seats
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>get new PM
>BBC News says on live air the new PM is currently getting a tour of an underground nuclear bunker at the party building first
Interesting levels of irony.
Biggest globohomosexual we've ever had as PM.
Even bigger than Blair.
>The only win in this election was getting a white man back as our prime minister
Not at all. In fact, that is part of the problem "oh well we don't have a darkie as PM now so everything is alright" is unironically what will be going through many NPCs minds who are ever so slightly conscious on the race issue." It will give them a false sense of reassurance.

Also he's not even white, he's (((white))).
The conservatives have gone so far to the left over the past 10 years that Labour is actually the more sensible choice, since they pushed more to the center to win.

This is good, which is sad to say but it's sadly still true.
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Should have voted for WP
Leicester South
Muslim independent win

Muslim independent win

Perry Barr (Birmingham)
Muslim independent win

Muslim independent win

Islington North
Muslim-adjacent independent win
4 Seats
lmao great argument brah, you really told them!! dude why you so smart
Hopefully the SNP are less annoying now
Good shit, hope my death pain is on par with my daily pain. I'll just down my morphine stash.
punishment for the Tories is good, not externally productive but it's an investment hopefully, for better things to come. To discourage shitty governance
so pro ukraine then, good
Can't wait to get drafted to die in a war against Russia by a tranny labour youth party member.
I don't like his beady uneven eyes that don't seem to match his face
The system is fucked and unfair.
Needs reform.
first past the post. You win a seat by just being the largest vote share per candidate (so party) in a seat. Lib Dems rack up votes where they win & get pathetic 1-2k votes in areas they have zero chance in
wasn't this thread more about the acute ways people pretend not to see salient matters they ought to perceive
Go the fuck back, english teacher
They blocked it because you lost the referendum and you agreed it would be once per generational, you terminally-seething knavish gaylord.
15% of the vote going to an anti-migration party only spun up 4 weeks ago will be legitimately terrifying to the establishment, especially considering they caved in the conservative vote to accomplish that
Congratulations to all Bongfrens for getting rid of the Pajeet.
fuck off muhammad
Most people lack the driving force to question their perspective of a reality. Well, until forced.
Reform got 1 million votes for each seat they got.

This isn't democracy.

It's a scam.

Can it be changed without terrorism forcing them to change it? Opinions?
For me?

It's count binface
The problem with voting is most people are stupid, and treat the party they vote for like the brand of tea they drink. They literally just vote what they always vote for, only a minority change based on what happens.

This is why the conservatives still have that many votes when they totally betrayed their voters on every core value, and put a paki i charge and still got over 100 seats.
less than 20 vote difference in Hendon between Labour and Tories. Still doing recounts.
The labour bint on the beeb is fumbling it.
Hitchens is awake

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We won't let them touch you bb
we traded in one pajeet for millions of nogs mate
Count zingface
In the UK you vote based on constituencies, each constituency is first past the post, so highest number of votes wins the whole area. That means that if you want to win you need very condensed local support to win entire constituency.
Reform has broad support across a wide area, but lacks the numbers to come first at the local level, meanwhile Lib Dems have always enjoyed very condensed support, particularly in the south, and so win more seats with roughly the same number of votes.
Friendly reminder Hamas supporting Muslims won 5 seats

Reform won 4
They'll ignore it. Not like anything needs to be done as long as fptp exists and ensures the globohomo candidates remain.
Good point.
They’ve already said life on benefits won’t be an option. It’s gonna be a parasite purge.
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Tell me What zing voting has achieved..
yeah because 10% of the uk minimum is muslim now lol
>he didn't read the article
muslim communities are more concentrated than anti-immigration former tories reeeeee
>The same thing has happened to most of the things I like, from the forgotten Aztec chocolate bar to railway restaurant cars, from woodland peace to proper funerals.

lmfao old dour cunt
it secured the triple lock for the boomers
Zing hopes they Act swiftly to remove benefits
summoning blocko
we need some 200IQ takes up in here
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Mate proportional representation won’t automatically mean we’ll get in. They’ll just make ridiculous coalitions in a desperate attempt to keep the ‘far right’ (lol) out of power. Look at France as a prime example.
So, how pozzed does starmer make thd uk? Yeah, he’ll invite half of africa in but hos bad does it get?
The boomers zinged hard for their Pension
Basically aren't that many white people left in the country, it's basically over
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you guys told me the gyppos were the problem
not muzzies :)
Which non Western country do Western politicians obsess over? Well, usually?
While Reform exists, conservatives may end up being the unlikely advocates for FPTP to be gotten rid of, otherwise Reform will end up eating their lunch again in 2029
retard, the tories bring in way more pakis. their fucking leader was a shitskin
So Labour got their supermajority. Even if every other party and independent MP joined forces they still wouldn't have the numbers to block any Labour legislation going through.

What do you think the outcome of this will be? The only way Labour legislation can be blocked is if a significant number of Labour MP's rebelled against their own party, and it's at the party's discretion to use the three line whip, meaning any MP's who don't follow orders can be kicked out.
didn't le pen just win?
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Jewish mummy
Therapist-lass could've cured you

Look at you now
oh i see.
And I assume local support is harder because you need to be known for quite a while.
You need to have presence everywhere too.
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Sophy is glowing this morning, she's georgeous
ffs looks like alicia
>muslims take over areas, push everyone else out and vote for their own politics even if they get a lot less voters than anyone else
Yeah that's not a problem at all LMAO.
Still needs to win the primary, and that ain't happening
Triple zing penzings for the Zingers who zinged hard their entire zings. Cut off benezings for people who can zing
Reading all the seething posts from tories and reform copers is giving me a stiffy
Cry harder faggots, your corruption and negligence lead to this
>read the article
I’ve read the entire policy and manifesto actually.
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She's got a face like one of them things from Star Wars
The tories allowed a referendum after 2010 election because the Lib Dems were in coalition. It was AV type PR tho & it was rejected in that referendum. Neither Labour or Tories will want PR, especially the Tories who have had so many governments
We had an AV referendum. It lost.
Could try again I suppose.
she's gone fat now
walks her dog around me block every morning
His idea of stopping illegal migration is just taking them straight from france and making them legal so he can set them up in the new houses he's building for them rent free.
I reckon he'll do something like deport 5 pedo rapists in an attempt to appease the right before just going back to tory business as usual
True, but even if "the opposition" push for PR Labour aren't going to have to do shit to implement it with their majority. They're not going to give that up under any circumstances.

And if they do put it to a referendum it's going to be as massive a shitshow as AV was, where globohomo managed to make their entire campaign "you're a fucking retard" and still won in a landslide.
Good morning, how are you doing?
Can i have one of those cool maps where you can see the winner in each province?
He says things like that but when so called lockdown was brought in he said it was quote "wrecking a flourishing society". He's just a cunt.
We'll be laughing at you when you can't fix it and cry about how it's all tories, EU and americas fault
Z1nG has achieved total, and complete victory against the eternal menace, antiZing. Mission accomplished.
So what you're saying is she runs circles around you?

Wouldn't say run, actually
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Good morning, bong friends.
Have the next leaders talked about a new EU referendum, or is it absolutely and definitely over?
>me block
Block doesn't belong to you, he belongs to everyone.
A treasured part of brinnie culture.
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We need another 14 years of conservatives
>Even if every other party and independent MP joined forces they still wouldn't have the numbers to block any Labour legislation going through.
That's the same for any majority government. Supermajorities aren't a thing in the UK

prove it
BBC is reporting tories gain 1 seat somewhere. Where?
Here you go, just scroll down a little

No, RN will be minority government at best if they can partner with Les Republicans the ‘centre right’ who are refusing to partner with them lol. They’re well short of a majority.
Zing hundred years of labour zing
Kind of, but also a first past the post, winner takes all system encourages anti-democratic voting. The whole "I'm voting tactically in my locals to keep X party out", or "I'm voting for X because if I vote for Y I'm afraid my vote will be wasted". It's why the country constantly flip flops between two parties, and why despite the Tories being more hated now than ever before, they're still second place on the votes.
circling me like a vulture
If I were Starmer, i'd cut benefits to everybody unless they've acquired two mirrors of kalandra in PoE
Labour don't plan on rejoining the EU if that's what you're asking
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Good one milkman.
How insufferable was Channel 4 last night
thank you very much
I think now might be the perfect time for another AV referendum, no sane person can look at what happened with Reform (15% of the vote for 4 seats) or Conservative (vote split by Reform all over the country, despite only getting 10% less vote than Labor) and think the voting system is working well. Reform and Conservative could team up to both push it, collect up all the minor parties that benefit from AV and get it over 50%
thanks lad, news to me

fake zing
Leicester East
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Eating some ready salted Hula Hoops

Zing sees the norman yoke
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>those names
BBC was worse. Shocking actually meant to be impartial and serious could barely conceal their glee. That wog and Laura jewburg and Peter the faggot mandelson on all night.
bro are you a time traveler from 14 years ago
lamenting cuck
Imagine you have 100 glasses, and fill each of the 99 glasses up 30% with green liquid and all other 70% with blue liquid.

All 99 glasses will be blue.

Now imagine you fill one glass 90% green and the other 10% is blue.

Reform got more votes but it was spread out too much over the whole country, so was meaningless and they never won seats, the smaller parties like the SNP got all their votes in a handful of areas so it got them past the post and won them more seats.

This is why Reform can't win and never will, the only act as a spoiler for labour. People should have not voted, that would have said far more, low voter turnout was a must.

All Farage did was validate the labour win since 60+ voter turnout now.
It was pretty fucking funny tbf

Nadine just started talking some shit and one of the hosts just turned to Alistair with a 'fucking help me' look, proper tickled me

I noticed it too
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>all of them are pajeets
you will bow before your Norman overlord, Blocko de Blockville
lmao, thtas just sad, that could be bangladesh or something
The human rights lawyer who stopped deportations of thousands of paki criminals unironically won kek

We’re so fucked
you guys are so fucking retarded. immigration has skyrocketed under the tories, brexit was a ploy to get euros out and shitskins in
turkeys voting for christmas, you lot
From a very layman perspective. France has 2 rounds of voting. First is everyone and if you get over 50% you win the seat. If you don't then the top 2, sometimes 3 depending on the vote share, go again in a second round. Le Pen always does well in the first round, but in the second round tactical voting comes out to play and she tends to lose. I see that happening again this year but maybe she gets lucky.
Waiting for the next inevitable breakdown
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what the nani
Boris Johnson is jewish, you know that right?
True enough - but when the majorities are slim it means there only needs to be a few rebels to shoot down legislation. With Labours current numbers any rebellions would need to be massive to be successful, which inherently makes them more unlikely.
Laura was gutted the entire night that her horse got kicked in the cunt.
I think one of the main reasons Tories lost is because of Sunak. you had a slew of Tories who didn't care for his leadership and knew the party was doomed. I think Mogg was right and Tories needed to unite with Reform, something Sunak wouldn't even entertain.
Labour is going to fuck things up even more.

as an American it doesn't bother me, the UK will be humbled and then finally join it's rightful place in NAFTA 2.0
I can smell the cat piss eminating from every green candidate's name. You just know they're some grey-haired 50 year old woman with no grip on reality.
let's not get ahead of ourselves lad
there are bigger fish to fry
the white benniemong menace must be stopped at all costs
>WEF schizos are awake
>Reform and Conservative could team up to both push it, collect up all the minor parties that benefit from AV and get it over 50%
Labour have an overall majority. The only way that happens is if all minority parties agree for it and there are enough Labour defectors who vote against (((party interests))).
Leicester is Pakistan vassal.
That's what I was asking. Thank you.
Vaxxies voted for a party that locked them inside for 2 years and forced them to get slop injections lmfao. Britons deserve to go extinct and get replaced by virile highly sexed and fertile wogs to be fair. Mbungo has earned it.
Brilliant, I switched off C4 fast, glad I didn't miss out on much.
Womenbros, not like this...
So who won?
Degenerate lefties or rightwing chuds?
What's the immediate future for straight white males looking like?
These people are imbeciles. I hope all right wingers and conservatives die.
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>the tories imported a million shitskins every year, had a shitskin leader, and had a cabinet full of mystery meat are le heckin based actually
now you say this yeah I seem to remember it happening before or something like this is that what they call primaries in the US too?

I was mourning my mum you prick
I can guarantee if a Muslim ever gets power in a major Western country you will see the mass exodus of white women. They support and vote for this shit constantly but never want to actually deal with the consequences of it and will flee at the first hint of it in their neighborhoods.
It is, the British unironically need to start sabotaging the infrastructure until they leave, power, communication, water, roads, everything until this country falls apart and they all fuck off. We need to make this place worse than the shitholes they came from. No running water, no electricity, phones don't work. No food. Make it so the only reason you'll be here is because you belong here.
The right wingers are seething right now
The fact that reform got seats means the EU is not going to accept the UK even if Labour wanted to rejoin.
Tories lost because in order to lower immigration back to level they promised 14 years ago when they gained power, you'd have to cut it by over 99% from current levels.
So was I
The conservatives went so far to the left this is actually a right wing victory, this is how far politics has fallen in the uk. If labour win a second term right after, that's when it will goto shit.
how's your blacked subscription working for you lad?
This reasult means that people wont vote left ever again, they have the inmigrant vote and thats it, in the worse result for the right in decades they cant achieve a good result
but it also means that no matter how much the cuckservaties fuck it they will still get millions of votes
No plans on rejoining the EU - but Starmer's made vague statements about renegotiating the brexit deal, which will inevitably draw us closer to the EU again.
Z1nG has developed a surefire way to determine if a politician is controlled opposition or not.
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I get spineless vibes from the man. I don't like him as a leader. He seems like he would save his own skin at any cost
>So who won?
>Degenerate lefties or rightwing chuds?
Degenerate lefties
>What's the immediate future for straight white males looking like?
More boatwogs. We'll unironically be a minority within the next five years. Screencap this post I'm not fucking joking.
Good article
That fat faggot blocked me
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>Euroclaps don't understand democracy
uhhhhhhh neither?
We're so far right of the centre that the greens nimbyism and general boycotting of green energy is now degenerate leftyism.
Don't let direction politics rot your brain.
Oh? Go on...
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He is not right wing, at all.
Don't forget that he kept Savile in the clear until he died
We're in Corbyn chads
The Tory MP in my constituency lost 30% of her vote share since last time and still won
I don't know anything about the US system, but I think primaries there are to decide who the presidential candidates are. Actual voting I think is first past the post like the UK's is, but even worse because it's state level and each state has an uneven number of electorate votes. So only a handful of swing states actually matter.
Some American will correct me if I'm wrong.
You're still traumatised. Seek counselling or something you faggot.
Hey remember when the Tories all staunchly opposed the Alternative Vote? Good times
I see that Truss, the one who at first lost to a fucking lettuce, has lost her seat.
Any more top Tories names that have also lost?
weaseled his way into power by fucking over his old leader and changing the party into something philosophically empty
then didn't get as many votes as him and said what he done is what saved the party
ee's a fucking cunt
The housing market is going to get more fucked, the NHS waiting lists are going to get longer, and your town centers are going to be filled with more vape shops, turkish barbers, and ngubus milling around. There's no fucking way this keeps up without either the migrants fucking off home or a serious Reform victory in 5 years.
Well, >>473135255 got digits and you didn't, so I'll believe him.
in most cases if you just take their benefits away they would go
they are just here for the free money
jacob reese mog
nice carlos
thanks lad I need to look into this stuff properly
FPTP works brilliantly for the two major parties until a serious challenger third-party shows up
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>Labour lost last time with a pathetic vote share
>Labour received the same vote share again and won a "super majority"

Tee hee, nothing personal, Kid
>serious Reform victory in 5 years.
Hahaha they still don't get it
You had a good point but then had to ruin the post with that mutt's law-esque bullshit
Cup of darjeeling x
I earn 6 figs and will have my first child in October. Is there any reason for me to stay here apart from ancestry? Seems like it's fucking over over. Already have to pay wogs insane taxes as it is and not really seeing the point of containing it when I can work from anywhere.
Can I vote for her instead
He was the boss and claimed he wasn't responsible for what his underlings were doing. How do you think that will wash in his new job?
Can of monster ultra energy in the job centre x
Seems like there's no difference. It's all controlled opposition parties with no one actually willing to say "get rid of ALL immigrants including old British Empire shits".

Is England so full of fucking retards that no one can just say this and follow through with it?
Did anyone else see the racist Clacton interview man was hanging around with Farage just prior to the vote?
Nice gesture, i bet he was invited.
mate reform is just tories with a different suit
cowards constantly looking for the political solution even though it's painfully obvious there isn't one
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>Newly appointed Labour PM Sir Keir Starmer has already received what was described as his first "congratulatory phone-call" from U.S President Joe Biden at the Labour HQ this early morning upon his landslide victory.
Yeah OK Adam
>no new taxes
raises the original taxes
>we'll control immigration
raises import limit
>we'll build more houses
builds thousands of blocks of flats
>we'll protect rNHS
imports more witch doctors

Am I talking about Labour or Conservative. Vote now
why would you stay here
do you really like grey
get out no really get out we haven't built shit since the 70's and 80's
you want your kid to have a good life, go to somewhere that isn't interested in pumping pensions at the cost to your childs welfare

or kill the kid, either or's good innit
Comes with a 100% money back guarantee, and unironically, works in ALL western nations. Literally, 1000s of man hours,mostly, drinking, have been put into this theory. Controlled politicians will never talk about birth rates, specifically, the ethnicity/race of the birth rates. Whoever starts talking about birth rates, specifically, the ethnicity/race of the birth rates, is not controlled. ZINGGERS.
She looks like a young Victoria Corren Mitchell
labour aren't going to have death camps but their position is definitely to have much less immigration, as it was during the blair years
How the fuck do you fumble an election this badly
You had a stronger vote share than any poll predicted, were winning seats like Yarmouth which nobody expected even a week ago, got 13 seats in the exit poll
and then it all just falls apart in every competitive seat
Even the Greens did better than predicted
>we defeated medicare
Why is Ed Davey doing a victory speech on sky news?
Depends on where you want to raise a child. Remember wherever you go will give them a funny accent
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>workers party didn't win cause commies would rather do this
Try kidnapping migrants and teking them into the forest
That would make staying worth it
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He did it!
yeah but it's a suit that makes him feel valued innit
bongs are literally too thick to understand fiscal drag
Pack up and fuck off.
We knew it was going to be difficult, farage is in that’s all that matters never underestimate the barage he has the Mandate of Heaven
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Hendon in, Labour gain by just 15 points.

STILL waiting on South Basildon
>run out of room
>words drifting up
that's a spacial disorder that is
that cunt's probably allowed on the roads too
It was probably Ji coming and letting old joe talk for a minute like when your mom made you call someone when you were a kid.
He's a psycho.
71 seats, they'll have a similar level of influence to the nu tories.
You're right. It's always the left leaning, more liberal people who are the quickest to use dirty tactics.

They go on about being nice and as they're so thin skinned and weak they snap as soon as you're not. At least the tories are openly cunts so they don't break as soon as you look at them wrong.

Remember Blair went to war 5 times during his time and he was apparently the more people friendly one.
Say what you want about Ed, but he has shown the world the UK still has topnotch outdoor activities.
Building flats is good retard
South Basildon has been recounted twice apparently, Reform were leading by 127 and then Labour started complaining about 'counting irregularities'
>I asked him to prove it
>he disappeared
I guess he wasn't telling the truth after all
What a rambling load of guff
kek its literally 4AM over there
It's because fptp is the gayest and most retarded way of organising an election ever.
15 fucking votes, jesus. Is that the closest in UK history?
In my country we always troll the lefties into putting something stupid like that so that their vote isnt valid
>uh uh uh listen kevin, it's uh you know the american people are thankful to to to have you as an ally and we're going to, we'll have to get it, the uh uh uh... *sound of phone hitting the table*
I'd like to see everyone kicked off benefits. So many lazy, drunken, junkie cunts lie about on UK benefits already. And now the rest of the world wants in on it too.
Well it does help that the election was in early July, right after the 3-4 weeks of summer we have each year.
They need some time to find more regularities.
I've been here longer than you, retarded namefag. Filtered.
Imagine your only marketable skill being your native language. I'd probably kms.
Can't believe Jeremy Hunt kept his seat. Everywhere I looked said he would lose to Lib Dems by ≈10%.
Also he has contradictory political aims: be the Conservatives' worst enemy and try to destroy them, and also make an electoral alliance with them.

My guess is that the Cons resurrect Boris to try and claw back the right wing instead of dealing with Farage.
Depends whether you think other countries are genuinely changing for the better, or just managing the same decline as us more slowly. We really don't get to hear about a lot of other places. France, for example, has more of literally every minority than any other country and has done for decades, and only now are they beginning to vote in opposition to it, The highlight of this big nationalist wave is a couple of pretty girls - who look like generic tatted whores - making TikToks singing a mildly 'racist' song. Says a lot about the West
>anti-bullying software
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Flats are not designed to have families. They're pods designed to house worker drones.
I honestly think they'll try to drag Cameron out of the lords
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>your vote doesn't cou-
just woke up - its over
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Seriously though there is so much of this
>Imagine your only marketable skill being your native language. I'd probably kms.
if he can make money out of it, wbhy wouldnt he do it?¿
We've got one of the thickest electorates in the Western world, they genuinely have no clue about politics, economics or social issues. If party A has done a shit job then their voters stop voting and party B takes the reigns of power.
Does anyone know what overall voter turnout was for the election?
Z1nG has mastered the art of putting up IKEA furniture, is that skill not marketable?
seething muhammad
Can't help liking Ed Davey despite all the murders he's probably done
and why is that a bad thing?
Don't forget the Channel 4 smear job at the last minute. I hope they are sued into bankruptcy for that one.
No fucking way is Joe Biden up this late
You can see it in the little Trotskyist Labour voters that they share the same ideology as the people in 1960s China who would beat you to death in a struggle session for being a counter revolutionary. I guess we can count our blessings that they weren't in charge during covid because they were all in on "longer, harder, sooner" lockdowns and mandatory vaccination.

It's convenient that the Tories have already imported the replacement population to cover for the losses that will be endured when Starmer sends us to Ukraine.
>there is a difference between the two
better than that not having a house
and the housing problem is a inmigration problem, you get rid of the migrants and the problem is no more
Here >>473133430, 60% or thereabouts
>lost MEP income.
Pretty sure that's basically an income for life due to how their pensions work.
>Voting irregularities
Meaning they were supposed to win and they're having a tantrum?
Just over 50%
21% of the population voted for labour
How do you remove the migrants without losing your humanity?
Flats are designed to have families. Not everyone can afford to leave in a house. Some retards just have their standards to high.
Same party
Ironically enough low turn out tends to be pretty good for the lib-left in many places.
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You retarded niggers on a small island really don't learn do you. Two people who absolutely are controlled opposition are going to save you now? Do they have to stab you in the neck to make you realize they aren't in it for your best interests...

Holy fuck. The state of England everyone.
same way you remove unwelcome unruly guests from your home. knock them out and send them home in a taxi
5 seats left, 4 in a recount and 1 just being slow as fuck
Disallow them to have benefits, give preference to social housing for natives other things like this similar to what marine la pen wants to do. You just make life so shit they choose to leave on their own
Im already a demon
What's a few murders we've all done it
Well yeah obviously, he was fucking one of them. No idea how he managed such a feat
We're not foreign. Flats are for the poor and the young. Houses are for families.
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>Wake up
>Have a Lib Dem MP
>Lazy tory bastards booted out of their "safe seat"
Beautiful day, lads. Think a few pints down the pub are in order after work.
You impose economic sanctions on yourself then import more browns....
...wait you said remove the migrants not replace them..
Spiritual ZINGLER is back.
It's unbecoming
No point working anymore lad, we all going on bennies now labour is in
Hendon is a major jeet area
Nige, anderson, and tice in parliament, thats going to be fun.
>The thread is not a sticky anymore.
It's over.
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The problem here is that we are now a nation of BAMEs and BAMEs can't into gardening. I see it every day in work, you'll get an appointment with a BAME name and their garden will just be overgrown with weeds and junk. There are a lot of native dossers too that don't belong in a house, they just leave it to go to ruin and it should be seized from them. There are a lot of garbage humans in this country that should genuinely just be kept in a commie block.
fuck you jannies
there's still 5 seats left
the king has not been seen
4 national leaders from minority / foreign ethnic backgrounds, selected by elites to rule their nations, all led to significant, enduring disasters for their parties / countries

Elites had liked how it can be more difficult to directly criticise the minority / foreign ethnic leader who was picked ... but elites seem to have under-estimated how much deep psychological dislike, perhaps subconscious, is created amongst voters, after a time of being ruled over by someone not of the majority culture. The 4 disasters:

Just now in the UK, India-heritage Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister (2022-24), led his Tory Conservative party to its worst outcome in history, his party perhaps ruined permanently

And also now in Scotland, where Pakistani Muslim heritage Humza Yousaf had been Prime Minister (2023-24) from the SNP Scottish National Party (!) until a few weeks ago, his party is now trounced and set back maybe for years, perhaps permanently enfeebled

In Ireland, half-India-heritage and also gay Leo Varadkar, Prime Minister (2017-20, 2022-24) until a few months ago, left an Ireland with its worst public unrest since the Irish civil war

In the USA, half-black Barack Obama, President (2009-2017) who famously said of white European heritage culture that "it's just not mine", left an America hugely divided and volatile, with much of the USA simply hating his Democratic Party, and enabling a smashing 2016 victory for his successor Donald Trump
>He thinks Farage will ever be allowed to speak in Parliament and won't just be suppressed into silence using every dirty trick to punish him for being against globohomo
Same way they'll get dole scroungers to work. Remove all other alternatives.
He's already going for the "I told you so" angle as if everyone didn't already know this.
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>No longer a sticky
Fuck off they're all mine
>Thinking I want them
Motherfucker, I've been in this thread this morning posting about how fucked the fptp system is. Get the fuck out of here thinking I support this uniparty bullshit.
About 52%
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>for being against globohomo
So there hasn't been any shocks then, Labour majority, Tory bloodbath and Reform were held back by the retarded fptp system?
No real reason to stay here, it's more a question of where would you even go when practically the whole world is in decline?
You’ve learnt nothing, you can’t barage the farage. He survives plane crashes some feminist in parliment trying to shout him down won’t do shit
>pretty decent for a bong
Says the colonial bong. OH wait sorry it's a pajeet in colonial bong disguise.
You nonces had enough time to diddle the election, move over.
15% for 4
13% for 71
What a beautiful system we have
He was in charge during the post office scandal.

At least rishi was born here unlike that American Hungarian Turkish Jew boris
Tories are a masochists party, the party for the type of retard who likes to be told he will be poor and live under austerity for eternity to conserve the horsefuckers polo games.
At least republicucks in Weimart pretend to promise some trickle piss down of dollarinos on you.
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Voting counts. Voting must be mandatory for democracy to be democratic and people need to not be lazy
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Good on you then. At least one Brit is awake.
No, but its easy, first you remove the benefits, many of them will just leave, second, you tax the hell out of their businesses, make their livelihood imposible. we have also to take into account that you dont need to deport all of them, some of them, like yihadists, you can kill, there must be 50K yihadists in the uk, you kill them. also, make the police go after their criminal activities and not after white people saying that there are too many of them, drug dealers, robbers etc, and tyou jail them and break them
El Salvador looks pretty good
I presume you and that expat nigger are regulars in your "brit/pol/" generals? I've been here for 11 years, I don't frequent generals like that since they seem to be mostly the same 5 schizophrenic autists that are obsessed with details about each other
It's a debasing existence. You add nothing of value to the world by your own skills. You have no achievements. Even the dumbest English retard can speak English, it's not a feat.
You have no talents, no skills and no achievements.
an unrude man
I blame the councils and the sick note culture.
>Turnout 52%
god that is dire
that's a full 7 percentage points below '97

we got 70%+ until 1997, and it's gay that we don't any more

It was over at 5am bro, rishi conceded at something like quarter to five

anyway, total FPTP death.
Never underestimate how petty politicians can be.
In my hometown the LD run local council tried to have an indie councillor literally arrested for breaching some retarded rule about "raising issues for neighbourhoods you live in"
sounds like projection Muhammad
Adds up
thought you filtered me?
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>Newly appointed PM Sir Keir Starmer has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened and insulted him in an "extraordinary congratulatory phone-call" just hours after his party wins the general election with a landslide victory.

>The new PM said Mr Putin congratulated him upon his election via a translator before allegedly saying in English, "Gay Lord says what" in a mumbled tone. Starmer admitted that he could barely understood what Mr Putin had said and replied "What?" The phone-call was then cut-off after laughter was heard.
Taxes under the Tory government are the highest they've ever been anyway my man - and they'd be going up no matter which of the two feasibly electable parties got in. The only difference, it seems to me, is if those taxes go to poor people and local councils or to wealthy people's tax breaks.
So a 7% drop from the last election, that's good news.
Labour winning a landslide with a 7% drop in voter turnout will worry the political classes, it's not like they have a massive rise in support, people are just disillusioned with the whole process.
A rudeboy always grows into a rudeman
Just woke up, saw Penny lost her seat.
Gotta wank over that really.
You know it's true. Bet you don't even speak Japanese to any functional level.
The voting system itself is okay.
Forcing the concept of "parties" into it was a mistake.
sheeeeit, hope i can get on pip
how will Starmer ever recover from this?
He's done him
So I was right about you being one of the 5 schizophrenic autists
holy fuck Lois what's taking so long
You're a fucking moron who is completely controlled by Tory propaganda. Tories fucked working people every which way but loose.
>english teacher
>can't speak japanese
kek you're 0 for 2
try again next time, Muhammad

now, bore off
Why not a few pints now? Too much of a centrist dad?
speaking of, did i hear correctly that your vox guy abascal say on tv, that spain should send their navy across the med and stop migrantes from leaving their african ports? or was it that guy from pp, miguel?
I wanna see mandatory voting and PR/STV.
No smallboy shit if you don't vote either, big boy shit, deported, several thousands in fines or imprisonment.
Chichester finally doing something interesting rather than just sitting around and rotting.
It was a joke mate calm down
So much for the optimism of 2019. Here's to another round of fun in five years!
rees mogg is out, so that's me sorted. Great start to the day. cunt can get a proper job now
How about a German system where there's constituencies where the candidates have to actually be native residents of the seat but the national results are compensated with more seats.
My favourite conspiracy theory is that things can only get better
I hope slippery sunak's plane crashes
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benniebros.... the show is over

starmer is going to end the era of free gibs, and that a fact
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Yes, political parties are a cancer that needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.
It was the pp guy, but just 2 week ago voted in favour of the regularization of 500.000 ilegals, so he doesnt mean it, is just a popular thing to say, and since people dont know what they are voting they will vote for him again. the vox guy just said that vox said that first, in 2020 and that the pp guy is a liar
We need to start genociding the fats to save r nhs. The waiting list is full of people like picrel.
you mean strong and stable to the great purge and hiding in a fridge?
yeah, thank fuck for 'rona
Just make them lift
he’s an ex banker mate he’s globohomo
>cunt can get a proper job now
He's got 200 million quid
Alright, give them 2 years to lose it through fasting or exercise, if they don't they're struck off.
the monkeys paw curls and everyone over the age of 60 is also to be genocided thoughever
It’s pretty obvious I don’t know why they haven’t done it before, maybe they were worried it sounded too harsh.
Immigrants and doleys are universally hated, persecuting them is an easy win for the populist vote.
I concur
Total fat bitch death
gis a bit
Was listening to the LSE election livestream and one of the big brain academics pretty much said this (slightly more tactfully). It's more efficient to stop people getting fat in the first place than to pay for their heart bypass later.
Cutting off the bennies is going to result in more crime. If, the system wishes to massively increase crime, cutting off the bennies is the way to go. How will these people afford to leave? Foreigners, should never have had access to the welfare state, beyond the living standards afforded prisoners. But, anyway, the situation, the UK/ the West finds itself in, is prison rules. Except, the majority of Whites, have no idea this is the case, because, currently, they do not live like this. I know, the actual solution, it is not political, but, I still, wish to retain, my humanity.
josh won the sticky thread
Farage is going to build a palisade around clacton and hire paramilitary snipers to man the walls
Yes, i am tired of the treefuckers not complaining about this, fats waste too many resources
Did blockwog appear last night?
He's a good lad.
welcome to hell chaps, grab a mop
gracias amigo. i watch your tv/politics more than here, but i do miss things. right now it's all about begona gomez:
Might take up smoking heroin
it should be illegal to produce clothing in that size, and they should have to wrap themselves in sheets.
tried winding up reform mongs
got told to fuck off then started comfy posting
>begona gomez
you just need to know that he is a tranny "begoño no tiene coño" and that his father has the biggest gay brothel in all of spain, well, or at least he had until he died in strange conditions last week
Was Labour hegemony a part of Nigel's plan?
>*gaylord says pardon me
trash like starmer deserve special punishment for marrying a kike woman and helping them to improve kike gene pool
Looking at house prices in Faragistan
fairly reasonable, major export is sticks of rock
yes, the plan is to establish a 3rd way opposition party from nothing. The problem may be that farrigde seems a fly by night character tbdesu
It's an inevitable side effect of his plan.
Unironically maybe yes.

There's 2 possible outcomes.

>People see that reform got 14% and 4 seats, they push for FPTP, reform gets more votes in future
>People see that splitting the vote is retarded, and nigel then make a big show of how the tories cannot win any more to draw in more voters for reform (or whatever party he has moved to in 5 years time, he loves changing parties)

I don't think nige is smart enough to actually have planned this...but he can claim he planned it all along if it happens.
He's a smart guy
It is exciting to be fair, I wonder what Liz Truss will do now
are returning officers the jannies of the elections?
after all, they do it (for free) and they do it all day
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i've heard that before in other threads, maybe even from you lol, but begona has hips that look like a woman, but what do i know. i'll have to scout out some hand pics and look at the fingers lol
>Labour were 100 votes ahead
>Tories call for a recount
>suddenly Tories now 6 votes ahead
>have yet another recount in Poole
>we all going on bennies now labour is in
it didnt work like that when Blair got in. My disability claim got thrown out as soon as labour took over
There is a very important assignment for her. Starmer will personally hand her a very very important folder of secret documents (actually a stock sheet for a small corner shop in berwick, march 2004) and tell her that it's vitally important she keep these documents out of the hands of foreign agents.

To aid her in this mission she'll be sent to somewhere quiet and out of the way, where nobody will think to look for her.

She might actually be dumb enough to believe it.
James O Brien smug posting will be delicious
she's on benzos
BASED, and ZING pilled.
I can't find how many total votes Labour received this year, in 2019 they got 10.29m votes, wondering if their votes went up.
shouldn't they do a double count in all cases, and if the numbers don't match do another 2 counts?
just like UKIP back in 2015 when they had more votes than reform did yesterday?
9.66 milly thus far
>trying to bump a thread that's reached the bumplimit
people aren't voting reform just because of brexit this time
It's probably not necessary unless the result is extremely close.
>just trust people bro
did you see that UKIP still exists?
How the fuck are they still around, still running, still fielding a few candidates?

They got what they wanted, brexit happened, brexit meant brexit. And then Nige swanned off to have a holiday, the Brexit Party and then Reform.

Being the leader of UKIP in 2024 is having Nige's 8 year vintage sloppy seconds and being proud of it.
JOKES ON (YOU), FISHIN 4 (YOU)s is always entertaining. Does ZinG seem like the type to pretend to be retarded?
Delete cookies and im unbanned instantly... Now what jannie? Interrupting your large backlog of magical little girl cartoons?
That's actually fucking awesome, they've won a landslide with fewer votes than they lost in a landslide at the last election.

Quads Captcha 8888G

Britbros it's over....
If you're really worried about fraud the way to do it would be to use carbon paper voting slips so there are two copies of each vote. Put the copies in separate boxes and have them counted by different people in different rooms. Then they have to recount until their results match.
have you ever tried using carbon paper?
it's unironically shit, you would 100% get bad results because some of the copies would have failed to transfer but the originals would be legible.
Most fun I’ve had on /pol/ since October 7th

Night lads
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>SDLP 43k votes for 1 seat
>REF 1milion votes for 1 seat

Depends which kind you use. I don't know the name for it, but if you take a course with the Open University they used to send you this very fine copy paper that peels apart to make near perfect duplicates. You would then send one to your tutor and keep one for your records.
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Been a pleasure, lads.
See you all in five years.
I forgot about that cocksucker
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see you in 2 days, another chance of nazi in europe
Four more seats left
The eternal janny is the final boss.
i mean he basically showed the tories that he can make or break them as king maker. i say in a year or two he remerges with them and they win.

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