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SNP is kill
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Okay lads, thank you and good night, let's hope for 500 Labour and 100 Greens! We must put the nightmare of Tory monarchists and Nazis behind us! Oyasuminasai!
This is the thread
Sticky moooods
> Tories cuckolded into obscurity by Lib Dems and Reform
> SNP completely disintegrated
Based fucking election already
Just a reminder if you voted you're a loser.
>voted for the first time in my life
>voted reform just because i hope they gain traction eventually and then do nothing but fuck over the people like labour and tories do so people can stop having faith in "democracy"
I know it will never happen, but one can hope the conditioning can be broken one day
Lib-Dems are just as fucked a choice as Labour, aren’t they?
Based, voting is an exercise in futility
There is no fucked choice.
Sorry I meant there's no choice that isn't fucked
whats up blighty how's it looking
well, yeah, but ideologically speaking
You sad brits will never be free at all, it's very sad, it's shameful, just so sad. I touch the pussy.
Go away jew
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>Cons over 100
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Imagine voting
Scotland will finally be free.
exit poll is rigged
reform will win way more than 13
>There are people in this thread who didn't vote Reform
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Watching the Channel 4 election coverage with my ultra die hard Labour mum. Gonna be an interesting night lads.
They are a tiny weeny bit better than Labour. Measured on the molecular level.
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fake russian
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I am the only Russian here. me and always drunk Aleksy. but I havent been in this hellhole for more than a year, or two. but if you doubt it, you fokin fight be laddie
post roubles
I'll fight u nigga
>This just in. Russia launches massive attack on Clacton.
Shows how robotic so many people are, they love vooooting and will stick by their team no matter what.
did they say the exit poll numbers for wales? curious how plaid cymru did compared to the SNP, there was a range of 1-4 seats for them though typically I saw 3-4
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You didn't vote for Nigel Farage or George Galloway, now you will see the same Labor policies. There is no difference between Labor and the Conservatives (who are not Conservatives either).
Why would they make this a 31 year old when it fits a 50+ year old? Since when were zoolennials like boomers?

We aged hard man, we're full of plastic and actually have testosterone, unlike zoomers
there's barely any difference between late millennials (early 30s late 20s) and early zoomers (early to mid 20s). especially people on sites like this. stop this cope
Reform btfo.
stfu josh you sad fat twat
better learn how to make bigmacs
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what's labour's position on ukraine? Do they still have tankie morons in their caucus?
I mean it's mixed results, yes they get 13 seats but the tories are above 100 seats projected so the pressure to cave to nigel will be a lot less than a sub 80 extinction level event
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nice selfie
Good night for the right in general. I suspect the next 2 decades for this country will be increasingly dismal. I think I'll probably move before the next election.
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your bennies. gone.

wait a second, does this mean UK wants more immigrants? so, let me get this: the absolute vast majority voted leftwing pro immigrant party in?
can scotland just fuck off already, these cunts offer nothing to the union
they're all pro immigration you stupid nigger
time to stop paying your pension bros.
fake russian
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Congratulations Kier Starmer's Jewish children. We are all Kier Starmer's Jewish children now.
>leftwing pro immigrant party
that's literally all of them ivan except for MAYBE reform UK (they want "net zero immigration", so one white doctor moving to australia = one somalian in surrey)
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I speak Russian. Let's see if Ivan will have a live chat with me, in Russian. I bet he won't.
>Reform polling above Cons
>have barely any seats
explain this bullshit
how did the baby come out asian?
Дaвaй пoгoвopим. Toлькo, Кepни, блять, ecли этo ты, тo мoй тeлeфoн дaлeкo, и ты нe cпpocишь, кaк пepeвecти чтo-тo нa pyccкий.
Reform getting more seats than the SNP is delicious.
I said this shit is rigged. there are no elections on the west. they draw whatever numbers they want.
>I can google translate.
Yeah cmon vocaroo it.
Tovarish. ? net? puchymoo?
First past the post bullshit.

Their voter spread is diffused across the country and not focused in single constituencies.
curtice interestingly enough is saying there's some uncertainty on the reform vote, could get fewer seats or even more if they are slightly off one way or the other
same with the SNP in the sense they could gain more if they're off by a few points
щa я тeбe c paзбeгa нa eбaлo нaccy, a ты пepeвeди этo в гyглe. ты хoть пoнял, чтo я cкaзaл, вacя?
yeah, just in the west, says the guy ruled over by a dictator
You fucking niggers all voted for fucking Labour
Can ar Nige lead Clacton out of the Union? British Redoubt?
There hasn't been a union for 80 years
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It's the same thing every time. Part and parcel of a parliamentary regime voted by small constituency.
Remember when ukip did 16% of the vote and had one (1) seat?
Gone so soon... Gallobros how can we come back from this????
It’s either infinity migrants with a red bow, infinity migrants with a blue bow or infinity migrants with an orange bow. Take your pick.

Also zero seats

hmm ?
y мeня вce oтличнo. "кaк вaш живoт" тaк нe гoвopят, этo гpyбaя oшибкa. it would be like asking someone in Eng: "Hello, how are you? how is your belly?"
fake russian.
can't understand russian.
only google translate.
So how did he do ?
a gibberish, just as in the other vocaroo.
fake russian.
explain the second vocaroo fake russian ?
first past the post but they were polling higher. so they cons should be the one getting nothing. or cons get something in one constituency and reform in another

yeah, still don't get it. shrug
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>We can stop the chaos, turn the page, and start to rebuild our country.

>Peace and security are hard earned. They require constant vigilance. Over the last 14 years geopolitical tensions have risen, while the Conservatives have hollowed out our armed forces.

>In short, Labour will stop the Conservative chaos and return law and order to our streets.
Coverage hates lab party who knew that would happen~
Jewish wife, Jewish kids. It's over.
Menorah in number 10 tomorrow
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does the UK have an ABSOLUTE MAJORITY per voting sector system like France has because otherwise the numbers doesent make any sense to me ? So i guess you have several hundred voting discrits in the UK just like we have and the strongest Party automaticly get´s the seat in the Parliament ?

Chuds literally do't understand what it is, or how it works, they only know they don't like it lol.

See what I mean.

>Talmudic spells in his ear every night
Goodness me I hate most of sky news
What's up bongs? Are you going to vote your way out of the darkening?
I'm rooting for you!
No, you just have to have the most votes.
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>we did it Patrick, we voted Reform!

>Labour 200 seat majority
no answer from the fake russian.
what a fuckin shocker.
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Tories already defecting to reform
i voted reform in my constituency because it was the best chance to stop labour. can you break down for me while EXACTLY reform will win fuck all? yeah, bet you can't
Reform 11.5k votes in Sunderland and second highest
Hey, everybody laugh at the retard who doesn’t understand there is literally no difference whether Labour has a fifty seat majority or a 200 seat majority

You absolute retard. Just because your country is stuck voting elephant or donkey every election, doesn’t mean we do
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Norf Ireland anon threadly post.

I will be posting NI updates as they come in tonight and tomorrow. Pic related is the layout of NI Westminster Seats last election, and my predictions for this election. Feel free to AMA

Here are the seats to watch:
>Belfast East
The last part of Belfast that still as a Unionist MP. It too is at risk, however, as all 3 major Unionist parties are contesting it; Alliance are the favourite to steal it. In the previous election, which was a 3 way race between the DUP/UUP and Alliance, Alliance only lost out by a thousand votes or so.
>Lagan Valley
More Unionist heartlands, it is also very vulnerable to Alliance. It was previously held by Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of the DUP, but he was recently outed as a nonce so it could be over.
>North Down
Currently held by Alliance, many Unionists hoped to "take back" what was once a relatively safe Unionist seat. However, several Unionists are running-meaning that it's highly likely Alliance will retain it.
Usually safe for SDLP, but some think Sinn Féin will take it. If they do, it's curtains for the SDLP.
>North Antrim
If Jim Allister doesn't win, it will also likely be curtains for the TUV.

Party List:
>Sinn Féin (Nationalist)
Once the political wing of the IRA, they're the largest party in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
>SDLP (Nationalist)
Irish Nationalism, but opposed to the IRA.
>DUP (Unionist)
Once the party of various Loyalist Paramilitaries, they're the largest Unionist party in Northern Ireland. Previous leader recently outed as a nonce.
>UUP (Unionist)
The party in charge of NI from its founding up to the Troubles. Now, they're trying (and failing) to be a more "progressive" Unionist party.
>Alliance (Neutral)
No official position on the constitutional question, but generally align with Nationalist parties due to similar social policies. Main threat to most Unionist seats by mopping up moderate Unionists.
doubt it desu if these numbers hold, if the tories got half the current numbers absolutely
HAHAHAH Reform going to have millions of votes and no seats.
you have a system where you don't get seats despite millions voting for a candidate, and where the PM is chosen after the fact by the party. I guess that's it
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redpill me on tha day yaw pee NI anon
good ? bad ?
idk shit about them
it only strengthens his inner aryan spirit over time
can you articulate exactly what you're doing? simple majority for all government initiatives?
fake russian gone.
qrd on labour proposals
Unless you’re a child you’d know that’s every election with parties other than the tories and Labour
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DUP are bad, whatever way you look at them.

They are the more "hardline" side of Unionism; they didn't support the Good Friday Agreement, they disagree with any concessions to Nationalists, and usually won't even acknowledge that Catholics had any issues.

However, they are not the straight and narrow staunch party they want people to think. They are notorious for corruption; countless scandals, parachuting MPs into empty seats, general seediness between the more moderate and hardcore factions. Their entire deal was "we can keep Sinn Féin from being the biggest party", but then they lost that a few years ago so they're sort of aimlessly floating.

They backed a hard Brexit, because they thought it would lead to a hard border in Ireland, which they like because it angers Nationalists. They've been in damage control ever since.

Tl;dr - The "hardline Loyalist" party, but mostly a LARP because they're corrupt as shit and just scream that not voting for them means the IRA win every election.
Do you see much change happening in NI anon?
Not really been keeping up, but I got the impression SF where losing popularity due to their liberal stance on immigration.
more corrupt than sinn fein?
more for browns than them? or less?
Articulate what I’m doing? Explaining that Labour having a BIG SCARY SUPERMAJORITY doesn’t mean anything different from them simply winning the election, which they were always going to do

There’s not any legislation they can pass now that they couldn’t have passed with a simple 50 seat majority.

To believe otherwise is to buy into the bullshit Tory scare campaign because they couldn’t campaign on their own record, or from fundamentally misunderstanding British politics.

Plus, it’s just pathetic to see people blaming voters for Reform, as if the tories are entitled to votes when they have objectively failed to do anything they promised to do.

forns in, more billions spent without much return, increase the debt while subsidizing immoral or worthless social ills
I've seen some chatter that fermanagh and south tyrone could go unionist given how knife edge it was in 2019, think it's possible or just rightie coping?
toryboys... It's over...
funny how the fake russian couldn't translate my vocaroos and only paste google translate. isn't it lads?
>A brit can't speak russian.
so your system is contingent on a simple majority in one centralized chamber of government, got it
I think the problem presents itself
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He wont be missed.
shall i do the Swedish twink next ?
i can speak that too.
do you know if it says anything about nationalizing private companies?
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Not really. It's the same shit; things get slowly more progressive, Unionism bleeds to Alliance/Greens, and both of them bleed to Nationalist parties.

SF were set to potentially get a big win in the local elections; they were soaring ahead in the polls and general consensus was that they'd lead the next government. But they tried to both say "immigrants bad" but also "refugees welcome" and blew their lead.
I'd say so. Shinners are also seedy as fuck but not a great deal of that tends to touch NI itself-mostly just pays for their campaigns. DUP have so many vast scandals and were well desribed by David Ervine as not to be trusted.
>more browns or less
Less, technically, but they'll follow whatever immigration precedent is set by the Tories.
Yep. It's possible, but not that likely-it's the UUP, not the DUP, that came close and the UUP are seen as a joke now. Diana Armstrong is popular, though.

East Derry could be lost by DUP to SF. Even heard word of trouble in Strangford for the DUP.
You don't understand how our voting system works. It's first past the post. So Labor has won in a landslide despite only getting 36% of the vote. Because the right wing vote is split between two very popular parties, basically neither right wing vote comes out with the highest total votes.
Nah man, that's just now how it works with our voting system unfortunately. 13 is a victory all things considered. They might get 15 tops. Exit polls have never been off by more than 15 seats.
thanks for answering all my questions NI bro.
who are you voting for ? i like you irish lads. good lads. you don't take any shit, unlike us lot.
Bitch. Why were you whining about reform when you don’t understand the system?
The only true binding element of parliament is that no parliament can make rules that bind a future parliament.

So whatever Labour does now, cannot be made permanent just because they had a big majority.

Especially since their manifesto was so shallow. There just isn’t a mandate for big changes
boring troll, get new material
your weird voting system seems to have killed the opposition with a split vote, and now there are hundreds of seats that have to change for that party to lose power in a simple majority system. I have to wonder if your public even understands how it works.
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tories annihilated again
>killed the opposition

What exactly do you think the tories were opposing? Why do you think they have some god given right to be THE opposition?

Stop thinking in terms of your American system where only two parties can ever exist. We have had parties replace parties before when they ceased to serve their purpose.

13 seats is literally more opposition than we have had in years to basic shit like mass migration. Everybody supporting the tories would have accomplished less than what was accomplished tonight

Including one of the main platforms for reform. Reforming the electoral system so that these kind of results don’t happen. And vote percentages give equal seats rather than this nonsense

Neither Labour or the tories support voter reform. Because they benefit from it. If you think the system is bad why are you in favour of supporting the parties keeping it that way?
So we should have voted tories then?
>record high tax
>record high immigration
>giving out foreign aid left right and center
>carbon neutral policies
>"no we promise, we'll stop immigration really for real this time!!!"
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Green Party. Westminster Elections don't really matter here, so usually you vote tactically to block the one you hate most. In my case, both of the largest parties are ones I hate, so I'm giving my vote to the Greens. The local Greens candidate is a chill guy who just wants to fix the parks.
So when Labour wins what exactly is going to change?
Immigration will stay the same, the economy will probably get worse and we will likely get dragged in to a war.
loser takes
Yes, vote Tory. They will definitely do what they promised to do FOURTEEN YEARS OF GOVERNMENT AGO

absolute clowns genuinely believe this

Or worse yet


millions are coming in via the tories, for Labour to somehow boost that number would genuinely be impressive at this point
>what exactly is going to change?
Very little, as intended.
>So when Labour wins what exactly is going to change?
not much or they'll repeat the same mistake the tories made because of the reform vote share putting them on a knife edge in the seats they're gaining
Conservatives are unironically worse than Labour.
curtice saying reform performing slightly worse than their exit poll expected
though only based on 2 seats of course
State of the green party

Labour HOLD Blyth and Ashington

LAB: 20,030
REF: 10,857
CON: 6,121
GRN: 1,960
LDEM: 1,422
jesus I didn't notice the tory gains in the highlands
would be total snp death if that actually happens
why does the SNP even exist anyway? such a weird party putting a paki in charge who hates the fact that scotland is full of too many scots
Looks like Rajsaaravative Party are getting fucking rekt. Reform, not too shabby. Looks like gonna be a good evenin' lads.
I'm hoping that the wipeout of SNP/CONS, makes brown political leaders politically toxic for at least the next decade.
I don't think that it'll make things better, but having an indian in charge of the UK is a national humiliation.
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Bros, what will the specialised Labour rape units look like?
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its over
>I have to wonder if your public even understands how it works.
They do, but you have to understand that the Tories have had power for 14 years solely based on the assumption that "at least they aren't as bad as labour", but that isn't true anymore. Basically, the only way out of this mess is a protest vote with full knowledge that we will lose. Yes, Labour will win this time, but next time right wing voters will need to either fall in line and vote further right, or prepare to lose again.
the greys have won
No its just arbitrary, I have a strong distaste for democracy but it literally doesn't matter if you add in your 1 vote or not do it or dont and then just shut up and fuck off.
They'll employ the paki rape gangs in an official capacity.
Don’t bother. He’s a smoothbrain who can only vaguely understand US politics
Why is there a sticky? Too many jfs in there
I like writing positive messages on my spoilt ballot to cheer up whoevers counting the votes :)
Thank you for enriching us by this humble sparing of your immeasurable intellect good sir.
Why do you think there's a sticky for election day on the politics board?
>why does the SNP even exist anyway
I'm from scotland living in England. Scots are very very patriotic, and they don't like the idea of a bunch of english people running their shit. Not to mention, Scotland is very white, like 95%, so they don't really see the issues England does when it comes to mass immigration in their day to day lives. Also, the paki SNP leader wasn't elected, he was appointed.
Says the dumbass who comes into a British election thread complaining about things he then has to have explained to him

Go wave your blue or red flag and drool
Scottish are genuinely retarded elected a massively pro migration party when they clearly don’t want a bunch of brown people moving there
I get that you're mad, and I can sympathize with that, you have no good options, and feel that perhaps your have no vehicle to alter the course of your nation.
David Lammy, Foreign Secretary or Blacked performer?
>you have no good options

Which options are you referring to? Because I’m pretty sure you don’t understand them still lol
Why do you live in England, Hamish?
it seems you can't in this state of mind articulate what they might be. again, let me extend my understanding sympathies.
Something something josh?
Bro. Give up, it’s ok if you’re an American and can’t understand foreign politics. It’s why you’re so far away
Your poo PM has lost. Are you happy now?
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Who knew Zero Seats would be accurate, just not for the party we were expecting.
Is Scotland really so bad that you would move to the worst part of the UK?
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This is a safe space, you don't have to lash out at others in defense of your ego.
>I get that you're mad, and I can sympathize with that
Saw this mong in the sticky too, he's a fucking spastic that thinks voting actually matters.
Tories being absolutely rinsed by reform
Scotland is pretty much the only part of the country that has an emigration rather than an immigration problem lol.
Fuck off you arrogant cunt
Reform are doing really well. Second place in 3/3 seats so far. Big challenge to sunak
didn't vote reform because the candidate has a stupid name
who the fuck is that?
sounds like a snack
>Scottish are genuinely retarded elected a massively pro migration party when they clearly don’t want a bunch of brown people moving there
But that's the thing, brown people don't move there because Scottish people live there and we're the niggers of white people. Glasgow's crime rate is almost the same as London but it's 80% white. Think about that. It's also cold as fuck and the """English""" spoken there isn't legible to 99% of English speakers. So it doesn't really matter how pro-immigration SNP are, browns don't want to live there.
>sounds like a snack
Fuck I'm hungry now. Going to get some crisps
Where are the glowNIGGERS who said that voting Reform was a wasted vote, that Reform wouldn't get more than a couple of seats? LOL! GLOWING NIGGERS! LMAO!
nice digits from a sour sot
Had no idea I could vote. Can i vote tomorrow or is it over? I'm working nights.
The long term implications are pretty crazy

Whoever becomes the new Tory leader HAS to either

A) merge with Reform, give Farage some minister position at minimum, deputy leader at best I imagine

B) completely gut the standard Tory inner workings and copy the reform party and basicslly become them to try and survive

Tory voters who always vote Tory will always exist. They aren’t enough to get anywhere close to winning though. The tories need reform voters for even the tiniest chance of victory in the future
parents moved
To put it short, yes. My dad still lives there and every time we talk someone our family knew is either in prison, or overdosed on heroin.
Facking nonces
Right now they’re pushing the idea that 13 votes is a terrible result. When the most optimistic polls were saying maybe 5 seats a week ago lol
Thirteen seats rather lol
I think A is more likely if they give farage deputy, but honestly these are results are up on expectations so he might be bouyed by these and just go at it alone in 5 years.
I agree, this is basically as good as it was ever gonna get for reform. Not just the seat share but the vote count is really putting them on the map
Is this the major vote? Is this it? I hope labour doesn't win. Anyone but labour or conservative.
Low effort bait. I bet you're not even working, probably buying crack with your UC
New leader is anglo but he's a cuck and has a jewish wife whispering the talmud in his ear while he sleeps.
Yeah fuck starmer. I hope they replace him
I pissed in the election booth, snotshot my ballot, ran out.
I am legitimate and serious. I have no fucking idea how politics works in the UK. I'm rather isolated, don't watch news, don't watch TV, don't listen to the radio, no social media etc. I get my news from pol and that's just major happenings. I don't even visit brit pol until I saw a friend post about voting in a whatsapp channel. I have 3 friends. My social life is work, video games or with friends. Please answer my question, is this the general election? Can I vote or is it over now?
for a laugh they should, and replace him with rishi sunak
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So what does this all mean? More illegal immigrants coming in or more illegal immigrants being kicked out of the UK?
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Why do you participate in bogus elections? If it's not National Socialism it isn't worth voting for. So why vote at all?
To clarify, I voted once in my life and i' in my early 30s. I've missed out on voting because I had no idea it was happening. I've seen pamphlets etc but I just assumed the vote was like a month away or so. I'm a non-voter because I have no idea when the elections are or too lazy/forgot to register.
Here's how politics works, no matter who you vote for, bankers win. They're all controlled by the same people
spontaneous combustion of the UK, devolution to every nationality
more coming in and zero being deported.
More browns
More decay
Decline continues as planned
Englands fucked. I tried to find Labours manifesto on immigration. I foubd nothing except "take back the streets" and a new border security command.
It's over, it was over at 10pm. Labour have won, they have nearly 2/3rds of the seats
I actually think sunak was a good chancellor. The guy is a scrawny geek, he never should have been leader. He should be chained to a desk with his spreadsheets and someone like farage should be leader. A leader needs to be personable and inspire people. Starmer is boring, sunak is a joke, if there's another major crisis like covid no one in politics is going to be able to command the public. I pray there isn't a war
So was this the general election? This is it? I swear it was in September or November.
It was announced 6 weeks ago, watch the news once a week ffs
Sorry, but looking at the results it wouldn't of made a difference either way. I would of voted for greens just because I care about the environment.
wait till november for the real fireworks

trump 2024
you british people talk funny
Yeah it would have been a waste. I voted lib dem but was honestly torn by them and reform
The biggest problem with the tories is the same problem democrats in the US are currently having - they genuinely think their shit doesn't stink. They seriously believe they can fuck everyone over for 14 years, appoint three PMs with no vote, raise taxes and immigration and still expect us to turn up for them. It's astounding how out of touch they are.
I know. It's either conservative or labour. UK needs a major disaster political and societal (like war) to shake up the country, otherwise we will be stuck stagnant like we are now.
I get you. I was torn with Reform UK as well. Purely not out of support, but a vote out of anger. We cannot continue like, flip flopping between labour and conservative who just sabotage the country to harm the other.
>how out of touch they are.
Yeah I read the telegraph and it's basically the Tory circlejerk. It's fucking mind-blowing when they're talking about 80k pensioners income, "trapped" by stamp duty from downsizing from the multimillion pound town houses and moving their savings offshore. The middle class has been squeezed and it's about 18%, bit like Tory vote share. The Tories aren't even "right" anymore, they're "rich"
Godspeed you fucking bong ass motherfuckers.
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take back the streets from whom?
me too, anon
Reform finished second in more than 300 seats if ITV is to be believed, interesting future
Racist, misogynistic and transphobic white men. What other threat is their in this country?
I didn't vote reform expecting them to win, I really don't give a shit who wins at this point, I voted reform so that people would see for the next election that they can vote for something other than conservatives and have it win
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Same. Our time is near.
We can't muddle through this time
How near though? Another 4 fucking years of this bullshit?
Lightning uk flag looks kino
We knew it would have to get worse before it got better.
Lovely. More muslim rape gangs, more niggers stabbing, raping and beheading, more fucking mosques, more fucking indians and pakis and niggers, more being told i'm evil for being white, more young white men being ignored with focus on browns. Fucking brilliant.
If Farage chooses to go it alone it’s more risky, but also gives him more leverage, big difference is whether he can perform at the by elections in between now and next election

That’s where the opposition traditionally demonstrates they are pushing forward. And if not then then a third party typically the libdems

Every percentage point reform maintains is one more big reason for the tories to give Farage whatever he wants
like a flash gordon villain's banner
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holy shit please be real.
How does British elections work? Do you vote for a party specifically or do you vote for a person to fill your local seat? Is the PM just the leader of whoever party gets the most seats or is the PM separately elected?
>get a ballot
>has a list of people, and their party
>you pick one
>whoever gets the most wins the seat
>whoever wins the most seats wins
In better places, they use a system where you number your preferences so you can vote for who you actually want without risking splitting a larger vote for a more likely candidate.

In Westminster Elections, you have to just pick one and hope they come out on top.
Its simple lad: Nige asks me to vote, I vote. I don't care what your cringely little 77th brigade psyop posts about it.
I don't even care if he's containment, he upsets liberal losers and thats good enough for me.
The country is divided into 650 constituencies. In theory people vote for a person to represent them in their constituency. In practice many people vote for whoever is representing whichever political party their parents and grandparents voted for which is bullshit. The PM is the leader of the biggest party (if it has a majority of PMs) or a coalition of parties (in the event that no party has a majority). Individual parties have their own rules for determining their leader and increasingly they may change their leaders on a whim between elections and throw any rules out of the window - which is how we ended up with Sunak.
Way to go Brits. You voted in a guy who's been groomed by Barrack Obama over the last 4 years.

You think it's bad now.
what if no party gets 326 seats?
nvm i hit post just before seeing this
ty britanons
Are vote counters NPCs?
where's cauldron?
>national socialism
>posts fascist logo

>inb4 buf had "and national socialists" in name very briefly
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This slaphead might have lost
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>Northern Ireland update

North Antrim seat: at risk!
North Antrim has been held by the DUP for decades; it is currently held by Ian Paisley Jr, and prior to that was held by his father, the very famous founder of the DUP Ian Paisley.

Word from the North Antrim tally is that Jim Allister of the TUV is neck-in-neck with Ian Paisley. The TUV could get their first Westminster seat.
watching sky news
put x in the box
simple as
kek. you vote for an MP in your constituency.
Labour and Tories both campaigned on reducing legal migration. Labour just probably won't reduce it. So that means over 50% of the country voted for a party that campaigned to reduce legal migration. Its just that a large chunk people in the UK are retarded and instead voted Labour and Tories instead.
I thought yae were ded
So far:
>South Belfast
Looking incredibly likely to be retained by the SDLP.
>South Antrim
UUP Robin Swann probably keeping it too.
>North Antrim
In play, DUP vs TUV
>East Londonderry
In play, DUP vs SF
>North Down
In play, Independent Unionist vs Alliance; UUP have conceded
Sarah Olney is FIRE! Why was I not told?
Who here /demoralised about election results/?
Who here /think there is no future/?
Who here /alone/?
Who here /radicalised/?
Who here /nothing left to lose/?
Who here /gonna do a based happening for britain/?
They form a coalition.
close enough
>Has a monarchy
>Still votes
>Fermanagh and South Tyrone
An extremely close race last time, with less than 100 votes between SF/UUP.

From the looks of it, it's another nail biter; two new faces, but the same parties - Sinn Féin and the UUP. Sinn Féin looking confident, but not too confident.
Britbongs, if Labour gets 410 seats doesn't this mean they have an absolute majority and can do whatever they fuck they want? Or does it work differently in bongland? Even better if they work together with LibDems.
Sounds to me you've just had a communist take-over. Hope they will abolish the monarchy next week.
I’ve got £20 on this happening and I stick by it
no fucking way are people in that many Tory seats unironically voting for the most boring labour leader in decades
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goddamn women have the sexiest clothing. can literally make you hard just by wearing something, and she chooses this

How does this happen? I thought your seats were proportional vote share.
Good to have you back lad, we missed you around here
I kind of wanted him to stay in purely because he pissed off the LAB/CON uniparty.
ugh they've moved on to the london nonces with nothing better to do
Nope. UK uses FPTP, aka whatever party wins enough seats gets it - with every voter only getting to choose one person.

In other places, you can preference your votes from 1-10 or whatever. If your #1 guy loses, your vote goes to the #2 guy, etc. That way governments are more repsentative of a broad range of people.

UK doesn't use that shit and copes about FPTP being "better for strong governments" until we get elections like this, kek
People don't like Starmer, they just hate the Tories.
Tomorrow we'll see.
Labour will have a majority, but the raw number of votes they have recieved will have barely shifted, most of their wins will be due to Tory voters not turning up or Reform splitting the vote.
Since it's the 4th of July, don't forget, the British voted to let the US have their land back when the french and spanish and revolutionaires were fighting over it.
Voting is likely a large part of why Britain became so passive over time and gave up territories.
Nice try MI5
Bong elections are boring because they have no impact on the rest of the world. It’s almost disheartening because every election, worse shit happens to them.

What shitskins are they going to bring in next?

What type of harmless sticks and spoons are getting banned?

What new words will get you locked up?

Hey look! A royal!
Wins the local then loses the general. Makes you wonder what is even the point. Have one or the other, not both.
Do whites even exist in Britain anymore? What's the point of an election for an extinct country lmao
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Imagine like, in 2024 like, believing it matters which Jew you vote for?
Elections don't matter (globally not just here), we're just in it for the bantz.
>In other places, you can preference your votes from 1-10 or whatever. If your #1 guy loses, your vote goes to the #2 guy, etc. That way governments are more repsentative of a broad range of people.

Worth pointing out that compared to the shit show of FPTP, every vote has a part in determining who your MP is. Nobody can say that their vote has been wasted, because ultimately their vote will have made some sort of difference.

Lab and Con would both be at 100 seats.

That is exactly what it means. Starmer has worked tirelessly to tank Labour membership, and yet he wins these seats because of the funny system that lets him form a government with a quarter of a third of the country voting for him.
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>Visualising really hard that microphone is in fact my Cock she's holding, ugh, tug me harder Bristol mummy, mmfmfmffmffmf
You deeply misunderstand the power structure of the western world if you think you get to pick your Jew.
You get to pick the top shabbos goy's (in the case of Britain, that'd be one Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair) secretary essentially.
I'd make a diagram outlining this better and showing you the various factions, (Jews aren't a united block there's roughly three major groups in opposition to each other), but I'd rather not stay up any later.
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who's winning lads?
Labour Landslide. Reform on approx 10-15 seats.
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there wont be a next time, ww3 starts either before or right after the US election
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I thought the Celtic Race was supposed to reproduce Arthur in a new age when the land, and her people
s hearts waxed into destruction?!?!

WELL.. were way beyond that now don't you think?




Are you a bunch of weavers now...quill pushing Nancies, always taking a piss, OR are are you BEARS, DRAGONS, AND LIONS

Starmageddon begins now.
Apathy. Turnout down 10% since the last election.

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