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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Starmer set to be PM as Tories face worst defeat - exit poll

>Watch: Labour landslide predicted by exit poll

>Man guilty of Holly Willoughby kidnap and murder plot

>Teacher who had sex with two schoolboys jailed

>Major hospital safety incident linked to Kevin Campbell's death

>Former head of police watchdog on trial for rape

>Man and woman charged over boy's dog attack death

>Attacker remains at large after triple stabbing
Fucking count the votes you lazy sixth-former cunts!!!
A generational shift election.
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Too early you dumb cunt
ohhhhhhh jeremy corbyn
How is Farage doing?
Labour won't dare stop my max bennies!
Guardian election map.
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>order bong gf on amazon uk
>get charged import tax
Its over.
Howay Blyth!
Getting heavy 2020 US election vibes, with people voting against Trump/Tories without knowing policies or having any plan. I can easily see another landslide in 4 years if Labour cocks it up
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Why do Leftists look the same all over the world
SNP killed
Initial figures on vote share:

Labour 36%

Conservative 25%

Reform UK 17%

Lib Dem 9%

Green 6%
I think I accidentally voted labour
Starmer was selected to be our next PM by those who meet in Davos.
Any election that doesn’t go the elites way will be rigged afterwards.
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> Why do Leftists look the same all over the world

Down syndrome
Low Grade Bank Clerk of Polling on BBC

Nige killing the Tories according to him
Total Reform wipeout. It's over.
Microwave ready meals
>bunch of optimistic, average, middle of the pack tossers who indulge in escapism and can't take responsibility for their own actions, voting for fairy tale promises that will resolve all of their issues without holding them accountable
Honestly my nicest, most kind and polite take I have on the leftist menace
I'm so fucking sick of 2 party politics and would unironically give my soul to see anarchy in the UK
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>opening the last bottle
>the shops are closed
The division of the Union of all the British Isles was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century.
Give it 2 years of keith, rayner and streeting and we'll have Haiti level anarchy
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Fuck my constituency.
So the Reform party increased its seat count substantially?
who's ready for 2029 them?
Your local ASDA isn't running till midnight?
From 0 to 13+ in a month.
>Too early you dumb cunt
Definitely too early to seethe that much. Kek
i love the added "in a month" as a cope lmfao
any lad have a map?
>loosing the posher part of Bromley
It's actually over for them lol
Shame reform didn't do better
Nigel Farage lives there
>Nige killing the Tories according to him

as nige said they would
>The "Ed Davey imitating his son" gimmick won 50+ seats
Fucking Christ
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So, can we all agree le epic nu-boomer #ZeroSeats campaign was an abject failure?
Reform is a new party, they don't currently hold any seats. They were forecast to take a single-digit number of seats.
I'm sharpening my spoons in anticipation
Turns out it made fuck all difference KEK
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I'm getting wasted! I've been waiting for this for 14 years.
Didn't realise that his mrs is a spacker as well
Everytime I visit asda it feels like I have suddenly gone abroad to darkest sudanl.
Hello Lewis
Its real, who else has done similar.
labour have gained 200 seats in a day if we start counting from yesterday you retard
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QRD on consequences of this election?
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Haha!!! Don't know who Lewis is, but I will give a hearty hello to you too!
I'm not posh enough to visit waitrose and ocado
Actually braindead
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all we have is Sainsbury's, and they close at ten
slave mindset
Zombie Kinnock on ITV
the gommunism switch got flipped
>13 Reform
big success
These are the same old parties people always vote for you spherical cunt
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The Reform guy on sky news is kind of based. Shame the party is a sham
Says Mr Big-Tough-Polski-Man.
82 years old...he seems slightly more articulate than Biden at least. I found out last night Roy Cropper from Corrie is 92 and still going...incredible
>big success
they are only 8 points behind the tories in vote share which is huge.
One group of globalist migrant lovers is booted out, another takes the reins
SNP looking to get destroyed after a decade of holding virtually all the seats they ran in
Tories crashing and burning, whether it drives any change in direction remains to be seen
Steal from them in that case.
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Fuck the sticky this is the #comfy thread
you are coping and seething and i'm slurping it right up brothers
I'm waiting for my stealing NVQ from Jamal
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Globohomo wins again.
The rest of europe is going far-right, our shithole has somehow voted for far-left twats who sneer at even our centre-right as nazis and want to rejoin the EU because they still think it is a liberal left-wing utopia. I'd think it was funny if I didn't think all parties were essentially committed to war with Russia.
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labour in, tory out, saw that one coming. I wonder how badly they will fuck the country, can't be any worse than what weve just had, or can it? Anyway, goodnight lads
labour will win because more people want more bennies
simple as
Leadsom going full cope

>muh democracy
yeah man it's all about bennies, more people voted for labour when they specifically took an anti benny stance - gosh the brainiac of britpol over here.
I hope by the next general election we have an actual far right party to vote for, that means things have to get worse though
sick of it
they only did that at the last minute to try and steal the boomer vote
11pm bacon sarnie, comfy.
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Maybe more mong bennies
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Absolute gambling degenerate I am lads.
you're probably right, i'm being aggressively belligerent for no reason.

They wiped out the Tories yes.
why is everyone in europe becoming right wing while uk is going leftist?
How did you spoil your vote lads?
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Labour landslide
Get fucked British fascists
Tiocfacaidh ár lá
>Tedious buzzwords from a prehistoric age.
big up houghton weyyy
Labour isn't even left wing anymore, they're all kind of centrist except reform
lad in his footy shirt kek
nobody cares about you.
true, at least with labour there will be more opportunities to have a career being a professional spacka rather than shit tories who will still bring in wogs but less opportunity for bennies.
>get bennies
>wait for the far right
>boot out wogs
Voted for every candidate, my friend. Not very imaginative, I know.
first seat inbound

OH FUCK!!!!!!!!
Sunderland ... Labour win
better than expected
11k+ votes is le ebic
Good luck Britbongs. Youre going to need it given the abysmal polling rn
Labour win Sunderland South by >18k votes.
We were always a nation of hill living, sheep shagging, subservient wankers colonised by others, it only makes sense we want more open borders. At least we had one good century in us.
result for sunderland came in on sky. Labour won with 18,000 votes and then they read the result for reform at 11,000 and one of the guys went "bloody hell"
3.4% SWING TO REFORM!!!!!!!

slurp slur 13 seats slurp slurp
britpol expected a reform opposition, and don't let them forget it with this 4 seats is great cope./
based. 11k votes for are nige.
postal votes all missing
>da briish peapol have chozan change
britty gud
All you had to do was vote Reform you seagull shagging mackem cunts

That vote share is huge. It took them off guard.
I wrote FUCK THEM ALL using a scented marker. Felt saucy today.
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Sounds like a plan lad
Solid performance for Reform.
>51% turnout
Reform 2nd place >11k votes.
Aww geez dood. Really sorry about this first past the post thing.
>Tories a distant third
The Homeland party established last year is genuinely ethno-nationalist. With the way societal attitudes are progressing all across Europe, they'll probably be a non-ignorable presence at the next GE
That's a strong showing for Reform second place
Even if the tories didn't vote split labour would still have won
Corbyn keeping his seat tonight?
its all good mate
here's a few points for you to take into

>tories start talking about aggressive changes to disability benefits
>everyone sees the reaction from conservative voters, specifically boomers
>it gained them a lot of favour with this demographic
>labour started putting out similar ideas, but with a labour twist in the hope of encouraging some of those voters to move over to labour without alienating too much of their current voter base
>labour was also aware that a big talking point over the coming months would be the rumoured retirement tax where you would be essentially taxed on your pension or whatever
>the bennie changes being a proposed policy to try and create a contrast between that rumour and other policies to create indecision or help to retain said boomer voters

its all just marketing lad, anything to get votes
>Still 7000 votes off Labour
Absolute waste.
>51% turnout
Unironically less than 20% people there wanted Labour and they've now got Labour. System is fucked.
Too close to call
I wanted to accuse each candidate of some level of sexual depravity, but that felt a bit mean.
Mogg on BBC, looks broken
He doesn't look well.
how do i get off BBC scotland ffs
He’s gonna have to adjust and get down the job centre.
My friend wrote a bunch of accusations on his apparently. Like SNP - RACIST, Labour - SEXIST, etc
Houghton and Sunderland South:

LAB: 47.1% (+6.7)
RFM: 29.1% (+13.4)
CON: 13.8% (-19.1)
LDM: 5.7% (-0.2)
GRN: 4.3% (+1.6)

Con vote split 2:1 between Reform & Labour
Didn't Tories bring it on themselves? Basically doing nothing to improve your housing crisis by continuing mass-immigration? Also isn't your security state more Orwellian than ever?

Undoubtedly what's going to happen to us when we get a majority conservative government in 2025. Just the same shit but the party colour is blue.
IMO if the turnout is less than 60% they should void the vote and do a run off between the top two candidates. First past the post works well when turnout is high but when you're talking about turnouts of like 45-55% by the time you factor in spoilt ballots it's genuinely fucking ridiculous.
Sorry, Con vote loss
I intended something very similar, i.e. Necrophile, Paedophile, Coprophile...

But when it came to writing it, it just felt far too meanspirited.
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Labour + Reform means the country is about to become much more insular. More pushes for nationalising sectors of the economy which will piss off some investors, domestic media and culture will become incoherent for outsiders to represent more regionalism, bureaucracy will increase to create more jobs while taxes will go up to pay for it. Basically the country is going to have a time-out from the rest of the world for a bit which is bad news for anyone who was depending on us for anything, but also a reasonable stance to take considering we weren't really getting anything back for it. We will still be here if you need us but you'll have to wait in line.
Would have been blessed lad
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>Didn't Tories bring it on themselves?
Yes, but for many more reasons than you give.
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a rare good post in brit/pol/
About to lose the MP bennies
It's Sunderland mate. I'm amazed people there can even wipe their arses let alone comprehend the democratic process. Sadly that is pretty representative of much of the country.
I read the labour manifesto and it is surprisingly devoid of anti-white and pro-brown idpol. Are they learning?
It's not as if the vote-counters bother to read it or care, so would have been pointless.
manifestos never mean anything
Nice tits and outsource the trains to Japan
They know who they have to sell to.

Don't worry, when he doesn't do shit then Starmer will have some kind of scandal in the next year or so and he'll step down, triggering a leadership battle which will put a stooge in place, which will lead to another election. Such is life in the UK.
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Sorry it's the 4th of Jew Lie over here and we're letting free dumb ring, no one cares about your politics
It's about sending a message. At the moment 0.93% of ballots are spoilt. If that gets to 3-4% then it sends a stronger message. And when you get a lot of people spoiling, they'll take notice. That's when calling politicians pedos and necrophiles is going to have some real power.
>mfw the nigger has more jokes than coonsperg
There aren't enough pints for that one.
I know, it just surprised me that they omitted this when they were pretty open about their favouritism for coloured foreigners not too long ago.
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ez moni
They're already over performing at 13
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You overestimate the power of your vote, I fear, Anon.
Pissing into the wind, mate. Just draw a cock in the box of who you want to vote for and you'll have your vote counted and put a smile on someone's face for 2 seconds.
oooo it's the high sherrif lads.
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Why didn't you put aside the rhetoric brit/pol/? Why didn't you get round the negotiating table?
Maureen would get it. 3 pints.
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20k votes for labour
6k votes for tories
reform 10k votes
Reform second place again
BLYTH RESULT: Labour victory >20k votes. Reform 2nd w/ >10k votes.
>I clap for myself
what is this mutt shit
Second seat declaring, Blyth & Ashington

That cunt Ian Lavery's won convincingly, Reform in a distant second
this'll be a massive trend tonight. consistently a good stretch away from labour, but taking a huge chunk of tort votes to claim 2nd place everywhere
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>what are we conserving?
Donor money in tax havens
Tories getting rek'd?
Tories getting rek'd.
Nah I'd rather piss in to the wind than acknowledge a broken system
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However, still an almost 8% swing to Reform.
Unironically Rishi, a 5'4" coloured lad who lost the initial leadership contest, being put in charge utterly fucked shit up beyond belief.
lmao, bro things will be exactly the same whilst refugees carry on flooding in
>Didn't Tories bring it on themselves?
Pretty much. Austerity long after it was needed, can't stop the boats, everyone poorer off, rail and water falling apart with private companies just saying "give us huge sums of money to fix it even though we've just been sending the money to our shareholders", fucking up Covid, both in keeping people safe and breaking their own rules, a PM so shit she plunged the country into the dirt and lasted less time than a lettuce, the NHS on its knees, no one can see a GP, even vital shit is being pushed back constantly, lies lies lies etc.

Basically, 14 years of saying "trust us, we'll fix it" and then making everything worse each time and this election was just them saying "trust us, we'll fix it" again.
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When we kicking the wogs out?
Truss would've at least won the coomer vote
coonsperg looks tired
sky news is so shit.
>the sophie bitch is a cunt, evil bitch, her fake deep voice is so creepy. she's annoying as fuck.
>kay is creepy as fuck. evil bitch. wrinkled as fuck. fake high pitch voice. fake nicey nicey.
>beth rigby fat ugly evil bitch. creepy as fuck. annoying as fuck.
>trevor nigger. trevor philips. faggot ass bitch nigger. subhuman piece of shit. he's so fucking horrible and annoying, it's beyond a joke.
sky news is fucking TERRIBLE!
i mean 5 more years + however long it take to leave ECHR
> Reform in a distant second

and still double the con votes, they are in 3rd place again
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Things can only get redder
Things can only get redder
I'm Scottish and a lot of people I know voted Reform. I wonder if Reform will get more than 10% of the Scottish vote.
Almost midnight and only two results. This is boring. It's over.
We getting 4 day work weeks now?
Could do with Fridays off
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Blyth and Ashington

Lab: 49.6% (+1.9)
Ref: 26.9% (+17.8)
Con: 15.2% (-18.3)
Grn: 4.9% (+1.9)
LDem: 3.5% (-2.9)

Almost a complete transfer of Conservative votes to Reform. Greens and Lib Dems losing their deposits, Greens for the second time tonight.
Reminder that Sunderland and Blyth are safe labour seats, but the swing to reform is impressive despite this
Will be interesting to see how they do in marginals with higher turnouts
>Turnout is down
lmfao, it's the highest turnout for decades
You didn't mention rampant crime and the state of the Polis, Anon...
Zero Sneeds sisters...
Is England saved or what? Your politics don't seem too different between your parties
>You've got a big one there
blair part two begins now
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I seem to recall Stephen Flynn saying in one of the TV debates that an SNP majority gives a mandate for IndyRef2, surely thus their total fucking annihilation tonight would put the matter to bed for our lifetimes?
They are punishing the fake conservatives so it's the long game if anything
A few factors
>Conservative party chooses not to conserve and instead floods the country with immigrants and bows to left wing groups
>Put a Paki lad in charge of the party the boomers and rich white guys vote for
>Total incompetence in terms of mortgage support, which historically has been good easy wins for conservatives
>People voted for an EU Exit and they did everything to basically change nothing now that we're out while also adding more ways to get in to the UK than ever
>Your politics don't seem too different between your parties
Both of them agree we have to go down with the ship of American hegemony
jannies put me on the cooldown.
during the election.
I'd take a commie uprising if all these news pundits got put in a gulag right now 2bh
You think we might follow the Americans into a Taiwan quagmire?
I hope so but scotnats are moany bastards so probably not.
SNP only have the one drum to bang
I think Reform became the "protest vote" of this election. It won't do much in Scotland but I think they'll end up overtaking Conservatives in a few constituencies. Will probably close in on some of the SNP votes just because so many people have moved from SNP to Labour
Is "five more years" the cope now for Reform?
Nah fuck the SNP lad, a good few of us have voted Reform
the establishment uniparty is here too, all the PMs wind up being cunts from the same school if not the same classroom
Any idea on the turnout? Seems low as fuck
big up the fucking ALBA PARTY
Labour means I can continue my NEET lifestyle. Buzzing!
It's about to get so much fucking worse lad. Everything the Tories were doing the past year was just soft Labour. Now we get hard Labour.
I'm a single issue voter. Immigration. I don't know where you're from lad but in Glasgow it's fucking awful, poo people of all shades are everywhere.
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blockhead voted tory lmfao
The good timeline would be if there's a Labour supermajority in an election where half of the population didn't bother and it forces a conversation about electoral reform
this is so cringe
God will you lot fuck off already

sadly the snp fucking itself means we'll be stuck with you for longer
Haven't had a TV license for 12 years
Can't be arsed giving the BBC a click
What's the latest scores on the doors lads?
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why are people chimping out over 13 reform seats?
No idea what they were thinking putting in the ugly little manlet.
Rishi gave Theresa May a peerage and hour before the exit polls were released.
Sketchy Cunt.
2 labour seats
reform came 2nd in both seats
tories fucked them off

Also reform cunt on tv chatting shite, im stoned as shit and i cant stop laughing at him
2 - 0 Labour
The terminally online Twitterati genuinely believe Reform are the reincarnation of the Nazis.
>we will not tolerate homophobia

Dem Racists Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
we all knew labour would win whats the point
seconding this, I'm in glasgow regularly and find myself surrounded by wogs and wasters at every turn. Even the native population are largely drugged-up, idle wastes of oxygen that contribute nothing to society and act as a total drain on resources. The great underclass swamps the city.
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Literally 13 seats how is that a big deal
compulsory voting for all citizens over the age of 16?
joke candidates would see numbers like never before
Just had watermelon and grapes, delicious
Happy Fourth of July!
Also these people want us to rejoin the utopian EU because Britain is a far-right racist shithole. Even though we will be the last country in europe with a left-wing government. Fucking mental.
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Why aren't the wogs leaving?
Cheers anons
i voted labour btw
I never visit here what's happening
They are getting lots of votes.
Sphincters are twitching.
You're still fat and stupid
Literally 2 (two) percent of the seats and this is how they react lmao.
I'd be fine with compulsory voting if there was a "none of the above" option added.
2 / 650 is 0.3%.
>Tories want to become more centrist to attract more votes
Are they really this stupid?
>Rishi gave Theresa May a peerage and hour before the exit polls were released.
>Sketchy Cunt.
parliament can do that?
racists can't do maths is anyone surprised by this?
Fuck me they've dug up Jo Johnson on Sky

Welcome to the UK election shitflinging
they weren't supposed to win more than a handful, the theory being that due to the FPTP system, even if they'd get lots of votes, there would be very few instances where they could come first in any particular constituency and thereby win the seat.
also, those are twitter people, they'll be literally shaking and crying that they'd even be allowed on the ballot at allJDTH
Those 13 seats could soon rise to 40, and onto 100. Especially with labour in power which will continue the 3rd world invasion.
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So whose going be replacing the paki?
If India is so great, why leave?
An outgoing prime minister can 'recommend ' those to be given a peerage, usually given for cronyism
>I.E Boris Johnson and Lebedev
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We should've voted tory. Now look at what's happening
What a disaster
imagine the mad ginger jiggaboo babies you'd have if David Lammy and Ange bred
This is an embarrassing and horrible policy. School children are impulsive and stupid, and know nothing of politics or life.
Fuck's sake.
>13 seats
how do we justify this reform sisters??
done him
Cos we were broke and the wogs decided they enjoyed shitting in the street and rape rather than civilization

They then realized their mistake and now they invade the mother country
Gay nonces
First Past The Post is not proportional to the number of votes a party receives. It's much harder under a FPTP system for a new party to get in to parliament with 1 or 2 seats, let alone 13.
election tourists are ruining brit/pol/
stop signing your posts anon
Literally it's a 1300% increase in seats
>impulsive and stupid, and know nothing of politics or life
That can be said of most of the population.
Knowing something of politics or life isn't a requirement for voters over 18 either tbf

Literally just giving themselves bennies for life. They all know they out of a job when they wake up tomorrow morning but got them bennies sorted already it seems.
>load of snacks
>watchin netflix on one screen
>checking seat announcements on the other
Happens more often than people realise. They soon rushed David Cameron in and made him Lord of Chipping Norton or whatever the fuck it was when they wanted to make him an unelected Foreign Secretary.
if only there was a discord or something for the more dedicated posters when the threads are utterly ruined on nights like this
The SDP is my preferred party but I couldn't vote for them. I can see them doing really well in post-industrial shitholes like mine in the future.
I live in a town near Glasgow and visit regularly. It's fucking grim. My town has been flooded with refugees since 2022 as well.
Shut up.
Sadly, you're not wrong. The young however are even more impulsive and stupid than the majority of voters, I fear.
well that'd rather defeat the point of compulsory voting in the first place
although like i've said in the past in the information age we should be able to vote on policies directly rather than political parties
sure we'd still want to elect representatives to oversee the administration of which policies are brought to a public vote and to actually draft the policies in the first place
if nothing else people might actually educate their own kids knowing there are ramifications of having every chav and spastic vote
Quite, lol.
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote
I don't know anything about Ingerland politics but you bongs HAVE to vote for this guy
so many blacks in stewarton cant get over it
Forgot to pick up hot chocolate. Not having a comfy night, lads.
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would eat a burger off her/10
>Plaid Cymru wins more seats than the Greens
>Doesn't even get shown in most charts
This is why the party needs to exist boyos
new deadspace looks sick
Sunderland Central - Labour
Sunderland Central declaration coming up

Another easy Labour win with Reform in 2nd
Tories losing big in Sunderland central
> Why can't brit/pol be more like our private /b/?
I'd imagine that on that discord two drunk retards have been sending each other pictures of themselves wanking for the last week oblivious to the general election.
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much too warm for a hot chocolate tonight, just had a nice cold pint of milk
Tories spanked again
Not a surprise that it was be another 1997 win for LIEbour.
The Tories always wear out their welcome and do nothing to close the borders, so LIEbour get in by default.
This is why Peter Hitchens has been whining about LIEbour getting back in, even though hardly anyone likes the big two.
Reform have hurt both parties, but the Tories more. It's a shame they will not be the opposition party.
It's just bullshit that FPTP is worthless for anyone outside the big two.
Seems that a small party has to get way past 20% to start getting seats and it's never enough to break the big two.
I fucking hate globalists cunts. We need another Sir Oswald, but we needed him in Number 10 years ago.
SUNDERLAND CENTRAL RESULT: Labour victory >16000 votes. Reform 2nd place w/ >10000 votes.

its better, like 3 people caught herpes having gay sex
Remember when Tesco worked into the night?
Post the invite
>turnout 55% (-4.8)
>Labor saves the UK by giving them a British PM
>The conservatives that conserved nothing and their pajeet masters on suicide watch
>Kikel Farage fails another election after promising free blowjobs for every israeli

Seems like a win for /pol/
Ffs lad, proper dick move leaving them stranded at their gig like that.
>Start a new job in the morning
>Space Brownie hitting
>Got the tea in
>Election coverage on
>Labour majority predicated

It's comfy lads
fuckin faggot
Foreskin scranners
Did they only start showing up in the past couple of years? That's what happened in Greenock.
I miss midnight asda
India is a shit hole because it's full of Indians. Put those Indians in a white country like England and you can guess what happens to England, or wherever Indians go to escape the shithole they created. Yet they strut around and act like their shit doesn't stink. It's not their dysgenic ugly faces, or the stink that follows them around like a cloud, or their annoying honking voices and accents, or the 1,000 dmeons they worship.It's their completely unearned sense of superiority as they shit up any country they invade. They bring their primative caste system wherever they go not realizing that they are at the bottom of any society they try to be a part of, yet walk around like a bunch of niggers propped up fairy tales about being Kangs.

Damn it really was vote tories get labour. Tories should have stood down and backed Reform.
>council approved 24-hour Greggs and KFC a few months ago
Comfy times for working-class slobs
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>Northern Ireland Update

Tim Collins has "conceded North Down." He was the controversial UUP candidate, who you might have heard his eve-of-battle speech for the Iraq War.

The North Down seat is now a battle between Stephen Farry (Alliance) and Alex Easton, an independent Unionist. Easton has a decent chance, but Stephen Farry is a very established name.

This is a seat that Unionism were very much hoping to gain.
Peter Mandelnonce
i dont know i dont live there but every single time i've driven through this past year there's always been a couple blacks on main street no matter the time which is weird cos its a really small place
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>mfw the party that was ruling the UK for over a decade was the "right wing" "conservative" one

Explain yourselves Britbongs. How the fuck did it get that bad over there?
there's a sticky though.
Jacob is awesome, dude says a lot of good stuff.
you dont get it
got a 24hour mcdonalds in my old home town
in the same year three villages have closed down their police stations
>Reform. It's a shame they will not be the opposition party.

That's what happens when you come in 5th, barley ahead of the Welsh.
>if nothing else people might actually educate their own kids knowing there are ramifications of having every chav and spastic vote
You overestimate the quality of the average British parent.
That poster>>473088004
is correct though. 13 seats for a brand new party is unheard of.
You are the one trying to cope.
Once the country gets fucked hard by that nonce enabling Starmer and his creepy party WEF and Common Purpose fifth columnists for a couple of years then I wouldn't be surprised if the UK votes Reform into power next election.
Imagine living in a relatively quiet little town in Ayrshire then the SNP suddenly floods it with hundreds of coons. Hate these bastards.
Your terms are unacceptable. It's like you're trying to force us to annex you

> 13 seats is g-g-great!

So, at that rate you'll have a Majority in the 23rd Century.
>You overestimate the quality
probably. but i can always count on people to be self-serving even if that means brainwashing their offspring
Those are the same people making fun of Nigel for not getting a seat for the last 20 years.
Chavs will brainwash their own children, as all are low-IQ and easily influenced.
You don't know how FPTP works.
Respond in this thread when someone that's not from Blue or Red party in your country is elected.
It's 13 because of how the system works, vote share is better to understand the rise
You're a brainwashed dumbfuck septic tank so I won't hold it against you that you missed the point of what I said.
Re-read what I wrote.
If you still don't get it then go and ask an adult to explain it to you.
I can't be bothered explaining it to you, plus I doubt you have the ability to understand it anyway.

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