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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Sticky teeming with human flotsam. Exit poll results:

LAB: 410
CON: 131
LD: 61
REF: 13
SNP: 10
OTH: 25


Houghton and Sunderland South (Labour hold):

LAB: 18,847 (47.1%)
REF: 11,668 (29.1%)
CON: 5,514 (13.8%)
LD: 2,290 (5.7%)
GRN: 1,723 (4.3%)

Blyth and Ashington (Labour hold):

LAB: 38,867 (48.3%)
REF: 22,525 (28.0%)
CON: 11,635 (14.5%)
LD: 3,723 (4.6%)
GRN: 3,683 (4.6%)

Sunderland Central (Labour hold):

LAB: 55,719 (46.3%)
REF: 33,304 (27.7%)
CON: 17,366 (14.4%)
LD: 7,325 (6.1%)
GRN: 6,676 (5.5%)

BBC live thread:

Channel 4 live coverage:

Sky live coverage:
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i love her lads.....
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Norf Ireland anon threadly post.

I will be posting NI updates as they come in tonight and tomorrow. Pic related is the layout of NI Westminster Seats last election, and my predictions for this election. Feel free to AMA

Here are the seats to watch:
>Belfast East
The last part of Belfast that still as a Unionist MP. It too is at risk, however, as all 3 major Unionist parties are contesting it; Alliance are the favourite to steal it. In the previous election, which was a 3 way race between the DUP/UUP and Alliance, Alliance only lost out by a thousand votes or so.
>Lagan Valley
More Unionist heartlands, it is also very vulnerable to Alliance. It was previously held by Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of the DUP, but he was recently outed as a nonce so it could be over.
>North Down
Currently held by Alliance, many Unionists hoped to "take back" what was once a relatively safe Unionist seat. However, several Unionists are running-meaning that it's highly likely Alliance will retain it.
Usually safe for SDLP, but some think Sinn Féin will take it. If they do, it's curtains for the SDLP.
>North Antrim
If Jim Allister doesn't win, it will also likely be curtains for the TUV.

Party List:
>Sinn Féin (Nationalist)
Once the political wing of the IRA, they're the largest party in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
>SDLP (Nationalist)
Irish Nationalism, but opposed to the IRA.
>DUP (Unionist)
Once the party of various Loyalist Paramilitaries, they're the largest Unionist party in Northern Ireland. Previous leader recently outed as a nonce.
>UUP (Unionist)
The party in charge of NI from its founding up to the Troubles. Now, they're trying (and failing) to be a more "progressive" Unionist party.
>Alliance (Neutral)
No official position on the constitutional question, but generally align with Nationalist parties due to similar social policies. Main threat to most Unionist seats by mopping up moderate Unionists.
Corrrr, could cash out right now lads.
Sunderland Central

Lab: 42.2% (+0.0)
Ref: 27.0% (+15.4)
Con: 14.3% (-21.0)
LDem: 9.0% (+2.1)
Grn: 7.5% (+4.7)


>near zero Labour gains
That is fucking amazing.
How comfy are you feeling lads?

I'm stoned as hell and my kettle is having a trial by fire from all the cuppas


its going to be a good night
Might celebrate TTD with some beans on toast for breakfast tomorrow. Maybe even some cheese or a fried egg on top.
Most recent update: Tim Collins (UUP) concedes North Down.

Currently held by Alliance, it is now only challenged by independent Unionist Alex Easton. This is a key target for Unionists.
>Reform won't get more than a couple seats probably just Farage's seat actually mate come on mate vote Cons come on it's not banter to vote for fringe looneys vote Cons vote Labour come on mate please mate
LOL! Where's your God now glow niggers?! LMAO!
Likewise, anon. Stoned, eating snacks, watching shite on Netflix. All is well.
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slow going
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This is Ground Control to Major Tom
I think the story of this election will be
>Labour gained centre-right votes from Tories
>Reform gained rightwing votes from Tories
>Labour gains cancelled out by losing brown/leftists votes over Palestine, hence the drop in turnout

Yeah that is what everyone has been predicting for over a year now. Labour aren't going to win because they got a lot of new votes. They're going to win by default because no one wants to vote for the tories.
Labours vote gain since the last election will be almost nothing.
Never heard of her.
proving that there is no voting out of the kike's attempt to genocide indigenous British
Link to add to the OP, ITV's coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu9DdrBCopA
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I'm enjoying the BBC reporting it as Reform eating into the Tory vote share, when they've been getting double what the Tories are getting.
every last cucked boomer voted Labour because they believe they are still the same party they grew up believing 'works for the people' bullshit
Embarassing technical problems on the lotus eaters stream...
Would be mad if the actual results show Labour won every single seat.
hello britbros, who's your favourite james bond? i've been watching the roger moore movies and they're all very enjoyable. i like him the most because he feels the most english out of all them.
Standford experiment
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Anyone else looking forward to the start of SStarmer's Total(itarian) Labour Majority tomorrow?
amazing that this can be done with computers
Its pretty shit as its all slow just now but later they cant keep up with the declerations and we dont see them all. They should space them out evenly
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saved this post into my cringe / cope folder
i need harder drugs
hello greekbro

I love golden eye and it was my first bond film (2001 aged 6) and i am nothing but a nostalgia loving faggot
evening Stavros, probably Sshhhhean Connery or Pierce Brosnan

Starmer can't even define working class. Was cringe watching him try. He eventually settled on "working class are people who work to feed their family".
thought you were pulling something out of your sleeve to derail this whole thing you larpist
>BBC missing one of the Swindon counts
ok lets not go that far it was worth a couple (you)s and a ban maybe
do you guys rate daniel craig? i swear, he did 5 movies but i only know of the one in the casino.
Link to Talk TV live feed with Julia Hartley Brewer until 0100 then Mike Graham comes on with his guests. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXpvGWPGMY4
and im so fucking stoned I forgot to actually say Brosnan
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Is 13 seats not a good result then?
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/pol/ in all it's myriad ways is always just a bunch of clueless alt-Right Nazi larpers wanking to men in frocks.
Only Corbyn's Labour would be this based.
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The nationalist in me is only allowed to choose Connery.
Get some fenty from deep web.
I feel he is fine? I think he suffers from bad writing but I do buy him as bond
Roger Moore, but he was James Bond when I was growing up, so I might be biased. Least favourite is Daniel Craig, as his tenure was when all the fun had been sucked out of it.
benniemongs win
It's Swindon South - first notable Tory loss of the election, Robert Buckland is GONE, sent packing by Heidi Alexander
Brexit hardman Steve Baker seething in realtime on Sky News is pretty funny
>Kier Starmer has COMPLETELY changed the Labour Party. The Labour Party is TOTALLY UNRECOGNISABLE from the party 10 years ago
I really don't get this.
Casino Royale was decent. I enjoyed him in Skyfall, which was a good 007 film but it has been shown on ITV every few weeks so I'm fed up of it now. the newer Craig films I didn't enjoy.
i've caused more seethe in the sticky in a few hours than you've ever caused on here brother, spool it up man.
Timothy Dalton was the best Bond, no argument
SWINDON: Labour victory
For a new party, in our system, yes. It's much better than I'd expected.
Nigel Farage and his two percent of seats will somehow legislate to remove the welfare state.....somehow.
i never got the fenty patches i ordered from europe fuckin seethin
Con vote dropped by a quarter, 16% swing to Labour. Insane.
Hitler only won 12 seats to start off with bro, reform is coming.
>losing is the best thing that can happen for me
I really, reallllllly hope Farage doesn't gain clacton

cos it would be really reallly realllllllly funny
Much better than anyone expected, Nigel had only HOPED they would get seats that plentiful and he was never confident enough to actually say how many they might get.
got into it with schizo for old times sake

felt pretty good all day but now i feel like shit like before i was 2 fuckin steps from the finish line and i fucked it
Dalton for me.
I think he was the only one to read the books.
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it's over
Will Nige firebomb the house of lords?
Kek would like that, Agents of Cahos want to climb the ladder and find out what happens if he does.
All the labour gains are going to be where all the immigrants are, it'll paint a picture of the spread of the disease
>Farage wins, shitlibs seethe
>Farage loses, brit/pol/ cunts seethe
Tough choice...
Post the picture of him sat down behind the onlyfans bird
They've purged everyone who was traditional Labour, it's an entirely Blairite party now.
Viewers on the lotus eaters election stream going down by about 100 per second since Morgoth came on. Technical issues possibly partly to be blame but still...
do you mean "get into it" like angrily fucked her off, or "get into it" like get into it?
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either way, I get to laugh at retards
Yeah but do we really have the time for that?
the tubby wee swindon candidate on the right hand side looks like he'd get called out of class at school to help the janitors empty the recycling bins and deliver paper towels to the nurse's office
he doesn't look cool like pierce which is my biggest complaint. i thought he looked like too much of a punk in his first movie, not a gentleman but his action scenes are very good so i give him a pass.
not to mention the obnoxious Adele song. that is all the movie has going for it anymore in terms of legacy. i saw a UK tabloid say that the fat girl from Bridgeton or whatever will be the next Bond girl. an obese Bond girl lol that would be a sight..
Swindon South

Lab: 48.9% (+8.7)
Con: 27.2% (-24.4)
Ref: 14.0% (+14.0)
Grn: 5.7% (+5.2)
LDem: 4.2% (-3.5)

Buckland was a treacherous cunt (he tried back pedalling after sunak called election to try save his skin by appearing on GBjews claiming to be mega anti migration after being the tory law writer who done fuck all) and deserved to go but i recognise that heidi name. I reckon she was a labour MP somewhere else before and she was a useless cunt
just an argument but hey i've got some money a new car and couple stories to reminisce over and keep pretending like im not still wasting my life lol


>i don't practice mindfulness
>i've had several people shake my hand and thank me for saving their lives
Rishi thinking about how he wasted his life fucking about with the tory party...
>do we have time for that
5 years really to much for you?
>but i recognise that heidi name. I reckon she was a labour MP somewhere else before and she was a useless cunt
8 years as Lewisham East's MP before she fucked off to join Khan in the London Mayoralty
This man is on the premium import snow for sure
Wish i had twitter to message the cunt some home truths
who is your ideal future James Bond? I don't have a particular perosn in mind but I suppose I wouldn't mind Idris Ebola if they go for a diversity hire
MPs should have to commit seppuku when they lose their seat, with their party leader acting as Kaishakunin.
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A toast! To democracy!
who's that? she'd get it
Wtf were his team thinking?
My wife.
anyone else thinking that the tories know something HUGE is about to happen over the next few years (im talking WW3 / iran war level big), so they purposely called the election and tanked their chances while putting in zero effort to be absolutely sure it will be a labour majority government when shit hits the fan to avoid responsibility?
So are these results good or bad
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GCSE history is going to be wild in 60 years
tell your wife i said hi
you're a lucky fella
Shocking the tories still got that many desu.
>51.6% turnout in Washington & Gateshead South
Cor I'd give her a good exit polling, if you know what I mean.
we're all wasting our life brother. you need a fulfilling hobby like cycling.
Fack off nonce
> At the last leadership contest, following the resignation of Liz Truss, the Conservative 1922 Committe imposed a threshold saying any candidate would need to be nominated by 100 MPs to go forward to the ballot of members. If the Tories do get only 131 seats, as the exit poll suggests, then it would be impossible for more than one candidate to pass the 100-MP threshold. If the Tories want their members to have the final say, the rules will need a rethink.
"my father was a toolmaker". Discuss. (12)
Connery and Dalton.
i need a secret santa who'll get me this
Andrew Bridgen (Tory MP who was kicked out for questioning the vaccines) suggested that Sunak didn't want to be a wartime PM. Starmer is happy to do whatever he's told.

Just an exit poll. Won't know the real results for hours.
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It’s the 1922 committee, they make the rules up as they go along

Problem the Tories have is that their members are disproportionately rich, elderly and racist so they won’t want to let them actually have the final say
Trough feeding bitch just cant resist tax payer funhded wage. Private sector wouldnt touch most of these lazy cunts. Malteser head chukka umunna will be back next
nothing ever happens, the parties switch to quell the public when we're being milked too fast
a little bit good but not full blown meme magic
waiting another 7 months for a secret santa, just pray for a secret drug dealer
I once banged a couple tabs of acid in Bruges and sat in a pub for hours thinking it was medieval times.
Dalton got fucked over by bad writers, should've been the hard man Craig was but got forced to deliver the cheesy one liners of Moore.

Is he the same the Buckland as the Buckland Autism Employment Review?

He might lock up all the Hamasters to protect British Jews (like his wife and kids).
Pakis were already seething, Green Party was campaigning hard to catch them (which is really ironic when you consider that the average Paki garden is completely tarmacked, with a leaky smoke spewing merc parked on it)

It'll be interesting to see the Bradford, Rotherham, Oldham vote results.
>Is he the same the Buckland as the Buckland Autism Employment Review?
Yep, even mentioned it in his defeat speech
Christ I remember him and his chums splintering off and making the Change UK party or whatever they were called for all of 5 minutes...
Daniel Craig is the worst James Bond because he's only like 5'10", the only Bond to not be over 6ft.
How am I supposed to take a manlet seriously?
>SNP 10
10 too many
>Malteser head chukka umunna will be back next
Can't see BRITISH OBAMA ever coming back
I think they were setting him up to look a cunt at the end
Starmer is trilateral commission.
George Lazenby.
i want a drug dealer that makes me feel like its christmas every morning
Starmer is that retarded he thinks people are voting for him and not just because Rishi is a mong.
ill even sit in your lap
the independence carrot is eternal
man just sounds like you're looking for a female version of yourself
Runty indeed. Filmmaking these days.
Place I was working at the time used to have BBC radio 2 on. Every 5 fucking minutes Jeremy Vine would be all;
>Maybe we need a new kind of politics
>Maybe it's time for Change UK
man i think ill just start dating dudes if i can just get over having sex with one

a female me would fucking kill me can you imagine fuckj
To be a fly on the wall at the CUK: TIG Nandos meeting...
or better scottish independence is a plastic carrot on a stick which wont spoil and the aging donkeys cant see is fake
I remember reading a funny thing in the halcyon days of 2016-2019 that said the most efficient way to Get Brexit Done and give the home countries independence within the EU would be for England to leave the UK
He could have been great, terrible shame he only got one outing. Apparently it was over a pay dispute.
Can't you buy generic drugs from India any more?
where's hamas when you need them...
Funny how they got an over eager Indian fella to be the fall guy PM
>female me would fucking kill me
sounds exactly what you're looking for
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The vote-counters
>They work for free.
not like that man

my ego couldn't take it
Just put them in a dress, normally works for you no?
maybe instead of finding another crutch i should just fix the problem
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Surprise motherfucker >>473093925
>Jeremy Vine
Anyone else think its really odd how defensive he gets when people call him a nonce?
Almost like he's hiding something.
Watching Sturgeon with a face like a slapped arse on ITV is fucking amazing
she would probably get you high as fuck, you would enjoy it as its happening 100%
despite the shitposts and the reputation i've never had sex with a dude or a tranny
>Reliable sources say Sunak is being urged to stay on as Conservative leader to oversee a leadership contest.
I heard that it was because he wouldn't shave his beard. They wanted him to portray the clean-shaven look even when he wasn't filming.
Chi Onwurah returns in Newcastle Central, Reform got second but the candidate was taken ill
yeah and then she'd do to me what i do to everybody else
I read an argument a while back, can't remember where, that England was essentially the last colony to be suffering under the rule of the British empire and it's priority should be independence. Seemed terribly convincing at the time, sadly I'm rather drunk at the moment and can't remember many of the details.
GBNews seat prediction shows Reform at 9.
I heard it was because he didn't want to be typecast, silly Australian fucked it and ended up doing shitty Golden Harvest films and James Bond conventions.
black widow energy
NEWCASTLE CENTRAL: Labour victory >18000. Reform 2nd place w/ >7000.
me with tits and a pussy is the scariest thought bro
Post the turnout as well, you cunt.
Litigious is the right word. And on that basis I would like to clarify that I am very certain that Jeremy Vine would only ever have sexual relations with consenting adults.
54% again
fucking hell man, can you imagine your average brinsect around here? holy fuck.
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Reform have got second place an encouraging amount
honestly im warming to the idea

im gonna start dating girls that are more like me and less like my mum
I binned a shitload of them after my mother got murdered by the death shot. She had been on them for a while and I didnt know. At the time I binned them, I hadnt heard of them, Wish i had kept as im on poor mans Versatis / lidocaine ones just now
Cheers, mate.
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i'll watch the dalton ones after Moore. I'm on for your eyes only which is my favourite thus far because of the setting being my country when it was still good and proper and the girls are very cute and lovable. moore is good as always. love sir roger. may he rest in peace. i was infuriated by news of his grave being vandalized. i hope whoever did it is caught and severely punished.
so no one likes Lazenby? haha, figures.
i'm fine with the guy they have in mind. aaron taylor johnson. his voice is unfortunate but he looks cool. henry cavill can't be both superman and bond, that'd be overkill. idris elba, you say? that'd be going way too far. most people would laugh at it. good thing he's too old now anyway. i always wanted clive owen but it's not 2005 anymore sadly. lol.
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In Houghton and Sunderland, a 16% Brexit party vote in 2019 has become a 29% Reform UK vote.

In Blyth and Ashington, a 9% Brexit party vote in 2019 has become a 27% Reform UK vote.

In Sunderland Central, a 12% Brexit party vote has become a 27% Reform UK vote.
You doing a straight larp now? Fair enough bro
they'd still be the same tho?
Didnt he say that the phone call from the jews to have uk troops sent to the meat grinder was coming July / August? Starmer might send his finest BAMES out first
go call josh a nonce or something
They need to win seats, not keep getting second.
>UK troops sent to the meat grinder

Which one ? the jews killing the goat fuckers or the Soviets fighting the soviet rebels
Send me an invite and I will.
The early declaring North East seats very rarely turn blue.
Imagine if the Barnsley seat gets won by the Nigger hating anon that Reform withdrew support from? Mega kek.
nah dude, there's a lot of hate around you from the brinnies that would turn to lust if you were a girl. not me personally, i prefer mentally well girls but you would be a smash hit for 99% of the peeps that hate on you.
>every single result so far, bar one, Reform has come second to Labour
i felt it important that i specify not me.
>July / August
Yeah, something like that. I don't think it'll be that soon, but it depends on how desperate the yanks get to keep Trump out of the White House.
yeah but if i was girl i'd be doing this on fds or something not here
Both. Probably jewkraine first
i just need them to beat SNP to get my laughs
ATAC to St Cyrils
Gives number of votes.
If Reform displace the Tories, I will kek to death.
Uk is a colony of indians and muslims. It doesn't matter what their election results are, white population will keep being enslaved.
You buttering him up?
>Mick Lynch and Margaret Hodge arguing on Sky
relax man i knew from early that they want me i wont fall for it
You know she married a Pajeet right?
you were born with a cock (a large on at that) so use it man
yeah but he wont fall for it
Reminder that all of this is John Smith's fault for dying in 1994
i know my value
im worth one crying

actually im not gonna go there
It will be amusing to watch Farage harass the commons as he harassed Brussels.
He was probably murdered to get Blair in
They are real desperate. Otherwise they have to retire sleepy joe and put the BAME woman up against Trump
man if i was sober i'd be so upset
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you're always crying, whats wrong?
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The Consequence of Cowardice

The End of South Africa '80 - '94

Commander George Lincoln Rockwell Tribute
--- A.N.P.

1769 - the "Industrial Revolution" incident (Trollge)

It Happened Here incident

Imperium - Kaiserredux



Out Of The Black [AZOV]




>Dawn Butler
Time to switch to Sky
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top seethe
nah i think ill just
>Dawn Butler: they've rejected the politics of hate
Really Dawn?
man i'm trying to shitpost on the sticky but im using muy cooldown on you, what do you want to say?
man if it wasnt for my hilarious sense of humour i might've had to open up there
Based Barnsley
What did he say that got him withdrawn?
He got Tony'd just like Robin Cook and that Dr who did the iraq weapons of mass destruction not found report
I think I can smell shite
go get them yous and a 2nd dinner you fat bastard
>the green party: [single-issue that newspapers and both major political parties hate]
>the reform party: [single-issue that newspapers and both major political parties love]
my previous thread became a sticky. i saw the election poll and went out for a walk. its like covid out right now. literally no one on the streets. which for my area is VERY unusaul. i just got back, i cant keep up with all the posts in the sticky.

What have i missed?
what does all of this mean?
how are the normies taking this?
how are the journalists taking this?
how is /pol/ taking this?
Terrible Tony had him whacked with the heart attack gun.
NI update.

South Belfast tallies:
S. Belfast & mid-down tallies are running: SDLP - 46%, Alliance - 21%, DUP - 15%.

Looks like the SDLP will hold on to South Belfast.
It's simple, I won the lottery by being English, I don't want to live in Afghanistan, Rawanda or Romania, stop bringing them niggers in
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TalkTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXpvGWPGMY4

Or put up with that fucking shaun bailey cunt talking out his arsehole on GBjews. If they hadnt put that failed nigger in the house of lords due to DEI, he'd be back under his rock
>Given the national picture, Labour nervousness in about 20 stronghold constituencies is all the more fascinating.

>Most of them have large Muslim populations where a protest vote against the way Sir Keir Starmer has dealt with the Gaza crisis could spoil the party for some Labour candidates, including a few big names.

>Polls have been tight here in Rochdale, where George Galloway is looking to defend his February by-election win, but also look out for results in various Birmingham, Lancashire and Bradford constituencies, as well as Luton North and South, Slough and Leicester South.

>Some independents standing on a Gaza platform are a threat and, of course, so is Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain here in Rochdale.

Labour are seeing it is an endorsement of Starmer, and not the deserved condemnation of the Tories that it actually is.
BBC suggesting it's going to be the lowest general election turnout since Blair's second win in 2001, that's fucking grim.
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what do you want pdog, bounce it off me -
>Richard Holden, Conservative Party chairman, parachuted himself into Basildon and Billericay (tory majority: 20,412)
>exit poll says it's too close to call
Mr Lomas reportedly said black people should "get off [their] lazy arses" and stop acting "like savages".
It's going to be a fun few weeks when all those "labour" voters sober up
Jezza has arrived in Islington North.
He's gonna do it.
Kek. Starmer is winning out of default. Corbyn would probably got 500 seats+
Kay Burley seetheing, she is seetheing, shes rattling
He is a special kind of moron
Very high level of disillusionment in the system
imagine if there was a song about a sweetheart couple madly in love and she was just the prettiest thing in the world, they migrated to england and got married and while he was slaving away saving up to buy her a toyota but she just felt neglected and cheated on him with a bus full of arabs
Why the fuck does it take so long to get a preliminary vote count? Takes like 2 hours in Sweden after an election. Why u so slow??
what is that going to look like?
They rejected his message because he told the truth.
>Former Labour leader Lord Neil Kinnock tells Radio 4 and 5 Live: "Rejoice, rejoice. But even the rejoicing is tinged with concern about what our new government will face. And that's a sobering thought.

>"I'm going to give myself an evening of pure ecstasy and nothing gets in the way of that. I'll be singing and dancing.

>"But then the singing and dancing will stop and the governing will start."

*falls over on beach*
>Liberal Democrat deputy leader Daisy Cooper says it looks like her party is on course for a "once-in-a-century result".
Not sure if she doesn't remember 2010 or she wants everyone to forget 2010 because of what happened after that election.
I'm dying of old age here.
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Can't Shift Corbyn
Look at the type of people that vote labour, they are pissed off tory voters and rightly so, however Starmer is pissing his pants now as he has to do the job, and I am sorry but he is not a man
More of the same, only with Starmer as the globalist puppet, rather than Sunak.
Fuck the lib dems, i'll vote for them when they get rid of the fucking student loans they backstabbed me with
Morning lads
Can I get a qrd on the results?
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Are Dehenna on BBC, looking like a top slag
Media cunts were saying he was gonna lose to Labour just after Sunak called the election and I went to put bet on Corbyn and odds were 1-1 and they never moved despite MSM trying to push for his further demise
aww shit

this the cunt that scratched the rims of the car?
Looks like shes a queefer
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love me labour
love me muslims
love me bennies
simple as
what a crazy fucking premise for a song though
You have a population of 5 million
And Sunak was?

How would you have running the country? At this point I say fuck it, go back to absolute monarchism and let big C3 have a go
Another result, and the Beeb missed it.
i wasnt opening up its an actual song >>473101619
theoretically speaking
>Dehenna Davison
I'll never forget that she got into politics by marrying a Tory councillor on her deathbed and divorced him as soon as she got sent to London after shagging every "young tory" on the media circuit.
Grim stuff.
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josh won
josh single handedly destroyed the conservatives by splitting the vote based on his postings here
Lotus eaters stream is shambolic.
>Why are you wearing a green shirt in front of a green screen anyway?
>Never thought about it
Says the disembodied head in front of the graphics as his sound cuts in and out. Also no reform landslide and my daughter isn't getting sent back to France and I'm not getting my warhammer room back. Fuck this shit.
no its an actual song man

>on his* deathbed
Exactly, I hope him and other reform candidates dropped still win. Lomas is in a good spot in Barnsley North so watching for that one coming in. MSM will probably deliberatly not take us to the cameras at the count
so after today is the next PM more likely to be a
1. jeet
2. paki
3. nigger
Hopefully. I'm worried about him.

I think Labour could do with some parliamentary pokes and prods from the left-wing by experienced politicians and orators like Galloway and Corbyn.
born to die
vote is a fuck
count em all 2024
I am trash man
410757864530 wasted pounds
10 million but the fuck does that have to do with anything? You have more vote counters.
Whats labours stance on AoC? did the goblin get his dream?
The biggest takeaway from the election was the josh is so powerful he can sway elections and alter the voting preferences of others
muslim tranny vegan
Tories 4th in Gateshead Central.
crazy the shit we choose to relate to sometimes
>Whats labours stance on AoC?
"what race is the perp?"
aoc only applies to whitey
josh is safe because he's jewish

the biggest takeaway from the election was the 40 quid taxpayer funded pizza and sides josh bought earlier tonight
yeah man
i think you could win her back
bro its a song

Jolka, Jolka, you remember summer from your dreams
When you wrote: "I feel so bad
Break off at least now
Do something with me
Don't leave me here alone, oh no"
Still begging for petrol
I raced through the night
The engine roared with the last of its strength
To be inside you again
Laugh and swear
Everything was so simple these days
The baby was sleeping behind the wall
Alert like a bird
May God straighten out his dreams!
You said never, never like that
Your tears were as sweet as blood
I emigrated from Your embrace in the morning
The day drove me away, and I came back at night
We were given a solar eclipse
The next one will be, maybe in a hundred years
Nuns were walking along the beach and the sun was going down
It kept falling, unable to fall
A man out there in the world for a pound, he saved a pound
The Toyota is so beautiful, it's scary
Your husband loved order and full glass
He once had a fiancée, like a dream
With a bus of Arabs she cheated on him
He was never himself again, no
I emigrated from your arms in the morning
The day drove me away, and I returned at night
We were given a solar eclipse
The next one will be, maybe in a hundred years
We lived in a big bathtub and that was rare
We crawled onto dry land
The vodka sorceress danced within us
The finish line was two steps away
I still don't know why it started like this
Nobody knows why it went out
There are still different ones around me, I don't wake up alone
But nothing is easy these days
Oh shit I forgot about his Jewish arc
I bet the london jews will be celebrating starmer wife moving in to No10
Oh my god no results in over an hour.
prime for me but not for thee
what isnt related to some song with yoiu brother?
Just uploaded the Reform logo to my Grindr profile haha the libs are gonna be seething!
She's lovely, would sunak
4. An empty husk, a man devoid of charisma, a man with no principles, a man with no thoughts or ideas of his own.
i mean i really like music
>hand rubbing intensifies
Now she's a "bisexual". I would have snagged her though even though I am a pleb.
Good timing, Cramlington and Killingworth is about to be announced.
let me psychoanalyse your song choice for a second
Was it really that long ago?
It's politics, you need to find a slogan and hammer it home, and one of Keir's is "changed Labour party"

Another of his is "chaos and division" which he uses to refer to the Tories
The votes are counted by hand, by civil servants. They want to maximise that sweet overtime pay.
ok here's some that have both polish and english versions

Mike Graham election coverage is is up lads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBsYS1miVkk
I used to spray the BNP logo on counterstrike and tf2
It caused much seething.
Labour & Co-op BTFO the opposition, Ian Levy (who famously won Blyth Valley in 2019) beaten by Reform into 3rd

SDP got 137
shit i posted the polish versions
hes not stupid. hes seen the polls. we've seen the polls. we've all known this is going to be the case for at least 6 weeks. he knew he was going to win tonight. if you look back at the debates, he already knew he won. hes not worried at all.
the type of people who vote labour are freaks who've never voted tory in thier life.
Sunak was totally a WEF puppet and incompetent.
CRAMLINGTON & KILLINGWORTH: Labour victory w/ >22k. Reform 2nd place w/ >9k votes.
Right I need some damn sleep. Good to see Reform won't win any seats. If I wake up to Nigel Farage's smiling face I'll kill myself #Election
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Don't let them suppress how many ridings they finished second. Astonishing.
Breaking : Kay Burley has gone for a shit
>Rishi Sunak set to resign tomorrow morning
4. son of a tool maker.
I heard she's shagging some OAP that kick started her political career. Still would...
ok before i even listen to this shit for you, why does both versions have incredibly different intros, despite it being nothing to do with language twf?
The toilet? My mouth
his work is done
the order of the songs is switched up
still mic'd up
i'm not sitting here for 80 minutes, i don't like it bro
>David Lammy on Radio 5 shilling for Ukraine
tough shit
>will Labour recognise Palestine?
>Lammy: we will discuss that with our international partners (we will do whatever America tells us)
should have got coke ngl
Those vote counters are so slow and lazy. They've already had more than 2 hours...
>Only significant vote share change for Labour is +18% in Scotland
dont psychoanalyse my songs
idk why people can't see your comedic brilliance my dude
i wasnt being ironic btw, you're very funny.
see now you've completely lost me
fuckit I'm going to bed
sorry, let me ammend that - you're unfunny ,and i hate you.
Will starmer cave in to them or the BAMES?
His wife is Jewish
He sends his children to a private jewish school.
new: >>473104254
see thats the problem with knowing everyone is out to fuck you you just never know when they're not, that's what i like about you you've never had to second guess yourself if someone is being genuine or just trna fuck you
He wont last long then, the labour nogs will oust him soon

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