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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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TLDR: Traitor feds/jews are working with chinese private security, ISIS and the cartels to make a terrorist attack against the USA. They have an operation running through these border patrol forward operating bases at the arizona mexico border. Their plan looks like to shut down the grid in the southwest, midwest, south and east coast of the USA simultaneously with a broad terrorist attack across multiple major US cities. This is all followed by a land invasion by CCP ground forces from the west coast and north border. Cartels will be pushing through the southern border. Immigrants are being trained and given weapons to participate in the terror attacks. They are soldiers for the united nations. This could happen any time before the election. If they want to win WW3 they have to decapitate the US with the first strike.
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We need to spread this information far and wide to prepare for whats about to happen. For anyone who was in the original threads or seen these pics already, there is more that I have found I will share in this thread.
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Here are the archive threads for the original posts and the discussions
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Keep this thread bumped while I type out as much as I can
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The OP from the whisteblower threads called out this patrick fellow. He had deleted his twitter after I had screenshot this. It looks like he restored his account. These glowniggers 100% are eyes on for important keywords.
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Alright lets start from the beginning.

These screencaps are from a supposed whistleblower who created a series of threads here on /pol/ on 4/20/24. The poster described information regarding forward operating bases on the arizona mexico border conducting criminal operations. They said that corrupt feds in the FBI/DHS/CBP were working with Huawei Chinese Private Security, mexican cartels and the islamic extremists arriving in north america as immigrants. He showed us pictures of underground tunnels supposedly constructed by Martinez Construction Inc, a federal contractor construction company run by a couple who have a deep background in the federal government. He also showed pictures of unmarked helicopter flying into one of the FOBs. He brought up Patrick Linnenbank, a europe security expert who runs a private security company out of dubai.

Now this ties into previous leaks from 2020/2021 relating to a group called CNASR - Coalition of North American Socialist Republic. It all starts with the Nashville Bombing. A youtube channel called S MCG released a video of the explosion the day of the bombing. A different channel under the same name was found that had cryptic videos with temporary data storage. Users discovered documents detailing a communist takeover of the United States with signs of sleeper cell activity inside the country. The documents outlined a plan called Electric Rain, which was to take down the power grid and launch a subsequent attack on mainland USA to takeover the country.
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CNASR document
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This document shows payments that implicates the Jan 6th insurrection operation
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Here are the best sources for the full breakdown on CNASR
System wouldnt let me post both links together for some reason
https://archive ph/KLCgx
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Anyone with me so far? Theres more...
Archive of the old cryptic videos
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Patrick Linnenbank is a european private security expert trained on thinks like counter terrorism.

He has leadership roles with international security organizations throughout Asia and the world.

His company Seraph Security Protection based out of Dubai has a joint venture with Huawei Private Security in South Africa.

These companies are connected to the United Nations and their consulate in New York.
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This 2015 Security Summit was featured by The UN Coordinating Agency for International Cooperation
Patrick was named in the Pandora papers by the international consortium of investigative journalists. As far as I am aware they have not publicly released the documents mentioning him. It seems that his Seraph company is connected to offshore accounts
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Here is Patrick speaking as The Vice President of Asia Pacific Security Association Macau Chapter.
There is still more and I need to organize all of this. Its so much to go through. The scope is immense.

Americans we are at the precipice. The United Nations has amassed their army and is working to take over.
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He is a partner for the management consulting firm Arthur D Little. ADL has been featured in promotional material with the World Economic Forum. Patrick is an expert in the strategic interface between healthcare provision and technology, and is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He is a member of ADL's Middle East Partner group and currently leads the Global Digital Health & Life Sciences Capability Center.

Ulrica Sehlstedt, Global Leader of ADL’s Healthcare & Life Sciences practice, comments: “We’re very pleased to have appointed Patrick as a Partner, as his breadth and diversity of experience really reflects ADL’s cross-disciplinary ethos. His background in frontline medicine gives him tremendous insight into the realities of healthcare provision while his in-depth knowledge of the technology and security markets enables him to develop strategic solutions for clients that have a genuinely transformative impact.”

ADL is the first and oldest management consulting firm.
One thing I find very interesting is that searching up information on Huawei Private Security is fairly difficult. The bulk of results on the surface level are about Huawei technology. Which makes me wonder if the whole cell phone scandal was a psyop to cover up the invasion of the private security company.
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Here is a video from the 2015 Security Summit

From my research, Huawei private security has been in the middle east and africa for at least a decade.

Okay anons I have to go for now. I was laying low with this information after being in the original threads and receiving threats. We must prepare for this. Stock up on supplies and defense.
Ok last bump then
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fake and gay
Its really not, though. But I don't think your IQ as a Mexican has the capacity to actually review the evidence posted. I really hate you "people". And your music. If you're so great why is your country a shithole you all flee from. Just go away. And take your undeserved unearned ego with you.
Bump for an actual quality thread.
is that the tranny with the twiiter account linking to them?
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Do any anons have recommendations on modes of wireless communication that will work well in the electric-warfare environment described in the Electric Rain scenario? HAM radio?
Here anon, great thread.
Maybe? Sattellite phones are slowly being released, good timing for that.
those two should be known as heroes. they helped prevent ww3. nuclear mutually assured destruction is the only reason it didnt happen
The sequence of events initiated by these two faggots lead to the CCP gaining access to nuclear secrets. As far as I'm concerned, the consequences of their treachery are still TBD. I am, however, glad that they were executed.
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they and other jews were all arrested for trying to steal classified info
Here, you need Android 14 and connecting through Bluetooth to a Motorola Defy Satellite Link for a budget option. It requires a specific data plan for it to work.
One of dave goldbergs notes that were in his safe really stood out to me..these were leaked back in 2019 after he was murdered for uncovering project zephr & project pogo
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What is the tl;dr on this? I missed Goldberg and the mentioned projects.
The image contains detailed forum discussions, satellite imagery, and documents relating to military operations, geopolitical concerns, and government contracts. Here is an in-depth breakdown:

Military Operations and Satellite Imagery
Satellite Images:

Multiple satellite images show a remote desert location with various facilities, suggesting a potential military or strategic operation site.
Locations appear to be in a sparsely populated area with limited infrastructure, possibly indicating a clandestine or secure operation base.
Operations Update:

The document titled "OPERATIONS UPDATE" refers to an operation named "ELECTRIC RAIN."
It details coordinated movements between specified points, involving multiple regions in the U.S. (notably in the Midwest and along the southern border).
The operation involves local agencies and military units, with instructions for regional coordination and detailed steps for execution.
Anonymous Forum Posts
Border Security and Immigration:

Discussions focus on the presence and activities of military contractors near the U.S.-Mexico border.
Posts mention the movement of significant personnel and equipment, hinting at preparations for large-scale operations or fortifications.
The topic of MS-13 gang involvement and its potential implications for border security is also raised.
Chinese Influence and Operations:

Numerous posts discuss suspected Chinese operations within the United States, including espionage and infiltration.
There are claims about Chinese investments in key industries and infrastructure as part of a broader strategy to exert influence.
Concerns about biological warfare, with references to labs and research facilities that might be part of covert operations.
Government Contracts
Contract W912PL21C0032:
This contract is awarded to KOMAN Construction LLC for the construction of the Papago Farms Forward Operating Base (FOB) Facility.
The contract, valued at $11 million, was awarded by the Army Corps of Engineers and includes details about the project's timeline and scope.
Information about KOMAN Construction LLC, including its specialization in federal facilities and its history of government contracts, is provided.
Definitive Contract Award:

The document details the award process, highlighting that KOMAN Construction LLC is an Alaska Native Corporation with significant federal contract awards.
The company's focus on Homeland Security facilities and its certifications are emphasized, suggesting its capability in handling sensitive and strategic projects.
Nathaniel C. Sergio

A profile of Nathaniel C. Sergio is included, potentially indicating his relevance to the topics discussed.

His background, expertise, and involvement in related fields might be significant to the forum's focus on security and operations.
Geopolitical Concerns
Threats from China:

Forum posts elaborate on the potential threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
Discussions cover various strategies, including economic influence, covert operations, and direct military threats.
Speculations about China's long-term plans and their impact on U.S. national security are prevalent.
Maps and Target Locations:

Maps in the forum highlight specific target regions for operations within the U.S. and globally.

These maps include strategic points in the Midwest, Southern U.S. border, and
other areas, suggesting a comprehensive operational plan.
Summary of Key Points

The image collectively presents a narrative of significant military and geopolitical operations, focusing on U.S. border security, potential foreign threats (notably from China), and detailed government contracts related to these operations.
Discussions indicate a high level of concern about national security, with detailed analysis of military movements, strategic locations, and potential foreign influence.

The involvement of military contractors and detailed operations updates highlight ongoing preparations and coordinated efforts to address perceived threats.
The profile of Nathaniel C. Sergio and the specific government contract suggest focal points of interest or concern within the broader narrative of national security and military preparedness.
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>picrel was a schizo post a few years back, wich I saved. Your thread reminded me of it
Detailed Analysis of Forum Discussions
Military Operations and Satellite Imagery

Satellite Imagery Analysis:

The forum users meticulously analyze satellite images showing remote facilities, likely military or strategic in nature. They identify key structures and speculate on their purposes, such as barracks, storage, or command centers.
The presence of new construction, increased vehicle activity, and other signs of operational readiness are noted. These observations fuel discussions about imminent operations or ongoing activities in these remote areas.
Operations Update - "ELECTRIC RAIN":

The "ELECTRIC RAIN" operations update document outlines a complex, multi-phased military operation. It involves coordination between various military units and local agencies across different regions.
The operation seems to be high-stakes and classified, with references to "ground operations" and the involvement of multiple regional command centers. The document emphasizes timing, precision, and cooperation among different military and governmental bodies.
Anonymous Forum Posts

Border Security and Immigration Concerns:

Forum users discuss the strategic movements of military contractors near the U.S.-Mexico border, suggesting heightened security measures or preparations for a significant event.
They debate the implications of these movements, with some suggesting they are related to preventing illegal immigration, drug trafficking, or addressing threats from criminal organizations like MS-13.
Chinese Influence and Covert Operations:

Detailed discussions revolve around China's influence in the U.S., specifically through economic means, espionage, and potential biological threats.
Users speculate about Chinese investments in critical infrastructure and industries as part of a broader strategy to undermine U.S. security. They reference specific instances of suspected espionage and covert activities, emphasizing the perceived threat level.

Heres some info on him via archive
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Hypothetical Scenarios and Strategic Responses:

Some posts outline hypothetical scenarios involving direct military confrontations or covert operations initiated by foreign adversaries. These include biological attacks, cyber warfare, and economic sabotage.
Users propose various strategic responses, including bolstering military readiness, enhancing cybersecurity measures, and increasing surveillance on suspected foreign operatives within the U.S.
Government Contracts and Their Implications

W912PL21C0032 Contract Details:

The awarded contract to KOMAN Construction LLC is scrutinized for its implications on national security. The construction of the Papago Farms FOB Facility is seen as a strategic move to enhance military capabilities near sensitive areas.
The discussion includes the contract's specifications, timelines, and the contractor's background. KOMAN Construction LLC’s previous federal contracts and its status as an Alaska Native Corporation are highlighted to underscore its reliability and expertise.
Broader Context of Military Contracts:

Users discuss the broader context of military contracts and their significance in strengthening national defense. They note the importance of such contracts in ensuring the U.S. military's operational readiness and capability to respond to various threats.
The focus is on how these contracts are awarded, the transparency of the process, and the effectiveness of the completed projects in enhancing security.
Profile of Nathaniel C. Sergio

Relevance and Expertise:
Nathaniel C. Sergio’s profile is examined for his potential role or relevance in the discussed topics. His background in national security, defense contracting, or related fields is seen as significant.
Users consider his expertise and previous involvements to gauge his influence or contributions to ongoing operations and strategies.
Geopolitical Concerns and Strategic Mapping

Threat Assessment from China:
The forum is rife with discussions about the perceived threat from China. Users analyze China’s strategic moves, including investments in the U.S., espionage activities, and military posturing.
There is a detailed examination of China’s long-term objectives and how they might impact U.S. national security. Users propose various countermeasures, from increased military funding to tighter controls on foreign investments.
Target Locations and Strategic Maps:

Maps shared in the forum pinpoint specific regions in the U.S. and globally that are considered strategic for military operations. These include key infrastructure points, military bases, and potential hotspots for conflict.
Users discuss the significance of these locations, their strategic value, and the potential scenarios that could unfold in these areas. The maps serve as visual aids to enhance understanding and planning of defense strategies.
Overall Implications and Narrative
The forum discussions, documents, and satellite images collectively paint a picture of heightened vigilance and preparedness in the face of perceived national security threats. Key themes include:

Military Readiness: The focus on strategic military operations and infrastructure development underscores a state of heightened readiness. Operations like "ELECTRIC RAIN" highlight coordinated efforts to address potential threats.

Geopolitical Threats: The detailed analysis of Chinese influence and covert operations reflects significant concern about foreign adversaries. The discussions emphasize the need for robust defense strategies and vigilant monitoring of foreign activities within the U.S.

Government Contracting: The scrutiny of government contracts, particularly those related to military infrastructure, highlights the critical role of private contractors in national defense. The emphasis is on ensuring these contracts are effectively managed and contribute to overall security goals.
The contract W912PL21C0032 for constructing the Papago Farms Forward Operating Base (FOB) Facility was awarded to KOMAN Construction LLC by the Army Corps of Engineers on September 24, 2021. This $11 million contract, part of the FY2021 federal awards, involves comprehensive construction services at Papago Farms in southern Arizona. The project is expected to be completed by October 13, 2023, and emphasizes facility-related services for Homeland Security (GovCon Intel).

For further details, you can visit the Federal Compass page here.
Verification of Information from Web Search
1. W912PL21C0032 Contract for Papago Farms FOB Facility
The contract number W912PL21C0032 was indeed awarded to KOMAN Construction LLC by the Army Corps of Engineers on September 24, 2021. This contract, valued at $11 million, is for the construction of the Papago Farms Forward Operating Base (FOB) Facility. The project has a completion date of October 13, 2023. KOMAN Construction LLC is known for its expertise in facility-related services for Homeland Security and has a substantial history of federal contracts (GovCon Intel).

2. Profile of Nathaniel C. Sergio
Nathaniel C. Sergio passed away unexpectedly on May 22, 2022. He was born in Utica, New York, and was involved in local community activities. Before his passing, Sergio was arrested for tampering with power to emergency services towers in Oneida County, indicating his controversial activities related to local infrastructure (Legacy.com). https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/nathaniel-sergio-obituary?id=34927201

The information about the construction contract for Papago Farms FOB and Nathaniel C. Sergio's profile has been corroborated through multiple sources. The awarded contract and its details, including the contractor and project scope, align with the forum discussions. Similarly, the background and incidents involving Nathaniel C. Sergio provide context to his mention in the discussions.
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Volt Typhoon Overview
Volt Typhoon is a Chinese state-sponsored cyber threat group known for targeting U.S. critical infrastructure. The group utilizes sophisticated techniques to maintain persistent access within IT networks of sectors such as communications, energy, transportation, water, and wastewater. Here are the key points regarding Volt Typhoon:

Living Off the Land Techniques:

Volt Typhoon predominantly uses "Living Off the Land" (LOTL) techniques, which involve leveraging legitimate tools and processes within the system rather than deploying traditional malware. This approach helps them evade detection by blending in with normal network activity (CISA) (Microsoft Cloud).
Initial Access and Post-Compromise Activity:

They gain initial access through vulnerabilities in internet-facing devices like Fortinet FortiGuard. Once inside, they use existing system tools such as PowerShell, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMIC), and command-line interfaces to navigate and manipulate the network (Microsoft Cloud) (CISA).
Post-compromise activities include credential dumping, network discovery, and data exfiltration. They often create installation media from domain controllers to gather user credentials and maintain access (Microsoft Cloud) (CISA).
Targeting Critical Infrastructure:

Volt Typhoon's operations are not limited to espionage but are geared towards positioning for disruptive or destructive cyberattacks against U.S. critical infrastructure. This includes sectors vital to national security and public safety (CISA) (NSA).
Mitigation and Response:
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), along with the NSA and FBI, has issued joint advisories to help organizations recognize and mitigate the techniques used by Volt Typhoon. They emphasize the importance of proactive measures like behavior analytics, anomaly detection, and robust incident response plans (NSA) (TSA.gov).
Collaborative Efforts:

U.S. government agencies collaborate with private sector partners to share threat intelligence and take coordinated actions to neutralize the threat posed by Volt Typhoon. This includes removing malicious code from compromised systems and preventing reinfection (FBI).
For more detailed information on Volt Typhoon and how to protect against their techniques, you can refer to the advisories published by CISA and other cybersecurity organizations:

CISA Advisory on Volt Typhoon: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/alerts/2024/02/07/cisa-and-partners-release-advisory-prc-sponsored-volt-typhoon-activity

Microsoft Security Blog on Volt Typhoon: https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2024/02/07/volt-typhoon-targets-us-critical-infrastructure-with-living-off-the-land-techniques
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The deagal forecast in 2020 has some relevancy for your thread OP
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Kill all chinks once the shit starts, all are spies and saboteurs, all.
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Ordered Key Points
Volt Typhoon
Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) on the Arizona-Mexico Border
Patrick Linnenbank
Seraph Security Protection
Chinese Private Security Contractors
Martinez Construction Inc.
CIA Officers and "Project Catastrophe"
Nashville Bombing and "Electric Rain"
"Electric Rain" Plan
CNASR (Coalition of North American Socialist Republic)
Whistleblower Revelations (April 2024)
Operational Plans and Alleged Attacks on U.S. Infrastructure
Financial Connections and Offshore Accounts
Arthur D. Little and Corporate Collaborations
### 1. Volt Typhoon

**Volt Typhoon** is a Chinese state-sponsored cyber threat group known for targeting U.S. critical infrastructure. Their techniques are sophisticated and stealthy, often using "Living Off the Land" (LOTL) methods, which leverage existing tools and processes within the system rather than deploying traditional malware. This makes their activities difficult to detect and allows them to blend in with normal network operations.

#### Key Details:
- **Techniques**: LOTL methods involve using tools like PowerShell, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), and command-line interfaces.
- **Targets**: U.S. sectors such as energy, communications, transportation, and water infrastructure.
- **Impact**: The group’s activities aim to maintain persistent access to these critical infrastructures, potentially preparing for disruptive or destructive cyber operations.

#### Sources:
- [CISA Advisory on Volt Typhoon](https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/alerts/2024/02/07/cisa-and-partners-release-advisory-prc-sponsored-volt-typhoon-activity)
- [Microsoft Security Blog on Volt Typhoon](https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2024/02/07/volt-typhoon-targets-us-critical-infrastructure-with-living-off-the-land-techniques)
- [NSA Press Release](https://www.nsa.gov/Press-Room/Press-Releases-Statements/Press-Release-View/Article/2486897/nsa-and-partners-spotlight-peoples-republic-of-china-targeting-of-us-critical-infrastructure/)
### 2. Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) on the Arizona-Mexico Border

**Forward Operating Bases (FOBs)** on the Arizona-Mexico border are reportedly involved in criminal operations, according to whistleblower claims. These bases are allegedly used by corrupt officials within the FBI, DHS, and CBP to collaborate with Huawei Chinese Private Security, Mexican cartels, and Islamic extremists. The operations include constructing underground tunnels and coordinating unmarked helicopter flights into these bases.

#### Key Details:
- **Criminal Activities**: Involving human trafficking, drug smuggling, and facilitating terrorist activities.
- **Whistleblower Evidence**: Photos of tunnels and helicopters, implicating federal and international actors.

#### Sources:
- [Whistleblower Thread 1](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465548537/#465548537)
- [Whistleblower Thread 2](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465665158/#465665158)
- [Whistleblower Thread 3](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465679340/#465679340)
- [Whistleblower Thread 4](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465696860/#465696860)
- [Whistleblower Thread 5](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465763298/#465763298)
- [Whistleblower Thread 6](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465822673/#465822673)
### 3. Patrick Linnenbank

**Patrick Linnenbank** is a European security expert with extensive experience in international security organizations across Asia and the Middle East. He is the founder of Seraph Security Protection, a private security firm based in Dubai, and has been involved in various strategic security operations globally. Linnenbank is also connected to offshore financial activities through the Seraph Protection Group S.A. in Panama, as revealed in the Pandora Papers. He currently holds a leadership role at Arthur D. Little, leading the Global Digital Health & Life Sciences Capability Center.

#### Key Details:
- **Roles**: Leadership positions in international security, founder of Seraph Security Protection.
- **Offshore Connections**: Linked to Seraph Protection Group S.A. in Panama ([ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database](https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/240478181)).
- **Current Position**: Partner at Arthur D. Little, focusing on healthcare and technology.

#### Sources:
- [ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database](https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/240478181)
- [Arthur D. Little Announcement](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/arthurdlittle_congratulations-to-mainova-webhouse-and-blackrock-activity-7086121365760075776-KTX6)
### 4. Nashville Bombing and "Electric Rain"

**Nashville Bombing (December 2020)**:
- **Incident**: On December 25, 2020, a bomb exploded in downtown Nashville, causing significant damage. Anthony Warner, the bomber, was killed in the explosion.
- **Connection to "Electric Rain"**: Documents linked to the bombing were found in cryptic videos posted by a YouTube channel named "S MCG." These documents outlined "Electric Rain," a plan to take down the U.S. power grid and launch a subsequent attack on the mainland for a communist takeover.
- **Implications**: The bombing and the plan highlight the potential for coordinated attacks on critical infrastructure.

#### Sources:
- [Britannica Article on Nashville Bombing](https://www.britannica.com/event/Nashville-bombing-of-2020)
- [CNN Report on Anthony Warner](https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/27/us/nashville-bombing-suspect/index.html)
### 5. CNASR (Coalition of North American Socialist Republic)

**CNASR (Coalition of North American Socialist Republic)**:
- **Formation and Goals**: A group formed with the intent of establishing a socialist republic in North America through revolutionary means.
- **Activities**: Involved in sleeper cell activities and planning infrastructure attacks to destabilize the U.S.
- **"Electric Rain"**: One of their key plans, aimed at taking down the U.S. power grid and launching attacks to facilitate a communist takeover.

#### Sources:
- [CNASR Background Information](https://archive.is/zTq9v)
- [Further Details on CNASR Plans](https://archive ph/KLCgx)
### 6. Whistleblower Revelations (April 2024)

**Whistleblower Revelations on /pol/ (April 2024)**:
- **Content**: A series of posts on 4chan by a whistleblower claiming criminal operations at forward operating bases (FOBs) on the Arizona-Mexico border. The operations allegedly involve corrupt FBI, DHS, and CBP officials collaborating with Huawei Chinese Private Security, Mexican cartels, and Islamic extremists.
- **Evidence Provided**: Photos of underground tunnels, unmarked helicopters, and references to Patrick Linnenbank.
- **Implications**: Highlight extensive criminal activities and potential security threats.

#### Sources:
- [Whistleblower Thread 1](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465548537/#465548537)
- [Whistleblower Thread 2](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465665158/#465665158)
- [Whistleblower Thread 3](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465679340/#465679340)
- [Whistleblower Thread 4](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465696860/#465696860)
- [Whistleblower Thread 5](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465763298/#465763298)
- [Whistleblower Thread 6](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465822673/#465822673)
### 7. Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) on the Arizona-Mexico Border

**Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) on the Arizona-Mexico Border**:
- **Operations**: Allegedly involved in criminal activities, including human trafficking, drug smuggling, and coordinating terrorist activities.
- **Collaboration**: Involves corrupt officials within the FBI, DHS, and CBP working with Huawei Chinese Private Security, Mexican cartels, and Islamic extremists.
- **Evidence**: Whistleblower provided photos of underground tunnels and unmarked helicopters, indicating secretive and extensive operations.
- **Key Details**: Tunnels constructed by Martinez Construction Inc., a federal contractor.

#### Sources:
- [Whistleblower Thread 1](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465548537/#465548537)
- [Whistleblower Thread 2](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465665158/#465665158)
- [Whistleblower Thread 3](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465679340/#465679340)
- [Whistleblower Thread 4](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465696860/#465696860)
- [Whistleblower Thread 5](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465763298/#465763298)
- [Whistleblower Thread 6](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465822673/#465822673)
### 8. Chinese Private Security Contractors

**Chinese Private Security Contractors**:
- **Rise and Role**: Chinese private security contractors, such as Huawei Private Security, have been increasingly active in protecting Chinese investments and citizens abroad. They often operate in volatile regions, providing security for projects and personnel.
- **Collaborations**: These contractors have joint ventures with international security firms, like Seraph Security Protection, which is led by Patrick Linnenbank. This collaboration extends to operations in places like South Africa.
- **Concerns**: Their activities raise concerns about international security and the influence of Chinese state-sponsored entities.

#### Sources:
- [China Brief Article](https://jamestown.org/program/chinese-private-security-contractors-new-trends-and-future-prospects/)
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### 9. CIA Officers and "Project Catastrophe"

**CIA Officers and "Project Catastrophe"**:
- **CIA Involvement**: Allegations that CIA officers James Robert Isham and Erin Nigel Mantoya are involved in "Project Catastrophe."
- **Roles**:
- **James Robert Isham**: Chief of Operations, overseeing strategic planning and execution of covert operations.
- **Erin Nigel Mantoya**: Chief of Station in Gaza City, previously stationed in Kabul and Baghdad.
- **Objective**: "Project Catastrophe" purportedly aims to coordinate large-scale attacks on U.S. infrastructure, involving multiple actors and leveraging chaos to destabilize the U.S.

#### Sources:
- [Archived 4chan Post](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/447787882/#447787882)
### 10. Financial Connections and Offshore Accounts

**Financial Connections and Offshore Accounts**:
- **Patrick Linnenbank**: Linked to offshore accounts via Seraph Protection Group S.A. in Panama, as revealed in the Pandora Papers.
- **Implications**: The use of offshore accounts suggests complex financial arrangements supporting international security operations and potentially illicit activities.
- **Arthur D. Little**: Patrick Linnenbank’s role at Arthur D. Little indicates high-level financial and strategic planning capabilities.

#### Sources:
- [ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database](https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/240478181)
- [Pandora Papers Details](https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/)
### 11. Arthur D. Little and Corporate Collaborations

**Arthur D. Little (ADL)**:
- **Patrick Linnenbank's Role**: Partner at Arthur D. Little, leading the Global Digital Health & Life Sciences Capability Center. He specializes in the strategic interface between healthcare provision and technology.
- **Corporate Collaborations**: ADL has been featured in World Economic Forum promotional material and has acted as a commercial and technical advisor for major joint ventures, including Mainova WebHouse and BlackRock in Frankfurt.
- **Strategic Impact**: Linnenbank's involvement in ADL highlights his influence in both healthcare and security sectors.

#### Sources:
- [Arthur D. Little Announcement](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/arthurdlittle_congratulations-to-mainova-webhouse-and-blackrock-activity-7086121365760075776-KTX6)
### 12. Martinez Construction Inc.

**Martinez Construction Inc.**:
- **Role**: Allegedly involved in constructing underground tunnels at forward operating bases (FOBs) on the Arizona-Mexico border. These tunnels are purportedly used for illicit activities, including smuggling and covert operations.
- **Ownership and Background**: The company is run by a couple with a deep background in the federal government, raising concerns about potential misuse of their connections for criminal activities.
- **Whistleblower Evidence**: Photos provided by the whistleblower highlight the extensive and sophisticated nature of these tunnels.

#### Sources:
- [Whistleblower Thread 1](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465548537/#465548537)
- [Whistleblower Thread 2](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465665158/#465665158)
- [Whistleblower Thread 3](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465679340/#465679340)
### 13. Operational Plans and Alleged Attacks on U.S. Infrastructure

**Operational Plans and Alleged Attacks on U.S. Infrastructure**:
- **"Electric Rain"**: A detailed plan by CNASR to take down the U.S. power grid and launch subsequent attacks for a communist takeover.
- **Forward Operating Bases (FOBs)**: Used for criminal activities and preparation for these attacks, involving corrupt federal officials and international actors.
- **Coordination**: Involves Chinese private security contractors, Mexican cartels, and Islamic extremists, as well as financial backing through offshore accounts.

#### Sources:
- [Whistleblower Thread 1](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465548537/#465548537)
- [Whistleblower Thread 2](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465665158/#465665158)
- [Whistleblower Thread 3](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465679340/#465679340)
- [ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database](https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/240478181)
### 14. "Electric Rain" Plan

**"Electric Rain" Plan**:
- **Description**: A detailed strategy devised by CNASR (Coalition of North American Socialist Republic) to destabilize the U.S. by targeting its power grid, followed by coordinated attacks to facilitate a communist takeover.
- **Nashville Bombing Link**: Documents related to this plan were found in connection with the Nashville bombing, indicating the potential for large-scale infrastructure sabotage.
- **Execution**: Allegedly involves sleeper cells, criminal organizations, and international actors.

#### Sources:
- [Nashville Bombing Connection](https://www.britannica.com/event/Nashville-bombing-of-2020)
- [Archived 4chan Threads Detailing the Plan](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/465548537/#465548537)
### 4. Seraph Security Protection

**Seraph Security Protection**:
- **Founder**: Patrick Linnenbank, a European security expert with extensive experience in international security.
- **Location**: Based in Dubai, the firm provides a range of security services globally.
- **Joint Ventures**: Collaborates with Huawei Private Security, especially noted for operations in South Africa.
- **Role and Activities**: Focuses on high-level security operations, often in volatile regions. Their activities include protective services for Chinese investments and citizens abroad, highlighting their strategic importance in international security operations.

#### Sources:
- [ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database](https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/240478181)
- [China Brief Article](https://jamestown.org/program/chinese-private-security-contractors-new-trends-and-future-prospects/)
- [Arthur D. Little Announcement](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/arthurdlittle_congratulations-to-mainova-webhouse-and-blackrock-activity-7086121365760075776-KTX6)
bump again
Volt Typhoon - https://pastebin.com/XGULQDJU
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Hawaii here.

>This is all bullshit
>and I believe every word.

I would not be surprised in the least if the CCP totally took over the corruption in the police and feds that exist from the massive child/organ trafficking network infrastructure here that is protected by at least the state govt. and local feds.

Trump took out the "captain", the police chief and his prosecutor wife running a "secret police" unit and a drug ring out of the police department, along with their puppet organized crime figures, but "Biden" replaced the DOJ staff as one of his first acts in office with handpicked tools so they are trying to build back better.

The corruption was already CCP tier. They were working their way to getting their audience on social media to accept extrajudicial murders as snuff.

I seriously say the feds and cops would conduct raids to murder or at least disarm MAIN CORE THREAT MATRIX high scorers to stop resistance to planned civil destruction and chaos, those who would take action to stop rampaging mercs and gangs or attacks on food distribution/power.

Look at what they did to Maui. Honolulu corruption is way worse. Like "Murder low income teen to protect rich pedo and laugh about it" worse.
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I don't think it is even an open debate as to whether or not the CCP has deeply entrenched elements within american government establishment. Just look at the huge number of CCP spies who get caught on a daily basis, Newson meeting directly with Xi in Sanfran and having the whole city shut down during the visit, the chinese counterfeit steel being used at Boeing plants.

The USA is being subjected to a multi-pronged attack right now and I suspect that something like Electric Rain is the penultimate goal, if they can advance the plan far enough within the time that they have left to do so.

You niggers better move fast because the penalty for treason is death
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Didnt they find a Chinese bio lab in california a year ago? And didnt the 4chan early covid warning say the pandemic will be developed in a warehouse in california contracted by CCP and American Military? I remember all of this
full retard
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Do you guys ever wonder how the history books will be written about this particular time period? When one evaluates a history book on WW2, it often spans like a 20 year time period across multiple world events in the form of low-simmering conflict and the actual "war" that we think of is simply the acute stage.

If you consider that conflicts in reality span such large amounts of time, and such a wide variety of events; it makes me think that this period will be written of as the "low simmering conflict" stage of WW3 and that COVID will go down in the books as an act of biological warfare aided and abetted by traitors here within the USA. Truly nightmarish times.

Hope every nigger involved gets the rope before our generation is dead.
i was here in case anything happens
fuck you op you faggot retard if nothing does
A lot of the “experts” will say I am fear mongering or exaggerating how bad it will be. They say Americans will work together and will get through it. They do not understand human suffering and have no experience dealing with starving people. Staving Americans will act no different than starving people in the Congo or Mogadishu. In fact, they will likely act much worse. Americans (even the poor) have never seen true hunger or been actively starving. They didn’t grow up starving and without food like the people in Africa. Americans and their entitlement mentalities will be viciously ANGRY when they get hungry. They will have no experience or idea how to deal with the mental hallucinations brought on by hunger pains and most will resort to anger and violence. Looting, raping, and pillaging will become the norm. It will be straight Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome and eventually like the movie Minions: The Rise of Gru. I don’t care if they fix the electric grid a year later. Most Americans will be dead and the only ones left will be the survivalists, the extremely lucky, the larger, well-organized gangs of looters, and the strongest and most brutal of men who left their souls at the gate and did horrible things to survive. Who are they going to fix the grid for? Are we all going to forget what has transpired and go back to driving our Prius’s to work at Starbucks? Are you going to get the warlords to give up their positions of power among their men and their harems of sexual slave girls? The day the electric grid goes down, America ceases to exist.


To any anons who have concerns about their food security, you can obtain a 100lb bag of rice very affordably and it will keep for several years in the correct condition. If you were living on rice as your primary food source, 70lb should last you for an entire year. The link is just an example, but they tend to average about $75 per bag. You can get them from any wholesaler online, pretty much.
OP, just read up on the essentials. Have to process this properly and see how my own country is suffering from this
The concrete rabbit hole. My understanding of it, is that they use cement plants to grind up the bones of children, after they've dismembered their bodies and taken out every thing they 'needed' (cannibalism + offerings + organ trafficking). This cement is used to build new structures, effectively making all those buildings to be structures of 'dark energy'.
I'm Samoan Amish a 100lb bag of rice lasts a week or two for a family of four. 25 chickens a week.
You're a shill for the CCP who's angry that the grand plan is being foiled.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
And in come the shills to slide this thread off the board.
this is literally a part of the anvil cloud prophecy.
Bump, digesting the information
Can you elaborate?
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i think this is the one.
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ooohhh a schizo thread!
Even if it wasn't fake and gay, just let it happen ya frickin moron
This and the OP's subject matter seems like a follow up to the jade helm operation, very interesting
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I've seen this posted in RS threads a lot. They are coming across the northern border as well

That goldberg video is a must watch. I wonder what their projected metrics for dissidents is now, the left, the blacks and even a large chunk of boomers after covid have absolutely no trust or love for the government nor israel. An invasion seems more than necessary now that covid radicalized damn near everyone, but all of this does fall well within the parameters of the Albert Pike three world wars predictions especially since any blackout would likely trigger completely feral behavior in the packed states.
It truly is a hive of narrative-crafting chatbots and shills, like clockwork the silence is deafening once something important is posted for once.
Witnessed the nice effort.
I miss the bots in this thread, you are doing it right.
Bump...would love to hear more.
I guess we are the only ones not at the lake today.
Why would Washington be considered a safe state? We’re crawling with ccp chinks everywhere.
You have an entire nation of elites beneath your feet.
wonder how many dead chinks are in the tunnels, bet they weren't ready for that fight like they thought they were
Bump, great thread OP
Make executions great again
Thats too much scizho babble for me too read give me qrd or fuck off nigger! I heard the name goldberg right before covid so this looks like some good stuff.
I'm here brother. Just reading your infographics
invading the country with the most armed civilian population on the planet... good luck.
It's already invaded is the crux of the issue, but as a resident of one of those alleged safe states I should say that we are very VERY communal, tribal you could even say. Stay with you and yours and if anyone notices the foreigners gearing up, disappearing for extended periods of time or any other strange and erratic behavior then make note of it. See something? Say something to the DHS.
good advice.

I should also mention to make sure you let your friends and family know when you're going to report something to the government, especially if you do notice something big. Be safe.
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OP Here im back, thanks for keeping the thread alive anons. We will go over more info and I will respond to posts once I go through them.
I’ve seen chinks taking pictures of hospitals and grocery stores before. They weren’t trying to be sneaky or anything. Just standing there snapping pics of a Safeway.
i assume any post attacking china or russia is a fed attempting to astroturph, therefore OP is fag.
What does china gain by invading the US and destroying us? Doesn't make any sense.
Welcome back OP
Do the same, start tracking plates
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
Im glad you brought this up. It was something I went through again after the whistleblower anon made his original threads. I remember when the project zephyr and pogo leaks happened five years ago. One of his notes has coordinates that seem to relate to Chinese operations in canada. I will try to find it again and post it.
Project Pogo and Zephyr were supposed government operations to ID and track dissidents particularly against israel and then eliminate them under the cover of night during a fake national emergency. The pictures used for Goldberg were some early generative AI.
From what I read you have good breakdowns in these posts. Thanks anon. You used an LLM for this?
That post seems highly relevant to whats going on.
Checked, yes it does
I agree. A lot of the keys are already in place. Hawaii might be considered a safer place because of how dense the natural landscape is with wild fruit growing everywhere. That list looks like states along the northern border of the USA mainly, with alaska and hawaii. China already has their key assets in place there, so they wont need to attack.
Indeed anon, there are chinese "tourists" trying to get into military bases. Diane Feinsteins personal driver for over a decade was a CCP spy. That farting congressman swalwel was fucking a chinese spy. They are deeply embedded.
>Chinese bio lab in california
I had to look this up checks out. They have had secret police departments inside the USA for over five years.
Yes anon I think WW3 has really been going on for years already. I agree.
You are on the right track. Videos from Huawei indicate they will use drone swarms while the grid is down. Then the foot soldiers will come in and clean up.
That Patrick guy is from your country I think
I dont want to get too far out into conspiracy but this is something ive noticed as well. With everything considered in this thread, Russia working with Mexico and the backing by China to attack the southern border seems like something on the table. I really hope its not all followed by a skinwalker alien invasion.
There was the F16 downing near the canadian border I believe. The PLA has had hundreds of thousands of soldiers doing training there.
Yeah it does seem like a lot has waken up, but maybe it was part of their plan and they have ID'd everyone easily. So they will just use AI guided drones to exterminate dissidents. Im sure their military government AI could also give squads of foot soldiers commands to go where the drones cant. The albert pike ww3 prophecy says that people will be begging for an end to the violence.
Because your state is already fully taken over so it wont be necessary to shut the grid down and bomb everyone. The troops will roll right in and everyone will be placed under curfew. Those who dont comply will be dealt with.
I gave the QRD in the first post of the thread
Yeah theyre not just going to waltz in and get ready for combat. The grid shutdown is so the general public tears themselves apart while the CCP/BRICS forces strike critical US military and government infrastructure. The people will starve and kill each other. It will be like the movie purge.
>From what I read you have good breakdowns in these posts. Thanks anon. You used an LLM for this?
The host (US) has become aware of it's parasite (ZOG) and is now actively seeking to destroy it, the parasite in turn has already prepared it's new host (CN) and is going to offer up the desiccated corpse of it's previous one to the new one to make it big and strong so it can parasitize for many centuries to come or to finally transform into it's abhorrent true form and unleash hell upon us all. Whether or not Xi becomes the asian god king and destroys the parasite or not is a story we will not have the ability to hear of if we do not do something.
Just like the host left Europe with the guise of WW2?
Fuck zog
Well that is the pattern isn't it? Never the less the anon asked what does China have to gain and the answer is quite simply the whole world if they don't get bamboozled or are already completely subservient to the parasite.
Okay I want to break down this info as much as I can. My goal with this thread is to finally get the info out there after sitting on it for a couple months, get feedback from anons if anything is confusing or doesnt make sense, and organize it effectively to spread the info before it happens in time for the election.

Yeah its the new world order. The one world government making its move. Thats the United Nations. The last piece on the game board is the american public gun owners. These useless eater taxpayers are no longer needed just in time for the financial reset. Once the final obstacle is out of the way the parasites will have their goyim permaslave hordes to do with as they please.
There was an Argentinanon a few years ago posting that “the purge” is pretty much what they have planned. He seemed a little more knowledgeable than the average shill so it stuck in my memory. Wish I had screenshotted the thread..
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Lets start with Nathaniel Sergio.

The whistleblower anon said he was in contact with Nathaniel.

He had a work history of bouncing around different construction jobs. His last job according to his work history was as a property manager.

Internet search showed that over ten years ago when he was 29, Nathaniel got arrested for punching a woman in the face while she was driving them both from a party. He resisted arrest and had previously been arrested for domestic violence against her.

Whats important is that Nathaniel is listed on one of the CNASR documents which is a payment spreadsheet. In 2020 he was arrested for tampering with communications towers in new york.

>On Thursday, the Sheriff's Office and the New Hartford Police Department responded to a trespassing report at National Grid in the town of New Hartford. Someone had scaled a fence and shut off power to a cellular and communication tower.
>The suspect, 38-year-old Nathaniel Sergio, of Utica, fled the scene and was apprehended shortly afterwards. He was taken into custody and confessed to damaging multiple towers in Oneida and Herkimer counties. He was charged with trespassing and criminal tampering, both misdemeanors.
>Sergio also faces a criminal mischief felony charge, which stems from a Nov. 10 incident at a different tower in New Hartford. The damage to the tower disrupted communications for emergency personnel.
>He was arraigned and released on his own recognizance under bail reform laws.

Then, a year later, he was arrested for tampering with another cell tower WHILE WEARING AN ANKLE MONITOR for his previous crimes. He had been placed on house arrest.

Six months later he had killed himself in federal prison. He was found as a suicide hanging with a sheet around his neck. He literally got epsteined.

In a heavily redacted commission report on his death, the associate commissioner of the forensics division is Dr Li Wen Lee. Coincidence?
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I don't buy it. They gain more keeping us around buying things, look at what they've become so far with us paying their bills. Even if the global hegemony is going to change they'd gain nothing by destroying us, far better to keep us around.
I think its safe to say Nathanial was one of the CNASR leakers and was executed while in custody for it.

If you can find the threads in the archive post them here. Try searching for keywords. These threads should include all relevant information on possible terror attacks with the goal to cripple the United States.
The United States has tons of resources. The land is highly desirable. If they could have taken it already they would have.
I tried searching awhile back with different variations of “purge” but there was too much shill spam and I couldn’t narrow it down unfortunately. It certainly makes sense though with all the shitskins they’ve imported. They clearly have a bigger use for them other than just for voting.
As insultingly retarded as it is you can essentially use movie titles as headlines of the future, or as the kids say these days a self-report.
Who said they wouldn't keep people around? True dominance and true vengeance isn't killing your enemy, it's enslaving them. Observe Germany for a perfect example. Additionally activism and big oil has terminally crippled our economy and resource generation, China will permit no such nonsense.
Whistleblower or mindbroken? If mentally unhinged leftists are running operations then there might be some opportunities for even a psychologist to help expose these treasonous acts.
Bot thread
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>Whistleblower or mindbroken? If mentally unhinged leftists are running operations then there might be some opportunities for even a psychologist to help expose these treasonous acts.
I have a few questions regarding Nathaniel Sergio.

How did he get recruited for the CNASR op?

Did a CCP operative inside the new york government determine from data he could be a potential asset and they approached him?

On the spreadsheet hes listed as payable $1.2M for "ACTIVE MSR TWR SITES NY". Did they play on his greed and fantasy of escaping the country to get him to sabotage multiple towers, baiting him then clean up the mess while in prison?

What was his role in the op? Were the sabotage attempts at measuring response time by authorities and witnesses? Was it necessary locations to map out grid infrastructure?
This actually didn't seem like a huge misdirection last I checked.
We were looking at remote border locations in AZ and NM, right?
Help me make sense of this. Chinese operatives are working to sabotage the US so that they can then sneak into the houses of people who say negative things about Israel on the internet to kill them or take them to internment camps or something?
>He was found as a suicide hanging with a sheet around his neck. He literally got epsteined.
I know it's just pedantic and not that helpful, but remember the ear pictures of the "cadaver" being taken out of the hospital?
Epstein was not killed, at least not in that location, in that prison, by those prison guards or under their watch. He was taken to Area 51. I don't know any more than that though.
Bumping because i can tell you all whats coming.
HOW: because I know it. I don't feel it, i wasn't told it. The knowledge IS.
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>We were looking at remote border locations in AZ and NM, right?
Yes, the whisteblower brought our attention to Papago Farms FOB and Camp Grip FOB on the arizona mexico border.
That is a simplistic way to put it. Dont confuse CNASR Electric Rain and Volt Typhoon for Project Zephyr and Pogo. They are distinct but possibly related. Here is a video you can watch on the latter.
Project Zephyr and Pogo, the ID track and exterminate programs are different but do have some concerning coincidences. Goldberg said Trump would be the king of israel and a few months later Trump tweeted out that people call him exactly that. He predicted covid and the electric rain stuff happened roughly a year later.
Tied to. https://www.centralmaine.com/2024/05/03/feds-maine-illegal-marijuana-grows-may-be-tied-to-chinese-crime-organizations/
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Well, if you're seriously doing muh MIGA muh donnie the jew and the usual schtick, I'm just going to close the thread. Here's your chance to curb my potential misunderstanding though.
What a retarded plan. The Americans citizenry are just going to shoot them. Wtf are they thinking.
>Did a CCP operative inside the new york government determine from data he could be a potential asset and they approached him?
>Did they play on his greed and fantasy of escaping the country to get him to sabotage multiple towers, baiting him then clean up the mess while in prison?
Well a quick glance at his work history shows
>Property Manager
>Employed as a Commercial Roofer, laborer and construction worker
>The removal of hazardous materials out of structures
>Commercial and Residential Roofer and Siding installer
>Asbestos Removal
Which is a pretty solid skill set for sabotaging infrastructure. These professions pay well but not well enough to breach a 7 figure lifestyle, often the men working them have debts that they have accrued from college and sure enough he has a bachelor's in graphic design in NY no less so I'm sure his 20's left him fiending for financial security and hating the government and the education institutions.
Bunch of videos related to the original youtube channel which were re-uploaded

Not if they incite chaos between supporters of the two party system and take out the power/communications/internet then start attacking strategic targets.
Also consider Ukraine, If every single person in Ukraine dies but Russia doesn't take it then it is considered a win despite everyone being dead.
But that map is the EAST coast, lmao.
>Well, if you're seriously doing muh MIGA muh donnie the jew and the usual schtick, I'm just going to close the thread. Here's your chance to curb my potential misunderstanding though.
I was simply presenting what Goldberg, Zephyr and Pogo was about. Its up to you decide what you believe obviously. You can search the 4plebs archive for more if you want. The focus of my posts is not on this subject.
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>The host (US) has become aware of it's parasite (ZOG) and is now actively seeking to destroy it, the parasite in turn has already prepared it's new host (CN) and is going to offer up the desiccated corpse of it's previous one to the new one to make it big and strong so it can parasitize for many centuries to come or to finally transform into it's abhorrent true form and unleash hell upon us all. Whether or not Xi becomes the asian god king and destroys the parasite or not is a story we will not have the ability to hear of if we do not do something.
This makes sense in the aspect that people can't seem to fathom that we have more than one enemy. There's the (((financial))) globalists that have been around for centuries if not longer and there's also the CCP. Both want a one world government that they are in control of.

That's why every once in awhile you see China do something that throws the WEF crowd for a loop. The CCP knows that these parasites also want to take the reins of China as well.
No, I'd really rather just tell me if you think le orange guy is, like, totally friends with Israel and Kushner is le ebil bag guy or not.

and you didn't READ
you failed a Turing test my man
you're a BOT
It doesnt matter what I believe about Trump, its not relevant. The whistleblower anon said he is against the CCP and (((they))) wont let him become president again. I am neutral on Trump and Q if you must know.
Is the orange guy a fucking "israeli shill" or not, you faggot?
the PLA has been placing Gear, sappers and families in the USA for decades.
All Chinese exchange styudents are PLA
all h1b chinese are sleepers
The nation is CRAWLING with them. Only fuckin fools cannot see the obvious.
I have dug deep into Patrick, Seraph and their connection to Huawei that the whisteblower anon hinted at towards the end of his last thread.

There is still many leads to investigate that it is mind boggling. Im pretty overwhelmed and scared to be completely honest with you anons.

Heres a list to investigate
Electric Rain
Volt Typhoon
Papago Farms
Camp Grip
Nashville Bombing
January 6th Insurrection
Nathaniel Sergio
Shandong Huawei Private Security Group
Seraph Protection Group
Martinez Construction
Korman Construction
Enrique Tarrio
Trump Unity Bridge
Arthur D Little

We need to investigate the FBI, DHS and CBP officials who are active and assigned to the region

I will post more as I write
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You tell me anon
If you can mitigate the CCP plans you also can turn the CCP against the parasites as the noticing happens more and the CCP doesn't get what it wants in total control. My gut is telling me that this is currently going on with Russia as the noticing of the biolabs in Ukraine issue.
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Ok but for that matter.... What's it all mean? No one has their true intentions out there anon. Isn't that the first rule of the Art of War?
What I'm going to tell you is that this is a red herring and I won't be participating in your dumb ass discord raid.
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Treachery peaks in value when the opportunity is still present as more and more competitors are picked off. From Russia's perspective they are crippling the parasitic empire either way, they can let the US fall to ruin while also going gold-backed and kicking out the IMF. If they did want to destroy China it would have to occur during the twilight hour of this bloodbath. Not to be a downer or anything but also consider that not too many countries would lose sleep over us collapsing.

The only alternative that presents Russia even greater value is America cleansing itself of it's parasitic influence and joining them. It's a fantasy, but a russo-american army is an instant win condition against any and all other opponents.
>not too many countries would lose sleep over us collapsing
I wouldn't lose too much sleep over us collapsing depending on what collapses and what we're going to. I have no problem with the US currency disappearing if it means the banking families and parasite tribe disappears as well. That's a rebirth of America and not a death. It's a death of the parasites not the host.
What does MSR stand for?
Both Nathaniel Sergio and Anthony Warner are now dead is Lee, Q also dead? Any leads on who Lee, Q is/was?
Keep in mind what Anthony Warner did (Nashville Christmas bombing) and notice that Lee, Q got $128000 more.

Is Woods, J James woods?
If we can find who ever Warren S is or Lee Q we will probably be able to get a decent amount of information.
Humm, so now the Glowniggers want to talk about electric rain. Every time we tried before you fuckers shut us down.

Since the glowniggers want to talk about it now--it's time for us to ignore them.
Would explain why this thread has been up forever time wise.
What kind of red herring soup is this?
>Theres a terror attack about to happen and the internet already knows about it
We are in the last days of the USA

Our new rulers the Chinese the Black the Jew the Beaner will all look kindly on us because we have been so fuckin Weak.

We'll just get to play video games and drink Coke and have Pizza parties
the small pink map on the left is a nuclear weapons fallout map.
Regarding Anthony Warner
>"Hey Dude," the cover letter starts, "You will never believe what I found in the park."

>"The knowledge I have gained is immeasurable. I now understand everything, and I mean everything from who/what we really are, to what the known universe really is."

>"September 2011 was supposed to be the end game for the planet," because that is when he believed that aliens and UFO's began launching attacks on earth.

>"They put a switch into the human brain so they could walk among us and appear human," Warner wrote.

Is this what he actually believe or was this released to muddy the waters?
Anthony Warner also gave the daughter of a ex girlfriend two houses without her knowledge and also stated in a letter to her
>“intended to travel on Christmas Eve to spend a few weeks in the woods with his dogs,”
>“The attic has plywood and lighting, take a look,”
>“The basement is not normal, take a look. Woof woof Julio.”
Julio was his dog and apparently he used the name as an alias.
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Xun Jinqing, chairman and president of Huawei Security Group, went to Russia to investigate and visit the Six Congresses of the Communist Party of China

Pic related is Chairman Xun Jinqing talks with Counselor Zhang Ruoyan of the Russian Embassy

From November 19th to 26th 2018, Xun Jinqing, the chairman and president of the group, and some executives of the group went to Huawei Russian company to conduct work inspections and investigate the Russian market.

Chairman Xun visited the Chinese Embassy in Russia in a row and held discussions with embassy counsellors Zhang Ruoyan, Qin Xiangdong, and Wang Khaojie.

Counselor Zhang Ruoyan expressed his gratitude to Shandong Huawei Russian company for its active participation in the safety construction of Chinese-funded enterprises and the safety work of embassies. He also hopes that Huawei will make full use of the advantages in the security field and safety technology in the future to protect the investment interests of Chinese-funded enterprises and Chinese Chinese overseas Chinese play an active role in safety.

During his time in Russia, Chairman Xun's line also went to China's cultural center in Russia, the construction project of the Chinese Ming International Moscow China Trade Center, the Harvard Tula Factory in the Great Wall, and the Russian and Chinese Silk Road Creation Park to conduct research and research to enhance understanding and discuss cooperation.

On November 22, Xun Jinqing, the general secretary of the group party, led some members of the party's general branch in Russia's investigation and investigation to visit the site of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China.
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Located in Mayichi Town on the outskirts of MoscowThe Permanent Exhibition Hall at the site of the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China is by far the only permanent exhibition hall on the history of the Communist Party of China in China. On March 23, 2013, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the memorial hall of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Moscow. On July 4, 2016, the unveiling ceremony of the Permanent Exhibition Hall at the site of the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held grandly and officially opened to the majority of tourists.

In 1928, due to the seriousness of domestic white terror, it was difficult to find a place where security could be guaranteed for meetings. The CCP decided that the six CCP was held in Moscow. The six major events are major events in the history of the Communist Party of China and are of great significance. In 2013, Russia and China reached an agreement to lease the site to China for 49 years. Then the Chinese government began to repair the meeting site, where the six major exhibition halls of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Cultural Center were established.
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Checked. Very strange. Maybe he was a conspiracy type when the CCP approached him with an offer to get involved with the op. They could have given him false info or a glimpse into real advanced technology that spurred those writings. Is there a full text somewhere of everything he wrote?
>mfw captcha has RV in it
wtf is that?
MSR I think could be short for messenger but Im unsure. Active messenger tower makes sense to me.

I think Lee could be the "Li" person who was executed in taiwan that the whistleblower anon mentions in his first post. I believe this same person ran the following youtube account im going to go over in my next posts.
I think the only reason this channel is still up is because the operative running it had the password and got killed so they lost access.
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The first video on the channel starts with a scene of a radio tower, followed by scenes of people using cell phones, the power going down, fire works, a large emp blast across the united states pic related, scenes of chaos, ending with electricity hitting power lines
its an arg. theres literally a way to make videos unlisted on youtube and this retard leaker made chinese amvs to expose "the truth" all the while 4chan threads about this incoming terrorist attack are left up. all of it makes absolutely no fucking sense as far as a plan goes
Thanks OP you spoiled the fun. Now we're stuck with gay for another 50 years.
nice thread OP
feels like they gotta commit election fraud one more time to get an anti-gun fag in the puppet pres spot, then do a mass rifle ban. chinese are most concerned about armed americans. the anti-gun movement started exactly around the time china's power grew, around the middle to end of clinton's admin, going into obama. both were too pussy to pull it off of course so they just kept doing false flags to nudge public opinion.
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Its not an ARG or a LARP I believe from everything ive seen after digging into these topics. It could be clandestine activity using public methods of coded communications. I have no clue what kind of variables exist if someone were to attempt communicating between mainland china, international chinese territories and sleeper cells working within the united states. I imagine using public social media would be one of many avenues to communicate with each other.
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No full text everywhere I have seen stated they do not wish to release it.
The full text was apparently 9 pages and included USB sticks and video recommendations.

Both houses he gave away were on the same road and one was previously his brothers. Anthony only had possession of it for 5 months before giving it away for free then a year later gave away his home to the same woman.

Anthony also told a few people he had cancer.

It is an ARG that referenced Jan 6th before it happened
Do EVERYTHING you can with wires. Wireless means broadcast, broadcast means being found. If the attack calls for a general shutdown of electronics, you can be damned sure you'll see roaming UAVs triangulating signals to bomb for weeks or years after the fact.
However, I learned an important lesson using ddwrt and a couple linksys routers: wifi works just fine over wires. If your normal ethernet signal isn't strong enough, you can just wire from antenna to antenna and manually boost the voltage to whatever you need it to be.
If you HAVE to set up wireless, keep it short range. Don't try to HAM it up unless you have decent air defense.
why though? why risk it? they could use any method to communicate that wouldnt involve retards online doxxing their entire invasion plan, let alone the intelligence agencies

can you show proof it directly referenced jan6 rather than just vague shit? not trying to sound aggressive, i just couldnt see anything overt
American cluster munition being shot down over Sevetapol
How exactly does this advance Israel's interests?
>uhh it doesn't, this is a plan by those evil chinese!
Then it isn't real, retard.
China invading the US is the most retarded thing imaginable, only conceivably plausible to a DC-bubble retard CIA agent. Why would China declare war on every country in Europe and North America when their economy is growing? They only need to sit back and let the west collapse while their economy grows. They lose everything and gain nothing from starting a war.
Biden and Trump are both Israeli assets. What they do benefits Israel first and America never.
You spooks are constantly trying to pin things on China, for years now, back since you tried to gayop us into supporting Bannon's plan to turn China into a faggot federalized EU clone, back in the Hong Kong color revolution gayops. Chaos does not benefit the hegemon.
Kill yourself and get a real job you stupid piece of shit.
least psychotic chink
Anon there are several official chinese documents in this thread that clearly outline their intent as well as providing links to their government website to assist them in doing so.
History is written by the victor, fren. We can't answer your question until we learn how honest the author will be. As was revealed only a few years ago, we both grew up with history books written by a company owned by Robert Maxwell (mossad.)
I'm not a bot, but I just glanced it and the first time I thought it said "on the coast", I guess knowing it's the east coast, my brain ignored the "west" I didn't even see it until you guys mentioned it.
This guy is the bot-accuser bot. He was born human, but has become nothing more than a bot that scrolls 4chan screaming "UR A BOT!"
WTF are they doing?
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I've seen the lengths to which feds are willing to go to send young white right wing men to die for Israel's grip on Taiwan.
Who's copying my work? interesting. I've been posting this payroll document for..let me see when I DL it.

May 2022--Glowniggers kept shutting it down. If they're letting us talk about this now--fuck glowniggers. Anytime I posted the payroll the thread was "archived" almost immediately.
They? The people on the beach? They're recreating. Having fun. Beachin' it up. Being bombed by 'murca.
I mean the US dropping cluster munitions on civilians.
yeah it does feel like that, like this is something that happened and now they're like backwards bragging about having stopped it, or now they really think it's going to happen so they want people to know about it. Either way it's incredibly gay.
uh oh!
Oh! It makes them die. 'murca drops those bombs to make people die. It helps Israel.
What's of more interest is....this document. It refers to taking care of the "towers" in TN (aka Nashville bomber) but it also refers to the Lake House that was blown tf up the day after the "f-16" crash in Michigan-anyone remember that night?

MI National guard exercise. 2 f-16s. 1 went rogue, did a signal swap with a chink drone loaded with fent that was meant to be dropped into the lake...the other f-16 shot down the rogue and the drone. Rogue pilot ejected, dropped glow sticks--We had 3 sets of cords..f-16 crash, drone crash, and glowstick cords.

ALL of this took place south east of the house we were told Epstein was hiding out.

The next day a house by the lake in the same area blew up. Smithereens. POOF...the excuse was "maybe some live ammo was dropped from the crashed f-16.

We had 3 hours of unrestricted access to the local PD broadcastify. The feds got there and cut us off. Later, anon went on an ATV to the drone crash cords and took pics--white powder everywhere.

PLA is here

US military is doing nothing to keep them out.
I am busy researching so I hope this is good enough for now
The archive date is Jan 11 but look at the time uploaded.

Here is the reupload

Read the documents, It says US will collapse and be rebuilt with Chinese help.
The attacks might not even be attributed to China and without communications how are you going to tell people it was the Chinese?

If you read the documents they present it as a good thing, They might be recruiting.

This one is a good start >>473136048

I had forgotten about this
yeah I glanced a lot of the infographs in the thread, pretty crazy shit, either way if it's here, they're aware of it at the very least, so all I can do is bump and pay attention.
What did Canooks think in 2019/2020 when PLA troops were marching all TF over your backwoods? I had a ton of Canadian friends before then, but they all friend-dumped everyone who wasn't suicidally woke.
What would China have to gain from this? Where are these documents coming from? Why the fuck would China have literally ANYTHING to do with January 6th? Who translated these documents? Were they all translated? Why are some of them available in English if no one translated them? How were they found?

>islamic extremist migrants working with Chinese cell phone companies and the mexican cartels (jewish).
Jews created a minor artificial anti-islamic immigration outcry after Oct 7, jews run the cartels, and they hate Chinese companies like Tiktok. One of these things is not like the other.
I have no idea whats going on but heres a bomp
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The Workers' and Peasants' Army quickly crossed Lake Michigan and launched an attack on Detroit.
The Workers' and Peasants' Party newspaper reported, "The puppet regime of the Eastern Nationalities has fallen into terrible chaos, the national economy is on the verge of collapse, and the army does not know who it is fighting for."
Atlanta was captured.
The governor of Florida declared an uprising and joined the Workers' and Peasants' government.
The Battle of Indiana.

The Workers' and Peasants' Party completed the encirclement and annihilation of the central group of the National Army in the Battle of Richmond.
Andrew Yang personally went to Richmond to command and demanded the army defend Richmond to the death.
The Workers' and Peasants' Army broke through the Western Pennsylvania defense line despite suffering over half casualties.
The National Army retreated to Pittsburgh after burning Cincinnati.
The Workers' and Peasants' Party broke through the Cincinnati defense line.

The Workers' and Peasants' Party broke through the Richmond defense line and advanced to the outskirts of Washington.
Andrew Yang announced that every inch of the capital must be defended to the death.
Street fighting in Washington.
The Workers' and Peasants' Party paid a heavy price, capturing only a few blocks each day.
Harabi issued a final ultimatum to the Nationalities, demanding their immediate unconditional surrender.

Andrew Yang's government retreated to Maine.
The Battle of the White House.
The National Army retreated after blowing up the White House.
Andrew Yang delivered a speech in Maine, stating that the Nationalities would fight to the last drop of blood.
The Workers' and Peasants' Army took over Washington D.C. and advanced towards Maine.
Harabi delivered a founding speech in Washington, announcing the rebuilding of a truly independent, free, and democratic new America.
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Maine was captured.
The whereabouts of Andrew Yang are unknown.
The United States is officially unified, with the new red flag flying high over the People's Republic of America, symbolizing the liberation of the American people.
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This is a translation from the following video
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Huawei International

Recruitment Conditions and Application Methods

1. Our Recruitment Targets: Demobilized and Retired Military Personnel

Preference will be given to those with combat experience. Male height should be above 1.75 meters, female height above 1.65 meters. Vision in both eyes should be 1.0 or above without glasses, no color blindness, no color weakness, no nearsightedness, physically healthy, high school education or above. Preference will be given to those who have received professional special combat training.
Salary: Negotiable. The contract period is two years, renewable based on circumstances.

2. Recruitment Procedure:

Physical examination, examination, and pre-job training for 2 months. After pre-job training, those who pass the training and examination will be selected for employment, and a contract will be signed. Those who do not pass will be sent back.
30 days of paid vacation annually.

3. Training Courses:

The main subjects of training include training on basic individual skills and wilderness survival techniques, simulated individual combat with imitation high-power weapons, SCYQ15 individual flying device simulation training, and underwater simulation training with diving equipment. Classes are held from Monday to Saturday. Military school classes include one month of military theory study, close combat, parachuting, basic heavy weapon shooting, and other courses. Military school courses are taught by retired school officers. After passing the 12-week military training assessment, assignments will be made to various project departments for work.
I don't want to spend too much time on this so
Less military opposition.
Less anti-chinese propaganda put into the world.
Ability to fulfill roles previously fulfilled by USA.
It weakens all of Nato.
Raises their position in the world.
Allows them to do what ever they want because who can stop them?

What would China lose by doing this?
Keep in mind it is a sneaky plan not one where China just invades they will position themselves as being the helpful savior.

Once again I am losing interest.
January 6th prosecuted a number of individuals.
Jan 6th was used in an attempt to prevent Trump being allowed to ever hold office again.
Jan 6th has been called worse than pearl harbour and 9/11 combined which can cause a emotional reaction and makes it easier to declare political opposition evil/worse than Hitler/etc
It has allowed open discrimination against people for their political beliefs because they might cause another event.

If you read the documents it makes sense why they have english because they are recruiting.....

And now I'm done answering questions I'd rather find information that is new to me.
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4. Work and Compensation:

Pre-job salary standards:
Ordinary security guard: 4000-8000 RMB
Security guard: 8000-20000 RMB
Enjoy generous bonuses and allowances, with daily wages ranging from 30-150 USD (approximately 200-1000 RMB) according to international standards.
Free accommodation, and priority entry into the group’s affiliated enterprises and related units after retirement. The work contract period is 2 years, renewable based on circumstances. After retirement, arrangements for work within the group will be made. Contract violations will incur compensation responsibilities, and voluntary payment of a small amount of pension and medical insurance premiums is required after retirement.
During the contract period, uniforms will be provided by the military, and uniforms and boots will be provided for security tasks free of charge. Personal items for contract projects must be approved by the company.
Address: No. 69, Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing. This address is for reference only; the actual application address will be designated. Nationwide recruitment: 200 combatants, 50 security guards.

Changing Situation

The world is becoming smaller. The terms "globalization" and "global village" are no longer distant dreams. Turn on the TV, turn on the radio, pick up the internet, and you can hear voices from all corners of the world at any time—the ever-changing political situation, the turbulent economic development, and ubiquitous terrorism.
NATO is working with China to destroy itself?
I don't understand the premise.
Thanks for contributing

Because we need a Bullet point run down.

The Whole thread is spaghetti
and makes no sense... its all bullshit spoop
Hamas=Mossad. Oct. 7 was a false flag. There was NO music festival at all. The entire thing was fake and gay.

Every other psychedelic trance festival in jizreel is listed on a music festival website, videos. No band list, no promo vids, no DJ list, no pics/vids from zoomers at ALL. So dude gets that part wrong.

What the fuck is this thread supposed to be.

hey my man. Can you publish a PASTEBOARD or something with all the info.
This format is to much to absorb
No it's all just a bunch of bullshit posted by jeet bots like you.
Yeah I'm going to bake more threads and make them more organized in the process. I agree its a lot. Ive been living in this investigation for months since the original anon posted. I couldnt wait any longer to start sharing things ive compiled carrying off those discussions.
There were people at the location, and they died. The pilots said as much when they went to the police (non military) to whistle-blow. The pilots claim they were sent to take out a camp of hostiles, and it wasn't until they were back on base that they were told they'd killed zoomer partygoers. A week later it was pronounced illegal to question the (((official narrative,))) so the investigation they started was dropped.
I'm white and have Blonde hair
Sheets not WaWa
fuck you
Get off my board outlander
we have your woman outlander

Thnx. I'm trying to follow this shit. I have thought PLA was here since early 2000's because of their purchases of warehouse space and ports.

They practically OWN the west coast warehouse biz
Individuals have betrayed their country and will likely obtain some kind compensation for doing so obviously it isn't every single person involved in Nato.
Should these individuals be found out they would likely be charged with treason so they would take extreme actions to protect themselves.

Here is a very lazy unenthusiastic one there is too much information to cover as bullet points

Early December it was discovered that Solarwinds had been hacked and was now essentially backdoored and distributing malware/attacking/etc

December 25th 2020 Bomb in Nashville.
Video uploaded to youtube that has footage from one of the upper floors filming the RV
Youtube channel of same name was discovered with weird videos linking to pastebins, onion links, imgur and others.
More connections to weird channel were found.
Videos were decoded and information was collected from the videos (The documents/pics in thread).

Attempts to make sense of this and collect more information have led to threads 404ing, archiving instantly, people spamming etc

A so called whistle blower posted this year talking about tunnels from Mexico and said they were linked to CNASR (Pic in OP)

You are now here we have information and individuals have researched but there has been no big collective effort to make sense of it all making it look like chaos to newcomers

I'm aware of some of these parts.
Thanks for run down.
I didn't have all the parts and didn't even know some of it was related.
I'm terminally online here so Some of this rings bells.
I have a good memory.

I will keep saving as much as i can as i dog. I'm digging.
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Well said

Huawei youtube channel videos detail security personnel requirements. One of the early videos shows their drone weapon capability. Its certain they will use drones during/after grid shut down before they go feet on the ground. Theyve already been testing this for a couple years with ukraine and russia now. BRICS and NATO is a charade. They are orchestrating another global conflict so they can step in with their one world government new world order. Which the people will be begging for to stop the violence.
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Another part of it is the Trump Unity Bridge ran by Rob Cortis on the payroll document. He is listed as COMS JAN6 STINGRAY. It seems he had a stingray IMSI device in his trailer he was towing around the country as a spectacle for Trump MAGA supporters. This was in effort to clone the cellular data of maga supporters which they will use as a trail for the terror attacks in the media.

If the country were to be hit by a wave of (((right wing white supremacist christian nationalist terrorism))) then the federal government would crack down, announce a national emergency and invite the united nations in to help establish order. The united nations of course would be led by china and their army is the hundreds of thousands of immigrants pouring into the country every month.
Yep--see how the glowniggers ignore PROOF we talked about all this before and got shut down?

They "forgot" about this? really? anyone that believes Warner was blown up in an RV is smoking crack.

Anyone remember this?

Posted BEFORE the explosion?
"they got the drives b4 the explosion" blah blah.
>and be rebuilt with Chinese help.
China can't even fucking build China. How about we just aim two nice sized missiles at the Three Gorges Dam? That will take out an estimated 400 million chinks and keep the "chinese army" which is really controlled by the Kadoori Jew mob in HongKong, too busy to fuck with the US.

We'll take care of the border infiltrators ourselves.
So i was going to my parents house yesterday for the 4th. And off the highway i saw 4 chinese "tourists" in a strange place inbetween sections. There are no walk ways.. they were walking in high grass that never gets cut. Looking like tourists.
They were NOT americans. Americans would Never be where they were. Its culuturally known to neve go into these inbetween highway spaces. Small fields really. They were pointing at a building in the distance that I knew to be an old pharmaceutical company.

And there were 4 of them JUST like this.

2 men 2 women.
selfie stick and everything.

this was found by googling
"small chineseweaponized drone drone"
IDF stood down for 7 hours while the MOSSAD did indeed LARP as Hamas and kill jews at the kibutz and the girls in the security towers.

There was no music festival. The "bombed out cars" were a mimic of the Highway to Hell ...did you notice how many of them were white?

They recovered one girl's body three different times.

There was NO music festival. Any "footage" was lights, camera, action. PERIOD.
I'm actually eating rice and pinto beans that I put in storage 13 years ago as I type this. Rice and beans keep for a long long time if you store it in mylar bags inside 5 gallon buckets with oxygen absorbers. It's like the day I put it in there

What does this have to do with the OP?
explain what the jew/hamas war intertwines?
prep new bread

Anon drop the arrogance and hubris. This thread is continuing investigation that started 4/19/24, covered in the original screencaps, which brought up the CNASR leaks from 2020/21.

There have been multiple mentions of Volt Typhoon in the media this year which gives credibility to the Electric Rain leaks from those years ago.

The point of these threads is to tie all the information together and organize it in a way where its easier for others to process. There is much more to investigate. If we work together to keep going I think its going to be important for the future of this country.
It's a redditor, just ignore it.
I didn't bring it up..see


Was only answering that dude. As far as I know it's ALL connected on one level. Jews run Xi as a puppet, their second experiment in the mind control of mass quantities of people.

North Korea was their first op.

In reality china is no threat, it's a paper tiger. I was reading the electric rain glowniggers bullshit and just laughing at them.

CHINA, be afraaaaaiiiid, of what styrofoam battle ships?
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There isn't any fn hubris. This thread is 10/10 glownigger bullshit.

Just a glownigger, ignore it.

NOW you want to talk about it. I posted proof that each time we did before the thread got archived--poof.

Just give it tf up. It's as funny as you fuckwads writing Hammer Man's "manifesto" using 4chan memes then pretending that it was some retard Lefty Leaf's work.
You've been psyop'd a bit too well anon, you shouldn't consider this mad dash to the next step for humanity as an open and shut case for ZOG to win. There are several planetary emperors that are making a bid to take the throne, the current emperor being the USA has a government and society that is diseased, utterly corrupt and mentally fractured. It's being circled by a pack of hyenas, each one nipping at us until we fall which is when we will be torn apart. As it stands it would benefit several countries if we were destroyed, it could benefit some even more if we can rip the parasitic ZOG off of us and return to a state of diplomacy instead of never-ending warfare, but what pragmatic would-be emperor would wait around for that?

When you consider what we've done while the parasitic ZOG was in complete control of us it's not hard to see the incentives for many countries to turn against us. As far as the NATO approach to the world is concerned; the world will still be around long after America is gone and unless total nuclear annihilation is the method to destroy us there are many assets to claim in our country that makes invasion an enticing prospect. The most obvious being technologies and weapons, another is natural resources that have been left untapped thanks to climate propaganda which China clearly couldn't care less about. Things you might not think about like our geography is also another great reason to invade and take us over, if China and Russia gained access to shipping routes like the oceanic highway above Alaska they would have a complete monopoly over all ocean traffic. Even having control of yellowstone, a natural doomsday weapon in and of itself, commands military might.

>but the ZOG tho
As I mentioned here >>473191029 treachery is most valuable the less competition you have, if the parasite is in mid transition why not just expose it to light and let it die and assume the throne yourself?
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Picture related.

I don't mean building houses I mean manufacturing parts, chips etc
You know how many things China produces right? You know how many of those things are critical to your country remaining operational?
As the Russian Ukrainian war proves a bullet is a bullet, Advanced weapons have advantages but kinetic energy is kinetic energy so cheap and shitty can still get the job done.

In conventional warfare you would be correct but look at how divided the US is right now.
You are being told you have to pick either Biden or Trump and that choice isn't just a vote it is who you are, That kind of bullshit divides your country into a US vs Them situation which can be taken advantage of.
Say Biden and Trump supporters declare war on each other and open fire how is your military supposed to function outside the US?
How can you even use the military internally when some will be Biden supporters other Trump?
All China has to do is sow chaos, Disable electronics/comms and take advantage of the chaos perhaps even declaring itself the savior who will come and help the US enforce law and order.
You don't need the entire government to agree letting China help is acceptable you just need enough people at the right level.
You are crying about your post getting archived when you posted at 322 replies on the thread. Threads stop bumping after 300 replies. Learn how to 4chan you retarded nigger faggot lmao.
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Screen from one of the Huawei videos

LQ contact DHS RED


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DHS = Department of Homeland Security
Contact red meaning?

Fenix = Phoenix AZ

AZ license plate seen in video
Border Patrol Tucson Sector agents have encountered 373,242 unauthorized migrants this 2024 fiscal year including 31,240 in April, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data through March 31 and April numbers obtained by NewsNation.

Multiple armies have already invaded the United States.

Are they waiting for the signal to attack?
This appears to be shot from a back seat

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I just noticed this document has the same LQ as this writing >>473210759
thanks for keeping this live anon
Pic related.
Bump. I remember anon. Michigan had that weird shit in the UP happen. Anyone remember Epsteins place in Traverse City?
>assume the throne yourself
had me right up until there. too many want the part but didnt study diligently as others. They are the real competition.
Taiwan beats China in manufacturing chips, and quality, China is a paper Tiger. Their country is a shithole, no infrastructure--tofu dregs construction...

What Russia /Ukraine war?


Russia is fucking Ukraine to save the civilians from Greater Israel.
WTF you on about?

I have maybe 10 posts on this thread over hours. The payroll document would ALWAYS be a thread killer...it was amusing af. NOW that glowniggers want to talk about it, here we all are.
I only have the cords/screen cap to the one near the crash. Found it.
I'm not arguing that China is super invincible or any other variation on that idea.
I am not even saying it is a good plan, I didn't come up with it I just read the documents like everyone else.
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this sucks because I like Confucius but hate China (among other factors)
If you're reading documents it's because they were meant to be read, and believed....and shared. Sparking what? OMERG CHINA? Our biggest threat now and always is Israel.
both can be true at the same time
Easier to pasta
> It's extremely strange though. It's not like they were trying to leak out a lot of information to the masses. Before the original channel was deleted they only had about 80 subscribers and a total of less than 2,000 combined video views.

Some call it a larp but where it got real for us was 1 video lead to a Chinese government website with a URL. When you follow the URL that leads you to a password protected PDF. When you enter the title of that YouTube video it unlocks the PDF. The PDF was basically a welcome message to the new operatives in the cnasr.

>I think the youtube video is called "pw: jfjky2015" or something like that.

>Basically if this was a LARP then someone that has access to change an official Chinese government website is involved.
I live near the border how fucked am i?
Your numerals indicate it's possible, but highly unlikely that the documents are meant to be kept secret.
You are misunderstanding. Since the night of the RV bombing in Nashville we were already linking it to data wipes, then GTV dropped the payroll docs. Remember, anyone that Hunter communicated with were all compromised by the Chinks. Notes in Chinese they're just trying to figure out what this or that means.

One "email" re lake house is signed JB.

We were literally going over all of this several years ago and the glowniggers kept shutting it down.

NOW they want to talk about it.
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Fair. That being said, OpSec is more difficult than ever in our digital age, and people are more vain than ever.

There is an excellent infograph on this site of the history of Jews in the CCCP.
I see it more like they aren't preventing us talking about it rather than they want us to talk about it.
Probably nothing time sensitive and by now numbers/links would be dead so its a non issue trying to stop us would only make us more determined/annoying.
Until we can link to something newer we aren't really a threat so there is no reason to risk making us double down.

I am basically just exercising my pattern recognition going through everything because we might be able to crawl youtube and twitter to find other accounts that are currently unknown remember that videos weren't private or unlisted they were findable so we can technically find them.
This doesn't sound too pie in the sky either, US operatives got busted in Iran using official channels with hidden hyperlinks which can only be accessed through clicking on a specific pixel.

New thread
Mao was a retard. It was jews that held his hand and guided him to genocide particular Chinese. For the same reason Jews genocided Russians, and Slavs, and --everyone else they hate.
What I'm saying is they control the narrative. We were talking about this ages ago, they kept quashing discussion. We don't get to do anything on here unless they let us or it somehow slides into a thread with a stupid title they're not monitoring and didn't start. it's a rare thing that a thread is started by one of us. The robo threads on russia/Ukraine harken back to the robo threads of the wuflu.

When they want something spread, they drop it here.
If anyone DL and kept james the subway shooter's youtube vids, it's a cornucopia of hot sauce on the glowniggers and how they find, groom, and activate them that is expository.

Pattern recognition--so you've noted how many "mass shooters" share the exact same bullet points?
>sexual confusion (furries, trans, etc)

We had one groomerglownigger here LARPing as a nigger security guard with a 3 inch dick who was the leader of the "tranny attack squad"...

faggot knows way too much about mind control to be a nigger security guard with a 3 inch dick.

Composite of posts--
That's not that complicated, what this guy is referring to is just Pavlovian conditioning, or some sort, spamming your garbage on the internet doesn't really make you a master manipulator, and the people who succumb to this garbage spam have weak minds and should probably be keeping their eyes and ears on more popular- less troll adjacent channels.
It may just be pavalovian conditioning, but it's way out of league for a nigger security guard.

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