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Zelensky has major military factory output debuffs from the scraping the barrel conscription law. He needs to build level 10 forts and disband some units for equipment
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He actually thinks this is like another TV show. But the truth is beginning to settle in.

>help me mommy I'm scared. Jpeg
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>disbanding units for equipment
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Did ukies really let Johnson and the baltics talk them into a grappling war of attrition to the death vs. Russia east of the Dnipro river alone?
Johnson and all of the others have their own problems they dont care they will move on with life after a few months and ukies will be stuck in this hell for decades to come.
LOL. I don't give a fuck. Not my problem. They managed to blow 500 billion dollars and do jack shit with it. I'm not even blaming just Ukraine for this, I'm blaming everyone involved and we know goddamn well most of it has to do with beurocrats.

Well, good because I still don't give a fuck. I'm not going to save your ass. You're just fucked, hope you figure something out and it better not be money because we all know that won't help.

Fuck it, just give up. I don't care.
Like jewlensky will not run to Israel when things turn south
why do contrarians always think like anyone gives a shit that they're contrarians
biggest faggot narcissist reddit spacer in >>473145057 lmao
>Johnson and the baltics
lmao could be the name of a comedy group.
And all it took was a little bit of bribery. Most corrupt country in the world, they literally sold the fucking ground under themselves. When this ends they will have to rent some mass graves from blackrock
>talk them into
they had no say in the matter, zog vassal state has to do as the zog says
sure its PR
but Zelensky pretending like he gives a single flying fuck about hohols is also PR.
he will bail to his mansion with his wife who just bought a bugatti turbillon lmao. he doesn't give a fuck. also he is an actor so anything he says or any facial expression this manlet coke sniffing kike has is a farce.
Quick! Someone starts to post meaningless drone videos!
Lets be real here he needs a good chunk of the us army and 500-1000 tanks. Whatever he's crying about is not going to be enough.
I was going to say, what is it this kikes first blind playthrough or what?
Imagine starting a war without weapons and shit to win LOL
He hasn’t mobilized the babushkas yet, so he’s only on all adults serve
So why exactly are people like "Jay in Kiev" and "Denys Davydov" not conscripted? Seems suspicious.
Blyat and switch.
Can they idk, produce their own weapons?? The sandniggers managed to do it, why can’t this Jew make one
>I am entitled to your military aid!
Hohols are the incels of geopolitics.
This is the moment Russia should take to its advantage and start bombing targets.
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>counter offensive
Does anyone unironically still believe that is possible?
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The most entertaining part of this is even if they give all the equipment to equip them all only 50% would arrive and the rest stolen.

In 20 years we will be having constant news of druglors in south america taking out tanks with javelins.

God damn i am so sick and tired of hearing about this shit war and this kike can they not just force an election so the ukeks can get rid of him?
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yeah the same people that think cutting your dick off turns you into a woman
has he tried not selling all the weapons we ship over on the black market?
>we just need 500 billion more, I swear

The fuck did they do with the other few hundred billion we shelled out? They couldn't arm the Ukrainian grandma conscripts with that?
send more, turkshit, germany must pay 4% of gdp on military and special 1% of gdp to special ukrainian fund
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It's over... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rjc1V9mZN2w
>14 unequipped brigades
Aka 14 groups of press-ganged teenagers about to be abducted off the streets. What'd you do with the $60 BILLION you just got, you fucking kike? That's enough money to give everyone in Ukraine an AR-15.
NAFO trannies do, because they're the same orcs who supported BLM and the vax.
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Maybe he should stop giving his wife all the equipment?
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Worth it to stop putler
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don't be so stingy and pay up. what do you need that money for anyway?
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>Did ukies really let Johnson and the baltics talk them into a grappling war of attrition to the death vs. Russia east of the Dnipro river alone?
lmao Russia will fall apart before Ukraine, they just need to keep drinking their refineries and exhausting their meat assaults
Tokmak by october slava
>we can't just fight a war with $300 fucking billion
>we need MORE, goyim

You can build a country from scratch with $300bn.
Ceausescu industrialized Romania with $20bn from IMF.
Its never been more obvious that war is all just a money laundering scheme that jews peddle. The difference is that this time everyone jumped in on the opportunity to make some bucks while not even trying to keep up the war facade.
Two weeks
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you guys must have had a lot of jews, then
We could be feeding our own politicians
I don't know how many more two weeks Russia has got left
maybe the US military gear isn't as good as we were told
I have been saying this for months

>We are planning to make plans to deliver

Its almost like the Kiev Post just prints articles to distribute in the trenches to keep hope alive while morons die.
We managed to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan with it for twenty years.

>inb4 nigga u muddafukkas got your asses kicked

If you think I said "the United States won that war" check your reading comprehension.
against tribal goat herders
>We have 14 brigades of men that we are totally willing to send off to their death, we just need this one maguffin in their hand when they die so no one can get upset about it
This world is so beyond the pale.
>counter counter counter counter offensive
No worries, Blackrock got everything under control in hoholtown.
Something given has no value.
The people that handle all these resources squander them totally. Much of it is stolen.
They shouldn't be sent another scrap of anything.
You were on our side with that war buddy. If we lost, you lost too................against tribal goat herders......
minefield clearing brigades
No we did not. That's a big lie. We occupied a few urban strongholds while most of the country was controlled by the enemy.
>We secured the poppyfields for our glownigger frens.

There, all nice n fix'd
Shut the fuck up retard we will liberate Ukraine from the claws of Putler. To the last Ukrainian, to the last Pole, to the last Finn and to the last Balt.
More like, to the last american, french and *nglo.
>delusional slavshit thinks he isn't next in the chopping block
You're cute now go dilate with the barrel of a gun.
Go kill yourself, do the world a favor.
This war isnt even real. Putin and Zelensky are the same team
He stayed Kiova in the start of the invasion.
>We're rounding up people to force into trenches.
>We have 14 brigades with no weapons at all.
> another counter-oink
To *clap* the last *clap* hohol *clap clap clap*
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why do mutts always have the urge to violently tell everyone in long worded sentences that they don't care, like at all, for realsies, pinkie swear?
>Putin and Zelensky are the same person
Called it in 2014
The sooner Ukraine (NATO/GLOBOHOMO) complies with Russia's mandates, the sooner we can all go back to normal.

Just comply.
Thats the fun part, they can ask for more money and then someone promises more money and defense contractors just raise prices by 2x again and they get the same (probably also delivered sometime in 5 years or so) kek
Poor Naz...I mean German.
Yeah it's all about lining pockets and inflating stocks.

I had wondered for a long time why they were announcing equipment by the number of pieces being delivered and I ended up settling on that too.
west is so afraid of collapse of russian federation. they sacrificing ukrainian innocent warriors and freedom fighter.
It's to keep the political appearance that yankee dindu nuffin. Yet if it wasn't for them pushing GAYTO operations east, none of this wouldn't have happened.
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4 and a half mil for a car, damn.
Easy come, easy go.
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>here is how Russia will win in 2 weeks thread #272625
Maybe he should have used the hundreds of billions he's been given to buy equipment instead of letting his wife go on world wide shopping sprees with it, eh?
Its all some bs math. If you check the contributions of different countries, some deliver the exact same things but "price" it at 5x difference to the other. And its all old stocks mostly, so taking the buying price doesn't make sense. Then you have defense contractors saying they'll deliver shit, if you pay massive premiums (labour cost and material price went up, goy) and use the money to finance R&D on their new "hypertech" products which they can sell at even more massive premiums to western governments. Meanwhile the production rates of what is actually needed on the battlefield stays low cause the margins are not good enough for the stock price to go up
Previous counteroffensive consisted of 17 brigades, packed mostly with experienced people and motivated volunteers. And it achieved jack shit.
All reserves and experienced people got mobilized long time ago already. And volunteers dissapeared after counteroffensive failure. Intensive busification has been happening since. What does the kike think he can achieve with 14 brigades of ordinary people without any experience and motivation forcibly snatched off the streets?
We don't need weapons, we have willpower, stamina and beautiful trans redditor defenders! They haven't sent out a tweet in a few years, probably covert ops.
Should've researched and made divisions with field hospitals attached to them.
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field hospitals don't get them closer to their goal of killing as many white men as possible.
peasant from chernigov, learn english. president was talking about air component of the assault. up to 24 f-16 with all weapons it could carry.
Dude you should be extactic to be sent on krinky adventure. Jewlensky said its a massive success! Why? PR or some shit, anyway send in more goys in their small boats under constant artillery bombardment with no supply lines. slava ugraini.
Gay in Kiev is a reliable source.
Russia mostly ruled by ukies. They have same iq as zel.
>it makes sense, but it's not what man on tv says, it must be contrarian
They get what they fucking deserve
I'd unironically support sending them basically everything we have. Russia is so fucking weak anyway so they won't attack any other country in Europe so why do we need these equipment right now? We'll have many years to build them up.

Just keep enough so that we can continue training. Send all surplus to Ukraine.
Money is not given directly. It's given to weapon manufacturers who send or promise to send weapons to ukraine.
>suddenly the sticker price of an M4 is $25,000 each
it's fake
Just give them more drones, they are winning anyway. Drones are the slav's apex predator.
Oh , just like zelensky's newly purchased McMansion in florida?
It's not fake.
>Did ukies really let Johnson and the baltics talk them into
One member of the Ukrainian delegation was also killed, so I guess there were not only talks about the matter.
And wut if one day a warlord gets into power and R0hwv to use them against swedenstan? These are kokol lands, anything can give.
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we should send them our indians, an invasive species like that would break both countries within months
Ugh, posting on this crapheep glownigger site is such a humiliating ritual. I'm a take a couple months off. Starting now
ukrainian field hospitals are only used for organ harvesting, thanks for playing.
Lmao you really think when all the goys are dead he won't fly to Israel with a hero's welcome?
Perhaps he could sell his parents mansion in Israel to raise funds for the brigades?
>it's another 'just give us more money so we can send our boys to die for nothing, this time we'll win for real' episode
i am beyond tired of this disgusting kike and his faggot supporters
Ukraine might use artillery against Sweden? uhh i doubt that
>zelensky dood, wat nou ?
how can this criminal be brought to justice with crimes this large the blood of the ukrainian nation golden wheat under blue skies is on his hands for all eternity
no punishment could do justice to the magnitude of his crime
Nigga they've been selling that shit to the cartels lmao
sadly he'll get away with it for being on the 'right' side of history. probably already fled to israel long ago.
Surely they can procure some shovels, I've heard those seem to be quite effective.
Well Russians are fighting with shovels so surely they can gather some farm equipment to oppose them on equal footing.
It's Russia who invaded Ukraine though
This monster should stop genociding Ukraine's male population for the sake of the matriarchy while their women fuck around and have babies with chads from other countries.
Because we want you to understand it
there, hope that helps
And yet nothing has happened or will happen. Eternal stalemate.
They should probably have an election and see if the citizens still want him in charge. No mail in votes, those that fled are unworthy.
based and hoipilled
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>lmao could be the name of a comedy group.
That's hilarious. I think it should be some even gayer version of the beatles. Singer songwriter situation.
Jonnie and the Baltics. Fuckin A bro.
Source: bro I saw it fr fr
shut up and pay up, mutt
Ukraine failed to accept the entho russian states and that's why they lost crimea then they started getting too close to NATO. They forced Russia's hand
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>What does the kike think he can achieve with 14 brigades of ordinary people without any experience and motivation forcibly snatched off the streets?
Ukrainians are incompetent. We gave them best weapons and money. Ukraine is a corrupted shithole with weak fighters.
By your reasoning Canada should be annexed by the US

Lmao hah a

chants of "hang the russians" during maidan and all that, what would you have done if you were the russians ?
They know what they're doing lol.
Maybe if he wouldn't want to use those gibs to commence another gay retarded counter offensive, he would've gotten them.
It will be annexed immediately the moment they step out of line from the US' foreign policies.
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pay up goyim
>you’re a heckin contrarian but also a plebbitor because you are against the interests of your overlords who are openly against your interests!!
How are nafotroons this god damned retarded?
>> 14 brigades without weapons

you don't have a brigade if you don't have weapons lol you just have dudes standing around waiting to get blown up for no reason

and that's the point
It's good stuff it's just not the invincible Wunderwaffen we started believing it was after yeeting Iraq
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Behold, the slavic nigger... I shall dub him "sligger".
By this point you could just bribe all russian soldiers to go away. Hello Ivan here 1kk euro and ticket to any EU country we cool? Da, fuck Putin! The end.
Brits got them convinced that NATO would be able to help them win the war so they rejected the early peace deal yeah
jewlenskyyiiiiiv despises goyim so much that hell probably send those brigades out unarmed.
Nobody ever asked Ukraine if it wants to be attacked by russia. How stupid are you?
This post makes NAFO SEETHE
what happened to old equipment?
what happened to new Ukrainian equipment?
what happened to old Soviet stockpiles they had?
You made that decision during maidan.
Based hearts of iron player
They stole 32 billion dollars worth of soviet military stockpiles to the CIA to arm UNITA in Sierra Leon (via victor bout) to commit genocide then blamed Russia for it.
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Sounds like Mr. Cocaina mismanaged the 71 billion he was already given. Skimmed a little too much off the top, bought houses for himself and his family now he's crying because he didn't budget enough aid to equip his own troops.

42,000 men = $420,000 in Ak-47's
1000 rounds each = $210,000

for just $630,000.00, less than 1 million usd he could arm 42,000 men...

With the 71 billion from the US alone he could have done this 112,000 times.

He's clearly taking advantage of the situation for personal gain and fame. Fighting "to the last Ukranian" proves that Ukraine is not interested in maintaining its sovereignty.

Just give Russia what it already has, make peace and negotiate to join Nato at the current borders
we did... for like 8 years... while you were bombing donbas... and acting arrogantly on political arena...
It seemed like a sweet deal at that time. Backbreaking sanctions, superior NATO wunderwaffen and industry, the whole media Hollywood complex supporting you. Also fortifications that were build up for 8 years. Also Russia seemed to be losing in 2022 so there was a momentum of optimism.
>it was a good idea because we believed our own propaganda
Many such cases.
lol Hans made a funny
its not just Jewlinski getting a cut


The Russians simply walked in, Ukrainian troops in Kharkiv tell BBC
13 May 2024
By Jonathan Beale,
Defence correspondent, reporting from Vovchansk

BBC Denys YaroslavskyiBBC
Denys Yaroslavskyi is angry.

As the Commander of a Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit, he fought in Ukraine’s surprise offensive in Kharkiv in the autumn of 2022, which pushed back an initial Russian invasion all the way back to the border.
But now Denys and his men are facing the prospect of doing the same all over again.
Russian forces have, in recent days, made small but significant gains right along the border in the Kharkiv region.
Their advances are only a few miles deep but have swallowed up around 100km (62 miles) of Ukrainian territory. In the more heavily defended east of Ukraine, it’s taken Russia months to achieve the same.
Russia claims its forces have now entered the border town of Vovchansk, which Ukraine disputes.
The town has come under heavy bombing in recent days, and several thousand residents have been evacuated.
Denys wants to know what happened to Ukraine’s defences.
“There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined fields” he says.
He shows me video from a drone feed taken a few days ago of small columns of Russian troops simply walking across the border, unopposed.
He says officials had claimed that defences were being built at huge cost, but in his view, those defences simply weren’t there. “Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasn’t a failure. It was a betrayal”.
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F16s will start arriving in two weeks, Russians on suicide watch, it's literally going to ge like the attack on the death star, near hogwaarts. Hero leader zelenskiviv, beloved of his people, will oversee the battlespace from his glorious armoured citadel in Beverly Hills
>14 brigades without weapons
I guess this explains the drone snuff footage.
Propaganda shouldn't be underestimated, they turned nations sympathetic or neutral towards Russia to fanatic russophobes in 1-2 generations, it's a young people thing for the most part, while boomers are somewhat nostalgic for the soviet days.
Yes there are plans to start planning the shipment of war stuffs

Here is my proof they stole 32 billion of military gear (in 90s dollars, probably over 100 billion in todays $). They lost a generation of infantry, artillery, mechanics, because they had nothing to train with.


A Ukrainian parliamentary inquiry concluded that between 1992 and 1998, Ukraine lost $32 billion in military assets, in part through theft, discount arms sales and lack of oversight. (In comparison, Ukraine's spending on legal arms for defense in 1999 is estimated to have been $500 million.) Many of the missing weapons found their way into the hands of willing buyers in hot spots around the globe, from Sierra Leone to Croatia. And as these arms proliferated, so did evidence of international criminal networks that sold arms from Ukraine in flagrant violation of international sanctions and embargoes.

Theft and corruption in the military facilitated the flow of illegal weapons from Ukraine. It was also facilitated by forged or falsified end-user certificates, the export documents that are supposed to record the final recipient of an arms shipment. The ease with which arms shipments moved through official channels has led many observers to conclude that prominent Ukrainian officials were involved in the deals. In a 1999 report on Eastern European arms dealing, Human Rights Watch concluded that export-control authorities in the region were accepting arms brokers' documentation without question, either through "complicity or incompetence." Other observers say responsibility goes straight to the top of the Ukrainian government. Writing in The Christian Science Monitor, Ukrainian political scientist Taras Kuzio said, "High-level Ukrainian officials, if not directly dealing arms, are reportedly either smoothing the path for sales or at least looking the other way."

I fucking hate Ukrainians.
and when US sent their auditor ukranians just killed him and dumped his body on a construct site...
Goof take but more to the story.
The baddie in all of this is NATO, who desperately sought relevance when the USSR fell. Overnight, they became useless. Despite western assurances that NATO would not expand eastward, they began their most aggressive expansion ever in order to for Russia to react.

There is nothing more evil and damaging than a bureaucracy that has outlived its purpose.
>$300B last two years
Enough to buy:
>20 nuclear carriers
>300 B2 stealth bombers
>30,000 Abraham tanks
>we can’t arm our troops
Where did the fucken money go?
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71 billion? what are we going to do with that measly 45 billion? the US aid of 22 billion isn't going to cover anything. franky the 3 billion in aid is useless, that's almost nothing.
If they dont have their own weapons maybe they should start negotiating
he could dress his conscripts in dresses and spray them with perfume and seduce the russians into sex and then accuse the russians of being gay and reddit will lose their collective minds and go viral!
he should just surrender at this point
No? Maybe you shouldnt start killing people in Donbas. It was obvious what is going on and what will happen next. Problem is that you fools cant open eyes even when they simply drag and send you die in trench. USA used us against Russia. I know you cant change what your goverment did. But if you dont see it, you are idiot that deserve it.
>US aid of 22 billion isn't going to cover anything
>we only have 20 B2 at $1B a piece because it was too expensive
LMAO pick one
M1A2 tank is $10M, $22B is 2,200 tanks where are they?
To be fair poles are one of the best fighters on earth but have a long history of fighting for the worlds elites and getting fucked over. See: Haiti
>creates 14 brigades without equipment or people to staff it
>complains to the west
seriously, what did he mean by this? they're literally in the process of de-mechanising existing mech brigades (some of them from the great countersneed of 2023) just to do this.
It is without a doubt the dumbest thing i've ever seen. Ever.
China must be laughing their asses off watching both sides of this retarded conflict bleed themselves to death with a thousand cuts.
Guess how I know you just started paying attention when this war started. History started that day. No, no, don't look back further at the donbass rebellion or the cia coop.
there's not much else to give.

they have received every single modern AA. They have received hundreds of advanced missiles.
they have received endless perfect ISR. They have received all the stocks of artillery.
they have received all the stocks of modern tanks.
They have received hundreds of modern IFVs.
they have received Radar Jets. They have received untold numbers of volounteers and "advisors".

I don't really understand what more it is they want?
They were promised the moon and then some, but the material realities of the west being what they are, it's no surprise.

i guess they drank the kool aid as well. The west being able to print artillery shells like this was in CIV 5 or something.

it's not possible. you need a stable and strong industrial base, and resources, to make war materiel.

and the west sold it all to focus on faggot jobs in offices instead.
Checked, mansions in Europe, Israel and America for every leader in Ukraine, lots of cocaine, a bugatti for Zelenskys wife, stuff like that and ofcourse the lower level officers sell some of the weapons at the black market to syrians and mexican cartels etc

To be completely serious there is zero oversight so the money could be going anywhere, nobody is looking at how the money is spent when it gets to Ukraine
NEVER. We will fight Russia to the last zigger and to the last hohol. Germany is willing to make that sacrifice. Seethe.
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>I don't really understand what more it is they want?
Troops or nukes or 100 more billion
You mean Chyna is paying off Biden admin to weaken Russia so it can invade eastern Russia? US-Russo war will only help chyna secure energy in Siberia and weaken US dominance in the world
You shitfaced anglos colonized Europe you faggot. We are your colonies so pay up. We where doing fine with our Duce.
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What are the real fucking numbers aahhhhh ?
all together fren...or else
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Yes and remember that its our fault when they lose
The Ukraine shouldn't have let their elected government get overthrown.
They're drawing it out hoping to bleed the U.S. dry because we're finding two foreign wars.

No money for anything except war
Turns out ukies were the ones fighting with shovels all along.
>Obama CIA coup 2014
Maybe you shouldn't have let the globalists install an actor who would unquestioningly reas their scripts, begin murdering your own countrymen in donbass, then intentionally provoke this war to enrich the mic. You allowed this, so the blood of your own children are on your hands. You are and will be the trailer park of nations until the new weintraub settlements start being built in the Black Rock owned territories which will unironically class the joint up a bit.
>Turns out ukies were the ones fighting with shovels all along
Soooooooo where did $300B US sent them go?>>473161966
it might be this, but it also seems like the russians are obsessed with fighting a "clean" war, with as little casualties and risk taken as possible.

this goes against the propaganda narrative in the west, but they have fought this war extremely cautiously from the start.

they wanted a deal in the beginning, and even got one. But ukraine dragged them into an ugly conflict and they had to scale up the war, etc.
they have still managed to get away with extremely low casualties all this notwithstanding, while still fighting a serious conflict and trying to win against stiff resistence.
58 billion was cash/cypto for salaries and pensions
Welcome to Globohomo, hohols :^)
>Soooooooo where did $300B US sent them go?
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, is this really a question?
In 30 years some CIA files are gonna be de-classified that detail how the ukies sold the equipment in the black market and pocketed the money or even ahared it with the democrats or some shit.
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underrated post.
the ukes got what they fucking deserved. do not let a single one escape.
>we have an army with no weapons
Seems you don't have an army. Just a rabble.
I don't really keep up with this shit show but didn't they get some kind of advanced prototype mine clearing vehicles last year? I just remember it was mind boggling retardation to get these things and then drive them straight into the front where they were all immediately destroyed.
Uh oh, Hungary done goofed
cunt-sequences to come

ukraines official website:

Regarding Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s visit to Moscow on July 5, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasizes that the decision to make this trip was made by the Hungarian side without approval or coordination with Ukraine.

We remind that the principle of "no agreements on Ukraine without Ukraine" remains inviolable for our country and call on all states to strictly adhere to it.

The Peace Formula remains the only realistic way to restore a just peace. As demonstrated by the first Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, which was also attended by Hungary, more than a hundred states and international organizations share a vision of peace based on respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the UN Charter. The Peace Summit format is a key platform for finding ways to restore a just peace.
They have received the entire park of advanced weaponry from the west.

In every class of weapons, from the most simple to the most advanced and dangerous, they have received high tech, modern versions of this class. Weapons that were meant for western armed forces went to ukraine.

imaging killing people nearly identical to you because a dancing jew in drag tells you they are the real issue and not your corrupt government keeping you in poverty
shameful, you morons dont deserve to exist
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be the sons of God.

European Council President Charles Michel has also condemned Orban’s trip, suggesting that Hungary has “no mandate to engage with Russia on behalf of the EU,” and stressing that “no discussions about Ukraine can take place without Ukraine.”

Orban, however, has insisted that he does not need a mandate to seek peace and pointed out that Hungary has relatively limited political clout and is not formally holding negotiations.

“We can be a good tool in the hands of God, we can be a good tool in the hands of people who want peace,” the prime minister said. He explained that he hopes to convince Moscow and Kiev of the need to work together in order to achieve a ceasefire and initiate peace talks.
>What does the kike think he can achieve
To have you all killed and replaced with diversity.
Slava jewcraini :^)
you love to see it
a hohol getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT online
you wouldve had a better chance at the frontline, little buddy
He’s probably already in Israel. He’s just an actor after all
Why don't they simply defeat the wicked Putin by uniting with the Care Bear Stare and using the Power of Love???
That would totally be in keeping with the Mickey Mouse bullshit we've gotten about Saint Zelenskii and his Holy Perfect Democratic Paradise of Ukraine/Kyiiiv.
Russian forces have carried out 23 combined strikes on Ukrainian targets in the past week, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said.

The attacks, which took place between June 29 and July 5, involved both “high precision weapons” and drones, the ministry said in a statement on Friday.

They hit Ukrainian airfields, as well as energy infrastructure used to power the country’s military-industrial complex. Sites where Kiev’s missiles were being stored and prepared for launch were also successfully targeted.

Russian missiles and UAVs also destroyed fuel depots used for Ukrainian hardware, and assembly shops for aerial drones and unmanned boats, the ministry added.

Moscow reported several major strikes in Ukraine during the past week, including an attack on the Mirgorod airfield in Poltava Region on Tuesday, in which five of Kiev’s Su-27 fighter jets were destroyed and two others damaged.

WATCH Ukrainian Su-27s get wiped out at airfield by Russian strikeREAD MORE WATCH Ukrainian Su-27s get wiped out at airfield by Russian strike
During the past week, Russian air-defense systems shot down two Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29s and one Su-27 jet, five US-supplied ATACMS missiles, 14 Storm Shadow cruise missiles that had been donated by Britain, 42 rockets for US-made HIMARS, and Czech-made Vampire systems, as well as 451 drones of various types, the statement read.

The total losses incurred by the Ukrainian military over the past seven days have reached up to 13,500 servicemen, according to the defense ministry. The most intense fighting apparently took place in Russia’s Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), where more than 7,700 Ukrainian troops were killed or severely wounded.

In the DPR, the villages of Spornoe, Shumy, Novoaleksandrovka, and Novopokrovskoe, as well as the Novy district of the strategic town of Chasov Yar, have been “liberated,” the ministry said.
>100 more billion
didn't you mean 800? That's the latest figure they've given. Along with 3 aircraft carriers and a space ship
I can't find it in the archives, but I remember seeing a list of ukrainian weapons that went missing, and among them there were something like 30 or 40 artillery systems. it's unlikely they're still in europe, but who knows. maybe it was just Russian propaganda, but Ukraine doesn't have exactly a good track record when it comes to this stuff

>A Ukrainian parliamentary inquiry concluded that between 1992 and 1998, Ukraine lost $32 billion in military assets, in part through theft, discount arms sales and lack of oversight. (In comparison, Ukraine's spending on legal arms for defense in 1999 is estimated to have been $500 million.)

if this happened during peaceful times, I can definitely see it happen while they're at war
Gibs f35 and B2 strategic bombers. Now.
>Yes and remember that its our fault when they lose
Nahh it will be only our Psheks fault...an insult similiar to a ban from janny a badge of honor
Thats a lot of bugattis, dude. To be more serious, they aren't the military aid those in cash, its just some random number attached to whatever they get from the west. The "financial aid" probably is where they corrupt out a lot, but still you have to remember ukraine is 99% dependent on life support, the whole country is basically a huge weapons factory and soldier country in total war mode with 0 normal economy, so they massive cash injections otherwise the army stops getting paid and offs zelensky instantly
ass clown zelensky. lord dictator of the so-called free world
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>Ukraine's allies promise alot of gear but seems most announcements are merely PR with no intent to actually deliver.
Never gonna happen
>I am always right
>I am smarter than you
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Damn the jews lied, and Europeans died, who could've guessed this.
But honestly, nuke both sides
Just a prank bro
Schrodinger's Ukraine. Simultaneously annihilating the Russians whilst at the same time suffering crippling material and manpower shortages that will cause them to lose in two weeks if nothing is done about it immediately, with your money.
Ukraine must bayonet charge Russia
Blinkiken is having the most disastrous midlife crisis in history
>Become glowie at the height of the Cold War
>Can’t wait for him to be at the top
>USSR falls, Cold War ends
>Nothing to do now
>Except create a new Cold War to live out your pathetic delusional fantasies.
>Damn be the consequences: Hohol civies, the US dollar, World stability, etc.
>It is all expendable so some fucking loser can rock out to his Cold War 2.0

The first Mission Impossible movie got one part right. All of these glowniggers thought they were going to make their mark fighting the Soviets but when the Cold War ended, they suddenly had no purpose in life.
Umm… what?
Would you like to be attacked?
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He wanted to be the next Sacha Baron Cohen so bad… imagine aspiring to be a pathetic clown.
Also, same no one has checked them quads
Da xhe would sussy bussy pidorashka time
Reagan started backing UNITA in Sierra Leon vs. the ANC commies, then Bush, then when Clinton got elected the UN put an embargo on arm sales so they used Victor bout to supply them with Russian made ukrainian arms to frame Russia.

Victor Bouts first encounter with interpol was in 1991 Sierra Leon. My guess he was telling Russia exactly what was being delivered where the whole time, the USA discovered this in 2005 so they made up some bullshit charges and jailed him
Ukraine was asking for it.
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>No complex system will survive the Crisis of Competency.
Part of the problem is the US military is responsible for actually delivering the equipment. Pic related.
those berets are fucking stupid. The old cap at least kept the sun out of your eyes
gosh I'm glad your country is being completely raped to shreds by muslim and pagan immigrants.
May your country pay for its sins in full.
by the way, i read something abotu the leftists having just won in the UK? lmao. well not like it makes any difference, both parties are out to fuck you over. good riddance nigel!
Is Russia winning?

It’s impossible for Ukraine to win unless Western troops get sent.
Even a 10000 hour Hearts Of Iron player wouldn't be able to save the AFU after Zelenskzy and co. fucked up as badly as they did
every time I post a link to it the thread dies...
are they seriously still talking about that counter offensyiv? kek
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shills all gone, funny how NATO using thier AI to attack targets in Russia barely got a peep in the media
ugh... every fucking time...
No, election is suspended due to wartime, and anyone who might run against Zelensky keeps mysteriously turning up dead.
I appreciate that link anon, definitely an interesting read and trail to investigate. If the thread dies down feel free to post more I'll read em.
>14 brigades
How can they have brigades without weapons? Or these brigades consist of children, old people and cripples they scooped up from the streets?
wtf bro goyim should never ask where the meat on the table came from
They are meat shields for foreign mercenaries and „elite“ fpv operators

Put in a trench to catch Russian artillery and Aristotle’s with their ass and stall off any advances

Russians have posted videos of these „soldiers“, they are dropped off in a field alone, without weapons, without water and told to wait
Thank you, Russ-bro
US still has thousands of armored vehicles in it's army reserves. They just don't wanna spend it on expendable hohol slaves who believed into american lies.
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Globohomo can't fight
>How can they have brigades without weapons?
Simple. It's pure infantry brigades. No artillery, no motorization, no ifvs and tanks. Only soldiers with rifles.
Armoured vehicles is what the attacking side needs

Cockholes have shit their pants so spectacularly they will only get defensive weapons now like drones and anti air.
Where is all the money? The hundreds of billions of dollars? Go and buy weapons for your impressed brigades.
So it will be a trans offensiyv, a retreat that identifies as an offensiyv?
For what is all intents and purposes a world war I was expecting some jaw-dropping innovation but we're still making metal beetles for some reason.
Or just his luxury mansion in Egypt.
wtf did I just watch is this some long lost hungo humour? I like it.
You were probably a child during maidan, what the fuck do you know?
just a cool trillion dollareedo's no biggie. You cannot convince me that this endeavour is anything other than to make the people of europe poor as fuck.
The dancing psych ward cat meme has been in since at least last year, you’re out of touch
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What's with you Russians and reposting the same fakes over and over? At least put a copy of SIMS 3 next to it.
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> Or these brigades consist of children, old people and cripples they scooped up from the streets?
yes. To the VERY last hohol
Victoria Nuland openly stated that the US admin wants Europe to freeze and starve. Most European leaders are blackmailed by the NSA and such as per the Snowden leak. If we change policy, suddenly terrorist attacks, NPP hacks and other such bullshit will start happening
Zelensky announced nuclear rearmament at the Munich Security Conference in February 2022. This couldn't be understood as anything else but a begging for an immediate attack by Russia. How stupid you think we are?
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>out of touch
Yeah probably.
mutts need to keep them incase canada decides to invade. hohols can just use ladas strapped with machine guns to charge ahead lmao
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never get involved in a land war in Asia
>I hate my country because niggers and muslims so I'm going to support russia killing Europeans and replacing them with niggers and muslims to own le libs
So hecking based

Where is all the money and stuff going?
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> so I'm going to support russia
bingo. that's it. you can backspace the rest of your post.
> If we change policy, suddenly terrorist attacks
This was the answer given to Germany's minister of interior, Joachim Herrmann, when he visited Washington and kindly asked to no longer tap our chancelleuse's phone. They didn't "warn" about terrorist attacks, they threatened with them. They "would let them happen" it was said, if we reduced our collaboration in spying on our own country and government.
and offered peace terms over and over
>Russia shat in my pants so now they all need to die because communism
Why don't they accept the peace terms offered by ukraine if they want peace so much?
>why doesn't the winner just capitulate to the loser responsible for the conflict
seems legit
Don’t even need to go that „far“. Germany built a gas pipeline and sharts blew it up to keep the gas transit through Ukraine which lines the pockets of pedo in charge‘s son who was promoted to be the head of Ukrainian gas, it’s all in the open and it reeks to high heaven
nicely done
where are all those billions that US tax payers sent? I wonder if Pelosi's net worth went up by couple hundred million in the last 3 months
there was a top level geopolitical adviser guy named Zbigniew Brzezinski and he wrote a book called the Great Chessboard and in that book he was like "NATO is going to get involved in a war in Ukraine east of the Dnepr river and it won't go well for them" and hey what do you know

almost like this is all scripted in advance.
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many such cases
it will be a good lesson for hohols that survive to never trust a jew and most of all never trust a homosexual comedian jew

because their peace terms are "go home, give back crimea and donbass, pay for all the damage+tip for the psychological discomfort, and let us join nato so we can put nuclear weapons close to your borders". jewlensky doesn't want peace because otherwise how could he beg for more money?
jusr two more weeks and they're operational
So, if tomorrow, ukraine bombs the shit out of russia, you'll be in favor of putin capitulating?
Also putin always considered nato to be responsible for the war so why didn't he attack a nato country instead?
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>2025 counteroffensyiv
They cannot be fucking serious....
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it's up to the west if the ukraine will have a counteroffensyiv or not
I simply don't care about some gay little ZOG puppet state collapsing. They can print as much money to throw into the pit as they want, but it won't help.
They want us to go and fight and I simply won't do it
Imagine even floating the idea when last time you took a village.
You are an American agent
Where do you think the gangs in your country are getting grenades and assault rifles retard?
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bullshit. retards have been playing geopolitics for so long, they have now become retarded AND complacent. bad combination. there is no script. we are witnessing, for the first time ever i suspect, genuine emotions and reactions from both sides.

it is this much of a clusterfuck. russia, israel, biden, everything mushed into one clusterfuck casserole.
Ukraine isn't in any position to make any demands. The time for Ukraine to make any demands in their favor is long since passed.
Oh no! 4chan faggots say it with me:

why are they kidnapping boys off the streets then if they have so many extra brigades
probably just a pajeet or a bot regurgitating a script
How have Ukrainians not killed this guy yet?
Imagine being such a shit country you can't even manufacture small arms.
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>why are they kidnapping boys off the streets
easy as picking a banana
Uzi gave them what they needed to make thier own guns. The factory was probably bombed
42 width space marines and CAS
You deserve to for you bringing the Rothschilds and New Jew Order to the world through your WEF, Bilderberg Conference, Frankfurth School, Soros, etc
Go fight in Ukraine if it's that easy then.
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send mony plz
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>Uzi gave them what they needed
How would this help Ukraine win the war though?

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