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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473154420
Imagine being a loony coon simping for Coomula. Ultra MAGA.
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Frat Whore !!!
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A central question: What does Kamala believe in?
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i accept your consneedsion
If they play by Biden's rules, meaning if he gets his cut, he'll let them do it. Joe is only mad cause the jews aren't giving him his deserved 10 percent.
The Debate


Who won? You decide!
Joe Biden will not be the Democratic nominee for the 2024 US election.
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Good morning, /ptg/...who's been grilling literally non-stop for the past 24 hors
Actually yes.
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What a reasonable set of gentlemen
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As a philosemite and lover of all things Israel, I’m hoping #Trump wins in 2024, Biden is like a Palestinian, he has done nothing for Israel compared to Trump.
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If you read between the lines of the prestige outlets today you can plainly see that they're going to walk it all back and keep this old fuck.
Transgender bottom surgeries for babies
Probably transgender surgeries for babies
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Montel Williams had a piece back when it was fresh. She must be good at something to have made it this far...
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I don't know if they can damage control their way out of this. From a propaganda perspective that is quite the task, people are already shitting on AP for this headline too.
No way are they walking it back. If anything they will increase the pressure. The big Dem donors are big mad and their media creatures will do their bidding.

They will not be disrespected. The knives will be out for the whole Biden family now.
Reminder that shills can't stop Trump.

>shills: Trump is over and so is this thread! Bye losers!

Also shills

>Shills: after 8 years of being here everyday I have to question why are you still here? Trump is old news, he lost and this thread is meaningless. So don't think about voting incase I wasn't clear enough before. Haha..well see you...unless I kill myself hahaha...take that T-trump...I bet the thought of possibly killing myself makes you seethe so much haha
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ME well smoking and slow cooking but that's a subset of grilling
yeah she used to be in her 20's and 30's is what she had to offer
Being unburdened.
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damn str8
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destroying the us constitution.
I think it will be fitting if the bidens get fucked over for burisma by their own party out of spite.
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Checking the corners
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>smoking and slow cooking
Yes, I should have clarified and included these activities...hopefully it all turns out delicious for you

Good morning, ancapvidyanon...do you know when this 'rally' Dementia Veggie Joe is supposed to have in Madison, WI today begins? I simply can't turn away from watching the ongoing death spiral at this point
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>P...please, Trump-sama, announce a VP candidate to take Biden off the news cycle!
He's just watching this clusterfuck unfold.
sucking cocks for money and power
I'm starting to warm up to Kamala lads. In fact, just this morning after a big poop, thought to myself
>imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been
I gotta say, I live in a really red state but I've never seen so many Harris 24 signs in lawns. Everywhere I look, not one Trump supporter. It's crazy because we've always voted red but it's obvious that this election, Kamala is the clear winner. We call her Country Kamala in my house.
I was at a bar in town on Saturday night - a real right wing, trucker and farmer type of bar, a real salt-of-the-Earth type of place - and a Harris interview came on during the big game. My dad says "y'know, I've voted red since the Reagan administration but this Harris chick, she's alright." Then the local gun store owner said “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but she’s got my vote in ‘24.” I look around and my face is stunned. All of these hardcore Trump supporters are shaking the head in agreement. I heard a couple “yes, sir” and “damn straight”. Everyone started nodding and agreeing, and we were talking about how she's not a billionaire so she understands the plight of the middle class. We all call her Middle Class Kamala around these parts.
She's the best candidate for the job. She was basically President for the last 4 years and our economy is booming. We call her Queen Kamala and her Kamalaconomy. Anyways just thought I'd throw in my two cents on the matter. Sounds like it'll be another landslide victory!
>Good morning, ancapvidyanon...do you know when this 'rally' Dementia Veggie Joe is supposed to have in Madison, WI today begins? I simply can't turn away from watching the ongoing death spiral at this point
I do not but maybe someone else does
i've never had a juicer turkey
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corn just flew over my house
I 100 percent believe this, our ground game needs improvement Trump bros
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you may not like it but this is what peak corn eating looks like
>tfw no big tiddy corn-fed iowan gf
in all seriousness i don't know who the fuck is going to take his place when he either retires or dies
You are not wrong, Paco.
I helped smoke some ribs.
>grilling corn with the husk removed
the lady governor they have now
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I only like eating corn in the form of cornmeal muffins or sopes
Oh no
same here, corn is 2' higher than it should be, field by my house rarely blocks out LOS from the road but it's been blocking LOS completely for 2 weeks at least
Politicians and news outlets never fully commit they always want a way to weasel out. It's pretty clear Biden got a deadline ultimatum from his party bosses to fix it in 2-3 weeks or step down from the race. If he rambos out no more money for his campaign and especially no more cushy free money for his family after he loses.
watch out for velociraptors
lots of rain and sun?
There is so much shit on them I don't think the Biden's understand what will come there way if he doesn't drop out.

You never see the media attack a DEM presidential candidate like this. People don't understand how unheard of this really is.
He should approve more funding for Ukraine, that'll save his numbers
If Biden is in such a state that he needs to be replaced, that automatically disqualifies Kamala for not sounding the alarm or taking action to 25A him. Inaction proves her incompetence.
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Goed Awoovening my maggers
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He actually sent 3B more this week.
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There's no grand plan. There are no ultimatums. Nobody is in a smoke fill room figuring things out.
It's just an old man and a party that finally realized they couldn't bullshit about it any longer.
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Burgers still have corn?
I just harvested couple of weeks back, will plant some s()y next.
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lmao that does read like 'craft, pretty sure that was directly ripped from Whisperer in the Dark
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ghdhulu :DDD
that cunt is a snake in the grass and was all too eager to stab trump in the back and hop on the desantis train before she realized it was already derailed
she is not to be trusted and needs to be replaced as soon as a viable alternative shows himself
I still think the dem plan is to work him to death
yeah.. i think that's the only thing keeping joe in there des.. if he steps down, his senpai immediately loses whatever political power they have.
I mean, they have to still have some measure of it if joe is successfully avoiding being removed, right now.
Niggerman has abandoned us. Also someone pull up the listen up Jack I am the virus pic.
the word filters were done by mongoloids
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Hey is there some reason shills stopped talking about the border wall? I haven't seen hide nor hair of them for years
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Awoo my fellow organic Trump supporter! Don't you just love Zion Don? I'll be voting for him this November to be sure! I'm totally not getting paid to be here by the way!
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forgot to turn off your memeflag Chang
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Trump is a child rapist btw
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Biden will probably reach single digits in the aggregate betting odds by this afternoon. The ABC interview must not be looking good lmao.
when I find the biden tripfag it will make national headlines
internationally if it's one of you niggers funposting
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Liberation is close at hand boys
26-28. It's the one shill poll the dems are desperatly clinging to while everything else is +3-+6 Trump.
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old news with a pre-debate sample
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>dredging up fake and dismissed lawsuits from 8 years ago
you're letting them see you bleed anon
>someone with the name of Bitecofer being honest about something

Also, if this was true, then why does she mention it now?
stop posting fanfics from 2016 as if they ever had any credibility
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Brutal lads
I know, just calling them out
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Being a brown nigger and communism and a faceless puppetbeing
what did anyone expect?
it's a pac.
trump's platform is here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/
This is the only stuff he will fully endorse.
Has undercover Joe tripcode come in to cope yet today?

Yesterday he was bragging that"trumpshits were wrong about Biden leaving"
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>strike me down
>make your failure complete
The Jews really really want Biden gone! That's what happens when you don't give them 2,000 pound bombs.
We can tell you are Hispanic because you are using citrus for salt flavoring.
Incorrect, peak corn eating is white corn wrapped up and smoked until tender.
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it's fun when it happens to democrats i dislike
No wonder she doesn't have a Twitter pic
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Trump is like three years younger; this is dumb.
>Albanians on small motorbikes at 3am
that's my favorite Winter Olympics event
Isn’t it also proven the woman in this wasn’t real either?
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Only 1 of 3 days was post debate. So they expect a big swing towards Trump
Yes, Trumpturds were wrong about Biden leaving. Joe will leave...in four years.
That judge looks suspiciously like Ru Paul
I think it's up in the air whether Biden will actually leave. It's clear that the Democrats want him gone, but he, or rather Jill, is refusing to go quietly. They're going to try to starve him of donors in the next month to see if he gets the message, if he still won't fuck off then you'll see the Dems just pull back and go all in on downballot races while Joe runs a skeleton campaign.
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The camp of communists is split with Jews on all sides. How mysterious and unexpected and new that a Jew could betray a Jew. Of course you knew that since you're smart.

I think the bigger point is that it actually has a sound basis rather than being invented nonsense.
>Biden assfucks his party with the debate performance
kill these people
He's going to die in four years? Going to be rough living through the whole second Trump term.
There is nothing dumb about it, there are people who are 100 and do not use a walked because they are not inform. Biden is older, infirm, mentally ill, dementia ridden, and incapable which that image depicts. It is apt and you are wrong.

After the Albanian smash and grab at 4am 100m sprint
>Biden is older, infirm, mentally ill, dementia ridden, and incapable which that image depicts.
What are you? A doctor?
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I see it's all hands on deck to Save dementia Joe. Save it for tonight when he botches his interview.
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>do not use a walked because they are not inform
less meth more proofreading
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Don't forget infinite shekels and bugattis for ukraine subsequently khazaria
Anon I…
It's a pre-recorded interview with a political ally + news room editing. How the hell could he possibly fuck it up?
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Is this not the trannyfesto that got leaked while Tucker still had a job on Fox Jews?
It's not gonna work
They're prosecuting Trump for everything under the sun
If he was involved with Epstein it'd be the easiest layup in all legal history
He's clean as a whistle
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the media has a long history of setting up people and editing the interview footages to facilitate that
So you're saying Joe Biden only won Wisconsin by fraud then?
He will fuck it up. George is following orders from the DNC to really screw over Biden.

The Biden family doesn't understand the dynamics have changed and they have lost favor with the ruling elite.
I think it'll be telling on what party insiders want. If Papadopoulos got the call from Hillary and friends and stabs old Joe in the heart it's over. If not they're trying to salvaging it.
this is what refusing the propaganda looks like, lol.
>Oy vey sex sells goy!
Oh wow, I think I'm gonna support Trump because muh dik! Well done rabbi!
yes it was a phony lawsuit all the way down
yeah, and it's extremely rare to see fire trained on Dems like this
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>Trump is a child rapist btw
Get bent.
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>It's a pre-recorded interview with a political ally + news room editing. How the hell could he possibly fuck it up?
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Dude. You expect us to believe Trump is a child rapist, and the best AGs around the country can get on him is a campaign clerical error and “overvaluing” his property to secure a loan.
Are you for real?
He's a sleaze who fucked a nasty hooker while his wife was nursing their newborn child. That tells you all you need to know about his moral character.
He's for real
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>This Katie Johnson?
Gendo Ikari is a Reipist angelwars.com
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>He's a sleaze who fucked a nasty hooker while his wife was nursing their newborn child.
Chang filtered.
Why are you up late achmed it's 2 a.m. and you need to help your mom at the shawarma stand in the morning!
reminder: if joe steps down the shills don't get paid.
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Suddenly I really want Joe Biden to step aside for the good of the country
All of this sounds awesome.
Can't wait for the cope tonight when Biden absolutely smashes this interview.
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>He's a sleaze who fucked a nasty hooker while his wife was nursing their newborn child.
Debonked from the source.
And it's funny as hell that the media spent over a week kvetching about a website trump doesn't even like.
These people are so easily led.. just post a link a couple of times on a fucking basket weaving forum and the whole media just takes the bait
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lol fag
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How are you keeping up this cope when his entire party, voter base and the MSM have all abandoned him?
Ewww. Tattoos.
Who cares which Jew puppet is in office?
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Dementia Veggie Joe is en route to Madison, most likely with that midget George Stephanie

My opinion is that if he isn't out the next seven days, he'll be in it until the end...what the 'end' is, I've no fucking clue
The party and voters haven't abandoned him. Majority of Democrats want him to stay.
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The damage control from this was fantastic
*George Snuffleupagus
because he's a gay muppet
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I can't believe you actually posted this!
>Men pay 130k to prostitutes they've never had sex with to keep quiet about the sex they've never had
This is your brain on MIGA
>Guise how do I reply to a post? I'm totally not a newfag shill or anything
Yeah, /ptg/ isn't used to the truth.
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I'll support Kamala because we share something in common, we sit down and do nothing all day, almost like Biden. Encore that shit.
that's completely delusional
>the truth
your btand of truth has no value.
facts have value. you don't supply those.
Only 32% want him to step down.
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You are out of your fucking mind and so is reuters.
The bitch has claws. Is she a jew too?
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THIS! The people are with Joe, and the MAGAts are cowering in fear of his historic record and Scrantonian political instincts.
>Only 32%
>only a third
a) do you not realize how disastrous that is?
b) it's actually way more than that
c) go kys faggot lol
Jews really fucked up this time. They thought they'll have a useful puppet, but he's so far gone in his dementia dream not even kikes can control him.
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Leaked Barron is actually Biden's son. Drumpf cucked beyond belief.
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Oh shit now I'm Joe or bust! Kamaltoe the hoe has to go!
Enjoy your impending L. Only four months away!
it also helps that his powerhungry wife REALLY wants to be shadow-president and can't stand that being taken away from her
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Your party has never been more fractured than it is now and you're bragging about it, TOP KEK.
>that total disconnect from reality
ya hate to see it
there's a story in axios this morning about how there are 3 aids that keep Joe in a total bubble and that joe "has lost all independence"

the three aids all work for jill lmao
A difference of opinion isn't a fracturing. Over 90 percent of Democrats will vote for the nominee and the nominee is Joe.
The problem is Biden thinks Palestinian children getting blown to pieces by 2,000 pound bombs is a bad look. Trump doesn't suffer from this character flaw.
Also Hunter, he wants all that crack money and absolute immunity to law while his daddy's still in the office.
I'm much more worried about the surveilance state and the powers required to make some of this happen. but if we could just get a highlight reel like this Trump will easily be the best ever
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imagine unironically believing this
this is worse than jeb's hoodie footage
at least jeb got the thing on himself
Are you sure about that? You have a big rift in the party over Palestine on top of people having a realization over the debate performance. Add onto that that Trump will not be sentenced and you have a big optics problem.
>What Biden policy don't you like?
>Magatard: He had trouble putting on his coat
politics in Judeo America
Your President lost a significant chunk of his own party to Nikki Haley...
What did Biden mean by this?
>literally can't even fucking dress himself
it's never been more Joever
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you have to rely on a dying potato.
and he's failing you badly.
No, he didn't. You are coping, seething, misdirecting and ignoring reality. Will you livestream your suicide when Trump wins again?
>Will you livestream your suicide when Trump wins again?
I keep saying yes because the orange tyrant is never winning ever again.
>I keep saying yes
you better follow through
>Over 90 percent of Democrats
who actually vote. they've never gotten close to 90% turn out. ever.
burisma keeps you up at night
I won't have to ;)
Palestine is a hate term.
Palestine doesn’t exist.
Check your Google-approved maps.
Your Jewish friend rightfully feel violated and invalidated by the word.
Palestinian is as bad of a word, if not worse, than the N-word.
Stop using the P-word.
Use instead “unavoidable civilian casualty.”
That stinky nigger judge is wearing a wig.
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If only you knew what was coming, you'd stay more on your toes.
You maga-lards wouldn't be fixated on Kamala if you weren't getting a little nervous.
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>Bidenshill has been addicted to /ptg/ for the past 4 years
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
it's wild how you fags just reject reality again and again
The hidden Joe tripcode poster is just a troll and most likely is actually a Trump voter
I just know there is some right-wing dipshit with an entire folder full of my posts that he didn't get to use in 2020 because I was right. That amuses me.
No, because he was nowhere to be found during the disastrous Biden debate performance. He's paid to damage control and shit up the thread.
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pidser givs you weird ass dreams because of the night shade sauce.
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Palestinians are the sand niggeriest of all sand niggers, the bottom of the barrel of violent sadistic treacherous Muslim rats. In a choice between kikes and followers of pedo warlord, enemy of Christendom and white people Mohammad, I'll take the kikes, thank you.
Doubt it, Akariposter is a troll, this guy is serious about the posts he makes.
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Why would you use night shade on sauce...
they're likely from jim watkins' pedophile website. very many of their images use the 8kun filename structure, so they probably are based there or somethig.
You mega-woksters wouldn’t be fixated on Trump if you weren’t getting a little nervous.
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tomators are of the night shade family thats why they give you the heart burns
>Palestinians are the sand niggeriest of all sand niggers, the bottom of the barrel of violent sadistic treacherous Muslim rats. In a choice between kikes and followers of pedo warlord, enemy of Christendom and white people Mohammad, I'll take the kikes, thank you.
That was a very convoluted way of saying you're a Jew.
And leaky gut, but, they have antioxidants
New Depressed Ginger vid


Anticipation for tonight's Biden showing?
The palinogs manage to combine the worst traits of jews and mudshids. Remarkable.
>Average /ptg/ poster
Almost 3a.m. and you have to open the shawarma stand in the morning! Your mom worries about the big bags under your eyes achmed
Thanks Rabbi.
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lmao so gay marriage and LGBT doesn't count as 'woke' anymore?
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Any one who sides with Muslims just to fuck over Jews is slitting his own throat.
We'll throw in Newsom at the convention if necessary. Then its so long maga cultists. They will have to put two diapers on Trump because he won't be able to stop shitting himself.
go back to pedochan, nigger
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nah thats the modern wheat dust
>Look mom, I'm projecting!
Your candidate is a pedo, buddy.
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Do you really believe that or did you game this post out with a group before you made it?
Anyone who hates kikes is my brother.
every single one of your images is a pedokun hashed filename.
you glow like the sun ...breh
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How binary of you.
I guess binary thinking is ok with leftists when talking about Israel and the Palestinians.
Got an Archive link to the story?
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Trump has disavowed. He is not a conservative.
>Trump scurrying away from Project 2025
The attacks must be effective.
Your boy raped a 13 year old
Anything can happen memeflaggot.
Yes, I am binary, in that I am a male and you are a eunuch tranny.
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i was promised politics by someone and he is not here i will begin the concession counter at one a minute
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The absolute state of WigNats
and why wouldnt trump disavow a leftoid scare story
you guys ate that shit up like caviar too.
(that he doesn't even endorse, kek)
good job being the same literal idiots from 8 years ago.
>Trump has disavowed. He is not a conservative.
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>Anything can happen
>Horizontal Harris is just gonna let Newsom jump in front of her with no protest
You forgot the part where Harris is so full of herself she is above criticism and being told no.
Well, that pretty much confirms them digging up old false accusations against Trump to astroturf with, doesn't it?
What does Revelation say about The Whore Of Babylon? Because she is literally that.
Believe in secure borders.
Believe in law and order,
Believe in free expression and right to dissent without being forced out of one’s job, de-banked, and deplatformed.
Believe in fiscal sanity to stop the trillions in debt and deficits.
Believe in funding the police.
Believe in having academic standards.
Believe in strong private unions.
Believe in stopping the off shoring of jobs.
Believe in stopping the deindustrialization of the country.
Believe in family.

Quite a cult I’m part of.

I believe my cult is called sanity.
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gee, you think?
Rioting BLM shit heads and total white male death.
All I know of is Agenda 47
You need to drink more coffee. Your insult capacity is weak.
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>Project 2025
>or is it (((Project 2025)))

I've read very little about this...apparently some kind of 'draft' is available to read somewhere, and various dweebs from The Heritage Foundation are the authors...THF is a think tank founded around fifty years ago, and one of the founders was the son from the Coors company...I don't know how jewish they are at this point, but its origins don't appear to be outwardly jewish
>Agent 47
Is this comms or is grassley just this fucking weird.
the corn lord is not to be understood by mere mortals
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Nigger you just used "binary" as an insult, what did you think was going to happen?
This kicks ass
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i told you stupid niggers that the aurora show a month ago was gonna bring the rains but you niggers never listen
you think, anon?
this place get raided every day over it, lol
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I'm still voting Trump
Reminder that I am still baking.
>things are so grim that the current saving grace of the DNC will be a heavily edited 15 minute “interview” with another DNC stooge
reminder to cuddle your raptors
agenda 47 is lit the ONLY thing trump will endorse because he controls that information on his website.
imo, unless it comes from a trump branded thing, trump didn't say it and doesn't support it by default.
simple as.
Stop, I can only get so hard.
This is based
It's a conservative group who have made plans in the event of a 2025 Trump presidency that would reshape America into a conservative nation. They are handing it to Trump on a silver platter but he is refusing to use it. A literal dope. American's have been duped by this charlatan once again...
ABC and Stephanopoulos are highly respected nationally. Yes, it will help Joe.
Uh anon your id
>CP my up
First time here so i don't know what you said, but I'll listen.
Imagine if he did just half of it.
i cant believe theyre dumping the most popular president in history for willy brown’s fleshlight
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no anon, he's refusing to endorse it explicitly in a general election. do not misunderstand
i was just marking down yesterday in one of my rote searches that "project 2025" is like the one and only left-wing talking point
swallowing is easier than spitting
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CP stands for Carnivores Player
I see this as intelligent on Trump's part.
this allows him to select only the ideas he likes.
words matter.
1) He's stated he doesn't know about it
2) he's a guy that does look at stuff
3) He's got the security clearance to ask the right questions about publicly available information.

I trust trump on this.
unfortunately i am insanely busy right now unMAGA unMAGA unMAGA
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Words do matter and he really does want to send kill teams to Mexico and I think that's based.
>i was just marking down yesterday in one of my rote searches that "project 2025" is like the one and only left-wing talking point
i also noticed this
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the sun dumped a huge load of hydrogen into the solar system a month or two ago. that hydrogen gets funneled into the earth via its magnetic field. it combines with oxygen in the atmosphere and causes a shit ton of rain. i just didnt expect it to be continuously rainy for so long.
Canadian person
i still want the moat + alligators.
they are immune to aids, being reptiles
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that's fourteen (14) concessions
i have lots of politics that will make you unhappy so please let me know when you are ready
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Baffled as to cause of death.
One less Biden voter l o l
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>Project 2025 would reshape America into a conservative nation under another Blimpf term
>I trust Blimpf on this

If Blimpf is now posting about it on TS and claims too have no idea what's going on, I would guess he'll certainly have time to look into this now while he watches Dementia Veggie Joe's death spiral
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Don't ever impugn my honor like that again you filthy leaf.
Yet three more Biden votes...
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The thing about the dead is they're ever increasing
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all you need to know is project 25 is like order 66 from star wars but for leftoid voted to get scared about trump being a literal orange cheeto benito fascist nazi
Thank you for not stalling as I’m still busy with niggermoos.
i am too smart for my own good it's fucking awful
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i hope he does look at it
he's pretty good at picking up on things he didn't previously consider.
>"It's her turn" messaging will surely work this time
All Trump has to do is put shit like this in ads to tie Kamala to Hillary
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have you tried just giving up at everything you get remarkably unbothered then
Thanks for the laugh.
Do you play out at clubs?
Or else I’d have to do an early thread. I know how unpopular those are.
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You're in good company
if any madison anons are bored, sleepy joe is having a campaign event in about an hour and a half. almost wondering if his some within his own party intend to off him at this point.
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It will be ok, welcome to the family
Cherrys here went from good to bad in days, i think because of the excessive rain.
If i recall such story's happened often over the course of history.
I'm not into chemistry or so but the observation on my side links with your theorie.

The heritage foundation has gone operational. instead of being historycucks. is what it seems.
Go now
My corns like 2' tall. Summer started like 2w ago
>Baffled as to cause of death
if they're not saying, its either the vaxx or niggers.
Wow look at how real this is! Can Trump recover? Voting for Biden in 2024! At least Biden tells the TRUTH!
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As I pointed out back in 2004, the USA as we knew it, and as many still erroneously believe it to be, is dead. When George Bush the Younger dismissed the Constitution as “a piece of paper” he wasn’t exaggerating or being metaphorical. Both the Constitution and the electoral system are irrelevant; we probably have not had a genuine and legitimate presidential election since at least 1948, and possibly since 1912.

This is precisely our dilemma today, for America, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, is dead. By every measure, large and small, the original vision of limited government by, for and of the people has been folded, spindled and mutilated beyond recognition. When one reads the Constitution, one simply marvels at the distinct difference between its words and our present reality.

The purpose of the Constitution was to protect the rights and liberties of the descendants of the American revolution. It has not been used for that purpose for quite some time now; it was never, ever envisioned to protect the rights of heathen foreigners against the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants who are the only genuine Posterity for whom the Constitution was written.

So America is a conquered nation, the USA is a failing, bankrupt, lawless empire ruled by a foreign elite, and it has been this way for decades. But only now are the people being forced to wake up to that fact. And only now are they beginning to understand that they are not going to vote their way out of their decades of humiliation any more than the Chinese people did.

Simplicius is wrong about only one thing. The elite that rules the US empire is absolutely beholden to certain principles, specifically, inverted and satanic principles.
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Are white women salvageable?

they sold us to freaks


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