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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473164230
Niggerman cannot save them. Ultra MAGA.
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Disavowed by Trump. Disavowed by MAGA
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what time for sleepy joe's interview?
9pm? Probably taped because he ain't gonna be up thar late.
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Can't wait for more salt and cope
New TQ vid

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>I'm fine, it's just my brain
>Biden drops out
>Kamala defacto nominee
>2 months of Trump ads attacking Kamala
>Kamala poll numbers drop to lower than Biden
>Biden un-drops out
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A lot of e-right tards are going after Trump because he's cleared the air about pproject 2025 being it's own agenda from the Heritage Foundation.
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Welp lol

2:15 eastern
That site glowed bright. Torba never forgave Trump for making his own social media platform and ignoring gab.
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He is a Muslim converso
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I've always wondered: do Japanese girls really spread their fingers like that, with the two middle ones touching? I just tried it and it just seems so unnatural.
lmao even
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seems normal to me
After eight years absolutely nothing has changed with grifters
Torba is basically a death cult leader who uses his dying mastodon fork as a stage for his performative antisemitism. Completely useless as a competitor with Elon's Twitter.
Big if true!!!
It hurt my brain to try it just now
rinos are still all over the place infecting shit.
never forget that all a sleeper needs is a payout and a 'go' directive.
His brother runs a fag “marriage” site and his mom is a practicing witch. True story.
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Ok, thanks for this, anon...I bookmarked it and will look over it over the weekend

>When is Dementia Veggie Joe's interview
Apparently airing tonight @ 9:00 P.M. ET/8:00 P.M. CT on (((ABC)))

I have the Big Faggoty Three on the boomer television right now, and both Faux and (((MSNBC))) briefly had a live shot of what appears to be the high school gymnasium somewhere in Madison where Dementia Veggie Joe will appear in the next hour at his 'rally'

George The Media Jew midget and his entourage will be with Dementia Veggie Joe all day filming, and taping the interview immediately after the rally would be my guess...they have several hours to edit everything together in time to air tonight, and god only fucking knows if it will be possible to turn this thing into an effective campaign ad for Dementia Veggie Joe's remaining shards of cognition from the mirror which has been shattered for the past week

And will anyone even fucking watch it, on the fucking Friday of Fourth of July weekend?
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Andrew Tate type morons are the fucking worst. Fairweather faggots the lot of em.
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They all did it at the exact same time too, about an hour ago. A very coordinated push.
Still voting for Biden, compared to the absolute fucking traitorous dumpster fire that a second Trump presidency would be.
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they're so slow to percieve
>Spic Fuentes
who next, Richard Spencer?
Good. I want the fairweather fags to be mad.
Torba means 'bag' in my language kek
We know that Biden won’t step down unless the entire Biden family get federal and state pardons for any and all crimes.
Hunter is already doing the “Hey Pop. You can’t leave us all hanging like this.”
Just watch.
I learned a fun fact about that horrible period in Spanish history. The musrats would boil the flesh of the White Christians. Muzzies are just another browner jew type.
The fuck? Must be ironic
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He’s making fun of the it’s over types.
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Are you a cute anime girl by chance?
Right? I think it's the connection between your ring finger and pinky that makes it so weird. Those two fingers share some same nerve or something. Try closing your hands into a fist and raising just the ring finger. Your pinky will follow halfway up and you can't do shit about it. So yeah, seems really weird to separate them like that.
>i disagree with some things, they say some stupid things, and i've nothing to do with it
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Awooing in the awoofternoon
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Grifters are all the same no matter their leanings
These people are all dysfunctional losers irl
This faggot was complaining about muh kids being taught to hate musrats.
Nate Silver called that like a month ago. Sabato is weak and biased.
Unironically, Biden is CORRECT to stay in
>told that it was "her turn" in 2016, so doesn't go against Hillary. He would have beaten Hillary and he would have beaten Trump
>after a few rough primaries in 2019, told to he should drop out, doesn't, wins nomination and election
>2022 supposed to be a referendum on Biden, his party does better than expected
>Trump goes through 10 years of media/establishment attacks and dozens of calls to drop out (pussy tape, Stormy shit, court cases, Russiagate, fake impeachments, etc, etc). Trump doesn't drop out
If Biden drops out, he will look like a soft faggot.
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This is a great point, anon, and noted...I'll grill you a burger

>I learned a fun fact about actual spic Spanish history
>yep, if it isn't actually the jews, it's jew-like behavior
Good for you, anon...always encouraged when I read about others learning proper history which hasn't been stained by jewish historians...I'll grill you a burger as well
>it's cuck behavior to tell some leeches to fuck off trying to do your job for you
I'll have to see if I can catch the interview online and see if they go all-in on dementia joe or throw him away like a side of beef.
god I hate internet rw'ers so much, they'll sperg and doom at every little hiccup or perceived blackpill it's disgusting. an incumbent president is at risk of being thrown away by his own party and you're fucking blackpilling? end it all, move to Mozambique and become the next meal for cannibal voodoo niggers
He's mocking the sort of grug-brained "alt-right" FOTM fad-follower that converts to Islam for being "based" and giving you moral license to rape 9 year olds and behead people who disagree with you.
Thanks for the future burger. I actually hate musrats more than jews these days.
This. The Heritage Foundation just wrote a list of stuff they wanted done like 30-40 years ago and are trying to pig back off Trump.
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I only know of special operation 2025
The only traitors to America that exist is Biden and Biden voters.
It is physically impossible for either Trump or Trump voters to be traitors as they are the only people who actually LIKE America.
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It may be because I'm Slav and have some genes of Genghiz
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Isn't it great?
>Biden's fucked if he stays onboard because Trump is the better option and even the democrats can't deny it
>the dems are extra fucked if he steps down because that means they're weak and chaotic, in full view of the court of public opinion, and Trump is still the better option
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>god I hate internet rw'ers so much, they'll sperg and doom at every little hiccup or perceived blackpill it's disgusting.
>leftists write horror fanfic about your policies and taking them to the extremes
>it comes out based because leftists are scared of everything good
>they say you wrote it
I didnt write that
>Trump no longer supports his policies!
I hate modern politics
me in the water
This just goes along with their current cope that you vote for an entire administration of worthless fucks along with the figure head
>RCP has Cruz as a tossup, possible loss in Texas
What is this retarded shit
And never forget that islam is the oldest ally of the jews.
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>guy whos bashing Trump named Pedro Gonzalez
Maybe Pedro was just a little more annoying online, Ron DeSantis would have won.
>reeee we were supposed to save drumph!!!! >:(
the joe show is still on the go
Spic Coulter has always been a faggot.
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Trump is the only republican who has supported firing them by executive order and filling the spots on temporary appointments.
>Nearly 90 migrants die after a boat capsizes 2.5 miles off the Atlantic coast of Ndiago, Mauritania.
Nigger death! Nigger death! Nigger death!
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don't ever make that mistake.
if we ever destroy the muslims before the jews, the jews can hide and rebuild the muslims.


Note that muslims are hobgoblins. but let even one gob escape will make more. they reproduce only through destruction. Live and thrive in ruins
sorry friend those job numbers are being revised down as we speak, in 2 months after you're done bragging about them we will post the real numbers
What? Post archive. Also: I blame global warming.
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Great job with the links, anon...I'm gonna be grilling a number of burgers for /ptg/ today to show my gratitude
I’m only saying I hate them more because I’m the last 3 years they’ve been extra uppity and all the muzzie loving has made me sick.
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shut the fuck up varg
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>Grifters mad that Trump is throwing them under the bus
That's my president
>realistic path out
That's where you're wrong kiddos
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Just figured I'd point that out.
I think it's funny af that the nigger news is raising on a busted flush though.
everyone knows the economy is shit and those shit jobs went to illegals or dei niggers.
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These people are out of their fucking minds thinking Harris could be viable
The only thing they could do worse would be a Harris/Newsom ticket
Exatly my thoughts. Wouldn't be surprised this attack wasn't being funded in some manner by the Heritage Foundation.

They're the ones that got us Amy Coney Barrett and that bitch is stupid in many, many ways.
The obvious counter to this is
>please name three biden cabinet members
Don't you have some rape accusations to throw against Kavanagh?
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>actually titling it 'Unburdened by What Has Been'

That right there tells you all you need to know- it's either a fake document via GOP trolls or it's actually real and these Demshits are in an indescribable dimension of delusion
I don't have to like anyone I don't want to. Kavanaugh made some retarded decisions last week too.
Solar anon still there?
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are white women salvageable?
Sup, bros?
yes, much like niggers the cure is the same: fathers
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for a minute. i need to go boomerwaffen on my yard and beat back the jungle
white biologically authentic females are, sure.
troons are not..
Also, physical abuse
In strategy letting your feelings guide you is a fools game.
It works perfectly well in tactical battles, but not strategy.
Every dollar we waste on muslim hordes is a resource that could have been used to eliminate the spawn point or clean a spawning zone. Sure if you're being over run by mobs do something but for the most part all dps should be on the boss.
Unless of course we're going for a max xp run. that said its my opinion that this is a hardcore mode game. 1 death no restarts.
LoL much luck.
How high do you see the possibility that a massive solar storm could introduce massive floods in biblical proportions?
Most based thing he's said in awhile, fuck those neocon zionists.
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it doesn't matter all thats needed are their wombs.
if you need to employ a domestic asset protection attorney before you venture forth do so.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/lsvwqgomkk

WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Why is the media trying to be impartial about Biden? At this point, even impartiality is not without motive.
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Like, by using physical abuse or by preventing it? You're gonna need to clarify this.
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less likely. the earth is a little dot in the sky from the sun's point of view. and even if it spewed out hydrogen for years only so much can be absorbed by the earth at a somewhat limited rate. the magnetic field actually bounces a lot of it away but also funnels it into the arctic regions as aurora displays
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Jews aren't the boss, they're quislings, they're the little shield generators you have to destroy before you can damage the real final boss - the arch-enemy of mankind, of western civilization, of Christendom - which is of course the monolithic satanic antichrist that is Islam. Islam and Communism are the two great evils that have plagued humanity, and you cannot make peace with either, and you certainly should not get distracted with tunnel-vision siding with palirats just to stick it to kikes. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend
More water more mosquitoes wich can allready be seen wich means more plauges. Plus more water wich leads to famin because crops grow to fast without nutrients wich also leads to war.
And in the end floods.
I fucking love this raccoon
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We know.
>Hint: They put something in the water to turn the duck (you) gay.
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MAGA for alien rights (0_0)
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WTF I love trump now??? We are so freaking back maga sisters! AWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
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So I immediately went to around page 731 of this 922-page Project 2025 authored by the cuck grifters at The Heritage Foundation, which outlines their wishes for (((The Federal Reserve))), hoping to read something along the lines of total abolishment of the fed, as well as lining all present and past members to be lined in front of a firing squad and riddled with enough lead make John Rambo's sperging at the end of Rambo: First Blood Part II jealous, but I read no such things...just another tired list of faggoty recommendations which limits the scope of the feds' power, but nothing about killing them all

And that's all I needed to read! Thank goodness for being both red- and blackpilled enough to not bother with any other nonsense, although I suppose I also could gloss over the previous section on the actual U.S. Treasury
Okay would be interesting if the flood storys link up to solar activities.
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this is what leftist shills are reduced to. a controlled op troon coat-tailer
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Just imagine a big nose on the shrimp in this picture. I can't into photo editing.
>massive floods in biblical proportions?
That would be contingent upon being in a glacial period instead of an interglacial period, which we are now inhabiting. There's nowhere near enough water trapped in ice at the poles to make a cataclysmic impact on coastlines and at the same time leave the biosphere intact; the criteria for climate alarmist scenarios are mutually exclusive. You'd need the sun to go into red giant phase in order to totally melt arctic ice, but at that point the sun's corona would have swallowed the orbit of earth and blasted all organic matter off the surface of the planet anyway.
>even if it spewed out hydrogen
it does spew out hydrogen, along with a lot of plasma.
the earth takes the ejecta and builds other compounds with it using the magnetosphere.
"gravity" is really just static cling.
Probably just useless rambling but idk.
i think the flood was something else. while the sun can dump a ton of hydrogen, it probably isnt entirely the source of high rains this season. hydrogen gas is going to be pretty diffuse in the solar system. even like millions of tons would be nothing more than a cigarette puff in the grand scheme
"Unburdened by what has been" should be the top signal that this is a joke/troll operation. While it's impossible to quantify the dumbest thing that Kamala has said, she's said this garbage and meaningless phrase so many times that it will be simple for Trump to showcase what a vacuous dolt she is.
plasma is just hydrogen without an electron
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What's wrong maga sister? I'm with you guys now ,WTF???
His twitter account is unbanned why tf does he post on his failure of a website truthsocial nobody is gonna use that shit
many such cases
Even if you count in the tendency for people to extravergate, like my fisch was soooo big?
I don't give a shit about some pet project. Nothing about it seems organic, and democrats are the only people talking about it.
That's unfortunately incorrect. Plasma is blood that has been separated into vital (esoteric) and non-vital parts. Plasma is the non-vital part.
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Off Leash Update 5 July

>Analysts are struggling to predict the outcome of today's runoff presidential election in Iran.
>On one hand, conservatives have consolidated their support behind hardline candidate Saeed Jalili.
>But on the other, many moderates who fear the consequences of a hardline president are turning out to support Jalili's reformist rival, Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian.
>Turnout for today's runoff seems much higher than the record low level of 40% set in the first round.
>The South African Development Community (SADC) announced the end of its peacekeeping mission in Cabo Delgado.
>The three-year mission achieved mixed results: it initially succeeded in reducing the capacity of militant groups to carry out attacks and making the region safe for displaced residents to return home, but the pace of attacks began to rise again in late 2023, causing renewed displacement.
The SADC mission also failed to fulfill its mandate to train Mozambican security forces because it couldn't identify what kind of training the local forces needed.
>Those questionably-trained Mozambican security forces will now take over responsibility for the region's security from the withdrawing SADC mission.
>A DRC military court sentenced 25 soldiers to death for "fleeing the enemy, dissipating munitions of war and violating orders" after running away from a battle with M23 rebels.
>While Congolese soldiers are fleeing the fight, the better-disciplined (and Rwanda-backed) M23 has been able to gain the upper hand and capture several strategic towns in recent weeks.
>Junta leaders from Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger will meet for the first-ever "Alliance of Sahel States" (AES, en français) summit in Niamey this weekend.
When was this posted? I JUST started looking at project 2025 yesterday and was sold as the idea that it was trumps admin who conjured it. This is helpful thanks.
This. It was always astroturfed. It's not exciting. It's only brought up by opposition by the left and counter-opposition by anonymous "right wingers".
Twitter just went from being run by the FBI to being run by the DOD. He's right to not trust it
Ok, well was worth an idea.
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>holding the American flag upside down means distress
>drumpf holds the faggot flag upside
You okay, little buddy? Do you need help? Ah who am I kidding, of course you do. You're a faggot after all.
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>The AES countries have a lot to talk about: all three were booted from the regional ECOWAS bloc because of their coups, so they're now hoping to replace the economic and defense benefits it enjoyed from that alliance by forming a parallel bloc.
>They even timed their first AES summit to coincide with ECOWAS's next meeting, which takes place in Abuja on Sunday.
>Separately, U.S. troops will complete their withdrawal from Niamey Air Base 101 on Sunday. The remaining U.S. troops in Niger will withdraw - per the junta's demand - by September 15.
Gaza and Israel
>U.S. and Israeli officials renewed whispers of hope for a ceasefire deal with Hamas after a "breakthrough" in talks. However, even optimistic U.S. officials conceded there are still some major obstacles standing in the way of a truce.
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seeing this albino member of the procyon genus fills me with a sense of ease and i urge you to feel at liberty to post more of her
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>Meanwhile farther north, Israel killed a Hezbollah commander in a drone strike, and Hezbollah retaliated by firing a volley of rockets into Israel as an "initial response."
Other News
>Disgruntled British voters overthrew the Conservative party after a 14-year reign. Former human rights lawyer Keir Starmer will be the new Prime Minister.
>Former PM Liz Truss - who was PM for exactly as many days as David Blaine lived in a glass box suspended over the Thames River - was one of the senior Tory MPs who lost her seat.
>(((CNN))) displays a list of around four bullet points for 'Dementia Veggie Joe's July Agenda'
>visit every battleground state
>outreach to nigger and spic voters at Nevada conferences
>engage in more 'off-the-cuff' moments
>a 'paid media blitz' of $50 million

Great strategy, jewhandlers of Dementia Veggie Joe! Personally I can't wait for all those off-the-cuff moments
that's only partially true.
plasma is an electromagnetic state of matter, not just hydrogen.
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You know what I think?
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The maximum amount of glacial melt you could have in the present without literally destroying all life on the planet by the sun engulfing the earth is, at the upper estimates, 3-6 meters. You simply can't get the entire polar ice caps to completely melt and still have a livable biosphere, that's just how it works on Earth. That would be bad for the Netherlands and Florida, but most people wouldn't notice. The amount of glacial ice there used to be on the planet about 10-12,000 years ago was enough to fill in the English channel, a depth of 175 meters, which heretofore had been an open grassland plain called Doggerland.
you're both wrong
plasma is a fortune-teller

I would like to order one Biden.9DxE copespam using the same image 5+ times in the same thread with slight alterations to the file to avoid thread/archive/filter site limitations

thank you
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yes of course but i am obsessed with aurora and the northern lights which in the case of plasma from the sun would be mostly hydrogen
sleepy joe remarks soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUZpzc-0rIk
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>Personally I can't wait for all those off-the-cuff moments
Me too. I need more Biden sniffing/groping pictures.
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Labour government of Britain achieves less votes than historic Corbyn loss in last election. Reform achieves 1 seat per million votes and Labour achieves 1 seat per 26000 votes. Labour received approximately 1/3 of the votes to win 2/3 of the seats. SNP collapses.
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Umm sweaty, I think your the one who needs some help chuddy! Trump loves us faggots hunny!
they do have a certain aesthetic
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you think correctly fren (except our rushing offense, we were #1 at that last season thanks to one former stooler, which made me doubt the usefulness of numbers as a whole)
whatchu gonna do about it?
who will win in iran please tell
Thats not what i meant, I'm not talking about ice caps.
>"that Trump guy, he's too old. Just like Biden. We need fresh new leadership to get us out of this mess. This Kamala gal, she's young, she's smart, and we could use a woman president for a change. These old men got us in here, time for someone fresh. She's got my vote"

This is literally how the average blue collar swing voter in Pennsylvania thinks. If Biden is replaced, its fucking over for Trump
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wtf do you think communism is?
its encoded jewish revolutionary tricks.
read the succession of solomon in the bible.
Lower taxes
Lower taxes the kikes cry
No says solomon
no says his son
they kill the grandson and every cousin, and coup and crown a military general as king.
I'm saying kill the muslims too but not before you eradicate the jew. every jew kill is 1000 muslims ez.
reform got one more seat decided an hour or two ago very MAGA
Post it another hundred times and you may get the replies you’re looking for
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Trump's platforms are the only valid source for his stuff desu
If she they pushed him it would clear that. She could just say, he had episodes but was this functional behind the scenes, but recently had a huge decline and then she did what was right for the country and 25th'd him/gave him a chance to resign before 25'ing him.
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And I'm saying that the kind of cataclysmic floods that would be described as "biblical" can't exist without a melting of the polar ice caps. Hurricanes and tsunamis can be dreadful but they can't move as much water over as great a period of time as a deglaciation event.
Firstly. Nice digits. Secondly. Thank you for the timestamp. :)
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Those small handful of seats are very expensive.

Who knows the process does not conform to sentiments and is not determined truly by voting.
Oh, did someone beat me to it? :^(
Reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish.
your order, sir >>473177265, complete with iphone filename demiglace
Is that related to Niggerland?
Their way of subtly saying he’s been a rubber mask all along
?!?!?! Your id# is a hundred more then the anon you replied:
"Post it another hundred times and you may get the replies you’re looking for"
yeah they kind of outed themselves as being pedophile niggers last thread
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No it's Eriador.

i love trashy girls
i saw a pale skinned girl the other day with short green hair wearing jean shorts and a tanktop and my god
There is, however, something very wrong with acting jewish.
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A very significant distinction.
Biden's Mumble Time is starting!
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>Lady MAGA is an undercover leftist
lmao cope harder miga faggot.
The children (if you can get any out of them) are. Hope begins anew with each tiny sapling.
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It's also possible Blimpf TS'd about Project 2025 to stay ahead of the curve if George The Media jew Midget asks Dementia Veggie Joe about it during the interview...the Dementia Veggie Joe campaign now wants to shift away from Dementia Veggie Joe's worsening dementia and back to Blimpf's guaranteed terrifying dictatorial reign if he goes back to the oval office, and Project 2025 is the perfect bogeyman for Dementia Veggie Joe to expound upon tonight

That's how the theater of politics goes
>brits are hobbits
>meds are gondorians
>slavs are orcs
actually pretty fucking accurate
And if you count in all the events coming together, melting caps, streams slowing or getting faster, extreme plant growth, plus solar stormes?
As said maybe not biblical, but with harsh impacts.
and americans are the valar
which would make eru God.
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say what you want but that character is a fringe element and certainly not what maga is about. only shills post it. which unequivocably means its a controlled opposition thing
Okay I’ve been shocked and stung today. Not a good time.
>Eru is God
Gee, you don't say?
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>that character is a fringe element
It's not fringe at all. Trump mainstreamed homosexuality in the Republican Party. Are you going to give him credit for that?
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>some fags are republicans
>this means all republicans are fags
this is a very consistently talmudic political strategy
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herald. unblurry day today
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you fool i am autistic. your stupid bullshit doesnt work here
>Republicans embrace homosexuality
>This means conservatism is gay and Jewish
This is common sense.
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liberals are now discovering third world issues in their own back yard!
who tf is this bloated weirdo talking at biden's event
It's fucking over

Democrats have an unstoppable dream ticket
Blue Landslide incoming
>based tolkien enjoyer
I love that his son carried his father's torch.
none of the shit coming out can compare to tolkien's world.
That is exactly why they are ruining it in hollywood rn.
even jackson's work cut a lot of parts out.
You want to read about being a man?
read theoden's story.
the movies did him an injustice
Lol he admitted it was him. What a retard.
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Wow I am completely demoralized. I will now vote Biden and embrace the Chinese century.
Getting tired of 4chan in general at this point, the only way to get a thread going these days is to ragebait or just be as contrarian as possible. Even when the OP is obviously tongue in cheek theres 100 retards looking for a fight anyway
suckin' and stretchin'
seems like a bit of a... stretch.
I thought it was three days of ballot counting
It must be getting into the news now as an act of desperation, i only ever see twitter talk about it. Otherwise it wouldve been better just to ignore it altogether
I’ve been busy. And I got stung by some red wasps and got shocked.
These people cannot possibly be serious
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>I got stung by some red wasps and got shocked.
little bastards. you have my blessing to holocaust them all with extreme prejudice
Reddit is fighting over whether he's lying or telling the truth, but they control him.
They sound like a bunch of Q fags.
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>I will now vote Biden and embrace the Chinese century.
So you're voting for Trump and the Jewish century?
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Gretchen Whitmer is an extremely popular governor who won landslides in a swing state
Kamala will turn out the POC and young voters
Gretchen will turn out the blue collar voters in the rust belt
do they usually wheel out this menagerie of freaks and fags to biden campaign events when will joe himself speak and stutter
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This faggot has talked for too long. Wheel out the geriatric so I can laugh at him.
you know, when tds says
>trump will start a civil war
i think it might just be simple fear for an uncertain future based on faulty information inferred, itself, through scaremongering which is completely understandable. you can see this scaremongering embedded in the largely subjective syntax. like usurious practices in lending, it siphons energy into the future instead of focusing on what is currently happening, here and now. kind of seems like everyone is being corralled towards increasingly mutually-exclusive pools of information which, in terms of MAGA at least, can be boiled down to
>orange man is orange
>orange man bad
anyway, i forgot where i was going with this. think it was something like tds is stuck scared in the future while MAGA works in the present to do things here and now or something

Spain is going to become a desert pretty soon due to poor farming practices and water management, the Muslims will fit right in
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>went outside
>stung by red waps

Holy fuck, baker...now you have collective permission from this general to do what Willard was told to do to Kurtz in Apocalypse Now:
>terminate...with extreme prejudice
He has contract agreements with advertisers/donors to exclusively post on Truth Social and cannot post on alternatives (Twitter, Threads, etc.)
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Definitely this. Only leftwing tranny lovers seem to know who he is and post him a lot.
What a stupid mick.
In other words money is more important to him than getting his message out.
>Nate Hydrogen
>Nate Lead
>Nate Chlorine
God I've missed the cringey like.
i fucking loathe this raccoon
take that back
Social media is a business at the end of the day. There’s an entire twitter account that posts every single one of Trump’s posts on Truth.
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another certified dumgay banger
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Holy kek
It just wouldn't be the same without him
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Do you hate her as much as you hate the caps key on your keyboard?
I wonder why GOLDMAN wants the people running Biden's admin to keep doing that.
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the downward spiral of quality to make sure dumb niggers are on top continues
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> June 3, 2024
This made me laugh, very reflective of Kamila's capabilities.
Even with cruise control you have to steer
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Trump's project is called Agenda 47
Retards try to conflate Project 2025 to Trump
Odd desperation shill tactics ensue

also TKD
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I miss old 4chan bros...
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chek'd and who doesn't m8
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I didn't know they could cope this hard
> Help me, Kamala Harris, you're our only hope
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obliterating all fagots ITT
watching this biden event is total torture and the man himself hasn't even stepped out yet
And I'm back home. Reminder that I am still baking and no more phonebakes.
They are the most NIGGER bug ever.
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>9K111 Fagot obliterator
Where's my Warhammer 40K Faggot Obliterator?
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>Trying to celebrate 4 of July and angry Karen sprays your grill

What do?
my nigga
Fireworks directly into her anus
move the grill
>their typo
They've been pushing this narrative for over a year. They also were downplaying the fuck of out Biden during the 2030 primaries and were pushing Warren, Harris, Booker, Booty, Sanders, etc. hard as fuck.
This is 2023.
What’s the word?
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Draw my pistol in full brandishing right at her face. I'd be fully within my rights to do so because America.
>Click link
>It's a Party in the USA playing
>Immediately close tab
God I hate 2010s music
Biden camp is banking on a heavily scripted 15 minute DNC propaganda piece to save the campaign
Harris probably is looking for the next bottle of liquor right now
Gretchen is stretchen herself over thoughts of being on the campaign
Trump supporters confirmed pedos.
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it honestly almost feels like it was designed for exactly that purpose
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Roll the vegetable out in a fucking wheelchair if need be...but I suppose that would be pretty bad optics considering the absolute state of things
They probably overdid the drug cocktail based on the debate performance and can’t send him out on it
>the ducks in the park are free you can just go and take them.
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>popcornposting still after this many failed predictions
fuck OFF, dilbertman
please don't post scary ass images like this in my /ptg/
Old man on stage
Seems to me the infighting between Joe and Kamala has always been there: Joe's group keeping Kamala from power and Kamala waiting for the old man to fail.
Imagine walking into a courtroom and seeing this thing on the bench.
I don't know what the hell they're thinking with this interview, nobody is going to give a shit that Biden did a prerecorded interview on a friendly network with a friendly anchor. The only reason anyone is going to tune in is to see if he's too vegetated for the editing to save it.
Holy shit the old man is plastered
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Looks like a drag queen who's persona is Kamala Harris.
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The Cheesefaggot's State's Governor Evers is speaking now, so Dementia Veggie Joe should be a few minutes away
she looks like a chola here instead of a negress
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I'm still voting for Trump
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Here is 2024.
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Yeah, I've listened to some of their engineers on Bannon's talk show...and they're pretty fucking cringe.
>muh Judaeo-Christian heritage

Fuck off, jewsuckers.
The cops should just leak it and not be pussies. If he was a right wing shooter it would have been leaked ages ago.
Oh, I was wondering what stupid faggot was talking now.
And done with lunch. Time for bread.
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The whole thing glows.
Crazy bitch must have named some serious names.
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Good lord.
They're some ungodly admixture of ghouls, skinwalkers, and Barcalounger vinyl.
>the good things about me an Joe
It's fucking "Joe and me" you stupid faggot. God damn, am I the only fucking person who paid attention in high school English class? You put the subject before yourself when making a statement.
Fucking retard.
>brings up Project 2025
Ben Stein is based tho
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Haven't you figured out that "social" "media" is just Thunderdome for attention whores?
No stall.
Can't we just get BEYOND Thunderdome?
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>guy with a producer in his head via earbud says thing
He's literally sucking the dick of lamebrains like Evers (the worst of the school district administrators I ever worked with), Pocan (commie jew), the mayor of Commietown, and pushing a Jesuit poll.
And they're talking about it as though it were the Battle of Lepanto.
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>Tammy Baldwin
That lipstick lesbian has aged like a muskie left in the back seat in July.
Well observed imo.
There were better Grrl Justices to be had, and the choice of her was explicable in my mind only by her being a papist.
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Not could, will.
The universe is made of electric flux.
It gives.
It takes.
Blessed be the flux.

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