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Previous: >>473222146
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

▶17k celebration banners!
>A -https://files.catbox.moe/dpxgrp.png
>B -https://files.catbox.moe/tzedhq.png
>Combo -https://files.catbox.moe/eo8pur.png

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Hungarian PM arrives in Moscow -https://archive.today/Dnmp7
>US set to announce over $2.3 bln arms package for Ukraine -https://archive.today/kxBLx
>The Ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq


▶/chug/ MEGA

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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>S-300 goes firework
>AT mine /chug/er at it again (new york)
>Hohols in car hit mine
>3 minutes of unpublished Krasnopol strikes
>Hohol 4th of July cringe
>VDV clearing apartments in Chasov Yar
>New Russian GoPro combat footage compilation
>Precise strike on some Kherson houses where hohols were spotted
>Hohol cosmonaut
>FABing of positions in Kharkov direction
>A Russian soldier has help from his squad to propose to his girlfriend
>Lose your legs, get 1500 hrivna in return (34 euros)
>Guided bombs versus building with FPV operators
>Iskander strike on Dolgintsevo airfield in Krivoy Rog
>Comfy morning in Dnepr
>Repelling night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk
>2S6 Tunguska destroyed by two Lancet strikes Kharkov region
>Hohol Marvel
>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
gonna go to bed. 17k was fun
good night/chug/!!
Sweet Zzzzzzzz Ritsufren
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Crimea status?
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thanks for baking
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brave and stunning
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Thanks for the breads bro. Good night.
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fiery but Mostly peaceful
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G'day /chug/
Anything interesting this week?
only some fat pig would marry a fugly retard like him
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>I want to be together so I'm leaving
We might get another 9/11 to boost support for Ukraine.
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today is the day. i might go to the outside and see atleast 3D waifus
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Oh sweet, I fucking love false flags to justify shipping zoomers off to war. It's just great.
I'm sure I've heard 'bombshell' reports before?

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it's pearl harbor all over again. why most Jews gulf of tonkin to get their way. They should just liberty incident their way to get what they want.
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i'm talking about pale skin and dark haired tomboy type of waifu, bro. interested in military things maybe
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Spare a thought for Roger Degueldre today, killed by the French system on 6 July, 1962.
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Goodmorning and happy 17k caturday to all my ziggers
i need meds
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gm. took a pic of the /uhg/ task force
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Good morning Miyufren!!!!
Happy 17k!!!!
I missed 17k sadly because I was too sleepy to stay awake
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17k poster checking in

Just beat Remnant 2, Kino game. Absolute Kino.

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thanks for sharing all these, added them to rentry OP clips
checked, pure blooded aryins
My ancestor :) (and every other non-negroid races)
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Good morning sirs
So you want Yukari
>atleast 3D waifus
>atleast 3D
anon has discovered the ellusive Nth dimensional waifu meta, I see.
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morning katyusha! it was painfully slow to reach it. Was 02:00 my time when it happened
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ily bro. chug also made frenships happen.
may god bless russia and everyone with the same mindset....fighting against the globohomo kike
like a flower from the garden of eden
>AT mine /chug/er at it again (new york)
wtf kek. Surely he didn't survive that?
you're right. i go getting beer instead
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fine day, caturday
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Nice Yukari
Let me guess, they are claiming that allowing port access is sharing.
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I think if the kikes tried to do a Pearl Harbor / 9/11 / WMD bullshit again they'd be met with instant civil war instead of a patriotic war fervor
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bro, nooooo. wtf
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As I repeatedly said, cucktin is a weak scared coward and a traitor. True Russian patriots should remove him from power before he does more irreversible damage to Russia.
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>The Krasnodar region came under a massive Ukrainian drone attack at night, targeting and damaging the Lukoil oil depot in Pavlovskaya, the Rosneft oil depot in Leningradskaya, and damaging a mobile phone tower in Yeysk.
He looks gypsy
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pajeeted.com turns out there are worse things than niggers and jews out there...
Every single globohomo country is letting Indians to flood in. Even Trump is talking about giving green cards to every Indian that goes to college.
White people won't be around for much longer at this rate.
Sars... It's yvir
Who is she???
>Rapo captcha
We keep saying that about Jews yet, 2000 years later, they are still here.
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White people are going to be fine. Better than, even. You should take a look at where Plutos at right now.
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the UN parrot making noises again
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Enjoy your new and improved currywurst.
I could tell you, but you'll hate me if I do. Somethings are better left unknown as the truth is far far worst than you could imagine.
Just tell me nigga
Russian soldiers really leave like this? It's horrible.
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more like
No big tits calendar anywhere
it's literally fucking over
even Poland opened flood gates for them
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it'll all end in tears,
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it's from a game, and "she" is the furry gay romantic interest. Ren from Boyfriend to Death. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Oh no...
Its horrible... Worse than i thought...
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I hate you niggas like you wouldn't believe
>bro, nooooo. wtf
This is what I laugh about. From every angle it makes sense for Europe to restrict immigration, increase incentives for native born Europeans to have babies and to deport all illegal immigrants and visa overstayers.
But then you do stuff like this and cry about the outcomes.
saars my grandpa was a nazi and fough those evil white people which refused to redeem the card!
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it doesnt make sense for the jews rulling eu which would exploit immigrant slave labor to keep native population down
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>But then you do
economic migration is a blue collar-starved labor market meets hordes of willing slaves, who sold their house to get the fuck out from their shithole situation
no sane person gets up in the morning and goes
>holy shit we need more Indians/Turks/Arabs/Somalis in here ASAP!
>Let me guess, they are claiming that allowing port access is sharing.
They can claim whatever they want and then reject the non existing proposal as they always do.
They pretended that Putin asked mutts for a conflict freeze as well, something that the Russians said no to and the mutts later also rejected.

Not even in Istanbul 2022 was Putin willing to click on Crimea, why would he be willing now that his demands are even tougher?
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>no sane person gets up in the morning and goes
>holy shit we need more Indians/Turks/Arabs/Somalis in here ASAP!
Except they do, if someone is sane it doesnt mean he isnt psychotic, a kike puppet or a traitor
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>why would he be willing now that his demands are even tougher?
Because he knows it's over, poccnr is alone and has no allies.
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>if someone is sane it doesnt mean he isnt psychotic
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I just got the worn SIG SG 550 on Stalcraft. It's aight.
illegal bombing of Odessa continues
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>he changed his fucking profile pic
Why is the pig shaking?
that jay faggot is really your new jihadi julian
Gay in Хyй is the same brand of a retard, kike-kun.
>Since the Sri Lankan attack on Ukraine, the world has been a different place…
It's funnier after it got revealed he's a kike from California, who fled to Ukraine because of pending credit card fraud charges.
Nah, Julian is a true believer. Gay in Tel-Avyiv is just a grifter.
Is the UNkike Jay?
Third worlder general
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I meant more in a colloquial sense, they are fully aware of what they are doing, they arent retarded and most arent stupid
...is /uhg/.
How the fuck is india convincing everyone to take their pajeets?
They're signing those agreements with literally everyone.
>annonymous Kremlin officials close to Putin told us
Putin may have ties to Russia
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dey been brainwashed with propaganda to want it
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He is traitor to puccian interests according to a couple of comrades here
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New York status
Scatmenskyivbros, we are eating good.
NARWHAL BACONS AT MIDNIGHT do you chuds REALLY believe that Putleranos is a "cuck" and a traitor?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Haven't you heard what Avengers told about him?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!
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how am I supposed to take someone seriously when he trash talks like a fucking kindergartener?
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Jesus Christ, her feet are almost longer than her shin!
>privyet brat, shto skazash?
not enough shit

you're supposed to use tardspeak to your advantage when filtering with 4chanX
in fact that term was coined by self-hating liberal russians and the Ukrainians just got accustomed to use it online
Check your puccian privilege, shitlord.
>dont even think about it
>mess with the kot, get the claw
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>But then you do stuff like this

we have zero say over any of this. the people at the top do and they hate us that's it.

there is a firesale going on as it where, people are already selling their shit and leaving the country from 18 to 35 people i know all talk to me about leaving and "what do you think about me leaving the country" etc etc. and these are all highly skilled people. most people are just making plans to leave currently.
Чё тaм y хoхлoв?
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>pootis spencer eating the sosig
what did he mean by this?
Nothing ever happens
Throw liberahas into deep wells.
Oпять ничeгo нoвoгo.
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>Tel-Aviv has hosted the biggest bull orgy at night, hosted at the house of a local memeflaggot, targeting and damaging his wife's orifices
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Stoltenberg announces ‘flagship project’ with South Korea on Ukraine

>The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will discuss ways with South Korea to build practical cooperation related to Ukraine, cyber and new technologies at the upcoming summit in Washington

>"Iran and North Korea are fuelling Russia's war with drones and shells. China is propping up Russia's war economy, and providing microelectronics and other dual-use goods for Russia's war. The closer that authoritarian actors align, the more important it is that we work closely with our friends in the Indo-Pacific,” he said.

>At the upcoming summit, Stoltenberg noted, NATO will build on practical cooperation for "flagship projects" on Ukraine, cyber and new technologies and discuss defense industry cooperation with South Korea.

>“The flagship project is partly about the medical education of Ukrainian soldiers. We are also looking into how we can expand the exchange of intelligence information with South Korea,” Stoltenberg said.


hohols will learn new south korean techniques how to tourniquet safely
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>hohols will learn new south korean techniques how to tourniquet safely
This is bad news for Australian prosthetic company.
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Hello Comfy hugs general
Henlo fren. Can you take over baking? Everything moving ultra slow btw.
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Guess ill do it







thanks for bread
how high did 17k bread go ?
American drone now flighs near Belarus instead of Black Sea. Turbulence operation was good
my tongue is my enemy

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i blame mutt hours
disgusitng analina bareback

look at the rats coming out of her rotten stinking pussy
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100,000 Russian soldiers lost in battle of Chasov Yar so far and they STILL cant take it! No wonder Russia tried to distract Ukraine with a new front.
They may be interested by the strong GPS jamming from Kaliningrad
Бaбy тeбe ищeт.
Tranny fucked around a bit and lot of post was deleted and ppl banned.
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I might as well blogpost about a kot on Caturday
This is a kot i see around my workplace every friday yesterday i went and fed him some treats.
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>source close to Kremlin
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Heres another picture
Its Caturday so post Kots
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And these are the results of said front
He only come around on fridays?
Don't Germans like scheisse porn? The only question is why it took so long for this to happen.

Jeanne was supposed to be a peasant, so it's more likely that she was tanned. She also had great tits (as reported by her men),
>American RQ-4B drones have not flown over the Black Sea for 12 days since Moscow threatened to down the drones providing targeting data for Ukrainian strikes on Crimea
Remember that Shoigu let it happen for 2.5 years until he was canned and replaced by Belousov who immediately ordered them to be shot down. Multiple S-300's, 2x S-400's, several warships, a submarine and half a dozen aircraft were lost because of Shoigu's unwillingness to act. Just shows you how much damage one incompetent retard can do. But we'll see, they still have to show that they're actually going to shoot them down because I have no doubt NATO will continue the recon at some point.
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he/she/it didn't like my sloppa either. what a rude person
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I support this!

Tiny hand or geat kot?

This video reminds me to compress new videos!

Is he alive?
this is worse than regular slop posting
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what so awful happened in you childhood that made you post kamensky on mongolian basket weaving forum. post kot instead.
Yes because i have drop something down somewhere else every friday so i pass him
He looks well groomed so i dont think hes a stray father actually knows someone from around that area so he might try and find out whos cat it is.
Hes a very friendly cat
>There are two drones that approach a trench: one drone drops a tear gas inside the trench and waits for enemies to get out and the second one strikes the enemy as soon as they get out
Has this tactic ever been used?
Yes, there was a famous video of a fat bald hohol getting his arms and legs blown off who was forced out of his hidey hole via this method. I have the webm but I don't want to post it because it's disgusting. I imagine its a common strategy.
it is xir in nuspeak
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>American RQ-4B drones have not flown over the Black Sea for 12 days since Moscow threatened to down the drones providing targeting data for Ukrainian strikes on Crimea
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>headline 100k
>below picture 99k
>forbes axewound reports according to alleged ukrainian sources familiar with zelenskyiyys thinking
>much less damage on ukraine (0 russian settlemens were razed to the fucking ground btw)

Also, why the fuck did orban not meet with the potatoman?
Yes. In WW1. But they used shells not drones.
wow, AI is on something
The chink AI is not made by Jews.
The chink AI knows the nose.
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good afternoon anon. here's some weapons news.
Yes and its a warcrime, not that anyone cares mutts did the same in iraq with smoke grenades. Less effective because they are not blinded when they get out but still choking their lungs out.
Good evening, sar.
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Orban kino from Moscow
More like the Russo-hohol kike flag.
I can respect king gypsy for being much smarter and getting everything he wants
dramatic fast cuts, pointless slow-mo, 7/10. Viktor should cut back on kolbász consuming. He is dangerously fat.
cute tiny misssiles?
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good morning ruschinks sir
>Since 2024, China has been developing attack drones similar to the Iranian Shahed for delivery to Russia - Bloomberg
russia's ILLEGAL china
Catbox link? I've watched a bit of footage on telegram and I've never seen such footage. The only one I remember is they dropped some kind of oil laden explosive which covered the trench in smoke and forced the enemy to get out while being half on fire.
>Stealing intellectual property from sandniggers
With "allies" like that who needs enemies
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Looks dangerously based (and expensive).
nafosisters, chinks already at the polaks border. it's ovyr.
chink drone net
russia has been using these too, but dropped from drones to take out other drones as seen here:
Nooo, not the hecking polakinooos
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i want to marry kuz, he is soo attractive
>Belarussian/Chinese/Russian invasion of Kiev
>This time for real
Dont get my hopes up for nothing nigga
the whole world should be chinese
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>PLA military personnel arrived in Belarus to conquer europe.
>The exercises will take place from July 8 to July 19. Its goals include the exchange of experience, the establishment of joint actions of Belarusian and Chinese units, as well as the creation of a foundation for the further development of Belarusian-Chinese relations in the field of joint training of troops, and buck breaking westoids, the department reported
>It is obvious that the Chinese comrades will actively study the progress of the air defense system on the territory of Ukraine in the immediate vicinity of the theater of military operations.
Germs think they still matter.
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Shouldn't be a problem if you're an East German ubermensch. Only Wessis will get these creatures
Just a reminder that no matter what happens in the Ukraine War, you're all still failures in your own lives and countries.

Imagine siding with the enemy lmao.

Tell me you have absolutely nothing whatsoever worth living for in your life without telling me you have absolutely nothing worth living for in your life.

The thought just makes me kek.

Anyways go back to larping now guys.
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why's that funny
>But then you do
SAAR this is not a matter in which we have any say you bloody bastard bitch
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at least we're in our own countries
oh noe, chinks already rotating their troops. šīs ir beigas.

>Russian grenade drops hit a total of 4 people
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thats a copy of the globemaster, chinksects are a bigger joke than the so called "poccnr"
>Sunflower 200 being used for killing hyhyls
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I love these harmless names like Sunflower or Silkworm... Pigraper 3000 would be a bit childish but more pragmatical name.
Oh, forgot to mention that everybody hates a traitor too.

Especially during a serious war.

Like a lot.

Like they don't want them wandering around unchecked. So they have these camps they keep them in.

I guess as commie larpers you will learn to love communal living and a lack of any internet connection!

I hope it never happens to you, just sayin bruh!

Nobody likes a traitor! Not even the ones you turncoat to! :-)
>plebbit spacing
i told ya'll chink troops were squared away and badass, these guys are going to do great
she deserve a plebbit gold from a kind stranger
My guy, every white nation will turn into South Africa/Argentina - white people slaving for darkie socialism.
>Shoigu's unwillingness
More like cucktins unwillingness . And he is unfortunately still around
>thats a copy of the globemaster
yea and we don't make it any more
thanks for saving us the design time westcucks
funny how when this began our goverment threatened 20+ years of jailtime for not supporting ukranda but the current one is openly against them, so much so that the pigger piece of shits tried to kill fico. Get fucked you piece of shit, no one supports you. You will be remembered as one of the worst things that happened to white europe.
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They should link up
oh yeah kek
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new york when ?
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The Russian navy lost a sub? Is the entire Russian military a comedy troupe that’s only there to entertain the world kek
wordswordswords left cant meme
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>how high did 17k bread go ?
749, but at least 10 posts were deleted and that usually means 10 bans as well.
Trannies were going pretty hard.
Babby status, jeet?
I baked for /uhg/
Rate my bake >>473240601
This will bring the VDV back from the grave after it was slaughered in hostomel
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At some time in the past she clearly passed the point where all she should eat is a .50 cal bullet.
what the fuck does that lightning on the skull even mean, nonsense bros?
wrong flag retard
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Why say is attack drone? Is harmress autonomous crop duster, fuck you gweilo
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Slava Urini!

om nom nom
Shillying won't bring back the hundreds of thousands of dead pigs either.
In the past two weeks has Ukraine gotten any victories that weren't "ha we killed some civilians"? It's not looking good now that they're also losing New York and getting pushed further back from Avdeevka.
Can you post the video?
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>Has this tactic ever been used?
Yes, and it is a war crime.
However, Russia still doesn't call this a war so they can pretend it is crowd control measures (this should be an ATO as it would give them legal grounds for everything except nukes, including tear gas, filtration camps and the whole Chechen playbook).
Ukraine however are calling it a war so by according to the Geneva convention they can't do it, but they do and they use nerve gas as well.
just like cluster ammo worked out for ukrofags
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Anon poos love Russia, they think you’re multipolar allies standing up to the great satan, guarantee that the bong flags here that support Russia are hinduvata diaspora, the natives are against Russia because of your crimes here, Farage lost lots of support due to his pro Russia stance, he sounded like a cuck
honestly, I feel like eventually this war will have actual mustard gas warfare
Chinese can be funny. Also I'll never get over how a North American plant became the national symbol of an EU nation.
Pretty sure hohols would just get nuked if they use chemical weapons. They can't afford to play dirty
Russians aren't the reason your babby is dead. :)
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everyone already knows you're a subhuman jeet. No point denying.
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They didn't lose fortress city Pyatikhatki
>SAAR this is not a matter in which we have any say you bloody bastard bitch
JSYK we (Indians who live in India, like living here and have no plans to leave) have even less say than you do. Immigration depresses wages and its what makes it so that blue collar workers have a tighter and tighter job market. Governments here that don't crack down on illegal immigration get voted out.
And from our perspective, after subsidising someone for their unproductive years while they are getting an education, it's a net loss if they emigrate abroad and pay taxes abroad. But its a (relatively) free country, we can't stop people from getting passports and if they want to leave their homes and loved ones behind because they think they'll get
Not b&.
I take it back, Ukraine is winning so hard. They teactically defended Shesthatak megalopolis by sacrificing the village of New York.
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lets try again
(accidentally hit submit) easy money and sex.
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That delivery vehicle seems pretty great.
8 Shaheeds, sorry, I mean Sunflower 200, per truck is pretty excellent.
A single battery of 6 launchers would saturate most air defences (for instance more than 2 Patriot batteries in the best case scenario for the Patriots), or even most modern Destroyers (like the Daring class and possibly Arleigh Burke).

>honestly, I feel like eventually this war will have actual mustard gas warfare
As mentioned, Ukraine already uses this but from drones (but they use another gas IIRC).
If they are dumb enough to fill Grads with it then we have large scale use of WMDs in the theater and things can go even more to shit for the west in that scenario.

>just like cluster ammo worked out for ukrofags
Taras teorem strikes again.
my love
I'd also argue that the biggest news of recent times aren't any Russian advances but that Russia has published way more UAS strikes in the last couple weeks. We don't quite know what exactly those strikes are conducted with, but it's drones guiding in SALH munitions that aren't Krasnopol, Kh-38ML or Tyulpan shells. With drones operating almost freely at medium altitudes over the frontline that will be a massive problem for hohols, especially if the Russians can keep increasing the number of those strikes.
Traitor? I never served Juden.
>A single battery of 6 launchers would saturate most air defences (for instance more than 2 Patriot batteries in the best case scenario for the Patriots), or even most modern Destroyers (like the Daring class and possibly Arleigh Burke).
No. A Patriot Battery has 8 TELs with up to 128 interceptors. An Arleigh Burke would more than likely do fine against a swarm of Gerans with the Phalanx alone. These things have worse flight performance than WW1 biplanes, point defense against them is not a difficult feat. Their entire point is to force the opponent to stretch out air defense ressources and waste interceptors (and obviously deal a decent amount of damage if they happen to get through).
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thats cheating !
My antivirus goes apeshit wtf did you do.
>An Arleigh Burke would more than likely do fine against a swarm of Gerans with the Phalanx alone
wonder how many CIWS shells you get for the cost of a single Geran.
I sneezed there. Sorry.
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Say death to Israel and that India is a stinking shithole where people can't even use an outhouse.
Used this gif and named it Keep It Clean Edition.
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movies without her suck
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Thanks for bake!
Happy 17k. Sorry (not sorry) I couldn't be there. Was too late for me.
is he ok?
Damn, forgot the memeflag from /uhg/
>this is the daily shill check
say nigger or you are a kike shill
Now he is, yes.
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there are TWO gay retarded indians in MY thread!???
he walked it off so no worries
Russian development of their drone based smart weapon enabling tactical doctrine has become obvious and irresistible. FAB-500s with universal correction and planing kits were terrifying enough. containing 10x the explosives of a typical heavy artillery shell. With FAB-1500s and FAB-3000s, every Ukrainian front line depot, strong point and bunker is now completely vulnerable.
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fuck nigger fuck pajeet
No! Black folx are cool.
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on caturday? blasphemy!
god damn do them hohols have it good
>until last cut
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India is a shithole, everyone knows this, doesn’t need to be said, Israel is a containment zone for Jews, it focuses most of their energies on killing Muslims and other sandniggers, why would anyone care about that other than leftists kek
total nigger death
sunak is gone for good?
Nigger Lives Don't Matter.
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>he couldn't do it
If there ever was any doubt in my mind that you were a jeet, it is gone now.
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Which military was the biggest world joke?
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is Serb who plays Stalcraft still here?
I searched the whole fucking Coxcomb's hut and I still haven't found the locked box
is it even in it?
Globalist kikes are the enemy.
The hohlina shouldn't have moved to Ebil Chyna, their gastronomic tendencies are rather diverse.
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>Governments here that don't crack down on illegal immigration get voted out.

we constantly do this but they're all pro-immigration, and when they pretend they aren't they just lie and do it anyways, whenever we do get one that cracks down on immigration they just get killed. atleast thats how it was in my country.Pim Fortuyn got shot by some lunatic leftoid

we suffer due to people being insane here, liberalism is a religion and it's completely insane. imagine for a second that half your people suddenly over the course of like 20 years orso. begin hating themselves, and then start dismantling Hinduism, to replace it with anal sex and gay shit think indians are evil all of a sudden, but they don't say that and lie constantly about it so you don't immediately catch on. it's fucked.

That being said we are trying our best to just leave, my country is tiny of like 17.8mil the size of newyork state, completely overcrowded and 200k a year people just leave, of which we know for a fact high skilled family oriented people are the main people that leave,

Granted it is understandable since the gay liberals want to infect their kids with being gay and cutting their dicks off.

I am glad your country is doing alright tho.
>found out I have Kuban kazakh roots
>basically I am hohol
I'm sorry chuggers. But since I am hohol now, slava ukraini, heil bandera, ukraine is winning, fuck rusnya russian warship go fuck yourself
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>No. A Patriot Battery has 8 TELs with up to 128 interceptors
Pic rel is satellite photo of real world Patriot battery.
The TELs have a capacity of 2-16 missiles per launcher, for Pac 2 it is usually 4, but sometimes 8.
You need 2 missiles per target, so with PAC 2 you'd need 96 missiles to intercept 48 targets (this is still optimistic for the Patriots).

96 / (5 * 8 * 2) = 1.2 batteries.

Now if we assume a more common 4 missiles per launcher we get 2.4 batteries needed.

The CIWS is a last line of defense and needs 10 seconds per target, assuming it can hit them and the Arleigh Burke would from the front only have one that could fire with an effective engagement range of <1 km.
The Gerans with low fuel fly at 61 meters per second meaning that 2 would have a high probability to saturate the CIWS.

The question is if the Arleigh Burke typically has 96 SAMs.
As mentioned before, the Daring won't even be able to engage all targets, but remember I said "possibly Arleigh Burke".
Nothing you have said indicates that to be incorrect.
The entire point of Gerans is to saturate missile defence systems to sneak in actual payload.

Imagine bragging about shooting slow, low flying moped drones using your latest air defence systems.

Even the air defence systems made in 70s can do this.
makes country into a holiday drug whore house poeople come and go
how did you find out? was it the snout like nose?
Kuban cossack*
Sorry am drunk, discovering I am hohol made me sad and I got drunk on horilka (that's how we, ukrainians, call vodka)
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yeah that's about the tl;dr version. it is pain. and suffering.
Asked father what his father told him about his father (basically asked pops about his grandpa, learned he was born in Kuban, suffered from famine and almost died)
it's yvyr
what the fuck
The irony

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