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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Fucking bro tier.
We sided with jews over our own cousins. The British don't even exist in the big cities, Just a few docile boomers that saw themselves become minority.
Every day praying for a nuke war that doesn't happen. I'm going to India soon to work on the bullet train bridges, have all money paid in off shore bank account and fuck as many qt Jeet girls as possible.
Structural engineering world wide is fucking awesome.
>bro tier

Kys shitjeet
>oy, mate, do you have a loicence for shoplifting
>yeah, I have, fok off
>ok then
>Fucking bro tier.
This is why God created shillelaghs
I thought Sikhs were honorable peopl. Guess they're just indians, after all
Sukdeep, Ranjeesh & Gupta getting some dutch courage in them before they visit pol
Britain dragged the subhuman paki out of the medieval period and accomplished the superhuman feat of semi-civilising them.
They are too dark to be Punjabis
This was a mistake by our ancestors, akin to teaching a chimp to use a gun.
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To be fair one is a security guard.
Good. Labour's parliament super majority will make sure shit skin illegal immigration will increase 10 fold. Every urban area will become a violent squalid 3rd world ghetto. Let the street shitters and child raping Muslims flow in.
Those aren’t sikhs, those are hindus.
Brits voted for this.
Can't even deny this anymore. People still voting labour after what happened last time. This country deserves everything that's coming to it.
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Whites are absolutely inferior to us. This is why we rule over the Western world
Imagine if everyone in the UK just started carrying clubs on their waist. Whenever anyone breaks the accepted rules of society, they get beaten to within an inch of their life.

I think we could reclaim a functioning society pretty quickly.
Welp; Brits just had their elections andddd they voted for more of the same. So, not my problem.
Though I do wish those who are aware a genuine all the best; since I'd like to hope they'd do the same
>voted for more of the same
No they voted for Labor not the Tories.
Labour are notorious for breaking manifesto promises almost immediately after gaining power. They're called Liebour for a reason.
You hide behind the skirts of the liberal women who created this situation.
When and if the SHTF, you will be beaten to death and I hope I'm there to watch gleefully.
>Buying Liquor
I thought it was against their religion to get drunk. Also if he's a Sikh where his fucking Turban and hidden dagger?
>Whites are absolutely inferior to us
Sure Ranjeet that's why you constantly larp as white person online to cope god you cunts are pathetic
Delbert Grady here. They are ungrateful interlopers who need, correcting.
you trannies will get smashed in a race wwar lol. i cant wait either
Seems your upset over an election. Imagine how upset your going to be when you get your ass handed to you.
I can actually smell the feces as I ready your shit laden post.
>no turbans
You can just punch them in the face. They're completely uncoordinated pussies that don't know how to fight.
Nobody believes you inhuman subcontinental orangutan-men when you LARP as different races just because you worship different piss and shit demons. You worship shit + your skin is made of shit + you smell like shit + you eat shit = YOU ARE A SHITSKIN
Return to your jungle. A towel on your head does not remove the shit from your skin. You are still a pajeet.
you will get smashed you fat fentanyl tranny.

go check your population pyramid. its alread over
Come get me bitch. I'll twist your pajeet ass unto a pretzel.
I've told bitches like you in stores like that to speak fuckin English when they were yammering on in your disgusting gutter language in a clear, loud and purposefully intimidating and disrespectful manner.
You brown faggots did nothing and you outnumbered me two to one.
I WANT you to put your hands on me.
You wouldn't trust this man?
you'll smoke fentanyll and cut off your balls**

ran away from every war like a american faggot
I swear to whatever is holy that I want one of you, or a group of you to try to hurt me.
Please come get me. I'm angry and need to get my shit off.
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I really want you to put your hands on me. I want it bad. Just so I can put the fever on you real good. But just like evert other coward, you won't say shit or even look at me. None of you ever do.
But your bitches seem to like me.
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Yeah. Absolutely.
Dumbass read a book
Fuck it I'm going to Walmart to give pajeets screwface in order to see how brave you motherfuckers are. You'd never day that shit to me in-person.
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this one one ran away crying from afghanistan (not AI)
All they're doing is making people.hate them more. They probably do this to each other in the shithole they came from.
This one will throw you through a plate glass window.
I'm smiling. Wanna know why? I know you'd shit yourself if I got in your face. I don't care anymore.
45 trillion. You this yes?
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this one ran away cring from iraq. cut his balls off on the plane
this one ran away crying from vietnam
this is what you have now


you're dying. you cant reverse this

you little tranny fentanyl smokers
>eats shit and drinks cow piss
Whites are homosexuals and troons fuck them lol
How are your police so cucked. Explain yourself bongs
Listen asshole, you are a punk who wouldn't even look me in the eye. All of you are brave in numbers until someone who gives zero fucks gets in your face.
Thus dumb insult fest means nothing to me.
Now, when I engage disgusting pajeets like you, I'll just be more hostile and aggressive.
The pajeets on the receiving end of this can thank you personally.
I know. We will all be better off when the entire planet is a toilet.
>NOOO SAAAAR you don't understand, it's the pakistanis and bangladeshis you see saaar, those bloody besterds!
The cities are our concentration camps.
>american talking about bravery

(they are running to the plane)
I give zero fucks about the United States of America and all the brown people in it.
Try a different angle with the insults dimwit.
It's like I've been saying all along you have no idea who you are talking to and how fucked up my mindset is.
>saar the joos tricked us
You eneterd every continent dressed as a merchant,
i know how fucked up your mind is. cause you take it in the ass. like most americans
What the fuck are you on about you twat? Hitler killed loads of White people before we ever got involved and it has nothing to do with some pakis in tesco. Wanker.
Drink lots of booze nigger, it's good for you!
Homosexual insults seem to be first and foremost on your mind. This leads one to believe homosexual acts something you think about often. It's ok sweetie you can be open about it.
I'd like to hit you in the head with a hammer.
Shitskin detected.
A big war happened. Less than a century later the people were a minority in all their own cities.

Make up the blanks as you will
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>no turbans
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Stealing from megacorps is Based. They support all kinds of anti-White, SodomFaggotry shit, fuck these jewish corpos.

White people are docile pussies.
The "co" in Tesco stands for Cohen so fuck them.
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look at the spokes on that one
They look like recent immigrants by their scrawny build and scruffy clothes, pakis or Afghans by the look of them.
>Intoxicants – A Sikh must not take hemp (cannabis), opium, liquor, tobacco, cocaine, narcotics, etc. In short, any intoxicant is not allowed. Cannabis is generally prohibited, but ritually consumed in edible form by some Sikhs.

Hindus or pakis most likely.
>he thinks they actually follow their religious precepts
every store security guard where I live is a coal-black african immigrant.
Should have grabbed a swine bottle and smack the cops in the face with it.
Cool, fuck honkaloid britbongs and their shit society.
Well unless you can actually prove they are Sikhs (0.7% of indians) then it's far more likely they are hindu (79.8% of indians) or muslims (14.2%).

Assuming they are even Indian at all, could very well be pakis.
Brampton has transcended as a leaf issue and is now a point of international mockery for the entire world. I may rest.
Yeah you're probably right, just saying. The muslims are the same, they don't do shit that their meme book tells them besides not eating pork
They should have been surrounded by humans and shamed and beaten but nobody cared enough to intervene. Sad.
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Why is one of the goons a pajeet?
Has he been reading Uncle Dhavaharindarajahn's Cabin?
thought we were all supposed to be the same. why create the distinction then?
Glory to God. Glory to the Bame.
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If you come to Bameland, Purple Aki will look at you, he will put his hands on you, he will squeeze your muscles, and he will sodomize you.
Sikhs are bro tier and shieet

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