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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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▶Previous: >>473224571

▶Day: 863 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
>Hungary's PM orbán meets putin for talks on Ukraine
>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Gay tranny thread
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good morning, frens!
finally weekend
give me your best shit from this week
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Pray for more dead kikes in gaza, dead jews=less child rape
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2.6 million people have been shown this deepfake. It cites an AI-written disinformation site. 02-07-2024
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We must secure the existence of the Jew race and a future for the Jew children. -Pigdolf Hoholer
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There are some comrades in chug coping like germans around 1917 and saying monke is a traitor to pussya. Is that a sign of winning?
Beautiful destruction of a Russian 240mm self-propelled mortar 2S4 «Tyulpan» by the Ukrainian 24th Mechanised Brigade with FPV drone.

It was designed to destroy the most fortified fortifications.

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>Orban will save Russia!!!
Destroyed Russian sabotage group

The invaders continue their senseless attempts to seize the islands in the Kherson area.

Going on assaults, they stay there forever. Such remnants of "good Russians" have been rotting on Kozatskyi Island for a month.

Kherson region

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Instead of surrendering, the Russian invader made a better choice...


I thought so, let me update the statistics when the 100th case is reached :)

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Russian invader successfully intercepted Ukrainian FPV drone with his helmet

He who shills for the Jew shall die by the Jew.
Slava Ukraine
Post more Russia gore, specially legs blown off
Another one Russian invader successfully intercepted Ukrainian FPV drone
jews are my friends, kys
>He who shills for the Jew shall die by the Jew.
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Kikes mutilate baby dicks then suck the blood off.
It's their culture
this aussie cossack chuckle fuck is getting a little too confident don't you think? surely this retard has revealed his location. maybe a present for him in the future?
im not a baby so what
Bruh who makes these general threads? Like who would take the time, who is autistic enough to be this organized? How is this not a psyop?
What does the Kahal say about apostate Jew women and their children?
A gay tranny does it because he can't go outside or else people laugh at him
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go ask /chug/ nigger, they have like 4 posts of trigger warnings, I just copy, paste and hit post
it's funny that russian dicksuckers call US psy-opped. Youre fucking retarded. I bet you literally are jobless and failed highschool.
Learn english ESL nigger.
>being such a tourist that he doesn't know about generals
>doesn't know about /sg/, /ug/ etc
Ukrainian attack drones successfully hit multiple Russian fuel dumps this evening in Krasnodar Krai.

Seen here, a railside tank farm burns in the town of Leningradskaya.


>6 hours ago
Another Ukrainian attack drone hit a tank farm in Pavlovskaya.

Leningradskaya location (46.3130156, 39.3516792)

Pavlovskaya location (46.1223221, 39.8482684)

Source- https://t.me/astrapress/59009

Another view of the Pavlovskaya facility burning.

Western Ukraine, a Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 Fulcrum touches down, returning from a Russian drone hunting mission.

/sg/ wasn't a tranny containment general. Can't compare.
Ukrainians can evade the draft by putting on a British accent kek
but you cant evade it in russia, all mobiks and males 16-56 age will be CUBIFIED
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Russian losses per 06/07/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff.

+1260 men
+11 tanks
+18 APVs
+66(!) artillery pieces
+58 UAVs
+9 cruise missiles
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Overnight, Russia attacked with 27 Shahed drones. A total of 24 were shot down.
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Zelensky is slowly realising the only way ukraine can survive is Putin peace deal

Let's hope the UK won't torpedo the this deal like Boris Jhonson
Why is he alone in a field? Where is his gun?
>all Ukrainian far right fighters openly endorse trump
Fugg, looks like we can finally drop all the libshit virtue signaling and be openly nazi. Feels good man
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Eh, can compare. anyway a general is there for info, you get what you can. In the Syrian war there was a clear as day enemy, even though the Baath regime might at times seem like shit, the moderate beheaders and jihadists made them look like paradise. Here, on this conflict you have an invader that already initiated a proxy war in the 2015, made a landgrab and now bites more and more. Little bit like what Turkey does in the Middle East but here there are different numbers, lel. Ofcourse you got the ukrainian gov being kiked up to all hell but really can't blame the Ukrainians for defending their country. Just like I could not blame the SAA for defending theirs, even when their gov became absolutely controlled and relied upon foreigners. Russians are rightfully taking back their place as golems.
Now do one where Ukraine is holding the American Eagle giving the middle finger the Russian Eagle with two heads.
Didn't read.
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what is the source of this webm anyway, is it on youtube?
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Good kike
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oh and TZD
He's inviting Russia because he knows they'll either turn it down or make fools of themselves. Inviting their representation at the meeting only serves to make Ukraine look better.
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It make sense, all the veterans who fought in donbass remember Trump fondly for not being an absolute faggot like king nigger obama and his senile sidekick bidenov
We will ensure the only peace is total zigger death and we'll take out le pen if she dares get uppity.
so did he survive?
The Krasnodar region came under a massive Ukrainian drone attack at night, targeting and damaging the Lukoil oil depot in Pavlovskaya, the Rosneft oil depot in Leningradskaya, and damaging a mobile phone tower in Yeysk.

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UK should torpedo some ballistc missiles from black sea to sochi
Russia's conditions for negotiations are for Ukrainians to withdraw from the Russian regions and to promise not to join NATO.
There can be no negotiations until Ukraine complies.
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>Zelensky is slowly realising
then you woke up
>A ceasefire is not finishing the war. Weve been there. It would be just a frozen conflict. - President Zelenskyy in an interview with Bloomberg. 03-07-2024
Did the crew die roasting and screaming?
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why not just skip the middle ground and go straight for moskow?
Fresh meat for the grinder, eh?
He gonna be alright, Unka La'r?
>>473235543 most definitely

Yesterday, a strike was carried out on the command post of the 66th Command Brigade near Nova Kakhovka, occupied Kherson region. Six drones were used. The attack destroyed a tropospheric communication station (likely R-412) and an electric power station (likely E-351br). Two Russian servicemen got wounded.

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A month already
After catastrophic news he probably came closer to truth
obviously not mountain pajeet, you aren't suriving that close to a fragmentation radius maybe not even in an immediate medevac, the fuck kind of stupid question is that

Newly geolocated footage shows further Ukrainian advances both in the eastern part of Vovchansk, and the area west of Tykhe. The aggregrate plant is still a gray zone, while Ukrainians have tried to storm it during the last 24-48 hours with an unknown outcome.
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Zelinsky is a madman and only wants to bide for time and regroup to do more meat assaults. Tough luck, Putin has seen through his schemes!
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>A month already
Even Orban had to admit that parties 'are very far apart'.
Didn't putun break the ceasefire?
Azov soldiers broke all ceasefire
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Thanks for confirming putin broke the ceasefire.
Oh, yeah? When and where?
No. Law abiding Russia has tried to respect every agreement with the west.
>Putin has seen through his schemes!
Fucking kek.
Here's a zigger actually catching a drone.
Sorry i can't turn it into a webm
I wonder if something happened in 2014 that may have changed the reality of the situation?
Ceasefire 1 : They tried to storm Debaltseve and got BTFO
Ceasefire 2 : They bombed partisans from Donetsk airport.
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SitRep - 05/07/24 - Ukraine retook new positions in Vovchansk

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Drones visited the Krasnodar an Rostov regions, Ukrainian forces liberated more area's in Vovchansk and fires in occupied Kherson.
post video for that frame
Which is better...
Former Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi will begin his role as Ukraine's ambassador to the United Kingdom on July 10.

>>Orban will save Russia!!!
lol so it worked a bit?
but I guess still shrapnel got him?
>I wonder if something happened in 2014 that may have changed the reality of the situation?
Exactly 10 years ago, the Defense Forces blocked the Russians in Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, and the terrorist Girkin fled to Donetsk! 05-07-2024
Perhaps he didn't pull the pin on the grenade? We would never know since there is no webm of it.
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fick dich gerhard schröder (SPD), du korrupte sau

i hate ziggers so much it's unreal
That's what I said. Russia refuses to budge on their unreasonable demands in a unilateral war of aggression they've been waging for the last 10 years, that no one else in the world but their own Autocrat buddies accepts as reasonable. Ukraine will retain its autonomy and its territory. Ukraine's borders were established and agreed to emphatically by the Russian Federation in 1991, with no argument or caveat or demographic constraints set. There are no Russian regions of Ukraine, not even Crimea. And Ukraine's diplomacy and politics are its own to decide. If they want to associate themselves with NATO, they have every natural right to do so.
Russia does not get to dictate anything outside of its own borders, especially not with the threat of unjustified force. The only peace terms Ukraine should accept would be a return to the borders of 1991, a permanent truce, and a war reparations agreement in exchange for all sanctions and international criminal charges being lifted on Russian politicians. Putin and his people could live out the rest of his life as they please and govern the country any way they want, but stop trying to strongarm their neighbors. Every bit of this conflict has been an unjustified fit thrown by Russia as a result of Ukraine deciding to end a leasing agreement for the Russian Navy.
And if you're inclined to bring up Guantanamo Bay as a whataboutism, know that I disapprove of the US's refusal to let that particular lease be ended as well, at least after it was well clear that a favorable government would not be returning to Cuba any time soon..
>Ceasefire 1 : They tried to storm Debaltseve and got BTFO
Lol, nice bait bro
yeah he's just sleeping at the end in the comfy field
Yes, Putin decided to boost hisrating
it's a helmet, mountain pajeet
christ you faggots are retarded, how about reading the thread, it was posted twice before you deciced to make another shitpost, mountain pajeet
Tell me your version of events then, nazi piggy
FAL is sovl
Debaltseve was attacked by unmarked RuAF forces after the second Minsk accords retard
oh okay. I thought it was a grenade. lol
Gipsy king really thinks no one thought about peace or a ceasefire but him.
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FAL, but really you have better weapons in the US army.

Last night, Ukrainian UAVs attacked the Krasnodar and Rostov regions in Russia. In Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Krasnodar, drones targeted an electrical substation 05-07-2024.PNG
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On Russian television, a video was shown of a Russian soldier finishing off another Russian soldier after an FPV strike. However, they misrepresented these Russians as Ukrainians. 05-07-2024.PNG

A HIMARS rocket strike targeted a Russian 'Supercam' drone crew somewhere in the Luhansk region. HD.mp4

In the first half of 2024, Ukrainian ports increased cargo handling by 68%, processing 52.7 million tons compared to 31.3 million tons in the same period in 2023. 05-07-2024.PNG

Ukrainian partisans sabotaged a railway used by Russia to transport North Korean ammunition. Agents of the 'Atesh' movement successfully conducted the operation on the Trans-Siberian Railway near Yekaterinburg 05-07-2024.PNG

The drone systems battalion of the 63rd Mechanized Brigade, with the assistance of the artillery division's intelligence, successfully destroyed another Russian tank this morning. HD..mp4

The SBU has detained a female FSB agent group in Odesa, consisting of three young women who were covertly collecting information for Russian missile and drone strikes on military targets. 05-07-2024.PNG

Achilles Battalion from the 92nd assault brigade showed recent work. Two BMP-3's and an MT-LB were destroyed. HD.mp4
>unmarked RuAF
There were no russians soldier in donbass before 2014. Try again piggy.
>Russia no longer an economy even the size of Italy
Do we call them an economy the size of Mexico from now on? lol
>There were no russians soldier in donbass before 2014
Yeah, the battle of Debaltseve happened in 2015
Is it even an economy when all the money in it goes to a handful of oligarchs who don't live in the country?
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There were no Russians in Donbas before 2019. Try again cheese man.
>ISIS level gore
>we on the good side


Forest fires continue on the left bank of the occupied Kherson region. Russian forces are unhappy. 05-07-2024 HD.mp4

Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán stated that while Hungary's EU Council presidency does not grant it a mandate to promote peace in Ukraine, the country can still be a useful tool for those seeking peace. 05-07-2024.PNG

The 95th Air Assault Brigade is conducting stabilization operations to destroy advancing Russian assault groups on the eastern outskirts of Pivnichne, Toretsk direction. 05-07-2024.PNG

Ukraine has received its third Patriot air defense system from Germany. The Ukrainian crew has recently completed successful training for this system in Germany, ambassador to Ukraine, Martin Jaeger confirmed. 05-07-2024.PNG

Orban posted a photo from the airport with the caption 'Peace mission continues, second stop - Moscow'. Viktor has a plate in his head. 05-07-2024.PNG

Footage from a body camera of a soldier from the 'Lyut' brigade shows the battles in Vovchansk, Kharkiv region. HD

To achieve peace in Ukraine, Ukraine must fully withdraw its troops from Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions, according to Putin. 05-07-2024

Putin stated that he and Orban discussed potential ways to settle the war in Ukraine. Orban called for a ceasefire to create conditions for negotiations. 05-07-2024

Can we please start European Parliament's Article 7. 05-07-2024

T-14 Armata . T-90-M . BMP-Terminator . BTR-82A . BMP-3 . BMP 2 . BMP 1 . DesertCross-1000 . Blyatbarns . Blyatbikes . Blyatsteps. HD
niggergrabm is GAY as kiked.
post at least to niggerbox catbox.moe - it is a bit less pozzed
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That was between Ukraine and Ukraine.

Russia invaded in 2022.

Your Jewish lies about gas chambers in Moscow weren't true either.
ISIS were the good guys, my p*rshmega nigger
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ISIS support gay marriage between homo sapiens if one of them doesn't have a penis on the outside.

10 years ago. Do you recognize HD.mp4

Russian forces took three months and thousands of lives to capture the 'Kanal' neighborhood in Chasiv Yar. Since the start of the campaign to seize the city, the Russians have lost 99,000 personnel 05-07-2024.PNG

In the south, five Kh-59 missiles and seven reconnaissance drones, including four 'ZALA', two 'Supercam', and one 'Orlan-10', were shot down. 05-07-2024.PNG

Zelenskyi's evening speech, I want to thank our partners for fulfilling air defense agreements. We aimed at doubling the strength of our air defense shield, and today the process has begun. 05-07-2024.PNG

Do svidanya 05-07-2024.PNG

Russian propagdandists are clearly running out of ideas. Due to the lack of any meaningful success at the front, they pass off the cold-blooded execution of one of their servicemen as Ukrainian actions against their own 5-7-2024.PNG

Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary, sits and rubs hands with war criminals in Kremlin. 05-07-2024.mp4

A former KGB agent praised an ex-Trump admin. staffer Elbridge Colby on state TV, suggesting that his foreign policy would implement the position that the U.S. 'doesn't] need Ukraine at all.' 05-07-2024.PNG

Russian Telegram channels report a drone attack on Rostov and Krasnodar regions of Russia last night. It is reported that a refinery was hit near Rostov, and that TPP-2 may have been hit as well. 05-07-2024.PNG
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Protecting hearth and home against a numerically superior foe requires excessive means. Perhaps the sight of their friends, family, and countrymen getting reduced to piles of giblets will convince the Russians to just go home.
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ISIS were, are and will continue to be pathetic dregs that deserve to get shot and killed in violent ways and feel safe nowhere for what they have done.
Get your head straight.
>That was between Ukraine and Ukraine
No one falls for your jewish lies. It takes 5 minutes in jewgle to find info about doxxed buryats soldiers and rekt modern puccian equipment in the battle of Ebaltseve

A story about love and support. Ukrainian Defender had little time to learn how to walk on a prosthetic leg. But he had a deadline. He made it - and walked during his wedding, with his beautiful bride by his side 05-07-2024.PNG

A Ukrainian armored personnel carrier made in the Netherlands of the Steel Border brigade breaks through to Ukrainian positions through an open and mined location.PNG

When will you get out and take your thieves with you, So that this insolent and terrible death does not hover over Donbas,' Leaving her native Donetsk region, a teacher read a poem with the truth about Russia. 05-07-2024.PNG

Germany has handed over the third Patriot surface-to-air missile system to Ukraine. Thank you, Germany! This is so, so important. 05-07-2024.PNG

Russian media report that a Mi-28 helicopter was shot down in Rostov region of Russia. It was allegedly lifted into the air to intercept Ukrainian drones. 05-07-2024.PNG
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Viktor Orban has met with Putin and called this meeting ''special'', according to media reports. 05-07-2024.mp4

Putin us probing the EU, NATO, the West. He is looking how far he can go and which of the 'thousand cuts' might work. It is crucial that the response to this is strong and clear, not 'deep concern' but decisive actions. 05-07-2024.PNG

Viktor Orban posted a photo after meeting with Putin, captioned 'it's necessary to act for the sake of peace'. 05-07-2024.PNG
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I respect ISIS for their TMD efforts, fanaticism and edgy aesthetics. Other Syrian civil war factions are gay and cringe
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I can accept sandniggers killing sandniggers over which sandnigger sect of their religion is correct.
I can not accept the rampant destruction of world heritage sites. Death to those who destroy our collective history.
Girkin disagrees with you
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>oy vey, i partook in an invasion with thousands of severe war crimes of both smaller and massive scales and now i am getting shot, killed, hunted like sport and my gibbing gets uploaded online
>how could this be happening oy gevalt?!

>woe is me, the imperial tyrant
rusia could just return to your the bilaterally agreed upon borders
start a massive campaign of modernization Russia wide, raise the standard of living
squash out the globohomo pride shit in good faith and not just as a putinist gambit to misdirect
become such a beacon of prosperity and individual success that Ukrainians revolt against their western handlers and beg to join CSTO and gain friendship with Russia
But that would be a threat to the mechanism and a system shock to the bullshit putin has been doing to russia and russian state budget for the past 2+ decades

instead there was an attempt for another russian coup like in crimea but this time the whole of Ukraine
It failed and now russia bomb civilian infrastructure, and threaten to freeze its neighbors to death
Rusia threatens the world with nuclear annihilation because their neighbors dare fight the invasion rusia started into their lands
Total zigger death
To the last pidorusian
What about all the christians they killed? What about all the jews they didn't kill?
You love propaganda babble.

ATESH movement reported it has stopped the operation of trains with North Korean ammunition near Russian Yekaterinburg. 05-07-2024.PNG

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, 'Of course, Viktor Orbán is not representing NATO at these meetings. He's representing his own country' 05-07-2024.PNG

A hospital for wounded Russian soldiers near occupied Luhansk. Due to the large number of wounded, there is a shortage of medicine, foodstuffs, and basic necessities. 05-07-2024.PNG

Reports appeared in Russian Telegram channels that a Russian military air base in Primorsko-Akhtarsk was hit as a result of a night attack. 05-07-2024.PNG

Putin, Mr. Prime Minister told about his recent meetings in Kyiv, where he made a number of proposals, including a call for a ceasefire to create conditions for negotiations with Russia. 05-07-2024.PNG

I was in Kyiv this week, and now I am in Moscow. I realized that [Ukraine's and Russia's] positions are very far apart. - Orbán. He only just found that out 05-07-2024.PNG

The conditions for [ending the war] involve the complete withdrawal of all Ukrainian troops from the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, the Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions. 05-07-2024.PNG

By the way, while Putin and Orban are talking about ''peace'', Russian missiles are attacking Ukraine. 05-07-2024.PNG
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It's only babble because you have a near freezing temperature IQ.
>Overmedicated babbling
lol, fix yourself.
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>le based edgy isis and le others are le cringe
Get your head stright you dumb nigger.

I despise all terrorists and wish death to all terrorists even before they destroy world heritage sites.
Here, good 'slime terrorist from chechny de-escalated in Ukraine.
Ban this Norwegian VPN already, hiroshimoot.
>What about all the christians they killed? What about all the jews they didn't kill?
I don't give a shit about the semite bronze age beefs, sorry. They can kill each other as much as they want, as long as whitey gets the oil
Don’t get a headache opening doors now, stupid.
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total zigger terrorist death
>27 posts by this ID
Have sex my dude
You will give a shit once niggers and war refugees from the middle start spilling to your country.
total zigger pederast death
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>No U
The height of zigger wit, gentlemen.

Colombians and Argentinians are among the infantrymen of the Ukrainian 13th Khartia National Guard Brigade. They are currently defending Ukraine from Russian invaders near the village of Lyptsi in Kharkiv. 05-07-2024.PNG

Another piece of important information about how Russia is spreading its influence in Africa. I wouldn't be surprised if they are recruiting mercenaries for the war in Ukraine right in the churches 05-07-2024.PNG

Glory to our Defenders! - luhanskdpsu TikTok 05-07-2024.mp4

We see them... We destroy them! 3rd Assault Brigade HD.mp4

Straight to the target! Ukrainian warriors shot down a russian Supercam UAV with a MANPADS. 36th Marine Brigade HD.mp4

Latvia will deliver the next package of drones to Ukraine as part of the drone coalition. The package includes more than 2,500 combat drones worth EUR 4 million. 05-07-2024.PNG

The third Patriot air defense system from DE arrived in UA. We are grateful to our German partners for their unwavering support! Patriot systems help save innocent lives and critical infrastructure from russian terror. 05-07-2024.PNG

A russian tank tried to hide in a hangar, but UA gunners destroyed it. 14th Mechanized Brigade HD.mp4

Every shot brings victory closer! 3rd Assault Brigade HD.mp4

A russian tank got lost in the field. Our drone pilots were kind enough and showed it the right way to hell. 63rd Mechanized Brigade HD.mp4
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>thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjJh5HejXAo&list=RDMM728ow7dCYOU&index=2
thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjJh5HejXAo&list=RDMM728ow7dCYOU&index=2
>thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjJh5HejXAo&list=RDMM728ow7dCYOU&index=2
>cattle IQ
Must suck.
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We all know that you want the return of the USSR at a voting turnout of 93% in favor in opinion polls.

That equipment was stolen from Ukrainian Weapons Depos and Used by the Crimean people in their civil war.

Oleksandr Turchynov:
Ukraine President 2014
From 1987 to 1990, he served as head of the agitation and propaganda division of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Komsomol (Communist Youth League) Committee.

Mikheil Saakashvili:
Georgian president 2007-2013
From May 2015 until November 2016, Saakashvili was the governor of Ukraine's Odesa Oblast.

Georgian president sitting as Govenor of Ukraines Oblast.

Georgia was invaded in 2008 broski.

The Ukrainian war is revenge and vengeance for the war with Georgia.

It won't stop until Russia wins.
>gore reactions
Zoomer right?
>date rapist
>likes trupm
It tracks
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You know 90% don’t ever read memeflag babble? It’s like facebook spam.
zooming in on that level 1991 gyatt

zigger terrorists deserve death, simple as

Puppeted by: ex-fsb pidors/various criminals/wagner ""P""MC/regular rusnigger army(on vacation)
>Wagner PMC is entirely funded and organized by the Russian government.
>The "separatism" is just a contrivance, a lie (to russians) by the govt for a power grab in Ukriane
t.Igor "Strelkov" Girkin
ISG proudly states that without his action the "separatism" would've fizzled because there was no authentic basis
IGS was operating as terrorists in donbass ordered russian terrorists to shoot, hitting MH17 over Ukraine, killing 298 people
They count to the 3404 dead from 2014-2021 (2084 dead in 2014) on both terrorist controlled territories of ukraine and those that were free
Ziggers try to inflate this and claim "50k russians genocided in donbas"
These identified russian servicemen used a BUK launcher originating from the 53rd anti-air brigade previously stationed at Kursk
It's a Potemkin Putsch

Ukrainians, Russophone or not were entirely fine being with Kyiv
Even they elected Zelensky into power and Zelensky was doubtful of war
He even reduced military readiness until the vatnigger chimpout actually went ahead
They never asked to be occupied by Russian brotherfucker military
Once Donbas is liberated, the people of Donetsk and Luhansk will fly Ukrainian flags
Much like the residents of the supposedly "Russian" cities of Kharkiv and Kherson
Because unlike Russian thieves, rapists and murderers,
Ukrainian soldiers are the ones actually welcomed as saviors and liberators from the russian terrorist regime
I don't get it
>date rapist
Damn sisters, should we cancel him now?
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>invaders die in war they've started
oh noooe
Got some cape shit lore also for this Legoland war?
>books filled with schitzo babble
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Promised third German Patriot air defence system has arrived to Ukraine. - German ambassador to Ukraine. 05-07-2024.PNG

About todays strike on the Russian command and control base in the vicinity of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region, «Today, 05 July 2024, at about 04-00 on the morning, the control point of the 66th control brigade 05-07-2024.PNG
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Russian media, The head of a district in the Kursk region of Russia was killed by a fallen tree while he was chopping wood for the needs of the military at the front. 05-07-2024.PNG

The use of electric scooters at the front by Russian infantry. 05-07-2024.PNG

Rostov… BAVOVNA at night 05-07-2024.PNG

Here are losses I could identify for yesterday. 04-07-2024.jpg

Drone attack on an electrical substation in Primorsko-Akhtarsk (Krasnodar Territory), Russian air defense unsuccessfully hit one target... 05-07-2024.PNG

CRIMEA… STORM SHADOW THREAT, Crimean Bridge is closed, as well as the Dzhankoy checkpoint, were temporarily closed 'for safety reasons'. 05-07-2024.PNG

I hope that Ukraine will become a member of NATO within the next 10 years, - NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg 05-07-2024.PNG
Didn't read. Kys. KEK.
>no u

And the cope continues.
>iM a cHiLd

You should not be here posting, dumb dumb.
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>rusia could just return to your the bilaterally agreed upon borders
>start a massive campaign of modernization Russia wide, raise the standard of living
>squash out the globohomo pride shit in good faith and not just as a putinist gambit to misdirect
>become such a beacon of prosperity and individual success that Ukrainians revolt against their western handlers and beg to join CSTO and gain friendship with Russia
>But that would be a threat to the mechanism and a system shock to the bullshit putin has been doing to russia and russian state budget for the past 2+ decades
>instead there was an attempt for another russian coup like in crimea but this time the whole of Ukraine
>It failed and now russia bomb civilian infrastructure, and threaten to freeze its neighbors to death
>Rusia threatens the world with nuclear annihilation because their neighbors dare fight the invasion rusia started into their lands
based and true

>picrel: gulaghomo
>Verification not required.
Concession accepted, memeflag nigger.
LMAO, please stay at home, streets are not safe! Heard they take you in at all kinds of times of the day.

Good luck!
So guys, when do you think the pedophile botox manlet will put forth the next ceasefire suggestion?
Good to see that even Scholz (SPD) Chancellor of Germany called that stuff out for the proobing bullshit tactic that it is.
Does pidor desperation correlate with pidor "peace" offers?
Seems like it to me, what do you think?

ziggers are transitioning!
>We all know that you want the return of the USSR at a voting turnout of 93% in favor in opinion polls.
Citation needed
how brown are you? darker than this guy or what?
>botched dick on VPN

>ISIS level Gore
>No torture, mutilation, or murder of civilians

Cmon Norway, I know that you know that killing soldiers that are invading your country is completely reasonable. This is also no more gory than any other modern armed conflict, you just get to see it up close in HD thanks to modern tech.

Labor party has officially won the British elections. Change starts right here, because this is your democracy, your community, your future. You have voted. Now it’s time for us to keep our promises, – Keir Starmer 05-07-2024.PNG

Ukrainians FPV drone VS 7 Russians 05-07-2024 HD.mp4

Local residents write that a Russian Mi-28 collided with a Ukrainian drone in the Rostov region! 05-07-2024.PNG

The Russian military has reportedly lost 99,000 troops (killed and wounded) since the start of the Chasiv Yar campaign, - Forbes 05-07-2024.PNG

Ukrainian drones in Belarus and China’s desire for peace, foreign media about Ukraine. Chinese CGTN 'While China invested $1 trillion in the most important of the 21st century 05-07-2024.PNG

A fragment of the battles in Vovchansk from the camera of the soldiers of the 'Safari' assault regiment, 'Lyut' brigade. HD.mp4

The shooting down of the enemy reconnaissance UAV 'Zala' by Strela-10 air defence system of the 3rd OSHBr in Kharkiv region! hd.mp4

Bundeskanzler, Viktor #Orbán is visiting Putin as Hungarian Prime Minister. In foreign policy, the European Council is represented by Charles Michel. 05-07-2024.PNG

GUR agent working in Moscow 05-07-2024 HD.mp4

The third Patriot air defence system from Germany has already arrived in Ukraine. Also, on July 2, it became known that the Netherlands had officially completed the license 05-07-2024.PNG

MoD of Latvia is handing over another batch of combat drones to AFU as part of the drone coalition – 2500 units. 05-07-2024.PNG
>gore convo
Zoomers are boring, holy fuck.
>rape is good
I hear you my man

you can't really cancel someone like Karas, he is embedded with SBU and other shady people, but you at least can avoid him like a sadistic rapist son of a bitch he is and don't promote him like a "cool guy"
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>Good luck!
also kys pidorGPT
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100% you're a thug
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>I'm a troll mama look at me how cool I am
good boy
A ben shapiro midget.
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I ain't falling for your tricker no more, dear conquistador.
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zigger death lmao

The USSR is in flames. Stalin's glorious vision for Homo Sovieticus is in ruins. His favoured son, Monke, has turned from his Communism's spectre and embraced Oligarchaos.

His armies, the mighty and redoubtable Russian Armed Forces, are locked in a brutal special military operation. Once, these Ukrainian warriors fought side by side as brothers, protecting the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and bringing the people of Europe back into the Russkiy Mir. Now they are divided.

Some remain loyal to the Tsar, whilst others have sided with the Warmaster Zelensky. Pre-eminent amongst them, the elite of their thousands-strong conscripts are the VDV. Magnificent, superhuman beings, they are the crowning achievement of Soviet military tradition. Thrust into battle against one another, victory is uncertain for either side.

Airports are burning. At Hosstmel V, Zelensky dealt a vicious blow and three loyal Velysian Drop Divisions were all but destroyed. War has begun, a conflict that will engulf the steppes in fire. Treachery and betrayal have usurped honour and nobility. Assassins lurk in every shadow. Armies are gathering. All must choose a side or die.

Zelensky musters his horde, Crimerra itself the object of his wrath. Seated upon the Golden Banan, Monke waits for his wayward son to return. But the true enemy is NATO, a primordial force that seeks to enslave mankind to democracy and prosperity.

The screams of the T-14, the pleas of the mobiks resound to the cruel laughter of Monke. Suffering and damnation await him should he fail and the war be lost.

The age of the Happiness of all Mankind has ended.
The Age of Monke has begun.
Haha how is the cope?

Bullshit. There is massive amounts of evidence that Russia was sending its troops into Ukranian Donbass & Luhansk regions ever since 2014 to stir up more conflict and support separatists. Russia itself has even admitted openly and said that Russian soldiers were going there during their "vacations."

Total destruction of the Russians by drones of 'Promin' unit 23rd OSB of the 63rd OMBr. HD.mp4

Presidential spokesman Nikiforov has denied that Zelenskyy has scheduled an interview with Tucker Carlson. After the Russians blew up the Kakhovka HPP, Tucker Carlson said that Ukraine was to blame 05-07-2024.PNG

P_Fiala, Viktor Orbán does not represent our or EU interests in Moscow. Nor does he have any mandate to negotiate on our behalf. The Czech position is clear, Putin is the aggressor, we stand with Ukraine. 05-07-2024.PNG

China 2.0 , RUSSIA 05-07-2024.PNG

The Netherlands endorses the message of @eucopresident @CharlesMichel. Viktor Orbán has no mandate to conduct discussions with Moscow on behalf of the EU. 05-07-2024.PNG

EvikaSilina, Meeting with Vladimir Putin while Russia wages war in Ukraine and kills innocent civilians is totally unacceptable. This undermines efforts for Ukraine's victory and a just peace. 05-07-2024.PNG

Putin-Khuilo, 'Ukraine is not ready to abandon the war to the end. Ukraine must completely withdraw troops from Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.' 05-07-2024.PNG

An attack on the place of deployment of about 50 occupiers on the territory of Belgorod region, - division 'Tivaz'. HD.mp4

Stratkom of AFU published a map of the 10 furthest strikes on the territory of Russia! Currently, the attack on the Voronezh-M radar station in Orsk holds the record for the range. 05-07-2024.PNG
That's too bad. I didn't know it would be above your reading level. Maybe I should have cut it back to Third Grade instead of Sixth Grade?
>rape is good
Date rape allegations are one of the favorite leftoid smear tactics. I'm 99% sure it's the work of #MunichPride without even reading it
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You are schizo. have some of these.
>"Barrelbombs are fine (they actually are) and not overkill"
>"FPV drones of Ukraine despite Russia using them too are wrong"
>Endless copy paste spam to keep up the silly war.

Must be boring after awhile.
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/skibidi/ this
/skibidi/ that
zigger roosters' going AAACCCKKKKCKKCKKKKK
>Haha how is the cope?
Haha how is the cope?
What a shame. You wrote all that crap and nobody bothered to read it.
>i dOnt’T gRasP ShiT!! DErp

Haha, no shit.
Checked! Now you are winning for sure!
I don't get it explain the joke
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share *your* zigger death themes!

Truly, no one cares about dead ziggers other than /uhg/
This is the only memorial they get
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>circumcision is performed for girls
Isn't that an tribal African thing? What the fuck?

F–16s with appropriate weapons will be able to push back Russian military aircraft. The northwestern part of the Black Sea - Vice Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa. 05-07-2024

Without details, but today we already received strengthening of our air defence separately from the USA. I also want to thank you! Strengthening has already taken place, - Zelensky 05-07-2024

Another Russian suicide 05-07-2024 HD

USA and other NATO countries will pledge additional air defences for Ukraine during the summit in Washington next week, including three Patriot batteries, - Politico 05-07-2024

I want to thank our partners for fulfilling air defense agreements. We aimed at doubling the strength of our air defense shield, and today the process has begun', - Zelensky 05-07-2024.PNG

Exactly 10 years ago, the Defense Forces blocked the Russians in Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, and the terrorist Girkin fled to Donetsk! 05-07-2024.PNG

Marine Le Pen said that as soon as a representative of her political force heads the government, she will prohibit Ukraine from using French long-range weapons for strikes on the Russian territory. 05-07-2024

Scooter troops of the Russian Armed Forces… 05-07-2024

Putin, 'There should not be a truce or a pause for the rearmament of the Kyiv regime. Moscow stands for a complete and final end to the conflict.' 05-07-2024

Delighted to have a telephone conversation with new PM of UK Sir Keir Starmer, - Zelensky We discussed an unprecedented 100-year (!) agreement between Ukraine and Great Britain. 05-07-2024.PNG
Be 18 to post here, ask parents why it hurts opening doors.
We know that you're on VPN, botched dick, no need to state the obvious.
It's a sunni muzzie thing
Yet I still got (You)r (You), curious
>Date rape allegations are one of the favorite leftoid smear tactics
does it mean that rapist stopped to rape because of it?

>I'm 99% sure it's the work of #MunichPride without even reading it
I knew the guy and a bunch of his (ex)friends you retard
Karas is best
Although im not exactly supporting him supporting trump, for me the whole biden trump situation is the perfect example of a turd sandwhich vs douchebag from south park, but whatever
So you don't get it yourself and you're stalling. Like the ukrop army. Poetic.
>Haha, no shit.
Haha, no shit.
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>Isn't that an tribal African thing?
"like nigeria with snow"
>What the fuck?
Human rights or bust.
If zigger death is what it takes to defeat pidoration imperialism then zigger death it is
>I knew the guy
And my dad works at nintendo
>And my dad works at nintendo
No he doesn't
damn you zoomers are really the screamer generation, hold a hammer without breaking your wrist, tiny manbaby.
>Karas is best
Well obviously you know him well. Ask him if he ever tried to force himself on a woman, when you'll met your best pal Karas
The Finnish guy did, and I'm pretty sure you did too, and it got under your slimy-ass skin so bad you couldn't let it go. Stop covering for a gay retarded autocracy run by an old shithead who doodled in the margins of useless communist paperwork in an office in Dresden for 16 years.
>iM dUmb
You are seriously inept.
Another one not old enough to post here?

Moldova will generate electricity for Ukraine in exchange for gas, MFA, Generation plants will be installed on the territory of Moldova, which will use natural gas supplied by Ukraine. 05-07-2024.PNG

Interesting reporting by POLITICO. According to their info, Germany will pledge another (the 4th) Patriot fire unit to Ukraine during next week's NATO anniversary summit. A report by Bloomberg 05-07-2024.PNG

Marine Le Pen, 'If Macron wants to send troops to Ukraine, and the Prime Minister is against it, then there will be no troops in Ukraine.' 05-07-2024.PNG

BAVOVNA after UAVs attack on the LUKOIL oil depot in Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory! 06-07-2024 HD.mp4

UAVs hit a fuel depot in the Leningrad, Krasnodar region, Russia, and caused considerable damage. Source Telegram Rostov_Glavniy 06-07-2024 HD.mp4

Another fuel depot in Krasnodar region, Russia, was struck. The Lukoil facility in Pavlovsk is burning. Source, Telegram - Rostov_Glavniy and Astra 06-07-2024.PNG
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The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs releases a message to all the migrants thinking about trying to illegally cross into Poland from Belarus 05-07-2024.PNG

The Russian city of Rostov is covered in black smoke after a Ukrainian drone swarm struck an oil depot last night 05-07-2024.PNG

The U.S. is the only NATO state spending less on defense than it did 10 years ago, Via @secretsqrl123 05-07-2024.PNG
He's a nobody.
Gee you sound like some buttblasted feminist Munich Territorial Defence woman yourself
>does it mean that rapist stopped to rape because of it?
Never implied that. I just don't buy it when it's levied against high profile guys hated by leftoids
Yeah hyper "religious" africans do it so females can't feel sexual pleasure and be tempted to do sex outside marriage and procreation.
What's wrong with telegram?
There was the exact same chart comparing belarus russia and ukriane presidents over 20 years

Evil cannot create uh ?

No barrelbombs are being used here on civilian targets (in Russia-supported Syria), just precise munitions to kill individual or small groups of soldiers.

Nobody said drone use is wrong, just when they're used against civilians, like Russia has been doing.

If you love Russia so much, you should go back there Ivan. You're obviously a Russian troll.
Why are Ukrainian soldiers running away?
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>Evil cannot create
Their constant mirroring and "no u"-isms makes them extremely predictable
As am I, as are you, brother. To believe anything else is arrogant presumption that does us no good.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reacts to the results of the UK election 05-07-2024 HD.mp4

FPV Selfie 05-07-2024 HD.mp4

TWO Russian invaders were struck by FPV drone of the Ukrainian 47th Mechanised Brigade in the Pokrovsk direction. The Russian command sent them without armour, without helmets, just to die... HD.mp4

Today, 05.07.2024, at about 04-00, Ukraine conducted a drone attack against the control point of the Russian 66th Control Brigade, located in the village of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast..PNG
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Beautiful destruction of a Russian 240mm self-propelled mortar 2S4 «Tyulpan» by the Ukrainian 24th Mechanised Brigade with FPV drone. It was designed to destroy the most fortified fortifications. HD.mp4

Destroyed Russian sabotage group, The invaders continue their senseless attempts to seize the islands in the Kherson area. Going on assaults, they stay there forever. rotting on Kozatskyi Island.PNG
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Instead of surrendering, the Russian invader made a better choice... 76th… I thought so, let me update the statistics when the 100th case is reached ) HD.mp4

Russian invader successfully intercepted Ukrainian FPV drone with his helmet HD.mp4

Another one Russian invader successfully intercepted Ukrainian FPV drone HD.mp4
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Oh, and the sole reason why russians call us pigs so much (im sure you have seen endless pig speech bubbles and such) is the picrel pig
Yes, this partucular one
Just tgis one singular (1) pig caused all the cascade of pig-isms from russians you see even here every day
Who could have though that just one pig can cause such thermonuclear butthurt
Lesson to be learned - russians have a mirror instead of imagination, and a mirror with a big-ass amplifier
Have you ever seen CHUG? It’s very, very, very clear that it is operated by ann organization running a psyops campaign. If I ran this website I’d put a stop to any and all government-run or sponsored intelligence activities here.
>I just don't buy it when it's levied against high profile guys hated by leftoids
I'm not a leftoid you retard
I don't hate him. But I dislike him for the stuff I personally know about him
This "high profile guy" was just a guy once. I knew him back then.
>This "high profile guy" was just a guy once. I knew him back then.
Fine. Come back when you have something better than "trust me bro"
Are you really using the tremendously factional, tumultuous and neurotic UK government as the gold standard here? Most countries don't have a new leader every year and it's usually a fucking terrible sign when they do. Zelensky, the Rada and the Supreme Court of Ukraine have all agreed to suspend elections until the end of the war so that no Ukrainians are disenfranchised from voting or put under hypothetical threat by coordinated Russian attacks on polling places. There will be elections when there's peace, which will be within the next two years.
>Yes, this partucular one
No, that's a pig from last year.
>twatter guy: I’ll say the opposite of reality
>pro-zigger “Spaniard” anon: I will also say the opposite of what is true
You GLAVSET guys really are pros.
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>Please deanon yourself

Ukrainian attack drones successfully hit multiple Russian fuel dumps this evening in Krasnodar Krai. Seen here, a railside tank farm burns in the town of Leningradskaya. 06-07-2024.PNG

Another Ukrainian attack drone hit a tank farm in Pavlovskaya. Ukrainian attack drones successfully hit multiple Russian fuel dumps this evening in Krasnodar Krai. V2 HD.mp4

Leningradskaya location (46.3130156, 39.3516792) Pavlovskaya location (46.1223221, 39.8482684) Ukrainian attack drones successfully hit multiple Russian fuel dumps this evening in Krasnodar Krai. V3

Western Ukraine, a Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 Fulcrum touches down, returning from a Russian drone hunting mission..PNG

The Krasnodar region came under a massive Ukrainian drone attack at night, targeting and damaging the Lukoil oil depot in Pavlovskaya, the Rosneft oil depot in Leningradskaya, and damaging a mobile phone tower in Yeysk. 06-07-2024.PNG
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Vovchansk, Newly geolocated footage shows further Ukrainian advances both in the eastern part of Vovchansk, and the area west of Tykhe. 06-07-2024.PNG

Former Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhnyi will begin his role as Ukraine's ambassador to the United Kingdom on July 10. 06-07-2024.PNG


No rest even in death
The HOG is hunting
You’re right except for the part about how Putin should live out the rest of his days — he should be dragged from the Kremlin and absolutely brutalized before finally being butchered in full view of the Russian public.
>evem in death i deserve punishment at the hands of HOG
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Mort Totale des Zègres
Implications of a pro-peace libshit winning elections in Iran? I hope Bibi doesn't mossad him
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>we on the good side
the norwegian cuck is the known paleshitstinian, do not engage with arap immigrants
>Everybody I don't like is some buttblasted feminist Munich Territorial Defence woman yourself
чoмy нe в oкoпi, дoдiк? як вoнo, в eхoкaмepi?
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>Most countries don't have a new leader every year

Don't think it implies much for now.
Old communist tactic of smearing your opponent when you have no argument.
Then I keep my opinion and you keep yours. Whatever
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This response makes me think this “Norway” anon is just a PLA chink that can’t keep up with responses so he just dismissive everything as “babble”.
i remember that faggot from 2022, arap shitskin migrant
Damn, langleybros have to shill here even on vacation, must be tough.
According to a ukranian historian the end of the war is near.
>Then I keep my opinion and you keep yours.
Sure, no problem
But my opinion is based on personal knowledge, and yours - on internet hype
I don't care about what communists have to say.
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I like those barefoot Marichkas.
>Date rape
No such thing
It's either rape or you are a slut
I fucking hate whores
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>winter is coming, pideras
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Know any details on this
true or false?
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Apparently Le Pen wants to rescind Ukraine’s authorization to use SCALP missiles on Russian territory if an RN government is formed.
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saaar please stop sucking on dog titty
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what does he base this projection on?

someone actually had requested that
>Apparently Le Pen wants to rescind Ukraine’s authorization to use SCALP missiles on Russian territory if an RN government is formed.
kek we posted the same shit simultaneously
She is putins lapdog. What do you think?
It's fairly obvious Russia is a spent force. The war won't last much longer.
Ever had the courage to engage in a debate on this board?
Probably true, their campaign received russian funding.
Whats her reasoning behind it?
do not redeem sar please do not redeeeem
She got paid.
>What do you think?
I tend to think that she is a bitch
But I also know that modern zeitgeist is to smear anybody right of "raging communist tranny" so I'm curious if maybe there some other pieces of this particular story
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But Crimea is Ukraine.
so, where is that magical-thinking change of heart you initially insinuated a few days ago?
I mean the official one
>But Crimea is Ukraine.
But we (as in Ukrainian armed forces) need to be able to hit zigger official territory
Also (if true) it is a powerful political signal
>wtf this is not comfy
my russian is pretty bad I was just able to understand the title in hopes of some ukie iwll translate it
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>muh escalation
death to grifters both right and left wing
fick auch dich, zarenknecht
>AI slop pepe
>utterly retarded post
Name a more iconic duo
While I would like to see that, and would prefer it, to be honest. I am willing to settle for a Pariah state Russia with all of its teeth pulled and a serious debt of its own making it's forced to nurse. There may be nothing more humiliating to them than sheer proof that Putin and his boyars are craven men only looking out for themselves, subjected to a tributary relationship of their own making, which is the platonic opposite of the one the Golden Horde once held over them long ago.

According to my underinformed and superficial understanding acquired in the last ten minutes, Switzerland doesn't have a new leader every year, it has up to four new leaders every four years at most frequent who get to play musical chairs depending on whether their assignment lines up with a given year. That still sounds pretty fucked up and don't get why you didn't turn out like Yugoslavia or Bosnia-Herzegovina with that arrangement at any point in the last 200 years.
it's impressive to think that both far right and far left idolized putin because they think that when libtard gov is kill putin will help them to slaughter their political enemies
Damn nigger, weak bantz. Can you do a proper insult without projection about yourself?
This. It's so obvious what Zelenskyy wants to do.
Ah, no doubt fears escalation and will join trump calling for giving up Crimea for peace. Someone should give her a slap.
>putin will help them to slaughter their political enemies
well, he may
before slaughtering them too
so they are not 100% wrong about it
It doesn't do anything for now, if Russia's implicit thumb on the scale of Iranian politics goes away during said Pro-Peace Libshit's tenure, maybe it means the end of a west-hostile Iran in the medium term as protests and government reform would be supported from the inside.
That Macron is a warmonger and it is dangerous to "provoke" a nuclear power
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Well, yeah.
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What I said was that it was possible that the realities of government and both internal and outside pressures could lead to a softening of her position. Did you forget about that because you’re an idiot or because you have the intellectual honesty of a leftist?
Thanks to whoever shared this channel a few weeks ago. I've watched basically every video Konstantin has made since then. Having the perspective of a Russian expat is incredibly valuable... when he's not a zigger, of course. It seems like the FSB is going to be working overtime. A lot of these clips are directly calling out Putin, which is a big no-no as I understand it. Call anyone out you want to, as long as you're not embarrassing Putin, you're probably fine.
The only good AIslop pepes are the surreal ones.
Did you read the article?
>Strengthening military and defense systems.
>Maintaining high levels of security vigilance.
>Developing a robust national defense industry.
>Encouraging civilian involvement in defense efforts.
>Building a resilient society capable of withstanding threats.
None of these have anything to do with a Jewish state
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the only softening that's happening here is the softening of the deterrance and pushback agaist pidorstan
keep spinning hypotheticals
the base principle remains that rn is a shitty party from a /uhg/ standpoint
Hope that worked out for him.
>T. Russian shill payed to make Ukrainian supporters look barbaric.
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>far right
I did read the article, but his true intentions were implied by the words "big Israel". There are plenty of countries that do those things, but he worded it that way for a reason. Jews have long been talking about moving Israel to Ukraine as it's safer for them there than in the middle east.
>There are plenty of countries that do those things, but he worded it that way for a reason
No, there are not. We've been over this
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Are you actually stupid enough to believe that crap?
>his true intentions were implied by the words "big Israel"
Think he was purely referring to the highly militarised state of Israel. Can you name any other country as militarised?
>Jews have long been talking about moving Israel to Ukraine as it's safer for them there than in the middle east.
Seems pretty safe for them now except for about two hours when Hamas was the hottest thing on the block
i don't meant just limited to france, i refer to the absolute state of far right and far left post-russian invasion, like if you create a post on this board back in trump era and say that the far right and far left will agree on a thing, you'll be laughed at best

but srsly, RN isn't The Far Right of french politics?
Yes, yes he is.
>Let's hope the UK won't torpedo the this deal like Boris Jhonson
The west will never allow a peace deal so long as the voter base of western countries tolerate govt spending on weapons etc for Ukraine.
Western governments seek “To the Last Ukrainian!”, the plan is to kill all Ukrainians in the process of destroying Russia resources.

There will be no peace because the west doesn’t want it.
Fuck off retard, remove the VPN or go back
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Since you try to use assertions of political allegiance this was or that as fighting words it's going to be harder for you to simply take such things at face value, but yes, RN is nominally a right-wing party and runs on a right wing platform.
At the end of the day it's a somewhat simplified taxonomy applied to many individual political standings of a party/organization/person.
It is, however it’s extremely moderate by comparison with other western countries. It’s economically very left-wing and it’s just moderately conservative on social issues.
I think UHG posters are Russian shills payed to make Ukrainians look bad.
Either that or Ukrainian supporters really are psychotic.
We absolutely want peace. We want it desperately. But we want peace on our terms, not on Putin's. We want peace on Ukraine's terms. Everyone alive knows that if Russia is allowed a peace deal tomorrow, it will spend the next three or four years rearming and reconstituting its armed forces before attacking again. It still might lose this war. Given four years of peace to prepare again, it wouldn't. And it likely wouldn't stop with Ukraine. Stop being retarded. Look at the bigger picture.
How do I stop Ukrainian thots invading my country and sucking every last drop of cum out of my uncut cock with their dodgy bogged lip injections. Invaders must die
I think you're brown
You've never had sex.
>Protecting hearth and home
They aren’t. For the Ukrainians this war is about regime change. Nothing of consequence would change for the average joe under Russian rule; both governments are equally corrupt.
kid due October. You will never breed
>random paki conscript in a foxhole started a war by himself
Idiotic thinking.
>Nothing of consequence would change for the average joe under Russian rul
Ukraine is literally in talks to join the EU as soon as the war is over. Are you genuinely retarded? So much could change for the average person. It's the choice between being a Soviet vassal to the same old Soviet rape and between becoming a member of the strongest economic union in the history of the world.
so what makes russia's bad better than ukrainian's bad?
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hey stupid nigger, who's been poisoning Ukrainian politicians, sending in armed thugs and unmarked soldiers, orchestrating coups and using every dirty trick in the book to sabotage Ukraine ever since they broke away from their shitty empire?
That's right, we're talking about pidorashkas.
Totap Pidor Death.
Already got three lad.
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>Law abiding Russia has tried to respect every agreement with the west.
>Everyone alive knows that if Russia is allowed a peace deal tomorrow, it will spend the next three or four years rearming
I get what you’re saying but this attitude necessitates To the Last Ukrainian. Currently the frontlines aren’t really moving much, where they are it’s Ukrainians losing ground.
The simplest peace deal that you could do is make the borders where the frontline is. Ukraine trying to take back the captured territories of this war, let alone the 2014 one will require enormous Ukrainian deaths; I don’t think it’s even possible.
Now what you’re suggesting is not just the retaking of 2014 ground, but somehow pummelling Russia to destruction. You’re literally asking for To the Last Ukrainian.

As for the idea of Russia striking back if a peace deal is struck, I suspect they’ll be less likely to start another fight if they’ve got the buffer zone of the captured territories plus the ports of the 2014 stuff.

>And it likely wouldn't stop with Ukraine.
Silly statement suggesting it’s gonna take over the world. Where’s Russia going to strike next if it takes Ukraine in your mind?

>Look at the bigger picture.
What? Blood for the blood god?
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>Switzerland doesn't have a new leader every year
New president every year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_Swiss_Confederation#2000%E2%80%93present

> That still sounds pretty fucked up and don't get why you didn't turn out like Yugoslavia
many chances for that, we even had the first chance at lenin (but he left frustrated because even the left was like "naaah, we can also just reform...") - but different story from thread, really just wanted to point out the above since you had mentioned it.
aint war hell
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Just speaking the facts, not even conjecture like in the post I made above.

1 Our governments want this war.
2 Our govt’s goal is to waste Russian resources
3 The mechanism to do so is give money and weapons to someone else’s people to do the fighting for us.
4 The reason for this method is to avoid native soldiers deaths.

The result is to the last Ukrainian; there’s no reason for us to stop unless we run out of Ukrainians to kill or Russia capitulates.

I don’t see the Ukrainian population lasting longer than Russia.
>so what makes russia's bad better than ukrainian's bad?
Don’t think I said there was
>both governments are equally corrupt.
>who's been poisoning Ukrainian politicians, sending in armed thugs and unmarked soldiers
Tit for tat. Ukraine does the same thing to Russia.
>ummm ackshually you do it to them too
Only after they declared war on us, you disingenuous vpn pidor.

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