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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473221735
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Caturday catchouli
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MAGA Caturday
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Ohhh FART can you SHART,
In the local Walmart,
What so proudly we hailed at the McDonalds in Israel,
Whose Jewish masters the goyim proudly served,
When the bathrooms were closed, we shart in our pants in Walmartt
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This dirty shitskin will go.
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Fucking Joe better stay in the race like a stubborn old cunt. Him just merely being around sends half of the left into despair, it's wonderful
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Here, let me fix that for you
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biden has to have the worst stutter in history
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Biden is fine.
>*kills another intern*
He's the sharpest he's ever been.
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>up to like 10 senate seats being tossups
>pollsters still refuse to do any polling of the races except for like Arizona once every two weeks
neocons are essentially communist zionist jews since their ideology is based on Trotskyism
ukraine lost
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Biden having a violent mental breakdown would be hilarious.
>Somehow fucking survives
pollsters are afraid to do anything related to congress since Biden shit himself at the debate.
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AWOO to you too leaf.
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Similar sentiment.
The fake concern posting is hilarious. Only just now did they get the memo to nootice he should be in fucking hospice or euthanized.
This is the guy 80 gorillion nigger cattle (((voted))) for and renominated for office.
Don't they want to save democracy?
Lots of antisemitism!
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>Goddamn the ones of the dead right and left
hey doesn't the screenshot in this cap look familiar?
Guess the newsniggers still come here after all
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new baker needed
Nope. We’re done making these threads. No need for them to be made everyday nonstop. Pretty sure flooding and spamming are against the site rules, so is off topic discussions which aren’t relevant to the theme of the board.
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/ptg/ truly is a magical place
Good Morning /ptg/
Caturday Morning
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Hey ptg...
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Awoo and good morning
Morrow and Awoo
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This weekend we're at Stage 7.
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you say banana, i say apple!
I got it for now
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My posts afe official business and as part of president drumpf's administrstion ARE NOT subject to prosecution.
Now that Biden is back *out* again Trump should pivot to how scared he is of Joe so that they're tricked into keeping him in. The longer Trump makes them dance the more likely he gets a layup against Biden.

If Big Mike enters the race it's over for Trump.
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Gm fren.
It truly is.
deleted clip from the Biden interview
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Oh how nigger the society became
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>el retardo
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Awooing again
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What do you mean by that. Also good morning
I sucked on a boob last night /ptg/ AMA
>coomerpole ID swapping
>Even retarded people said you sounded completely retarded
Shots fired
holy checkem also take:
The Republic was a Galactic Neo-Con society and the Jedi's were commie fucks that got tricked by George Bush if he was as smarter.
>Thought I do believe George Bush's dumb personality was mostly a persona, to fool the masses and critics to deflect how deliberate he was.
Whose boob was it?
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Republic was rotten to the core system that deserved to die. Empire did nothing wrong.
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Just look outside everything is nigger now. Good morning my friend good god thank the lord for our health and safety this fine day.
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Yes yes, its a fine day absolutely. Check this out https://x.com/kuntimora/status/1809210710305718729
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Safe bet, a dog.
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1. Are you stocking leaf?
2. 1-10 how good?
3. Did you feel powerful?
4. Was the based film Thank You for Smoking was playing in the background?
Thrawn's Empire of the Hand was the best government. I love how much Clone Wars (2008) showed the flaws of Democracy despite the whole premise was its decay into evil. Showed lots of normies about how corporations especially Banks can corrupt governments of all forms, if a people become weak and prideful.
6'2" Romanian chick who lives in building across from me who I met because I'm the crossing guard in the area and she was walking her dog
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>nominate biden with millions of votes this spring
>i want a bew candidate now
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>1. Are you stocking leaf?
No idea who that is
>2. 1-10 how good?
Very nice nipples and breast
>3. Did you feel powerful?
Yes, like Ceaușescu
>4. Was the based film Thank You for Smoking was playing in the background?
Non but that is based
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I, too, vote for Biden to be the nominee
>6'2" Romanian chick
>Tall as fuck woman
>Eastern European as well
>Being a crossing guard protecting q3.14s against the menace that is Canadian Drivers
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Thank you fren
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Oh yea funny deer, her ENTER was great.
There were no real Dem primaries, nor is Biden nominated yet. Turn on your real flag, niggerslurper
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>No idea who that is
He posts regularly, usually about his anger at leaf society and can be quite blackpilled at times. And well he loves the 2010 anime "Stocking & Panty"
>Yes, like Ceaușescu
>Non but that is based
Criminally underrated film and speaking of that I need to watch Patton, Patton the Final Days, The Prequels, Caeser (Heston one) and other films I can't remember at the moment.
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Im really itching to write something sf where main heroes are natsoc and the entire system works just fine because they have no jews..
Reminder that these specifically are pajeet posts. Indians love trying to tell Americans where we shit.
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No problem
>them tall bitches got me acting up
>Im really itching to write something sf where main heroes are natsoc and the entire system works just fine because they have no jews..
And I've been procrastinating my ass on starting my fan fiction with Grace Chan including deicing what supernatural abilities she'll have.... (also inspired by science fiction/fantasy)
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I still can't believe pajeets derailed a train with their own shit...
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Someone should post that screencap of how two pajeets killed a truck engine by shitting into it.
Do it. I have such a backlog of writing its painful..
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look at this shit
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My deerposting has finally paid off
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I should
Meme magic is real.
Good morning, everyone.
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Gm fren
We both should. Counter culture calls.
Pajeets are truly disgusting.. fucking dog knows to shit somewhere off sight..
Trumpfucks on suicide watch after Joe's fantastic interview yesterday!
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I see he has a new favorite catchphrase. In the filter already, I'm afraid.
you should stop watching AI-generated videos of joe biden speaking fluently, the real one has dementia.
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>A woman threatens to leave her husband unless he installs a toilet in their home. To win back her love and respect, he heads out on a journey to fight against the backward society.
Okay which /pol/ack wrote this? KEK
I'm sure it will be as successful as the hundreds of other retards that have reported me the past six years.
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8 bit today
Just curious, does Barron golf or just tag along
If someone from /pol/ wrote it he would set off on the journey to prove to her that shitting everywhere is healthy and sane.
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Morning, was a fun week!
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Your daily reminder that Joe is heavily favored to win.
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Also, your daily reminder that Trump is a child rapist.
>tripfag so desperate for success that he had to lose the trip
Thats just sad.
So 25% chance it moons? kek
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True but my cringe fanfiction shall be free lel
probably somebody who bad an experience and tire of his country and community.
Oh well it's all over now some random fuck said so
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Also your daily reminder that Wisconsin is unwinnable for Trump.
>bragging about election fraud
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I rather they be honest to be fair
Also hurricane watches posted forTexas.
Likely a nothing burger as they need rain and unlikely.it reaches bigly hurricane strength again.
Heavily favored to cheat again?
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its some newfag. the real goy would use his actual trip instead of letting anons play with it
>>473245888 (checked)
And next week ought to be even more fun.
Did it at least kill the Jamaican niggers?
You could use them as well, but Trumpsharts are too brainless to do so.
Didn't this same shit predict Trump in 2020?
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Good morning frens, Caturday is here!
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Probably some intern with a checklist of shit he is allowed to post.
We really need to take back culture, cringe or not.
Fake and gay. That would be the biggest news story of the century, and no one is broadcasting it.
Yeah, but he also said the pandemic could flip it to Biden and it did. This year is a normal year.
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You're desperate and it's pathetic
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>(((we))) have to save democracy
>so having no transparency or accountability in how/where votes are cast is good?
>so having voter id and secure polling locations is safer?
Funny how jews never have to explain why.
They are on their way to becoming somalia junior after Minnesota.
Maybe a few more red SUV's will wake them up but I doubt it, kek.
it was...
in 2016...
henlo fren
ah damn it, I was waiting to show you a thread but its only on the archive
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Morrow fren!
>We really need to take back culture, cringe or not.
Letting the left take the arts was one of the worst decisions the right made.
>increasing amount of Dem leaders calling on Biden to drop out or even resign over this age issue
>normal year
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7 in the Caribbean, pretty light.
Better score from Shitlandia
Just opening that caused me start laughing
>Daily Mail
Dumb memeflag.
>oy gevalt the project 2025?!?!?!
everything my shitlob acquaintances seem to be freaking out about is based but mainstream. is there some poison pill christcuck bomb or handjob to big leftist mega corporations in the middle of the 90 page document or is all the seethe just about killing the tranissary federal bureaucrat caste and ending birthright citizenship. it's all just the policy the Republicans have been pretending to support for the last 20 years.
>increasing amount of Dem leaders
It's literally a couple of literal who congresspeople and Mark Warner.
>Your source isn't good enough
Go ahead and use google you absolute waste of fucking air and see some sources you like, you stupid pavement ape
Sadly the north eyewall missed them so nothing more than regular damage. Only the SE carribean got raped by Beryl.
>Cleanup began in Jamaica Thursday as the last vestiges of powerful Hurricane Beryl pulled away overnight, leaving roofless homes, flooded buildings, blocked roads and extensive power outages, as well as at least one confirmed death.
Rookie numbers!
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>party pushes b*den out
>Jill demands Joe still run as an independent
>Trump wins all 50 states
So what do we think is a lead this big too much to surmount with fraud and harvesting? Given the lukewarm behavior of the media/establishment this year I'm thinking they're abandoning Biden for now and letting Trump have 4 more years as long as he is a gooder goy.
Strike a nerve there, Pedo defender?
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>>473247144 (checked)
So black friday but they worship Gods instead of cracking people's skulls over tickle me elmos.
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Do you think you're clever?
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Biden proudly proclaims that he will beat Trump again in 2020
Jeepers creepers look at that tuchus
That’s no fun at all. I hate island niggers.
Stop posting fan fic.

It was proved fake and gay in 2016 which is why no one but that one shill has talked about it since. As fake and gay as the piss tapes or the nigger tapes
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Did I strike a nerve you little child molesting faggot?
hey there is a real quote, unlike that fanfic that's been debunked since at least 2016
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They're insane and insular to the point that they don't realize that those are the exact reasons people are voting for him, not some kind of shocking conspiracy. They are that far detached from the middle at this point.
And this illustrates the contrast between Joe supporters and Trumptards: Joe supporters post facts and Trumptards post conspiracies, fan fics and mental retardation masquerading as fact. Go drink your bleach, dipshit.
Indeed. Haiti seems to be top kill zone down there
Nice birb
Why does this court document upset ptg so much?
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He's doing his goodest job
Joe tripcode is on his 8th booster xD
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They have to come to terms with the fact that their boy is a kiddie diddler and they can't do it, so they project.
There can never be enough dead haitians. I hope the Kenyan niggers kill as many as they can.
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The goodly sir
The only pedo defenders in America are Biden voters. As Biden is the only person running who is known beyond the shadow of a doubt to be a pedophile.
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>the trip is replying to itself now
holy shit
oh right, forgot about the kenyans sent to Haiti to destroy the gangs or w/e it was about
Its fake and gay. Being upset at lies about you is a normal response.
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I can post more pages from the Diary if you want
>So what do we think is a lead this big too much to surmount with fraud and harvesting?

In 2016 Drumpf got 62 million votes, in 2020 he got 74 million votes, so if this trend continues then he should get 86 million votes in 2024

>Given the lukewarm behavior of the media/establishment this year

You mean when they were all shrieking nonstop 24/7 that Trump deserves to be jailed and extrajudicially killed to save democracy until the supreme court confirmed that presidential immunity still exists for Trump just as it did for Bush and Obama?

> I'm thinking they're abandoning Biden for now

I agree, because they realized they can't drag his carcass across the finish line

> and letting Trump have 4 more years as long as he is a gooder goy.

Did they raid Mar a Lago because of what a good goy they thought he was?
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Capable of breaking reinforced steel. Women doing squats is glorious.
I like how reading the book made him put the crown of thorns on just to distract himself.
Yep, shills splintering into insanity.
you niggers are not real
Wait, I thought they accepted that after the whole child pageant scandal. I thought that was ptg's whole reason for arguing age of consent was arbitrary. You're saying they don't believe he diddles?
Case in point.
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What is the case in point, I'm destroying you.
>You're saying they don't believe he diddles?
I'm saying the FBI should probably be checking the hard drives of some of the posters ITT.
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the levels of copium are off the fucking charts
>four years of trump AND trannies will sudoku/flee
Double win.
>I'm d-destroying y-you!
>if this trend continues
It won't
2020 had abnormally high turnout
2024 is expected to have much lower turnout
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>the trip is still replying to itself instead of going to sleep or 41%ing
why does real, sourced information scare him so much
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Why are niggers?

I wish niggers weren't
>Going to sleep
>At 10:00AM
Not all of us stay online 24/7, basement dweller.
Yeah, all the Biden supporters are clearly pedophiles.
The best thing about the Kenyans being sent in is they’ll be more likely to shoot the little haitian niglets.
go to sleep, st*lla
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Giving up on arguing with me huh
I agree
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Ugandans would have just eaten them. Can't have that
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Reading talmud is painful, i know i tried...
It's 8am. I slept already...
The vaxsneed is impairing everyone's speech.
I'm nooticing this a lot.
In theory they just have to print a few million ballots in key states and have courts block any attempts at an audit.
It's plausible they do it again considering how retarded they are and will go to any lengths to save (((democracy))).
Yeah, it doesn't do a lot of good to argue with retards like you who can't be reasoned with.

They don't want that, they want access to right wingers and right wing prosperity, always. Leftism is parasitism they don't crave freedom and isolation like you do they crave the body of another.
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>kenyans sent to Haiti to destroy the gangs
A large influx of bees ought to put a stop to that.
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Says the most unreasonable faggot in the thread
>Stockpile hormones
>Move to different country

I do believe wherever they wanted to flee to they can get their hormones OTC.

Hey, next time you shave your balls you should put a compilation video of Biden sniffing, groping, and fondling young children on in the background, it might blow your mind since apparently you haven't seen those hundreds if not thousands of videos
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Just need one man
Ugandans would destroy Haitians, they all know kung fu, boomers with the force & spiderman's ghost that shoots fireballs.
Should put it on the bucketlist
>Biden sniffing, groping, and fondling young children
He never did any of that shit. Stop conflating physical affection with sexual assault, you sick fuck.
Is this a good time for a Manscaped ad?
>you should put a compilation video of Biden sniffing, groping, and fondling young children on in the background
he'll have to be selective, since there are so many hours of these "activities" on tape
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He did all of that, you're lying isn't going to work.
It's literally on video, kid. He wasn't even hiding it.
Nice painting. Didn't that belong to Donald Trump's friend Jeffrey Epstein?
Too true. We’re still getting nigger death either way.
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It did, are you going to take the play out bait. You know with your blind hatred for Donald Trump you probably didn't notice, but Jeff had paintings of Bill Clinton who is a known pervert and George Bush with the janga blocks at this feet holding a paper airplane. Have you ever asked yourself why he had those and none of Trump?
It's not a magic fix all solution, but it has potential not every leftist will go but many per year could make a pilgrimage to some stateless island and if they decide to attack each other well that leaves more room for more people to try. Weakening the left's hold on society at some level.

All the reduction in turnout will be Joe Biden's absentee ballot voters who don't actually exist. Trump's floor is 74 million votes and considering how much support he has gained since 2020 it's almost impossible that his total won't be higher. Biden will probably get under 70 million even with as much rigging as he can manage
Oh, I don't know; probably because Trump wasn't actually President yet so Epstein didn't have any reason to blackmail him yet.
Idk why you're taking your anger out on me. I'm not defending Biden...
>and considering how much support he has gained since 2020
He got 46 percent of the vote last time and he consistently polls at around 46 percent, even in polls where he leads. He hasn't gained shit.
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I don't think Epstein ever got the chance, your photobomb pics prove nothing, a trip to NY to get home on his plane proves nothing. Multiple trips to the Island on Bill Clinton's side raises many red flags.
Ask yourself what he has on Bush Jr. You are chasing a dead end with Trump, I'm sure you know that though.
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>honrable thing
They cancelled primaries and refused other dems to run for office or else.
These niggers are truly the greatest goys.
Only drumpf embraced democracy and allowed candidates to run against him.
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Picrel: Jeffrey Epstein with some random child-rapist.
Feisty this morning isn't he
Nice shoop
Good, but hell is a long walk or a short rope.
>Feisty this morning isn't he
He's been having a bad week.
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>Instant denial mode

Doesn't really need to. Even a 1% drop in turnout for Biden is it. He barely held on in a collection of battleground state cities in 2020. Did you forget Trump got 75 million votes despite the entirety of the media/establishment apparatus working desperately against him?

Imagine what happens in a normal year, Biden is about to have his Carter moment.
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Wont work. As >>473248356
Pointed out left wants only to leech off their betters, they would never move.
Its a painful read but it does give you good insight into kike mind.
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this is true. if b*den drops out, he'll have to fulfill his obligation early.
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>He's been having a bad week.
Congratulations on your moral victories, I guess. The election is still four months away in case you hadn't noticed.
>Biden is about to have his Carter moment.
Carter had to run against Reagan. Biden is running against a dipshit with high unfavorables who has been convicted of 34 felonies and will likely be sentenced to prison in September.
Will Stancil rapes kids.
That is one of b*den's strongest digital soldiers, Anon.
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He probably knew that OJ was an abusive piece of trash and said nothing about it.
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>I'm sure biden's advancing senility will somehow get better in that time instead of worse.

Ok so Biden is a poor man's Carter, and Trump is a poor man's Reagan, evens out. If vote by mail didn't exist we would already be calling it a 400 EC win for Trump, this is your last and final x factor to desperately hope can do something.
Im sure there are thousands of people on that camp.
But then again Cosby just got acquitted because the legal case against him was biased and fraudulent.
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>vote by mail
The bitching about this shit always makes me laugh. You retards do realize you can do this too, right?
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Unless we convince neocons to move their as well but yeah, I guess it was a pipe dream.
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why is he distancing himself from this?
>Why is he desperately trying to distance himself from an unpopular fascist agenda
Beats me.
Now do the 2016 polling.
Has he ever said he was for it?
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There are moments when prominent public figures are irrevocably branded
No Joke has just had his

In July 2016 the rcp average was hilldawg +4. In July 2020 it was Joepedo +8. In July 2024 it is Orange Man +3.3. that's an 11 point swing. Biden's last rcp average the day of the 2020 election was +7.2, which translated into an election which pivoted on six swing states, most of which Joe "won" by extremely low margins. Trump is now leading 5/6 of those states by +5 or more. Support has been gained, big league
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You are really worked up this morning, getting worried about the funding?

Numbers 24:9
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”
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Great news!
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>You are really worked up this morning, getting worried about the funding?
Can you imagine what it's like for him?
His life has been absolute despair for a week, but jidf requires him to come in and try to sound confident and smug.
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Well I can tell you I smell blood in the water and I want to eat this wounded fuck
>Hilldawg +4
>Orange Man +3.3
One of these people lost. The other one is about to lose.
>His life has been absolute despair for a week
A minor setback. Like I said, enjoy your victory. I know they are few and far between for GOP voters.
>Muh red wave 2022
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he won't post on his trip because he's bound to say something embarrassingly stupid & get screenshotted.
Its pretty horrendous.
Hes barely holding it together mentally and the media has changed over night from defending every word he says to picking holes in everything he says like they normally only do to Trump.
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The Juice dindu nuffin.
exactly why he should be VP
Shortly after the Biden regime “took office” the army promoted Charles Flyn,(Michael Flynn Sr’s brother) to commander of the army of the Pacific. Why would the Biden regime allow this after spending years trying to throw Michael Flynn Sr in jail for being a traitor?

Patriots are in control.
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>By "Israel," God means a place!
You should read a Bible.
I mean if your eyes wouldn't catch on fire.

Yes but we aren't a political machine. We want people to turn out if they want to, for policies and candidates they actually organically support. We don't force certain chosen target demographics to vote no matter what by way of ballot harvesting and pervert the concept of democracy by turning it into a bodies game independent of issues and candidates.
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>A minor setback.
Is this what you tell yourself to get to sleep at night? You are not in a minor set back situation.
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Sad doesn't even begin with it. Stancil has been defending the pedo for four years straight.
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When's not being his degenerate self, he's like a child that can't control his emotions literally to do his brain decaying. It's hell but one he deverses.
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>enjoy your victory
Your side literally burns in hell forever.
Yes, I will enjoy my victory.
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>Stancil has been defending the pedo for four years straight.
I never heard of stancil until anons mentioned him this year
>You are not in a minor set back situation.
All SCOTUS has done is awaken a sleeping giant like in 2022. Enjoy November.
Screenshot this, bitch.
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Oh… this old (debunked) gag….
I posted this and he said it wasn't a good enough source
Why? I thought mail in voting was safe and secure?
It is. GOP voters are just too distrustful and stupid to use it or any other tools at their disposal. You gonna cry about ballot harvesting next? Because that's a party issue, not a fraud one.
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How well I remember election night 2020, when you promised us you would be here during election night no matter what, and Trump was far ahead and you were nowhere to be found, hiding and crying like the fucking coward you are.
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Is he tho?
And jews.. ship them all to some distant island and let them die.
Is there any better metaphor for the current state of politics than Biden not being popular enough to have his own long running thread on /pol/ so his miscreants have to lurk about the PTG thread instead? Lmfao
> GOP voters are just too distrustful and stupid to use it or any other tools at their disposal.
So is the rest of the world. Only US democrats want it.
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this'll be extra funny when the participation rate (for dems especially) is lower as predicted in November
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Ask me how I vote every year in my blue state in which I absolutely hate.
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He does it for free, like no monetary compensation?
because it's something cooked up by the Heritage Foundation that's now being exaggerated and streisanded by the left as LITERALLYHITLER2025 to poison Trump's well.
I collected my scalps the following morning; I was busy on election night.

Mailing anything is inferior to just showing up and doing it yourself. Would you mail something to a friend across town or just... go and drop it off? Lol. Voting takes like 15 minutes in person and it's a satisfying event. You guys turned it into cheap nonsense.
>I was busy crying on election night.
Yes you were.
He wont post on his trip because he knows half of the people here has his trip filtered and he is desperate for engagement.
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Post *verified* chomo
Crying about what? Motherfucker, Joe won in a landslide that night.
He's been a punching bag for the e-right since the last days of 2023. He is unironically evil.
Yes for free.
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Good qrd, they are the ones putting out the muh nazi rally clean streets prison camps DC footage.
btw still baking
No he didn't. Everyone was preparing for Trump's second term, to include you, when they went to bed that night. Biden wasn't even announced until 5 that morning.
You will burn in the Lake of Fire with all the other liars.
Your side consists of the servants of satan, butchering babies and sexualizing children.
You are a demon and your torment will be unending.
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Yes thankfully there’s no painting of Trump like that… anywhere, especially on that island.
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You don't even believe that shit
>desperate for engagement
pot calling the kettle black
>I've been sent in by jidf as an emergency measure.
>biden wont step down
You realize how big of an Israel supporter Trump is, right?
the pole’s a faggot. if that makes me a jdif agent, so be it.
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Who cares what a liar thinks?
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>desperate last minute id swap
Kek what a faggot.
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Round and round we go, I could afford groceries under Trump though.
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>calls jews "based" the other day
>now says muh JIDF
sloppy joes
>dems really nominated a guy with dementia

its good times bros
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>yes for free
Everyone should have to livestream their inevitable suicide.
>Red New Mexico
As if I needed any more confirmation that this is bullshit.
>hurr durr IDs!!!
you swapped twice this thread. faggot.
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All demofags have the memories of goldfish.
They assume we don't remember either.
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i dont think you know what confirmation means
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If the leader keeps freezing from dementia it really harms voter enthusiasm.
Its not that people are changing to Trump. But people are not gonna put in the effort for Biden if hes a corpse.

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