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▶Previous: >>473233505

▶Day: 864 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
>Hungary's PM orbán meets putin for talks on Ukraine
>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

Welcome to the thread champ! This is where a bunch of fedniggers, extremely low value male butthurt belters, western troons and zoomer shut-in incels get to live out their call of duty role play as armchair generals cheering on a bunch of downtrodden boomers being blown up from thousands of miles away! One simple rule: never ever ever talk about Jews. No antisemitism allowed in this thread. Second rule is the Ukraine war is now your new surrogate personality. Third rule is no deadnaming or mispronouning in the discord. Welcome fellah :) *holds up sp0rk*
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Why former UA president Yanukovich was "ousted":
"coup" is what rusia did (sending armed groups into adminstrative buildings and proclaiming "we run this place now" - that's a "coup")
Russia reacted like that because it's a dictatorial shithole that has nothing to offer without "advertising" it by force
>Yanuk: generally Russia-friendly canidate
>Campaigned/acted such that a degree of EU-approachment was reasonably expected
>Deal in progress: EU-association treaty (TLDR: UA gets good conditions for economic interactions in EU in exchange for following some rules)
>Ratification expected 'cause majority consensus was "sensible idea"
>Yanuk visits moscow days before
>Refuses signing agreement
>Without explanation to the electorate
>Instead signs with the "EEU" (eurasion economic union)
(knockoff of EU, notably ineffective and corrupt; little appeal to Ukraine from an "E"conomics standpoint)
>People rally and protest, demand explanation
>Yanuk and party wants to/introduces soviet-like anti-protest laws
>Cops thusly crack skulls, including random people who were just walking by
>They protest authorities too now
>Abuse citizens even harder
>Russia busses in "titushki" and hundreds of people are killed over weeks
>Protest turns into revolt
>Yanuk & part of his govt. flees to russia, sus
>Remnants of ruling party shill for russia amidst 2014 crimea/donbass-coup and 2022 invasion
>Flee right before 2022 invasion and continue to shill for russia, sus indeed

There, Yanuk was either a bad actor from the start or a corrupt faggot like other ex Ukie presidents that overplayed his cards at the wrong moment.
No more but also no less.
He was ousted for it, russia couped in karenly rage over not controlling their neighbors home.
Shoot home invaders.

None of your buisness, zigger.
Good day sirs. I finally have electricity

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Total zigger discombobulation
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Russia won’t win this war.
>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
They were in the top ten?
Why did you let Orban go to Moscow?
On to the better news... A zigger refinery(?) got droned
Question: does anybody have thos hand-cranked emergency power generators in your circle of acquaintances?
Because I have two brushless motors from one of those shitty "hoverboards" that were all the rage around 2017 laying around.
And with a bit of electronics and a crank attached to the outrunner-magnets the thing can apparently create like 20-50W of power, potentially way more if you add a way to power it with your legs.
>They were in the top ten?
Yes, 8th place. Now it looks like this.

>India is 4th
>Yet gdp per capita is 2,7k dorrars
How can you fuck up your country so badly?
Take a closer look at that bulge!
>How can you fuck up your country so badly?
The USSR is in flames. Stalin's glorious vision for Homo Sovieticus is in ruins. His favoured son, Monke, has turned from his Communism's spectre and embraced Oligarchaos.

His armies, the mighty and redoubtable Russian Armed Forces, are locked in a brutal special military operation. Once, these Ukrainian warriors fought side by side as brothers, protecting the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and bringing the people of Europe back into the Russkiy Mir. Now they are divided.

Some remain loyal to the Tsar, whilst others have sided with the Warmaster Zelensky. Pre-eminent amongst them, the elite of their thousands-strong conscripts are the VDV. Magnificent, superhuman beings, they are the crowning achievement of Soviet military tradition. Thrust into battle against one another, victory is uncertain for either side.

Airports are burning. At Hosstmel V, Zelensky dealt a vicious blow and three loyal Velysian Drop Divisions were all but destroyed. War has begun, a conflict that will engulf the steppes in fire. Treachery and betrayal have usurped honour and nobility. Assassins lurk in every shadow. Armies are gathering. All must choose a side or die.

Zelensky musters his horde, Crimerra itself the object of his wrath. Seated upon the Golden Banan, Monke waits for his wayward son to return. But the true enemy is NATO, a primordial force that seeks to enslave mankind to democracy and prosperity.

The screams of the T-14, the pleas of the mobiks resound to the cruel laughter of Monke. Suffering and damnation await him should he fail and the war be lost.

The age of the Happiness of all Mankind has ended.
The Age of Monke has begun.
Interesting. No, haven't seen those.
I've got a regular one though, and a charging station. Too bad the ISP dies after like 5 hours..
several oil depots:
Lukoil oil depot in Pavlovskaya, Rosneft oil depot in Leningradskaya
a drone almost killed romanov
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>>India is 4th
>Yet gdp per capita is 2,7k dorrars
India superpooper 2020 sars
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Nanachi is a miracle
>Interesting. No, haven't seen those.
Though the above is silly because instead of just spinning the outrunner with a crank he insists on turning the shaft which leads top him having to use a three-pole slipring to transfer power (with losses of course)
>regular ones
Something like picrel?
>too bad ISP dies after like 5 hrs
Yeah, I shouldn't be forgetting this basic truth, of course internet won't function.
Have there been any adaptations to extend no-grid range for internet?
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>there will never be another anime this great again
It kinda hurts.
China won.
Amerisharts will never recover.
Also this.
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Generally a waste of effort. Use a solar panel or w/e.

Even with a bicycle setup which you as a human can operate longer will trade too much effort/time/food for a few watt.
Theres no way..
This is fake right?
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Wasn't picrel a TOTAL XOXOL FRONTLINE COLLAPSE!!!!111!!! just like 2 days ago?
Is this all russia gained from capitalizing on a TOTAL XOXOL FRONTLINE COLLAPSE?!!!?
Cute. One of these is on a postment in Kharkiv
>Something like picrel?
no, a regular bigass one that runs on gasoline
>Have there been any adaptations to extend no-grid range for internet?
if you got fiber then it works for a few hours cuz the isp has some power backup. and well, you have to power your own router of course
Starlink but it's 75$/mo while a standard fiber is like 5 bucks/month.
Instead of posting on chans, may I suggest taking this time to get some skills in eletricity with this time. I don't mean to be glib, I mean to see Ukraine's people stronger.

The following is especially for your taller apartment roofs, or perhaps on a very well braced platform off a balcony. Even a little bit of heat may keep the pipes from freezing.
Multiples of these could keep an electric stove kitchen able to make hot stews and teas.


Slava Bogu, Heroyim Slava!
I love this little nigger like you woulnd't believe.

What's going on here?

Yeah, the only real application is having a decently portable system (or at least more portable than solar panels etc.)
Largest scale use would be charging phones and everything else would be preceeded by some sort of extreme mad-max scenario at which point no one's going to be bothering with these little things anyways.
It's mostly a plaything I'm afraid.
But the idea is neat, I want to try it some time (and be disappointed)
puffy vulva
Based burger.
True. Built for hugs and cuddles.
>Putin is at the gates of New York
Would Putin launch a war on Moldova if he took Odessa oblast ?
Russia seems desperate to make a pro russian party win at the next election (which will feature a referundum on trying to join EU)

They're launching "conferences" about the evil romainian fascist trying to annex moldova with a vocabulary oddly similar to the SMO justification.
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>no, a regular bigass one that runs on gasoline
Alright, thought "regular" meant simply an off-the-shelf hand-cranked solution.
>Starlink but it's 75$/mo while a standard fiber is like 5 bucks/month.
>fiber 5bucks/month
Germany is a third world country.

Why is he posting it?
Is there some kind of live exhibition of this thing going on somewhere?

>Slava Bogu, Heroyim Slava!

>puffy vulva
sussy """"vulva"""""
No idea
I'd rather just slap a few solar panels on the balcony tьh
>fiber 5bucks/month
>Germany is a third world country.
it was 3$ before the war :^)
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*un-narehates your bunny*
Not launching a preemptive attack against Transnistria was a mistake.
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>Yeah, the only real application is having a decently portable system (or at least more portable than solar panels etc.)
But it isn't really, foil panels are overall more portable for any realistic output across a day.

> extreme mad-max scenario
I figure you'd at least want to rig it to a river or simple but big wind turbine, not crank it yourself.

Since you're pre mad-max frankly even a single 50-100Wp panel will do more over a day than utterly exhausting generating with a hand crank.

And maybe you anyhow just want an usb power bank, led lights, gas or wood stove, sawyer/katadyn water filter, some stashed food for now. Or something simple like that.

In Germany you probably could just have one offgrid inverter and in an emergency like an attack on your powergrid overcome your reluctance to fill out the 50 forms and compliance documents and just connect it ILLEGALLY to one group of the countless solar panels already present on roofs.
Good outline of the events, and that's why I support TZD. Wonderful game yesterday! Either team would have been a worthy winner of the Euros.
A tank is a tank
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Air defense cuckold never disappoints.
I accept that. The nice thing about wind is that it works at sunset and sunrise, which are high power use periods, and it tends to work in winter if you can keep it from icing over.
I have a feeling that with a few fans turned generators, the extra power you can help your neighbors produce to charge phones and small batteries, will be worth at least a bowl of stew every day.
If you watch the video on that page.
You may be surprised how relatively simply you can create enough power to charge your phones.
Obviously the more you invest in the casing, grind, batteries, and frame, the longer and more power you'll get from one fan.
Having the ability to make a heat source from a summer fan may keep you and loved one's alive if there hasn't been a good period of sun for a few days.
I wonder if the new iranian president will reconsider the shahed deal with Russia him being moderate and less butthurt at white people than his predecesors.
damn, that dude is on fire
Nork ammo?
>I get what you’re saying
Then how about you actually engage with the logic instead of changing the subject and trying to attack a fucking byline literally nobody actually says except disingenuous shitbags like (You)? Ukraine wants to maintain its national sovereignty. If it takes its foot off the gas pedal, Russia will have all the space it needs to try again very shortly down the line. I don't know how to have a conversation with someone who blithely pretends to acknowledge the argument being made and then proceeds to completely fucking ignore it. Try discussing things in good faith instead of turning everything into a faggy rhetorical Best Demagogue 2024 contest.
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indeed he is. very perceptive of you
Tonight, I sleep
My penis sticks out unto the cold night air
Thus I do,
frostbitten penis
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Tomorrow will be a good day.
>mfw this heatwaves
I won't say they're dead, but they are 3rd degree burned on exposed skin, their brains are putty, all their internal organs took contusions at the same time which will bring severe blood shortage until any fat and nutrients can be repurposed .

Looks like breech wasn't closed, or failed. I believe those were designed to breech fail without shrapnel? Too much powder, round set too tight, shitty barrel. Frankly, all of the above are likely considering the age of this shit. There's a reason those counting Soviet shit in storage regularly give a mark-down. The 80's were not a good period for soviet manufacturing, and the 90's were not a good period for storage care.
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Depends on the camp you chose, comrade
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im gonna kms myself next week
Le Pen won't stop it. The rest of the world will come down on her so hard she will queef out of her nose.
Enstead, imbrace your penis.
The length is measured
Passion set alight
Thence you shall enjoy a restful sleep tonight
shit's still on fire
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nigger tier
It will be a shit sandwich either way. If anything, because we're about to get an italian undergrad at the second most important office in the country.
Wether they decide to absolutely fuck up the western defense strategy or not is still up in the air
I don't understand what anyone has to gain from coming out as pro-Russia. I don't understand what could convince a non-Russian that they should act in Russia's interest where Russia is specifically acting against your country. It's completely nonsensical to me.
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>it was 3$ before the war :^)
how fast is it? we do ~$70 for 25/25gbit or like ~$25 for 1/1gbit, it's not really a ripoff tho with local price levels for everything required
100Mbit, I don't feel like I need more honestly
This is probably not an electoral move, but a nudge to her patrons.
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Can you give me a qrd on the smoke color?
Is black smoke unspent propellant fuel? since I see it reigniting, but what is the white smoke?
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The interesting tidbits are whether or not Berkut (who mostly all defected to Russia) instigated violence on purpose so Rusnigeria could do its shit later. Initial Maidan protests were peaceful and dying out. It's worth noticing that Donbabwe separatist "movement" was already astroturfed back in the 2000s, but literally nobody cared.
An interesting prelude that nobody ever mentions (especially cumchuggers since it ruins their narrative) is that Russia was embargoing Ukraine right before Euromaidan

BTW Monke invaded Crimea while Yanukovych was technically still in office
I can't speak for the French directly, but Germany had a pretty good gas/oil deal going with the Russians. More economically minded people simply argue that Ukraines independence doesn't really help Germany in any way whatsoever. At least in the right wing of politics. The left wing is just anti-american I think.
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certainly still a good offfer
Is that a gomosexual couple
its because the higher ups are literally being paid by russia and the lower peons who actually believe the zigger nonsense dont matter
how to murder ziggers and hide the bodies oh shit this isnt the tor searchbar fuck the backspace key is broken
They're really going to use a mk1?
Of course pidorussia doesn't like facts that ruins their narrative, but then some vatnik shills are so retarded they think Zelensky is in office since 2014
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No way ziggers are going with ww1 tanks? What happend to the glorious t-34? Are they already gone?
I'm watching you through your bedroom window
tranq dart pistol is readied

t. serial snuggler
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mother of god...
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how is that supposed to work
Haul into river before use, doesn't protect from mer-niggers
Norks should still have hundreds of them, if Monke is desperate enough...
At least the Mk.V tanks are already in russian museums
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When are we going to start asking questions to Ukraine?

>Where are the billions spent? Our taxpayers money by the way.
>Why are they showing us 20 poor souls killed per day? That rate doesn't cost billions.
>Why do they claim killing 1000 per day? Where does this number come from? Why is it the same every single day?
>What are the losses of the Ukrainian side? Do they even fight? I heard rumors that just a few months ago, while there was previous general in charge, you could say you had been on the mission while you hadn't, and then your lie would come into the open but nobody would question you.
>Why do Ukraine tell us they're fighting against untrained convicts and old Soviet junk but yet can't regain any captured territory?
>When are we going to start asking questions to Ukraine?
When you become white.
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I suppose what bothers me is that it doesn't look like something made by soldiers near the front
>Where are the billions spent?
This question, at least, is ridiculously easy to answer. The billions are spent (mostly) on our own domestic arms industry, which then sends materiel to Ukraine. The myth that we're kind of just writing Ukraine a check for billions of dollars has somehow persisted among low-information partisans like (You) since the war's beginning... even though it's always been easy to disprove.
>Why do Ukraine tell us they're fighting against untrained convicts and old Soviet junk but yet can't regain any captured territory?
Because there's a lot of them -- both poorly trained mobiks/volunteers and stockpiles of old Soviet materiel. The reason why you ask this question is probably because you don't have an intuitive grasp of how enormous the war is. All the media you consume and all your friends in your Discord servers and subreddits lead you to believe it's an unimportant conflict in an irrelevant corner of the world. In reality, the USSR and Ukraine together have north of a million troops currently in-country. These are living, breathing human beings and not counting the 700-800 thousand who've been killed and wounded. The scope of the conflict is immense. Immense wars can have very slow progress. To boot, it's a trench war.

I could go on, but you're probably not interested in a discussion in good faith on these issues.
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if you flee from town where you sacrificed 20k zigger cattle you win
It makes the drone-dropped grenade explode above the net, so that shrapnel gets to his every guy in the boat.
>how enormous the war is
How do you even know that without access to the CIA files? and 20 videos per day doesn't stand for your claim either. It's all your guesswork.
>puccia has used just 60 shasneeds this week
What with these dogshist numbers, russnigers? According to pidor Mod we spend as much per single target
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>There’s a currently airing anime about a silver haired Russo-Japanese girl with cute feet
I might make an exception to TZD.
I love how you conveniently left out that he's also Algerian. Can't believe that the French right-wing's golden boy is an Italo-Algerian mutt that's dumber than a sack of potatoes.
>How do you even know that without access to the CIA files?
If this case were a criminal trial and we were lawyers, your case rests on implying that proof beyond reasonable doubt is actually empirically-proven proof whereby no other explanation is possible and that because the prosecution has not provided you with video footage or the ability to travel back in time and witness the events for yourself, your client must be innocent.

My position is that there exists a preponderance of evidence that, in aggregate, provides sufficient proof that the war is actually enormous and that your client is guilty as sin.
Are you retarded kid?
You sound retarded.
Why do her eyes look like someone pasted a photo of a CD in them?
>Where are the billions spent?
They were spent in 1980's and 1990s to procure military hardware which is now being sent to Ukraine from storage.
>Why are they showing us 20 poor souls killed per day?
Not every kill has a camera around to witness it and not all videos are going to be released to public.
>Why do they claim killing 1000 per day?
Because around a 1000 of mobiks per day are being hit with stuff and lose enough limbs to not be alive.
>Where does this number come from?
From the amount of mobiks being hit with stuff and losing enough limbs to not be alive.
>Why is it the same every single day?
It is not the same every day. But daily numbers are similar due to similar tactics employed by Russian army in a very persistent and repetitive way.
>What are the losses of the Ukrainian side?
~50 000 KIA confirmed by names with about 100 000 WIA, according to Ukrainian and American sources.
So, about 1-8 to 1-10 proportion.
>Do they even fight?
Yes, else the war would have been over in 72 hours, with Russian riot police marching on the streets on Kiev.
>you could say you had been on the mission while you hadn't
People can lie, yes. But again, if Ukrainian army did not fight, Russia would have taken over Ukraine as per original blitzkrieg plan.
>Why do Ukraine tell us they're fighting against untrained convicts and old Soviet junk but yet can't regain any captured territory?
Because Ukraine chronically suffers from lack of supplies and equipment, being much smaller country than Russia.
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right? good for ukraine I suppose
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Thanks faggot now I can’t unsee it
>preponderance of evidence
>in aggregate
well tell us what exactly
>actually enormous
this is clearly a local conflict happening on the edge of 2 countries. there is nothing enormous about it, on the contrary, we've been watching it dying out.

would you mind to post your hands?
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Bros, can you help me with the anatomy in this pic?
Sure, would you mind showing your flag?
>well tell us what exactly
I can't. I can only relate to you that I've been closely following the daily movements of this war for two and a half years now. I've been watching videos, reading analyses, noting troop movements on a day-to-day basis. I'm willing to bet that based on how superficial your questions are, you haven't really been closely monitoring the war like I have. I'm also willing to bet you won't be honest about it, but that's par for the course.
>so you like books, huh? name every book!
I can't name every book, and I'm not going to try to do so within a 1500 character limit on 4chan. I can only invite you to start paying more attention.
>would you mind to post your hands?
Says the chang hiding behind a memeflag
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It's grim but Karlin was 100% right, Russia has an infinitely bigger imprint in the global noosphere than Ukraine, and given the western perception of Ukraine this will remain the case for a long time.
Old-ass passport though
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Iran just got a new president, no more Shasneeds for Monke.
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So the historic claim of Moscovia being called "Russia" is just as valid as HRE being called Roman, right ?
All historical claims are made up I mean equally heckin valid.
Irans president is a figurehead for speeches, real ruler is the āyatu'llāh
>1000 of mobiks per day are being hit
How do you even know that? I can see you sympathize with Ukrainian side but come on, turn off your emotions.
>But daily numbers are similar due to similar tactics
Their tactics change over time but the numbers stays the same. Do you really believe someone is watching videos, collecting reports and counting every man?
>So, about 1-8 to 1-10 proportion.
Are you kidding me? You're bringing in sources of belligerents of an active conflict?
the boot shelf really sets the tone
>Boeннocлyжaщиe BCУ yбили бeзopyжнoгo paнeнoгo poccийcкoгo плeннoгo, пpocившeгo oкaзaть eмy мeдицинcкyю пoмoщь.

>Oб этoм cooбщилa The New York Times co ccылкoй нa мeдикa yчacтвyющeгo в бoeвых дeйcтвиях oтpядa инocтpaнных нaeмникoв Кacпapa Гpocce, cтaвшeгo cвидeтeлeм инцидeнтa. Oн тaкжe пpизнaлcя, чтo этo дaлeкo нe eдиничный cлyчaй yбийcтв poccийcких плeнных.
Don’t forget to kill a ukrainian today
>Their tactics change over time but the numbers stays the same
Except they don't, the numbers clearly jump up every time pidors a new way to throw meat at tree lines
So they can identify as the heirs of Rus' because they just have ethnic dysphoria ?
It's from 2017. I travel a lot.
new warcrime cope just dropped. its so fucking funny how the CIA lives rent free in their head. they must have literal nightmares about it.
the Golden Horde's orcs will do anything to pass off as human and have a backstory
>Their tactics change over time
They don't change over time, though. Again you have no clue what you're talking about. Russian infantry and armor tactics are literally by the book. Russia has historically been terrified of allowing its low- and mid-level commanders decision-making powers. There are volumes upon volumes of metoditchka delineating battlefield conditions and exactly what to do about it. Russian doctrine has remained relatively static since WWII. While STRATEGY might change, the tactical applications of that strategy is going to involve waves of probing attacks by untrained, underequipped troops and surges into any discovered weak points. Please do some reading -- ANY reading.
Well, the electric scooters are a new tactic.......
Ayatollah is unpopular, and only kept in charge by Revolutionary Guard.
They can do what they want because national narratives are free, you can make up as many as you want and you have all the artistic license in the world.
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>noooo how dare you to retaliate for the systematic executions and torture of Ukrainian pows it's literal antisem... I mean russophobia
>closely monitoring
By closely monitoring you mean doomscrolling and overshadowing your field of view with the agenda of the same kind? Clearly it bends your judgement.
When you're into something you start to notice it everywhere and overexaggerate things.
Nah, it's a parody account. Still believable tho
I though they were exploding in the face of Laotian soldiers.
>Your ticket to gulag is of being punched.
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No fucking way
Doesn't matter, Iran was always a minor partner in the Great Russian Civilizational Project.
>Their tactics change over time but the numbers stays the same.
LOL. they have no tactics. all they've done is just throw meat at the problem. when someone complains that they need to do something different they get removed from their position and sometimes get thrown in jail- like strelkov. they aren't allowed to admit they need to 'change tactics'. everything is going great.
So your argument, if I'm getting this straight, is that by autistically poring over as much information as I can get about the war... I'm somehow LESS qualified to tell you, someone who has clearly had precisely no fucking clue what he's talking about from the get-go, a high-level summary of what's going on in the war?
>When you're into something you start to notice it everywhere and overexaggerate things.
It's almost like you're begging to admit that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You only know some broad maxims you think are, you know, kinda-sorta maybe close enough to universal human behavior. You are fucking stupid.
Any thoughts of visiting Ukraine's open-air museum of Soviet and Russian artifacts after the war?
>How do you even know that?
Russian sources, ironically enough. They keep up multiple grinding offensives across a giant frontline, meaning casualties are inevitable and even fully pro-Russian voenkors are crying about horrendous attrition rates.
>their tactics change over time
For the worse.
>but the numbers stays the same
They slowly increase, as better Russian equipment, soldiers and officers keep getting destroyed and replaced with uniformed civilians-with-guns.
>Do you really believe someone is watching videos, collecting reports and counting every man?
Belligerent sides absolutely do.
> You're bringing in sources of belligerents of an active conflict?
Belligerent sides will never skew numbers against their own interests.
It means if Ukraine admits 50k KIA, it is a solid proof Ukraine lost at least that much.
It means if Russia admits 20-30k monthly losses, with 20-30k monthly recruits just to keep the status quo, it is a solid proof Russia loses at least that much.
they just blamed the USA for tornadoes in moscow
Ukraine warned nato recently and it made it sound like Zelensky was going to go rogue if nato didn't step up and do more to help Ukraine.

What does "going rogue" mean in this regard? It almost has to mean making a peace that the west didn't approve of.
Cranck up the HAARP. Make Moscow a swamp again
>russia is so great and free compared to the evil decadent west
>no i would prefer not to go live in russia though haha
i honestly dont really mind ziggers in russia, but god i wish i could curbstomp every zigger who keeps living in the west while constantly praising the based and trad russia
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Simonyan reposting this in 5, 4, 3...
Was he ok anon?>>473240750
>made it sound like Zelensky was going to go rogue
>What does "going rogue" mean in this regard?
You're the one who said it, retard. When you put quotations around that phrase, you are literally and unironically quoting no one but yourself. Ztards are not sending us their best today.
>>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies

Col. Dougie Mac-G says Ruzzia has moved up to the top 5 economies in the world
I'm going there this year.
Were they ok anon?
>It's worth noticing that Donbabwe separatist "movement" was already astroturfed back in the 2000s, but literally nobody cared.
First time the "flag" of the DNR was spotted was 2007.
>Col. Dougie Mac-G says
The man's a retard laddie.
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>LESS qualified
If the information you claims has to do with watching videos and browsing 4chan, you're not qualified at all. Whilst I was telling you that overconsuming it bends your judgement.
Too bad you can stop pinch little loafs at the local park Kurpal.
New prez wants the sanctions lifted, and Ayatollah can still wage his jihad through Hamas and Hesbollah, like always
Plenty of options:
- making the nooks program public
- supplying north Caucasus islamists
- making deals with chinks, e.g. they pressure monker to fuck off and we let them have military bases here
I think the #1 tank commander in the world has more credibility than random NAFO gay troon fagots
honestly freelance ability in a matter is a combination of mental ability multiplied by obsession.
I think the local russian wrote that one, not the cockroach living in germany.
>he posts the D-K graph at me
You can't even make this shit up lmao
also dedication can work in place of obsession, has a side note.
>asks that you post your hand
>you post your hand
>you ask him to remove his memeflag
>he doesn't remove his memeflag
Why are people still giving Yous to this guy?
>>473248770 >>473248684 >>473248492
Guys, be quicker on the uptake. The guy is a shill repeating the same questions over and over to sow doubt. He's already heard your arguments 100s of times. There's 0 honesty in him.
No. He doesn't. He hasn't been credible once on this war. I'd go so far as to say he is paid to talk shite because he shouldn't be that stupid.
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>Russian sources
What Russian sources? Don't tell me you're gonna bring up noname social media groups.
>They slowly increase
Sorry to break it for you, but they have gone through the roof already.
>Belligerent sides absolutely do.
For their internal statistics maybe. You don't see those numbers.
>Belligerent sides will never skew numbers against their own interests.
Exactly. Yet we have no idea how brazenly one or the other side can lie. No idea.
Lots of niggers in Ukraine.
May I see your source kind saar?
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who brought them there?
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The only solution is TZD
correct, you should complain to putin about stopping his african recruitment spree
What's that, a southern phenotype? Kubanoid perhaps?
A belorussian
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saving da white race n shiet
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lmao what serious face she's making, as if she's hoping that people will buy her lies
the stare of a soulless propaganda robot
new 47th

feat. emergency cranium ejection
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Chronological sequence of events in Russo-Georgian relations since the independence
>orchestrated proxy war in Tskhinvali
>orchestrated proxy war in Abkhazia
>orchestrated the civil war and coup d'état
>we're fed up with this shit, decide to join NATO
>attack us directly in 2008
>y-you provoked us with your NATO membership application !
well, you provoked us with your unceremonious meddling, you anachronistic twat
Okay so we're just going to ignore Zelenskiy giving nato ultimatums?
Is Georgia fully Russo-cucked now or is there possibility there for it to take advantage of the circumstances and edge out from Russia's orbit?
Codename "The Pale Rider"
>only kept in charge by Revolutionary Guard.
>only kept in charge by 70% of national army
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niggers cant firefighting
Post a link, then. No one wants to engage with you when you frame the discussion disingenuously without posting the actual source.
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actually Norks are hohols producing faulty ammo for the puccians
>Ukrainians dont get blown up by drones
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>beggar nation
For every 40 ziggers I see getting droned I see it to happen to 1 ukrainian.
It's not begging if they pay us in vatnigger gore.
My head keeps replaying the sound of ukie drone operator yelling out when he hits a zigger and the subsequent laughter. His team's gonna be watching the footage with him later that evening.
Source: trust me bro
The nigger in charge is too loyal to Poopin and has disproportionate influence with his narratives, buzzwords and money.
As much as he's good at soft power, he's as weak to russian soft power himself and believes in hypothetical happy ever after with them (it's not gonna happen).
Tldr : we're belarussified and I've decided to address the russian question fundamentally instead.
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one Sternenko outproducing, outsmarting and outkilling the whole puccian military.
the absolutely fucking state of russia lmao
I can confirm he is correct.
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Translate please
Source: my ass
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some cringe chugtranny shit
Dronechan got nabbed and painted. You don't need to know to read when pictures make it obvious you nigger.
How does the draft in the ukraine even work as in how are postions, roles assigned to those males in age range 18-50?
The hoholdomor never happened, but it should have
I too can confirm.
Here is the source: https://twitter.com/ExplainThisBob/status/1533127154409807872
My arm isn't long enough to pull anything from your arse anon.
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Assad says otherwise
Nobody under 25 gets drafted.
is that logo inspired by imperial aquila
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If only you knew how brown things really are
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funny how vast majority of shitskins stand with russia
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Wouldn't be surprised
can men then leave the country? What about women?
On paper, everyone has a military speciality they got from serving the draft in peace time or the military academy for students. If it's something rare like an radar operator or something, you get assigned to the corresponding unit. If its just rifleman/driver/etc, you get basic training and get picked up by whatever brigade needs men. The assault brigades have some extra physical fitness requirements
You can also get some context, that Yanukovich had bad reputation already before that. He was in all senses a soviet criminal bydlo convict, a street criminal from a shitty region of bydlo, robbing people on the street. Was jailed and did time for that. Multiple times. Some of his crimes (like alleged rape) didn't get convictions. Then used as "dumb but loyal fuck' by other criminals to protect their interests, moved by local mafia higher and higher into power until reaching the Prime minster position in 2003. The donetsk mafia clan assumed they'd make him president in 2004 with the help of russians, since by that time people like Medvedchuck were using russian playbook on media control and voter fraud. During this FSB also poisoned the main opposition candidate and tried to kill him (sounds familiar?). This backfired in 2004 and caused the "Orange Revolution", with Yanukovich losing. Only after a ton of internal fuck ups, they slowly crawled back into power, cementing this return in 2010 by actually getting the retard elected.
>article from 2014
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oink oink
i didn't commit to anything. tough world, kiddo, not everything panders to your feelings
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that S300 launcher is more valuable than all of those zigger shitboxes. sad
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>pig noises
there's been more incidents, but this one was the most hilarious
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vatniggers must die
>If it's something rare like an radar operator or something, you get assigned to the corresponding unit.
do you've folks in the meteorology?
>basic training
for 2-4 months, especially for riflemen and other ground combat roles? Willyoam claims that simply ain't enough.
if russia invaded germany again you would flee, you coward rat
>whether or not Berkut (who mostly all defected to Russia) instigated violence on purpose so Rusnigeria could do its shit later
RU agents were used by Yanukovich government in law enforcement and "counter protesters", as proved later by checkig photos and comparing faces.

>Initial Maidan protests were peaceful and dying out
Yes, but you don't understand soviet KGB/criminal mindset. You can't just let it happen without squashing people, because everyone would assume you're weak. Their gulag mentality forced them to escalate violence time after time at every point, causing more resistance from people. Most people whom I know didn't really give a shit about the initial stages, because they were either too preoccupied by work or were in doomer mode from years before ("why the fuck did our nation elect this faggot?!"). But more and more got active as a result of government violence.
Russia can't even beat ukraine. How would they ever invade germany you retarded vpnvatnigger
>be me, Putins strongest mobik
>2 years in to Anti-Bandera war
>had to give up Kyiv
>and Kharkiv
>and Kherson
>but hey we got 2 bumbfuck towns and a handful of villages in exchange the population of half my oblast was turned into 400's
>Airsupport doesn't do CAS, only bombs civilian apartments from hundreds of km away
>Tank is recycled T-55 from the Afghanistan war, remains of the last crew still plastered on the interior hatch
>Supply is delivered in golf carts, half get blown up by drones other half is requisitioned by chechens
>CASEVAC is conducted by mopeds, they take 6 hours to get to the injured by which time the casualty has shot himself in the head to prevent having to live in Russia again
>Squad twink got his ass blown off by drone, can't even enjoy that anymore
>Chechens scream at us to mount up and attack the forward positions that half the division died at in the past week
>Do so with enthusiasm as the Russian instinct to grovel at the feet on strong and loud men has been drilled into me and my bloodline since the Tsars
>Convoy gets moving with only 60% casualties to drones as we organise, a record low loss
>As we pass the blackened fields chocked full of blown out Tanks and APC's with faded Z's I briefly wonder about the futility of both the war my being here before the thought is erased from my presumptuous skull, King Monke commands and we obey, over the hills and far away
>The next thing that goes through my skull is a piece of shrapnel as the t-55's turrent combusts into a miniature sun and rockets my corpse higher and higher into the sky, the only thing above me in that moment the sky, god, and the pasted remains of the last crew under the turrents shell, still flipping end upon end, somehow sharing their feeling of ghostly camaraderie as I go to join them as a red splatter on a sunflower field
>Such is life in Russkiy Mir
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Looks like he was running
>if you got fiber then it works for a few hours cuz the isp has some power backup
It depends on type of fiber you have, passive fiber works 24/7, if the ISP has power (they usually have generators) and you can power your own router, since the intermediary links don't matter.
>if russia invaded germany again
What did he mean by this?
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blattebrorsan, varför skitbrevar du såhär äckligt
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To invade Germany, Russia would first have to conquer Poland. Given how shit Putin is doing against Ukraine, how the fuck are they supposed to fight Poland as well?
>how fast is it?
I'm paying $8 per month for gigabit internet, and that's the premium offer, with IPTV and shit. Lack of regulations and small barriers to entry does wonderful things in the market.
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Do you have the video of the zigger head space program ? He got hit by a FPV drone and the head took off like in one of those turret toss videos
>do you've folks in the meteorology?
Yep, of course

>for 2-4 months, especially for riflemen and other ground combat roles?
The basic rifleman training everyone gets is 1.5-2 months afaik. Specialist training comes after that if necessary for the role

>Willyoam. Willyoam claims that simply ain't enough
Is that the ausie neutrooler? Fuck that cunt. We can't make everyone a tacticool spec ops operator due to time and resource constraints. The assault brigades and marines get a longer and more extensive training
I remember which one you meant, the one with his head exploding into a vertical red mist. Can't find it, here's something similar
The worst thing is that locals went for pro-russian oligarchs after a ton of progress was made during Saakashvili's presidency
qrd of the putin orban meeting?
Orban trying to be important. Failed spectacularly.
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Aw nuts
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>if russia invaded germany
if russia had modern, functional, and competent army...
Ukraine has been trading unfavorably for months now. Shit's fucked.
>if russia wasn't gay
>Yep, of course
wouldn't that be a waste of manpower if they could be deployed into some other roles that require more brains? Correct me if I'm wrong, but technically heavy things like meteorology will demand people of some minimum technical competency and I think these people might be smarter than average. But meteorology is also something that can be done by your own allies as well. Are universities still functioning or have they been converted into places offering military training with respect to for idk drone, equipment & electronics manufacture & repair, surgery & other medical services, etc.?
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>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies

Ziggers have no idea anything about economy. They claim that western economies are bad because they are service based :D

Let's compare German and Russian economy

agriculture: 1.4%
industry: 24.2%
services: 74.3%

Agriculture: 9.4%
Industry: 27.6%
Services: 63%

As we can see Russian economy is based on services just like German.

What is crazy is that ten percent of Russian workers work in agriculture. It shows how it lacks in modern equipment.

Another peculiar thing is that both Germany and Russia have similar percentage of workers working in industry, yet Germany produces 3 million cars more than Russia. Also more planes and ships.

German industry alone is bigger than Russian.
Goymany dismantled their own army after the Soviet Union fell and dismantled their inherited hardware from GDR. Kek, it would be a cakewalk.
They were only able to get East Germany as a prize because they were supplied with Lend-Lease while Germany was fighting a war on two fronts
My favorite part is that the excuse now is that "Russia is fighting all of NATO, not Ukraine" well weren't they meant to be NATO equals or even better due to not being held back by DEI and trannies?
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Last year Russia assembled 600k cars. Germany assembled 3.6 million cars.
Last year Russia assembled 12 aeroplanes. Maybe one large ship(?) and dozen of boats

South Korea produces more ships than Russia! Both Boeing and Airbus produce more planes than Russia per year.

Furthermore Russia has no domestic software, no hardware and no electronics!

The cars and planes Russia assembles are dependent on chinese !!!!! parts
Russia is not exporter and is not independent.
It is, and since fall of USSR, has been dependent on imports
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I dislike you pushing this pedo shit here
but since you are at it for years already, I'm pretty sure you are beyond help

Also I think you attach yourself to the cause (i.e. rooting for Ukraine freedom) simply to promote and normalize your brand of degeneracy
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let guess-
YEP, of course it's this whore
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>wouldn't that be a waste of manpower if they could be deployed into some other roles that require more brains?
I don't think there are that much of them. Plus, there is no shortage of junior officers in reserve anyway afaik

>Are universities still functioning or have they been converted into places offering military training with respect to for idk drone, equipment & electronics manufacture & repair, surgery & other medical services, etc.?
Still functioning as draft dodging institutions lol
It's worse. I know I made that example earlier (about HRE) but at least German emperor was crowned by Pope. And church was kinda powerful in the late Roman empire.
Meanwhile russian tzar was completely self proclaimed.
because Ivanishvili is an insider and his psyops are incredibly customized to georgian mentality
he knows which threads to pull to get his way
Are you winning, ukkies?
>Still functioning as draft dodging institutions lol
got fucked because of, you've guessed it, odesa
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Faggots in odeas (where else kek) did a ton of obvious corruption with unis and higher education for draft dodging, so it got clamped down hard for everyone else instead. Those recent postgraduate limitations (acпиpaнтypa) were don't because of faggots in odesa.
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>Meanwhile russian tzar was completely self proclaimed
So, Impostorussia ?
Quintessential yjdesa moment
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air conditioning status? being able to flush after taking a shit status?
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>russia big
>you irrelevant
Maybe it's time to Make Russia Small Again
>air conditioning status?
Just a single AC in bedroom, which isn't good enough for this apartment now. I need to install a second one, but I'm too much of cheapskate to spend like a thousand bucks right now for that.

>being able to flush after taking a shit status?
Yes, that's how plumbing work, my brown friend.
What was the thought process behind this?
delusional britbong
Would Ukrainians agree to a peace offer where giving up Odessa would be the only condition on the Russian side?
No, they are kikes and faggots there, but they are our fags and kikes.
Define winning
No. The ukies are clearly winning this.
They are dismantling Russia's ability to wage war effectively.
I'm thinking based
Almost all pedophiles are Jewish.
There's still ukrainians not drafted. To the last ukrianian.
they cant even arm their new brigades, a clear sign that theyre losing the war of attrition
At the rate Odessa produces material for RT I'd disown it already.
Have a good day sirs, sitrep?
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This is based too. Keep pumping the forever war, we need the anglogoy to be drafted.
1. not everyone is fucked there like that, giving up normal people to russian scumbags because some other ones are bad is gay;
2. russia shouldn't get even an meter of land, outside of some square meters in a grave;
>Still functioning as draft dodging institutions lol
how do they allow that? morale is already somewhat low thx to ammunition & manpower shortage and women & the sons of politicians & well connected parents abandoning ukrainian men & their homeland. The need of the hour is clearly increasing morale by giving men in the frontlines hope, more well trained man power & ammunition and not more videos of ukranian women partying & blowing chad's by being a good slutfugee. How did your government casually allow women to emmigrate?
>dessertcope 1000
You don't disown a house that's been infested by cockroaches, you get rid of them.
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This is just silly, like really.
Yet Russia is going backwards? Against unarmed brigades?
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puccian sappers, lel
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>Almost all pedophiles are Jewish.
yeah right about that
The soviet deepstate in all ex-USSR states is feminist. Roasties are the first class citizens both here and in puccia
>simply to promote and normalize your brand of degeneracy

But this is what happens. As it turned out, there is not a single nationalist in our government. What a shame.
The soviet union constructed basically a "matriarchal gulag" for regular fucks
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>Almost all pedophiles are Jewish.
yeah yeah hmmmm
>Roasties are the first class citizens both here and in puccia

It's even funnier when someone from the West talks about "muh based trad east slav wife". The truth is that in Eastern Europe, the bulk of women are the most vile, greedy and treacherous creatures.
Oh yeah, how about this?
Lmao this reminded me of that video where a russian apc drives right ibto a line of landimnes lying across an asphalt road
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Putin killed a journalist because he wanted to expose his pefophikia
Litvinenko i think he was called, right?
>The truth is that in Eastern Europe, the bulk of women are the most vile, greedy and treacherous creatures.
is this the sentiment shared by the average man, specifically the average young man, in your cunt?
what's funny about this is that only 1 single suspicious channel has reported that, nobody else. And of course, it's not a complete zigger cope if there are no geolocated footage, which the channel that reported it didnt provide neither.
>how do they allow that?
Need an outlet for common folks, and it's made too complicated for most people. You see, when you go out you see millions of able bodied males who draft dodge by various stupid shit like having a family, having parents, being friends with local government, etc. The state heavily discriminates against single men with no connections, and education is the only way for them to have hope of not being drafted. Still only like 25k males a year can enroll, meanwhile at least 600k have draft protection issued by local governments, with unknown number of males "caring for sick parents" or simply being happy to fuck their wives and make kids during wartime.
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I'm jealous. I pay about 70 €/month for symmetric gigabit.
Holy kek it really IS comically slow
part of that is just labor costs, you can't really have cheap internet without cheap support specialists and cheap people running around with all that cable crap, but that's only part of it, another part is market regulations and lack of competition
How is the TZD coming along
>A цe вжe yдap дpoнy пo тeлeкoмyнiкaцiям в Кypcькiй oблacтi
>And this is already a drone strike on telecommunications in the Kursk region
And it is so smol.
>Take sub replacement fertility
>project 100 years into the future
Fuuuuuck, The Science is against us nafobros.
I know. Salaries and cost of living are wildly different when comparing Ukraine to Sweden. The low number just sounds magical to me.
>weapons production increases during war
Truly a feat.
There's also an AFU brigade (i think) called Khorne
Lol since when is it a war? Up until now it was a special military operation.
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