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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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▶Previous: >>473285252

▶Day: 863 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
>Hungary's PM orbán meets putin for talks on Ukraine
>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
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Trump is going to end this war and stop the USA from sending billions of taxpayer dollars to this corrupt shithole.
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Sorry putin, no amount of begging is gonna save you faggot lmao
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lmao, this nigger thinks that trump will stop the MIC from getting it's piece of the pie KEKAROOOO. Poland just ordered 500 HIMARS because of its performance in Ukraine shitskin commie, it's fucking OGRE for you LMAO
You are a leaf, therefore your opinion is worth less than the shit I tool this morning LMAO!!!!
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>I tool
Grim shitskin lmao
Regardless of who wins the presidential election, the US will stop the Ukraine experiment soon enough. It's been a complete disaster so far.
Ty for updates, haven’t been paying attention as much with two tournaments going on
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>t-the US will save us
The state of you shitskins LMAO
It's been a rough month for russniggers lmao
Not at all.
Well yes. When was America's last successful proxy war?

It's obvious that they expected Russia to just crumble but that clearly hasn't been the case at all.
I assume this "Sharing" includes a permanent lease on Sevastopol, "Dual Citizenship" and a Great Value Schengen agreement for all established locals, and maybe a paltry yearly payment to Ukraine's government, as long as they don't ever "Try to speak over Russia" again. As in, functionally selling the whole peninsula to Russia at or below cost.
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Send more chink bikes shitskin LMAO
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>Yeah I’ve never been to Russia
>Yeah I’ve never lived under Communism
>Yeah I live in a comfortable, first world country and have never known poverty
>But let me tell you how much the west ACTUALLY sucks and we should give up our wealth to be commies!
Why are they like this?
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Or maybe an e-scooter or two KEKAROO
Gazprom is running at a loss, China is buying Siberia, Russia has lost control of even Armenia, NATO has gained two new members, and member states are paying their 2%, and we can go on.
Browns and/or lumpens. There is a reason they never post hand.
All of these things apply to you, yet, you think you can criticize communism or Russia lmfao..
Pot, meet kettle.
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>n-no U!
lmao commie shitskins lmao. Even hood niggers don't live this bad KEKAROOO
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Actually, that's a great idea, someone should do a side by side of compton california vs anywhere russniggerland LMAO
Their life expectancy alone proves to me that I don’t want to live there. Thank fuck for Russia proving to the world that communism is absolute shit though. They really stole the thunder of the Marxists in the west.
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Lmao, nice meltdown tranny. Keep coping.
Life expectancy, under communism, doubled in Russia and China. It only declined after the restoration of capitalism.
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Not at all. The US expected Ukraine to lose in 3 days. Which hasn't been the case at all.
My nigger, if the USSR was so great it wouldn’t have collapsed and its satellite states split off from it.
Was that the fault of the CIA too?
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Shitting where you cook, eat and shower. LMAO
My nigger, if the USSR was so bad, why does MI6 and the CIA have spend millions of dollars lying about it?
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Of course you like eating shit, you actually believe in communism LMAO
Why is life expectancy still higher in the west then?
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Incorrect. Either way, I don’t want to live under communism because it would mean people like you being able to steal from me, or kill me and then rob my corpse. We all know what you are all about.
Prove it.
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Did the CIA put fucking toilets in russnigger kitchens? KEKAROOO
>Gazprom is running at a loss
Not the flex you think it is. Western sanctions on Russian oil hurt Western citizens just as much as they hurt Russia.
>China is buying Siberia
>Russia has lost control of even Armenia
>NATO has gained two new members
Sweden and Finland? They were already de facto members anyway.
>member states are paying their 2%
Only about a third are, even after Zognald was bitching and moaning about it during his presidency and even after the Ukraine invasion. Apparently most NATO members don't think that Russia is hellbent on total domination of Europe.
>Germany was divided into East and West from 1949 until the fall of the Berlin Wall and subsequent reunification in 1990. Over the decades of separation, the East increasingly lagged behind the West in living standards, health care, and ultimately life expectancy. By 1989, East German life expectancy was 2.4 and 2.6 years less than that of the West for men and women, respectively (Human Mortality Database 2016). Since the reunification 25 years ago, East Germans have experienced remarkable mortality improvements. Among women, the life expectancy difference has practically disappeared, to 0.1 years in 2013; among men, the gap narrowed to 1.2 years in 2013.
I think everyone who advocates for communism or Russia in general should be sent to live there for a year.
They’d be screaming to be sent back in a week.
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Could make a reality tv show about it lmao
>just as much as they hurt Russia
Until they replaced Russia. Now it’s still hurting Russia and no one cares.
Having a private toilet is bourgeois, comrade leaf! A real communist shits where he eats!
>Russian oil
You’re obviously a 80 IQ Amerimutt, quit the memeflaggotry.
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Reminder, this is considered an upperclass neighbourhood LMAO
if it was so great why did it collapse?
Communist philosophy is built on the flowery language of generations of Elite Pseudointellectuals who developed a savior complex overt the broad strokes of the hardships faced by the "lesser people" From Hegel, to Marx, to Stalin, to Brezhnev's walking corpse, they were all presumptuous dickheads who never comprehended how inefficient inverting supply and demand would be even as it was obviously creating greater struggle than had existed before.
The Communist model of economy requires superlative people who have perfect information, are perfectly rational and perfectly benevolent at every single level of government just to tread water. It delusionally presumes that Communist Theory is so pure and unassailable in its truth, that it will induce those qualities in all who are raised on it, which of course, didn't happen.
Why can’t they pave roads? It’s like some kind of communist allergy to pavement.
so they do have pallets
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty received billions of dollars from the CIA to lie about the USSR and promote color revolutions.
Solidarity and Ukrainian Nationalists were funded by the CIA.
All of this is public knowledge, and you look really stupid trying to deny it.
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This is literally outside of St Pidorsburg LMAO
>we didn't need Sweden and Finland neutrality anyway
Nice cope. Gave me a chuckle.
>80 IQ Amerimutt
More like Gagdeep Ramhard
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Indeed anon, only reserved for the highest class neighbourhoods LMAO
Its actually correct. Life expectancy in Russia was 32 before Stalin, and 62 after he died.
>everyone knows it!
Gonna need some sources for these huge claims.
How old are you, by the way?
I used to be a communist too, and I guarantee I’ve read more theory than you.
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All radio liberty did was tell people how much better life was on the other side of the iron curtain. Communism can’t survive free speech.
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Damn the CIA stopped russniggers from building sidewalks and roads? Guess what, the CIA will now force russniggers to collapse again KEKAROOO
Christ, they can’t even manage gravel. What the fuck.
Yes, and notice how it rose in all those countries once they were freed from communism.
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They need more yachts and property in the West, please understand lmao.
If a truth is inconvenient to communism then it must be propaganda, obviously. Sad thing is there are commies that really believe this.
>communism cannot fail, but it can be failed
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All Radio Liberty did was accept CIA money and lie about the USSR.
The stats don't lie, the communism led to the greatest growth of life expectancy in Russian history.
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VKS (missile defense) comes home early
Literal air defense cuckold
What does their joining really change anyway?
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I love when commies come in here to get fucking MOGGED by reality lmao
Communism failed... that's why Cuba has a higher life expectancy and home ownership rate than both the UK and the US!
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Remember russniggers, this is how communist faggots live LMAO
>keeps posting the same bullshit day after day
Nigger, do you ever get bored of the same snuff you like?
It’s funny. You can go into the resource allocation issues in communism. You can talk about the faults of a centrally planned economy or the weaknesses in the removal of personal ownership. None of it matters. They just post literal communist propaganda or say it wasn’t real communism. The idea of communism isn’t something I hate. I just think it doesn’t work. Communists though? I learned to hate because they’ll lie through their teeth to you because they honestly don’t think what you want matters as long as they can con you into not opposing their revolution.
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>communism failed
That's right shitskin, and no amount of cope will change that lmao
How much aid does Cuba get from the west every year, again?
Do YOU want to buy a house in Cuba?
Why does it keep rising after communism was thrown away?
How many embargos are the UK and US under again?
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>I learned to hate because they’ll lie through their teeth to you because they honestly don’t think what you want matters as long as they can con you into not opposing their revolution.
Very kike behaviour for commie niggers.
Because they still rely on Soviet infrastructure and have universal healthcare that was created by the socialist government
When will Ukraine surrender? I got bored of this war years ago and it's still going.
Anyone who wants to trade with Cuba can. Cuba isn’t entitled to access to a ‘capitalist pig’ economy though if the people who built that economy don’t want to share it with them.
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Now that I mogged the shitskin commies, back to dead russniggers
embargoes are for losers
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Incorrect. Cuba is under an embargo.
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Love me some dead russniggers
It is. I’m western. I can handle someone not agreeing with me, and I’m fine with thinking someone else is wrong. Being lied to though? That’s a fucking insult. The commies don’t get that. Just on a factual basis I can point out what I think shows that Marxism doesn’t work. They don’t debate like that though. It’s all deception and manipulation.
So in short, they could have had all that but without the gulags and forced labor, the internal deportations, and the genocide of indigenous populations like the Crimean Tatars?
You hate communism because you're indoctrinated with CIA propaganda and don't like being proven wrong.
I used to be commie, but I grew out of it.
It just doesn’t really work as a viable alternative to capitalism.
The fact of the matter is we get the system we deserve. Communism crumbles because there will always be an inherent advantage to betraying the group for personal gain.
That’s a feature of the human psyche that evolved over millions of years.
Communism tried to solve for this by putting bullets in the heads of anyone who stepped out of line, for shockingly poor results.
Capitalism + liberal democracy, for all their myriad flaws, are still the reigning kings of prosperity.
Untrue. Several nations trade with Cuba. Just the US isn’t one of them. Are you saying the US should have to trade with Cuba?
A massive shift in geo- You know what. Nothing. Nothing at all kek. According to Russia at least. Trust the plan!

Hey, tell me your opinion on Russia supplying nukes to Belarus again.
>So in short, they could have had all that but without the gulags and forced labor, the internal deportations, and the genocide of indigenous populations like the Crimean Tatars?
Shit that never happened, but lets say they did.
Why are they still using systems that were built off those alleged things if it was so bad?
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Also incorrect.
The embargo limits what goods Cuba can get.
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I’d love to be proven wrong here. It would be great to think that we could do Star Trek style economic structures. Just we can’t and I know for a fact that because I worked hard and own land that you people would kill me and steal it. So that’s not CIA propaganda. That’s just what you guys do.
None, because the US isn’t an authoritarian commie shithole?
Why do people immigrate to the west if it’s so bad?
Because they want to be rich, stupid.
They don’t care about your ideals of equality and whatever.
And you can’t make them, not with all the bullets in the world.
People love iPhones and goyslop more than being “based and trad”, and that’s just how it is.
Communism worked in the USSR. That's why they had no inflation or unemployment.
That’s just untrue. You can google this shit. Cuba trades with Mexico, Venezuela, and other such states and they import what they need that way. It’s just more expensive and lower quality because the US won’t deal with them.
I doubt it.
If it worked, why aren’t there any commie countries left outside of a couple of pariah states?
>None, because the US isn’t an authoritarian commie shithole?
The US is authoritarian. It overthrows governments across the world, and is controlled by corporations that exploit the working class. It has the largest prison population in the world, per capita.
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So you post the same video from 2 years ago yeah you really are a retarded nigger aren't you
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commie shitskins trying to push their faggy ideology bores me
What is the official /chug/ cope for the total failure to establish a "buffer zone"?
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Hey shitskin, russniggerland has simply gotten worse from 2 years ago, wanna see? LMAO
They're "pariah states" only inside of your Western propaganda bubble.
So why do people flock to it?
Why do the elite of Russia, China, even North Korea - send their kids to western schools, own western property, wear western clothes and speak English?
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>W-we didn't want it anyways!
Exactly. This is more or less my view as well. What is more, without political debate? It’s impossible for a society to evolve and adapt leading to stagnation which then leads to collapse. Communism, as a single party state can’t manage dissent without violence and repression.
I’m employed and my land doesn’t inflate. I’m perfectly happy not being sent to a camp because I don’t want to feed you for free.
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lmao, did you think it got better during the last 2 years? KEKAROOOO
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Maybe tell putin to stop buying yachts KEKAROOO
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If only you knew how brown things really are
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The people who flee tend to the US are spies, war criminals and fascists who failed to overthrow communism on the behalf of western intelligence agencies
Yeah, because if they trade with Cuba we will refuse trade with them in turn. Do you think we have ships interdicting shipments or something?
>I’m employed
Okay? So you're at the mercy of your boss who could fire you and make you homeless tomorrow.
In the USSR, it was impossible to do both.
that was the cope for their failure to take Kharkov (again). The "buffer zone" was already the cope, but now they need a cope to cope over not even doing that.
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Xi sends his daughter to school in the west.
He a traitor too?
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Most russnigger shills are completely demoralized, we get a few of the same shitskin spammers, but they're not even trying to effortpost their faggy cope, just spam troons and shit.
Funny thing is we don’t even really do that. I think we more actively try to prevent weapons shipments (threats of secondary sanctions, not active interdiction), but they import functionally whatever they want. I think the only argument is it’s more expensive? It’s the thirdie entitlement mentality at work.
Learning about your enemy isn't the same as betrayal
Bolsheviks also spent time in the US before they overthrew US backed monarchy in Russia
>Most russnigger shills are completely demoralized
It’s nothing like fall 2022-summer 2023 sadly.
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You can't take massive L's for an entire month and not even cope about an offensive because it failed before it even got going, they have literally nothing else to grasp on to, which is why they go back to 'ole reliable.

>m-muh NOOOOKS
You’re delusional. Most of the migrants from Cuba are economic. They don’t want to be poors and can get a better life in the US
Self employed and I own my land. I’m what you would call a Kulak. Even if my operation doesn’t require additional labor outside of my family.
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They had a lot to cope with back then, but now what can they say? They're sending in troops on fucking e scooters while the russniggers tied their currency to chink coins. It's ogre LMAO
>Most migrants are economic
Yeah, because they were landlords, robber barons, pimps and casino owners mad they couldn't use economics to exploit people anymore
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You should ask the commie shitskin how many Cuban defectors there are a year vs US defectors back to Cuba, should sort everything out for that retard lmao.
The kulaks were not self employed
They were land barons who hoarded food
>imagine thinking posting this shill general somehow changes the inevitable defeat of ukraine
Oh, so it’s all 4D chess so they can overthrow the evil west?
That’s one butthurt Russian
yeah, it must be awful for them desu. The Ukrainian drone footage has created a psychological weapon that has never existed before in warfare. And the unreal disparity in drone footage and how the Ukrainians put out fucking 11/10 HD shit on the regular while Russia only has fucking blurry garbage in response. It has got to drive them insane. They cope by moralfagging but their heart isn't it it because they're not actually moral.
>They had a lot to cope with back then, but now what can they say?
Russians and third worlders only care about land. 1000 dead for 1 sq m would unironically still be considered winning here. Only hope to bring pidors down a notch is mogilization.
that was a morale lowpoint for them, but the casualties now are much higher. It's just human sacrifice at this point. And for what? Conquering rubble.
Depends on the situation. Many were just successful farmers. That’s the thing. I know what happened. You and your kind would kill me and my whole family if we didn’t want to give you the result of our labor. You’d force us off our land into collective slave farms, or deport us to die in the wilderness.
So how many more hours does OP have left on his shift?
You’re right. I honestly thought it was more restrictive than that. They have nothing to complain about. We aren’t obligated to trade with them.
Bragging about being a kulak is like bragging about being a mass murderer.
The kulaks were price gougers who caused a famine just because they wanted to squeeze more profit out of a starving rural population. They were doing feudalism in the country side until the Soviets stopped it.
>They were land barons who hoarded food
just like the pajeet who runs the 7/11 on the corner does. why doesn't he give his shit to niggers for free?
Jannies didn't like the op image it seems
>this reddit tier level of delusion
I see now why you keep spamming endlessly, it's just a coping mechanism
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Wanna talk about how russniggers lost more land in Vovchansk, you know that little village ON THE FUCKING RUSSNIGGER BORDER THAT'S BRACKETED BY A RIVER THAT YOU FAGGOTS SAID FELL IN DAY 2 OF YOUR COPEFENSIVE KEKAROO
Sorry, but you don't get to the hoard food and land while people are starving.
You should, and you will, be killed for that.
How many starving people have you fed today anon?
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Yikes, you're gonna take my shit to feed some niggerinos? The absolute state of russniggerdom LMAO
Exactly and it’s cool, most people think we actively block trade with Cuba. We don’t. We just don’t do it ourselves.
So this time around you guys don’t plan to forcibly collectivize us and steal all our property? Since I kind of doubt that.
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This nigger right here says it's ok to take peoples property, that they worked hard for, so some fucking lazy retard can have it instead. THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING STATE OF GOMMUNISM LMAO
Does this commie even own a gun?
It’s my land, and the food is stuff I grew. If you want it? Pay for it. Why am I supposed to be your slave and work for free?
wreckers and hoarders bro, they ruin everything in commie countries amirite?
>most people think we actively block trade with Cuba
most people are below 100IQ
Correct. Which sadly is how we get this commie shit in the first place.
That's literally what he's saying and subhuman shitskins think gommunism isn't a fucking farce.
all you can do is beep bop because you have no other response, only demoralization and buzzwords...and it's so funny to me
Its the workers that grow your food, and its the government that secures your existence.
Your Randian fantasies are not real life. There is no such thing as an individual that does every thing by himself.
Just like how there’s no such thing as a successful communist country?
I love how they claim to be pro worker, but anyone who works now has to do it for free. If you want me to give you some of what I grow? Fine. Give me something I want back. Hell, I even barter for other goods and services sometimes. Money just makes it easier because some random can give it to me and I can do what I want with it. That’s capitalism and there’s absolutely nothing that works better.
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Say it nice and clear shitskin, you want us to do the work, so you can leech off of it. Fucking filthy nigger.
I LITERALLY plant and harvest food. The excess I sell. Why am I not a worker? Not everyone in ag uses the ‘massive migrant swarm’ model.
No anon, you don’t understand!
The revolution will force you to bend the knee!
It’s totally happening!
Two more weeks!
It's actually fucking disgusting these subhumans have this mentality, no wonder they never accomplish shit, they want it handed to them without actually having to work lmao. Insane that these, "people" are allowed to even exist. It's one thing to not wanna participate in the grind, but to actually fucking leech? YIKES
Pretty sure the USSR was successful... otherwise it wouldn't have doubled the life expectancy of the average Russian, beat Nazi Germany, created Tetris and got to space first.
No, you don't. You buy equipment and seeds from other people using public roads.
So that’s why it’s still around right?
What exactly do you think you’d be doing in this hypothetical communist society? What would your job be?
>Lenin and Stalin did not accomplish shit
LMFAO, you're literally seething at communists being successful at killing people like you and redistributing your ill gotten gains
Twas a feint
Kek. I mean if any of this made any fucking sense, it might be really scary. I could go on some rant about polyculture and agroforestry … but the fact is these people think it’s impossible to do anything for your self. Fuck. Did I exploit the professional welder I know when I traded him a couple of hogs to do some work for me? Did I exploit the small scale logging company that I split the timber proceeds with in clearing a patch of firs I wanted to replace with grazing space? This shit it just so goofy.
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Ukrainian defender of Mariupol from the Azov Battalion has finally been captured.

This UAF Sergeant was apprehended by Russian security forces after spending over a year living in the sewers. The Ukrainian soldier survived by drinking sewer water he filtered through his sock, and had been living exclusively off rats for protein for the past several months.

He has become known as
>The Ukrainian-Rat-Eater
>The Rat eater of Kiev
>Sewer Hohol
>Skinny Pete
>Stinky Piggy

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Answer the question shitskin, do you expect me to work for free so you can be a leeching shitskin faggot? LMAO
Why are you calling communism hypothetical when it exists in Cuba, did well in the USSR?
Under communism, life would change because the government would serve the interests of the poor instead of the rich.
You already work for the US State Department and the CIA for free.
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Then how did I get my house shitskin? LMAO
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The rat-diet is not kind to Ukrainians who go on it.
The sewer-dwelling rat-eating Hohol should of turned himself in long ago. He is now receiving medical treatment from a Russian hospital.
Except that didn’t happen in any communist society?
All the money was funneled upwards into the hands of the party.
There was still massive inequality, it just depended on whether or not you were part of the political clique or not.
I think you misunderstand the question:
If there were a communist revolution in the west, what would your role be in the new order?
I pay taxes for those roads, and money for those seeds, and equipment. How is that exploitation? Hell, the nice lady down the road who grows the heirloom strains I use in my household garden? I normally end up paying her in beef or pork. Is she exploiting me? Or am I exploiting her? ARE WE ENGAGING IN EXPLOITCEPTION!?
The sad part is what I do isn’t especial. It takes effort and time, but it isn’t special. Being an autistic weirdo fixated on biological systems probably helps a bit, but really? Land can be very cheap and there is always demand for food.
Except it did?
The USSR had no homelessness, unemployment, inflation, some of the lowest crime and poverty rates in the world.
And gave every citizen free housing, education and healthcare.
>ukranian cuisine
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When is Russia going back home? The war is over, you lost
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>If there were a communist revolution in the west, what would your role be in the new order?
A fine question anon, what does this commie shitskin expect to be doing during his grand revolution LMAO
Gommieism is the 5 minute elevator goyim pitch
In practice its just jewish utopia
Prove it.
Your taxes alone don't fund those roads, and most of the things you have were made by other people.
Nor did you teach yourself how to write, walk read, farm or talk about yourself.
Everything you've accomplished is because someone helped you.
Your selfish fantasies of being a sovereign, independent individual is an lolbert delusion.
Not sure. He’s dodging the question.
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putin realizes that his only way to live is to ride this out until it's untenable which is fine by me, total russnigger collapse will cause plenty of commie shitskins to ack themselves lmao.
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Russian doctors are hopeful for his future despite his terrible condition. They believe his malnourishment will be easy to treat but are more concerned about the phycological trauma he may have endured after being forced into such an awful position by the Kiev regime.

Remember hohols, Don't eat rats, not good for you.
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Why are you dodging the question shitskin commie, you can't even explain your own ideology? What would you be doing in the grand revolution? LMAO
Okay? That was easy. Now you can concede.
>>russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
banan status?
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Red Alert, banan storage at an all time low
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Don't let this commie shitskin try to distract you from the FACT that russniggers lost the Battle of Kharkiv(twice btw) and their Grand Summer copefensive is officially DEAD KEKAROOOOO
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Ohhh nonononono
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I wonder what Putins cope is going to be when they finally have to withdraw and hundreds of thousands of Russians died for nothing

"I-it's just a special military mobilization, don't call it a retreat or you go to jail for 7 years!"
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Uh oh, another plebbit faggot explosed themselves kekarooo. Should I make a little piccy?
>neo nazi party founded in 1949
>although the SRP was anti-communist, it focused on criticizing Britain and the United States for "splitting their beloved Fatherland in two" and avoided criticism of the Soviet Union in the hope that a future deal could be made with the Soviets to reunite Germany
> Remer "insisted that Germans should not fight to cover an American retreat if the Russians got the upper hand in a war", and said that he would "show the Russians the way to the Rhine" and that SRP members would "post themselves as traffic policemen, spreading their arms so that the Russians can find their way through Germany as quickly as possible"
>In a 1997 interview, Remer admitted that he had received Soviet backing during his time in the party. Remer stated that he had met with KGB officials in East Berlin and had received financial and logistical support from the Soviet Union.[14] In addition to Remer's testimony, there are other sources of evidence that support the claim that the Soviet Union supported the SRP.

chuds have been getting used by gulaghomo since literally forever
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>that "canadian" in the last thread who tried to deboonk goreleaf by posting the palm of his hand in extremely poor lighting
made me kek hard
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I'm mildly convinced that russniggers would eat putin's cope about it being a successful SMO even if they go back to 1991. commie faggots love eating shit lmao.
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The Rat Eater of Kiev, was also very impressed with how Russians have rebuilt Mariupol ''for the better'' (His words)

He thanks the Motherland for its mercy it has shown to him, and calls upon the UAF to eat shit and die. (Again, his words)
Not an argument.
I accept your concession.
Damn, and he's kind of handsome too. What a nightmare.
You think REDDIT is a viable source?
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He also blasted his ISO so you got insane blooming, while my pics are near 2500 Kelvin that makes it overly yellow because I don't give a fuck because I have better lightning examples KEKAROOO
The source isn't REDDIT. It has citations.
You think the CIA is a credible source which is even more laughable.
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Post more plebbit links, I'm making a collage commie shitskin LMAO
i'm sure the ussr was great anon, it's a shame it didn't work out
Are you allowed to say nigger?
Aren't you a nigger?
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Reminder - pro-russniggers = leftypol commie shitskins.

This faggot is proof in the pudding LMAO
Damn you’re gonna lose karma for that one!
Marx called people niggers all the time.
You should stop embarrassing yourself and stop watching Ben Shapiro.
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LInk your plebbit account, I wanna laugh at what faggy troon shit you're up to.
Link your NAFO discord account
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I subscribe to a much more based philosophy, especially after outgrowing my commie phase.
Stirner was a cuck who died irrelevant after Marx BTFO'd him
>Raised life expectancy by 65%
First-world countries did better.
>Increased real income
Prices were set in a top-down manner and did not reflect anything.
>Housing was provided based on need
Meaning one tiny flat in a Khrushchovka for a family of six.
>rent averaged
Renting was illegal.
>Eliminated unemployment
This is a bad thing as women shouldn’t work.
>Provided healthcare
First-world countries did better.
>Achieved full literacy
First-world countries did better.
>Raised school enrollment
Women shouldn’t study.
>Provided secondary education
Under Jewgashvilli it was completely unaffordable for most. First-world countries did better. Women shouldn’t study.
>Heavily subsidized early childcare
Women should take care of their children and not the state.
>Eliminate the gender pay gap
>Marx called people niggers all the time.
Both Marx and Engels were (((abolitionists))) who absolutely worshipped (((Lincoln))). The fact they weren’t up to standard with modern political correctness is irrelevant.
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Ok commie.
Keep letting those spooks living in your head, brave little revolutionary!
Just two more weeks and surely the west will collapse!
Lmao at your life
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Sorry s hitskin, it was /chug/ that got caught with trooncord links in their rentry KEkAROOOOOO
>First-world countries did better.
Because of colonialism and imperialism - something the USSR didn't do. It also did it in a shorter time period.
>Prices were set in a top-down manner and did not reflect anything.
Prices were low because corporations couldn't price gouge.
>Renting was illegal.
Exploitation by landlords was illegal. Good.
>This is a bad thing as women shouldn’t work.
Its a good thing because women were a part of building and securing a revolutionary society.
>First-world countries did better.
See the first point I made.
>Women shouldn’t study.
Women should study and should have the right to vote. Rich people should not.
>Under Jewgashvilli it was completely unaffordable for most
Lies and bullshit. It was free for everyone.
>Women should take care of their children and not the state.
They should do both.
Not an argument.
Reminder that Bolshevism is White genocide.
Okay? Lincoln was great. The confederates were a bunch of degenerate, incestuous slave owners, and most slave owners were jewish.
Reminder that CAPITALISM is genocide.
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Where's your plebbit account shitskin, we all wanna see what you'll be doing in your grand revolution cope lmao
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>colonialism and imperialism bad!
Not the poor niggerinos!
I don’t think you’re white.
Post hand with timestamp and power outlet.
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Communism literally purged Jews from Eastern Europe and Russia.
Capitalism is jewish. Try harder.
Again, Stirnerism is a failed idealogy for retards. Nobody cares what you think. Stirner was just a Randian loser no one takes seriously besides anarcho-trannies.
>colonialism and imperialism
Subjugating the inferior is a positive good. There is a natural order of things in the universe. Read Aristotle.
>Prices were low because corporations couldn't price gouge.
Almost nothing was produced in the necessary volume. Only Bolshevik Jews had access to most goods, including foreign ones, in spetsraspredelitels and Beryozkas.
>Its a good thing
>Women should study and should have the right to vote
Glad you stopped pretending not to be a feminist, Shlomo.
>Lies and bullshit. It was free for everyone.
Here is your own pidor source confirming this fact: https://en.topwar.ru/96335-kak-stalin-platnoe-obrazovanie-vvel.html
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I’m not seeing a hand. You ARE white, aren’t you?
Only National Socialism and deemancipation of women can save Whites from total extinction.
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Where's the hand shitskin lmao
His LARP persona is dissolving before our very eyes.
Commies can never resist going mask off. Comes with being a narcissist, which they always are.
>Subjugating the inferior is a positive good. There is a natural order of things in the universe. Read Aristotle.
If it was so good... why did it fail? Those same minorities now run your shit hole countries.
>Almost nothing was produced in the necessary volume
False. The USSR was able to provide everything at low cost or free because of central planning getting rid of greed and waste.
>Glad you stopped pretending not to be a feminist, Shlomo.
Proletarian feminism isn't the same as the bourgeois, only-fans feminism incels like you want.
>Ru topwar
Your own source says education was free. I don't even think you can read.
Holy crap i just realized.
He really is laying in a watermelon patch in blsck face isn't he?
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Where's your hand shitskin lmao
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Daily reminder to remove the jew and dismantle this fake war, most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
>calls people larpers
>Is a Stirneretard
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>he still can’t post it
Do these posts smell like curry to anyone else?
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Illegal to be homeless (you need to have residence address so government can keep track of you), commie blocks and two designs for houses permitted by the government. Soulless, mass produced husks of homes.
Again, illegal to be jobless and filled with useless/senseless jobs.
Kept low artificially by centrally planned economy, which stiffled development (can't put additional funds into R&D) and resulted in products subpar from quality or technological point of view. Sorry, most people like to be rewarded for inventing shit.
Also, in poorer countries costs of living are lower, imagine that.
>some of the lowest crime and poverty rates in the world
Stealing from public construction, factories and giving bribes to get hands on something was rampant, but turned blind eye on. One of the parts of my town is called "Thieftown" in rought translation because people built or refurbished houses there from stolen materials. If it's an actual fucking name showing up in maps, then it can explain the scale of such actions. Why did people steal? Because else there was no possibility to buy something (usually, Russians siphoned resources and products to Moscow or Petersburg), or it was so expensive it was unavailable.
>And gave every citizen free housing, education and healthcare.
I already said about communist construction, not to say it was usually shoddily made. Free education and healthcare is in pretty much every developed country bar USA. Still, education was heavily censored and loaded shitload of propaganda into curriculum, sometimes outright lies. In healthcare, you still needed bribes to get something and level of medical technology was still decades behind the West.
Communism fucking sucked and thank God it's gone.
>source: I have good relations with my family and they tell me shit about their youth in communist Poland
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He clearly isn't, but still funny nonetheless.
>a world War
They caused
>foreign backed civiwar
>muh cia
Seriously nigga
None of what you said refuted anything I made.
I'm suppose to hate communism because it made homelessness illegal, meaning landlords could not force people to be homeless and because the government used its power to keep prices low?
Give me a fucking break dude. This is pathetic.
>If it was so good... why did it fail?
Because of Jewish subversion and infiltration.
>The USSR was able to provide everything at low cost
How many Basedviet citizens had cars?
>feminism is good actually
>Your own source says education was free.
Only before and after Jewgashvilli.
My nigger you started out trying to argue like a natsoc, now you’re backsliding into tankie mode harder with every post.
The reason you bunkercuck pussies are here is because you think you can get us to do the hard part of the revolution, ie: the actual violence, for you.
Well, why should we?
You have yet to present a single viable reason why I or anyone else should join your cause when we’re better off under capitalism in every possible way.
You ignorant leaf.
Look at the leaves of the plants he's laying in.
Those are watermelon plants. They shooped the foreground ones in and his lips.
But he has his faced blacked out with camo.
>Because of Jewish subversion and infiltration.
Sounds like cope to me. Why did it fail to those clearly "Inferior" people then? Why did you lose to people you deem subhuman.
Guess that means you're a subhuman, lol.
>How many Basedviet tizens had cars?
More than under the reactionary Tsar government they overthrew.
>before and After Stalin
Yes, Stalin built the foundations of that. Glad we agree he was based.
Forgot pic
What do you mean by this? Are you retarded?
You literally repeat Nazi Propaganda about the USSR, and think I'm a NATSOC because I disagree with you?
You're fucking retarded.
Jews destroy and subvert the natural order everywhere. It’s literally all they do.
>>How many Basedviet tizens had cars?
>More than under the reactionary Tsar government
>Yes, Stalin built the foundations of that.
Jewgashvilli reintroduced paid tuition.
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Pretty sure only Kherson area has watermelons, but this nigger died near Kupyansk. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty familiar with my gore and the timeframes I collected 'em. Happy to be proven wrong if you can find substantiating evidence though.
Most commies wouldn’t say nigger.
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Why wont you tell us what your job will be in the grand commie revolution shitskin, that embarrassed are ya? LMAO
>Jews destroy and subvert the natural order everywhere. It’s literally all they do.
Jews are just the scapegoat for Nazi losers. Blaming jews won't change the fact Stalin crushed your Nazi state into dust.
Marx and Engels called people niggers and were extremely racist.
You're understanding of communism comes from Trotskyists and CIA controlled Marxists in the West.
Communism isn't woke.
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Glad you stopped trashing your own kind Chaim.
that old school enima is a nice touch just to remind you they explosive diareah in there. no doubt the backblast gets all over the floor and shower curtain
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Uh oh, we got a kike lover too lmao. Funny stuff.
Funny how they all just emigrated out of there, probably to the states or Israel.

We don't need to go over who Lenin and Trotsky were, do we?
Jews being a problem doesn't change the fact they're a scapegoat for losers like you
>communism isn’t woke
Didn’t the USSR promote homosexuality and acceptance of blacks as equals, women outside the home as a norm?
Didn’t they also literally invent tranny surgery?
>the CIA forced us to put toilets in our kitchens! we were tricked, its not our fault! heckin CIA!!!
>Didn’t the USSR promote homosexuality and acceptance of blacks as equals,
No, the US does that. The USSR outlawed homosexuality.
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Uh oh shitskin, not like this LMAO
Communists were successful at killing people. Their own people lmao
>complains about scapegoats
>muh CIA!
The lack of self awareness would be staggering if it weren’t standard commie brainrot.
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Is this woke or not shitskin? LMAO
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>mariupol 'rebuilding'
I don't like jews, but that doesn't mean I have to accept Nazi conspiracy theories about them.
You hate jews because you think they're "Inferior" despite being a loser yourself.
I hate jews because they tend to be Zionists and capitalism subversives...
You hate them for dumb reasons because you're a retard.
I hate them for smart reasons because I use dialectical materialism to reach sane conclusions.
We are not the same.
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Hey commie shitskin, you seem to be dodging the question, is this woke or not LMAO
>the heckin CIA brainwashed us into not having self awareness!!!
What’s your job?
>80 posts by the utterly mentally ill gorecope
holy fuck you guys are pathetic kek how can you tolerate that insufferable fag?
is it because your general would be dead anyway without people's hating on him? the fuck is even the point
I really don't get the point of the spam I don't.
It was to appear to the psychopath?
Make yourself look bad?
Have everyone hate Ukraine and Nato?
You guys couldn really have done a better job at it.
There's nothing left on your side.
When the discord faggots and redditor dump you there's no one left.
That retard have 1/3 of the posts in a 300 posts threads.
>78 posts by this ID
absolutely hysterical
Russia will lose this war and collapse into a civil war.
The CIA being capitalism's invisible army is true
The jew stuff was made up by Gobbels because he wanted to cope about losing to the Soviets
Cry about it shitskin LMAO
Leaf nigger? Is that you? You slimy brown turd you!
>complaining about gore
>on 4chan
Wherever you came from? Go back and stay there.
I work at a bank
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uh oh zizters, who's getting the broomin'?
the usa is the one that industrialized russia and bailed them out of numerous famines. not being able to fire shit workers is a bad thing btw
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Behold the triumph of Bolshevism.
Prove it.
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>Another sock puppet angry at seeing his friends and family turned into mince meat
Not so comfy, isn't it?
>Post hand with timestamp and power outlet.
Don't bother demanding this as it will be a lie anyways.
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>81 posts by this ID
nigga you've been doing this for YEARS. get your head checked you mentally ill queer
It’s obviously some underage pajeet.
Nigger you don't know me, so don't project your bullshit on me.
I don't cry my dude you're genuinely mentally ill.
Go wonder why the 4chan moderation protect you when spam was always framed before that pseudo-war.
From banned to promoted, go fucking figure.
Anyway like I said I hope your ally are your biggest haters because you alone probably turned more peoples from Ukraine side than anyone on 4chan.
Your just a repugnant person.
From the way you express yourself. To how you're able to sperg for 8 to 10 hour straight several days in a week.
It doesn take a big big imagination to understand how fucking shit your life can be.
is probably the faggiest fucking word ever spammed on this stupid site
you pretend you're what 40 to 50?
picture a mentally ill 50 years old retard typing kekaroo seriously
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yeah yeah you guys are really tough when you hide on some air force base your communist colony or behind some air superiority you can abuse to never see a fight
keep going nigger the real war is coming we'll see how tough you are
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we spoke together a lot
tell everyone how you don't give a fuck nor about Russia or Ukraine
you're just an extra mentally ill who like gore and banksters war
I'm the obsessed when that ultra mentally ill loser have 1/3 of the posts?
jesus fucking christ
you guys don't actually live in reality
You’re obsessed enough to come here and bitch about him faggot
you're genuinely fucking retarded
seriously fucking retarded
dangerously retarded
no wonder your prison Island look like a toilet that wasn flushed since a decade
Nigga, living in communist country was hell and everyone who wasn't in a Party can affirm to that. All of those countries toppled their communist monuments. Romanians even shot Ceausescu and his wife without trial, that's how much people hated him. And imagine that, Poland was third best place to live in eastern bloc after Moscow and Petersburg in Russia and DDR (except for Berlin for obvious reasons). Our commies at least tried to work the Soviet system against Russians and everybody got by thanks to it. Even our security services were lax (my far uncle was a commander of religions section of the voivodeship's SB, he knew every parish in the region and drank with bishop), censorship let people complain about shit being fucked (not very outright, but by putting it inbetween lines). What happened when communism fell? Hyperinflation caused by transitioning into free market and learning that everything was so fucking bad that people didn't even understood the scale of fuckery that was done to Poland. Only now living in Poland became somewhat comfortable and it's all thanks to the countries that never had to deal with communism. You motherfucking tool would eat shit with smile knowing that everyone else have to as well, I guess. Or maybe you think that you would be able to get a piece of that cake? You fellate system that was a tool of repression and mafia style extortion on a national scale only because of "muh shitty shit for free" and "muh stats" reported outside for good optics and internal propaganda that nobody bought anyway. Nobody should be forced to live like this.
We should have an island we all can send commies to, where they can have fun playing their commie hunger games while the rest of the world continues unburdened by their shit ideology.

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