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>Ukraine flies NatSoc flags
>Russia flies communist flags
That's all I need to know that Ukraine are the good guys
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let me know when zelensky starts flying it
Their president is a literal kike. And they are supported by globohomo. Nice try schlomo.
Also they tortured prisoners and posted videos bragging about it. I hope they all die.
The jewish endorsed nazi movement of ukraine are the good guys. Please take them super seriously.
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Tell me more about the importance of flags. Also, why are the anti-communists blowing up pipelines and sanctioning people who just want to trade? Sounds like commie activity if you ask me.
I want the war done so they quit using up resources on it.
He'll find them a spot on the front lines, rest assured
t twink
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There it is, the Russia cock sucking from American flags, totally organic posts am I right
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Here's your fuhrer bro
Those are Kosher Nazis funded by Jews, retard.
That's nice, hope they all die holding in their intestines for ZOG.
>Their president is a literal kike. And they are supported by globohomo.
Who does this Norwegian cuckold think he is fooling?
this. is this the best psyop the trannies in the airforce can come up with? shit was old and obvious on day 1
you zionist kikes started it and Russia will gladly end it. again. kek.
So just like the original nazis then
It’s ironic because we’re the only country that economically benefits from this war. We’ve got even more of the world to sell goy grade food, oil, LNG, and raw materials to then before
You can still see the creases in the brand new flag, and how they tried to wrinkle it up to fool the fucknuts who don't pay attention.

picrel is a t-shirt with the same false flag treatment.
>if someone doesn't like Ukraine, they must love Russia
>I'm so stupid I think in false dichotomies
Take your nigger tier logic and gtfo
>only country that economically benefits from this war.
No. China is banking hard core selling drones to both sides
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Kill every single communist.
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Doesn't account for the patches on their uniforms they proudly wear or the articles in your jewish media
Mutt flags usually are tires of JIDF and glowie bullshit. AZOG are retarded niggercattle following their nazi carrot on a stick being led by Shlomo. They are not National Socialists, only retards for juden.
USA'n Rusbots will stoutly defend Communist-Soviets because they have no gays
>Natzis have gays so they are bad guys now
Also USSR flags are meant for heritage and honoring grandfathers who served.
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...served Jews who wanted them dead.
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This is what Soiviet goy cattle died for.
>Americans must agree with their government or else they aren't American
This is the ultimate irony because this is a fundamentally unamerican viewpoint.
Americans never had a choice.
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yes goy fight for your Jewish reich
Can someone tell me what the most widely spoken non-official language in yidsrael is?
Why don’t you fly down there and join the nazis taking orders from jews?
It’s almost line this whole war is a way if removing nazis from europe, they all went and fought for azov and is now dead, all because if jews.
The Ukraine government is half Jew including the leader. Only Christians are dying for that Jewish toilet.
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Oyyy goyim, that's right! Hoil Zelensky, 15/87!
Pretty sure it’s Arabic actually.
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>Ukraine is led by a Jewish comedian
>Russia is led by an autistic Russian grandpa
Nazi larpers will lose like real nazis
are the jews in the room with us now?
It's so confusing that the US trained and funded a neo-nazi ethno-nationalist organization like the Azov battalion.

If Ukraine "wins" the war (they've already lost), what exactly does AZOV expect it would result in? It would become a mongrelized mutt-state just like Sweden, France and Germany.
false flags in a naval sense. Israel listed as belligerent in both sides of conflict
ukraine are the dead guys
they thought they were tough roleplaying as nazis
they've been smashed in the front
now they don't want to play anymore lol
i dont understand why people on here act like Ukraine having a far right milita is bad yet support the nazis in ww2
gonna get privatized out the ass and have a bunch of shitskins immigrate there to fill in the massive population gap. i imagine those kosher nazi patriots probably think they can prevent state-mandated homosexuality if they can win the war though. it already takes some serious mental gymnastics to be natsoc while willingly fighting for an illegitimate, jewish president so i don't doubt it.
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Ukraine purposely sent their Nazi battalions to the frontlines and got them all slaughtered. Azov is gone and Zelensky the Jew is still sending Ukrainians to slaughter thinking he's doing his Jewish god's work killing Nazis. Ukraine is fucking losing badly, Putin stalled the lines because he has he territories he wanted and has been getting strung along for peace deals. Meanwhile Zelensky's plan is to just get as many Ukrainians killed as possible because he believes they're Nazis.
you just blow in from reddit or something?
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We already have our future Southern flag ready to go.
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Azov kike batallion tells Zelensky what to do and that's to kill more white Ukranian men.
There really is a spiritual war between good and evil.
You jews reveal yourselves every time.
You're not all bad, I've met a few good ones.
I denounce all jewry and the talmud. If you're going to just claim everyone is a jew, that really only says your jewdar is totally fucked up, or you yourself are a jew. In any case, you're a retard.
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The velcro patches they can slap on whenever they please? Bitch I have a Gadsden flag and a Sonnenrad patch I sometimes used to wear in the Air Force in the field, just cuz I could get away with it. Ballsy, but that's how we roll. Doesn't mean I'm Nazi.

Now those skinheads you released from Russian prison with the full body Nazi tattoos who live the 3rd Reich lifestyle and those Kremlin hardliners - those are the real Nazis.
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This is your real flag, Ivan
Kosher nazi's no thanks
>American Vehicle
>American weapons
>American uniforms
>creased flag bought from amazon last week
OP, I...
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>why people on here
what is this feggit-tier hivemind interpretation? go back to your familiar hivemind-subreddits and be a good goy there.

/pol is not a "community". we are a bunch of random, lonely assholes and we freely write about our own little idiocies here. nothing more.

this person just found out last week that our president was senile.

He is at least 5 years behind. dont be too harsh on him.
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Is that supposed to be anti Russian or pro Russian
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Ukrainians are run by jewish oligarchs
Russians are run by Jewish oligarchs.

The people are the good guys led to their deaths by kikes. Taking sides makes you a fool, because the only side is kike vs goyim.
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>Ukraine flies NatSoc flags
>Russia flies communist flags
>That's all I need to know that Ukraine are the good guys.
Well.... That shows that you have a low IQ.

The reason Communism was evil initially was because it was run by bloodthirsty ethnic Jews.
Those Jews were purged by Stalin and came to the U.S.
The ethnic Russians eventually ended Communism although they still respect their history under it.
The U.S. now controls Ukraine and even appointed a Jew to run it.
If Hitler were alive today he would be allying with the Russians and would attack Ukraine from the West.
>Ukraine flies NatSoc flags
A few guys waving nazi flags means nothing. The same happens in Russia.

>If Hitler were alive today he would be allying with the Russians and would attack Ukraine from the West.
Yup. In the end according to Goebbels he realized the West was more evil than Bolshevism.
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If Azov started fighting their own government instead of Russia then I'd eat my words. Until then...
>fly NatSoc flag
>leader is a hook nosed kike
I don't trust a Jews like Zelensky.
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I see
Yes, Hitler also had the Haavara Agreement. We can tell from your two pictures that Hitler invaded Poland to free that Rabbi from the evil antisemites in Poland. It definitely had nothing to do with what Hitler wrote in his books, or the logic of international relations.
Dont you have a country to defend Taras?
If a Jew flew a swastika would you follow him?
Oh, wait, you already are.
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No, they are in your government
shabbos goyim can't anything but jew pawns
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We know which flag Putin flies...
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>Russia is led by an autistic Russian grandpa
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Psyop. You are a glowie or retarded for falling for one. Slight chance you are a street shitter with a vpn posting for shekels.
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I'm probably gonna sound like a faggot, but yesterday I saw a girl on the subway with a picrel tattoo on shes neck and I got really upset. I went over and said like you have no right to wear that shit in Russia, I'm calling the cops. She said, like, I'm sorry, it's a youthful mistake. I just don't have the money to get it removed. I said, like, oh, okay, well, cover it up with your shirt collar. Half of my great-grandparents died during WWII in besieged Leningrad without even being soldiers.
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MFW nazi larpers and commie larpers are killing eachother and the Americans pay for it
they admitted that they do it to annoy the russians.
some ukrainian soldiers said that they'll bash the skulls of racists.
They were forced to undergo humiliation rituals in Israel in order to obtain Jewish weapons.
im not a communist but cmon dude. they did a contract stating no nato or UN expansion and they failed to uphold that promise. i wouldnt want my gay aids infested country infesting ukraine either. maybe if a kike didnt worm his way into ukraines top role then the war would have never beeni
I don’t believe you.

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