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talking to /k/ and /uhg/ retards typically looks like this:
>posts map to show how much territory russian forces lost in 2022 and uses it as a way to prove that Russians are losing and/or are weak
>asks why are Ukrainians retreating and losing territory everywhere since 2023
>answer that this isn't true, and post an outdated map from 2022
>post multiple map fragments showing Russian progress from Robotine up to Kharkiv region (including everything around Avdiivka, recent Niu-York breakthroughs, eastern Chasiv Yar, Toretsk, etc)
>losing territory doesn't mean Ukraine is being defeated and/or is weak
didn't read. Azerbaijan is a region of Iran.
Italy is an African exclave
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>Shia turk roach sharing an opinion
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>faggot retard puts /uhg/ in his OP again
okay nigger, thanks for inviting me

>controlled territory and incremental gains therein means that pidors are winning
>losing territory doesn't mean Ukraine is being defeated and/or is weak
it's a simple matter of fact that war is non-linear
Ukrainian success will hinge on shooting down pidor planes and jets and countering glide bomb spam
The current rates of loss aren't sustainable for raussia or ukraine but russia is losing more and has disproportionately more feasability problems the more refineries Ukies bomb
Don't expect predictions though, I'm not arrogant enough to assume I can see into the future

i don't support biden
he has proven to be lacking in decisiveness
he was good at practical daily-business politics though, which is what trump notably lacked
and he wasn't such a wildcard
the fact that the political system of the USA has devolved to the point of putting up these two as the de-facto only option is the real problem
now hang up your gay thread and then yourself, niggerfaggot
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region of turkey more like
They are nafo trannies so zero difference between them and reddit.
>paid shills and NPCs are irrational
Yes. Why are you acting surprised?
imgaine getting this triggered by the reddit dog lmao
couldn't be me
>claims to want to raise 40k$
>ends up with 1.4M$
>proceeds to fund zigger death
lol, this reddit dog FUCKS
Ukraine has an insane amount of support from the US, EU, and Australia. Russia is still plowing through them.
Meanwhile, the US retreated from Afghanistan, leaving behind trails of urine, weapon depots and equipment. And they're scared of the Houthis. A civilian militia in Gaza has stalemated pissrael. These glownigs have to shake their head in disappointment and shame when they spew their bullshit about le evil roosha, how stronk le nato is, and how le anal democracy is "non-negotiable" (they forgot that the US is a republic, not a democracy - which is a soft form of communism).
you're literally a nigger
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>bemoans superficial discussions
>gets engaged
>u-u-uhhh... tldr
stupid nigger
Sea of piss
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>bemoans superficial discussions
>gets engaged

so-called "egagement": >>473329434
>okay nigger, thanks for inviting me
entire first line is a turbo waste of everyone's time in this thread. Learn to engage first, before claiming you've engaged someone, ultranigger
tell me, do you think RF army is strong?
>army is strong
such adjectives can only come out of the mouth of somene who doesn't understand what an army even is
>makes retarded thread consisting entirely of strawman allegations about what "the collective /uhg/" or "the collective /k/" believes or argues
>gets laughed at
>...u r wasting everyone's time

lol, thanks for the funi thread dumb nigger

the whole point of it is obsessing about movements on a map that amount to a few kilometers over literal months
yep, that's what we call a stalemate
it's even less sustainable for pidors than for ukrainians

I shall raise the proofs
The scale of zigger death
Today I WILL REMIND them
Mediazona=group of journos/researchers working together in a telegram group
They compile open info on dead ziggers (social media posts, obituaries, etc.)
>not every dead zigger gets an obituary
>many russians are not even told if their zigger is dead
>there is intentional concealment of truth
>dead ziggers are just marked as „missing“
>kremlin takes steps at different levels to keep No. of known dead ziggers lower/obfuscated
My gut feeling (which many ziggers dont have as the responsible organs are dispersed on ukrainian fields) is that
Mediazona managed to confirm 20% of total zigger death with open sources of the actual figure in reality
I'd wager this still being optimistic of their capabilities given the circumstances and their capabilities as an organization
Lets stick with that 20% rate of identification anyways

2024-07-07|09:31:00 -----60288. Уcтинoв Aнтoн Hикoлaeвич (https://VeeKay.com/wall-216963286_766)

>60288 * 5 = 301440 rekt ziggers
Keep in mind that that’s quite possibly a low-end estimatge given the above circumstances

Very nice, impressive.

On 2024-06-28 they found proofs of
>169 ziggers confirmed engoodened over 15.3 hours
>265 confirmed Z/day
>1325 extrapolated Z/day
I'm sorry, but nobody will read this shitwall of shit. Not just me
post the link to the video or pic is a propaganda lie.
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okay niggerfaggot :)

[Z]iggertrannies are mad at /k/ because their spamming gets deleted quickly there
>ruspidors fail to control it due to /k/ stubborn autistic focus on weapons systems and their conclusion that rus stuff sucks due to embezzelment and theft
[Z]iggertrannies are mad at /k/ because their spamming gets deleted quickly there
>ruspidors fail to control it due to /k/ stubborn autistic focus on weapons systems and their conclusion that rus stuff sucks due to embezzelment and theft

...and "/k/edditors" also sensed with much higher certainty what a brutally stupid failure the russian war against Ukraine would be after the first few days because of their more singular focus.
It's hilarious now that I think about it.
All that gloating about "leading mil experts" like Mark Milley assuming Ukraine would fold so quickly, the idea of an unstoppable Blyatzkrieg - this is where it stemmed from.
Russia lied, they lied massively and their biggest asset was fear and propaganda of perception.
Regarding /k/ it's poigniantly and hilariously summed up by this post: >>>/k/55438953
nice job outing yourself as a tourist here
>>losing territory doesn't mean Ukraine is being defeated and/or is weak
Ukraine is a small country that has held of what most people use to believe was the 2nd most powerful military in the world for years. Nobody see them as weak at this point
I do know what the army is. The myth of the strong Russian army is busted.
RF can not win this war. That's why it constantly seeks peace.
>Ukraine is a small country
I love how every single thing a NAFOid posts begins from a lie
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is of propaganda lie tovarish!

Reminder that Russia uses astroturfing and shilling to push its agenda in various western nations.
They try to radicalize political stances and create division in the west.
Inciting one group against the other, browns against whites with BLM, for example, and also funding various w(ig)nat movements.

Here's an example of how Russia tries D&C to cause chaos, division and infighting in America, astroturfing all the way:

More on rusniggers egging on the niggers many here bemoan:

Ziggerfaggots on western social media playing into "anti-sjw" shism:

Based savior of the huwhite race helps Africans and South Americans into the USA & EU:

Russian info-agitation pushing black protests:

Here is an ex russian agent explaining how they used progressives during the cold war to try to undermine the United States.

Must read giving a general QRD on Russian subversion and propaganda against enemy states
This includes (You), they don't care if it fucks your life up:

Simply put Russia has long sought to destroy America by pushing woke BS then pretending to be a conservative counterweight to the very leftist BS they themselves have promoted. They are deceivers a corrupt country overrun with AIDs gay rape and chinks.
>I do know what the army is.
oh really, sounds very convincing
Can you Reddit nigger fags fuck off back to K
>create division in the west.
lmao nobody creates more division in the west than the demented politicians that govern it lmao
your fixation on territories going back and forth a dozen kilometers over the course of months is not conduicive to understanding the wider tactical and strategic developments on the battlefield
you also conveniently ignore the fact that these few dozens of kilometers are gained by pidors at the cost of many thousands of dead ziggers lol


I, SISSYmir Putin-sama, JOBBER of the Russian Federation humbly kneel to:

Lenin-sama, founder of the Soviet Union and my master.

Stalin-sama, my one and only true love and other master.

Lukashenko-sama, who I shall never be a better dictator than.

United States-sama, who my daddy warned me about.

NATO-sama, who easily manhandled me with his Cold War leftovers.

Chechnya-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my wish to become an analslut sissy.

Sanna Marin-sama, who beat the shit out of me so hard I started being attracted to femdom almost as much as I am attracted to men.

Boris Johnson-sama, whose incomparabily forceful punches crushed my ass-womb entirely to the point I cannot bear Stalin-sama's children anymore like I wished to.

Joe Biden-sama, whose hour-long beatings gave me uncontrollable orgasms so massive even the anal rape from Boris Johnson-sama can't compare.

Igor Zelensky-sama, for he SHOT HIS DNA inside of MY DAUGHTER and has the same superior genes of Volodymyr Zelensky-sama (I said he isn’t a Jew btw).

Wagner Group-sama, whose power I am scared of (I am glad he didn't kill my beloved vassals, as I was too scared to help them...)

Prigozhin-sama, who didn't revenge-rape and mindbreak me from the sheer pleasure of being made into an onahole (I was so sad about it)

Erdogan-sama, who took all those nice things I gave him and made me into a public humiliation ritual akin to YELTSIN

Volodymyr Zelensky-sama, for he will fuck ME up once he finds out I hold no real power in my own country (God I hope so...)
did not read. Did not see link to the video
nice spacing, tourist
Russia is nearly 30x the size of ukraine you mongoloid
>Russia is nearly 30x the size of ukraine you mongoloid
by that logic every single country is small
kill yourself faggot kike lover holy shit
go dress up your dog avatar and fuck off of pol
never posted on reddit thoughbeit, my dumb friend :^)
and /k/ isn't my main board, sweatie

You touch on a very valid point in that the propaganda is worthless without the basis of division being there domestically in the first place.
Also the fact that ascribing to propaganda nad malign external influence what is really only validly explained by analysis of internal schisms is more damaging than the propaganda push itself is a good insight too.
Good job.
> >473331776
The army is the instrument of the ruling class of the state to achieve its goals using the population of slaves to do that for them.

The army is the ultimate slavery and total death - spiritual and phisycal death of the individual.
Russia, China, Canada, USA are not small countries
Three of those are considered the top 3 powers on the planet, that's not a coincidence
>ascribing to propaganda nad malign external influence what is really only validly explained by analysis of internal schisms
holy fucking shit
RF is not a power. It fights to assert itself as a reigional power, but nothing more.
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of course you didn't read lmao

I know right?
It's even more obnoxious like that, isn't it?
Come on, give me some credit where credit is due!
You should visit a few other boards some time.
Or actually, don't, stay in this retard containment zone.

>rrreeeeee kill urself NAFO pigdog!
hahah skibididopdopyesyes
give us link, link to video - all empty propaganda lies
>that's not a coincidence
it kind of is
look up the size of Australia
wait no, I will do it for you, see picrel
holy fucking shit indeed cumrade
any more realizations on your part to share?
>It's even more obnoxious like that, isn't it?
what do you mean "it"?
I'm talking about you
is that the best you can?
>tldr on an image and three short lines
really nigger?

zigger gets cucked
lmao bottom text
>tldr on an image and three short lines
>really nigger?
you really do talk like a woman lmao
you go fight for the state, while BIG MUSLIM DICK RAVAGES the pussy of your wife.
Brutalnoooooooo. Go fight for the state. The rich will appreciate it.
>RF is not a power. It fights to assert itself as a reigional power, but nothing more.
in a multipolar world every power is a regional power
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and redpilled?!

nothing is more absurd about russia than the observed mechanisms within it in contrast to their outward propaganda

Russia is a forced-gay gulaghomo prison.
DEDOVSCHCHINA, that's how.

Claims of using gay rape for building hierarchy etc. is Pidorussian cope.
Way back from soviet times when it got ubiqitous until today it's all cope.
In truth guys involuntarily in isolated situations (prison, army, orphanage) wanted sex but didn't have partners.
The contrived DEDOVSCHCHINA system was used to declare someone in the group "untouchable", making him a sex slave to the others.

In USSR/Russia army service was mostly mandatory (unlike today where there are a lot of ways to dodge the draft), most soviet men went through that.
They were stuck for 2 yrs in a shoddy army base in the middle of nowhere.
Getting bored some and then many fucked each other under the guise that it had any meaning.

Exceptions "elite" army units, usually closer to civilization (e.g. serving in/around the capital or in some fancy western military unit such as radio-surveillance) and were closer to women.
The guys from there had options to "sneak out" (basically going awol and returning back without the higher ups noticing) and >have sex, but that's the exception.

Massive numbers of men (you need to understand that the soviet union draft millions each year) having been in direct or indirect contact with the Dedovschchina system year after year both then and now.
It created an entire cohort of men in society which were "okay" with buttfuckery in their private lives.
Many would become so accustomed it'd become an part of their lives, even after returning from army or prison.

Thus, you can literally take like a slice of men who are 45+ y.o. and a shit ton of them think with this dedovschchina "closeted fag" logic, despite having "normal" wife/children and sometimes even grandchildren.

truly, rasha = gay stinky doodoo land ruled by poopy buttheads
tell your CIA supervisor that /pol/ anons don't have enough willpower to read through your copypastas
total mockery. Brutal. Post on chug
Smaller than all the countries I mentioned? Still more powerful than most
>my serious discussions (TM) aren't being taken seriously
>u talk liek woman
>Smaller than all the countries I mentioned? Still more powerful than most
nigger, do you honestly believe Australia is more powerful than Germany or France?
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seems like a (You) problem

UA reasons to defend themselves are 99.9% valid
Ru "reasons" are 99.9% lies and misdirection
"Nothing black and white“ – but with such a gradient as here it’s not a stretch at all to conclude
ru invaded UA, not the other way around
Dictatorshits worry ru citizens see things improve without them, especially right cross border
ru has no business demanding from UA much less invading them.
Post 2014 UA started increasingly disliking ru "brothers" because of what they did
Ru has nothing to blame but its own aggressive policies for nations leaving their „sphere of flatulence“ (and wanting ot join NATO in response)
Why would UA not want to be ru's "brother nation":
>centuries of imperial misery
>mass starvation/repression to subjugate/colonize
Around 2014:
>yanukovich tries soviet-era protest quashing, kills many, gets no-trust-voted by his own party

After 2022:
>mass murder of civilians
>execution of POW, beheading
>execution of POW, castration (perpetrator – based savior of the white race „Ochur-Suge Mongush“)
>perfidy in surrender
>execution of POW (he hurt zigger feefees with two words)

>an incomplete list of the deeds of „russian brother liberators“

Total Zigger Death
now make monkey noises
>tells him nobody likes long texts
>he tries to justify it with UA reasons to defend themselves
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>nigger, do you honestly believe Australia is more powerful than Germany or France?
It has larger area on map though, no?
Whatabout that thoughbeit?
>It has larger area on map though, no?
>Whatabout that thoughbeit?
i think you should be asking this question to your LGBT buddy here >>473332148
ook aaaak nooook ooooook aaaaaakk aaakkk aaaahhhh

>le thread about serious discussions lole
>haha long text tldr haha
so will you post the link mykola?
if only you could use your zeal on the frontlines I'm sure ukraine would be in moscow in no time
Australia can certainly project power better than Germany, yes
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no, is of propaganda lie polish tovarish )))
russki soldiers aren't expended like rags in a mechanics workshop and trad russki woman dating churka is fake news!
>>473332941 skibididopdopyesyeeees ---> >>473332990

БECЛAHCКAЯ ЦEHЗУPA B БECЛAHE Free Crimea ГOЛOДOMOP Ryazan sugar hexogen Pязaнcкий caхap гeкcoгeн homosexual Russian prison rape culture Pyccкaя тюpeмнaя кyльтypa гoмoceкcyaльнoгo изнacилoвaния dedovschina дeдoвщинa Russian soldier gay prostitution trafficking statistics Pyccкий coлдaт гeй пpocтитyция cтaтиcтикa ПOPAЖEHИE FSB apartment bombings COBETCКOГO B AФГAHИCTAHE The Romanian Revolution of 1989 BOCTOЧHO-ГEPMAHCКOE BOCCTAHИE 1953 ГOДA The Beslan School Massacre КOMMУHИCTИЧECКИE MACCOBЫE УБИЙCTBA The Gulag Archipelago КAК COЗДATЬ БOMБУ I Want To Assassinate Vladimir Putin Я ХOЧУ УБИTЬ BЛAДИMИPA ПУTИHA КAMПAHИЯ "ДEBИHЫ ЗEMЛИ" Holodomor ПOПPABКИ К КOHCTИTУЦИИ POCCИИ 2020 ГOДA 2020 Russian Constitutional Amendments
ok so you won't, you will keep spouting bullshit just as was said in the OP
it's always funny when stereotypes turn out to be true
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What do roaches stand to gain from ziggers and piggers kosher wars?
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well, seeing as how the faggot (OP) didn't bother to actually expand on his serious discussions (TM) in relation to russias war against Ukraine and explaining how kilometer-wise movements of the front are more important than the overall strategic situation I really don't see why I shouldn't just jovially shit up the thread

russia has failed to obtain the strategic goals behind launching this full-scale invasion
ukraine hasn't won either and it seems unlikely they will regain all their territory without either a larger shift in western strategy (more like having a strategy at all) or a major shift in russia along the lines of "war economies are stable until they aren't".
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It's probably some russian pidor living in Azerbaijan, I saw quite a few russians in Azerbaijan.
It's similar to the "polish" anon here cartwheeling for russia.
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>21 posts by this ID
so will you post the link nigger?
you post a thing and when confronted you just go on to post other shit
have you ever heard about "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle?"
/uhg/ is so obviously inorganic it's always funny to see you subhumans in other threads. Noone visits your shithole, and everyone makes fun of your whenever you post in a different thread
You will never fit in
A "German" is calling me "Polish" lmao
why aren't you defending your country?
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okay anon ^^
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pull the trigger on every zigger lmao
I don't have the link because I don't have it tagged up, I only remember watching the interview and >we in /uhg/ found it funny but moved on because it's an endless stream of information.
If they are kind enough over there I might be able ot provide you the exact clip/source if one of them remembers where it was.
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Well, here it is, NIGGER

>talking to /k/ and /uhg/ retards typically looks like this:
They HAVE to-be paid shills, like, how else can they expect to be taken seriously when they exhibit the same Mental retardedness as Trannys & Faggots? It beats me.
Keks. truth
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soumyadip sucks my dick :)
>russia has failed to obtain the strategic goals behind launching this full-scale invasion
It's still on-going & 99% of Equipment the Ukraine is using is NATO's. 99%!

There were 2 Goals: De-Nazification (Removal of Neo-Nazi-Larpers) & De-Militirization, again it's on-going and can't be called a "Failure" QUITE yet.
Kek wills whatever Kek wills & time will tell if the Ukraine are as Buck Broken as shills here claim because they won't last without Intervention.
I have no idea what you just said but that's nice =3
Shits/k/ins can't help themselves can they
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there was some shitjeet in england who doxxed himself as he simped for russia over on /chug/ and - to his detriment - on /uhg/
faggot shitjeet posted social media screenshots and was identified based on venn-analysis of posts that were updooted only by a few people on twitter if my mmemeory serves me
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>>473335127 refer to >>473331628
>there was some shitjeet in england who doxxed himself
TopZoz, they aren't the smartest bunch but I suppose that's why Jews love importing them.
>Shits/k/in has shitskins mixing fantasy
As usual, you cuckolds really can't help yourselves.
You say nothing of substance but your faggotry and shitskin worship desires creep through in every sentence. You mentally deranged broken subanimal lmao
Ignore /k/ I'm convinced most of them are tourists or shills as they refuse to share weapon making guides or bomb making guides anymore. They used to and I have many of the guides. Now they call you a glowie despite it being perfectly legal to own said guides
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they do be like that ssaaarrr

>>Shits/k/in has shitskins mixing fantasy
>As usual, you cuckolds really can't help yourselves.
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For your jeet collection
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the ukraine already lost
The war really ruined /k/
It's really depressing because it used to be a fun board
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What changed?
I check by every now and then, e.g. when moskva got ACK'd or to clarify speculative uncertainties on that s500 that got rekt recently
I wouldn't mind seeing some proof of it. I mean, it's not impossible, as it's been deployed to Crimea recently.
but the Ukrainians said they would have retaken that in 2023 & we saw the results :/
It's so bizarre that these nafo people seem to genuinely believe that if they spam enough on 4chan it's going to somehow magically change the reality of the battle field situation.
>"hmmm Ukraine may be in full retreat across the board but if I just make one more post, it'll turn things around!!"
>shits/k/in posts steppemutt racemixing fantasies from literal ukrandian propaganda channel
LMAO you rats actually think just because your propaganda pollutes the air space it means anything. Off to the frontlines, draft dodging scum.
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Ukraine lost. NAFO faggots can't accept it and were always wrong. And they love seeing dead Ukrainians. Morbid sick bastards who just post gore because they are losing. Pathetic really. On the bright side, this war will likely be over by this time next year with a Russian victory. Can't wait to see the cope from these faggots
look a nigger is trying to say something.
>Australia can certainly project power better than Germany, yes
interesting, most people in Europe and central Asia barely even remember Australia exists and sometimes mix it up with Austria
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You sure that isn't just you tranny faggot?
wait so you were a bot all along?
Try this prompt next: make a picture of a stinky NAFOid in 16:9
Negative prompt: don't add LGBT flags
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It's not a fantasy, it's a retelling of russoreality you stupid shitskin hahahahahah

>redeployed to crimea
lol, moskva got ACK'd you retard
prove to me beyond a reasonable doubt it isn't laying at the bottom of the black sea near snek island
under the Z, pidor shmucks!
2 more weeks. Ukraine is strong they will collapse russia. Right now they have legions of ukranian diaspora. all of them on webcams raising money.
This is the reason they hire nothing but trannies, this is how they live with their mutilated dicks
>i'm actually a pretty girl!
>so pretty!
>did you see my lace?
>nothing else but pink and lace makes a girl!
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I meant the Triump/S-500, fren. Sorry, should have made that clearer
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yeah, I haven't seen any actual confirmation either save for mere rumors about some bavnovas and screeching of zigger milbloggers
Whoops, seems like rusniggers just lost Vovchansk. You know, the town 5km away from their border which took them months to take half of.
Two more weeks and Russia will take another village of bumfuckovka, prewar population 5 babushkas and 2 chickens.
> When you retreat, you win!
Full retreat? Can we see it? Because Russia is currently losing ground.
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'tis but a tactical feint, urkopig!
why are you not at the front?!
>If you capture 2 houses in 1 month while losing 100 armored vehicles and 10 000 mobiks, you will win. Just you wait, Rusnigeria will win in the year 3581!!!
reality on the ground is opposite to whatever your tranny brains want to believe
Are you pretending to be retarded and not knowing where Sieverodonetsk is or are you celebrating taking a 100x100m fucking farm field?
Territory is just territory, it can (and will be) returned. Dead Russians won't come back.
This is all that needs to be said, really.

Only retards genuinely believe that Russia can hold on to their current gains until the end of time and that because they plant a flag on a plot of land, that land is now Russian forever.
/pol/tards, being inferiors in general, want to believe this because it feels good to believe.
But because their attention span is so low, they'll have moved on to the next $CURRENT_THING when Russia inevitably withdraws, whether it's next year or in ten years.
>Russians are dying enmasse in increasingly comedic ways on golf carts, motor bikes and now escooters
>oh but they take a new village each week (1000 more for Donbas alone)
Very impressive, for the world's "2nd best" military.
Don't forget that they tried demilitarizing
>talks to retards
>doesn't realize it itself is a retard

Yeah okay big guy
Wait I thought they were joking people actually think Russia is losing this war?
It's propaganda to kill every last Ukrainian and replace them. Need to pretend they're winning to keep them dying. Good goyim.

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