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▶Previous: >>473411461

▶Day: 866 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>UK announced a new aid package including Brimstone missiles, small boats, AS-90, artillery ammunition and barrels
>Russia’s central banker Nabiullina said that “the Russian economy has deviated significantly from forecasts” and that “risks of inflation have not just increased but were realized.” The Bank is likely to increase the interest rate to 18% this month.
>Ukraine launched a big drone attack throughout the Krasnodar and Rostov regions. Two oil depots and a telecommunication tower were affected and badly damaged.
>Latvia to transfer over 2,500 drones worth $ 4,3 mn to Ukraine in July
>Germany has already transferred the third Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.
>Evacuation of civilian population in Podgorensky district of Voronezh region due to the explosions at ammunition depot as result of drone attack
>The russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
>Hungary's PM orbán meets putin for talks on Ukraine
>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

Ukraine is losing and you guys are embarrassing.
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Russian losses
Consequences of an attack on ammunition warehouse in the Voronezh region!
if that's true then it would be hilarious and ironic to see that the savior of dissident right is a fucking commienrvt
Consequences of the attack on the oil depot in Stanytsia Pavlovska.

After the UAV hit the Lukoil-Yugnefteprodukt oil depot, at least 2 fuel tanks were completely destroyed.
merely a small saltpeter accident
This is what I mean.
Xi Jinping: "The main directions of China's and Hungary's efforts regarding Ukraine coincide. The earliest possible ceasefire in Ukraine are in the interests of all parties."

P.S. Plan of Putin, Orban and Xi: freeze the war, and then Russia will return in 2-3 years...

>Orban sucking Poo's Dong wong, with empty rice bowl
A daylight missile chimpout inbound. Didn't have these since the general Kherson days
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>merely a small saltpeter accident
Voronezh region!
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It's time for a new work week to start!

>drink status
>breakfast status
>work expectations status
>shills melting down over LE BEN status
>ass in ass status

t. Eastern Ukrainian
Kek nice thanks for the blogpost goy wagie
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d-20 and stockpile kablammo
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Ukrainian Air Defence shot down at night:

▪3/4 "Kh-101" cruise missiles;
▪0/2 "Islander-M" ballistic missiles.
...cool webm did you just discover the internet and death or are you just a loser?
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You're missing out on kino like this by not browsing Z twitter. People thinking Mutts actually went all in into ukraine because Russia went all in into Ukraine.
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that was a fresh webm nigger you should be honored
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Are you gay?
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I'm a American tax payer. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my tax dollars spent on supporting Ukraine and fighting evil.
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Lmao what exactly do you think you're accomplishing with those? Holy shit it's "fresh"? Omg!!!?!? It's fresh goys!!!
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seethe shitskin
>Russia evil
>usa not
>ukraine the best!!
>Slaba sweeden
Kek, the jews really fucked your heads up
sorry anon, but id like to prevent my brain cells from dying off
>Mutts actually went all in into ukraine
I wish. This escalation management shit is gay as fuck
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Uhhh ok zoomer

The numbers documented in the latest article of the Economist reporting on the Russian losses in Ukraine in the last two years are staggering. They have exceeded all losses the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation experienced from 1945 to 2022, combined. Somewhere between 462,000 and 728,000 of Russian soldiers have been permanently eliminated, basically confirming the numbers Ukrainian forces have been reporting all along.

You can also see from that chart that the numbers of destroyed Russian militants has increased, significantly, over the past months, especially in connection with the failed Kharkiv incursion. It confirms what I was suspecting for a while. Russia is trying to brute-force a decision on the battlefield, respectively, is trying to project that it is making progress on the ground and lie to the public that Russia is winning the war. Though a few gains have been made on the ground, they all have been tiny. In some cases such as the Kharkiv incursion, they have been even partially reversed.

Strategically seen the Russian offensives have been all but a string of failures. The attrition rate of Russian human material and hardware is not sustainable on the long run. The situation of the Russian armor and the reserves have recently also been part of the debate. Depending on the analysts, Russian reserves of armor will last between 18 and 36 months, but it will end in a foreseeable future.
>part 1
The Ukrainian drone campaign against Russian oil facilities and other high value targets in Russia might expedite Russia's downfall. It is a thorn in Russia's side, which many still don't take notice of enough.

Summarizing the paragraphs above, it appears that the Kremlin considers this year to be the make-or-break period. The Russian reserves are not enough to sustain a prolonged war, beyond the next 2 or 3 years. It is coming to on end, one way or another, so more than ever Russian cannon fodder has to be thrown into the fire. Putin needs to convince or more specifically bluff that Russia is winning, now more than ever, but numbers are not lying and Russia is failing by virtually every metric.

This is why Russians are investing so much to install their puppets in Western leadership positions and hope that they stop the war for them. This concerted effort by Russia will accelerate in the coming months. If Russians fail in doing so or their puppets do not turn out being this good, especially after realizing that long-term precautions have been taken to mitigate those risks, it will have a dramatic impact on the Russian war effort.

Europe and especially Germany are holding the keys for Russia's end. It is up to their determination to steer into the right direction, even without the US. The economic capacities are available even today.
>part 2, end
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Have you realized who/what group is the problem here??
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no need to 41% yourself
Hey Ivan,
I bet you are happy you can post here instead of going to the front. Or are you from a Chinese bot farm?
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Source of the Economist article:

>derp forgot the souce

Getting paid per post or something?
You're absolutely retarded and don't understand anything about russia if you think your little drone attacks are causing the downfall of russia.
Cool blog post, but it would be better on reddit
I'm sorry what myself? You talk like a nigger
>Have you realized who/what group is the problem here??
Explosions reported from Russian-occupied Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Region.
>Have you realized who/what group is the problem here??
>ur russian
>no ur chines
Kek no, you're just incapable of thinking.
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>You're absolutely retarded and don't understand anything about russia if you think your little drone attacks are causing the downfall of russia.
>Cool blog post, but it would be better on reddit
Guess again, close though... they're corrupt and run the three big parties in this conflict (including ukraine)
Not only in Russia strange accidents happen, also Iran has one, and this is quite one.

The Iranian Frigate Sahand capsized and sunk in the port of Bandar Abbas. The ship was commissioned in 2018 and is one of the most modern in the fleet. The Iranian TV calls it an “incident”.

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pic 2
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you, shitskin
You forgot to change your ID, dumb zigger
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lol butthurt
>the commies who won the french election are even bigger ziggers than le pen
is there anyone to tard wrangle them?
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they don't even bother anymore, just go on all in on the spam
Thousands of square kilometers of Europe's most fertile land are inaccessible for agriculture and probably contaminated for decades by mines, UXO and poisonous remnants. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN estimated that due to the Russian invasion and the resulting fighting 2.8 million hectare (almost 7 million acres) of arable land cannot be cultivated.

According to those numbers and the satellite pictures shown, we can assume that the arrival of the Russian army in Ukraine is worse and due to its longevity of the UXO problem more impactful than the almost biblical locust invasion of 2020 in Eastern Africa and Asia, when 2.25 million hectare of cultivated land was destroyed.
You might have 3 working braincells like the guy in your Pic.
How's ukraines offensive going? I read today that russian faggots gained more land without gas, eggs, weapons or portions to give to the millions of dead soldiers moms
at least it is far worse than afghanistan was
>Thousands of square kilometers of Europe's most fertile land are inaccessible for agriculture and probably contaminated for decades by mines, UXO and poisonous remnants.
I'm surprised a flag like yours doesn't know...
Uhhh mass replying is gay and I dunno what you mean
>You might have 3 working braincells like the guy in your Pic.
>How's ukraines offensive going? I read today that russian faggots gained more land without gas, eggs, weapons or portions to give to the millions of dead soldiers moms
salt intensifies
They are not large enough to do shit.
The president has the most power so nothing will change for Ukraine
The projections of the French Parliament elections are:

1.) NFP: 180-215 seats
2.) Ensemble (Macron): 150-180 seats
3.) RN (Le Pen): 120-150 seats
4.) LR: 60-65 seats
5.) Rest: 10 seats

I think that President Macron will open a good bottle of Champagne tonight. His gamble paid off.

For many this comes as a total surprise. RN was leading the polls by far. But it is the same thinking error which we have been witnessing over the past 10 years when people thought that polls are the same as votes. It is not. Period.

For Putin this has been a very painful loss. He was certainly hoping for RN being first and causing more internal strife in France, but also world wide.

As I mentioned before, Russia cannot sustain a prolonged war and needs to end it within the next 2-3 years. For that purpose, Putin needs his people in the right positions. Le Pen couldn’t deliver, same as Farage in UK, two very crucial elections lost for Putin within a few days.
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okay subhuman shitskin piece of dung
Ok and? It's two entirely different situations. Also if you want to use that ad an example ukraine will be bombing NYC in 10 years and be liberated in 12.
I highly recommend reading high level Z takes until you achieve ego death.
Ok rabbi!

Supervisor is likely getting him broomed without lube or condom, lmao.
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a shelemov to you too, darkie
In case you are asking, that’s real.
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he grew to enjoy it
I'm so happy to hear about your gay fantasy. Thank you for sharing with the class!!
>but wuddahboutta THIS jew
What kinda cope is that?
Explosions, Kyiv oblaat
Isn't he the beige guy
Lol brainlet
Another one
Kek, the speed this zigger is spamming this thread. He really doesnt want to be sent to the front
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yes you brought kikes up, shitskin
SFB NEWS 07/07/2024:

Previously on SFB
The income of Russian companies fell by 36%
>>473384215 >>473384257
Russians will be forced to pay for airfield repairs
>>473384308 >>473384347
Oil prices rose on the Russian domestic market by 8% in July/June
>>473384391 >>473384429
Chinese banks fled the Moscow Exchange after US sanctions
>>473384483 >>473384513
Russia has lost more than a third of its diamond exports since the start of the war
>>473384555 >>473384595
The Russian oil industry lacks modern equipment for oil production
>>473384632 >>473384673
Russia is preparing to buy soap, shampoos and clothes from the DPRK
>>473384730 >>473384777
The largest state channels lost every tenth viewer over the year
>>473384831 >>473384871
Nabiullina agreed to keep the topic of international payments secret
>>473384926 >>473384973 >>473385021
Options for raising the interest rate to 17-18% will be “on the table” in July
>>473385276 >>473385318
More info on the possibility of interest rate raise
Nabiullina announced the risks of stopping yuan trading in Russia
>>473385584 >>473385625
Weekly inflation in the Russian Federation jumped by 0.66%
>>473385074 >>473385116
Russia dropped out of the top ten largest economies in the world
>>473385187 >>473385234
Inflation has eaten up pensions
>>473385381 >>473385425
The Ministry of Defense discovered the theft of a billion rubles
>>473385461 >>473385500
Rusnigerian new social credit system
>>473385709 >>473385802 >>473385859
The largest banks have stopped issuing family mortgages
>>473385902 >>473385957
97% of working Russians will be cut off from mortgages
Moscow Exchange started having problems with Turkish lira
>>473386055 >>473386103
Kazakhstan began to detain Russian trucks with goods from Europe
>>473386146 >>473386190 >>473386292
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Strategic genius has achieved his goal demilitarization

>we will unironically see china invade russia before taiwan
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is the front any worse than back home in royzzia tho
>Explosions, Kyiv oblaat
Kek better post about it on 4chan!!
Ballistics/air ballistics
Another bang

Any “conservative” party or movement, which degrades itself to be just Russia’s pawn, is not conservative. It is a sellout.

Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni learned from this lesson, won the elections and holds very firmly her position. Le Pen respectively RN didn’t do their homework and shortly before the 2nd round of the elections even tried to appease Putin. They chose poorly.
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>ukraine will be bombing NYC in 10 years
Holy based. Time to install MS Flight simulator
>22pbtid, in a 80 posts thread
Hello Glavset, we will target you next after russian oil industry is completely droned
Kek better keep 4chan updated about your shithole getting bombed
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1 more terror bombing and surely those pesky xoxols will surrender
That's really bad, holy shit.
Well at least there aren't any drones flying around to kill em over there.
You forgot the part where your shithole is destroyed afterwards (it kinda already is thou)...
Kharkiv was hit tonight, a Russian soldier lost his leg with a drone strike not far from the front
>noooo you can't disagree with everything we say here
Kek, low iq
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> ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶u̶s̶ ̶m̶e̶l̶o̶n̶i̶!
> ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶u̶s̶ ̶l̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶d̶r̶e̶!
> ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶u̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶d̶e̶r̶s̶!
>save us trump!
>save us houthis
why are ruzzians so embarrasing
I bet some of them wish there were
I know, right
Can't believe in current year video games can't look even remotely this good despite not much going on. Total vatnigger death btw.
Lmao you're talking to yourself...
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>the main group of missiles is now at the intersection of Cherkasy and Kyiv regions heading southwest
One could argue what's the greater punishment: dying on the front for Russia or living in Russia.
Target another kindergarten when 300 Iranian drones.
Drop eet.
You should REALLY know this one germanybro
>"Lmao you're talking to yourself"
>t. cant see that the id's are different because niggers cant read
Checks out
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Your replies constitute more than 25% of all replies in the thread. Can you stop coping?
Missile threat for Dnipro
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by whom???
>missiles from the Zhytomyr region are flying east towards Kyiv
>Kyiv - it might be a little loud again!
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I hope the US steps in to take control of Siberia before the fucking ch*nks invade it
>Kyiv - missiles are coming from the west and southeast - it will be loud!
so basically what they are doing is spamming a shitload of random missiles from every flying shitcan they have, and then fishing for air defense with "hyper"sonics
don't forget they also have
>save us afd
>before the fucking ch*nks invade it
Its too late, chinks already own it
They cut down all the forests and such
ukraine isn't very islamist, maybe looj to dagestan or chechnya or moscow?
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Muttflag pajeet still seething, classic.
Removed from Finnish border as well
All in on the Ukraine gamble I suppose
I'm OK with it as long as we kill pidors and jewyorkers
>russians migrated in 1,000 years
>"lmao we so much more advanced bro!"
Kiev was the birthplace of modern Russia. You are ridiculous.
Holy shit, 2 loud bangs
And another, smaller
Well it wasn’t. Moscow was with Ivan the terrible and his assassination of claimants.
sad ;( oh well, just nuke russia then
russian ethnicity isn't real just like their language, it's just downgraded ukrainian
Typical cope, pidor
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Reminder that all BASED truth tellers in this picture hate the Ukraine.

You lost.
We are rent free in your head
AA work in Dnipro too
I hope it is not again a powerplant that's being hit since those the biggest threat for your war effort.
That's a lot of gems
Nah he has a Swedish flag.
>launch of Kinzhal, probably again towards Kyiv
Haha Ukrain is so bad. They are not allowed anywhere being so thoroughly corrupt. Why not just disband it. It's just a leftist hellhole.
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why is it always some resentful outcasts that have ruined their own reputation prior to becoming russian sock-puppets?
>X22 launch in direction of Slavyansk/Kramatorsk
Another bang
Hope your neighborhood is fine.
It makes the Russian army look weak to have multiple videos per day of Russian soldiers being brutally killed by a much smaller army.
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chimpout because LePen lost?
i know its hard when you lose a big investment, but fucking hell putin is a man child
George Galloway, Mearsheimer and Scott Ritter are resentful outcasts to you?
Congrats for outing yourself as a fed. Cope fed.
>as of now Kyiv has fought off the mass attack
>last cruise missiles towards Dnipro - it will be loud!
First time they dared launch one since we shot down one of the tu22-m3
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chimping out against civies will surely bring back the 500k mobiki, shitskins
I know, right
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deport the pidoras
Never seen a bigger group of nerds, jews, faggots, grifters, commies and America haters
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Nah this kind of shit is planned weeks ahead
They sometimes try to pass these scheduled bombings as a "revenge" for some recent happening, but it's always a lie
> In Kyiv, the fall of debris was recorded in the Solomyansky district, — Kyiv administration
>A high-rise building is on fire in Kyiv, - local medias
>It is reported that fragments of a rocket fell in the Solomyansky district.
>Scott Ritter
twice convicted pedo. of course he's giga pissed for being caught now just once, but TWICE trying to fuck a teenage girl
Explosions in Dnipro
Is someone keeping track of the gap between chimpouts? Seems like it gets longer every time.
Instead of leveling 1/4 of Ukraine they could have sold that oil and gas to us and everyone would have been happy(er) (except Xi Ji and the poos)
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That was an interesting chimpout
I havent heard anything in months
From Darnytsya, it seems that Obolon and Pechersk were hit(
>no missiles anywhere as of this moment
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do it again little drone!
scott ritter is a convicted pedophile, galloway lost his seat and mearshnigger is a national embarrassment. yes they are outcasts.
Im sure that just two more missile chimpouts and the Ukrainian will shall be broken, uhum
Holy shit, if it wasnt for the flying turret, I wouldn't know which side that tank was from
They need a separate category for golf carts, scooters, and fucking pogo sticks looking how this is going.
(search by "Tu-95")
the latest big one was on 2024-06-01
i see scott diddler but i dont see mcgregor
>Missile fragments fell in the Dniprovsky and Solomyansky districts, - Mayor Klitschko.
>There is a call for rescue services in Holosiivskyi district. Emergency services teams are on their way to the scene.
>An explosion in the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv , — Klitschko
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>scott ritter
Hey. How's it going?
>sold that oil and gas
there've been some oil and gas deposits discovered in ukraine around 2010 and should the country move close to europe they would inevitably establish extraction operations, making the continent overall less reliant on the kremlin kike's moods
Yeah this chimpout is most likely due to the imminent NATO summit, to show that Pidorqshka is le strong
By the way Obran is currently on a tour to China as a (((peace broker))). Too bad, looks like monke still wants more TZD
He's already in Washington
>A combined strike by the russians on many cities, strikes from the very morning, when the maximum number of people are on the streets.
>Putin did not want and does not want peace. Forget about those who are now telling you nonsense about his readiness and about the beginning of some "secret negotiations". He is ready for war and has a reserve of resources to continue hostilities
>People are being evacuated from the Lukyanivska metro station.
>Preliminarly, the arrival was nearby. A lot of smoke
I think it's kind of understandable to anyone who isn't a zigger or a retard.
At this rate they will be out of weapon systems before 2026.
One of our (notoriously retarded yet famous) newspapers tooted how rozzia produces 3 times as much shells than the west for 1/4 of the price. Even if that's true you can not compare soviet shells to gps guided and other kinds of advanced modern ammunitions.
I thought France went right wing?
>Scott Ritter are resentful outcasts to you?
He deserves worse given how he is an actual nonce.
>gps guided and other kinds of advanced modern ammunitions
most regular people don't bother looking into these kind of intricacies.
they see burly russian vdv fags plying each others with sledgehammers and instantly lose all hope and go
>russia will slaughter us
exit poll says
>1st place left
>2nd macron
>3rd right
caused a lot of butthurt among the RN voters
Jvpiter split his enemies with 10D chess
RN did get the most votes, by far. (37%) They were outnumbered by a coalition that withdrew candidates in certain districts strategically in order to obtain seats.
>gps guided
That gets coundered by russian Electronic Warfare systems, whoops
Russian pidors have evolved and adapted, get over your copiums already
And especially in the non-military dimensions of the war
its sad what we have become now.
>Jvpiter split his enemies with 10D chess
How does one become so big brained though
Be gay and work in big finance
Sex with older women
I don't know how to feel about this.
one i despise the french but i hate the left but i do hate the fact they bring in a lot of immigrants and then try to push them to us instead of the Mediterranean but i do hate the russians
its not true in the first place because they're counting shit like mortars and everything else vs just 155mm shells
journalists are mostly leftist subhumans who failed at their dreams and are stuck producing slop
real investigative journalism is dead
the real story is that the West has eclipsed Russian shell production
isn't the french left rather soft on russia?
Update on Kyiv just now
>KMVA (Kyiv City Military Administration)


>As a result of a missile attack on Kyiv the fall of debris was recorded in Solomyansk, Dniprovsky, Darnytskyi, Desnyanskyi, Shevchenkivskyi and Holosiivskyi districts.

>Preliminary data:

>- there is damage to an office building in the Solomyan district;

>- in Holosiivsk, debris fell near a residential building;

>- in Dniprovskoe, debris in a residential building is burning.

>- a private house was damaged in Darnytsia district;

>- in the Desnyansk district, the building is burning.

>All operational services work at the scene of the accident. As of now, we know of one victim, the injuries are not life-threatening. The information is being clarified.
EW doesn't work 24/7 and everywhere. GPS guided shells are still uberweapon.
That is NOT the price im willing to pay for big brain THOUGH
if you count small squad mortar shells and other shells and compare them only to 155mm, it's more and much cheaper. genius.
yes but their right loves them(especially lepenn)
>real investigative journalism is dead
*except Tsaplienko and Butusov (but the latter is kind of a zradoyob (treason-seeker))
>GPS guided shells are still uberweapon.
Yeah except its a bummer when a shell that costs orders of magnitudes more that regular ones gets countered at a press of a buttno in some pidor EW like Borysoglebsk, Krasnukha or some otger EW with a name just as retarded
Depends what Left. LFI is soft on Russia, PS is not.
I'd also put an asterisk on LFI, because Mélanchon was basically parotting Chomsky at the time of Crimea invasion and may have switched stance, but it's hard to know because they won't talk about anything except Palestine
Arrival on one of the premises of a children's medical institution, Kyiv
im looking for it rn but i saw somewhere in our press that excalibur shells now only hit their targets like %6 of the time or some shit
thats just a wall of text in russian nigga
>Children's hospital "Okhmatdyt" was damaged.
Thats incredibly petty of russian pidors, i know that hospital, one of the advanced ones when it comes to child medical issues
>but it's hard to know because they won't talk about anything except Palestine
Damn. I hate pissrael, but commies make me hate the poolestines too
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Butusov is gigabased. He chimps out at the government, but it's mostly constructive criticism. It's very important to have people like him
There's a interesting tread on telegram, were russian seethe about how clean Poland is and they can't understand it.
Why would someone clean after his dog, or walk to the trash bin.
It will never get better in that shit hole.
>It's very important to have people like him
True, but he hits the false positives a bit too often imo
as long as lake baikal remains undrained no anon, they really dont have complete control over it
Luckily pidors aren't magicians and can't predict when and where AFU artillery will shoot. Also I think even if shell has been guided half way and then got into a jammed area it still will have a pretty precise trajectory.
I've seen uncensored photos, it's fucked up
Not gonna share cause people who made them are idiots and shouldn't post them to begin with
But russoids literally targeted the city center, densely populated area, with no military or industrial structures in sight
>we want peace
my ass
Expect imminent zigger spam of this video
One of the arrivals, posted originally on russian channels, and now is being spammed
the right won the first round, so the centrists and lefties essentially made a pact where they would withdraw candidates from races so its not a 3 way vote, but a 2 way vote and they could beat the right in many districts
I like Butusov but sometimes he does the bidding for Dnipro kikes like Korban
Photos of the damaged child hospital
Pls someone repost, i got a rangebanned mobile ip
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children's hospital in question
whats gonna happen now, that nobody has a majority and the lefties dont want to compromise with macaroni?
State sponsored terrorism >:(
But because russia has done this for more than 2 years it has become business as usual. Watch as a few politicians here will express their concern and do nothing.
Another video of the child hospital after attack
Russians are pidors and every single one must be killed, with Kremlin/FSB/GRU pidors having much higher priority
you can actually. By comparing rough accuracy on targets from aero/sat photos. Currently its something like 1:4 in ukraine favor which means for every ukranian hit puccians need to spam at least four shells to hit anything with their more shorter ranged, inaccurate soviet or, god forbid, expired nork shit
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Coalition government between the NFP and Ensemble, Prime Minister comes from Socialist Party.
Doesn't matter if they don't want to compromize, they have to, the system is built this way. It's either that or they get nothing.
Mélanchon is a fox and actually rather sly as a politician, his followers are students and angry brown people, but the leadership has its eyes on the prize. As for PS, they are administrators and compromizing is what they do.
that looks like any other commie block apartment building
I wish you guy make something similar like the versaille treaty when this war is over
>expired nork shit
they can't be easily dismissed because there's tons of them and they're still deadly.
but there's a twist...
Is there even an effort to kill kremlinoids / their families?
I don't think so
I've only seen some propagandists get clapped who barked a bit too loud
Another video, originally posted on russian channels
Arrival near "Lyukyanivka" metro station
I know the place
I'm sorry but I can't hate ziggers more than I already do. It's just physically impossible.
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they'll work something out
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Here's a photo of an exchange rate on June 24th, 2016.

At this point, it feels almost nostalgic, lmao.
I wish they could instead nuke russia.
what counter for krasnopol shells does ukraine have? russians post them smacking moving vehicles with those shells often
>That gets coundered by russian Electronic Warfare systems,
Lmao what a dumb fuck
Lol, get fucked
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Jesus fuck, they actually targeted Oхмaдiт.

Morgenthau Plan, except implemented for Russia this time. No more bailing out hungry pidors.
But there should be
Id be glad to travel around Europe and make hits on families of Kremlin pidors
I mean, its not like they carry a portable EW backpack at all times to counter fpv drones, if you know what i mean
i heard they want some crazy commie shit, like lowering the retirement age to 60, free everything for kids, raising minimum wage, easier migration etc
There's a lot of this shit-tier commie architecture over here. I hate it. Bland square boxes everywhere
Use GLONASS instead lol
Dolboyob >>473426635
why is american news admitting they dont work then? Not often do they talk bad about products that make profit for the MIC
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> so the centrists and lefties essentially made a pact where they would withdraw candidates from races so its not a 3 way vote, but a 2 way vote and they could beat the right in many districts
oh gods oh sweet fucking gods can we fucking kill these fucking good for nothing yapping niggerfaggots.
Which ones?
>russians post them smacking moving vehicles with those shells often
lmao no they dont. like all other guided weapons they had only a few of them. you hardly hear about them anymore. and ukraines best counter to all russian artillery is obviously counterbattery radar which russians have been complaining about since 2022. russia is losing a shit ton of guns and its probably the biggest reason they can only make gains when they're willing to expend tens of thousands of men for a village.
So, chuggers are now bragging about destroying a hospital with white children? Who would have thought, right? Kike golems once- kike golems forever, 1917-...
Yeah, the usual bark. Don't pay attention to the barks, it's always the same thing and means nothing.
Lowering the retirement age is to the left what "stopping immigration" is to the right. It is not going to happen, for exactly the same reason rather amusingly.
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>hohol AA at work
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>latvian pidorashka is gloating over an actual fucking children's hospital

I'm guessing more niggers to flood the thread soon?
AAAAAND THEYRE HERE, like i warned already above >>473426761
there is so much fake news being spread- some of it purposefully to throw off russians. i bet you still think russias been shooting down and jamming all the HIMARs since june 2022 when they first claimed to be- despite multiple daily videos of it being used.
>anonymous say
Do you really believe this shit? Do you think the US can hid the details of a billionaire order for common ammunitions and then this story gets uncovered by journos and their "anonymous" sources?
Language exam soo? Or youre hiding under your mothers skirt as to not get deported back to your beloved r*ssia?
he's a vpn glavset zigger
Nah, he is one of those diaapora pidors most likely
potayto - potahto.

Either way a nigger.
>bombing ukranian civilians will save russia
I don't think it will. The West will just send more weapons to AFU now.
>Already 9 victims in different areas of the capital, 6 of them hospitalized - Klitschko
And making Arab an official language in france. Looks grim.
Latvia has many pidors that they yet didn't deport for some reason.
trust me the palis are worse since they love russia and iran and i have come across them trying to compare their situation and yours and claim yours is better and how greedy we are for giving aid to you instead of them.
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Honest question, what are YOU gonna do about this?
Lose more land and cry? You are cucks and won't do shit because of your masters
i dont feel like making a webm but i saw this yesterday, just krasnopols used in counter battery
apparently Kalashnikov Concern is mass producing the guidance systems for these shells but idk how many are around, definetley more than excalibur and they seem to actually hit shit
Three killed and 9 injured in Kyiv.
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of course the bong is defending jews color me shocked
Photos from within the child hospital
>*you look in the mirror*
>*a russian guy stares back at you*
>What do?
Civilized countries dont use AA to defend civilian infrastructure because humans understand that attacking civilian infrastructure is both bad for PR and a waste of military resources.
Unfortunately for ukranians, russians are subhumans who dont understand anything about war aside from seeing it as part of the natural life cycle of a russian man.
What am I going to do? Convince people surrounding me to vote for even more anti-Russian parties. Preferably the ones, who would put "deporting ethnic Russians" or "supporters of the Russian Federation" directly to Russia. While the latter is probably much harder, the former - deportation of ethnic Russians is much more achievable. How about that?
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>combat homu
Whoah, this must be the 10 000th time pidors being pidors due to being sons of a whore (cын шлюхи)
If only you were this eager to deport shitskins from your country...
Just know that you are a minority and you won't do shit
>and adds multiple dots
Yep, its a russian pidor through and through
This is roughly of cycle of:

>what are you going to do??! huh? cuck!
>aiiii blyaaa za chtoooooo!!

Ivan, you are the shitskin.
morda cwelu
>Civilized countries dont use AA to defend civilian infrastructure
yeah thats why i went to high school next to SAM site outside a major city you stupid monkey nigger fuck
Talking about shitskins. What white countries support pidorussia? Name one.
next to a**
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Why hohols are bombing themselves?
Are they stupid?
What white countries exist in the year of our Lord 2024? they are all owned by jews who are trying to exterminate white people
Reportedly there are children under the rubble, video
Another video from within the hospital
5 killed in Kyiv so far
I cqn easily imagine the "latvian" pidor itt masturbating as tge russian pidor reads these news
And not just him but 80% of russians in russia as well
At this point it would be safer to not use Patriots at all than being hit by them
How many Russians died a painful death from loss of blood for this? How many will die today? I think it won't be very good in Donetsk, Crimea and Belgorod today. Of course, we are unlikely to reach St. Petersburg, where you are sitting, but we can kill a bunch of Russians near the borders.
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10 dead and 31 injured in Kryvyi Rih.
>reverse image search says this image doesnt exist anywhere else
where tf is this? this could be from crimea not long ago?
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And the first gloating pidorashka arrives. I'm sensing that Bilhorod children are going to have another sleepless night and kvetch about "WHY????"
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it would be safer for you if you didn't invade rusnigger scum
>you can not compare soviet shells to gps guided and other kinds of advanced modern ammunitions
just like you can't compare russian gps guided and other kind of advanced modern munitions to western dumb shells
what kind of idiot cope is that?
that word is spelled with a G not an H you stupid nigger
JFC I pray that GUR will hunt every and each one of those subhuman pidoras and gut all on the streets.
Beautiful destruction of the Russian air defense system «Buk» by a M142 «HIMARS» MLRS strike in the East of Ukraine.

Kill ziggers every day
>At this point it would be safer to not use

>Will you look at what the people of belgorod find around the blast zones. Pieces of S300 missile and not from a MLRS rocket.
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so many ukrainians would be alive if they didnt let a russian jew take over lol
>reee suka blyat

Thanks for outing yourself, pidorashka. Bilhorod.
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why didn't PATRIOT prevent this?
Remind you that you can help the Ukrainian Armed Forces by ordering a signed shells with your words that will hit enemy targets
A вeдь чepeз пapy днeй пpилeтит oтвeткa или бyдeт oчepeднoй кpoкyc. И пидopaхи бyдyт визжaть ЗAЩOOOO?!1.
ah so it's a zigger
the northern parts of 19 and 20 should go to a Euro country. We need that oil and gas.
??? you're typing like a fucking nigger G is next to the H on the keyboard retard, youre close to those slav shitholes i would think you can spell them
Orban was useful I see
Ukrainian drone operator was so kind to Russian invader that he helped him to jump into the water.

Kherson region

other than the people the land and animals should not suffer.
Well, like I said.


>few days later



Pootin is pissed about Voronezh. Civilians must be punished.
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sit back and enjoy the inevitable downfall and consequent vassalage of puccia.
it will once again beg for foreign aid and the really sad part is - china, america and europe will again step in and feed you pidors, just as they did several times before.
but nonetheless, it will be comforting knowing you're humiliated on the world stage, a laughing stock in terms of power, importance and usefulness, instead reduced to a resource colony to chinks, jeets, europeans and probably even americans.
all in all the world will be a better place
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>oink about bombing Donbas and Belgorod children for years
>get bombed
>more gloating pidors arrive
To any actual westerner itt - remember this very fucking well next time you will hear some "b-but russians have redeeming qualities! Dostoyevsky!"
Pidors have no shame and no consience and are to be exterminated before they bring down the civilisation to another 1000 year long dark age
Hello, motherf*cker

Ukrainian FPV drone of the 414th Regiment «Birds of Magyar» stealthy strikes Russian invader in the Kharkiv region.

why am i a russian for hating jews that makes no fucking sense
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I wake up, ukranian children die in hospital, what a good fucking day. Cant wait for photos to put it in my collection
This may shock and amaze you but storage isn't the same as an active defensive position, king reward.
Or do you think the US just keeps active SAM defensive positions 24/7/365 just in case someone launches a barrage at your bumfuck highschool?
I know, right
Ukrainian sniper precisely eliminated Russian invader in Donetsk region

i dont get it why are you tripling down on a typo? dumb nigger
maybe Finland can lay claim to those ural gas and oil fields
it almost look like a russian city now.
Probably off limits for now.
The family members of the Russian political class are basically the best anti nuclear shield available.
>oink about bombing Donbas and Belgorod children for years
How many civilians have died in Dolbas in 2021 due to war related shit?

A. 70000
B. 7000
C. 700
D. 7

Two Russian invaders decided to hide in the remains of a destroyed toilet, but were eliminated by a FPV drone of the Ukrainian 47th Mechanised Brigade.

Another Russian was passing by and got his share of shrapnel

binland can hab it.
make it a special administrative region where the locals are forced to extract oil and gas in exchange for buckwheat
The center left. Fuck all they do is yap and yap about the left and how they are ruining things but then they vote for the people they are yapping about.
Yes nigger they arent for decoration you dumb fuck, i grew up in one of the first targets for a nuclear exchange i would hope the SAM's near the city are operational and not just for show
2 more weeks
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I can't believe French people fell again for the muh fascists meme. Fucking niggers, commies and other degenerates gaslighting you once again. These parties were elected in Italy and here, and guess what, it's what our countries need. I am very disappointed, my fake German frog eaters.
you wish
but we all know it's not gonna happen
>Hello, motherf*cker
propagandist memeflag shill isn't allowed to swear on government information systems lmao
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>donbili banbass

Didn't happen but now I wish it did.

t. Eastern Ukrainian.
KKKill all Niggers
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>The bloodthirsty ukrops attacking defenseless civilians AGAIN just more prooof that Russia is on the Right side of history. This will only harden Russian people's resolve.
Or so
>bombing Donbas and Belgorod children for years
Oтвeткa нaм, oтвeткa вaм и тaк пo кpyгy. И вce визжим "зaщo" пoд ycмeшки жидoв.
i dont get it, is a typo supposed to be a gotcha or something?
They're in storage, dipshit.
They're fully functional, likely crewed and ready to be moved to actual, useful defensive positions in the event of an attack while the highschool that failed you, burns.
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nah, years. decades maybe.
but the time will come
>bombing Donbas and Belgorod children for years
Oh, we know. Total russian death.
nah just replace them with Euros. Do the same to what they do to us.
you arent mad about the use of i instead of e, pidor?
what the fuck is wrong with you niggers?
try again next thread (tred), xyecoc
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>surrender goym, don't fight to defend your county. did you know that your gov. is LE BAD?
kill yourself wetback faggot
what the fuck kind of mental gymnastics are this
>hurr durr the sam site with radars is there to store missiles and not launch them durrrr
dumb fuck
ive also been to Cannon Air Defense base on official business and thats like a 1 hour drive from San Diego, is that just a storage facility too? dumb nigger
>your country
lmao if foreign investment firms bought all the real estate in your country its not "yours" anymore you dumb nigger it belongs to the jews and you are cattle on their farm
Just post what you're talking about. That'll clear up exactly how retarded you are.
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Electors are easily manipulable to vote the left wing, especially young ones , they unironically belive that some sort of fascist dictatorship can see the light if they don't vote pro-immigration radical leftiests.
imagine being a 40iq latvian nigger who will try to claim a patriot pac3 (which doesnt have a warhead) somehow collapsed an entire building- instead of allowing his nigger brain admit hes rooting for a terrorist country because he is a nigger that respects people who rape and steal shit.
>why can't 2 batteries cover a country the size of texas
did another s-400 get ATACMsd today?
Big words from literal invading orc nigger army simp

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