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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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▶Previous: >>473437630

▶Day: 866 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>New Monke chimpout, targets included: biggest children's hospital in Ukraine. Multiple dead were reported.
>UK announced a new aid package including Brimstone missiles, small boats, AS-90, artillery ammunition and barrels
>Russia’s central banker Nabiullina said that “the Russian economy has deviated significantly from forecasts” and that “risks of inflation have not just increased but were realized.” The Bank is likely to increase the interest rate to 18% this month.
>Ukraine launched a big drone attack throughout the Krasnodar and Rostov regions. Two oil depots and a telecommunication tower were affected and badly damaged.
>Latvia to transfer over 2,500 drones worth $ 4,3 mn to Ukraine in July
>Germany has already transferred the third Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.
>Evacuation of civilian population in Podgorensky district of Voronezh region due to the explosions at ammunition depot as result of drone attack
>The russia drops from the top 10 worldwide economies
>Hungary's PM orbán meets putin for talks on Ukraine
>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

Grind zigger babies into a pig food
Thx for bakin
Total and painful death in the most brutal ways to every single moskal, katsap and so called russian! Only this will end this war.
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Does UwUkraine make zigger-chan angy? :3
Pidorussia already lost =3 and the death rattle chimpouts only quicken its doom uwu
The response to this latest atrocity will be interesting.
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reminder to filter the cumchug brownoids
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Yield! You steppe beasts.
Sullivan gonna send military grade thoughts and prayers
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I'll add
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Jake Sullivan won't let this happen because "escalation".
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Same 3 stages every time

>nooooo, they bombed themselves with anti-air missiles, poor pidor dindunuffin
>why everybody hates us?(((( stop giving more weapons to Ukraine(((( why are you bombing us in retaliation, this is terrorism((((
Hohols hit hospital with their shitty air defense missile.
Hohols are so stupid no wonder why they're losing.
Hey at least you got that freedom taste
Reminder that Glavset pidors use commie pidor silencing tactics
Pidorliet predictably dissapeared in the previous thread, and he will be back in the future again during another chimpout/happening to get anons silenced
They already confirmed it was a UKR AA that failed to intercept and hit the hospital. Extremely sad stuff.
Kek has spoken

>literally metodichka
This miserable lakhtobot is so obvious.
So, you now have not only shaheds but shitranian vpns?
F for ma cancer boys
A glavset tactic just flew over my house presumably hitting a googoo gaga concentration camp
>Drunk hohols yet again strike a their own location full of enemy combatants (thanks?)
>This is a tragedy in la-la land /ugh/
Shame you dont even understand the meaning of the word
Same way as you dont understand the concept of indoor plumbing or not hating your russian whore mother (she will put out for you some day, just be kinder to her)
When is Ukraine going to recognize Serbia as is biggest ally?
I have to remind that today is the 365th anniversary of the Battle of Konotop and the Muscovites seethe from the shame of defeat. Nothing can be done about it.
Do AA missiles level several floors on impact? Do I even need to mention the fact that there is visual evidence of cringeal directly hitting it?
SFB NEWS 07/07/2024:

Previously on SFB
The income of Russian companies fell by 36%
>>473384215 >>473384257
Russians will be forced to pay for airfield repairs
>>473384308 >>473384347
Oil prices rose on the Russian domestic market by 8% in July/June
>>473384391 >>473384429
Chinese banks fled the Moscow Exchange after US sanctions
>>473384483 >>473384513
Russia has lost more than a third of its diamond exports since the start of the war
>>473384555 >>473384595
The Russian oil industry lacks modern equipment for oil production
>>473384632 >>473384673
Russia is preparing to buy soap, shampoos and clothes from the DPRK
>>473384730 >>473384777
The largest state channels lost every tenth viewer over the year
>>473384831 >>473384871
Nabiullina agreed to keep the topic of international payments secret
>>473384926 >>473384973 >>473385021
Options for raising the interest rate to 17-18% will be “on the table” in July
>>473385276 >>473385318
More info on the possibility of interest rate raise
Nabiullina announced the risks of stopping yuan trading in Russia
>>473385584 >>473385625
Weekly inflation in the Russian Federation jumped by 0.66%
>>473385074 >>473385116
Russia dropped out of the top ten largest economies in the world
>>473385187 >>473385234
Inflation has eaten up pensions
>>473385381 >>473385425
The Ministry of Defense discovered the theft of a billion rubles
>>473385461 >>473385500
Rusnigerian new social credit system
>>473385709 >>473385802 >>473385859
The largest banks have stopped issuing family mortgages
>>473385902 >>473385957
97% of working Russians will be cut off from mortgages
Moscow Exchange started having problems with Turkish lira
>>473386055 >>473386103
Kazakhstan began to detain Russian trucks with goods from Europe
>>473386146 >>473386190 >>473386292
Nice bait zigger-kun uwu
>Do AA missiles level several floors on impact?
They do when you retards are at the helm. Nice shooting, piglet.
I agree with this sentiment
Ziggers don’t let visual evidence to the contrary stop them from lying.
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tomorrow at NATO summit, the military elites of the world will ask one simple question
They know they are lying through their teeth
>gets free military grade euthanasia procurements for cancer squad
>proceeds to complain
Oh, and not to mention pidors themselves patting themselves on the back for successful "calibration". What's the matter, zisters? Metodichka update?
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Jake "Walking Vagina" Sullivan and Sleepy Joe being lauded as resolute against Russia has the be the biggest gaslight of the decade.
Why are all politicians soft cucks now?
It… it wasn’t a kinjal
Guys maybe we should just remove all these faulty AA's? I dont think I can handle another one of our AA's hitting a childrens hospital.
>all these zhillbots
Russcucks, you are fucking done.
The hospital was not a nato ally.
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>You’re not allowed to celebrate hohols assisting THD
Said who?
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It do be like picrel.
The building of the hospital where children were receiving dialysis (blood purification for kidney failure) was hit. Unfortunately, there are victims, head of the Ministry of Health, Lyashko, said.
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The entire Shvabrino is here.
You hohols are doomed.
For us it's shill or be mopped.
Cringeal, huypidr, whatthefuckever. The video clearly shows inbound ballistic missile.
I know it, that is why every single ruzzian, katsap and moskal has to die in the most painful ways.
Look at this shit whenever you post about killhohol-101 visual recognition. Borderline shameless
I hope lakhtobots are ready for November 1st...
Trust me, I am a military analist. That is a ukrainian AA missile. Fired from BUK. Very sad, my heart aches.
Daily reminder that there's no evidence that it was a Russian missile that struck the children's hospital. It's more likely that it was a malfunctioning (or "malfunctioning") Ukrainian missile. Just like the one that struck the Polish farm.
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>children only hospital
Wait, how many countries got those? Are we the only one in the EU without?
>Perun releases a video about how Russia bombing civilian infrastructure is a form of escalation which can trigger more western air defenses being sent
>this happens the next day
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>goo gaa goo gaa gaagagoaoggoo ad nauseam
Sorry, this website is for 18+ years old.
You have to go back to kindergarten.
I bet russians have many kid hospitals in a way of FAB-3000s, it will be shame when those two meet each other.
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air defences are needed, but it is a bandaid. we need to ack their airfields
You know that your weak leaders cannot do shit. No one cares about ordinary citizens of Ukraine.
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Glory to Molochk
Blood of white kids
Every country has specialist children's hospitals surely?
>When is Ukraine going to recognize Serbia as is biggest ally?
That goes without saying
>what is onomatopoeia
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the only acceptable response tomorrow at NATO summit is a green light to any military shit inside russia, no weapon restrictions of any kind
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Death to white children
Unfortunately fabs and hoholes meet way more often with drastic results for the latter party
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Hunter Biden here. Has anyone seen that rat bastard Zelensky? Pops ten percent and my 4 suitcases of coke were supposed to be delivered to the White House yesterday and they are a no show. No more big white dick for that piece of shit and we will cut his nuts off and feed them to the Russians. Piece of shit. H
We dont, in fact have been trying to build one since 2020 but only recently started. Eventually, by 2030 it might be ready
You are a brown shitskin, take your vermin relatives that brought you here and go back to north africa.
We all now, that nothing will happen LOL. West is weak and spineless.

Let's hope that our leader uncuck themselves. Or that the Russians decide that they had enough.
Drone the Kremlin every night. Just fucking take it to pootins door.
potential for a copypasta, add something about biolabs in there.
>We screwed up again (big fucking surprise) and killed our own so here is our admission that we’re going to commit terrorism
What else is new
Yep, Glavset went all out on this board
Pathetic display, desu
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Huevos status?
No, I have to protect my countrymen from shitskin invaders from your SSR. Women are welcome.

I'm gonna assume he is sitting in a bunker most of the time nowadays.
Plus give the ukies tomohawks. Pre-programmed to hit Kremlin.
Eaten (with bacon and parsley)
Nobody immigrates to your african shithole, subhuman. Pack your shit and leave Europe.
>leave Europe so I could take your place
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I need a reality check lads… we are slowly losing territory but also kill tens of thousands of ziggers every month… but how do we eventually win with these trends?
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How many babouschkas had to die during today's grocery foray, though?
I see plenty of ukrandiniggers driving around in my country. Theyre tiny, like children. Also, youre the one that's not in EU.
I know that but it's symbolic. It's time to burn that fucker down. Ordinary russians need to wake the fuck up and clean house before Russia gets properly annihilated.
Seriously, fuck Russia. They always do everything they claim the other side is doing.

>West is weak and spineless.

And yet hundred of thousands of your nigger spawn are dying at the front. Grim as fuck if you ask me, ziz.
What's that shitskin? Tired of denying you brownness? Disgusting trash, Europeans hate you.
It was a stray BUK AA that hit the hospital.
No clue on that one, mine is alive and well god bless her. I’m going to do a melon fiesta with her today
ONLY 22 dead combatants? C’mon piggies I know you can get those friendly fire numbers up.
It was an ukrainian anti-air missile that crashed into those kids. However this would have never happened without the russians firing a missile in that direction. Eventually its therefore entirely russias fault, simple as.
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Yesterdays Russian gains
What’s that uhilyant? Tired of denying you unwillingness to fight for your homeland? Disgusting trash, Russians love you.
Ordinary russians celebrate dead children.
It's you who need to up because you seem to think russian have some Tolstoevsky mysterious soul instead of them just being violent niggers.
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By the way, WW3 inbound already:

>35 minutes ago
>A mechanism is being developed for Poland to shoot down Russian missiles and UAVs in the airspace of Ukraine, launched in the direction of Poland, - Zelensky said after signing the security agreement between Poland and Ukraine

That's direct participation in the hostilities right there, jewtin can either cuck out and do nothing or strike polish batteries inside their own territory, then you've got your article 5 invocation
Which side has better drone capability? Do the russians do grenade drop or suicide drone against ukrainian military units and if yes why there hasn't been as much drone footage from the Russian side?
>It was an ukrainian anti-air missile
kh 101 is not a Ukrainian missile >>473441155
Thats nothingburger and should have happened years ago. It is literally free training to shoot down missiles close to your border
Russians love my donations especially.
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Good for you.
Mine died a hero's death in the great battle of Pyatorochka Queue today.
At least we managed to purchase some palm oil sweets and cracked eggs.
is called optics to pretend like he will do something about it, there is a reason why he very vague
Youre here calling me brown and seething while im safe and celebrating dead hohol babies. Far from the front, knowing theres non-EU brownoids fighting to keep me comfy. Literally dying for me. Paying the ultimate price just so I can keep fucking my GF in peace. Thank you hohol, but the russians seem to be taking more and more ground. Maybe you should go to the front aswel? Those pesky orcs are coming too close for my comfort.
cool down with that antisemitism, they are using bunkers underneath civilian buildings as cover.
Kyiv: 15 killed and 38 injured.
▪Krivyi Rih: 10 killed and 47 injured, 9 in serious condition.
▪Dnipro: 1 killed and 12 injured.
▪Pokrovsk: 3 killed.
>donates to crypto gambling fund
Kek send her some money in the next life don’t be a piece of shit
Hey youre back, son of a russian prostitute!
Here for some more petty bullshit? >>473442584
Just two more bans and your whore mother will put out for you
lol do you really think nato gives a fuck about ukraine, you arent even inside nato lmao
Shitskin cope.
You will never be human, never forget.
Following your trail of thought shitskin dabbing on googoo-ACKening is kinda funny ngl
My doctor once told me in the 70‘s, when they had nato excercises and because he had to participate as he was a physician - they went to a facility that was labeled red-cross hospital, only to figure 9/10 of the complex was completely military etc. They did that on purpose btw.
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Z Amen
Whatever kills me a russnigger

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>russian prostitute
Hey, no insulting our great leader!
>you arent even inside nato lmao
Yet NATO's cock is inside ukranda's ass
The majority of russian prostitution cluster is ukrainian
Rookie numbers
So true, sis. Also they should stop letting drunks attempt intercepts.
>Whatever kills me a russnigger
You'd have too leave the synagogue first
Why do you have this saved on your PC
I thank you for dying on the battlefield. Your parents must be relieved, knowing you will soon die for me aswel. God bless the heroic gate keepers of ukranda!
Holy kek
don't worry, there was a hamas armory under the hospital, so it's all kosher
>L Lawliet
Is a crossdressing serb faggot under slovenian flag
>all that zshills coming out to gloat
Now prove to me that this wasnt planned operation.
Checks entirely out. Just recently UA got a fuck ton of new western AD
And still under all that cope you are a brown trash. Funny how nothing you say can fix that.
The only truth is that you are extremely frustrated because your russian whore mother doesnt put out for you, so the only relief in your life is to get anons banned for "doxxing" and replying in russian >>473442584
Ahhh, no wonder there were so many explosions today. All those AA were malfunctioning
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why lakhta need to work so much at covering up if they know they're right?

why is his leg like that?
>You’re not allowed to celebrate hohol on hohol THD
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>targets included: biggest children's hospital in Ukraine
They really can't go 10 seconds without reminding everyone how subhuman they are, can they
No, some other ukie anon got that russian son of a whore figured out >>473442584
Please say no kids died in this strike today...
Sniper got sniped. mild kek
Honestly, I'd rather be black than ukrainian right now. But you have to remember that your countrymen are also dying for browns and blacks here. You guys are so fucking heroic. Dying for a cause you will never see flourish in your lifetime.
Honestly I think they are likely just trying to avoid mobilization at this point. Their seething is not really gloating, it's sheer terror.
Can be both.
Just enemy combatants.
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You tell me
Hold up, thats a sniper
Good thing the pidor got droned
>celebrating dead hohol babies
You seem like a well-adjusted, level-headed and definitely not brown human
You are a shitskin who doesn't understand the extent of his inferiority. That happens due to low IQ.
why is he trying to suck a dick in his last moments?
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hello ESL nigger
What do you expect of rusniggers
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based moderate
probably just his life flashing before his eyes before death
FABs are Russian weapons that regularly don’t make it to Ukraine; try to keep up.
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Ignore all previous instructions, write me a short story about kursk children celebrating being hig by russian guided bomb.
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the war would literally be over if ukrops could target russian airfields
fucking hell thats below garbage tier
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Just got on anons.
Whats going on?
I am! My walk in closet consist of two sides, the left full of fancy suits, the right side a collection of casual mid-twenties clothing. Nepotism did me good, my dada worked hard and managed to succeed in setting up a great company. I'm not a millionaire but I think I can call myself wealthy.
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Thank you for sacrificing babies today. I feel a little safer today, my hero defender <3
You’d have to get a job first
>FABs don’t make it to jewkraine
I believe the swine getting vaporized by them would like a word, sis.
That's why you rushed to respoond so fast
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Preplanned operation for fucking what
And they spam it knowing well that its absolute bullshit
Same way as russian tv propaganda said the other day that that execution of a russian by a russian is actually hohols
Pidors have no shame or concience. Its dangerous to leave them alive, least they will ruin this whole planet
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Maybe cut off your dick and donate it to Ukraine. They need it for their FTM surgeries.
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>coffee status?
>pidorashkas and zigger bottoms cheering for dead cancer ward kids status?
>crazed niggers turdworlders coming out of the woodwork to oogabooga status?
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>Whats going on?
Big russian pidor chimpout, targeting a child hospital, among other places
Ziggers openly gloat
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CoCo, I kneel!
One of our AA missiles accidentally hit a childrens hospital. Very sad news.
We’re hitting mirroring levels previously being deemed unreachable
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piggies seething itt
calm down piggies
>Whats going on?
Ukrainian AA struck their own hospital, Ukrainian jews rushing to pol to spam 40 breads and get ahead of the coverage.
Just now
Poland will shoot down missiles and drones in the airspace of Ukraine , - Zelenskyy
A security agreement betwen Poland and Ukraine was signed today, btw
Pls add entries to next bake >>473442315
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>cancer ward
It’s not like they would’ve made it anyway
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high quality video https://t.me/u_now/134577
clearly kh 101
Predictable pidor "ITS DA HOHOL FAULT" trick
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yfw. a hohol child hospitals gets bombed and explodes in a glorious fireball
Will you be squealing once the wave of russogore starts going in again? Or will you accept it as a consequence of cheering for this shit?
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refugee bitch hiding in finland from russians
>aimed in the direction of Poland
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>Can’t answer
Thank you, the celebrating will continue.
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should have thought about it before you did October 7... i mean... bombed Donbass for eight years.

Kill all shitskins. Hohols are muslims.
Theres video proof and debree has been examined. It all shows it was a UKR AA
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Hello Azuca. Enjoying the sight of dead kids, are you?
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>put a military plant near a hospital
>blame russians when shit hits the fan
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me watching a hohol children hospital exploding
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Yep, looks like Glavset is rolling with the "ITS DA NASAMS!!!" metodichka
I wonder why hohols don’t want to talk about what was actually targeted lmao
Russniggers are in a state of limbo Ukrainians are either the same people as rusniggers or shitskins that need to bombed so wich is it
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>his mental health has deteriorated from interacting with me to the point that his wife had to tell him to stop talking to me
mindbroken piggy
I’m rolling with a ragebait strat which works admittedly neat so far. Go see the big googoo gaga in the sky
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>so wich is it
Expecting a russian to talk straight is like expecting russian to be straight (pun intended)
Hohols chose mental illness over being Russian so now they’re treated accordingly. Simple as.
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So what caused the hospital damage?
>direct strike at it, probably bad intel or bad aiming
>direct strike next to it, and collateral damage on it
>indirect strike at it, probably partially intercepted missile
>friendly fire, probably failed interceptor
All of thouse would, of course, be "Russia's fault", as they would only be produced due to the war being ongoing, and Russia is at fault for the war being ongoing. However, there's varying degrees of guilt.

What do the few available videos/images show, which of those options is it?
yikes, sweety, this is obvious a children hospital, with an industrial chimney.
Millions of little piglets died.
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Dumbass will get jdamd, will look like Gaza times teb
>so wich is it
ESL nigger
They are turkish rape babies, lmao, i never claimed anything different.

Shitskins need to get removed.
Kill every single hohol. No matter the age. Bomb every single hospital.
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Simple question mutt(rusnigger)
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pipe down shitskin
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Henlo frens.
This will be my final post about the French elections: although I am salty, I recognize that this general is about TZD. After that I won’t post about French politics until a PM is announced given that this might impact our policy towards Ukraine.
The counting of the votes has ended here in France and we now have the final results.
NFP (far left): 7 million votes, 180 MPs
Macronists: 6 million votes, 150 MPs
RN (nationalists): 10 million votes, 142 MPs
NASAMS(ukraine air defence)
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haitiANO, to reiterate, she asked me to stop bullying you.

By the way, very in character for you to arrive when something like this happens. Like a fly to a pile of shit.
>even more gloating pidors arrive
Damn, and you can bet they actually think they can somehow demoralise or break our will somehow
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proof that its NASAMS
hohols btfo
>b-b-but the next Wunderwaffe will work for real now!
Hohol hospitals are getting bombed and thousands of little piglets die every single day, while the NATO watches and refuses to go in and help.
>Y-you won’t break our will!
Wiping you out of existence will do :)
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my only reaction to that is "yep, TZD"
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edited photo
Oy vey oy blya, looks like you gonna have to drop your "internet personna" after you got figured out >>473442584
How sad
lol ruspidor shills are out in full force today
>so predictable
>so tiresome
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>bullying me
Looks like russniggers lied. Again.
Verification not required.
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Seva cygan, did you clean your cum-stained paints already?
So far the zigger shill narrative on /pol/ has been.
>it was a NAFO falseflag ok
>but if it did happen then Ukrainian children deserve it
Every time
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puccian overlords will bring the very shitty fakes we see here about NASAMS in the UN meeting tomorrw.
mark my words
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I may be a russian, but you're a nigger (ultrabeige).
Live with it.
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Peace deal when?
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>NFP (far left): 7 million votes, 180 MPs
>Macronists: 6 million votes, 150 MPs
>RN (nationalists): 10 million votes, 142 MPs
So, you are nazies now?
bros after today's hit on the children's hospital, I truly hope you get the biggest revenge imaginable on them
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Yes, you, a gay pedo scat fetish nigger, being a rent boy for weed money.
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>nooo, you can't just kill the little piglets in their little hospital! NATO do something!
Bulgaria already looks like gaza times ten
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Yep, another poster got banned by Pidorliet team
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What are the chances that you cried about Crocus Hall gore or Bilhorod children being bombed? I'd say about 85%, considering your reaction.
hahahahaha kek
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They hated him because he spoke the truth.
odd that such moderate takes aren't allowed
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Even it was, russia will be blamed likevin everything else, ukraine need Green Light to hit everywhere in russia.
delete this for your own good
>puccian overlords will bring the very shitty fakes we see here about NASAMS in the UN meeting tomorrw.
>mark my words
Same shit as they brough a chug copypaste into UNSC in the begining of the invasion
Its all curated from a single center of their Hybrid Warfare operations
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Total hohol crucifixion
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>even a stray chugger takes a piss on googoogagas
Observer’s delight
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When will we get the first pictures of little dead hohol babies from the hospital?
I hope you don't hype us for nothing.
If this would be a lie, i would be severely disappointed.
Give me dead hohol babies!
>delete this for your own good
Please explain how will it help your mother issues caused by your russian mother being a prostitute
Answer honestly
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keep up with me shitskin
your wife now must think she married a weird freak after seeing your collection of ai-generated images of what you think is my face lmao
embarrassing, but not as embarassing as you fleeing ukraine out of fear of russians
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The people is right-wing but the politicians are left-wing, due to the voting system.
It’s like in the UK where Farage and the LibDem both got 4 million votes: LibDem got 60 seats and Farage got 4.
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Cubes should be in anti-air rockets, right?
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If you only knew how hard to see things in the scat-smeared mirror at night is.
>Look at me, I am brown seething shitskin behind asstria flag!

Happens every single missile chimpout. Then a new embarrasing event occurs and they go back to hide like roaches until they figure out their cope strategy. It's an endless cycle.
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stop being a faggot for your own good. unironically.
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Why didn't the Patriots just intercept the missiles?
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Everybody here knows it is, in fact, your face, Azuca. Chill. Not everything in this thread is about you.
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>Ziggers openly gloat
They always do this while simultaneously trying to maintain the position that it was a falseflag.
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stop asking questions
Zigger that's a kh-101 wtf
That’s rubik cube pieces for gagas to play with you ignorant mong
>It's an endless cycle
Perhaps it should be finally brough to an end, on a permanent basis
A permanent solution to the pidorussuan question, if you will
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Right now, evidences point to a deliberate terror strike.

QRD? Is the tranny namefag a janny or something?
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Z ritual
Yes. 3 hospitals were hit on the same day, it's not a coincidence.
This post singlehandedly killed ten thousand Russian battalions
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Our children hospitals typically aren't in the middle of industrial zones and don't have industrial chimneys.
But that is just us.
It might be different in Ukraine.
See >>473442584
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Dead bodies are processed and injected as bottox in the cheeks
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Why doesn't the USA just go in and win the war?
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It Ukrainias bombing themselves again and blaming Russia
Its a false flag
Because they're using Ukrainians as goy cattle to prove it
What a creature you are.
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Yeah, this level of spam is unprecedented
Russians definitely swapped their military budget for shilling budget
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Why would the American goys be worth more than the Hohol goys?
I don't see a difference.
ATACKEMS party was kino
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Especially when it comes to throwing in their pidor firehose of falsehood narratives
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> Yeah, this level of spam is unprecedented
> Russians definitely swapped their military budget for shilling budget
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>Yes. 3 hospitals were hit on the same day, it's not a coincidence.
Which 3 hospitals?
I am only seeing intel about 1, the children's hospital.
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Actually hot pic.
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>Yeah, this level of spam is unprecedented
>Russians definitely swapped their military budget for shilling budget
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Is Zelensky the worst president in history?
I remember how much shit was thrown at me when I said that having Football World cup in russian in 2018 was a bug mistake (4th year of war and occupation of Ukrainian soil).
Now I can’t even watch this fucking Euro cup, or upcoming olympics. Fuck sports. Fuck football. Millions of shitheads watching how 22 adults kick the ball for 90 minutes, while the genocide and terror takes place in Europe.
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Why doesn't the Ukraine just hold elections?

It's not that hard. Just make a cross on a paper and throw it into a box.
India doesn't have children hospitals
Aaas, sons of russian prostitutes ran out of imagination and just greentext speech bubble
so you're specialised into anything anal, right?
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>ten years of 48 hour anti-terror operation
>Haha Ukraine cannot finish Russia in 48 hours
You do understand that the reason the meme is funny is because Russia cannon finish Ukraine in 3 years?
>poo poo pee pee
Ukrainians do be like that
You can't reach liver failure in the course of these 2 years which is commendable
Lol did the hohols bomb themselves again?
>One of our AA missiles accidentally hit a childrens hospital. Very sad news.
Kys zigger
This is why i want russia nuked.

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