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Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
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>Hungarian PM arrives in Moscow -https://archive.today/Dnmp7
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>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




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Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Kiev, what AA doing?
>Consequences of arrivals at a phenol plant in jew york
>House with hohols destroyed by missile
>Abrams getting rekt by FPV drones
>Russian specialist explains how ATACMS fuse works
>They did it again (AT mine vs building)
>Hohols swam across Dneper on homemade raft and surrendered in the Kherson region
>Iskander versus hohol AA
>Drone view of Chasov Yar canal district
>Hohol lied during interrogation
>Russian soldiers really live like this?!?
>Russian soldier shoots armed quadcopter out of the sky
>4 min of shelling of hohol trenchline near Chasov Yar, they end up retreating (warning, loud music)
>Hohol car gets hit by an FPV, no survivors
>AT mine /chug/er at it again (new york)
>VDV clearing apartments in Chasov Yar

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Excellent choice of colors.
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Spawn more patriots.
I just ate some ukrop children.
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Directed by Michael Bay
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all missisles successfully intercepted by air and ground defences
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Not enough
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sloppy photo editing from hohols
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>claims they intercepted 37/40 missiles
>one video alone shows five hits in one building
>there's videos from all over ukraine showing more hits
holy shit did the shockwave take out that entire flock of birds? They fall like rocks after it passes them.
another power plant?
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Idk those NAFOid ADs are pretty good ad destroying piggers
Assuming a 10 fold decrease in radiation for every 7 fold increase in time, (which is the reduction rate) a 1000r/hr dose (almost arbitaly high, about 200 times higher than Hiroshima) you'd be back to background levels after 5-10 years. A more realistic number might be several months.
Plutonium is not radioactive at all at the scales we're dealing with.
Those are massive pieces of debris
>it can be a supersonic missile that has lost airspeed.
yeah like that patriot soft touching queff inersection.
>It is also goming from the west whereas Russia is to the east and north of Queef, thus limiting (but not eliminating) the chances of it being Russian.
3000+km range to fuck with any AD simply bypassing it....
Some of us are coping like hohols when in reality any soviet build big structure have a litlelary nuclear bunker beneath it and only by this is a valid military target, i will go even further and say if they wanted to hit that hospital they failed missing it 200 meters.
All this bulshit is because tomorow nafo summit
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pretty sure it's just debris
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Interceptionboxes strike again.
They magically suck the missiles to the ground where they are destroyed.
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flip the missile on the Y axis and reduce the angle from horizontal by half and it about matches.
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Didn't something like this happen before? I remember that one time a Ukie helicopter was shot down by their own men and crashed into a school.
I remember that vid, I thought that kinda blew years of saying Russia shot down that airliner, the Ukroids seem perfectly capable of fucking up with their poorly maintained and ineptly used missiles.
when will you slavic subhumans stop killing each other?
Honestly looks like birds lol (probably isn't).
they also shot down their own fighter on combat patrol over Kiev,
And it's way too thin.
>i dont understand how shadows and perspective works.
When will jews gts?
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I'm 100% serious when I support am intentional missile strike with cluster, incendiary or any other warhead on pigoid children and their whore monthers with a mandatory double-tap
>I remember that one time a Ukie helicopter was shot down by their own men
it was some "internal cleaning operation" fren
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patriots doko?
back of the missile is catching light in an orientation that makes it impossible for the wings to be in that kind of an orientation at the same time. Also it's missing the other top wing
You can see the "birds" be propelled up from the ground along with the explosion and follow ballistic trajectory back to the ground
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Yeah it's not birds.
>mutt calling europeans subhuman
lets start with...it must be quite a big birbs to be seen that easly from 1km+ propably some endemic Queffian Griffons
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>Some of us are coping like hohols
Yup, it is natural.
But I at least try wo work with probabilities.
The PAC 3 should imo be excluded as the damage is just too large.
The PAC-2 is possible, same with S300 and Kh-101.
Second is the pixels matching up, and they don't add up with the Kh101 or other cruise missiles.

That leaves us with SAMs.

In terms of pixel matching, even AIM120 matches up (based on mid section smudge) but I can't say I'm convinced that it made that huge damage.
However, this was NOT a commie block with concrete building blocks but a building with structural brick and mortar walls.
We have seen buildings like that blow up from internal pressure even after smaller explosions.

But as said before, we are working with very few pixels and there you have my best guesstimates.
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how would you like it if someone shot a cluster warhead at your mother and called her a whore? yeah that's right you wouldn't like that. so stop saying you want that to happen to other people!! it's that attitude that causes war and destruction to begin with!!!
All this on a country that never attacked you, never invaded you, never even built up it's military to do such a thing. russians and their sympathizers worldwide celebrating the destruction of a previously peaceful country that was healing from rampant corruption and on the road to european integration are truly the scum of the earth. They live in shit and get uppity when someone else doesn't want to live in shit anymore.
Enough cope. I honestly don’t care. This is war. Mistakes happen. Move on, no need to lie like /uhg/trannies.
>doesnt know that a patriot missile self-destructs after it missed its target.
Like i said earlier, vatniggers are selectively blind to their own war crime footage.
Patriot interceptors fucking suck. But the US ship interceptors seem to be okay. Not sure why though.
The damage is really not that large. It looks like the usual AD fragments fucked up the hospital, possibly shredded everyone who was near the windows. Even the utility shed next to it only lost its doors
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>a previously peaceful country
>that was healing from rampant corruption
>and on the road to european integration
The box on the end is in the same position, but everything else is not aligned. It does seem a bit photoshop-y.
Give me a QRD and all the data you gathered on what happened.
least unhinged Z-patriot.
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This but unironically.
ya no
Quintessentially Swedish posts
russia cheated
Death to all hohol children.
>b-but muh crucified hlopchiks
>Mistakes happen
No need for double standards here.
>was healing from rampant corruption
nigga you literally just replaced the russians with americans and they stole even more. Bidens son was fucking ukie kids and stole god knows how much money while the cia trained a bunch of retards to terrorize the russians.

>european integration
not a thing, eastern bloc is just cheap workforce to them.
Why are pigs shaking?
Unless you consider Ukraine shooting at ex-russian servicemen in Donbass as a direct attack on russia, then no, Ukraine was not fighting you guys.
>healing from rampant corruption
>previously peaceful country
>that was healing from rampant corruption
you so funny, hoholina
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you will never be a woman
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>Albania the Florida of Europe ...our European Caribbean
fehlinger makes albania sound so exotic
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You don't need to be a 3,000,000 IQ mastermind to figure out what happened here, it's the same shit that happened a dozen times in a dozen different places. Russia targeted the military building next to the hospital (hence why there was so many fucking soldiers in the photos) and Ukraine launched their AA. Problem here is western AA is terrible so they almost always fuck up and come back down. If you guys remember the heckin' shopping mall Russia "targeted" it was the exact same situation. Hohols launch their AA, the AA misses the mark or just decides to take a nappy, then comes back down.

If Russia hit a hospital with a 400kg payload the building would have collapsed. Now keep in mind the kh-101 has been getting 800kg loads since a year ago.
Ukraine sent piggers to Chechnya. That alone imo is justification to erase your shithole.
Is there any sadder bird than the pigeon? They get domesticated for human use, become adapted to living with humans and in human dwellings, but then humans turn around and invent the telephone and all the pigeons get abandoned and humans proceed to poison them and make spike traps and such to get rid of them like they were rats.
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>when Israel bombs children in Gaza it's bad
>when Ukraine bombs children in the Donbass it's justified to invade them
>but somehow it's a-ok when Russia does it
I DARE you to defend this
Notice that piggerna always types Russia with a small letter, she's shitting on English grammar just dunk on puccia.
Take that, Putleranos!
Oh boy. The shills are really spamming the catalogue today with the pigsstrum hospital being hit by their own AD rocket and trying to blame that on russia
12 hohol shill threads made during the last hour. Most are related to that but they are also /k/ope posting about niggers in russia and putin being a jew. So they literally have nothing else to post about except zrada and self own zrada.
Weird how Ukraine went from worst post soviet economy from 92 to 14, to the entire world being dependent on it's fertilizer and huge steel industry (all destroyed by russia now, of course), and even heading towards a peaceful resolve towards the Donbass conflict.
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Here is a Buk-M1 that slammed into a building in Kiev for comparison
friendly reminder that 90% of CP and """modeling agencies""" are/were ukrainian. even that famous japanese agency (CDTV) whose pics used to be spammed all over 4chan was using ukrainian models exclusively before they finally shut the doors in 2015 due to japanese law changes. hohols literally ship their kids abroad to make a few bucks. ukraine is rotten to its very core.
Always but I need to know more.
russia always good, dont you know this?
Milions of raped german women was just a prank, bro.
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It was a hohol air defense.
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fun day
Choose one
Didn't happen, they deserved this.
>m-m-muh crucified holopchiks
All bullshit because piggers alwayts lie.
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>Weird how Ukraine went from worst post soviet economy from 92 to 14, to the entire world being dependent on it's fertilizer and huge steel industry
Nice fanfic
when Israel bombs children in Gaza it's bad
when the Ukraine bombs children in the Donbass it's justified to invade them
but it's a-ok when Russia does it
I stand with Israel, if I need to circumcise myself and give my blood to moloch so fucking be it! I will gladly die for Israel! If we can’t have diversity and GAY butt sex what are we really fighting for? Nothing. Israel has every right to exist! The gayest country on earth! Stand with Israel! Take diversity inside you!
Its not childcare
Its a fuckin wegetable shop
It was one of those baffling decisions, the patriot system was never designed to handle hypersonics so trying use it to target one is not only pointless but extremely dangerous. NATOs response to this issue was to just deny that Russia has hypersonic missiles which an...interesting tactic, but not terrible effective.
And how many children died from the strike today?..
It has happened before. Peculiarly, something like this happens every time there is a summit or king jew is running out of shekels because his whore wife spends millions buying shit
I saw a video of multiple hits and big explosions.
AD misfire can be ruled out in that video because multiple hits.
Explosions are big enough to tell me it wasn't a hospital that got hit.
Those were radical volunteers, not official Ukrainian servicemen.
Pissrael bomb children in Gaza? It's bad, because kikes are subhuman.
Piggers bomb children in Donbass? It's bad, because Donbass are actual people unlike piggers.
Russia bombs piglets in Usranda? It's a-okay, because piggers are subhuman.
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ukraine was literally ranked one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in europe even before the war lmao. now after the war they've lost half their population and pre-war GDP. it's so bad that everything from police to hospital staff is now entirely funded by the west. they are already in a coma. ukraine's collapse is completely inevitable. the only question is how many more billions will be wasted.
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Ukraine was one of the wealthier regions of the USSR, high priority for consumer goods distribution.
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>proceed to poison them and make spike traps and such to get rid of them like they were rats
just a symptom of city-dwellers. they are great birbs though, despite being kind of retarded.
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>litterally a photo of an deactivated patriot missile.
>no buildings damaged, no hospitals blown it just deactivated and fell to the ground
This isn't the own you think it is, sergay, if patriots were launched than vatniggers launched something airborne that needed taking out with patriots. All your fucking delusions hinges on patriots being fired by Ukrainians and striking buildings, but none of you troglodyte russtards realize that those patriots were launched for a fucking reason: to stop vatnigger missiles from hitting ukrainian cities. so your whole fucking point about MUH PATRIOTS MUCH? It is moot to begin with.

Yevgenii, Stop launching missiles at Kyiv if you care so much about Ukrainian lives getting lost by missile strikes et al.
Anon chug GFs are exclusively trannies looking back at history of this general lmfao
Circumstantial. Hard facts are needed.
Also... BBC slide threads status?
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>Didn't something like this happen before?
Plenty of times, one episode that immediately jumps to mind is hohols launching a missile at an open air market immediately before some NAFO meeting
I thought "GDP didn't matter"? What happened?
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>and even heading towards a peaceful resolve towards the Donbass conflict.
it must have been interesting to be alive during the 1940's,
America backed Chiang Kai Shek the Nationalist leader in China, to the hilt, but he was massively corrupt, his wife was especially notorious, he was nicknamed 'Cash My Cheque' by Americans who had to deal with him,
Makes no difference.
>All your fucking delusions hinges on patriots being fired by Ukrainians and striking buildings, but none of you troglodyte russtards realize that those patriots were launched for a fucking reason: to stop vatnigger missiles from hitting ukrainian cities
Kek somebody called 2 threads ago that shills would degrade to the bedrock excuse of "well we wouldn't have had to launch these Shartiots if Puccia hadn't invaded"
Your shithole's mascot is literally a tranny, uhgcuck.
Stop hiding military stuff next to civilian centers pigger
I remember something an anon posted on /pol/ years ago when the war was starting.
All of the "safe" cp (naturism) sites were cuckranian and 90% of their content was of hohol children.
Like sure, i get naturist and nudist sites that want to promote that lifestyle, most have pics of adults but those hohols sites had only pics and vids of children and they would charge you to access the site.
Cheese pizza without being officially called cheese pizza.
>at an open air market immediately before some NAFO meeting
iirc, it was the evacuees in Kramatorsk
At the train station? Different incident and much earlier than the open air market strike IIRC.
Also you remeber armored vehicles hidden in the parking lot of some gallery???
The kvetching when photos of them leaked was blyatifull
>Maybe we won't be able to convince the diehard BSW-AfD-Putin cross-front, but hopefully all people with brains and common sense will.
jihadi julian pushing hard the photoshopped pic
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was this also a "deactivated missile"?
Not enough damage to be a direct hit so it’s either
>debris from shit that gets blown up in the vicinity
>aa missile debris
>exploding airconditioner
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back your contaminated troon thread that called uhg
You'd think National-Socialists would weed-out the CP from their country but the truth is, NS were always gay and cringe.
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That was great
No wonder they started sending all vloggers to Krynky
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Anuda shoah status?
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Russia is a global joke
it's because ukraine is such a corrupt shit hole they let that shit happen with impunity. no protection or oversight whatsoever. even that shit in japan only stopped because japanese government intervened. ukrainian government never gave a shit.
I denounce the talmud.
How's things going lately, lads? Any major pushes happen on either side?
Jews (piggers) did 7/8.
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Teogram channel of the Stavropol paratroopers 247 DShP VOG25 RUSSIAN published statistics of its two best drone operators since the start of the special operation. One of them killed, with video recording of each kill, 819 Ukrainian soldiers and wounded another 713.
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I've been having a very stiff neck for 2 MONTHS, its starting to annoy me as it isnt going away

constant strain in the back where the skull connects from being hunched over a fucking laptop and using phones and whatnot and can hardly move left or right

any remedy before I get a permanent spinal deformity? its constantly sore and stiff, its not going away from stretches and sleeping like when I used my now gone desktop
It's funny because a week ago these same creatures were cheering about killing some vacationers and then when they got called out on their ghoulish behavior they said that civilians are legitimate targets. If you ask me Russia should just do a saturation bombing of Kiev, they're gonna have to rebuild the entire fucking place when they annex it anyways, might as well save money on the demo.
Well, you failed to understand it from the start
GDP is bad at measuring the power of a nation's productive/real economy, particularly as relates to the defence industry. Which is why people say it doesn't matter when retards go BUT RUSSIA GDP SMALL HOW CAN IT WAR, because it's a bad measurement of a state's capability in that respect.

GDP per capita is still the standard metric for comparisons in economic history. It overvalues financialisation and conflates high costs with productivity, but neither Belarus or the ukraine suffer from either of those maladies particularly.
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Even the saars are humiliating and degrading Russian women now kek, only 6000 rupee
She Ukrainian
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i can fix you
The glownigger of Vienna posted this on /uhg/ >>473458439
Can't say if any of the hits were the hospital or not. Trying to geolocate. If any of you faggots can geolocate fast, do it.
>exploding airconditioner
We're better than that. Children were involved.
Stop hunching over
>where are the patriots
here you go
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I wouldn't mind if someone shot a cluster warhead at you and both of your tranny fathers
>one loud voice on twatter says something unbelievably stupid
>reason to bomb the everloving shit out of Ukraine
you do know that most of the civilians still left in Ukraine don't even know where the russians even are, right?
I stopped showering and only take hot baths now,

lie in a hot bath, as hot as you can reasonably tolerate, add more hot water during it if required, really soak for a while and it'll relax all the muscles in your back and neck,

then there's a set of stretching exercises you can do daily,

I've not been to an osteopath in 10yrs now, I manage to solve every back and neck problem I get.
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We can always return to the pigeon warfare
every single time
Its the exact same story again and again. Its just a bit faster paced every time. Usally it takes at least a whole day before they start to consider the possibility of their own AD doing it, then two more until the pics leak out and by day 5 its
>russias fault anyway reeeeeeee

The most absurd one was when they fucked those two polish farmers and somehow still blamed it on russia.
>We have seen buildings like that blow up from internal pressure even after smaller explosions.
so from destroyed small building section to hospital is +- 50m so we can assume it was center of explosion, anyone want calculate aproxinmatly tnt eq for dmg ?
Back just days before the war started national geographical was making a documentary about hoholstan, specifically about the massive surrogacy and adoption market and how the hohol gov doesn't know and has no papers where the kids ended.
Because the war hit as the thing was being produced they had to change the narrative and somehow blame russian rockets for all the hohol children disappearing for the past 10 years.
It was a funny documentary. I don't know if it passed in the english or other foreign natgeo but it was aired in spanish.
Shit was so fucked up in the sense that it was obvious they had most of the thing done and had to add things out of context to try to blame russia.
That was aired even before the split and i posted about it in pre split uhg and got called a liar and shit by the usual suspects. Good thing the split happened.
Ne dam.
retard or bait?
ARE YOU BLIND?? The video clearly shows the crater 20 feet away from the thing
155mm (7kg explosives) has lethal blast radius of ~50m.
Unfortunately your pic has no truth in it. Grads were tracked by Russian drones to the mall.
Retard, it is a sow afterall.
That was an airblast, hoholina.

Now airblast your tits.
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>hohol shills spamming the catalog
>nobody with a brain cares
>have to resort to spamming responses

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Obvious bait. Iskander-M fragmentation warhead turns everything within its radius into Swiss cheese. Russians always use Iskander-M to destroy valuable targets such as HIMARS, Patriot etc. The fragmentation pattern is really beautiful (pic rel).
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zrada :((
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I'm more fascinated by the hohol trying to act like /chug/ has jannies banning people. They had two jannies and a mod come here to fuck with us. I guess they're trying to gaslight people into thinking the anarcho-troon was some glavset DISINFOMATSIYA deep op. That's how it typically goes though, /uhg/ is a magnet for the mentally ill.
You could try Metamizole.
It reduces pain, inflammation and cramping.
This will reduce it to a tolerable level at least, but you will still need to spend a week or so being mindful of your posture, for the muscles to actually recover.
Metamizole isn't something you want to take every day.
There are already over 15 threads made during the last hour, probably
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another example vs hohol camp
fingol copes in shambles
kek 7kg of tnt will not btfo thick glass that far away from center of explosion, it is worth to add that harm missile which detonated over Kramatorsk (idk) was recorded doing much less "physical" dmg but was much more lethal due frag warhead....just like AD, with that i aimplicating it would be much more fatalities if something big like BUK or S300 hit there
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>always projection
so tiersome...
>Peak kino
Holy fuck thank you
Always accuse your enemy of what you are culpable.
Eyes on the prize, not on faggot noise.
It was a very discrete kill radius, with little damage beyond. Tidy.
they are getting laughed at in /uhg/, so they /k/ope by spaming the catalog
Why are they called slide threads?
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I love you anon (no homo)
>no gore photos = all hohols are alive
>maybe a few extra ones were born in the process
Checkmate, moskals.
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>Landed in Moscow. Looking forward to further deepening the Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership between our nations, especially in futuristic areas of cooperation. Stronger ties between our nations will greatly benefit our people.
Modi in Moscow makes them so butthurt. India should sanction these people and deny them their tech support helplines
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that's some blade runner level "enchance" software
Hi glownigger. How about you share here what you have so I don't have to go looking for my repository access? You know, to show not all glowniggers are shit.
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henlo sirs
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kyyyv status?
>Peak kino
nahh...seen much harder hiting sadly in many of them not all make it.
Artilery work is a peak comfy...loader meme
Even Pajeets are betraying zogbots
Total Zrada
Who is this guy???
I saw him multiple times but i dont remeber his name
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>sawed off barrel
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very good
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Why did you niggers murder children?
Why bother having rifles slung across your back when you're working a gun?
Yeah as it turns out when you spend 2 years and millions of dollars on spamming a board with low effort garbage people eventually stop caring. At this point no one gives a fuck about hohols, literally they have to do is just call a ceasefire. That's it. They can end this any time they want, king Z just wants to keep going for the money.
That thing is still alive ? Fucking hell this satanic spawn needs to be thrown into a wood chipper
We didn't, but we should have.
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Didn't happen
They deserved it
>peak lazy murican post
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>kyyyv status?
A little bit of hohol fried
In case of hohol pov coiming next to you position
Didint you hear that Ruzzians kill all hohol pow-s???
In all sirusness... Its better to have a gun no matter where you are or what you do
It wasn't Russia
But it should have been
>Brazilian mercenary Murilo Lopes Santos killed in action on Zaporozhye
>Once in Europe, Murilo Lopes Santos disembarked at Krakow, Poland, and took a bus to the Ukrainian border. Then, he stood for a month in the Ukrainian city of Ternopil.
Pay close attention, GRU chads. They are shipping mercenaries for training in Ternopol by bussing them over from the Polish border. Kalibrate. Kalibrate with extreme prejudice.
why did you niggers elect commies and mudslimes to run your country?
also didnt happen also i hope it happens again
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Basically pic related but with Russians instead of nogs.
uhhhhh guys? i think i had a change of heart. We must help Ukraine to secure the existance of cute russian trannies
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No children died
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would you drop this on a children's hospital?
>literally they have to do is just call a ceasefire
That's not true, Putin has said that Russia is not interested in temporary ceasefires, only a permanent termination of the conflict that achieves Russia's objectives.
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heavens no everyone would die instantly
if all 'jeets were as based as modi they'd be a superpower already.
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how mutts will ever recover after such humiliation
at least add some pickled cucumbers to your breakfast
It was recoverable after all
Anybody got the original "probably recoverable" tweet? I only have the schatzi version.
>would you drop this on a children's hospital?
The poor cat would be molested to death within a day
Russia can't win this war, the Ukrainian volk is too strong. Russia is being race replaced and there isn't enough White Russians to continue the battle. It's why you see niggers on the Frontline for the Russians.

It's the beautiful changing face of Russia under Putin. Total negrification is coming and will turn Russia into a beautiful BLACK owned country. Putin is merely killing off the last of the ethnic Russian men and replacing them with Africans.

Ukraine is still Ukrainian and they're battling to the end to prevent Putin from race replacing them.
>European Carribean
Now I want to ckeck out Albania too, ngl.
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What will he say?
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Either the cameraman is crouching or she is 10 feet tall
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>Putin is sending niggers to fight so Russians die while niggers live
The total fertility rate is near zero in Ukraine and no one is having kids there yet they're saying that 6 gorilion of children died in just one strike
call me when albania has waffle houses with daily fist fights and or gunfights
until then ywnbafm
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I'm not an expert on baked babies, but that looks like an artificial intelligence generated image.
before he says anything he's sure to deny being a military expert
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>"Russia is being race replaced"
>4 million illegals crossed into the US in the last four years alone
>doesn't even include legal immigration
>80k+ whites die every year to chink fentanyl
americans be like
From the perspective of hohols it's a ceasefire because Russia simply wants Ukraine to recognize the territory they've controlled for years now. Ukraine just has to stop claiming Russian land and this ends. The 1991 borders do not benefit hohols at all, it's just a slogan. If Ukraine abandoned their claims on the 4 oblasts and crimea it would have no real impact on the rest of pig land.

Really Russia's demands have been super fucking lenient.
Your lust for scat won't bring all the dead piglets back to life, Langleybro.







thanks for bread
Originally he wanted just the ethnic Russians at the front. It's gotten so bad he's had to send some of his precious BBC bulls to the front
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Russia is trying to genocide Ukraine that is why they target children first. They have attacked children multiple times and the Russian military also always trys to kidnap as many children as they can. Your race cant exist if your children dont exist that is why the Russians are killing and kidnapping all kids of Ukraine.
I went to Moscow and you could scarcely find any creature there resembling a White man. It's like setting foot in Africa.
He's going to say how Zion Don is actually a gud boy and totally wants peace, then he's going to tell me how Nazis actually control Ukraine's Jewish president.
Literally go to the gym. Compound exercises and have them show you some stuff around the back, shoulders neck.
American experience
Big Bashkirian Cock.
I denounce the Talmud
Good morning /chud/

>Kiev, what AA doing?
All these vids are from today's bombing?
>From the perspective of hohols it's a ceasefire because Russia simply wants Ukraine to recognize the territory they've controlled for years now
That's also not true, Putin's preconditions for negotiations are the withdrawal of hohol troops from Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhie oblasts' administrative borders as they were prior to the SMO, that includes giving up the cities of Kherson (mostly deserted) and Zaporozhie (7th largest city in Ukranda, still inhabited)
It also includes denazification and demilitarization by reference to Istanbul agreement
Bradley's just keep getting raped. F for the crew.
>Russia is trying to genocide Ukraine
I fucking WISH. I WISH Russia was as based as it is in libcucks' wet fantasies.
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>4 million illegals crossed into the US in the last four years alone

That's gotta be an estimate and what they could see. Believe me man, they are also coming in through the Caribbean. Lots of Venezuelans and Creole people here. And way more than 4 mil if we are just counting the border.
reminder that calling it bmp bradley on /k/ gets them extremely butthurt
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I have evidence that Mercouris is a cross dresser
I prefer the name M113 Bradley
More children have been aborted today in the Ukraine than those would've been killed in an intentional full-out attack on Хyй civlians, all for the sake of convenience
If you ask me Russia could annex the entirely of Ukraine and in 5 years no one would give a fuck.
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>Biden said that he considers himself the best candidate from the Democrats, “he is not going to go anywhere”
>Biden said in an interview that he doesn't care about wealthy campaign donors withdrawing their support.
Why is he so based?
you are welcome!
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>All this on a country that never attacked you, never invaded you
Things are not so simple, hoholina-chan
except ashkenazi jews who would still be kvetching about it in 2,000 years.
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why jew bombed hyhyl children?
The rich donors aren't counting the votes
Fat black women are
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Why not?
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Good evening anons
Ukrainian anon reporting in
What has happened in my country today?

The (((official))) media are telling us that:
- The war in the US greatest ally continues. Day 276
- RUSSIANS VICIOUSLY, ANTIMSEMITICLY AND ILLEGALLY ATTACKED KIEV THIS MORNING. 22 people died. 71 wounded. ONE OF THE BIGGEST CHILDREN HOSPITALS WAS DESTROYED, along with some other buildings that are only briefly mentioned. A private birthing center was partially destroyed too. The kike's minions already screech about genocide and call it a terrorist attack. WHAT WAS THE TARGET, ANONS? Targeting children hospitals sounds Israel-tier
- Russians viciously attacked other regions too. A massive attack on Krivoy Rog etc. But the (((media))) mostly tell us about the children hospital all day
- AFU intercepted 30 out of 38 Russian missiles
- The expired jew safely hangs out in Poland in meantime. He and Poland signed a security agreement. Russians are doomed, this time for sure. Meanwhile goyim men are still being held hostage in this insane, brutal, bloodthirsty, totalitarian, jewish dystopia
- Russia can antisemiticly ban WhatsApp for refusing to cooperate with authorities
- Dementia Joe's donors are increasingly "concerned" (The NYT)
- Viktor Orban claims that both the expired jew and Putin don't want to cease fire before the negotiations
- Viktor Orban antisemiticly arrived to China
- Macron refused to fire the French prime minister
- A man threw a grenade into a crowd in Lutsk. He was arrested. 5 people wounded

Not much today... Mostly news about the antisemitic attack on the children hospital
Anything else anons?
600,000 dead ziggers.

Russia sub replacement birthrate

Millions of Africans settling in a beautiful blood and soil campaign.

Russian men returning gay from the Army due to being forced to prostitute themselves to Jews.

Ah yes the SJO...
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Precisely the demographic you want to be doing the counting
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Blessed day! Stay safe brother!
There are less than 30,000 blacks in the entirety of Russia. What are you even talking about?
Total Reddit Death.

Kill Reddit.

Behead Reddit.

Roundhouse kick Reddit into concrete.

Smash Reddit's head against a wall.
good old oregon, come for the human feces, stay for the piles of used needles
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boden should send more machine guns to shoot down all those slow kh-101s
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Hello fren stay safe and comfy
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No fucking way dude. I believe it.
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stay safe and comfy, here is your mandatory kot!
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Good evening, frens and sers.
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Total Abrams Death
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Hopefully, she's even taller than that
Shame those civilians had to die for tomorrow's NAFO meeting
Stay safe and comfy and try to keep away from any juicy false flag targets, particularly in advance of NAFO/Zelensky meetings
Hello pumpernickel fren
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Why are you so mean to the Ayybraps ;_;
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Push Reddit down the stairs

Run over Reddit with a 1976 Datsun sports car

Smash Reddit with a piano and make him into an accordion
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Please stop posting this image, it humiliates Putin
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You know, if this shit was just for the masses. To degrade the goyim, garbage to control the masses. It would be one thing. But they all fell for it. Not only are they degrading the masses, they are also degrading the elite. So now you have unqualified retards in important positions. The scientist themselves are drooling idiots.
And then they wonder why can't they upgrade their military and space tech. Whiles Russians and Chinks raise children from an early age to specialize.
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Abrams sounds jewish
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they said my Crocs are shit so I called a airstrike on those faggots
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Thanks, frens :3
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Some grunts legit call it Americanskaya BMP M113 Bradley lol
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>moving the goalposts.txt
I never mentioned speshiul invasion.
Ok, one more time:
Would Ukraine have launched patriot missiles if Russia didn't launch missiles first?
>unexploded ordnance.webm
>no massive hospital-shattering blast which vatniggers claim is caused by AA-missiles..
yes, actually, the stoplights took the most damage.
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>are the patriots shooting them down?
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likewise Saar, likewise
Magick mugs
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Throw bricks or small cinderblocks at reddit
break into reddits house and defecate on reddits rugs and carpets
make reddit move to oregon and then trick reddit into clicking links to bestiality sites so reddit violates oregon statute ORS 167.341 [2015 c.324 §2] and gets arrested
get reddit to go mushroom hunting with incorrect information about which mushrooms are safe or not
lock reddit in a cage with hungry polar bears
make reddit slather themselves in poison sumak
release jars of mosquitos into reddits bedroom while they sleep
Patriots are pretty much only decent against aircraft. Absolutely lethal to them.
Utter dogshit at anything else. Wouldn't be surprised (or rather not because of the mutt MIC grift) if they come out with a PAC-4 for smaller objects.
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>no bleeding
>pale flesh
>slumped in a thorny bush
Nice waste of a drone.
I raise you picrel in response.
Go back mykola
Jewlynsky needs you as meat
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>>moving the goalposts.txt
>I never mentioned speshiul invasion.
You're a dumb nigger, I was referencing vintage copes from back when Ukranda killed 2 Polish farmers with "Russian-made" S300 missiles in a false flag attack.
>Would Ukraine have launched patriot missiles if Russia didn't launch missiles first?
Yes, case in point: the false flag attack with AD missiles on Poland.
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>Would Ukraine have launched patriot missiles if Russia didn't launch missiles first?
No they'd be running around Luhansk shooting random civilians in the head.
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I just with it was americans instead of ukrainians
>Mexico bombed a weightloss clinic for children
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how many dead children ?

i heard..................... one
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Thank you for proving just how inhuman you guys are.
Now i feel less guilt when ukraine decides to accidentally Moscow into a burning hole.
>You're a dumb nigger, I was referencing vintage copes from back when Ukranda killed 2 Polish farmers with "Russian-made" S300 missiles in a false flag attack.
i know enough.
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>next to a ukraining corpse
>for some reason without armor
>completely lethargic and pale
The the kikes that love these videos realize how fucking obviously fake they are?
Try not to attract any Patriotic missiles.
Nothing ever happens
That's a pretty good point. But we shouldn't rule out that it's just Patriot doing Patriot thing.
Israel and Ukraine does it intentionally, that's the difference
evil Putin making niggers jump out of planes with fake parachutes...
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Actually, if I am not mistaken, only 2 people (both adults) died in the hospital (one of them was a doctor). But goyim mustn't pay attention to such irrelevant details! Haven't you seen those heartbreaking photos of children, goy? That's right! If you still question the narrative after that, you are an anti-semite! :3
the people who shot it down? sick children in the hospital, without getting up from their beds
He's gonna have a fucking !ripped! six pack by the time he's 4.
>healing from rampant corruption
"Victoria Nuland leaked phone call" is the search phrase for today's episode.

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