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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Destiny literally fucking RAN from the space after experiencing a complete mental breakdown
Ok ok, I'm done I'm done... NOT
upload it to youtube please. Elon won't let me look :(
buy an ad already
Link? Proof?
hey retard nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about
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Who is this faggot
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>he ran
the bitch who scared him away was fucking awesome, she boiled down his points to the retardation it was.
He took too much adderall and is experiencing psychosis.
Did he close out his accounts or something?
he streams on youtube
No but he hasn't posted anything for 3 hours.
Probably suffering another manic episode.
It has been a minute already and I see no proof of it..
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>I just said that Trump started and insur....
What even was her point? It seemed like she started rambling about diet coke for health of it
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you are indeed a real one, nigga.
Say what you want about Nick but nigga has bantz for africa lmao
Women are cattle.
Upload the webm or stfu
I hope he faces a defamation lawsuit from the family he's mocking. That or somebody going to beat his 3 foot talk midget ass. I hope it's both.
Mossad money made him too confident
Literally who?
See you in hell, troon.
Why do people like watching this guy and what he says? I know practically zero about him, but from what I've seen over the past 24 hours and from watching his current stream he seems rather insufferable and super full of himself.
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Cry more faggot you retards to do same here everyday.
I mean, the precedent has been set on that....
the lowlights
destiny made the claim that it's verified that donald trump sat in the white house and drank diet coke for 3 hours while the insurrection happened
You child groomers seething this hard. You know I love to see it.
theres only so much retarded conservative talking points you can tolerate
Chink safe gif
Reminder to download/archive everything
It's over. Biden is FINISHED!
Trump is your president
He's a massive lolcow and his diehard fans are all mini lolcows themselves, he's basically a "smarter" and more successful Ethan Ralph.
>you retards to do same here everyday.
He also pressured Pence to without the verification throughout the rioting but let's ignore that.
Like men are not women?
He's an entertaining lolcow
Oh no! The absolute gall lmao
Isn't Nick a Jewish nonce?
Is this shit politics somehow?
he asked Pence to delay the verification?? INSURRECTION!??!!
you're literally mentally ill man. in reality we'd probably be friendly to each other if we met irl but you need to get your shit checked if you want to be happy.
No idea who Ethan Ralph is but yeah, I'm beginning to see the lolcow-ness.

I don't see how anyone can find this guy entertaining. Seems like he lives in a social media politics bubble 24/7 and has nothing to show for himself outside of that.
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that's okay the skulls of blue soft targets can't tolerate much as pic related demonstrated, and the conventions destiny attends have very poor door security
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Why would we be crying? You just failed your assassination attempt in spectacular fashion.

>pic related, it's (you)
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Politics? Never met her.
kill yourself, sick faggot.
she rambled a bit but basically distilled his point down to "its ok to gloat and laugh at this innocent guy who died because Trump waited 3 hours to call off his people on jan 6" which is essentially what he had been saying for the last hour. its obviously an insane take and he had no response so he rage quit like the little faggot he is
>no more love than raped little nigger girl

this didnt happen btw, get
He insulted a retard cast from the Sopranos, then decided to not give anymore clout to the space.

Then the podcast/live died immediately. It was beautiful.
who's destiny and why should i care what she does?
>prominent political speaker
Rolling for him to kill himself.
It's eceleb garbage.
If I ever met that guy I would beat the fuck out of him
as an argument
No you wouldn’t, stop lying. You’d be way too scared to do it because of the consequences.
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Your heroes are failures
Your efforts result in failures
Your multiculti world has all but evaporated as the brown hordes you invited wish to kill you, women want to cuck you and the alphabet mafia wishes to troon you out.

You just simply don't have any meaning or point to existing now.
the girl that was in that space was very sharp and cut right to the heart of destiny and his bullshit she blew his ass apart i hope someone clipped it she was brilliant.
Imagine being beaten by a woman in a debate. Perhaps even worse than being cucked.
e-celebs are the new network TV political commentators.

Remember this guy? pol celebrated this guy getting killed. there's also all the cop killing blacks and other deaths.
Being curious, I went to Google News and searched for 'Destiny' and 'Trump' together and found nothing, which makes me think this guy is super irrelevant, so why so many threads about him on /pol/?
Cuck ran from a women lmao
Didn't antifa types try to say he was an alt righter who called the dude the n word when the video first came out??
can someone explain what people are talking about in this thread
once he was revealed as a cuck he was made fun of on pol, this has caused unceasing rage and butthurt from his devoted cuck enjoyers.
To stop the peaceful transfer of power while his goons were trashing the capital? Yes.
>Um... it's not an insurrection unless he literally says to take over the Capital with violence and make him in exact term "God Emperor"
How long did he want to delay it to? Do you think he would of stopped until he got what he wanted?
Look at him, that is the avatar of the left, their IDEAL self. Obviously he would do this.
destiny is just mad because he's spent every day since october 7 drug addled and peddling israeli propaganda to protect biden's reputation, putting his own integrity on the line, and now all of his efforts are being flushed down the toilet because biden has dementia and trump survived an attempt on his life and is now going to win
>self-hating race-traitor
>gets killed by the very people he betrays his race for
Its not so much a celebration of his death but having a good laugh about his stupidity.
>So you literally believe insurrection = coke
>Dark brandon order it himaelf
Damn libtards destroyed
a cute girl with an accent tore destiny apart in a space with a bunch of other people after destiny quote tweeted the dead trump supporter, and was on a schizo twitter rant melting down and calling for his supporters to spend more time at the range like he's said on stream many times so his dgg'ers won't miss next time, and well he got blown apart in twitter spaces and left after screaming incoherently and left the space.
hey steven
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lol i had forgotten about that guy
He embarassed all of the retards that came up to talk. All trumptards talk the same and act like victims when you ask them what they read "WHAT? HOW YOU YOU EXPECT ME TO READ ALL THESE GOVERNMENT SOURCES??? YOU ARE TERMINALLY ONLINE FOR READING ALL THAT!!!". Im not making this shit up you can still watch it, destiny is still live or watch the vod later.
He's streamiing right now.
>btfo by Metokur of all people
Please provide link
You see, anon, in recent days various famous people and media personalities have melted down.
Jordan B Peterstein has had multiple psychotic rants over internet anonymity and anti-semitism.
And now after the Trump attempt, political commentator Destiny, a very cuckoldy, very gay, very progressive streamer, went into an unhinged and demented rant over the shooting. He was being so evil and vitriolic that it was eye opening to everyone.
Then a twittard lady countered his pots and challenged him to join a twitter space where they could debate the event. That's as far as i got, because who cares about that retard. Well apparently he had an additional meltdown on that debate, according to OP.
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Who said they're trumptards? You're so fucking disgusting it's extremely easy for anyone to utterly loathe you, which is why leftism is the group of "tolerance" as you have to be tolerant to even bare to be around genetic and intellectual failures such as yourself.
It's politically incorrect, not r/politics
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Cant believe somebody leaked his personal information. Very inappropriate
maybe the secret service picked him up
Post address
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Why have empathy for someone who hates themselves? Thats fucking dumb
I didn't watch this eceleb shit but both /pol/ and r/Destiny are claiming victory and that's funny to me
based as hell (which is where magatards go to btw)
Destiny could get beheaded in a cartel video and his audience would still say he won.
>He insulted a retard cast from the Sopranos, then decided to not give anymore clout to the space.
>Then the podcast/live died immediately. It was beautiful.
shutup. that goes against the /pol narrative
Oh my
>APT 2012
I thought he was rich why is he living in an apartment?
>capitalizing the word "jewish"
Well, you know what they say about killing your enemies after all...
So you just didnt watch lol. Must feel so bad being poor and retarded lol.
Hes not new to the scene, hes been swatted and has talked to the fbi many times. It wont do anything. But script kiddies like you dont know what to actually do if you wanted to fuck with someone with his history lol.
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Here's Hasan's.
Damn imagine how much energy is inside one of those rounds and the amount of newtons 3rd law acting on that tank
not wanting to be around retards who support and defend insurrections and then leaving is a reasonable course of action.
you know what is funny? nobody will harm him or destiny.
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>you dont know what to actually do if you wanted to fuck with someone with his history lol.
He won't do shit nigger.
To his credit he was one of the bigger names that defended Rittenhouse, like right after it happened. He's a cunt otherwise.
R/destiny is just banning everyone who says otherwise. Try it.
Bro go touch grass. Btw your ex says hi. Thanks for keeping her pussy tight for us all those years
got anything original with substance to say you stochastic retard?

lol you anal pained faggot
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>Both start off with how he doesn't want to be around "trumptards"
>Second replies are both claiming people won't fuck with him using his dox
Kek real smooth you retarded nigger.
>Destiny had a melty over trump assassination attempt
>During his hysterics he somehow thought it was a good idea to talk about how amazing it is that civilians were killed
>Sane normal people respond to this on twitter by asking for an impromptu debate to justify this behavior
>His melty continues as he proceeds to spew some insane rhetoric about Trump drinking diet coke during his "insurrection" attempts
>Reaches critical mass as a woman no less tells him that he's acting like a deranged emotional faggot
>Leaves and starts posting on /pol/ to continue his melty >>474194495 >>474196365 >>474199028
>Gets doxxed >>474201086
Soibois are scared of being in single family homes because of the basic diy requirements. They’re scared of hurting themselves with a power drill. Best to be in an apartment so that when your lightbulb goes out some weird thirdworlder can enter your home and roleplay as a man for you.
Yeah. Sarcasm and being edgy can only be funny when faggots with blue hair do it apparently
Obviously, destiny is close with KT the previous owner of doxbin and has plenty of connections with high profile hackers lol. Hes been around for over a decade, he knows skids posting his info are harmless wannabes.
That's hella ableist for you to stay, you got a call from Shaniqua over at HR, she wants to "talk".
He did nothing as his woman fucked men right in front of him.
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>he's going to throw epik super hackers at people for posting his doxx!
Kek lurk more newfag.
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>ban ecelebs
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Obviously, destiny is close with KT the previous owner of doxbin and has plenty of connections with high profile hackers lol. Hes been around for over a decade, he knows skids posting his info are harmless wannabes.
>le nonnymoose will make ur base belong to us
You should be more concerned about the next walk to the convenience store Steven.
>mocking criminal niggers for their rightful deaths is the same as mocking an innocent bystander in an assassination attempt
you're probably my favorite gay nigger in this infinite brown sea of gay niggers.
Webm or it didn't happen
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Oh yeah thanks for reminding me about this guy. I needed some lolz.
post link
gotta listen to this
the guy talking to him right now is making connections to game of thrones, and it's pacifying the little faggot because it's his favorite show
You realize anyone you could contact already know they have to message him in specific ways right? For anything local to him its already DoA, Its a known thing. The most skids like you would ever accomplish is flood one of his emails with spam, its painfully obvious you guys are wannabes.
Is this faggot really 5'8? He looks like a gnome with his oversized head.
Also what's his really name? I hate calling him by his gamertag
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>talks about the need to build bridges and incubate a moderate coalition after Biden win
>becomes sure thing that Biden will lose
>goes back to being completely unhinged lefty
>pretends he's any better than some idiot qboomer maga schizo
I killed people for a living for 8 years, I don't care about your faggoty hacker shit lmao.
link or webm or something?
Must be harrowing for these retards when they finally realize their ideology is just a complex song and dance to humiliate and eventually replace them
Did you know hackers, previously referred to as crackers, would use every dimension of information gathering INCLUDING technology but not exclusively? The streets themselves teem with information and the petulant manchild spews more than enough vitriol every day to sufficiently compromise himself, hence this very high-cope interaction we are currently having, Steven.



you have 7 months magats
The building he lives in takes up an entire block and is packed with security. Alot of rich parties people happen there.
I hate them. Everything this faggot claims Trump will do is something he would be totally fine doing to any right wingers and Trump himself. He'd be fine with someone he supports being a dictator.
his wife cucking him after he screwed over his kid and ex wife for her really broke him.
he got himself killed. he could have avoided an obviously dangerous situation, but dove right in. this other guy was unlucky as fuck. although it is a bit much how he's being martyred.
He's weak. Technically a man but not really. Just a rich loud beta male. Someone who can't even keep his family together but wants to lecture the world.
No you didn't you faggot larper.
kill urself you fucking retard lmfao
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>i killed sandniggers for jews
Stay frosty and based lad
You're probably more aware of what you're asking for when you say stupid shit like "civil war" now, aren't you? Don't drown that out with cope like you usually do; stew in it, let it all sink in. Believe it or not every word I've spoken in this thread is for your benefit, your unwarranted pride and subsequent hubris just blinds you from this and many other realities that you mindlessly clamor for.
You killed nobody and will get ventilated by a John Brown Gun Club tranny if shit goes hot kek. Go for a hike, fatass.
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mutts post the most interesting fanfics
based buttfucker
how many times did you get fucked up the ass before you graduated from fuckee to fucker?
Civil war would be fucking nuts, but just remember that most of the houses in your area with pride flags or BLM signs out front are probably soft targets.
lol, using the va. weak ass bitch. taking hand outs
Thanks for paying for the "disabilities" too nigger kek.
you are very welcome
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took the time to share this link just with you my MedBro
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Is this true?
>muh haxerz
Imagine posting genuinely posting this. What a fucking gay faggot lmfao
Drop and give me 20 worm.
You wont do shit and any sort of action is so far out of your frame of refernce that you can’t even fathom someone actually doing shit. You’re a fucking pussy. Basically a child
They wouldn't be much more than supply caches and free labor for an enterprising warlord or the government-backed NATO gestapo. Even some preppers fall into that category if they can't fuck off innawoods due to living in a concrete jungle. Unironically the most determined and drugged up feral hobo would probably have the best chance at surviving since he wouldn't hesitate even a second to brain someone for some soup and then skitter away into the sewers just as quickly.
SOATB - comfy, I suppose. Washed out or just don't want to ID beyond that. Based at any rate. Shame you're a glownigger government shitlicker, but based nonetheless.
>cuckold runs away

None of you will do shit trump will win then inherit an inflating economy and maga will be universally hated because you guys used the “the economy is doing well under trump so it must be his fault” logic. You’ll be blamed for the USD collapse top kek
Is that destiny in the pic?
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how does it feel to belong to the gayest military in the world? Fighting for jews trannies and women wooow
unfortunately Trump is no Milei
He probably isn’t even at his place rn nothing will happen to him, he’s cringe but not retarded he knows ppl want to kill him he’ll take precautions
It doesn’t really matter we are already in a currency crisis and you know trump won’t tell the truth about our spiraling debt he’ll blame and flounder
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This. Destiny would make as a perfect subject for gore videos. I bet he'd squeal louder than that cop that got vented by that Vietnam vet.
>Shame you're a glownigger government shitlicker
Kek I joined as an AnCap solely to learn how ZOG fights and get skills to fight back. Not an AnCap anymore, but still got some good experience.
I don't know, I'm a civilian. How does it feel to be pussyhurt over DesTiny simps getting mogged?
Destiny is officially a terrorist now so I'd be more worried about people a lot more powerful than skids
I'm not watching that faggot or his fag streams
I dont know the girl you are talking about dumb mutt go suck a dick
You're in a Destiny thread right now you fucking retard.
His fanbase are a bunch of autists
>Loses to the TaliCHADS
uh when are you gonna win some wars?
Indeed sicarious Indeed
Hitler did nothing wrong
sieg heil
Blood soil Honor
Just honest
I dont simp for online hoes like you dumb mutts do, go shart in a mart faggot tranny
>Boogie making him a lowcow
Lol I thank Trump for this event
>he doesn't know
How new are you kek
Then why are you here, dumbshit? You saw a lot of hahas in the catalog and the North African admixture took over?
>No link
Checked based
better then being amerigolem jewish slave, with a country that worships niggers and backstabs you all the time meanwhile while having the most guns per capita in the world, and not do nothing like a bunch of fat cowards you guys are go get a rope faggot the world hate you
So how badly do you wish you were talking to a tranny right now? Seems like a lot of you are chasers.
HELLO /POL/?????????

link??????????? most of us dont watch eceleb drama like you fucking zoomers do
Don't save or share this info guys it's really personal
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get fucked faggot
Maybe try some fag dating app if you're this desperate to flirt with trannies.
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You mad fat tranny?! DILATE!! YWNBW
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oh my... guys, amazin job as always
Thanks for the compliment. I'll always be a man, unlike (((You))). Now go back to >>>/lgbt/
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this is your neurons right now faggot!
>no U r jewish
Lmao lazy. Must be that African DNA again.
that's his dad's phone number
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(you) look like this but fat
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>Obviously, destiny is close with KT the previous owner of doxbin and has plenty of connections with high profile hackers lol.
can those hackers prevent a petrol bomb from flying through his window though? inquiring minds.
You're passionately defending Destiny's zionist fangirls while pretending I'm the jew you niggerbrained Nafri lmao. You're completely lost you tranny chasing homo.
>I killed people for a living for 8 years, I don't care about your faggoty hacker shit lmao.
yeah I was going to say
"ok you got hackers - neat - lemme know if they can stop a hand grenade."
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still talking fatty? Go die for israel already
Yeah exactly.
>oh no you got my email password!
Lol k, what's that going to do for you?
Post physique, I bet you're an abomination lmao.
He basically killed himself. If you want to be outraged with regards to his death, rage at his friends and girlfriend for their actions in the aftermath.
That was actually hilarious
I think it's finally starting to sink in just how badly he's fucked up his optics and he's freaking out because he knows the only thing worse than looking like an idiot in front of his videos is looking like 'the bad guy' in front of them
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So is he there to sell Hasan drugs or fuck him, what do you think?
>checked 3rd bat
welcome home bro
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You think ill be calling you fatty if I was one?
I would dwarf you at anytime zogbot
Now go fight for more scenes like this coward
Yeah you're afraid to post physique cuz you're a DYEL bitch kek. What a faggot fucking question.
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I know you are dying to see the body of a man faggot but of course im not gonna dox myself so you can goon
get a rope faggot
Remember when Ryan Dawson btfo out of destiny in Middle East foreign policy? I’m surprised he showed his face on the internet after that pathetic display. He’s only good at debating when it’s with low iq pseuds.
Kek what a fucking pussy. You don't have prison or gang tats or anything else that would give you away without your face. I'm leaning towards femboy fuck toy now. Probably get passed around by the full blood Nafris.
>and has plenty of connections with high profile hackers lol
Get a clue, cluebag.
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“Manic episode”

Nigger high ah hell
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you already got exposed as a faggot fatty zogbot!
I accept your concession. Troon out and be the trad wife you always wanted because you're certainly never getting one kek.
that's true until it isn't
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>destiny is such a low test manlet he lost his woman to a lanky tranny looking thing
Fuck that hurts
Listen to the way he tries to hype himself up after he leaves. He's so insecure and knows he fucked up.
I don't think you realise what can of worms he's opening. He's in danger now not only in public but from the current and incoming government. Guarantee something happens to this moron. You would be wise to disassociate with someone so stupid. When shot are fired and people die, your jokes aren't jokes any more. You're going to walk right into trouble.
He's baleting fucking everything. All his recent vods are gone.
Possibly even better
that's funny actually
I was having fun with him, he was all enraged by my bant. That's how you identify a newfag. And even the worst type...a zogbot newfag
He' back to furiously posting evil shit on twitter.
Seriously, he sounds like a stereotypical hollywood villain from the 1960's that kicks puppies.
>not a single WEBM
Israel Russia India Serbia and Canada need to be permanently banned from posting on /pol/ along with VPNs being permanently banned
Awe man i missed it what happened?
>um, you eat tidepods!
Kek, what a weasel.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Lmao no you weren't. Tell me about Tasty Rob and his get "oldfag".
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His name is Steven Bonnell
I when to his little community, its a hug box full of edgy teens talking about how smart he is and how he is sexy (i am not joking) he has spend the last few years creating a hug box for himself. I think he is a shut in and think the internet is RL. I know an artist that has a weird fetish along time ago who did the samething, he got bust for CP because he was living in a fake online world where he was a god
Wait... so this is the master debater leftypol and plebbit seem to love so much? The undefeatable debater? So all he does is literally cut you off, and insult you and never address any point, then let a black dude fuck his wife.
I'm impressed honestly.

You never argue in good faith with a woman. You never trust a woman, she will never be as capable as you.

I hope Destiny learned his lesson, he should've learned what woman's true nature is with his first wife.
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no one was talking to you fatty faggot
stay in your lane zogbot
you're still mad? fuck off you are very fragile to be in the military...or maybe they are not putting the best americans in...because you seem to be a disgrace
answer this man
(cant believe ima bump a destiny thread)
hows that nigger admixture working out for your dna? you nappy headed shitskin faghot
more pure breed than you mutt melting pot of bad genes
Keep pushing. He's about to break.
>2.5 hours of destorying 1 cuckservative after another
>leaves after hours of dead cuckservative bodies and still seeing how none of them are able to register a single information or able to have a conversation due to their trump dick suck syndrome
Yeah, not the win you think it is LMAO.
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>no one was talking to you fatty faggot
>stay in your lane zogbot
>you're still mad? fuck off you are very fragile to be in the military...or maybe they are not putting the best americans in...because you seem to be a disgrace
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another dumb mutt
Is there a recording of this? Please post it.
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top kek, what a retard
His only point was screaming "HE ORDERED A COUPE!"
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fuck I enjoyed this one
kek i remember watching this shit on newgrounds before youtube was a thing
hey guys. you ready for the first /DGM/.
migrate when ready
you talk like a zoom zoom sperg fag. must be brown
Fuck off destiny.
>high profile hackers
Does that include the mysterious one known as "four chan?"
No u
He’s fleeing the country right now lol. People are threatening to kill him on Twitter. Like several times per minute. LOL
Rip, didn’t catch it

And he got her from a lanky tranny looking thing (that was in an open relationship with at the time as well).
Hundred Years of Solitude type shit, lol
what the fuck is a "Biden flag"?
Kek this feels like 2016 all over again
Link to the woman dabbing on him pls
>i-I’m not fat and short I swear guise
Very good vid. Seems not everyone is comoley cucked and turbo christcuck on the board
Sharia Soon fren. Soon
Back to the CNN comment section you go pussy boy.
You're about to be tortured to death in front of the children you rape.
zamn ameriturds be mad

glad someone understands it
fucking snake eaters out here n sheeeit. noice.
he blabbers very fast and uses pilpul to seem 'smart' and 'outdebate' people so midwits watch him because they want to feel like they are smart too
M8, you're spain's armpit - literally the land of actual mutts.
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He won pretty hard
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Neat, thanks anon

would be SO embarrassed to be a tinytroon rn
youre brown
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>tinytroons in the comments making fun of her accent
What's going on libkikes? Are we the baddies?
Is she still in Nebraska?

Of course it is newfag.
Is this nigga even still alive?
whatever drink that doesn't kill his liver makes it stronger.
Ok now let's all tell Destiny that he won't do shit.
I hope someone lures him into a Minecraft server and grinds his polygonal body into little triangular bits and then feeds them to some npc dogs
Salt thread here
you are all absolute retards. the retard who made the tweets deleted them because his info was wrong. he himself admitted it was wrong

/pol/ retards are honestly the stupidest motherfuckers on the site. you freaks will believe anything
This guy killed himself. He didn't get randomly sniped out of nowhere by le evil fascist, he of his own volition went on to start a confrontation with a methed-up nigger at 3AM over saving a rental bike, he angered the nigger, and instead of hitting the throat instantly or running away, he kept doing light pushes on his torso which angered him even more. Then he couldn't run in a straight line and got himself knocked out by an anti-homeless bench that he supported.

His story has karma written all over it, he died because he was a retard, and it was magnificently stupid. Fuck him, he'd be celebrating the death of the innocent guy if he was still alive today.
First attempt was a fake to gain popularity
Next one won't miss
this needed its own thread?
atleast shouldve made it about how destiny is slowing taking the jewpill and isnt even aware of it
Holy shit, that's cool, quick question anon, how easy did you get over your first ? Like I mean how fast did you learn to ignore it ?

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