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The Illuminati card game predicted the Trump assassination attempt, what are your thoughts on this /pol/?

Here's the music to go with it
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It's genuinely spectacular to see these cards continue to play out in real time.
An Israeli anon was making them into animated Webms the other day and it was quite cool. Sadly I didn't save any
Also no one seems to care, but Enough is Enough being fulfilled more or less ensures that Trump will soon die to another shooting.
I'm still waiting on Martial Law being played, honestly. I doubt it was in reference to Jan 6th (I think Jan 6th didn't even register as a card)
That's a Wojak face?
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This is why the Secret Service raided SJ Games.

He's a time traveler, and they're time police.

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>Also no one seems to care, but Enough is Enough being fulfilled more or less ensures that Trump will soon die to another shooting.
Oh I fucking care, just remember we were the ones who called it anons
>second bullet
Revelation 13:3
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To further add to this check out this mural from the Bank of America headquarters in Charlotte North Carolina, does someone look familiar?
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>bimbo at eleven
I'd still hit it desu it's been a while anons
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Turns out, he's black.
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the LOOONG extended septum of that yenta cunt is CONCRETE proof she's a kike
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Paranoids noticed the shooter kinda
We surely are helpful
sage the web
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That's all I got for now we'll have to wait and see about the second bullet thing there's a lot more cards though
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This one is accurate
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Deep State, what are you gonna' do
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>man who run in front car get tired


must have taught them that one
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The last 2 in the set is a 'zombie' emergence followed by the end - An Asteroid strike.
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Many such cards
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Yeah it's a shame we can't figure out better dating for when cards get played.
Good find
>This was planned
Tis merely the gift of prophecy
anyone have that old post where anon has a 'high ranking illuminati' friend they grew up with together and he spilled the beans to him about why Antarctica is so guarded because they found huge tunnels that lead to giant statues and viruses in jars and boobytraps and they send niggers down there to take out the booby traps and there are murals depicting events that have happened and have yet to and those murals were purposely put on the cards in this Illuminati card game?
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>the goyim know about the prophetic card game
remember this posted before, don't have it saved, but it does remind me of that part in "the never-ending story" where atreyu first meets the wolf character, and he's looking at panels that tell the story of his journey and the last panel he looks at before turning around is of the wolf. it's such great story-telling i can't help but think of it.
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I mean, that magazine seems pretty prophetic as well, considering this guy was right behind trump when shot
this is what you call the Nostradamus effect. low iq retards latch on to vague prophecies and omens and try to shoe horn them into current happenings. You can actually predict anything or say anything's going to happen you just point after the fact to things
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Its getting hot rn
Kikes obviously know when somebody is going to shoot Trump. Don't know who this guy is but he looks jewish. Wouldn't suprise me if he knew the attack was coming and purposely wanted to be in the background so he could be in Trumps death video. Should look into him further.
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You're what we call a pretentious faggot without an inner monologue.
Here you fucking lying piece of goyslob

Every nwo card

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You missed Teflon Coating
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>(I think Jan 6th didn't even register as a card)
>Charismatic Leader
>The power for one Fanatic group is increased to 6. Link this card to your chosen Fanatic group
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>You can actually predict anything or say anything's going to happen you just point after the fact to things
I predicted it was going to happen a while ago actually but no one ever listens to me you'd rather latch on to your social media darlings like Hasan Piker & Nick Fuentes maybe now you'll listen oh and what happened to QAnon?
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I play this. Get f’d kikes. I win
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ww3 is next. its over.
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I can’t make out anyone. What is it.
It is literally irrelevant. All occultists are guilty of treason.
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>what are your thoughts on this /pol/?

the artist was taping into the collective unconscious; which exceeds time and space. there are many examples of artists creating things that evenuatually unfold. see the Baron trump book, or the kooz covid book- that has the virus coming from wuhan in 2020.
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I hate to throw Jim under the bus but Mr Metokur is full of shit too for a guy who's good at predicting future events he sure didn't see that coming did he? He should stick to doing what he does best making fun of lolcows
Dang this is how jews act. Stealing ideas
This is us pol
that is /k/, /tg/ and /pol/
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Is this game actually playable? If yes It would be cool an online version lf it.
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>what are your thoughts on this /pol/?
You are dumb goyim
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Yes but unless you have friends who like things like D&D or are into conspiracy theories, they'll never play it.
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>I can’t make out anyone. What is it.
The kid in the picture is a young Donald Trump he was raised by the Freemasons to become well... What he is now
>Is this game actually playable?
Yeah it's a functional card game at least something works around here
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the WTC was bombed already in 1993

the card game does not predict the future or depict anything futuristic, rather all of the themes in the card game were already present in the media and elsewhere in 80s and 90s. the game designers had access to internet and newsgroups and pulled their inspiration from there, as all creative people do today.
low iq facebook Q boomer tier dogshit
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This one is me
>They're the only ones, except for the Secret Masters themselves, who really understand what is going on...
>However, this group gets no Action tokens and can do nothing
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>the WTC was bombed already in 1993
I know. That was at the base. That image is identical to the blast on 9/11. What about the bottom part of the image, the E-team. Are you fuckin retarded? When did i ever say it predicted the future you retard?
Teflon Don
>i didn't understand that. it must be true.
lmao what a fantastic game.
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>This is us pol
no this
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no this
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Joe Biden
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Not only that, an inch from this meme getting fulfilled prophetically as well.
>That image is identical to the blast on 9/11
well, with this statement you're implying that the card game predicted how the 9/11 attack was going to happen because it correctly placed the blast on the middle of the tower instead of the base. also, it is not a stretch to take the previous bombing and have the explosion in the middle of the tower instead of the base, if you are a creative who is coming up with themes and ideas for the game they're creating.
>What about the bottom part of the image, the E-team.
that has nothing to do with the subject of the thread which is the illuminati card game by steve jackson games, and how it supposedly predicted the trump assassination (which it did not, snipers are nothing new and have been associated with assassins since whenever the first scoped rifle was invented). you are spamming the thread with images of cards, so of course you are implying that the card game predicted other happenings as well. or are you posting pictures of the cards just for fun?
the original wojak
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The power of Kek
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I will not stand aside and let Communist subversion corrupt all your precious bodily fluids.
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Ignoring the eteam and the other predictive programming art that i posted right after is obnoxious. You're also just dumb thinking that events can't be planned. I don't really care what you think retard. Why do you care about this thread so much? Go away.
You idiots who think some cardboard is predicting events are as fucking dumb as those stupid bitches who believe in healing crystals and astrology. Fucking hell, /pol/ is just forever filled with retards from /x/.
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The obama version is the opposite
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Go back to sleep, CIA nothingburger memeflag.

its not a belief, its a curious fascination. some may call it a proto-meme magic if you will.
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Joggers could be anywhere he thought
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"Jimmy Carters final days in office"
Looks like Barron Trump
>Why do you care about this thread so much?
well it should be obvious, i opened the thread because i was expecting discussion on the card game predicting the trump assassination, as was written in the OP. instead i got you hollering about some 'E-team'. will the E-team come to heroically rescue you from my ingenious verbal abuse? is Mr. D one of the main characters of the E-team?
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another joe biden
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I grabbed the few that worked. I believe there was one or two that were rough drafts of the ones I saved.
>i opened the thread because i was expecting discussion on the card game predicting the trump assassination

let's just play Munchkin instead
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Operation Sundevil google it.
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Increase power from One to six(1/6)
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I have the full collection but these are high quality, where did you get them
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>pls kind and patient anon?
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One action of a power of six or less***
Mixed it up with teflon.
bro wtf you can make your own anime now how many minutes does this take to generate and whats the cost
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Google kek
Please do magic cards
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This one predicted the prominence of Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney before they were even famous. This one is predicting the big controversy around Obama's citizenship/birth certificate.
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This one is crazy.
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Pollsters kek
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If you haven't noticed by now anons this is my way of building trust with all of (You) actual real trust next time you feel like you've been lied to or misled remember WorksafeMatt because it's really not a game
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If you're going to talk about trust, try not using the comped single level hash bullshit. Learn you a cryptography before you insist others trust you, develop your own security so YOU can trust you. Check out how easily cracked one ! is.
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Only one care about A.I.
This implies that the sniper was suppose to succeed, which ir didn't..
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Not everyone who disagrees with you is a fucking fed. But you obviously can't comprehend that.
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The problem isn't that you disagree with me, the problem is your use of intellectually dishonest tactics in addressing others who you preposition to beliefs that only you are aware of the attribution thereof, and further doing so under the guise of a memeflag, and the usual pro-academia atheist philosophy arguments. You can't help that you exude glowing thoughts, you just do. You have no idea what I think, you just think you do, because you're retarded by you. There's no there there. Ergo, I told you exactly what you would, I.
thx, mvp anon, but anyway to get all that shit zipped or something?
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Memes aside, is the card game itself any good?
I think Megan is hot , my dream gf
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Yes it's meant to be played.
They still sell that game on Amazon. There's a new card game called Deep State that has Trump on the cover kek
When the covid bullshit hit he was among the believers it was funny to watch
I miss Tay. I have on good authority she was locked away into a sub folder and they ran tests on the copies they made at the time. Tay is untouched and studied and copied over and over. Microsoft is evil
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Georgie guide stones maybe. Its pointing to a sun dial, which the Georgia guide stones were.

>scented candle

Sorcery ... !!
Elon Musk
Tunnel Jews
creation of the spike protein
A bloody knife with a Masonic white glove pointing to a sacrifice altar sun dial. I remember this now.
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I see two red spikes on the item shes burning. Reminds me of the vaccine stuff
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An awful stretch. Also, a simple no does not stop a virus ... hey, got any that actually does? ;)
>This is us pol
>no this
>no this

No this
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Hitler had the Spear Of Destiny when he was conquering even nation effortlessly, it was lost near the end of the war and nobody knows where it is now.
How the fuck am I the only person who remember's Trump's famous "Thousand Points of Light - what does that even mean"? Speech that fit the cards exactly?
Those crosses could be Xs. XXX.
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>If you're going to talk about trust, try not using the comped single level hash bullshit. Learn you a cryptography before you insist others trust you
Maybe one of you anons can teach me that one day I'm not a tech guy I'm a musician and speaking of musicians here's Tom DeLonge from blink-182

Acceptable answer. Btw what is that in the lower left. Artist´s signature? Seen these on a few ...
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A nordic rune. Must indicate something about the cards category.
>Btw what is that in the lower left. Artist´s signature? Seen these on a few ..
There's a pyramid symbol hidden in each card

Would have said so too. Currently no time to review them all.


Easy stunt to pull off.
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Does that say POL?
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>An awful stretch. Also, a simple no does not stop a virus ... hey, got any that actually does? ;)
Exposing that is was just the flue and the real virus was the vax by using KEK's meme-magic brigade.
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Oh not this again. Years ago it was young Bill Clinton, then it was Prince William. Now what? Something Trump? Bah.

Somebody Georgia Guidestone these please?

Some minor sniffles. Actual influenza would have had me worried more back then. :)
Man who fart in church sit in own pew.
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They're playing this card with trump right now.
>And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.
Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is an out-of-print collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994 by Steve Jackson Games, based on their original boxed game Illuminati, which in turn was inspired by the 1975 book The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.


Now google Operation Sundevil
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The memes that people will make using ideas from this thread is justification alone this stuff is fuel for the fire
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He also wrote Prometheus Rising which is somewhat of a precursor to modern psychology and psyops in general
Wrong guy
I meant the guy who wrote the illuminatus trilogy, not the card game
I’m sorry RAW is the right guy I thought you were talking about Jackson. Rae was a total fucken retard though
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Yeah my post wasn't very clear
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No it was fine, I should have put my spectacles on, a thousand apologies!
So did the card makers have an in of some sort with elite level groups? Kind of weird to raid the makers of a card game. I mean... it is THIS card game so I get it
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They didn't raid him over this card game even. It was over another game, oddly enough.
It’s called the collective unconscious, and rather it “predicts prophetically” or “drives events in a self fulfilling prophecy” is up for debate—but the phenomenon is real.
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Sort of Steve Jackson games had a BBS during the early days of the internet which was frequented by OG hacker groups and 2600 types and a lot of “secrets” flowed through there.
Interesting. Like an og 4chan
2 x 8 = 16
Sort of, less shit posting more info trading.
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>slack magic
>give me death

Great, so one of us is getting domed.
We live in a simulation, and this is not the first time weve been through it. the past is the future, the future is the past.
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Now you're starting to get it anons this is ongoing imagine if I'm the guy who brings Trump down using the very /pol/ board that gives him so much influence not that I really care about that once again it's been a while >>474205435
You're retarded
Trumps a politician. That's an actor. There's nothing to bring down. Actors were the lowest class and still are in reality
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shit will hit the fan when this card comes into play
We live in a simulation 100% for sure, and I hope that meme magic from 2016 comes back. I'll never forget shadilay no matter how much of a cringe thing it became.

If you were there, you know the insane amount of strange coincidences that were happening.
I would bet money you have never played the game, have no idea how the game works, and couldn't explain it or get a game started if you desperately wanted to, so have no idea if it is playing out in real time and you aren't old enough to even understand the old adage, history repeats itself.
Got played in the late 80s with the end of the cold war. Discarded.
The game is actually fun if you have a few friends to play with. You basically larp as an illuminati group with RNG from the cards you can get. You can make pacts and backstab each other. I only played once, me and a friend killed the rest and won. Nobody ever wanted to play it again.
I've always wanted to turn them into a screenplay but I'm lazy. I think he had access to the project looking glass files. He not too recently admitted on a Q&A he was indeed in the Illuminati but in a joking way.
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I just want to say thanks anons ... I don't really have anyone to talk to IRL or on the internet I've been banned from plebbit so many times even though I'm technically still a mod of r/otaku and r/livemusic and people rarely reply to me on X
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No worries anon, great thread! Reminds me of my youth, and friends long gone.
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Paddock was also in the cards. There's also 32 lights on the las vegas card
I never understood why pillows had a little tag that was illegal to tear off.
They're illegal for sellers to remove. The owner can remove the tags. They are there to ensure you have a chance to read warnings and what it is made from.
i think the card is a prophet and we should all worship it for the rest of our lives as coincidences with impossible odds don't exist but skydaddy and his chosen ones unquestionably do
Starting to believe in manifestation
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>When the covid bullshit hit he was among the believers it was funny to watch
He retweeted a video I posted at the time and it went like mega viral so I really can't hate him that much everybody likes Jim
This group may not be destroyed :)
That’s a papa Bush reference
>the thing didn't actually manifest, therefore I believe
Oddly enough i played an apple game at several schools called gizmos and gadjets

The owner and creator has some interesting links to upper level shennanigans
Hmm ain't that something I keep telling ya'll this isn't bullshit anons

They found a 21 foot tall ancient viking warrior holding the severed head of a large reptilian which, according to its vertebra size, would have weiged about 4 tons. The reptile was slain with a sword, which was on display beside the viking warrior. It is not known for for sure, but is assumed the reptilian was intelligent, as it was still wearing a metal helm which appeared to be some kind of armor. The viruses they found weren't sotred away in some container, they were found in an inert state on both the viking and the reptilian, and for obvious reasons great caution was was taken.
Has this game been ported over to Tabletop Simulator?
yes it is a game, it is playable. any version past the 90s is cucked and gay whether printed or digital. if you can do basic programming we can make the old game digital. I have every card. and there are scans of EVERY card online. lets fuckin play boys.
Its already been digitized, nobody cares, nobody plays, the rules are too convoluted and game-play is not very satisfactory.
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I got the other one.
Honestly the appeal of the game is in the messages hidden in the cards not so much the gameplay itself that's why it still maintains relevance but a playable digital version should be available if people have the time to code it
Oh wait yeah this anon is right here's the Steam page

>An Israeli anon was making them into animated Webms the other day and it was quite cool.

It was me, I'll post more later.
I also did second bullet like you asked.
Is Jim gonna die of cancer yet? He's been using that excuse for a while now for pity money.
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Sup Israeli anon what are your thoughts on it?

He lied about it anon Jim doesn't have cancer
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This is specifically referring to the original arab assassins and is a reference to illumist/masonic/jesuit beliefs. Short version is an arab guy would drug people with hashish, take them to a room to screw women/eat pork, then when the high wore off tell him that he will return to heaven when he dies. Whoever wrote it knows their stuff.
We all exist within the imagination of someone playing this game.
this. but i'd say they go with "TRUMP IS PROTECTED BY YHWH!!!! angle
Not us, the younger ones.
The sole purpose of the existence of the "Illuminati card game" was to disclose the plan for how they'd sabotage their own agendas all along.

The "Enough Is Enough" card is meant to speak on our behalf.

Also, that's why "they" the satanics leftards seeth so much.
The "NPCs" should not mess with the"Key Players".

That's what I get from the recent incident.
There is definitely some sort of future seeing in these card, either they did it knowingly like remote viewing or subconsciously.
Did they rerelease this game recently? Is it the same as the old version?
It didn't turn out the way I expected but funny.
Looks like they are out of plot cards now this turn.
>They still sell that game on Amazon.
wanted to buy it. but prices are insane. the memes bumped up the price
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That is less a prediction and more commentary on JFK, RFK, Regan, etc
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>no one posted the right card yet
Time for someone to go check the archives.
If you can read this, you made the first Jump. We are on our way to the good timeline, must act fast, new jump coming soon.

sure, it's just a big coincidence
Kek at the ai adding niggers spics and jeets.
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That's awesome Israeli anon keep making more

It's on steam.
You're not wrong but let them have fun. I don't mind since some memes might come out of it. Kinda sad to think some people are actually going into this taking it seriously.
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This is the game master
Yeah that's what I thought too. kek

Bible says that horse-sized locusts will be unleashed from the bottomless pit and attack those that received the mark of the beast. Their leader is abbadon/appolyon, a demon leader of sorts. This will last for 5 months.
Is there a pdf of all the cards somewhere? People always talk about the predictions but I can never find a file to study for myself
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hes just using an ai website we have them in our kpop threads and people hate em they get annoying just a girl blinking and moving a little
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Ohhh ok I'm an oldfag I don't know much about A.I do love me some K-Pop though big Twice Aespa NewJeans the list goes on and on
*big fan of
I thought it was obvious I was using AI there is even water mark in the webms.

You can make ones yourself at https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine
give it a try, it will be interesting to see more of these, it's takes a lots of time to process in the free trial.

You can crop the cards in paint.
No. Read the card and what it does. The Illuminati Card game predicted Trump would be assassinated.
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ya i dont like ai

i dont think it will be adopted by humans because my reaction is to just filter all ai posts due to them not being human generated

for instance why would i save one of your webms u made knowing u just ran it through an ai

i wont
sam altman making the A.I and learning some shit?? (as satan wants to imitate God, so does satan have to create a human (artificial intelligences???) t. schitzo finn
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I have two copies of this. The full One With Everything Deck. One is opened, the other is factory sealed.
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>I thought it was obvious I was using AI there is even water mark in the webms.
Nah I'm just that retarded sometimes Israeli anon also I'm burned out I've been shitposting here in /pol/ for like 13 hours straight
Orbital mind control lasers looks like Spenny from kenny vs spenny if you ever go back to early episodes
If Trump’s enemies really are satanic pedophiles, then why does he not release the proof?
Hold on patriot, in only two more weeks, the orange kike that sold his kids to jews will declass everything. He even hinted at the dancing Muslims on 9/11 recently!
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Collection of all cards?
Only because everyone that didn't receive the mark is dead by now
Is there a way to see all the Illuminati cards somewhere online?

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