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> rooftop was identified as a security threat the day before
> counter sniper didnt need approval to shoot
large if factual
factual if true.
Next rally the secret service going to take out a random innocent person because they're scared from all the backlash.
The CIA was going to double dip the chip on murdering a standing US president you don't like, then laugh in your faces as the entire establishment tells you: "motives unclear" for the next 25 years.

Imagine if his head exploded right then and there from the first shot. It was a 2500 foot per second bullet, his head would have opened up like a firecracker in a watermelon.
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listen. no one is innocent.
he was on the other side of that roof.
The guy on the roof with the gun could have been black and suffering from a fentanyl overdose. He didn't want to end up like David Chauvin
There is no proof yet that this sniper actually posted here, so until then
Big if large
>random /pol/ shitpost is now making media headlines
say hi to all the local news stations about to pick this story up.
If you a cute weather girl, hit me up ok?
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>troll post as source
Welcome to /pol/ post 2016 USA elections.
The Goyims know, shut it down by sewing some deceptions on the approval to shoot narrative. I don't want anyone figuring out that the CIA hired the shooter, doing a replay of John F Kennedy for obstructing an all-Jewish central federal reserve bank that's currently impovrishing the entire American middle class with 700% inflation in the last ten years.
>following an objectively bad order
Zogbots everybody
Wait until they blow this pic up to present in Congress and the SS has to say 'we can't comment on an ongoing investigation'
True if big
You could pop round through that. Two dudes launching 12 rounds through that tree would likely kill the dude.
Small if Fake.
Mike Lee here and I hate niggers.

Thanks for your time,
-Mike Lee
>some guy on twitter
massive if real
Disappointing if small
Gimme my klee
Its awesome because we say he did and now its his fault or worse
4 U
They also both had bolt actions
None of this shit matters. They should have had officers on that roof.
I don't believe it. In the Assange leak of the reuters reporter getting killed, a fuzzy image of a camera strapped over the shoulder that looked like a rifle was enough to start blasting.
>random innocent
>libs start shit
>gets shot

Here's why (they didn't shoot) >>474218835
Was it negligence or incompetence, both are plausible, yet also deniable. How are you going to build a case either way? The shooting is over, there is an official narrative, and eventually people will move on to the next thing.
I assume these guys were on the other roof but we still don’t know who shot the gunman, might have been a cop since there was a flurry of semi auto fire and all the snipers had bolt actions
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of greater than average stature if validated
Then again, saving an ex-president calls for rewards, promotions and massive respect. It's possible higher ups would have wanted to prevent him from getting promoted higher than them. What was the skin color of the guy above him?
Man these guys are kitted out, also a team in a pair. Have the suppressors, optics, rangefinders, tripods, the hats, someone said they are bolt actions in an AR frame.
There was confusion over who's responsibility the building was.
That led to confusion over if it was an LEO on the roof or not
A deputy was tasked with checking.
Deputy was unarmed.
Deputy fell off the roof when Crooks pointed the gun at him
but why is that sniper posting anonymously, could it be a new account or something?
Why didn’t they at very least block access to the ladder regardless? /k/ could have secured the site better
No there was NOT.
It was a clear line of sight for the Secret Service, per NBC.(picrel)
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>The day 4chan won again.
congrats, lads
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this shit is medium if rare.
>Identified it as a security threat beforehand
>Did nothing
Woman moment
>Why didn’t they at very least block access to the ladder
No idea. Ladder for security detail, roof repair, or sniper supplied?
>Glowniggers lie
Imagine my surprise.
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Larper mentions later in larp watching shooter mess his scope. Except shooter used iron sights.
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you can clearly see from the drone corpse photos that he was not where your image shows him to be
he was close to the small white connector between the buildings
>no username and no tripcode
>1pbtid thread
>tweeters take it as gospel
Life fucking sucks thanks to all these people.
Yes, I see that now.
This is troubling for a few reaasons:
1. Rifle at least 10 feet away from deceased shooter (how?)
2. NBC Graphic is cleary at odds with this photographic evidence
3. The video taken by a spectator was clearly from the OTHER end of the building (grassy side), so that would match the NBC graphic.
Asking a couple different threads
If someone could explain, is this larp being used my leftists to claim it was staged theatrics, or is this LARP being used to weave a conspiracy that the SS meant for Trump to die?

I've already seen / met several people that don't know the SS gives security to candidates, elects, and their families. Not just the president.
nbc are retarded
as for the rifle, I have no clue why it is so far away. he didn't bleed and crawl and its not the right direction to have been shot away from him as some claimed
might be someone went up there to clear the situation and then got back down but thats pure speculation
did he throw his rifle? there's no blood by it
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here's another angle. your guess is as good as mine. this was not the only ladder though btw, theres another to the right by a loading dock
that fucking retard pussy must have gotten up and tried to run after his initial three whiffs and then been put down.
Did this retard actually think he was getting out of their alive in any possible scenario?
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Why not both?
Not everyone has to be "in on" every aspect of a conspiracy.
It could be that it was a highly controlled event that was meant to serve as a warning.

>In the second part of the novel, "The Airborne Toxic Event," a chemical spill from a rail car releases a black noxious cloud over Jack's home region, prompting an evacuation. Frightened by his exposure to the toxin (called Nyodene Derivative), Jack is forced to confront his mortality. An organization called SIMUVAC (short for "simulated evacuation") is also introduced in part two, an indication of simulations replacing reality.
Welcome new friend
we need gore threads stat
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here's a bunch of shots to show some obscuring from the countersnipers pov
how much is hard to say
It depends. 4chan is usually an uncredible source until something actually happens and the warning was actually true, and then people are panicking as the internet hellhole known as /pol/ was right again and will forcibly make that known... again.

That's the issue with /pol/. It's bullshit until it isn't, and people constantly get caught with their pants down when monitoring this board.
So more or less a Rorschach test? Got it.
Well, your a Morman, so it was assumed.
>as for the rifle, I have no clue why it is so far away
secret service took a final shot to shoot the rifle in order to remove it from the suspect after he was already shot.
Lmao you can literally just drive into a carpark, put your ladder up against a walkway, climb onto a roof and shoot the president.
The competency crisis is real.
Clearly the Secret Service is compromised and helped the assassin. They have a long history of letting “lone nuts” shoot Presidents. They should probably be disbanded, and investigated by much harder and more serious men.
Is entirely possible these helicopter shots were taken long after the police went onto the roof and cleared the shooter of his weapon.
no shit
>None of this shit matters. They should have had officers on that roof.
SS fucked up enough protocols, it's impossible to believe the SS organization wasn't actively involved in attempting to assassinate a president.
We unironically need to listen to Bongino's assessment tomorrow
He will suck the dicks of his fellow SS retards., these types never turn on their buddies. He is a fucking faggot anyhow.
>crossed very large field with long rifle
>a ladder to the roof was waiting for him
>roof already declared a security concern
>did not need authorization to shoot
FBI is sure gun man acted alone
New footage. Yup guy who was shot in head was hit by the shot meant for Trump.
The kikes orchestrated the hits on the Kennedy brothers this one too. Pretty obvious and this is just more evidence.
lol tries for headshot on trump misses by inches. Gets a headshot on someone else.
>half-assed LARP makes the news.
BAKA. Those idiots will believe anything if they read it on the internet.
>4chan source is real
gullible shits
That guy was a ways from big Donny, shooter must have been shaking big time by then
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no he wasnt
That is some clown ass physics in your brain
>Assuming this account is accurate
someone please post the gif of a basedjak shooting at trump and hitler's ghost appears to stop the bullet. or aat least link the twitter post
aparently they "Shot the rifle away from the suspect before approaching him"

Of course he didn't. Not if the target had any kind of weapon. Shoot on sight. There's no time for permissions and second guessing. They know their personal and positions.

The problem is how lack the perimeter was. Rooftops with ladders. Reports of somebody on them.

Elevation with any sight on the detail needs security.
>on the next episode of /pol/ schizos...
This is probably accurate.
attention anonymous: this will all be a lot more clear if you work to make a 3d model of the scene.
>t. Knower
If they let him get passed security with an AR why take the chance of a miss and give him an rpg?
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You can add this part which is even more of a give away.
I think they didn’t end him with the first shot and continued fire as the fag tried to roll away before they brained him
Looks more like COVID to me chud
The entire internet is so siloed and censored everyone knows there are only a few places you can go to gleam even a kernel of truth.
thanks for saving my thread, fellow leaf
I was in the crowd and can confirm the guy next to him was tapping him on the shoulder and pointing at the shooter and all the sniper did was shrug and say "can't do it my man"
true if large
The corporation that owns that building needs to be dug through with a fine toothed comb. If you wanted to plant his candy ass up there surreptitiously, you'd have him camping out there well in advance.
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>noooo its not my fault
fucking pathetic
there is no fucking justice at all for these scumbags
they should all be in prison for failing to do their fucking job.
It's all intentional and they wanted Trump to die.

If this was Biden then they would be criminally charged almost immediately.
Fake if huge
Lmao who is saying that

Thats some movie ass shit

A bullet weighing .03 of a lb isnt moving a 9lb rifle more than a few inches, on a flat surface. It'l just go through or bounce off.

Even range targets designed to jump around when you shoot them only bounce like 4ft on a good one and fat slow pistol cartridges usually move them more than rifle rounds. Most times you get something downrange to move its because you blast the dirt underneath it, thats how you pop up like soda cans and shit.
gun could have been there too. didnt have to cross the field from his van with the rifle.
They’re using .338 Lapua Magnum, barely less powerful than .50 BMG, basically a necked down .50 BMG. Which is capable of defeating armored vehicles.

You’re retarded and a brown woman.
>graphic warning
That being said, it’s clear the Secret Service intentionally let the “lone nut” take shots at Trump. Crystal clear. Secret Service needs to be disbanded and every SS agent checked out by actual, hard men.
Real life isnt a video game, even 50bmg is not going to pick up a rifle and fling it 10ft. Its going to put a big hole through the aluminum, and the rifle isnt going anywhere.

The rifle is also moved away from the shooter at a 90 degree angle to where both sniper teams would be aiming from.

Please for the love of god touch a gun before you talk
My favorite part is the part where this wasn’t downtown Pittsburgh surrounded by buildings, there was one fucking building they provided overwatch for and they still fucked up.
>per NBC.(picrel)
Pretty based infograph from NBC, might have to give them another look
Also this is 338 lapua next to 50bmg
In one of the aerial photos of the dead gunman, his rifle was clearly several feet away from his body. Like it had been thrown clear of him, or he moved away from it for whatever reason. But since he was blown away immediately after firing his shots, I'm thinking he didn't even have time to move away or toss his gun
Shut the fuck up you stupid brown woman. We’re talking about ten thousand foot pounds of energy.

I’m sure you wished Trump got killed and you’re scared that you’ll be deported.
>brown woman on /pol/ keeps posting
Seriously not doing yourself any favors, toots.
Whenever they have a president making a public speech they go out of their way to make sure no one business has a contractor doing work in or even a power company on an elevated lift.
Either someone moved it, he threw it, or he moved. I dont know which shots on audio are his and which are return fire, or which killed him. If its the final late shot, its possible he tossed it or was moving away from it.
Bolt is a superior sniper rifle. Still crazy a shooter could get 180 yards away on a roof everyone can clearly see is an ideal spot.
Tremendous if anything
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Tautological as much as non-contradictory.
Secret Service don't seem to be very secret
>NPC trumptard uses 4chan larp to fuel his pro-zogbot rhethoric
Normalfags were a mistake
They must have given Trump the Great Value Secret Service Agents.
He would've been 1) confused and startled, and 2) knew he was about to blow a nigga away. He overcame all of this in a matter of seconds. Expert marksmanship. Assume situations like this happen all the time among even elite soldiers.
ooh thank you kind stanger. I don't understand is this some kind of 4chan thing where everyone purposfully picks Anonymous as accuont name? I see the ID are different. where do I change my username?
Bolt action is the second strongest and most accurate next to the rolling block or Sharps which are tied for first.
Not to mention the huge lifetime length number of times before this where he didn't have to blow a nigga away and didn't have to actually worry about some scurrying ideologue
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You don't need a fucking order as sworn law enforcement which federal agents are, idk what he is because I've seen SS wear police patches as they are allowed to act as law enforcement since they're a federal enforcement branch. They can make arrests and use deadly force, they operate by rules of engagement not asking for permission, that would be stupid and lead to delays that get people killed, including themselves. If they see an armed guy up there with obvious intent to shoot people, they can shoot. If he's pointing towards people, even better articulation.

The 4chan post was bullshit and that's the fake name they made up in the post, so this is related to that random shitpost. He hasn't spoke to the public and he was not an officer. Federal enforcers have the title of agent. Right off the bat I knew this was a lame layman attempt at clout.
Has anyone come up with a plausible explanation on how the gun is so far from the body?

And the videos show the guy flopping/crawling closer to the opposite side of where the dead body and even farther gun ended up. Is that just a perspective thing or is something more afoot?

The witnesses said they saw the guy climbing a ladder but on the picture the ladder is on the other side. Is there another ladder or are our perspectives just totally fucked up?
This place is full of glowies now
Fuck you zogbots
die kikebots
burn in hell you white race traitors
Police snipers need scopes but some 20 year old with no training almost iced trump using iron sights. Interdasting.
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who's the pedo mustache man?

snipers don't need a nanny in order to neutralize a threat to the president, he was in on it or just your standard cowboy shitting the bed when it counts

many cowards like that think they can hang with the big dogs, he also flinched like a little bitch

guaranteed the flunked out of basic training

fucking cunt
I'm making the assumption he's SS and not some rando local police officer because the guys that came out wearing tac gear had POLICE patches too, and I've seen SS wear those patches personally. It's to avoid confusion when they give an order to someone who might think they're just some private security or something. They're federal agents and can arrest you. They also wouldn't let a random local police officer get that close to their protectee with a high powered rifle. They're not screened like SS are and will only be acting with SS for the day of the event. Their could be some libshit cop that shoots their candidate. They seem to have a policy of not letting the locals within handgun range and not having them walk around with rifles deployed. The local police at these events are more perimeter security and backup if needed.
President’s choice secret service
Upon closer inspection, the patch says Secret Service under police. He's an agent, the post titling himself officer is BS. SS does not have anyone titled officer. He was in direct radio comms with SS but likely not with the local police who received the perimeter report. Afaik they don't even set up a radio relay team, meaning they don't have 2 guys from both agencies sticking together at all times to relay radio information to both channels. You can't just switch those radios to the same channel and hear each other, police radios are encrypted or something.

So if the local PD around the perimeter saw him or got a report, there would've been a serious delay in reaction time for SS to receive that same information, and they likely never received it within that minute. I'm just gonna say, SS did not link up radios with local police at the event I was at, and there's really no way to do that without extensive planning. Some radios are not even linked between local police and the county sheriff or state troopers. They all buy their own radios and use the same channel unless they're smart and create a linked channel... they're uh, not smart. SS has some serious flaws in my experience as well.
*they buy all their own radios and use a different channel
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This is the "head" of the secret services
you're the dumbest cunt, you think everyone in the past world wars used red dots and scopes?
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People actually fell for this larp?
Do they not know how 4chan works?
thats cool and all, but it doesnt matter if one of them ducks like a bitch and doesnt shoot, and the other just sits there doing nothing
Fake, shill glowfaggot.
Double correct.
multiple shots were fired. so its possible he tried to move from his original position and got shot while moving
>4chan thread with no proof
yup... that's great
good news sources all around
No digits, though, so it can't be true.
I gather english isnt your first language so cant fault you; for context, "account" in this context also means "their story" or "their version of events" et cetera

Listen rookie, just the sound alone of getting shot at would get him running, you little twat. From that distance I can throw a grenade, with accuracy, you piece of shit. Ask for your parents permission before you post, pajama boy.
>Do they not know how 4chan works?
No, they do not.
>retard twitterite repeating a 4chan post as proof
although to be fair that's how the "Trump dossier" started
That dude was reading my speculation in a thread and then went off and made his LARP thread. Now it’s on twitter with important people posting it. I feel bad about it and I didn’t even do it.
>None of this shit matters. They should have had officers on that roof.
The third Amendment says otherwise.
>"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."
What did they send Paul Blart - Mall Cop or something?
>some retard made a 4cuck thread so it must be true
I thank my mother for not fucking a nigger retard and not conceiving me retarded like your mulatto ass
Should have had a two man team on that other roof to begin with. Even local zog PD would have been enough.
bros the pic is unrelated, my bad. the prof is in the 2nd post
> rooftop was identified as a security threat the day before
> counter sniper didnt need approval to shoot
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The jew Mayorkas and his Pepsi diversity hire denied Trumps detail sufficient manpower.
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yeah now theres something coming out about "cracks in the third wave of security detail" or some shizzzz
Cool yeah let me throw off my aim and have to reacquire target by jerking off the bolt.
Semi auto is the clear choice if you are not retarded for maintaining sights picture for followup shots.
That other ladder does not reach the roof. Also do SWAT teams usually bring tall ladders with them when they are on assignment? My guess is that's the shooter's ladder.
He was disarmed by SWAT who climbed up there. Then they left the rifle because it's a crime scene.
We don't even know if that's the right guy, there was another one in the fishing hat, plus his partner is right next to him. Maybe someone else got him first right before he was going to take the shot. Until we know the details we don't know jack shit.
gay if fake
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The thing is, even if any of that is true, it will be 50 years before it's settled in the courts.

Anyone who intentionally or through gross negligence or incompetence contributed to a nearly-successful assassination of a former & incumbent President will not really have to answer for their crimes or even be dismissed from their post in any expedient length of time. Some Rs in congress/senate will bark loudly for the entertainment of their constituents but we unfortunately don't live in that world where people will effectively be held accountable for their actions.
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/Case Closed
>Some rando makes a 4chan thread without proof
so suppose it was a blind spot, why weren't security stationed on that roof too, then? they clearly had sights on him for at least a minute and at most seven and a half minutes before he started blasting, so why not inform presidents security to take the president away if you cant cap the shooter? clearly this is a setup
what. the fuck.
this is the best post itt
Listen Lennie, when you can’t see something hidden behind a tree you literally don’t know what’s there. I know this hard for you to comprehend.
>4chan thread of some retarded larp troll posted to shitter and screencapped back off to post on 4chan
/pol/ really is just boomer territory now jesus christ
Did they really take a possible shitpost on 4chin seriously? I was in that thread and op never actually verified it was him. Didnt even post his dick baka.
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Guarantee you the FBI found Crooks online and groomed him. It’s one of the only things they are good at. It’s like the Whitmer kidnapping plot patsies or that mentally ill kid they got caught encouraging to commit terror acts. Secret Service’s orchestrated ‘incompetence’ intentionally left him with an easy shot. The other thing the FBI is good at is covering their own tracks when they do this sort of shit. Whatever narrative they want to construct about Crooks is what we will get through their selected release of his online activity.
Pretty much. "Washington" and "accountability" are two things completely foreign to each other. Worst case is that the current head of USSS will resign. Womp-womp.
What would they do on that roof? Aim back at the sniper team who's aiming at them? Just put down a blanket and have a little picnic?

The better question is why there was no police presence around the building, but I guess someone was trying to save money lel.
>possible shitpost
Anon, I....
ya i just saw that one. there's a good good gems in here actually
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Is there a picture of the second sniper team or were there only two dudes sniping??

Also, can someone please post pic of swat on the roof with the shooter's body pulling rifle from his hand?
>Just put down a blanket and have a little picnic?
sure, while they make sure nobody gets on that roof and get an additional vantage point on the rally for better security.
>Worst case is that the current head of USSS will resign. Womp-womp.
and get a new cozy top management job somewhere else instantly proposed to him
She was running Pepsi before this. Yea the soda pop monopoly.
read the thread we dont know how the gun magically got 10+ feet away from the shooter. i did hear someone mention in another thread that it was reported somewhere that they shot the gun away before approaching him. but theres photos of him on the roof dead, no one else on the scene yet, and the guns 10 feet away (scroll up itt)
Here >>474219274
Allegedly on the far barn
>to him
The current USSS directory is a woman, anon.
There is a pic of when SWAT first got on the roof and one of them is pulling the gun from the dead shooter's hands. That's what I'm asking to be posted.
The post is retarded.
>sniper LOS blocked enough for shooter to get into position
>but not blocked THAT much that they didn't smoke him after only 2 seconds.
Also where are pics of the second team? Where is the information that there were two teams coming from???
read first post ffs
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>mainstream media uses 4chan as a source
>this is an overall improvement in credibility
Out of all timelines we could've ended up in, this is one of them
It's actually even worse
>some neet basement dweller larping on 4clam
Idk how people fall for this shit
>is a woman, anon.
oy vey, its even worse than I thought. why would anyone give a fucking woman that important position?
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Found a good enough pic. See what the cop on the right is doing? Pulling the rifle from the dead shooter's arm. Case closed you fucking retards.
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we get it, youre eglin botnet
Go back to /k/uck. Glownigger.
They post from ft meade you smelly dumb boomer
They tried to kill Trump the way they are killing our country, with inept diversity hires managed by jews. They put some crone in charge of his security detail that was in charge of security at Pepsi, again Pepsi. Not former CAG / Ground Branch / Team 6 / MARSOC, or tier 2, a lady that worked for Pepsi. Guy I use to work with was invited to be the head of security at Cesar's Palace in Vegas, he had 165 direct action missions under his belt. The entire chain of command is poison.

They are killing him with willful negligence the way our cities are being killed by Soros DAs. It's the same attack vector. Be incompetent or feign incompetence, duck all responsibility but still achieve the desired outcome.

You can tell the feds are sweeping this under the rug because they are claiming they can't access the assassin's phone. That's bullshit. They can send it to the NSA who can physically remove the chips to get the information off the phone.
If you're glowies please stop posting shit like this on 4chan. They're gonna turn off this site.
no drone, no proximity sensors, no cameras, no local zog pd on the roof, no access control to whatever ladder he used

4chan post of a twitter post of a 4chan post.
Still more reputable than CNN.
Imagine if something like this actually happened because some construction guy was mad that trump stiffed him in some real estate thing 30 years ago and used all the politics to evade suspicion
Hey guys, it's me, Jon Wilson again. Just wanted to say thanks for all your help in the investigations.
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2196865114?t=0h49m6s Here's a video (@49min 6sec) where the second team gets on the roof.
Reminds me of a clip I saw of two guys squaring up with the woman in the background giving the advice: ”Let him hit you first”
alreay linked for u. the first sniper duo, one guy was doing some low-squat wheras these two are both setup for a kneeling position
Why wouldn't they have people on that roof anyway?
>First 3 slow shots
That was from the shooter
>4 rapid semi auto shots
Suppressed shots from one of the Secret Service armed with SR16
>2 shots with long pause
Suppressed Counter sniper shot, the kill shot and "make sure he dead" shot
Brandon why did you do it?
A /pol/ post without proof turned into a tweet by a nobody and retweeted by somebody and posted on /pol/ as a thread starter.

Here is what likely happened:
The SS really does not want to shoot while their charge is giving a speech. First of all that carries the risk of causing a panic and secondly, it definitely influences the election by all the press coverage such a shot would spark.

Furthermore the SSsniper was using optics with a magnifieing effect. He doesn't have a lot of awareness of his surroundings. I believe that in one of the videos you can see the guy pop up his head from the optics to orient himself before shooting.

As to why that roof wasn't covered? Well, it was. The shooter was taken out in less than 5 seconds after his first shot. We don't know what other security measures there were that the shooter slipped through. Maybe some ground level grunt fucked up or was distracted somehow snd that is how the shooter slipped through behind the guys watching the approaches to the building.
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Thanks, anon. It's hard to make out, but I see the pair in black walk up the roof and start to set up. That's the kind of evidence I wanted to see...

...and the kind of evidence being asked for you dumb leaf nigger >>474242416 An mspaint picture is not proof of anything you dumb faggot.
>the plan was that he pops up and 360 noscopes Trump head off in such perfect moment that passing eagle eats his maga hat
>also he was such shitty shot that rest of his shots went nowhere near Trump
Why does everything need to be this kind of retarded 5D chess moves?
>a literal 4chan post
This place is just an ouroboros of shit. kill yourself OP
Does she has baltic jewish ancestry? Looks like Nuland's clone.
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Leave it to the Germans to add some common sense to a retarded thread.
>SS really does not want to shoot
If they see someone with a gun out they're gonna blast. The question is: how quickly they saw the shooter.
>shooter was taken out in less than 5 seconds after his first shot
Correct. Volley of return fire comes ~5 seconds after the shooter gets off the first of his 3 shots.
>ground level grunt fucked up
There's a rumor that a cop climbed the shooter's ladder to investigate, shooter pointed rifle at cop, and cop climbed back down. It's probably bullshit, but who knows.
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woah NBC isn't reliable?
At least the mystery is solved. Fuck, I was going nuts posting about this insanity. Even /k/ told me to shut the fuck up about it.
cop on the left
>oh man. thats funny. what a great day.
All they had to do was post some local cop with his service pistol on the most obvious best position for an assassin.

Trump staged the whole thing
Nice how the guy leaning down in front of the body is more concerned about his phone and trying to get a pic rather than anything else.
Dumb enough to believe some rando on Twitter? This country is doomed. Fuck you’re stupid.
Wrongful death suit incoming. She'll get promoted even higher.
There was a second sniper team. Check and mate.
Two options:
DEI hires have made the Secret Service pretty much useless. Notice all the women agents? Notice how the director of the Secret Service was the director of FritoLay’s security team before and was never in law enforcement or military?
It was an inside job. A guy crawled up onto a roof with a gun with a perfect view of Trump? The SS should be able to take care of that… but they didn’t. The SS and local authorities knew of a person on the roof with a gun for at least 3 minutes. Multiple videos confirm this. People were shouting for them to get the guy on the roof, but they just stood. It wasn’t until he got the shot off that hit Trump that they started firing on him. Impeachment to suing to ballot removal to felony conviction to assassination. It was the next logical step for the shadow government.
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Pic of second sniper team taking position.
What would they do on that roof? Sit around as the counter-sniper team aimed at them?

The better question is why there were no cops for a perimeter around that buildings lmao.
I think, reading between the lines, the advice there was to "make sure that you aren't the aggressor"
Ah yes, because the elite 20 year old retard sniper that Trump’s team hired was able to get as accurate as to graze Trump’s ear within one centimeter of lethality from 150 yards away. Makes sense.
>Makes sense.
this whole thing makes so little sense that the most likely explanation is that this is part of the great reset. and they have abilities outside the parameters of our imagination.
He doesn’t know
It almost feels like a Princip WWI moment but only Trump survived. Future still uncertain.
Trumptard. Innocent.
This sounds most plausible.
Failed his hit and was trying to GTFO. Got lit the fuck up
Anti police rhetoric doesn’t stop these cunts from fining citizens into ruin. He’s a poser.
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I made this version with a bit more context
>believes Assange
the fact that anything remotely credible thought some retarded post from some nigger here was true is astonishing.
I've never shot anyone and even I know that you don't use a semi-automatic rifle for sniping... because you only take one shot. This is why you use a bolt action rifle (with either a very small or no magazine sticking out of the bottom) as well as optics sighted in for the distance you intend to shoot. Once you fire the first shot, your position is compromised and you either move or you're dead.
5 hours after Trump was attacked, German TV aired that movie Vantage Point, which is about a president getting assassinated during a speech. The attack happened around midnight in German time and the movie was aired very early in the morning, so it's probably not something they did because the theme fit.

Coincidence? Bad taste? Glowie signal? Who knows.
/pol/ is actually almost never right. This one is likely a shitpost, but it's been common for news to crawl imageboards and claim posts as breaking news since the late 2000s or so.
Would people vote for me if I ran on the promise that I'd enforce hangings as a punishment in congress?
that is a huge deal if true
That sounds so fucking suspicious
Military coup when before they're also filled with fags and DEI
>I've never shot anyone
Stopped reading there. The distances here are not "sniper distances" but still fall within regular engagement. You don't need a bolt action for that at all. that's a boomer-ass take, anon.
>Saddam Hussein
I laffed
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o yea, that was fun
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facticool if big
>As to why that roof wasn't covered? Well, it was.
Roof should have men on it to be covered, or watched from another, much taller building. You followed the truckers protest in Canada? All the roofs around were occupied by glowies and drones were filming participants 24/7 few days prior to attack them. Seems when is to make sure faggots like Cuckdeau stay in power, no expense is spared.
negligent if inaccurate
>The Secret Service runs straight to /pol/

there were allegedly police around the building even searching for him and failing after he was spotted and acting weird, then one of them even climbed the roof and found him and for some reason pussied out
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Well damn, I called him a larping faggot
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\o\ large if in charge /o/
So stunning and brave
>take a sip from a large coca-cola bottle
>SS sniper mistakes the bottle for a gun
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Allegedly. We'll have to wait and see if any of that is true.
>map not to scale
Fuck outta here, abbo nigger.
Thanks, anon. Someone else linked me the live feed where I saw the second sniper team setting up. Good to know they at least did that.
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The CIA tried to assassinate Trump.
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I think they are fingerprinting him not pulling his rifle, this pic? (left)
Honestly, all these fucking journos scraping /pol/ for information and shit, always end up poisoning the well with fucking baitposts and larps.
>it's the reason why the Sniperpost is being posted on fucking checkmarked accounts
>it's the reason why that fucking attentionfags face got posted everywhere as the shooter

then you get shit like this thread. with people regurgitating the posts that everyone already shit on in the previous thread and actually questioning it.

I can't believe anyone actually believes this
That's fucking retarded anon. Why do it in the field instead of at the morgue? You should McKill yourself.
>peer reviewed study
>/pol/tards "obviously jewish lies"
>anonymous 4chan shitpost
>/pol/tards "i believe every word of this"
the "skeptic" community, folks
this type of shit is the new zoomer meme
I don't think it's a guy with a botnet but instead a bunch of underage b&s
that would make them 3rd not second.
I am a Nigerian Prince.
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assassinations often came with reduced security and the like close t the event (diana, jfk), by making it look like this was another one of those deep state planned attempts but trump surviving they want to make it look like trump is safe from the dark forces by divine intevention. they pander to the tinfoils on the right but twist it in their favour. they essentially run with the narrative but use it to their advantage, driving the schizos mad and arificially stimulating their pattern recognition.
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>As to why that roof wasn't covered? Well, it was. The shooter was taken out in less than 5 seconds after his first shot
By being "covered" I think that people mean that the shooter should not have had access to it or the building should have had SS/Police stationed on it.
Also the shooter should have been taken out before he even made his shot.
And when it comes to panic now we got 1 dead spectator, 2 injured spectators, 1 injured presidential candidate and 1 dead shooter instead of just 1 dead shooter.
>NBC Graphic is cleary at odds with this photographic evidence
the news is fucking dumb. Fox news had someone at the shooter's house in Bethel Park this morning and the graphic said "Butler, PA" (Where the shooting happened) (The shooter's house is in Bethel Park, PA, 1 hour away)
So they shot him to shut him up.

This thread has exposed some very significant anomalies.
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It's expert blocking. The whole setup. Whoever placed the snipers is in on it, there's no question.
Snipin's a good job, mate!
What is the news on this faggotry? Through promises of diamonds, gold, offshore bank accounts, blowjobs, rimjobs, dinners out and cocaine made the window time a possible thing.
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>Is this camera mirrored?
>No, no, I can read the letters on the signs
>How did someone get hit there? I would expect the other side
A Twitter post about a /pol/ post and then posted on pol again as a Twitter post.

Why? Why new fag this hard
>All they had to do was post some local cop with his service pistol on the most obvious best position for an assassin.
A couple min wage secuity guard with a comm radio would've be sufficient for the day.
Would've cost like $300 max
Picrel, shooter was nowhere near as far back as to have the faggot tree obscure the view.
absolute retardation

Alejandro Mayorkas' Dept of Homeland Security has reduced Trump's Secret Service detail into a bunch of helpless women.
we are reaching negative levels of IQ that shouldn't even be possible
in that thread he even refused to show tats or any proof kek
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If I put a ladder there, will he die?
why is the MSM repeatedly sources random fucking 4chan posts as real news and then spreading them around?
that "secret service sniper" post talked about looking at the guy adjusting his scope when the shooter's gun had no scope
it's pure, proven fake, completely debunked bullshit LARP
Look at Google Maps. It's Joever.
It’s the infinity mirror of retardation.

A Twitter post using a /pol/ post than is then posted back on /pol/ as a Twitter post.
>Assuming this account is accurate
Assume makes as ass out of u and me
the shots were coming FROM that direction
when trump turned his head it was paralel with the direction of where the crowd was
see >>474240779
his followup shots are likely what hit the bystander and went a bit low and to the left
remember how the eye witnesses were saying the shots were coming from behind and the guy got hit in the back of the head
yep, thanks
it's good to piece it together
cool idea
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I’ve been thinking about this a lot tonight. I think focusing on the DEI aspect is a mistake. I think Mayorkas is behind it, as in really behind it, like it was his idea to kill Trump although the Bidens and others were in the know. He gave Trump a mixed bag of scrubs for protection and witheld more security, ordered it be that way through Cheatle. Whoever was running things on the ground and overseeing the scrubs is who set the stage to give the shooter his easy shot. They did it on purpose. It wasn’t just negligence. It was an assassination plot. Also interesting s that for the shooting Joe was in church while Jill just happened to be in nearby Pittsburg and siphoned off even more SS agents from Trumps rally. Fishy, evil behavior. They were complicit. Would be interesting to know when she first scheduled whatever thing she was doing there.

Somebody found Crooks and groomed him. I’ve thought it must surely be the FBI because that’s the exact thing they specialize in and they hate Trump. I guess, though it could be other glowies. You don’t need crazy MKULTRA shit. Just find the right loser outcast in a chatroom and egg him on and give him intel about the rally site. If this thing was more Mayorkas it might even be .Mossad, since they specialize in that sort of thing too.

Yeah the FBI will be covering up. We will hear the narrative they want to spin out of what they choose to release. Yeah the phone thing is blatant. They of course have to be sure there is no record of contact with whatever glowies were handling him.

This was an assassination plot involving a sitting President against his opponent. 100%. I wonder if Trump even understands it this much.
Yeah Trump ruined everything including this place.
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nah, it is quite literally the botnet jews run out of eglin, better known as reddit. theyre the exact same bots, talking to the exact same bots, behaving like bots, only here. mods are glowniggers and jews, and know all about it. thats what that whole Mr. Enter psyop saga was all about, repurposing the bots from reddit since literally nobody uses reddit, assigning them 4chan passes, and employing a number of them here.
I hate that motherfuckers face so much and now I understand why.
>50 years
>settled in the courts.
Nipanon presidents, kings, princes, senators and prime ministers are dropping like flies your own included. We are no longer in an era where due process is the solution. Off the top of my head (kek) I can recall:
>The previous saudi crown prince
>All those african PMs that were deleted the second they said no covid lockdowns
>Lori McClintock, wife of a republican senator
>Rhonda Massie, wife of representative Thomas Massie who went on the Tucker Carlson show just a few days prior and told everyone that every single congressman except for him has an "AIPAC guy" that tells them what to say
>Trump (attempt)

We're in interesting times.
> anonymous 4chan post
>better believe it
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so youre saying youre jewish?
US Marines need approval before they are allowed to shoot at people pointing Aks and RPGs.
Holy shit, the head canon here, this is a fucking hilarious post.
Look at that picture!
That's fucking funny man, nice joke.
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This just in, Mike Lee is based.
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Half his detail were also obese women who couldn’t find their holsters and were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, when they weren’t cowering behind something instead of protecting Trump.
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O I didn't know that
And another thing: “Failure of interagency communication” when someone’s plot raises eyebrows about the people who are supposed to protect us is a go-to excuse. The official narrative blamed 9/11 on exactly this. They’ll do the same thing here. SS and local police didn’t share information which led to what happened. Whatever worthless hearings we get in the future will be full of this excuse.
this is a photo of his dead body after the shooting
this is not where he took the shots from you can clearly see where he takes his shot
and its right where the nbc photo shows
the rifle the FBI claims to have recovered had a scope on it. I'm not denying the FBI is full of shit but they put a scope on it.
jesus christ i can't believe how many retards fell for this larp. both here and twitter
It’s true. The real issue though s that Biden, Mayorkas and Cheatle conspired to murder Donald Trump.
thats the only thing I could see making sense. ss couldn't actually see him until he got up from prone to re-position or leave which is when they got him.
You're a big fact
the FBI has allegedly refuted this
thats a great response, because now they are left with one question. What the fuck happened?!
kys then come back to life and kys
either very good actors, or they were genuinely like
>is that what I think it is
>pop pop pop
>Oh Fuck
women uselessly screaming has been getting under my skin lately, I think its this board, but what the fuck. men are trying to communicate important details lady, going ahhhhwahahhwahhh not the fucking time jesus christ.
>the elites are all knowing and powerful everything is fake and orchestrated, muh masons
get the fuck out of here faggot.
if you could see a shooter in your sights for 3 minutes why didn't they at least take trump off the stage?
nobody is this fucking incompetent and they tried to mask it as incompetence.
Why would the sniper need approval to shoot? lol. They didn't need any kind of approval to shoot ashlii babbitt.
its why they have no official answer 2 days later. they were expecting Trump to be dead and now he's not and they have no explanation. They were expecting a funeral and memorial to play on the tele 24/7 this week while they squeaked out a silent report only we would read and the average Joe would say hush if we mentioned. But Trump isn't dead and average Joe is now looking for answers too.

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