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Ramp it up boys.
he's a 5'1" cuck. nothing more needs to be said to or about him
im going to be fucking cackling when some incel goes and breaks this dude's door down
I guess he's been doxxed. It'll be interesting to see what happens coming up.
It's going to happen 100%.
Imagine if it happened while he was streaming.
Because they know he's right and they're mad
destiny is 100% logical consistent, it is the entire democrat party and media who are wrong by their 8 year long record

he didn't change his position
Boy, it sure would be a shame if someone confronted him in person. I'm not saying in his house, but on the street. Maxine Waters said that shit like that's ok, right?
Lmao, they should throw some bricks at this cucks house. This manlet would quiver in fear
Uhh he gets paid for these kinds of engagements. Just ignore him.
Dysgenic freak should be executed for the good of the gene pool
Destiny? The cuckold?
Don't listen to this cuck faggot. Report him to Florida for inciting violence against trump supporters.
I genuinely hope the scumbag goes to jail for the shit he said about Corey Comperatore alone. Remember his name. COREY COMPERATORE.
He was saying some truly deranged shit. He's a 35 year old guy acting like an edgy 12 year old.
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>Because they know he's right and they're mad
Push him over the edge. He's so close.
denialisty, once he admits he's dumb, gay and likes bbc he will finaly be happy with himself.
I think this is as far off the edge as a little manlet cuck like him can go outside of doxxing random Trump supporters for the hell of it
Never going to happen.
One he lives in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in Miami Beach, probably can’t just waltz right up to his door.
Two he owns several firearms so that would be a dumb idea for anyone to even try
I can't wait for this stupid faggot to actually go out and start shooting people who he thinks is right wing. Either way he's ruining himself right now and it's hilarious.
It would probably be one of his liberal viewers too because of his stance on Israel and him taking money from Israelis to support them on his streams.
20 years ago this faggot would have been bashed next time he appeared in public.
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People still give this faggot attention?
>nobodies yelling at mega $$$ streamer

>everyone that disagrees with me is a troon

you people are literally fucking retarded please kill yourself soon
no, he is 100% consistent with the democrat party position of the past 8 years
it is the media and democrats who did a deranged heel face turn
>Lolcow reaching the end of his career heading out to pasture to get milked
called his mom earlier
>Ramp it up boys.
Fuck off not making money for your faggot boyfriend.
Twitter Jannie ARG
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I unironcally wish we could go back to comfy times and just have a 75ish percent White America. Just people disagreeing on how taxes should be spent and crossing the street if a pair of nogs are coming the opposite way on a sidewalk. But at this point in America we have become so divided on the nature of reality itself and biting the White hand the keeps the lights on and food on the table. Violence is the ultimate authority and we didn't start this fire. It's all orchestrated by jews, illuminati, and free masons that got butthurt when they caused 2008 and we reminded them with Occupy Wallstreet that they have to make us happy or get guillotined. Their response was to divide and conquer with golems thinking that making things untenable for the layman will just allow them to institute their faggy ass WW3 depopulation methods and they wouldn't get burnt on the fall down as well.
>>everyone that disagrees with me is a troon
correct, you fuckin tranny LOL
We’ve seen lefties can’t shoot lmao
>nobodies (functioning members of society) yelling at mega $$$ streamer (job: exploiting engagement revenue)

They dropped the position because it was a psychopathic fedpost and it blew up in their faces but destiny is too much of a retarded drug-addled lolcow to realize that he's dying on the hill that everyone else with two braincells abandoned.
Tell this deformed mutant to fuck off and go back to fuckity fuck island where he was born or stand on business stop hiding behind your screen puss boy
Lol what did you say
you dramatically underestimate how bonkers this country is going
>He's a 35 year old guy acting like an edgy 12 year old.
That's the final stage of streamer death. Last desperate attempt to get attention and views when their channel is dying.
who the fuck cares about this faggot, oh yeah you, because you're a faggot too
Getting a weird feeling that he's being set up for something horrible.
has this man ever been doxxed? i would like to interview him in minecraft
told her about the stuff he was posting online. She didn't approve. His parents are staunchly anti-Communist.
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>I’ll be waiting right here for you, chud
>he's a 5'1" cuck.
My God are you serious? 5'1'' .
That's shorter than cute tiny girls.
What a manlet little faggot bitch.
And he's put a rather large target on his face.
I hope he doesn't plan to go outside for the next 2-3 years and that's if he shuts up right the hell now.
>Getting a weird feeling that he's being set up for something horrible.
Destiny would be the absolute worst martyr ever.
and I can see the DEIep state being retarded enough to think it would work
>They dropped the position
8 years, trump is still waiting for sentencing
it is not destiny who is wrong he is the logical party position of the democrats and it is the
fair representation of it everything else is pure lunacy
Ironic that his name is Destiny. Probably going to find out what his is pretty soon, and it won't be pretty.
Everyone who called for the persecution of Trump and his supporters is going to have to answer for their crimes. Destiny wants to stake out his position as the biggest most out of touch retard. So be it.

Hopefully they register as a democrat first for the lols
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Buy an ad, faggot.
Bet you money destiny got trashed on alcohol and made those posts.
What is this body type called?
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Destiny wants Trump supporters getting shot:

Destiny has moved on to the political violence level against conservatives:

Destiny wants to watch Devin Nunes be killed:

Destiny can't wait to genocide conservatives:

Destiny celebrates the Trump supporter being killed in the assassination attempt:
>Bet you money destiny got trashed on alcohol and made those posts.
nah he's organically trending if you go check the trends on Twitter. People are pretty pissed at him.
>loses wife to cheating
>has a public meltdown, mocking a guy who died protecting his wife and children

Merely a coincidence?
interesting juxtaposition when you put it like that
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It's bizarre to see. The guy's genuinely acting like a shitposter baiting (You)s on here, except even /pol/'s not going to be too hot on mocking a dead firefighter "for the lulz." Mocking a dead firefighter in front of normalfags with a straight face is a bold (retarded) strategy.
skinnyfat + never exercised in his life
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in his meltdown destiny is 100% logical consistent it is everybody else who is
pretending the past 8 years never happened
Kill Destiny
1504 bay Rd, APT 2012, Miami Beach, FL 33139-313

is this true?
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It's literally just pic related. He is coping because he knows Trump is going to win
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Sooner rather than later, he will be made into an example for the rest of society.
yes but that is besides the point it is every democrat and the media who lie not destiny
lmao cats are so fucking cool
I feel bad for him now, maybe he just gets drunk and mouthy. He sure does press peoples buttons.
Maybe, but publicly laughing at a dead firefighter/dad is the opposite of logic
What I don't get (tsk tsk, I do) is how pajeets can terminate accounts but destiny who's been reported for condoning political violence is still on the platform. Elon is controlled oppo. He definitely knows about this, Peterson is involved. You can't claim freeze peach absolutism but cater to offended visajeets.
>What is this body type called?
As a white man I can't say.
But if I know what a nigger would say his body type is.
> Lil Bitch
black shafts have been balls deep in that body through all the whore orifices
tough but fair
>I feel bad for him now, maybe he just gets drunk and mouthy. He sure does press peoples buttons.
it's speed. Destiny has a sweet tooth for stimmies that goes beyond his prescription for vyvanse.
lol look at all that seethe
thanks for mining your own salt so i don't have to
Bitch has been sitting on chair legs.
She's so loose fitting now her ex Husband couldn't feel a thing.
She moans even now as she's stretched wider by some arm or leg sized penis.
interesting. marilyn manson turned that into an entire career.
migrate when ready
Hopefully he kills himself.
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a firefighter who sat in the frontrow supporting hitler
the ashli babbit mockery was similar as said it is not destiny who changed or the logical positions
its the democrat and media who smell the coffee and hide what they think destiny is less contemptable than biden and mayorkas who still
want to end trumps life by imprisonment
You guys have to understand he is desensitized to this sort of thing. He is used to watching someone he loves take shots to the face.
I don't even know who this zoomer is.
4chan is fucking cooked, all you middleaged and 90 iq retards deepthroat destinys shit bait
Destiny is a girl's name. Usually a nigger girl. Is he trans-racial/sexual? I don't keep up with faggots so please excuse my lack of knowledge about this one.
Troon spotted.
Will Destiny wear a dress and get fucked President Trump and his brother too?
I think it is funny. Conservatives are so emotionally driven by their "moral compass" i.e saying whatever they think will make people like them. So they make perfect targets for trolling
Its funny. He is repeating all the talking points that lead up to this shooting, and is now left all alone holding the bag. Its like the DNC sent out new instructions yesterday and Destiny is the one retard that didn't read the memo.
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>muh precious firefighter

kill yourself, moralfag
But with rhetoric like this, it wouldn't be martydom. Pretty much anyone would agree he had it coming now.
destiny is the only honest and consistent democrat, I find the others worse
I hope he gets kidnapped and shat on Livestream. That would be the best outcome.
DNC and his Jewish sponsors will burn him to cut ties before the optics get too bad. They'll take him down before they allow him to drag them down with him.
he's more likely to hero himself on camera with them rather than defend his house
this shit is getting wild FAST
I think he is on record mocking ashli babbit similar. It is 100% that he is inline with the logical democrat position and they are not.
I just feel bad because right now it is a matter of hours or possibly minutes until he gets banned.
Free speech America, where any tragedy voids all criticism
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kys leftist faggot
we're in here new fag
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Because rightoids have no morals. They'll joke about anybody else dying who doesn't have the sacred (((R))) next to his name, and then temporarily adopt somebody else's morals when it's political expedient for them. A righteous man is not afraid to say what he believes, because he knows he's right. The people who lie and pivot and gaslight and play both sides know that they are evil, they know that they serve evil, but they mistakingly believe that the devil will reward them.
dude will live in squalor after 5 years. They will atleast cut his ad revenue after this BS. look at his fucking twitter, unhinged behaviour worse than juden Peterstein
Kek, what are you ranting about? We'll openly make fun of Rittenhouse's "victims" because two were pedos and one was a wife-beater. Surprise-surprise, the victim at a Trump rally shooting was a firefighter and family man. We are not the same.
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really trying to show off that bonus chromosome eh?
the firefighter and ashli babbit both supported insurrectionist hitler
it is everybody else who got an irrational fake change of heart not destiny

destiny is too honest because he realized trump wins, the dishonest ones are worse
biden still tries to take trumps life in the courts
He’s actually 5’8”
I thought about going to his house and strangling him to death. But this isn't Minecraft so I finished my poop and posted on this board instead
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Bedeviled egg! Repugnant perverter of thought and basic human decency -- Can you not see that your immature spite and cowardice, your accursed anonymity threatens to sever the very fabric of our tenuous modern milieu? You hyperbolic hatemongers are manifesting malignity appropriate only for an endtime. Bloody hell, that is where we are headed. The apocalypse! And that is not good, not good at all. You malignant rats externalize your extreme unmedicated psychopathic dark tetrad traits and undiagnosed autism spectrum disorders and it's we, the pro-social open majority who pay the price. Do you have the vaguest comprehension what wretched wrath will be wrought when you anti-Semitical werewolves have your way with the blessed, supple virgin that is our hard-won democracy?! Machiavellian vermin, go and find some other site to sully! Black wizards of hopeless folly, pusillanimous pipsqueaks of perfidy and prejudice, idiot ideologues of Dunning-Kruger-deranged hatred and hostility -- I straighten my back and take my meds in bitter, eternal opposition to you and your despicable, damnable, Hell-bound ilk!!! May you be devoured by The Archetypal Dragon and may I ever be rid of you interminably abominable, shadow-possessed, snake-tongued TROLLS!!!
>I thought about going to his house and strangling him to death.
just outsource the job to some local anti-communist cubans
getting roasted by Beck lol
why did destiny say palestinians are worth more than maga voters?

maga voters have a higher average IQ and are far more economically productive, so maga voters are way more valuable by any reasonable metric.
its called an insult it is tailored not necessary accurate
he might believe the insult though
Destiny is a literal cuckold.
Destiny supporters get mad that this is repeated so often and say it's because we have no arguments.
But it's actually the ultimate argument. No self-respecting man is a cuckold.
he does, he watched the january 6 comitee and if you are rational, logical but very partisan and guillible then destinys position is not only what they wanted to instill in their audience but the expected result

destiny is not the issue in my opinion, he is honest
This piece of shit threatened more than half the country. Let. Him. BURN.
how do we convince him that although trump tries to subvert democracy, his attempts likely won't succeed and destiny is overreacting

LMAO you fucking moron.
The guy is just terminally online. Ignore him and he goes away.
He is an edgy kid who says shit for attention, most of us grown out of that at 15, but he somehow made a career by copying Ben Shapiro's style.
I think JP chastising him also signifies he will no longer have a spot on the goy plantation so he really jumped the shark this time
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until two days ago it was the opinion of every democrat in the US, every media position and even biden brought it up in his adress today
Destiny hates trump because he is a threat to his degenerate lifestyle, hedonism and because he is emotional invested in trump being
all the things the media said for years. Destiny is suffering under long TDS, the software update didn't work.
destiny HATES it when gunshots miss. he said so yesterday!
How does this faggot even have a following? Who listens to clowns like this?
>source: Destiny
he can run over people with his motormouth and nasty verbal tricks that makes him win arguments even when he is wrong
>insurrectionist hitler
How does it feel fo be mentally handicapped?
So in other words, he just hasn't ever been popped in the mouth because he just talks shit online? Who literally gives a fuck. I'd love to see him talk this shit to someone in person, he'd end up in the hospital.
Nevermind, i didnt read your other posts
>.. saying whatever they think will make people like them..
Look everyone, the very first ever angsty teen edge lord. Look at their completely original edgy take. Funny enough it's based on a moral compass too.
Most people are just courteous and civil. There's usually little reason not to be.
I dont want violence inflicted on him for saying what every committed democrat thought the past 8 years
At this point, that's out of your control. If he wants to talk shit, he's going to get hit. That simple.
Woah those Palestinians being carpet bombed sure do feel better that they are worth more then a Trump supporter.
who sows wind must reap the storm? in general I would rather use destiny
to say this guy is saying what yall are thinking this is your representative :)
are there any comments calling him a fed?
If he wants to wish harm on others, what makes him exempt?
hes got trillionaire blackrock kikes backing him why would he give a fuck what people think
That limpwristed commie faggot can't even lift a gun let alone fire one.
she won
because its beneficial to have him represent the other side I want him out there instead of the fake niceties he is the perfect wedge to get the normies away from the dems
Who the fuck is destiny and why the fuck should I care. Get this shit off my board. I'm so fucking over this egregious spam
Cool. So someone post his address. For reasons.
At this point, most "normies" are well aware of these types of mentalities and people. However no one truly cares about some faggot online spewing bullshit. Seeing this clown get his lip popped open wouldn't really change much apart from shutting him up, albeit momentarily.
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You see a mind broken man I see a redemption arc
Stop responding and giving him algorithm points.
She could have been a high quality woman if her parents weren't retarded.
I never in my life came across a guy that short
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this, just look at his arsenal
Glorious. I didn't expect this thread would take off.
I love you all.
I kinda like him. 1 man army against a horde of NPC. Don't kid yourself. Most of ((you)) are destined for Hell. It is Destiny.
Looks like his wife got out at the right time
destiny might be a literal basedboy cuck but he's still leagues above all the shitskin right wing virgins on /pol/ and twatter
kek, nice try malina
anybody who wants to get this bitch will get his head with ease
Based, /pol/ are my only friends too.
This is just helping his brand, he has no conviction except for current rage bait.
bad advertisement is still advertisement
>Getting demonetized
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if you remember the pig. i talked to his dad.
Ok now let's all tell Destiny that he won't do shit.
Firearms which he has no idea how to use because he's a pathetic faggot. The left can't aim.

Destiny is rage-farming for engagement. Best to ignore him in moments like this.
The 5'6 manlet Fuentes was literally documented towering over goblinboi Destiny, cope.
Correct: if you presuppose Trump is literally Hitler then you wouldn’t be sad that a nazi got shot at a nazi rally. Since the mainstream democrat/progressive position is Trump is Hitler, it’s a coherent stance for Destiny to make.
If this whole event happened to Biden, no one on “frog Twitter” or /pol/ would feel bad for a random Biden supporter to get shot, since they believe Biden is also literally hitler (but not in the ways that matter) and the supporter is a “groomer pedo” and they would cheer for the justified cross-fire. Similar to the reaction to the guys Rittenhouse killed, though less justifiable.

Not my position btw
Doesn't he stream somewhere on youtube?
He doesn't live only off of twitter ads I'm pretty sure, so it doesn't really matter, he'll make that up from his brand recognition growth that you guys are giving to him for free.
This motherfucking FAGGOT has no idea how america works. He saw riots on rodeo drive 4 years ago but thinks some midwit streamer is untouchable. Fucking lmfao
You cant be a real person
you've never seen guatamalans
Wow it's almost like he's baiting for engagement and op is advertising for it. This is totally normal. Let's all go boost his channel so he can read out witty comments.
He probably gets hard reading these
you guys ready to migrate to the general?
migrate when ready
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jej, nice
I want to see the picture of the firefighter with his head splattered open. Find me the picture.

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