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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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in the hope of clearing up this board i have set up the Destiny Meltdown General or /DGM/. no one really cares about this e-celeb drama and if you brought this up to anyone in the real world (R OR D) they would look at you like a fucking freak.

try it make it look like /uhg/ or /chug/ or even worst case brit/pol/

You can see use these as examples:

I will leave the rest up to you.
we dont need 3/12 threads all about the same thing. again, most people IRL has no idea who this guy is. he has no real authority/power/qualifications/experience on this matter. never mind politics or current affairs in general. the guy is a streamer.

if you see this. try and encourage other people in other threads to migrate to this one.
lets make it nice and clean. ill leave the rest up to you. try and declare wo is baking next between the 230/240 mark then posting around the 270 mark.
>in hopes of clearing this board of destiny threads, i made a destiny thread
you faggots are obsessed
Why doesn't Destiny want to build a moderate coalition with me?? ;(
>more destiny shit
Absolute fucking faggots.
QRD, who's Destiny?
cuckold midget wants to be perceived as a man. everything he says is simply pursuit of that goal
hes a twitch streamer. someone likes him on here and makes loads of threads about him.
people pay money so they can watch him play the fortnight.
insider reports say destiny is on day 3 of an all weekend xtc and cocaine bender and that's why he's so unhinged
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Buy an ad, you fucking homo.
Mr. Borrelli.
Why are Poltards OBSESSED with this faggot?
And never called again
Destiny must be arrested and face justice for his terrorism. He wanted the Democrats to make our corpses into a throne for their puppet President. His whole community should be shut down and investigated by the authorities.
you won’t do shit
they will come after you like your fuhrer and will end up like your bystander
destiny is a faggot manlet and hes on drugs
Starcraft streamer that branched into political commentary who lost his shit on social media earlier.
Destiny General Meltdown?
The most important bread on /pol/ rn bump
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>you won’t do shit
8 years, trump is still waiting for sentencing
it is not destiny who is wrong he is the logical party position of the democrats and it is the
fair representation of it everything else is pure lunacy
he mocked a firefighter who sat in the frontrow supporting hitler on his way seizing power
the ashli babbit mockery was similar it is not destiny who changed or the logical positions
its the democrat and media who smell the coffee and hide what they think destiny is less contemptable than biden and mayorkas who still
want to end trumps life by imprisonment
Because he's ragebait
This doesn't need a general, he's having his meltdown, he'll double, triple, quadruple down, he'll burn even more bridges, and then it'll die down, and then rinse and repeat with whatever happens next.
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A latinx cuckold that sucks the dicks of the men that fuck his wife.
Because for a long time he was the staple of the "rational" left.
He had built a reputation as a guy who does debates with facts, despite being hardline left.

This is 'news' so to speak, because now he's very clearly going off the deep end into full retard autism.
Trump isn't Hitler. If someone kills your family can I laugh at them too because they supported you (you're literally Hitler btw)
Why hasn't his account been suspended yet?
>a fucking general for an e-celeb
yeah it’s crazy that’s what you cucks are up against and you still won’t do shit
They are libshits raiding, probably tinynigger's staff actually.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Destiny's meltdown.
You see Destiny is a competitive video game player, he only wants to win and any methods are acceptable within the mechanics of the game. Now Destiny was 1 inch away from having his lifelong dream of being able to spam Trump's exploded head images in 4k at all the people who ever "wronged him" - he is smart enough to know what he missed out on, he is salivating at the thought.

But he can't have it, the opportunity is gone forever and now all he has is the concept of some random Trump supporters exploding head..... so he's latching onto it to fill the void left by the potential Trump's exploded head. Obviously this is not the same and it makes him look completely unhinged, BUT HE WAS SO CLOSE!!! To his lifelong dream and that does strange things to a motherfucker.
>why isn't a leftoid being held accountable for his actions
Always a mystery.
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>Destiny Meltdown General
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What happens if shit happens though
Im leaving this board forever. I have tried before and failed but after seeing all of the destiny threads Ive finally realized that you guys are all loser faggots and I know that I can finally leave this hellhole. Goodbye forever /pol/
maybe you can make the next thread.
Destiny? The cuckold?
he doesn't go down the deepend, it is the entire democrat party and media who now pretend the past 8 years didnt happen
destiny mocked ashli babbit similar to the firefighter
Some pissed off rednecks are going to kidnap his ass then Livestream him while they take turns shitting on his face and ramming his wife. It won't be illegal either because this cuckold is inviting them. Look up the Patrick Tomlinson case, judge threw it out because the dumbass made the invitation for people to come.
what sets this guy's opinion apart from any other random person's? he plays games on twitch?
hopefully he kills himself soon
To look tough on the Internet I might add.
the fuckin man o warjak
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A college dropout who abandoned his wife and son after hitting it big as a leftist political streamer. He moved to LA and started a polyamorous relationship with another streamer who recently left him for a Swedish twink. He is 5 feet tall and bisexual (cocksucking only.)
Can someone explain in simple terms why this guy gets so much attention? I mean it's incessant. Yet I never see a clip of him doing something interesting or saying something funny. He just exists, yet is constantly talked about.
>there are far too many destiny threads!
Also OP:
>here's a destiny thread
>Can someone explain in simple terms why this guy gets so much attention?
He's getting attention right now because he freaked out and posted a bunch of inflammatory shit to Twitter and now half the country wants to kill his frodo lookin ass
I will be shitposting in /brit/ about spanish superiority instead.
just give it 40 minuites. they will all migrate here and it will be contained to 1 thread.
i've already spammed this thread to all the others.
Destiny is part of the "any coverage is good coverage" crowd, he lives for people shitting on him from all angles so this is probably catnip to him.
But twitter is filled with inflammatory posts. Why has he specifically had dozens upon dozens of threads on pol? Do you understand what ~I'm asking?
you cant even play football. you tried and it turned into handegg.
It's spam bro, nobody here gives a fuck what a pfizer owned beta bitch has to say
he's done
This. Destiny is a cuck he loves people shitting on him.
he sucked at starcraft too
Someone please explain who this person is.
You can tell Destiny got so fucking pissed after hearing about the assassination attempt and not because he cares but because it ended in Trump's favor and knew right away Trump had just secured the election. So he took an angry a victory lap over the death of a bystander because the bystander is one of those very people who was going to be responsible for turning the clock back on his homosexual degeneracy by electing Trump.

Fuck yourself Destiny you faggot cuck
Gonna be honest, the only time I've ever seen Destiny was in that debate with Catholic Trent Horn, where Destiny started defending bestiality.
destiny needs an intervention.
We understand you're a Destiny fan. We want to shit on him and call him a cuck (because he let his girlfriend fuck other men). Hence the thread
E celebs just move on this is for the terminally online only
see >>474224722
>Destiny Meltdown General - /DGM/
>not /DMG/
you retards had one job
Does anyone have the webm of that picture of destiny where he pulls out an Israeli flag lmao please post it
it appears jewish...
am out
this is the new dragons den lads
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pretty sure this is him. its a condo
a manlet cuckold that takes out his massive inferiority complex (he cannot keep a woman) on "trump republicans" or something
He has spent the last several months arguing that Biden is an amazing president and is doing an amazing job. Since the Biden debate, he has only doubled down in his support, as he usually does whenever he is wrong.
He's going to be banned from Xitter. Musk made a post.
i did it. you didnt.
prehaps you can bake the next bread next time.
i just dont care.
Stop giving this neoliberal zionist system boot licker attention, that's literally how this kike makes his shekels.
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I'm not a violent person and have no plans for violence, but Steven should know that I live about 10 minutes away from his apartment in Miami. I'm a Trump-voting "redneck" he hates so much. He should consider being nicer to people. He isn't as isolated from the people he claims to hate as he'd like to think.
He's le epic pwning left wing debater. They think he is super smart and epic because he can dish out factoids at light speed from his chat window far faster than his typical midwit chud opponent can possibly keep up with. When he tries to "debate" someone who actually knows what they are actually talking about he gets rammed because his chat is only good at surface level factoids.
There goes the "hes doing this for engagement " angle, lol. Good stuff Musk. Let's see if Destiny will still stand in his words now that he doesn't have the money incentive. Was it all worth it?
I want to have sex with his ex wife. I will make it my life goal to do so. I will cuck this man.
man lives on the intercoastal, not even the real ocean what a fucking loser
>the thread
If it were a single thread I wouldn't be in this one asking these questions. It's because it's not one thread but probably a solid thirty threads on this guy today. He doesn't DO anything interesting. He's not funny or attractive. He doesn't have an interesting life history. There's nothing about this guy that would give me an understanding as to why there are forty fucking threads on this little midget nothing. That's forty OPs whose minds are attracted to him. I'm one person asking why that is so. A reasonable question.

Suck a dick, Joe
Buy an ad you fucking retard
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I'm terminally online but I don't follow people like this. This shit is weird. For some reason he's always posted about on pol.
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weyheeeey im in the 1st general. hopefully it will go on for years and i can tell the future newfags
>i was in destiny meltdown general #1
its going to be so amazing. thanks guys.
Kill yourself nigger.
This is so embarrassing, why would you ever post a pic of yourself like this lol
Why does this retarded cunt get shilled here so hard?
same, but i still seem to never be in the know about online drama and news. i play games and watch maulers old vids up to hos last critique of star wars. great times. would get a job but i dont want to help immigrants get hotel rooms for free.
You sound exactly like a Destiny viewer. Stop trying to be a hall monitor faggot
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the right can't meme kek
Wrong adress, not the right Steve
hey hey hey, we wont be having any of that talk in here young man. now sit down and behave please, before i knock you out.
Exactly. I typically ignore his threads but goddamn. This shit has become out of control.
A fag who had a open marriage who is now feeling the consequences of a closed divorce kek
you sound like a basedjak right now

feel free to FAFO with a guy who is locked and loaded
Isn't Destiny just some gamer streamer? Who gives a fuck
Would be better than all the porn ads
Fuck that. Sick of this guy's facial hair.
sure thing steve, see you at 5:45
QRD on this lol long time coming I assume
he pays people a fiver to post about him. i have no proof but if they do it for free they’re retards.
>muh cancelation, muh censorship
>Elon plz take away this person i disagree withs ad revenue

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>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Destiny's meltdown.
he turned into a political commentator and regularly appears on shows and broadcasts debating and arguing politics
You think seeing this beardo multiple times per day is better than seeing some skank multiple times per day? I feel the opposite. Interesting how you and I are so different.
Its a controlled opposition "leftist" account so the TPUSA right has something to post about on twitter
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Lmfao. The lolcow keeps on giving, dear lord...
have a look on street biew for the rgb shine out the window. i highly doubt destiny would leave his shit online. you can ask the company hosting it to take it out. i used to do it with the phone book years ago. having my name, address and fucking phone number in a free book was insane to me. was nice when it was just White people, but now its not.
so which one out of you two is making the baking the next bread.
remember, you might probably be remembered on how to do this.
80 IQ people think he's smart for being 107 IQ and regurgitating leftist talking points
>this is the manlet telling you to start another civil war
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Why is a political guy big for people who post on /pol/? Is this one of them riddles?
Also, post favorite tiny moments.
Why do you assume that this is just for profit? That's a weird projection maybe because of how the people who you consume media from grift.
Yes, my fellow high IQ destiny observer m. Very similar to my calculations on the meltdown >>474226234
Why is that guy black
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Anyone have a copy of the meltdown stream?
Kek is this real?
See you tomorrow
Guy who's living on borrowed time until the kids he's raped start coming forward.
>go fuck yourself tell that to earth
>this is not appropriate content for advertisers
Same guy?
He must be bent over and fucking fucked
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>DGM and not DMG
d'ohh come on now
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Tiny has a response
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>Destiny Meltdown

my theory is he's taking out all his hatred for his MAGA parents out on these people in the crowds. He probably fantasizes about them dying similarly.

You'd think someone with his political views would just waste money in therapy, go no contact, or get a weed habit.

On instead you just have meth-induced psychosis online and burn every bridge you spent the last year building.

Such a retard.
I can't believe I am starting to like Leftists now
imagine destiny was banned twitter youtube kick and rumble what would he do?
Cool fantasy bro.
Be rich and free to do whatever the fuck he wants?
too much expenses
Destiny's time is over, Nick stonk rising
yes playing nice is between people who actally have honor otherwise it doesnt work
The twitter account that posted the adress already confirmed its the wrong guy
You guys decided the rules. How are you mad we are getting on your level?
Fuck my principles. I'd rather win and then enforce them. We are now at the point that whatever hurts you is good, and whatever benefits mine is even better. I now care as little as you do about the process. See you on the battlefield.
>republicans play nice
Delusional fucktard.
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>Cool fantasy bro.
thanks, anon
These people probably aren't nearly as well off as you think they are.
It's not organic. Just ignore them and they'll fuck off sooner rather than later.
It's Destiny kikes trying to rage bait /pol/ and some doing it for (You)s
Retard should have just kept streaming starcraft.
>It doesnt work
yes and balakanize allready so europe can be free

Out of context. He didn't say just fuck all advertisers. It came with a caveat. Fuck advertisers if it means having to be FORCED to do what they want. Extortion and BLACKMAIL. IF you don't do what we want, we will pull our advertising MONEY.

Cope harder cucks.
I think the attention and pontification is a significant part of what motivates him.
If he can't encourage people to make life choices as bad as his to aplomb, then he feels isolated. Media personalities often get like this.
Nick? Spic Fuentes you say?
>I'd rather win and then enforce them.
This is the owner of Twitter enforcing whatever he feels. You're just saying every time you cry about something you don't actually care or have an agreement, you're just being a loud crybaby loser.
>See you on the battlefield.
You probably look like a mix of Destiny and the shooter. You're not threatening
who the fuck is destiny anyway? Just another breadtuber lolcow like vaush I'm assuming?
PHD psychologist breaking down destinys breakdown in a livestream
do we have a realistic shot at getting this goblin banned off of youtube?
the focus of this general should be getting him arrested
a horse fucker for real.
He has alimony payments, lol.
anyone have the vod? manletstiny privated it whereas he usually leaves it up for days. he was unhinged today. funny stuff
this is all narrative control to take up for some guy (Corey whatshisface) who supposedly was killed so it makes the assassination attempt at the most incompetent secret service thing ever in the whole world seem to be REAL
I dont see the point of this thread
He went from having a real shot at influencing US politics to being a niche streamers for seething lefties
He already fucked himself, just stop giving him attention
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Your e-daddy grifter got cucked and divorce-raped by his town-bicycle whore LMAO
Yeah pretty much exactly, except instead of a hideous ogress wife it’s a divorce raping super slut that cucked him religiously
hes a pure neolib/neocon mix but hes niche because of the way he spergs normies will never like him
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who the fuck cares about this faggot?
stop posting this gay shit.
>>This is the owner of Twitter enforcing whatever he feels.
As he should. What was twitter pre-musk like again? I hope this happens to even more media outlets.
>> You're just saying every time you cry about something you don't actually care or have an agreement, you're just being a loud crybaby loser.
Yup, this is how American politics works now. I solely care about hurting you and your cause. Afterwards there can be a push for anything else.
>>You probably look like a mix of Destiny and the shooter. You're not threatening
Idk, the shooter changed history whether he liked it or not according to democratic staffers.
>>“We’re so beyond f---ed,” one longtime Democratic insider said, noting that the image of Trump thrusting his fist in the air, with blood dramatically smeared across his face, will be indelible.
I too wish to be significant!
>having a real shot at influencing US politics
This is advanced copium
its to contain the threads. theres still 12 of them right now. after the 2nd one of these goes live it will just be this one. and considering the speed its moving at when (for most posters ITT) its the middle of the night/early morning. its obviously desperately needed.
because he's consistently right
I tip my hat to you anon, what a gentleman way to handle this subject
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>guy whose income depends on attention on the internet says edgelord shit

it's all rage bait and every single retard here is falling for it. he's probably browsing right now laughing at all the threads on him.
>He went from having a real shot at influencing US politics
lol never. even smalltime nebraska politicians distance themselves when they found out he likes to shout nigger at people. his online punditry is as far as he'll ever go.
>freedom of speech means freedom of getting ad revenue
its no rage bait, destiny is not the master of his emotions
he is right tho winning is the only thing that matters and you cnt negotiate with people who think like this it turned int a zero sum game let the best retard win
I honestly believe he is attempting to incite a lone wolf attack against himself. He has no other card to play. Trump’s victory is assured. Steve’s work means nothing. All he can do now is draw out a republican loon to attack him so he can pull the reverse uno card. It’s the final gambit, cause it’s over him now.
Is this all because he identifies with the shooter? (Bullied, gun loving, spergy, academic achiever, with radical politics,etc.) He's laughing at dead Trump supporters but underneath it all it seems like more of a defense of his kind of loserdom.
>people still talking about that blue-haired cuck faggot
when did we become tumblr?
He's the one making the threads, retard

There's 100% a campaign of spam centered around "Destiny" on this board.

His studio glamour shot as the thread image, and some sassy rhetoric like "POL BTFO!"

Every fucking day, all day long.
>wait, you have to play by the rules we constantly broke and flaunted
Yeah, nah. Eat shit, you fucking faggot.
1. he is angry that trump will win
2. he got whiplash over the 180° turn of the entire american left
a midget and Israel shill
You guys have this weird superiority complex about "e-celebs" and it makes you sound like boomers. This is the media environment we have. You're like a radio exec laughing off television and how it's no threat to you.
These people wield real influence. You may think it's stupid but tons of people unironically get their political opinions from them. Nebraska has a population of only 2 million.
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No, that's vaush.
And vaush wants to be the horse
It won't work. Just pizzas, porn, and mormons for life. neets don't go outside.
This is a meltdown? same shit happened with Kyle Ritenhouse shit back in 2020 with the left. Rightoids got comfortable since he was shitting on hasan last 6 months but now there feefees are hurt and he's a big meanie! will disavow him over next week then he goes back to research streams (boring)

Hoping we get more Rob Noer now
StarCraft player
ew nigga
E-beg and try and get disability when that fails. He's fucking work-shy and has zero skills. Nobody fucking cares about your streaming in the real world. He's done nothing to build anything outside of rationalizing the age of consent and sperging out about anything right-coded.
destiny is a woman’s name
Mald, seethe and kys.
stripper name
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/pol/ is dead
>vaush wants to be fucked by the horse
Rick and Morty reference. Must be satire
same thing
he also said he was a free speech absolutist
he also just posted a video of him talking about free speech and how even if its things you dont like it doesnt mean it doesnt count as free speech and you shouldn't censor those people
lol, and he will get his ads reenabled again a week later
he is on youtube/twitch all the time despite being "Banned"

There is zero justice for anyone on the left.
the one thing I'm not gonna do, is watch one of his streams.
I'll add my two plops to the shit tub. Destiny got caught mask off and is just quadrupaling down because he was caught yeah? What even is he any more? Radical centrist neo liberal anarcho fascist? He is clearly just saying whatever to rage farm.
No, he just wants enough thrust to beat up short stack goblin pussy(NOT lolis). Very powerful. Get your lore right.
A man who genuinely convinced his friend to kill himself.
free speech absolutist by destiny and shapiro as they are plutocrats means corporations can censor whatever they want
ignoring all government pressure, corrupt dealing by the state and the principle behind the right of free speech
I think it deserves a general because his meltdown is blatantly revealing that he is a fed receiving orders to “push the narrative in a more forcefully ironic way” or something

we all know he’s a fed now
the tree has bear fruit, or…something

He said he would only censor and ban things if they were against the law. So far he's only talked about demonetizing the account not banning Destiny. But if his melt down spirals out of control and starts saying illegal things, he could very well be banned.
we are getting close to that 230 number.
who is going to make next bread?
please declare which one of you is baking the next /DGM/ or /DMG/ by post 240.
once your the first one to declare ITT. go bake the bread and make it go live with this thread hits about 265. DOUBBLE CHECK FOR SPELLING/GRAMMER MISTAKES.
then post "migrate when ready" followed by the url of the new thread when the previous thread (this one) hits about 280 for a smooth transition.
Just stop talking a out this faggot. sage
I wanna challenge him to a kick boxing fight. Proceeds raised go to the family.
play in traffic
i think this is a bit different. he was mocking the death of a random firefighter that died just for attending a trump rally. he was unhinged in full meltdown mode today. probably a result of spending the better part of the past 8 years shitting on trump supporters and the prospect of seeing them swell in numbers with trump retaking the white house
nigga is writing a guide for baking like he’s on /qresearch/
I respect it
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eat my pussy nigger
We don't lol, he's obsessed with us and recently had a meltdown I guess

I only found out about this through Styx stream, dudes an unironic 5'3 manlet calling for more violence
He is banned from twitch. He is never on twitch.
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same. never have. dont mind joining in as others trash this bitch, but wont watch him talk. zero interest there. His studio photo tough-guy social media image is mega ultra cringe
>I wanna
but you wont, because you have no spine.
you could just give money to the family no?
but you also wont do that.
so why say anything at all? oh right, virtue signaling.
you kiwi niggers need to get off my board and go masturbate about e celebritie crushesvon the tmz comment section like normal stalkers
Honestly I don’t care what you do just don’t do it here because your faggots seething about not being able to fuck each other in the ass do to geographic isolation
I will personally clip your nigger nuts you
Literal who obsessed grinding it to homosexual ovatures of blushing faggotry gaping ass holes on the airwaves
You have cultural AIDES
Get off my board
Kiwi niggers
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its already starting to calm down now gentleman.
Wait destiny is a dude? I thought by the name it was a chick
>e celebritie crushesvon
hey ivan i think you forgot to turn spell check on.
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Failures. That is all you have ever been, all you can ever achieve and the only type of people you associate with and even idolize. Without fail it surprises you every time as well, this is called the Dunning Krueger effect and it is about to bend you the fuck over.
>gets confused between united kingdom and New Zealand.
He’s a guy who likes to watch his girlfriend get fucked. This stuff is a humiliation ritual. He’s farming you idiots so hard right now
he pratically is.
>complains on the internet
>desperate for male attention
>likes cock
>under 5ft 10
>winges alot
>spends money on foolish things
>doesnt understand politics
>never worked a real job in his life.
Kiwi farm you new nigger
>He’s a guy who likes to watch his girlfriend get fucked.
so why did he divorce her when another guy she was hanging out with too much threatened to kill himself if she went back to america?
wouldn't he want her to stay with that other guy if he was a cuck and he did have a humiliation fetish?
or did he divorce her and make it even more public as the ultimate humiliation climax.
Can I get some details on this?
I'm curious to see whether he tries to memory hole this, double down or apologize. I'm guessing it's gonna be some sort of phony whataboutism apology
If you watch this interview, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPdG5ZwxiKs, he owns/rents properties in several states, one in his hometown that his first wife/gf that he has a child with is currently living in, a condo/apartment in Florida, and it seems he currently resides in CA seems like in LA or HB.
Personally, it’s the negative attitude that upsets me.
alright whos baking the next thread?
its masochism, they want to separate love from the physical "play" which never works
masochism of destinies kind is rooted in part in narcissism it must be him who gives the permission and so forth

if its not going according to the rules or his will his ego breaks
Wait. He's a dead beat dad too? How does this dude justify his ego to himself?
Had the misfortune of meeting him once before,he will never apologize ,he sees even casual conversation as something he needs to debate and win,apologizing to him is admitting he's wrong .
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Same reason he abandoned his family, he is a complete and utter failure of a man. There is no depth and complexity to cucks, only a never-ending list of their shortcomings that culminate in even more of them.
his friend said he was going to kill himself and destiny at the time was a nihilist or whatever and he said his friend should do whatever he thinks is best, so the friend killed himself.
i think destiny has spoken many times that he wished he had not said that but thats life.
very different than "convinced his friend to kill himself"
Both of you! Asstralian and daddy bong homosexuals
Get off my board
You have a psycho sexual fetish for e fags holder nuts and putting rubber bands around your balls so you feel alive
Get off my board
I will come to you and feed your surgery grains while I fuck your moms in front of you
You do not pay the bills
Get off my board farming fags
Suck cock on your own time
>and destiny at the time was a nihilist or whatever and he said his friend should do whatever he thinks is best
oh so he's a completely broken piece of shit human being then. imagine my surprise at all these completely unhinged horrible tweets.
i feel bad for him. he's a very unhappy person.
Holy shit what a faggot. Degenerate arrogant leftist cunt "e-celebs" all deserve a day of reckoning
you mean gave his son and sons mother a house to stay in rent free and pay for anything his son needed and flew back to see his son multiple times per year and has his son coming to stay with him in a few months, also played games with and talked to his son frequently
also was divorced from his sons mother for many years.
i dont think you can call that "abandoning"
He goes over it in this interview.
>sexual fetish
fuentes is that you?
run out of boogers to eat?
even tho he hates leftists and is hated by leftists?
>have child
>move so far away you need to fly to see your child
sounds like abandonment to me faggot
>friend comes to you for support
>says he wants to kill himself
>tell him to do it
>he actually does it
>"that's life"
What actually happened during Destiny's childhood to make him this way? Is the part of his brain responsible for human compassion just busted?
fun to mock tiny cuckolds

would you like to setup the next thread?
this all seems very important to you
No, not at all. I recently watched that interview and it was just an appropriate thread.
>gerund or present participle: abandoning
>1. cease to support or look after (someone); desert.
>2. give up completely (a practice or a course of action).
>"he had clearly abandoned all pretence of trying to succeed"
weird... he hasn't done any of those things.
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Well, he defends pedos so perhaps this is a clue.
i reckon you can. you already know all about him.
>Is the part of his brain responsible for human compassion just busted?
Unironically yes. He is obviously some kind of sociopath.
you're in this thread too faggot lmfao kys
>you guys should fight fair!
>Pause game. Then hold L1 and press Square, Circle, Up, Left, Left.
Yes, leaving people behind is abandoning them. What worthless man would actively do their best to stay away FROM. THEIR. SON.
You would think a FATHER would have compassion for a family that just lost theirs, but no he doesn't have even a shred and instead he actively mocked them the entire time.

You are actually trying to demand SYMPATHY from /POL/, for a self-professed pedophile communist KEK after he just mocked the children of a murdered father in front of millions of people. You should suck a shotgun off to completion like the worthless faggot you are because there is absolutely NOTHING your entire mind and soul could EVER produce that would bring good to this world any more if THIS is how you think.
see >>474230669
you cannot win against dgg autist
sorry but they have been doing this far longer
I don't want him banned. I want him as representative of what the democrats really think.
Thats the best way to play and exploit this everything else is strategic unwise and emotional.
some lib faggot
I love how ass blasted you all are over these tweets
so fragile
Well, ill leave it up to you guys to make the next thread. i've done all i can do.
his army of zoomer tier 1 subs has arrived I see
You psycho-sexual perasocial bonds mean nothing to me
flirting with danger on kklacking keyboards looking for a connection and sex starved Big gay mental orgies in dark rooms buy a ticket to the glory hole
Swollen lips sucking on ships trying to make freinds
Get off my board
we don't care what you want.
>thread theme
Actually, genuinely cannot believe he went from baneling rape analogies and piano to...this.
I blame League of Legends.
Thanks, sorry about losing to Spain your guy kinda got hosed by the refs at the end
I love destinys freakout, I try to lobby anons to preserve destinys voice on a private social media platform so we can point at him and say:
>"this is what the democrat leaders and media think destiny is just honest and consistent"
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Yeah I'm sure that's why
so if a father cant earn enough money to support his family and he goes in search of a higher paying job, he finds a job but that job is across the country and can only come home a couple times a year.
this father works very hard and is able to become very wealthy
he buys the house his family was living in allowing them to live there for free
he pays for all expenses for his family
he gives his child the best education available
he saves up so when he dies his family will want for nothing

has this father abandoned his family?
im 12 and what is this
He's a streamer stfu
I joined in right around when the AZGOP guy was talking. Destiny was whining like a faggot the whole time. Any time someone would try to speak, he would call them a retard and make fun of the guy who died. He whined about J6 and muh insurrection and then got cucked by a Jersey girl and ragequit.
Meidas Touch gayop
lurk moar
Take a look at the salt thread!
>he would call them a retard and make fun of the guy who died.
sounds like 99% of the users on this board, why do you hate him again?
oh right its because hes saying things you dont like.
this is not what happened, you flee in the abstract because you cant defend the specific
it was not a financial decision based on the good on the child, he didn't move back either to be able
to visit the child if as you presented was the center of the concern would be the case
lol this is cope
you might be that autist thats with melina
This is the best thing that came out of this
Hes a cuban anti american piece of shit. His parents were cuban slaveowners. He hates america, no wonder he is for jewkraine and biden
Yes he has. Any other questions retard?
if you want you can make the 2nd one of this
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Why are you still talking? How fucked in the head are you that you think the obfuscation and redefinition of a word would EVER make a normal human being excuse pic related.
Hurry the fuck up and find your nearest ditch and start fertilizing.
you can do the next one if you want
Fuck you for poaching my thread faggot mong
A sociopath with no empathy acts like a sociopath with no empathy,big shocker.
>simping this hard for his parasocial boyfriend that doesn't even know he exists
you are literally, not metaphorically, but literally, subhuman. you're completely worthless and if you were to die tomorrow nobody but your parents would be there to truly mourn you
Every single democrat dropped the 8 year long bullshit arguments. Destiny is too gullible and emotional invested so he thought the media and democrat party didn't lie to him.
You can't wish that hitler the insurrectionist didn't get killed destiny is right but he is wrong because he didn't get that it was a con. All his primary sources lied thats why they turned on a dime when it was necessary to stop the nonesense.

No mitt romney didn't want to put "yall back in chains", destiny is more retarded than a gorilla nigger as he trusts the government.
except thats what you are doing
i gave you the definition which he didnt fit and i gave an example that shows a father clearly not abandoning his family and yet you claim he is
so for you it would be better for the father to stay with his family and not earn enough money and be dirt poor and have a low education forcing his son to be poor and uneducated?
is that really the better option for you?
i mean it isnt because you dont actually believe what you are saying but you are saying it because you dont like the guy so nothing is off the table in terms of attacking him
destiny has been non stop tweeting for 48 hours straight raging about everything.

will he at least take a break to sleep?
you are brown
he's on another meth binge
so does destiny still have sponsors? have anyone tried contacting them and letting them know what this guy is saying?
10 bucks says you're a literal shitskin chink
hasnt for years
unless you mean the $10,000,000 kick contract he has.
so we can't hurt him financially? that's too bad. guess we'll have to try another method.
i dont think you have $10 to bet, afonso
I was talking australian bucks, that's probably like 0.05€ at this point
Neither was the shooter.
hes also sponsored by israel
he was dating a mossad agent last year.
why do they not confirm b4 putting people in danger
Except you’re conflating him with actual e celebs. This faggot is a nobody. I’ve never seen anyone, anywhere irl or on the internet talk about or reference him outside this site.
Double down seems like the play he’s going with
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I hope not. He's producing his best cuck rage content yet.
Only the most exquisite kino mentally ill fags are in a parasocial relationship with that nigga. So many of his fans are literal brownoids like nigs and chinks it's insane. He's a magnet for browncels.
All of these threads (except mine) were created by glownigger to take attention away from my thread which exposed him grooming his followers for violence.
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damn, gonna have to have 12 hours for more content.
did you listen to the destiny space? https://x.com/DrKarlynB/status/1812691048793346186
Eat shit and die, Chang.
You asked this like 5 times. You aren’t organic. You want to coral the thread and make sure it’s derailed into all these random bullshit instead of focusing on how we expose and destroy him.
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>thats what you are doing
>you dont actually believe what you are saying
>you claim he is
Why are you talking to yourself? Do you genuinely believe this is how communication works? That you can just project a caricature in your mind onto the people you're speaking to and then continue the conversation as though they have said nothing but the imaginary words in your head?

Your worthless, blubberous, pale cuck has been slowly committing career suicide like an alcoholic for years now and the only thing that kept him afloat is his pact with the rest of the leftist cunts that support each other in their grifting racket. And like an alcoholic he finally snapped and incinerated every bridge in existence. For your own sake I sincerely hope you're steven himself because the only thing I could imagine being more pathetic and reprehensible than him right now would be some nameless faceless dumbfuck on the internet taking hours out of his day to defend the good name

not on twitter but i was listening to his stream when he was in the space
twitter UI just fucking sucks
has anyone from the left condemned destiny?
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he gets his own glownigger general now lamao

anyone have the new issue?
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This smurf basically pushes his followers into being violent reactionaries and he bitching about people posting his dox.

Hey, Desticuck, TALK SHIT, GET HIT remember? Suck it up, cunt, fuck your rights, you threw them away with your inflammatory and combative language that's not protected under the first amendment.
>has anyone from the left condemned destiny?
everyone on the left hates destiny
ok but have they condemned what he said?
its a private platform, they are showing him the door
just took a look at the catalog.
one of you have actaully made the 2nd one of these. i am out now. my job is done. to the rest of you, here is the next thread. we are now down to 5 destiny threads. i told you this would calm down.
I know a guy who does that. It’s a schizophrenic thing.
>Tiny is right winged compared to literal marxists therefore not left wing
You're a pajeet/chink (aka wog) stain and your race makes you less than human
>commit wrong think and have your rights taken away
>oh? my wrong think? no thats different, everything i say is true and real not like the other side
how american of you.
Salt thread here
kek whos the nigger
Australians are fucking retards who have had their brains cooked by the sun. Ignore them.
Right, that too.

Free speech doesn't have to apply on X/Twitter.
Everyone living in a parasocial relationship with this faggot is worse than niggers, there's no way you can be a functional human and do that
>therefore not left wing
why are you making shit u-
oh right because thats what you people do
just because he hates leftists and is hated by leftists doesnt mean hes not on "the left" or is not "left wing"
fucking retard.
get back in your covid cage retard.
Fuck you. Faggot
dont thread split faggot..
>Free speech doesn't have to apply on X/Twitter.
it does because musk controls the platform and calls himself free speech absolutist
That's what I said ESL
i kept asking you if you wanted to do the next thread. you didnt. someone else did. maybe you can do the 3rd one. it already looks shit.
We only want free speech until you get put in camps
America has been dead and gone before I was born when JFK was assassinated. So technically, I'm not American, more like Israeli or a Corporate Goy.

So why the fuck should I respect this smurf's rights when he's pushing terroristic rhetoric? People like him need to be thrown into a gulag. Do not talk shit, especially to Presidents or Former Presidents or other Government officials if you don't want to find out.
Give me a US Visa and a $30,000 to feed my village and I'll do it

This is the real thread this bong faggot is trying to keep you away from. Glowie tactic is start 10 threads on same thing to dilute it and keep you away from the one they don’t want you to see.
>covid cages
another amazing cooked brain australian invention
No one is a "Free Speech Absolutist". It's "Free Speech" until you piss off the wrong people what world do you live in?
I already had a thread.
i did one to stop loads of these threads. you've got your general now. stick to it.
nobody cares. it doesnt matter.
>Refusing to respond because there isn't a god damn thing they could possibly say
Thats what I fucking thought. You should stop, for your own sake, because people who doomspiral have the tendency to take many others down with them.

Never forget you are championing a pedophile. If you think what you're doing is so JUST then speak that EXACT previous sentence to a single soul you know, and if you don't then you know EXACTLY why you shouldn't and why everything you're doing right now is most likely going to be the most pathetic thing you have ever done in your entire miserable existence.
Get. In. The. Ditch.
>Refusing to respond
to what? you havent posted anything

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