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play with sound

you didn't post a webm plus they can't have sound on this board
I won't but if somebody has it on a 4chin board I'll watch it here. I do not click (((social media))) links
Eyewitnesses saw the shooter on the roof at least a full minute before he started shooting.
lol retarded nigger detected
that's the entire reason as to why webm's are inferior
for beta boy incel faggots who don't care about context, just shitposting
webm posters get the rope
You think Twitter is the only other option newfag? Kys
No you only post on a fed honeypot forum and visit jewtube
fucking retard, genuine autistic retardation right here lmao
Lots of people were shouting at the police about the shooter. Learn to think before jumping to retarded conclusions.
Are we already at the point where all information gets over-analyzed because all the good work is already done and all the good evidence already known?
You're an autistic retard
Webms need to die, they have always been cringe and retarded
"I'm going to post on a fed honeypot mongolian basket weaving forum that's been a containment board for years, but cant give X my click!"
Actually noone cares that you're a faggot. Most people prefer context, audio.
Not your shitposting
Entirely possible she received a text from someone outside the venue about the shooter.
Look dipshit retard
This is superior, kys
So she was in on it? The mastermind? LOL you are imagining shit bro. Why would she put herself in the line of fire if she knew what was about to happen?
Too new to know about cat box retard?
What the hell is this retard problem? Why do you want Elon WEF Musk website to get traffic?
fucking plebbitors are retarded
>Having a twitter account
Lmao kill yourself
The faggot ran away after seeing the catbox link and realizing he's retarded
Everyone needs to see this.. she is there to capture trumps death on stage after being shot.. she is totally ready for it
She even smiles
Nah the faggot in the video seems like a spaz and is completely wrong
Yeah, really needed audio on that to hear that retard screaming "Watch! Watch! Anyways, the sign was being held up by someone in front of her, retard, you can see their head. Like all femoids, she was staring at her phone rather than living in the real world.
The video matches this song I was listening to!

No bro she is there for with the intention of capturing trumps death, its why she calmly takes out her phone and videos
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>woman show bravery
>woman glows
People need to check her image with crisis actors
They really planned on a trump assasination, what are they going to do now
suicide dipshit
midwits still say "filming"
kys newfaggot tourist, fuck off back to twitter
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You know what? Fuck you newfag here's a webm just because you don't like it.
lmao pretty sure the dozens of tv cameras and other spectator phones pointed at him have it covered. And if that was her goal, why would she start filming AFTER the shots?
Yeah 100% he was meant to die.. thats crazy scary actually that they tried this
Kek get a load of this nigger faggot! What a retard hahaha no I will not click your twatter link, I know I know, I'm just not going to click it is all.
is there a heckin' new niggerism that all the cool niggercattle are using these days?
Neat, i was waiting patiently thanks anon
Becuase they needed rhe death shot of him lying on the platform before the secret service who took forever by the way ran up. Look how long it takes tbem to run up.

She is like the only person behind the stage that attempts to film
Its meth
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i use shutter encoder.
drag and drop
no sound
Saw that too
People need to check her face with known crisis actors
At the sniper's location, not at the rally spot
also there were cops there that did nuffin
fucking nigger cops
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Catbox pls?
eh yooooo
naw dawg, nawwwwww dawg
dat aint rite dog
dat bitch is sys af
so what memeflag
>h-he knew
how is it that every single right winger is such a colossal fucking retard?
works on my machine + scroll up
If she were there to video Trump's death, why did she only take out her phone after Trump got shot?
People are stupid. There is nothing suspicious about her body language.
Go to be bed, hadji. This website is for humans only.
Wow a women being retarded. No one has ever seen that before.
slow the playback speed down to 0.25x - she smiles after the 2nd shot.
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Not my problem
i've seen this tara bullshit nobody posted more than once now

you retarded niggerfaggots are never going to make it grifting like this, get a real job losers
even the neets provide more value than you do

death to twitter posters
can't trust tiktok, owned by the chi-comms
This is so stupid. She's a spaz on pharmaceuticals, many such cases
filming a snuff film for someone high up.
Why don't we have the video from that angle yet?
it's because weren't meant to.
The Deep State had an entire kill team at the rally, first to kill Trump, then to saturate world media forever with graphic "JFK in 4K" video.

The Deep State wanted to kill not just Trump but to kill the hopes of anyone who would ever think of standing up to fight the globalists.
> Woman behind Trump hears gun shots, crouches down and records the events on her phone
> Women record things on their phone at a moments notice all the time
> Somehow this is a conspiracy
Except the fact that there was gun fire, everyone around her freaks the fuck out but she calmly lifts her phone to take pictures?
That is typical woman behavior to be honest. Zero understanding of the danger around her, instant record mode. However, what is suspicious to me is the fact that her video hasn't surfaced yet. Why is this?
agree. grasping at straws with the "suspicious" take
She probably go in the way of the events when she switched to selfie mode.
her body language is all wrong
That... actually is really damning. She was probably supposed to film and upload Trump's dead body.

Which is probably why he provided the link, dumb ass.

The people on the stage didn't.

Webm's can have sound and the upload limit isn't pointless but is arbitrary. They could enable sound and allow multi-gig uploads tonight if they wanted. On the gif boards they are both audio enabled and have a larger data limit.

If you hate it so much feel free to fuck off back to your BBC discord, faggot.

It's also possible Jesus told her in a series of cryptic visions over the course of the last five years. There is no reason to think that is the case though.

She is very much acting like she knows what's about to happen, including constantly looking towards the direction of the shooter while no one else on stage even glances that way. Watch the fucking video before you dismiss it faggot.

"She had her phone already out and was messing with it." is not exactly disproving the theory she was there to get pics/video of Trump's dead body. And no, the type of people who get up on that stage are not going to be looking at facebook while Trump is giving his speech.

She was in position to get an up close, unobstructed shot of what was supposed to be his hollowed out head. None of the other sections of the crowd or the TV cameras were, which is why some blurry shakey ass cell phone vids are the only footage we have of Trump actually in the dogpile.
>Webms need to die, they have always been cringe and retarded
Thank you. The only fucking reason why we got that garbage is because moot was busy sucking Google's cock at the time. We should have had apng and mp4 support instead. Chrome didn't have apng support back then but every other browser did (except Safari I think, but fuck Applefags). What next, are you cucks gonna say webp is a good image format? Kill yourselves.
>She is very much acting like she knows what's about to happen, including constantly looking towards the direction of the shooter while no one else on stage even glances that way. Watch the fucking video before you dismiss it faggot.
she does the duper's delight smile after the 2nd shot cracks.
NPCs don't even have to think about recording stuff on their phone anymore. It's muscle memory like reaching for a door handle at this point. Which is why there are so many videos of fucked up shit these days.
No webp support either, meaning you have to convert 90% of images you save from other sites. This place is a joke. Cucks will always defend the board too, kek... but they are mostly phoneposters who contribute nothing.
>You can clearly see her freak out when it happens, jackass.
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>None of the other sections of the crowd or the TV cameras were, which is why some blurry shakey ass cell phone vids are the only footage we have of Trump actually in the dogpile.
lol ok retard.
What a stupid fucking post,
Fuck you and your gay twatter link
Her video was supposed to be of Trump's head exploding like a .50-cal'ed watermelon. That graphic execution of an enemy of the State - to demoralize the right and excite the left - was what she was there to capture.

When the assassination plot failed the conspirators then moved to destroy all evidence.
>"You'd have to be on the stage to get an unobstructed shot of him on the ground."
>"Lol no you don't."
>Posts a picture taken from on the stage.
>oblivious woman oblivious with zero situational awareness
this is your standard woman, fidgety and spaced out, phone out real quick though
Are you actually retarded?
Jesus fucking Christ stop trying to blend in. No one gives a fucking shit and no one "defends" fucking 4chan. We are here for the culture, not the features.
Nice comeback faggot. Totally destroyed me with that witty logical karate chop.
webp is the worst format made.
Too bad she wasn't recording when the shots happened then. Competence crisis even affecting the fed plants too, I see.
Not much else to say in the face of such reckless goalpost moving. Not to mention you failed to read my post.
that woman supposed to be JFK Jr wife (Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy) both JFK jr and his wife didn't react like everyone else
There's plenty of known instances of normies doing that in what should be high stress situations. I'm just going to chalk this up to "smartphone addicted women".
Yes, she saw the sniper getting ready
I noticed this too, but a bunch of them had weird NPC behavior like just standing around and that guy who was waving to the camera
I like how your totally organic comment doesn't actually have shit to do with literally anything I posted.
I know it is an odd behaviour to witness, if you have never met a woman before.
But yes, women are stupid, retarded, unaware, complete lack of basic survival instinct and quite frankly a danger to their environment.
I can think of at least 4 women in my life who could have acted 100% like the woman in OP
Doesn't look good, I say we burn her at the stake just to be safe
Word War III. Unironically.
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There's people with your fired signs ready as well. It's not ironic. The left is unhinged and they'll get you fired. Stalk you. Try to get you arrested or even killed.

It's a real civil war for them and the right is just hoppin and boppin along without a fucking clue till they lose their job. Even then they don't have a fucking clue.

Pic speaks for itself.

she's looking towards that stupid graph trump was talking about before he got shot at. This is nothing.
this faggot gets it
>claims no one else had a view of in the dogpile
>I post a shot with a view in the dogpile
>proceeds to have a shitfit about "the stage" that makes no sense as the photo was clearly taken from the press area in front of the stage
Can't wait to see you change your nonsensical argument again.
Pretty sure there were people by the fence shouting "he has a gun he has a gun"
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Enough of the nagging and bitching. If we want to know let's just find her. We can find flags with fucking starmaps, why would this hag be beyond reach?
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>Be an autistic middle-aged woman
>Go to Trump rally
>Overwhelmed by all the stimulus
>Ohshit.jpg something's happening
>Memaw will never believe me
>Flips out phone

why the fuck are a bunch of my son's friends flooding my face on an anime image board?
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if it was premeditated, she would have whipped out her phone first. That's a lady on SSRI's. It turns you into an emotionless zombie.
>woman holding phone continues holding phone despite risk to personal safety
Stop the fucking presses.
She smiles the moment the shot rings out.
So this entire rally was an attempt to shoot a snuff film of blormpf getting his head exploded in 4k to plaster everywhere all over the world?
And the discord groomed glownigger shooter missed by a few centimeters?
What a timeline...
facts. white women be some crazy bitches.
nice one m8
so i am going to go back and watch her closely. last night i noticed her because my fight or flight gut was saying she should have been ducking. watching it she just sits there like she knew it was going to be fine and that she just needed to record and record focus on recording. it look sus as fuck watching it again.
I think she smiles also when she starts filming
This is such a nothing burger. The fedora guy who Qoomers think is JFK Jr is more sus (he doesn't really react) but it's still nothing.
maybe the real question is why is someone filming her while all this is happening?
so she's smiling when she sees Trump survived? Remember, she's got the super special vantage point, so she can see he survived.
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Whats actually fucked up is that she smiles as the shots are fired. There were plenty of other people in the stands behind Trump who just sat there dumbfounded, zero survival instincts, but she looks twice in the direction of the shooter before the shots are fired, and then smiles after the first shot is fired.
You won't hear of her again.
behind the building, her randomly seeing a guy prone on a roof 150 meters away is suspect.
yeah. it stinks
Quick glances that would allow her to glean no information? Yeah, sure.
You are a jew
She's looking at the screen Trump is looking at and talking about retard. Did you even watch the rally?
Seems like the Trump Assassination Attempt has its own version of the "Dancing Isreali"

How do we find out who she is?
I think she was more focused on getting a good video for her social media that will get her tons of attention (typical woman) than getting possibly shot
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and u?
I also want to add that wasn't there a mysterious woman filming the JFK assassination?

Typical jewish behavior.
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4/10 shill reply. You avoided addressing the fact that she smiles as the shots are being fired, but you did do well to deflect the fact that she also looks up in the direction of the shooter with some half-assed bullshit.

You can do better.
we won't and she will be dead in a few weeks anyway. a lot of people are going to have accidents very soon.
just look at how many cops 'committed suicide' after jan 6th.
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Remember the countersniper is on the roof and they can all see him.
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Fuck off retard, you can't even tell if she's smiling or grimacing, not that it matters, it means nothing. You're either braindead or an actual disinformation shill.
Why would I need to remember this?
>just look at how many cops 'committed suicide' after jan 6th.
>Woman sits down
fuck you for wasting my time
No one has any video of the guy in the crowd that died?
>haha gottem!!
Is this how amerimutt politics always play out?
look at how fast she has her camera out filming and recording, doesnt it obviously look like she looks down to make sure the camera is recording on her phone?
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are you retarded? do you seriously think she pieced together the entire situation and started smiling because trump was alive? how the fuck would she know there aren't ten more shots coming? everyone is freaking the fuck out rightfully so
Holy nothing burger
Are you fucking serious right now? If she was a fed waiting for him to be shot she would've certainly noticed he was not seriously injured, yes, there aren't a lot of pieces to that. I was obviously mocking you for thinking that in the first place though, based on a random facial twitch from a video blown up to four fucking pixels.
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Assuming she was in on it, why would she position herself to observe it as it goes down from an unsafe position where she might get her head shot off by a stray bullet?

I believe all it would take is someone at the secret service or above to give "stand down" orders to police and sniper teams to not react to the sniper. This is the believable angle anyone reasonable should demand answers to. Fuck the FBI - they arent going to investigate shit.

It doesnt make sense. Just another schizo theory. And if its not a schizo theory, its bullshit peddled by an ActBlue shill, much like the mexican time traveller Q larp JFK's son bullshit. The goal will be to have leftoids look at these threads, characterize '4chan users' as believing it to 'make us look dumb'.
>a brit in the wild
you could face the wall for that image, very brave of you memflag
You're half right, your mistake is in thinking she had any thought process at all. She was just staring at social media, heard a ruckus, and automatically went into filming mode. Women are barely even human, much less intelligent independent actors.
i dont care about her smiling you faggot loser i care about her being so quick to have her camera out recording after shots are fired 2 feet away from her, that isnt normal and retards who try to blame it on a "woman moment" are just faggot loser incels. womens reaction in situations like this are to screech and shout and do nothing useful, not be ready to immediately record within 0.05s
>white woman on 20 different prescription drugs reacts strangely to something
is this supposed to be a big deal?
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Jfk jr was up with his phone
He look stun of not seeing trump head explose he just stay there standing up with his phone
man, mutts are nuts, they are so thirsty to turn on each others it's unreal, I can't wait for things to go south and we get to see so much live kinos
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The video anon! She had to film the video! Nobody else could do that! Ignore the press, they don't have cameras! Ignore the fact she wasn't even filming before the shots, that's irrelevant!
She was already holding the phone you absolute retard. That wasn't her sign, you can see the head of the guy who's holding it in front of her. I pointed that out at the start of the thread and all you retards are ignoring it.
>the Talmud is one book and not a long series of books that requires multiple bookshelves to carry.
Its a lot bigger than the Bible, guys. Get it together.
lol, you're always accusing your enemies of what you're guilty of.
Can we please, oh please, have more twitter threads. I hate having to go onto Twitter to see useless wank, I much rather see it all posted here. What's Wendy's posting about over there, can we get a Wendy's thread please
she was looking at the direction trump was pointing at and saying "look", the smiling I believe because trump was making jokes seconds before about teleprompter and maybe thought he's being like usual, clowning around. recording with the phone is typical nowadays, people get murdered and people only record, we are talking about a woman.
jesus guys get a grip
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You did the right thing. 90% of the time it's a 1 post OP. The odds are in your favor going forward. Take this on your journey.
Someone knew how could that guy know he was gonna be shot in the ear and drop on the floor and be safe

That a fucking random prediction

They're there to ensure the gunman is pointing his rifle into the crowd and not at Trump, as he was conditioned to do so. If the gunman points his rifle towards Trump they are to take him out prematurely. Trump will clip his ear himself when he is on the ground making it look like the magic bullet grazed him. The ear was chosen for the centrists to make a subconsious connection between Trump and the gunman who has a small ear malformation on the same side, thus falling for the charade.
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Just admit its pretty strange for a person to start smiling when live rounds are passing 5ft in front of them. Thats your problem, JIDF, instead you got violently angry that people noticed it.
Webm is based on matroska which is the container master race. Totally mogs mpeg kikes. You’re suspicious for having an opinion yet not knowing that
lol, whatever dude. Enjoy the schizophrenia, I guess.
>including constantly looking towards the direction of the shooter
Fucking retard faggot. Trump was looking that way too.
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I think this whole thread is some sort of reddit disinformation thing. If you watch the fucking unzoomed in video you can see half the crowd is looking in the same direction and smiling, and you can see she was holding her phone the whole time and just slightly raised it up.
Sar! Do not steal the groceries
Yeah the whole crowd was in on the psyop, trump has no real followers they're all 9/11 holograms, clones, CIA agents, crisis actors, and sex trafficked slaves. Extra chickum nuggies to the best actor and this woman IS GETTING NONE TONIGHT!
Could just be someone hoping to make a few shekels from exclusive footage
>She was probably supposed to film and upload Trump's dead body
>you wouldn't download a president
The people in control hate you

Everything is done to demoralize you and rub anything great your race has ever done in your face, like a bad puppy that pooped inside

Now quit asking questions and go watch some interracial commercials like a good goyim
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TaraBull is a hot milf and I want to play with her boobies (picrel)
Q here, you need to cvm the plan
no schizos, thats just a garden variety npc woman
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>Trump will clip his ear himself when he is on the ground making it look like the magic bullet grazed him. The ear was chosen for the centrists to make a subconsious [sic] connection between Trump and the gunman who has a small ear malformation on the same side, thus falling for the charade.
A 3.75 for originality.
Honestly that was pretty fucking good I'd recommend this guy get into writing he could probably sell these ideas to real people or maybe write like those fiction mystery crime and thriller novels that they have in the prison libraries and goodwills a less evil path
Fuck off shill.
More tara boobah
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Fucking based, the wembs are for funny chink threads and other gay ass shit, but fucking faggots demanding everything gets encoded for them can suck on an ass hole
i do not feel he is jfk jr
not at all
further more when i see his image and that of his wife i sense evil
good catch
no shit people here think this assassination attempt was legit? you are telling me a sniper was able to hit the king of the goys at one of his miga rallys? LMAO
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For her to have seating there, 100% she is ALREADY KNOWN. it should be easy as PISS to find her you FBI cunts.

probably meaningless and probably yeah just a plant to record, but probably can't find a lead through id'ing her unless her video is uploaded to some other video account, if she is a glowie and was there to record it I doubt she would upload the failure, and we can figure out from that.
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YEP! Definitely a little smirk.

This is so compelling
btw im a schizo with 80iq
you retards waste your time on so much stupid shit and you take me with you
fuck you
This guy gets it

Nothing wrong with woman being happy a person survived a near deadly shooting
lol, fbi central office glowagent a to a local agent B. We should all take our time to personally say hi to our agent's bosses that are visiting these threads with them right now, you have diligent workers! Once you all figure out how not to glow we could hang out irl.
She either knew ahead or is literally a deranged person
They certainly won’t just give up and be like aw shucks I guess Trump will be president
It's strange to see but not that unusual. Think of it from her perspective. She is farther from him than she appears in that camera, and she is wearing big sunglasses. Maybe she had earplugs in or it was hot and just didn't register that she was hearing gunshots. Or maybe she's just a witless woman with no self-awareness and only cares about recording shit for social media.

If she was "sMiLiNg hE sUrViVeD," the smile would have been much larger and animated.
Yes zapruder was the jew filming jfk, who then sold the film to other jews at time life, its a whole rabbit hole to go down
simple answer: she's a female biden supporter and has little situational awareness. probably doesn't even recognize what a gun sounds like.

she's a tool, but an innocent one. don't go on a witchhunt to find answers for what was SS incompetence that day
Glowing worse than that time slaves tried to boil water for power
>mp4 support
mp4 is a container
webm is a container
You're a fucking retard.
If this story is all it mainly appears to be at this point I think they have to double down and keep trying. They are letting thier media lash out and not stopping them. Biden may not have known. But even if he didn't I would it put it past him if his brains were all there.
people react in different ways in stress situation.
kindly fuck off faggot op
This was a RNC/Israeli op not dnc. Figure it out.
She may just not be a very expressive person. She looks a little like a karen, they're usually that way.
Did the Don renounce Israel and gay buttsex then declare project 2025, he would have to do something like that to get rnc or mossad attacking him
why do people even still post "twitter" links when you have to fucking log in to see content and doesn't embed properly because they broke their site on purpose like youtube?
post the content HERE or fuck off.
thats fucking retarded, yes people are act strangely at times. she was not a plant by joe biden to.. i dont even know what the conspiracy would be there??? does this moron also think all the people who pointed out the gunman are plants because they didnt run the moment they saw the guy with the rifle?
Hi Elon
Leftoids full schizo trying to prove they’re not the bad guys.
It’s time to Kill your local Liberal
Kill yourself double nigger faggot you're so retarded you'd even fail at doing it tho
>Ah yes goyim, I'm here at this rally as a plant to capture the demise of your fearless leader and not just some milf that needs that sweaty pussy fucked and toes sucked. I will wait until after the first volley of shots are fired to whip out my iPhone 15 Pro Max with 512 GBs of storage so I can capture it for all the world to see as I am the only one that will be recording this event.
you can link it to wsg faggot
begone, street shitter.
Eyoo skinwalkers are back in town.

No, she was a typical phone user on social media. Finished her. Looks up half dazed. Shots fired what's that.

She didnt know he survived. Trump went down remember.
SHE SMIRKED thinking "your fucked now orange man"

Thankfully, she was wrong.
That's a stretch. I'm not surprised a roastie's first reaction is to whip out her phone.
you stink MI6
Thanks anon. Would be interesting to find out who she is, I guess the ones sitting behind Trump are screened extra or they even pay for the spots. She has a repressed smile right after the shot. Definately a spook.
>woman are oblivious to their surroundings
more news at 11
WOMEN run and hide and scream the moment shit pops off. They DONT smirk and record chill. Plus, she was looking over to exactly where the shooters location was. She was expecting it.
Same with the Sandy Hook parents.
>body language astrology proves foreknowledge
Kill yourself kike.
that’s the deep state, bureaucrats and career politicians that don’t want to be replaced by computers and billionaires
FBI and CIA ean the show dumbass
What exactly you try here? That bitch name will be public, if not it would be just a confirmation she's a glowie bitch. Now show tits, Rajesh.
also probably a plain clothed secret service undercover woman
they will bury this
wouldn’t filming indicate it was a deep state op?
They saw the snipers on the roof you dumbfucks
Yes, but was not there to ensure Trump's safety. Not only did not intervened, but she was not watching around either afterwards. She was there to take first hand footage of Trump dead. Remember kikes are mentally ill and their thirst of revenge go back millenias.
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>TFW no webm
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kek, got him.
this was so called official acts president biden made with his new immunity thanks to trump
also wouldn’t biden’s poor debate performance explain this too? like he was petrified that he carried out a hit on trump before the man is dead, on the same stage with him
Not just one but DOUBLE. You really got him there.
they rangebanned romania or just where i'm from? can you still make threads in here?
She looked in the direction of the shooter multiple times. And smiled. And put a camera straight on Trump as he hit the ground.

I say she's a skinwalker.
Trump is the more pro-Israel candidate and his favorite kid converted to Judaism. This makes no sense.

I wouldn’t put it passed a woman to hope something would happen for the good girl social media points of being able to film it. If she was filming it, where are her videos or photos?
she was there to document the event, like the dancing Israelis
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is it possible that there were others with her? like the people with " you got fired" signs?
billionaires hate trump because without career politicians plebes are going to expect billionaires to fix their lives or country
Conspiracy fags need to do iq tests
>i think i’m most qualified for the job
t. joe biden
because he’s a career puppet politician
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How retarded does one have to be to post a second hand recording of this in 240p like a fucking boomer, and expect anybody to draw conclusions? She's not holding any sign, she already has her phone in her hand, and there's other people who started recording too (it's 2024).
>it’s all fake

Yeah and so what if it was!


We don’t care

>but it’s fake

Yeah prove it beyond a shaky video and some woman acting strange at a rally out of hundreds of people.

>wait! Listen

Yeah best of luck schizo
Almost all the people in the audience look either AI generated or literal zombies, it's very uncanny
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>If she was filming it, where are her videos or photos?
Safely in the FBI's vault of Ls.

But you make a good point. If she was just a phone addicted attention whore like the glowies are trying to spin it. Then WHERE are the clips. She should be attention whoring them.

Comey's guy MISSED
>zero panic reaction

it's enough to make you wonder if there's a bigger plot going on
You know little about how judaism works, because you think judaism is logical. Between a cattle who has some original thoughts from time to time and a senile idiot who let Us and the world completely in the hands of kikes from Eastern Europe they will chose the latter. Or any nigger executing their entire agenda, all the time, 100%. Not only for ukraine support, but also for the continuation of mass migration and the destruction of White world once and for all. Which white glowie faggots are also suporting because they are also mentally ill and only into their immediate desires.
other people turn at the same time as her too
OP btfo
I did not made a thread in a long long time. But even if I made very few, I encountered rangebans. Probably some degenerates posting crap on other boards, I don't know.
the smile is the weirdest / creepiest part.
that's the smile a person makes when they think a long laid plan is about to bear fruit
There is a guy top right corner with maga hat and shades who's head is spinning around often in opposite direction to that jumbotron. I have to find a good HD, longer footage
perhaps she is not recording but communicating with someone.. who though
Ok, so the sign is not hers, she still the ONLY ONE who smiles... and as the other video shows, no attempt to hide.
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>This level of resistance to this level of confirmation by multiple anons
Government. Calling it now.
because she knew, why else would a woman smile, especially a dumb american woman, that probably has mutts… that don’t like trump
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Poor video quality

Should be 4k quality
lol the kid above her is going "what the fuck is she looking at?"
its almost as if its shitty blurry zoomed in footage
she is the man on the hill with the umbrella. clear signaller.
she does have some dupers delight as trump clutches his ear. i would say she needs a visit from the SS
When Rittenhouse shot antifa freaks, their first reaction was to pull out their phones while they were dying.

Lots of creeps will record anything, even risking a bullet, if they can catch footage of someone being killed. The trades would probably pay top dollar for footage of a dead president.
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Webp faggot shit is the most annoying kike nigger faggot shit that has ever existed, JPGs were fine for decades but no we need a new format.

Fuck Jewgle and the literal cum swallowing faggots working there.
the shooter wouldn't even see these people
Boomers and conservative millenial moms need to be removed from the internet. The conspiratorial shit they believe is beyond retarded.
First post nigger post
Okay so she's retarded all women are kek
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secret service moving people just before trump was shot
Don't be plebbit faggots like happened after the Boston Marathon bombing.
she glows. the kid was an asset. he fucked up because retarded. theres no way that building wouldnt have been guarded.
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It's nothing. Anyone in on it would not sit right behind him. The conspiracy is that his security detail was deprived of sufficient resources to defend the rooftop.

I wonder who picked that location for the rally too.
it's a woman, she probably thinks it's fireworks going off. The secret service women were trained for this and acted the same way, completely oblivious
>It's nothing. Anyone in on it would not sit right behind him.
but she's not right behind him, she's behind and *below* him.
that matters, especially over that distance.
Why would Jews kill trump?
>dude standing on the wrong side of the barrier
>gets told to move
>conspiracy theory activate
She fucking smiles
Here. Just released

>another meme flag thread pushing the "it's faked" naritve
Kikes needed 1-2 days to come up with a script
I'm glad more people are picking up on that. That's the kind of smile I'd make when springing a trap on something.
Bro this isn't good regardless. If she was alerted to the shooter before LEO and feds were that's not a good thing. Or she had information about that assassination attempt that an otherwise normal attendee should NOT have known about. Then she smiles and instantly starts recording it as if the intention was to leak it for the sinister demoralization purposes as anons have been saying if divine intervention didn't foil their plot.

The only other explanation is if she was looking at the slideshow Trump was referencing
>waiting for it to happen
>smiles when it does
>does not react normally
>calmly takes out her phone and films without moving

No emotion besides that possible smirk
Keep in mind women are notoriously slow when it comes to awareness and surroundings
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This is literally soiboy in audio form.
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>Why would Jews kill trump?
She looks jewish. New dancing israelis incident? Jews do have an hard-on of taping their vile actions up-close.
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It's a clueless woman. You faggots need to stick your dick in one some day.
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someone did a mash-up of a bunch of videos
and put it to a timeline...

looks like a stray bullet hits a 'line' of a crane making the speaker dangle. 2:13

my personal schizo theory (for now) is that she was there to film a snuff film for someone very high up in the establishment's pecking order.
This, there is no fucking way the police or the secret services wouldn't have picked up on a kid with a big ass gun on that roof when even people in the audience already picked up on it minutes before he started shooting. This spectacle has glow fingerprints all over the place.
That video shows nothing and proves nothing about anything lol. Not everyone reacts the same or knows what's going on
Look at all the 1pbtid’s and shills ITT.
>she doesnt react to gunshots
>she doesnt look at people hitting the deck
>the jumbotron was farther to her right than she was looking
>signal with sign immediately followed by phone grabbing
>no video from this angle from an attention whore?
>dumb women will still instinctually follow a crowd
>brand new Trump gear
that dude's fucking screeching absolutely takes away from what people should be noticing about that vid.
What he and the guy in blue hood were hoping to photograph sitting so close to Trump's back 10 seconds before the shot? Just asking.
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>purple id
I think you might be right.
Dude was standing in the wrong spot to they told him to fuck off. If it really was all staged do you think they would give a fuck about that guy? He wasn't even in the way at all, and clearly they didn't care if some random person got hurt or died, as that did happen.
>That... actually is really damning
It really isn't
Everyone else not totally bolting out of there. Vincent is john denver or some shit.
Anon are you stupid? It's a presidential nominee giving a speech, there are a billion cameras pointed at him already, including from random people in the crowd.
sarah connor

Shes quick draw McGraw with that phone
>>no video from this angle from an attention whore?
she has the event from an angle no one else has and she hasn't tried to sell it to TMZ yet?
That's one of the things that makes this stinky
The entire reason we have so many videos is because EVERYONE was recording shit. It was a speech live on TV with a crowd full of people also recording you retard.
I was ready to call bullshit, but she does come off as incredibly suspicious. Even smirks and tries to take a picture.
Biggest red flag
You're telling me this didn't circulate in a friend circle until it started spreading? This footage must be insane.
Watching her behaviour at the rally from the start, while I incline to believe this
>>474252951 and said so earlier, she did smirked few times and when laughing, quickly repressed her smile. With American women (or Western ones, by extension) you never know she was not on mind-altering medication since early age hence the inability to asses the surrounding threats correctly. She also filmed a lot.
>Biggest red flag
>You're telling me this didn't circulate in a friend circle until it started spreading? This footage must be insane.
Like if any anons have seen video that looks like it was shot from that angle I'm open to checking it out but I've been trying to watch everything haven't seen anything from that precise vantage point yet.
She could get easy internet clout, fame, even a nice sum of money for that footage and she's just...not.
though to be fair she could just be in negotiations to get the biggest payday out of it, hence the delay.
If it surfaces on a site like TMZ in a few days we'll know that's what happened and the explanation for at least that part of it is mundane.
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>"And we would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for a bunch of schizos" is what schizos ACTUALLY believe.
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She was probably the only one on adrenochrome at the rally with looking multiple times at the shooters angle, the smiling at Trump hitting the deck, pullout the camera faster than a quickdraw and "being unaware there are shots being fired in her direction"
Thank you for putting an effort
I hate noticing shit like this and then they just get away with it.
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ALL main TV station are filming Trump zoom in so crowd cannot to be seen. They did this shit in 2016 too. Most of personal footage is jack shit quality because american are known fat retards unable to shoot proper footage, against the sun, on vertical or with shaking hands for all that sugar. At least the guy with the white shirt looked like someone taking photos for a living - how much taking a shot of the back of Trump is paying on Getty? Because from that position the only good shot would be the red carpet on the podium. Now let me introduce you to another jew like you, pic related.
Vile jew was junior year, ethics class. Too bad the hand of God did not finish the job.
Who would you rather have as president? The dementia patient that does whatever you say or the guy that talks shit all day while doing whatever you say?
Good question. They'll probably try again. If Trump doesn't get real security, instead of security provided to him by the exact same guy who just tried to assassinate him, then he is the dumbest motherfucker on Earth.
There were large screens on the left and right of the stage where Trump team projected some infographics (like the migration rates when he was President and during Biden's year (20 million in 4 years...) so many people were looking at those. But yeah, the smirk and the instaphone are weird at least.
>Eyewitnesses saw the shooter on the roof at least a full minute before he started shooting.
yep, and it's not like 1 or 2 of them, but a fucking bunch
>new video

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