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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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in the hope of clearing up this board i have set up the Destiny Meltdown General or /DGM/. no one really cares about this e-celeb drama and if you brought this up to anyone in the real world (R OR D) they would look at you like a fucking freak.

try it make it look like /uhg/ or /chug/ or even worst case brit/pol/

You can see use these as examples:

I will leave the rest up to you.
we dont need 3/12 threads all about the same thing. again, most people IRL has no idea who this guy is. he has no real authority/power/qualifications/experience on this matter. never mind politics or current affairs in general. the guy is a streamer.

what we know so far
>Destiny is a twitch streamer who likes playing the fortnight
>he is a cuck
>he has never worked a real job in his life
>he does not understand politics
>he has been up for 48 hours straight tweeting constantly about how THIS ISNT GETTING TO HIM IN THE SLIGHTEST
>he has been inciting people to violence ever since trump got shot
>for some reason. some zoomers think this very important.
>he has been inciting people to violence ever since trump got shot

I know your wife cheated and divorced you but there's no need to lash out like a manchild.
>we dont need 3/12 threads
lol, still only 3/12 threads
How many days has it been stuck at 3/12? Four days? Five days?
>The candidate I ideologically align with
So he's admitting that he rapes kids?
Literally told his followers to practice and improve their aim, and has repeatedly stated that the deaths of those in attendance were are completely justifiable.

Even said he'd support his own conservative parents being shot.
Damn I missed you Gary
*were AND are completely justified
Really this stupid thing deserves its own general?
I know what Destiny’s problem is. He’s really negative. He should try being positive. That should get people to see his viewpoint. Someone tell him that.
It's official.
i hear he prefers aerith and thinks tifa is a shit character
no, he pays to watch other men rape his own kids

I'd like the Comperatore family to sue this eFag and take him for his entire wealth like Alex Jones. That would be funny justice.
>At least three 1pbtid threads up since Trump got shot at, all with meme flags
Did your marketing guy put you up to this cuckboi?

It kinda does because I think he is having some type of anger/denial issue. Essentially his politics just turned sour and he feels like the bad guy. If its happening to him it might be happening to a lot of people. Kinda dangerous desu.
by my count, destiny is averaging 2.16 tweets per hour for the last 48 hours. He has not gone longer than 3 hours without a tweet or reply in this time period.

By this we can assume he has been awake for almost 2 days while nonstop raging about this event.


Remember to report concerning behavior to the relevant authorities.
Well, you picked the right flag for this thread.

Personally, I'm opposed to this because e-celeb shit is absolute cancer. On the other hand, one thread is better than 12.

Has he really been mainlining the ADHD meds so he can stay awake for two days straight? Is he streaming or just tweeting?
And he's probably on loads of drugs, anti depressants and other shit. A good start would be for him to stop those completely
today warwick davis breathes a sigh of relief at finally not being the only midget everyone wants to torture in a medieval dungeon during a thunderstorm
You guys got him demonetised for free speech. What a shameless bunch of hypocrites you conservatives truly are.
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I don't have an X account, nor do I give a shit enough to make one just to watch this melt down happen in real time, but I do have spare time to open this thread and leave it's tab open, so post so fucking screenshots so I can continue to be a lazy fuck.
nah, thats the fake one. this is the /DMG/
Shitlibs have no right to speak. They've had the floor for the past two decades.
Take that memeflag off fag
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>eceleb shit
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>So he's admitting that he rapes kids?
Anon... they're leftists.
you first.
it's hypocritical but I don't give a shit about the speech of people who oppose free speech lol.
> Literally told his followers to practice and improve their aim
Wtf destiny is a conservative now?
>no one really cares about this e-celeb drama and if you brought this up to anyone in the real world (R OR D) they would look at you like a fucking freak.
Thanks for clarifying that you have no friends. Israel still is losing.
I actually pity all the basement dwelling losers in this thread. Destiny is a leader, a teacher, a philosopher, and an artist. Face it; He's accomplished more than any of you incels could ever hope to.
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Destiny wants Trump supporters getting shot:

Destiny has moved on to the political violence level against conservatives:

Destiny wants to watch Devin Nunes be killed:

Destiny can't wait to genocide conservatives:

Destiny celebrates the Trump supporter being killed in the assassination attempt:
Is there any reason why he wouldn't be drafted if and when it's implemented?
True. I could never possibly lose my wife to a random jobless Palestinian. That is an incredible accomplishment
Well he shills for capitalism and is a staunch Israel supporter
He took more of Donald Trump's dodgy covid vaccines than any of us too
didn't you watch the first avenger? no super soldier serum
GR8 B8 M8
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Cry more faggot. Commies have no rights.
Holy fuck lmao
if the name of the game is
>it's okay when we do it
>it's okay when we do it

get it yet?
it's not even hypocritical, it's pragmatic.
Principles don't require suicidal adherence in the context of dealing with people who utterly lack them.
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He's a child fucker anon. >>474236248
It's no wonder the mother of his child left him, as would any sane woman.
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How does this cunt make money?
He's gotta have a shady ass side hustle.
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if trumps future DHS briefs twitch on the dangers of inciting violence and flagging destiny thats freedom of speech in his book
You know I don't follow that fuckwit closely other than seeing him mentioned here or making cringe compilations of youtube but from my limited exposure to him he doesn't seem to be acting abnormal at all.

I remember he "debated" that dude with cancer and every other argument was literally "haha I hope you fucking die. Tehee, I'm so edgy!"
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Why's it always nazis
Reminder, in early twitch he raided a channel and got a 13yo streamer to show his penis on camera
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Almost got me there.
>he pays to watch other men rape his own kids
wow i had no idea
wow. i might use that as the OP in the next thread.
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Why was this my captcha? This site is run by hack racist dipshits.
It's FREE speech, not paid speech, nigger.
So did the bullets
racism is normal, you're just brainwashed to think it isnt
Instead of wasting all this time literally just debate him on stream.
destiny has been awake for 48 hours STRAIGHT raging at hundreds of people
I have pictures of Destiny's butthole. Anyone want to see them?
he's literally never had a single debate on stream, all he does is shout really fast over his opponent with irrelevant wiki gotchas
thats not what a debate is, they're just sissy e-arguments
Ugh, I love him
No but post them anyway
Get a moderator dumbass
Imagine taking a photo of a bass that small. All the bass I catch are 8 lb plus. Dude had it coming
He's a bad faith debater. The whole "debate" is that you should never call on or wish for violence against opposing political beliefs, but his "logical and smart" beliefs are better than everyone so he thinks it's fine if it's his side doing it. There's nothing to debate, he's just a faggot.
>hehehehe TND soon
>gas the kikes race war now
>nooooooooooo you can't celebrate a low iq chuddy father getting shot and killed thats immoral
holy KEK, more dead chuddies coming soon
Wasn't he supposed to be muh edgy logical contrarian leftist who's not like the other leftists?
The actual thread is here.
So why do we hate him again?
No he should keep on going I believe in him
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>go get drafted
Sounds like a 4chinner
Also KK mentioned
Tifas milkers > Aeriths simple as.
J6 laws, you can give destiny life in a supermax just for his tweets. I for one want to see him debate actual men.
Keeping bass that small actually increases average size of bass. Young bass are more aggressive and fast and outcompete larger ones for food
murdering the only healer with the stuff I gave her permanently pissed me off so much I restarted the game
>shitlibs create a bunch of mindless offense rules
>its the right's fault the left keeps falling on their own sword
lol. lmao even. would Jew please try to shill better
you guys alright if i bake the next one?
i promise i'll leave it to someone else after that. unless anyone else has any objections?

Kek destiny can not stop taking L’s. People that have been using 4chan for over 12 years fucked his wife
he is australian this is bait
>>for some reason. some zoomers think this very important.
Grandpa, judging by the fact that theres like 10 threads about this turbocuck on this retirement home of a website it isn’t the zoom zooms caring about it. :)
Tifa is a bar slut cock tease. I don't give a fuck what her breast size is I am not going to spend MONTHS courting a whore like that just to get chlamydia
One thing Destiny does is fly out to fuck mentally ill discord girls on his server, or fly them in to his place to fuck them. What if some autist started looking into these girls and confronting them about their sexual attraction to a faggot manlet? Would be fun to see Destiny go berserk when no girl wants to fuck him because they are afraid of autistic incels making fun of them online for being whores.
>I'd like the Comperatore family to sue this eFag
Where are those right-wing lawyers who are always attention whoring? This is the perfect opportunity. The precedent has already been set, this is a billion-dollar lawsuit.

He's inciting violence. Now Elon can ban him.
yea i saw that. i wanna include it in the next thread.
Tifa would at least live long enough to give you chlamydia.
>implying the child is even his when she's literally been in bed with another man in the background of his streams
>i don’t think id be here without my dad
you wouldn’t, neither would anyone. sorry for your loss. r.i.p corey
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https://www.destiny.gg/bigscreen join us if you're not a pussy dggL
I want destiny's life ruined because he is ugly
Simple as
I've also heard him say "illegal immigrant violence against Trump supporters is justified." Clear cut stochastic terrorism
might be his first ever catch?
Go buy an ad, you subhuman nigger
Over 11 posts shitting up /pol/ alone on Destiny. His marketing team needs to chill.
Gary! Best fucking poster!
do you reckon he is actaully going to get banned off the internet now?
or do you reckon he could face, like...actaul jail time.
You're very smart and above it all.
the thing i have learned about liberals ever since 2016 is how they are all the biggest supporters of genocide, killing and exploiting non-white countries like the ones in middle east, south america, etc and yet, they have the audacity to present themselves as the "tolerant", the "progressives", the ones who aren't racist
it's just enraging seeing them pretend as if their votes to the pedophile war monger didn't get them the conflicts in ukraine and palestine
utter immoral filth
he is on a speed binge
as fucking gay and faggoty e celeb shit is, having a general thread keeps it in one place instead of FUCKING SPAMMED EVERYWHERE
Get. A. Moderator. Dumbass.
>mainlining speed
id say so
Sup, cowboys. Can anyone tell a nigga if there is anyone in the US at this point who HASN'T banged Destiny's wife?
He's a coward. He can't get anything out of life because he's too cowardly.
14 at present.
Posting in a baste thread. Destiny is peak chode
>You're very smart and above it all.
so smart and above it all he went out of his way to enter a thread full of things he did not like and got mad over it.
Yes, it's called using the Jew's tools against him and it's great.
heckin based elon i love that guy
> He is openly bisexual and his second marriage was an open marriage with Swedish streamer Melina Göransson

>open marriage

>spics marrying white women
Kill. Yourself.
no, conservatives are not radial, hence conservative. doesnt mean conserving things either. thats a conservationist
>homeless Swedish whore leaves destiny for a jobless paki

Just when I thought he couldn’t get anymore pathetic. I hope that basic whore took him for everything. What a loser.
do your friends know who destinny is?
like radial tires?
people give it to him. you know something, 95% of brits and americans are quite retarded. there aren’t many that realise destiny is a moron. most of those that do(99%) come to this board
Giving a retard a platform and treating him as legitimate ... legitimizes him. Destiny is a fringe internet literal cocksucking literal cuckold jewfaggot. His only audience are worthless fleshlumps just like him and he is utterly undeserving of legitimacy.
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Don't worry redditor looking into this
>tfw haven't even had sex with Destiny's wife yet
tifa from the video game? or tifa at the pound shop?
Nobody gives a fuck about this destiny cuck - please stop posting about him. Nobody cares.
I suspect Destiny will be making number plates in his future.
its an x employee on reddit. come on now, use your brain.
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Reddit Columbo is on the case.
Also lol at Destiny confirming his dox are legit. I called his mum earlier.
You will
they obviously do give a fuck, people have donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to him, bro. its fucking gay but they do give a fuck.
in the end everyone will get their 15 minutes of Melina
A flash of old /pol/. The fire burns yet.
psychologist PHD streaming destinys space https://x.com/DrKarlynB/status/1812691048793346186
Kek that Destiny wacko is still going? His seething exudes small dick energy and he self-immolated on social media
we havent hit 280 yet lol.
Free speech does shield you from consequences lmao.. being free to disagree with Stalin but not free from the consequences of being liquidated is not freedom.
im envious of the freedom. of o was to post it id have the fucking faggot cops round here crying and making me sit in jail. not that it’s intolerable but its no substitute for my mothers basement.
I always assumed Aerith's "flower shop" was some kind of Japanese code for whore house so of course I went with pure Tifa.
ill use as the OP for the next thread.
free speech is a right because it is an ideal and an aspiration
as the cartoonist and destiny deny the aspiration, invert the ideal the right will end
He can always make his own website if he doesn’t like the rules of twitter/X
take the memeflag off faggot, just say you're retarded and close the tab.
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He is a cuckold foot-fetishist, and a manlet to boot. He is beneath any form of contempt.
they snuck on consequences after criticism and then forgot about the criticism bit. i really dislike disingenuous faggots that use sly tactics to accomplish their goals. they always shy away from the people they anger too.
What a fucking faggot. I hope his vehicle and house are melted to glass.
All the dregs of history had foot fetishes
The historymakers had armpit fetishes
Nah conquerors and kings are into tummy
holy based, i wish i could cum on feet all the time like him.
The leftist faggots and their immigrants will never be in charge.
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Isn't he also bisexual?
tbf anon, they have been for the best part of 4 years.
thanks sending that to his sister
Never again after what they've pulled.
>ive been told im great with my feet
have you? cool, then i dont want to be the second, slut. why do women think thats a good reply?
sending a copy of that exchange to his dad hold on
It wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I'm against ad-hominem attacks as much as the next one but i refuse to take a midget who is collecting sexual derangements like they're pokemon seriously.
His words simply carry no weight.
he is blurrsexual, just chasing the next thing but it seems that masochism is a constant
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great thread
I'll try to send people here
maybe as an insult
>Never again after what they've pulled.
they want a fight we would be remiss not to oblige them
Old 4chan would've doxxed his ass already
At this point, it would be better if as a society we decided he be euthanized. This kind of butthurt rage can't be good for society as a whole.
Why? He only has a foot fetish because he's too short to reach their vaginas
i wonder how many drugs hes on too keep it up for this long
Stochastic terrorism is the most based form of terrorism because it is impossible to prosecute. It is incredibly efficient at creating division that can be redirected to destroy the system.
Destiny should still be euthanized. He's in pain. Society should put him down like a dog with rabies.
Dox is already in the thread and confirmed by steven himself (kek)
>>474240449 Dox
>>474240335 Dipshit's confirmation
how is biden up +1? is he implying the dead guy is gonna vote biden?
He uploaded verbally defending this stuff currently on YT.

>Destiny Meltdown General
Nice one, retard.
does kick endorse the murder of firefighters?
he's spiralling mentally. all his real life friends have abandoned him on account of his insufferability, all that's left is discord cheerleaders. he might even rope before the year is over.
He is saying a trump supporter died so it's a +1 for biden. Unfortunately quick math was not his strong suit hence his abysmal starcraft career as he forgot the would-be trump assassin also had their brains sprayed all over the place making it a zero sum game much like his career now after shooting himself in the foot like he has just done.
Great, report it so we can get him banned on another major social media platform.
Thank you.
Jannies can we get some bans on all the destiny spam pls.
why does kick endorse the murder of firefighters? https://kick.com/destiny
except the moron failed assassin was a republican voter, so really its +2 for biden
Based. This is a rare instance where OP is not a faggot but everyone else in the thread is a faggot.
Hopefully the vaxx takes him soon
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its a joke you idiot.

young girls have very long legs in proportion to their torsos. A 10 year old girl would be much too tall for a Little Tikes.
primary voting does not determine the vote in the general, the guy was a pro biden democrat until you prove otherwise
which the FBI wont
>TDS sperg registers as repub to vote against trump in primary before failing to kill him
imagine repeating CNN headlines here
>tries to kill trump
>he's totally a trump supporter guys!
Leftism. Not even once.
>Des-tiny slowly turning into a full fledged bona fide lolcow
this lol
no wonder
I love how he has legit tantrums on there because he's seething about the fact Trump is basically guaranteed to win the election now and nothing he says matters. He's trying to cope being a literal nobody with no real influence, even over his own wife.
imagine joking about fucking children
on twitter no less, next time do it on /b/ you raging faggot
Chuds are literally too scared to even try lmao
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
KILL YOURSELF>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
>eceleb general on /pol/
you have to take into account his meth habit, it must be back. Careful with that shit, it will stunt your growth.
How many times did you get boosted?
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whose got the new issue? i think we all know whose gonna be on the cover if they gave him his own dedicated eglin botnet team to run generals for him
They are grifters who let their kids do cocaine.
Yeah go tell Jeff Bezos owned twitch to ban him, fucking retard.
twitch has banned him and he is seething, kick might be fine with the degenerate stuff but calling for firefighters to get shot thats a bridge too far I suspect
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I have no idea why the fuck Destiny is getting spammed on this board and I can't be bothered to figure it out.

I barely even know this guy existed until several days ago because he called out Boogie on faking cancer. And I barely even know Boogie I just find it interesting some fatass faked cancer and got called out on it.

Can someone give me a quick rundown I suppose this was caused by Trump getting shot?
Destiny = Howard Zinn turkish prison enjoyer, he does meth 'cuz he can't afford trig
he does have a history of that, well smoking it anyway.
Oh vey! Let us migaservatives order him pizza that'll show him!
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Destiny makes a lot of sense when you realize he's in favor of policies that would eradicate all human diversity -- physically and mentally -- and result in a mediocre, caramel-colored soup population that could be considered an improvement for a dysgenic manlet
how has he not been banned from twitter?
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Here's the most insane one yet.
Can it please be added to the sticky that he was absolutely trash at Starcraft 2 and one of the biggest faggots in scv?
why is it insane? Trump an maga people are not special protected class.
he was the personification of reddit back then. I have NEVER liked him and I knew him back then

how does he still have a reddit?
do you have any evidence for him being pro biden other than the fact that he shot at some guy you want to blow loads all over your face?

600, going for another round for 16 this weekend
its adverse inference, the FBI must make it transparent or it will be held against the regime
Have you been paying attention at all
Buy an ad faggot.
Guess his mask is fully off now that he knows Trump will definitely win. Which is fine. He'll fall to irrelevancy like Sam Harris did after his stupid comments.
It's unhinged because the democratic and wise """omniliberal""" is celebrating death and wants others dead because they support a demonstrably controlled politician. He is mindbroken
sam harris fall from grace was more extreme, not that I ever liked him
It's insane because if he was in that position he wouldn't be trolling about it. If he was he'd still be insane because life and death shit isn't funny especially if you play around with it, that's how you get war.
Everybody is talking shit until they're in the meat grinder.
Its way way worse destiny is logical consistent the entire media and democrats lie
destinys emotional reaction to trumps victory makes him honest and consistent.

Biden even brought up jan6 in his address and trumps sentencing is still coming.
Biden does want to end trumps life too only by his allies in the courts.
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this is the most severe case of TDS I have ever seen in my life
Soooo... No evidence? Gotcha.
There's evidence he was a registered republican though. Sorry if this hurts your feelings!
if you need ad homs to insult him then you've already lost, pathetic incel.
Kick is owned by a degenerate faggot gambling site, so unless conservatives boycott, he will be fine.
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I don't even know what Destiny and his supporters believe in at this point.
You may think MAGA is retarded but at least their motives are understandable. I honestly don't know what motivates a Destiny supporter.
well yes I agree as you said he in unhinged, likely partially because the money dried up. yet you do promotion for free.
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Ad hominem is a fallacy used to discredit someone in a debate based on unrelated personal characteristics, it isn't the same thing as just insulting someone. You should try to learn what words mean before you use them.
Sorry blue anon, the guy who tried to make biden president by killing trump is a democrat biden supporter until the FBI makes transparent otherwise. So watch your violent stochastic terrorist rhetoric.
>what motivates a Destiny supporter
destiny crossed a line there, violence is probably a nono
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>more chatter about a literal "who"
Their entire movement seems to be based around getting revenge for 2015 and nothing else. I can't understand it.
>you have to be a protected class to not have some shrill sociopath make fun of your dead father in front of millions of people
Karma is real and by all means keep racking up the debt. As you can see in these threads it has come to collect from a very nasty tax evader.
I didn't until I watched this.
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In addition, see pic related
Taken from >>474217272
Daily reminder Destiny married a whore
Daily reminder Destiny had an open relationship
Daily reminder Destiny got cucked by some swedish femboy
Daily reminder he got divorced and was too retarded to have a prenup
Underappreciated bait
It makes sense to me psychologically. A lot of Trump support is the same reaction in the opposite direction. "own the libs" mentality
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you forgot where he smoked a lot of meth...
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People like to bring up that certain e-celebs like pic related work with ad/pr agencies. However, e-celebs like Destiny (as well as Sam Hyde, Jordan Peterson, Nick Fuentes) work with their own agency that made a deal with 4ch. That's why some e-celebs (like Mr Beast) are dealt with on this site, an not others.
The right wing is leading the planned White Genocide??
Promotion for who? Bystanders who shouldn't be shot in the head?
Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it.
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Sam Hyde's deal allows him to spam his shitty fishtank project on /tv/ and /bant/ as an example
>do you have any evidence for him being pro biden other than the fact that he tried to assassinate his opponent
He did far more than you ever have done and he still failed. Quite poetic isn't it? Very on point for leftists that your greatest champion is still a failure like the rest of you.
and he's more successful and has more women than you ever will, what's your point?
I haven't seen so many people crying over a fat useless Jew like Trump in all my life

America is seemingly filled with christcucks and niggers

Nobody should give a fuck about the fake elections or Trump you dumb niggers
I have yet to see cuckservatives boycott Amazon, so I doubt they will boycott a gambling site.
encounter means enforcement, only idiots like destiny can't see through such kindergarten tricks
You can spam whatsoever you would like on /tv/, faggot board.
gambling needs a loicense so no underage no violence
destiny crossed as said probably some lines regarding the latter not about a boycott
When did /pol/ ever come out in favor of free speech? Ascribing an ideology to an anonymous image board is setting yourself up for failure.
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It's extremely obvious he's panicking and having a mental breakdown. You don't self destruct and burn every single bridge over (what he thinks) are edgy takes.
he is emotional invested so not a strategic decision or rational
>public figures repeatedly lie and strawman about events or their ideological opposition
>ideologies pop up rooted in postmodernism that reject tangible reality such as tranny shit
>leftist talking heads on the internet get away with openly saying age of consent shouldn't exist along with more heinous pedotrash statements
It's not about "owning the libs" you fucking retard.
i guess nobody should do anything. live by the sword, die by ... hows that phrase end again?
The coloring in this photo it's booth confusing and infuriating.
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Mossad slide thread
It's insane because these are supposed to be the "tolerant" and "peaceful" ones spreading "love not hate", you know, the "good guys"

If these are the good guys and we are the ""Nazis"" why is 4chan and the right one of the most ideologically diverse places that exist but if you disagree with the mainstream left agenda they'll ruin your life, "expose" you and "cancel" you
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What a comfy night, I get to read this thread with Destiny melting down about Biden losing the 2024 election while I play Legend of Heroes:Trails in the Sky FC while it rains outside.
This year is going to be a good year for reaction farming.
because he's a real patriot. If you allow scammers like trump into power, they will corrupt all parts of the government.
Which is a good thing, empire of evil (america) has to go
Go home ASIOfag
Just to be clear, when Destiny talks about "American values" he's specifically talking about gay anal sex.
Cool opinion. However facts don't care about your feelings!
It definitely is, even as someone who utterly loathes this "person" I cannot deny the completely inorganic hype and hysteria revolving around this incident. I imagine he was a particularly juicy lamb for the kikes to offer to moloch because of the sheer level of hatred he has garnered and now that they are revoking his protected status people like me just cannot resist annihilating his career. The threads are trying to be consolidated so this takes up less mental real estate for folks like you to work on those projects but this will probably be a quick burn as Elon has already taken notice to his violent rhetoric and pedophilic DMs to his groupies.

Keep up the good fight.
Did Nepenthe fix xirs fursuit yet, RetardEra nigger?
does destiny not understand that if the assassination was successful then it's very likely destiny would be killed soon after?
What do you think his medicine cabinet looks like?
>Legend of Heroes:Trails in the Sky FC
are you the guy in all the storytime threads on /co/?
>does destiny not understand that if the assassination was successful then it's very likely destiny would be killed soon after?
No you're not understanding his massive intellect. He's calling for political violence against HIS political opposition. He is not advocating for political violence against himself.
yeah but I wonder if he knows
like he wanted to be murdered in a civil war situation or something
Drink bleach retard
he's such a total piece of shit this retarded little meltdown just exposes him for what anyone who know about him back when he was sc2 streamer. This guy is a total piece of shit, and loves to troll and harass people and make others be miserable.
He conned these stupid 'liberals' in USA for like 10 years. And he's the original 4chan roaches who started larping as neo nazis when trump got elected, just so they can spew anti european racism which they also do everywhere else. And post black dicks and all this other nonsense.
The retard is still going 24 hours later. He still doesn't realize he has just fucked his entire career as 'political commentator'.
You are not supposed to troll outside of 4chan, this shit doesn't work out very good for you when everybody knows who you are. It's better if you have swedish vpn or something so lars up in sweden gets the blame. Fucking retard.
check out his twitter feed retard, it's nothing but stochastic terrorism the entire thing.
>conservatives are evil incarnated trump is literally hitler/satan.
KK. Now what?
Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.
don't give the daliban your ip retard. He literally has an thousand faggots like him with 15 sockpuppet accounts that like to hack people. He's literally a fucking internet terrorist.
that's his website you know? he can grab your IP.
>Blame the victim
Gee if he's this mad now image how mad he's going to be when Trump wins in November
This is more homosexual than Plebbit
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See my post here dumbass:
He won't do shit.
>Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.
freedom of speech and freedom of the press is fucking shit.
>You guys got him demonetised for free speech. What a shameless bunch of hypocrites you conservatives truly are.
THIS GUY MAKE AN ENTIRE CAREER OF DOING THIS TO ANYONE AGAINST IMMIGRATION, or any 'conservative' or whatever retarded thing americans call themselves if they vote republican, one of the 2 retard parties of USA.
If anything this guy deserves to be permabanned from fucking any platform that exists whatsoever.
What makes you think for a second you talking to conservatives, i'm not even american i just hate fake nazis and anti european race hating scum like him.
You weren't even pretending to be from australia this time. Did you forget you have to larp as your spoofed geolocation?
Nobody gives a shit about free speech or free press, leaste of which these american 'liberals' who literally use social media as online indoctrination camp where they force you to say fuck trump fuck 'white people' and fuck republicans, or they fucking censor you from their platforms.
I give even a less of a fuck about free speech than that. No free speech means no double standards. Companies not even deciding their own rules of their platforms would be best thing that ever happened.
>my company i can do with it what i want
>lol no you can't
>waaaah muh freedoms to lie and make online indoctrination camps, and have double standards and endless anti european racism waaaaah muh american nonsense.
When did we become such a bunch of pussies?
She was a homeless whore living in a van
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I'll say this here and once. I want ALL ecelebs (even supposedly based ones) to be globally televised while tortured and executed, ideally with registered laughs from the big bang theory played in the background.
you faggots disgust me
and I do not mean it in a performative sense, I'm saying that I am genuinely fucking repulsed but fucks like you
if one of the 12 people coming to bidens rally got shot it would never not in a million fucking years occur to me to make fun of people who were there
would I feel bad for them? maybe, I don't know. But there is a world of difference between "I don't care if those people die" and "YEAH LETS FUCKING GO ONE LESS TRUMP SUPPORTER"
>When did we become such a bunch of pussies?
around 2015 when the liberals here started larping as nazis because they were pissed off trump got elected and they tried to demonize anyone who voted for him.
4chan is nothing but turbocuck trolllfags like cuckstiny and they always were. Too bad you didn't get the memo and believed the lies.
To destroy cuckstiny is to destroy a 4chan troll who posting black dicks and all this anti european race hate all the time. There's no difference cause that's literally who it is, and it always has been.
THis board was libertarian ron paul people aka exactly fucks like cuckstiny except trump got elected and they started this clownshow of creating neo nazi fake boogeyman, which the only reason to be here is to point out and sabotage to make it illegitimate, so that they had to do the incel blablabloobloo and muh i hate women garbage instead.
Fucked them completely is why elon musk moved the fake nazis to twitter instead and why he bought it lol
You not part of a group you retarded faggots, you're nobody. Everyone is against this free speech free media crap USA peddles. See usa abuse it online for 20 years is the final nail in the coffin of that shit for all time.
Anti european racism needs to be censored, and pro mass immigration nonsense is exactly that. Go to hell with the free speech. It's the double standard that is the issue.
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No matter how hard he tries to flame or how vitriolic he gets it's impossible to ever get affected by his opinions. He could be screaming slurs in my face and I would have to fight to keep a smile off my face. I couldn't imagine listening to a cuckold that ruined his self worth just to get dragged through civil court try to act like he isn't such an embarrassment that he's an undesirable on every social caste ever invented.
Who says anybody has to give a fuck about Europe?
It's not other countries fault fucking North Macedonia is completely irrelevant.

Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Redditors, Onlyfans whores, Fuentes and this destiny name fag. They all loose their shit when they aren't getting enough likes/subscriptions/affirmations. We are just seeing social media induced histronics/narcissism being brought out in them all in real time. The merit of ideas are what matters-- not the people that say them. That is why we are right to be anons.
you use a hammer and sickle flag on pol
Don't care virgie lmao go to the next rally please!
Duality of man
>you faggots disgust me
>and I do not mean it in a performative sense, I'm saying that I am genuinely fucking repulsed but fucks like you
>if one of the 12 people coming to bidens rally got shot it would never not in a million fucking years occur to me to make fun of people who were there
>would I feel bad for them? maybe, I don't know. But there is a world of difference between "I don't care if those people die" and "YEAH LETS FUCKING GO ONE LESS TRUMP SUPPORTER"
these cockroaches 4channers aka people like cuckstiny are absolutely disgusting. THis is who fagstiny really is. They started larping as neo nazis here to demonize all europeans and also turmp supporters, cause someone complained of mass imigration.
They are largely anti european scum and hardcore sociopaths who enjoy the misery of others. That's exactly who cuckstiny is too. Here he is talking about planning to killing a kid and his entire family because he got ddossed by him (because he himself is a trolling piece of shit). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDaaetGWmbM
This is who he really is, this facade of being super nice friendly concerned liberal is all a game to make money. He been milking these retard for nearly 10 years now. They made this evil little faggot a millionaire cause they are fucking retarded and he's an evil abusive little sociopathic midget.
And if you are lunatic sociopath, then it's like heavne on earth that sweden being invaded and taken over by africans and arabs. Because this is a huge fucking deal and very serious business, and makes swedes or anybody who like swedes very very upset.
So it's like annoying people with pouring salt in the wound and trying to blame swedes rather than immigrants and all the other stuff they do. Is perfect for them.
These people deserve nothing else than the most brutal assbeating few have ever seen. That's how you fix sociopathic trolls. You do under no circumstances give them free speech to lie and do as they please.
He is seriously no different than those fags that slam crystal meth and stay up all night having gay degenerate sex
>Says he is bi
>Hates conservatives
I hope he gets on Prep
> he wanted to be murdered in a civil war situation or something
No he's a LITERAL homosexual, he probably was looking for his best opportunity to be buck broken. He was so close...yet so far. So he's seething.
He probably has low T

what you people did with pride to innocent people as a form of escalation you now receive in spades as earned get fucked you HATE to see it loleeeeeeee thats what the left gets for being endlessly escalatory the consequences of their own actions and the edge of the sword they normalized
>Who says anybody has to give a fuck about Europe?
we know americans are shitty assholes who trying to get everyone to hate europeans just cause you flipped out trump got elected. You don't have to make it worse for yourselves than it already is.
You don't realize it yet do you but everyone, now europe included, hates americans. You only got yourselves to thank for it. What do you expect would happen when you spend the last 20 years saying they the most evil people to walk the earth, in your stochastic terrorism? They going to be superfans.
USA is like if it had a national perfume it would be called no friends. USA went from having quite a few friends to having none, the last 20 years.
Want to know why? Americans behaviour online, but unironically. USA have total internet monopoly and this is what you do with it. It's all fucking over with that shit dude.
Especially since the right warned him and grilled him for being an open-R cuck, he laughed at them until it happened and now he’s breaking down because of it.
I legit think he has no soul, whatever the thing we call a "soul" is. You look into his eyes and they're dead, like a chicken's. That's how he can have his girl dancing with another dude literally right behind his back on a stream and not at least shut the stream off out of shame. He has no sense of shame. He is that man that plato or aristotle, or whoever it was, was warning us about when talking about how invisibility would be the most immoral magic. It's not good to be completely ruled by shame, then you turn into a gook or a nip. But to have none at all is even worse.
The other anon is admirable in his stoicism but truth is that defective b-cluster mongs need to be taken care of in a way or another, simply ignoring them doesn't solve anything, especially in current oversocialised post 2007 world.
Not to mention all the sympathy votes Trump will get this year.

And most of the people who died in the 2020 riots were leftists, still had no impact. This man just acts confident but is fucking stupid in reality.
Wow. He really is a disgusting little freak.
he's just a commie showing his true colors, if you wonder why millions died in gulags, genocides, and shit conditions under communism, it's because of people like Destiny
>simply ignoring them doesn't solve anything
Kek Destiny couldn't accept the common sense advice from the right that he was going to end up cuck because there were no studies on how hard his wife was already sucking him. This dude is an idiot and is obviously stuck living with the shame from that and going off the deep inside end here.
>we know americans are shitty assholes who trying to get everyone to hate europeans just cause you flipped out trump got elected. You don't have to make it worse for yourselves than it already is.
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So Destiny is a:
>foot fetishist

What else, did I miss something?
he is not a commie, destiny is a masochistic degenerate nazi
his entire character is anti leftwing
I get a similar feeling from him, which is probably one of the reasons why I can't even feel a hint of envy or anger at him whenever he repeatedly goes on about wanting people dead or how rich he is. It's completely meaningless drivel spouted off by a broken man. His words are completely meaningless white noise churned out by a robot that's just following a basic routine. He's basically just an AI chatbot that is sticking to an "agitated leftist media socialite" routine. Every insult or brag he makes is just a randomly generated sentence with no emotion or thought behind it only designed to make people upset. Trying to hate him is like trying to hate a character.ai robot playing a role.
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We don't even think about you, you dumb fucking faggot, get that through your thick skull. Stop obsessing over us it's fucking embarrassing.
Hilarious thread, someone make a new one so we can keep farming chud outrage
He's whatever gives him attention at that moment, Hans.
lubricant. lubricant everywhere.
LMAO you can see homeless guys on the street with more self respect and dignity than destiny.
Europe has hated America from day 1 bro. That's the whole fucking reason the USA exists.
Also I'm not sure if noticed but both world wars started in Europe over some autismo shit along with all the actual strong European countries ditching their power because they overextended into shithole areas.
>USA is like if it had a national perfume it would be called no friends.
Is this some fucking gay French shit?
Look, nobody gives a fuck about the EU in the USA, calm down. 90% of our population can't name where a single country is over there anyways not that we even need to.
Make it yourself retard
>People calling a cuck a cuck is now outrage
But he is literally a cuck
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Ruh roh
>Don't care virgie lmao go to the next rally please!
You going to be the next lunatic shooter who's going to try to kil him next time thinking you are saving usa from hitler 2.0 and all this garbage lies you tell yourself? Not 100% here are americans on VPN, some are actual europeans here to shit on you for doing all this faggot. He's probably not going to be in a trump rally in USA, and if you are wondering why almost nobody have your back in this online free speech crap after last 10 years, understand that this is going to be much worse for you, and that this entire site is going to get deanonymized in 10 years and you going to pay for everything you did here.
not attention, what gets him his stuff but the way he acts is rightwing coded but with a masochism etish
How do you know this? Are they at least hot?
okay I just called this number and it's not destiny. wtf is this fake dox lol.
Either way, he's an annoying cunt.
Cool power fantasy. Tell me more about how butthurt I've made you.
Go kick some trashcans for the revolution, comrade
sounded like a pissed off dude from Brooklynn "Get a fucking life I aint this destiny dude stop fooking calling me"
Are you saying that he was going to vote for the guy he killed? Can you work out that logic for us?
>Cool power fantasy. Tell me more about how butthurt I've made you.
it's not a power fantasy that's reality. Do you notice when a thread reaches over 300 posts and you get a little red text that says
>this post has been archived
yeah think about that.
The funniest part is to see you retarded 'libertarians' from USA in 10 years being hoisted by your own petard and fired from your jobs and everything when it comes out you been sitting here spewing anti european race hate and invasion of entire countries for the last 9-10 years and pretending to be neo nazis and any other dumb shit you could think of.
It's going to be fucking EPICALLY HILARIOUS. so keep going.
Did he sound like Jamal or Moishe?
can you please learn how to speak english before you try to type it? it's incredibly confusing trying to read the words you write.
imagine "get the fuck outtahere"
He's reached the stage of meth where you become a rageful physco
Well, getting fucked is the same thing he tells his wife and his friends to do to each other, so there is that.
Are you implying Europe is gonna make us Americans atone for saying we don't give a fuck about you?
Or that we are going to become so sensitive to Eurofags that we start to clamp down on people being "mean" to you?
What are you even trying to say because currently more shitty countries in Europe legit arrest their citizens for posting mundane shit on twitter than have ever been arrested for the same in the USA.
Maybe you should make a change where you're at first.
He's always been a massive cunt tho.
>i can't read or understand what you saying now that i btfo muh 4chan bullshit.
oh classic cuckstiny 4chan cockroach lol. Literally just garbage. You should never have begun larping as neo nazi just cause you upset trump got elected. What you've done here is going to have severe consequences for the rest of your life when the regular people you've been trying to fuck over get around to punishing you for it. Internet is forever buddy. You can try to see if you can pull a nasa and delete the archives same as the moon landing tapes accidentally went missing, but the chances are very slim.
You should have stayed the ron paul pedophlie weirdos you are instead of pretending to be neo nazi boogeyman for cnn, just cause you were upset about some boomer patriots who thought trump was hecking cool. LOL
yeah no, not reading that either sorry.
>Are you implying Europe is gonna make us Americans atone for saying we don't give a fuck about you?
no it's just you individually going to be targetted by 700 million people who's going to hate you and want to hurt you any way they can. There's no US, you think your fellow americans give a fuck about you? ROFL good luck with that.
>my 7 figure income while brokie trailer trash
well, there you have it, communism folks, what a fine specimen
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Ok I give up because I can barely decipher the retarded slop spilling out of your mind right now.
Again, nobody in the USA gives a fuck about that continent bro. Eurofags have hated the USA since it's creation and we've been trolling ya'll the whole time too. I don't see why anything would change at this point besides you maybe being a dumbass and being afraid Trump will nuke Serbia where you're at or something.
you stupid little retards, thinking your fellow americans have your back
>these people sat and did what, demonize europeans as neo nazis for a decade, constnatly posted interracial marriage crap with the purpose of trying to destroy polish, french and german people and british people, and mocking euroeans non stop
You think your fellow americans going to save you. They going to feed you as individuals to the fucking wolves. And the wolves are going to be very very hungry AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :D
You going to find out how serious business it is to sit and peddle invasion and racial warfare and takeover of an entire continent full of 700+ million people. And them finding out it's from you and other american online cockroaches where all this hatred of them and all these problems they have with this are coming from.
YOU GOING TO WISH YOU WERE FUCKING DEAD. So you can consider killing yourself as you always say to the trannies. That is probably going to be a serious consideration you might seriously consider at that point.
>Again, nobody in the USA gives a fuck about that continent bro. Eurofags have hated the USA since it's creation and we've been trolling ya'll the whole time too.
no, the other way around. Europeans think stupidly that americans are their friend. And 100% of anti european garbage race hate comes from USA and is peddled primarily via internet but also through other means.
However it's ofcourse about getting all the particular individuals involved in doing that the most and, feeding them to the wolves so to speak. It's them who trying to get everyone to fight and everyone to hate europeans. When you been so involved in this, you will absolutely not be spared personally and there is noone who has your back and will help or protect you, you can cry to your fellow americans but they won't give the tiniest little fuck, you stupid little destiny faggot.
Destiny's one of those successful left wing grifters, honestly have got no respect for him nor do i want to listen to his drivel.
Yes, just like that. Another seethepost please!

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