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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>474219452

▶Day: 872 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>US cruise missiles to return to Germany from 2026
>The russia’s state-owned telecoms provider announced that YouTube would be slowed down due to “technical problems” amid reports of plans by russian authorities to block the service altogether
>Allowing Ukraine to attack russian territory would be 'dangerous escalation', says kremlin again xd
>US and Germany foiled Russian plot to assassinate Armin Papperger, CEO of Rheinmetal
>Norway will donate $92.69m to Ukraine for its air defence
>The transfer of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine has begun - Blinken
>Norway will donate six F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this year
>Ukraine can use Storm Shadow missiles to strike military targets on the territory of the Russian Federation, the newly appointed British Defense Minister told Bloomberg.
>Biden announced that Nato countries will provide Ukraine with five new strategic air defense systems (Patriot+SAMP/T) + dozens of shorter-range tactical systems
>Zelenskiy arrives in Washington for Nato summit
>Indian PM tells putin that the "heart bleeds" when children are killed
>Czech foreign minister calls russians "the dregs of humanity"
>UN assessment suggests Ukraine's largest children's hospital was hit by russian missile
>The UN Security Council will meet tomorrow to discuss the massive russian missile attack on the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv
>Poland is developing a plan for shooting down muscovite missiles in Ukrainian airspace that are flying in the direction of Poland


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Total and painful death to all katsaps, moskals and so called ruzzians in the most brutal ways! Ruzzian means jewish.
>the brownoid portugese flag didnt post hand
>deflects and says (after posting my white hand) that I am not white

HAHAHAHAHA you surely must be seething, 4/OSVMey.
But dont you worry - there will be hunting seasons for commies all over Europe soon and you will be bludgeoned to death by the people that you fucked over in all European countries.
And if you are unlucky and you find your way to me than I am gonna skin you like an apple.
Good tread lads
From which country could Ukraine buy an airforce fast?
Russian defectors
>trump assassination attempt happens
>nafo shills desperate for attention again and go harder with gore spam
nobody cares about your stupid proxy war any more, it's going to be memory holed like syria was when puzzia got involved and isis became indefensible
>r*ssian cum /chug/er raiding /uhg/
>sees content of it

A nigger has more logic inside of him than the buttbroken people of S*rbia, holy fuck.
yeah yeah nothing happened before 2022 etc. etc. nobody is going to believe your shit other than fellow twitter war tourist fanatics such as yourself who doesn't understand how cringe kekistan was
>triggered by a flag like the cumchugger he is

U mad brah? How about this one? Will you ask for my cum now, yes?

>nothing happened before 2022
Incorrect. Soldiers without a flag aka r*ssian soldiers without their patches went into Crimea and told the population at gunpoint to vote. But that is normal because the average S*rbnigger thinks violence projected like this is totally normal since he is a buckbroken serve to a country that barely gives a fuck about him and his identity.
serf*, not serve lol
you have propaganda brainrot, go outside
"Propaganda brainrot" is what you get for following Incel Slava Z and its buddies you r*ssian cumchugging little bitchserf. Also I wouldnt know about actual propaganda brainrot if I would be outside right now since propaganda mainly takes place on the internet - and you are an excellent example for that.

Make Ustaše Great Again and erase S*rbian "identity" for good. Imagine making up a nations identity by being r*sso-turkish rapebabies. Like you couldnt even come up with a more fucked up genetic mixture. Alcoholics + goat and cousin fuckers.
I wonder where you hear all those buzzwords and stereotypes, because it definitely isn't /pol/, screeching about serbs whenever you see a serbian flag like some skinner box reaction is more of a /k/ and twitter thing
>why majority ex-soviet countries rather joined West
gibs and "investment" that never comes unless it's in the form of subjugation, like becoming privatized by blackrock and other former-soviet jewish diaspora from the west

>Russia felt humiliated because Ukraine chose to discard Russia's sphere of influence
it's more like they were watching their retarded cousin get groomed into becoming a homicidal/suicidal tranny who becomes detached from reality
>buzzwords and stereotypes

They said the same about niggers in 2015. "I-I-It was just stereotypes. They be good boys n shiiiiiiiet". Look how it turned out in western europe, you disingenious r*ssian cocksucker.

>It definitely isnt /pol/

/pol/ was overrun by elections tourists first and then alphabet agencies - american and r*ssian ones alike. I am longer here than both groups, lowlife.

>screeching about serbs whenever you see a serbian flag

Retard thinks its about his flag HAHAHAHAHAHA. No. Its about what and who stands behind this flag. And its always the same shit. Always the same apologetic S*rb cumchuggers poking the nest of wasps and then piss off or play victim once they are caught inside the nest. YOU did this to yourselves and the consequences, with God's will, will fuck up entire generations of your lowlife people. Actions bear consequences and your actions will lead to the extinction of deadbeat countries like yours. I fucking promise you that. Then you will be like gypsies roaming around in Europe asking for eternal gibs until we find a solution to the s*rbian question. You are hiding behind a regional power larping as a super power and you will pay deerly for that.
>screeches about muh buzzwords
>I got a BINGO from his first sentence alone

Less Rakjia, more r*ssian cum, subhuman.
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>They said the same about niggers in 2015. "I-I-It was just stereotypes. They be good boys n shiiiiiiiet". Look how it turned out in western europe, you disingenious r*ssian cocksucker.
what the fuck are you even talking about, how does this relate to what I said? can you speak like a human or does every sentence you type have to be some kind of snarky marvel movie reddit btfo moment? I'm not even going to reply to your paragraph of screeching but I'm going to keep provoking you so /pol/ can see how deranged nafo is
I'm not the one on the side of the people making 14k generals so far which had to split from the original general because it's full of war tourists from twitter who have an inherently incompatible philosophy and belief system from this board. and no putting swastika tattoos on wignats who love joe biden and israel does not count as natsoc and doesn't make you /pol/
if isis supporters (which wasn't a thing like nafo is, it was just a few random shitposters) started spamming isis execution and gore videos which is basically cartel shit with more money put into it, the syria general would have done the same thing
I am talking about subhumans like you using the word "stereotypes" to play the victim here.
"Hurr durr all these shit traits my people have are just stereotypes. Its all a lie. We wuz the best and greatest" go fuck yourselves. Stereotypes are there to WARN people from subhuman like (You). Subhuman cum/chug/er. You are LITERALLY like jews with their "oy vey" shit since, surprise surprise, 80% of the communists in s*viet r*ssia were jews.

>He even posts a nigger with a s*rbflag because he thinks this disproves my point

Good that we can finally confirm that you are on par with sub-saharan human filth. Now go be drunk and touch your niece or whatever subhuman shit is going on in your village in bumfuck s*rbistan.
astroturfing by "baltic elves" or whatever the fuck, glowniggers in new shiny military bases in poland and romania and binland, and ukrainian refugees who have survivor's guilt, does not count as "most western users" and has been totally transparent to actual users of 4chan since 2022
>incoherent twitter boomer screeching
I remember that most of nafo is 40+ based on some poll so that must be why you talk like that
yeah, americans live in a democracy and tell their government what to do, just like western europe, that's exactly what I meant
I actually would prefer the huge difference in choice americans get between two parties that are very different from each other. That's true Democracy.
>he trusts polls
>is appalled by /pol/ speech

You do not belong here and it shows, cumchugger. But dont you worry. Your time will come to a brutal end soon enough.
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I actually look like this
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You wish lmaoooo
>Huge difference in choice
>Gets to pick between rich old guy #1 or rich old guy #2.
>Both rich old guys will mainly focus on keeping their rich old friends rich.
I hate to toot my own horn here, but Finland is pretty much the only country to do "True Democracy" right.
hey I was going to say that kekaroo
wanna see a trick?
Even the pro-Russian politicians here are self aware enough to understand that the system works and that the reason they're not in power is because nobody likes them. I have never seen a politician cry or scream after losing in Finland.
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SFB NEWS 12/07/2024:

Previously on SFB
Economic cooling could worry banks
>>473831500 >>473831527 >>473831558 >>473831590
Collapse of the energy sector in the Rostov region
>>473831679 >>473831710
More than half a million Russians were left without electricity
>>473831772 >>473831794
Grain harvest in Rostov region is expected to decline by up to 10 million tons
Budget spending on Russian science will be cut to the minimum
>>473831929 >>473831968
China decided to return equipment sent to the largest Russian LNG project
>>473832017 >>473832045
China has stopped increasing yuan transactions with Russia
>>473832085 >>473832121 >>473832151
China refused to buy Russian LNG at market prices
>>473832574 >>473832611
Total dependence of the Russian foreign exchange market on China
>>473832183 >>473832201
AvtoVAZ is afraid of being left without parts from China
>>473833252 >>473833286
Manufacturers began adding “meat glue” to products to increase volume
>>473832273 >>473832301
Putin and Modi canceled the final round of talks
>>473832339 >>473832365
It's SJ-100ver
>>473832403 >>473832425
Russians are suing car dealers en masse
>>473832467 >>473832491
Western sanctions put 50 Russian oil tankers out of action
>>473832517 >>473832545
The failure of import substitution of software to protect against hacker attacks
>>473832647 >>473832667
The failure of the state program for the production of domestic electronics
>>473832701 >>473832731
Owners of Russian securities were asked to withdraw them from Kazakhstan
>>473832843 >>473832872 >>473832900 >>473832938 >>473832965 >>473832999 >>473833031
Car availability in Russia has fallen to a record low
>>473833065 >>473833093 >>473833127
Providers in the Moscow region warned of an increase in Internet prices by 300%
>>473833158 >>473833191
More nationalization

>>473833566 >>473833589 >>473833614 >>473833638 >>473833661 >>473833713
Wtf where did he go
did he die?
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>kill pidoras


He simply returned to Moscow, comrade
wtf is that real???
What does кєнтa mean?
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GREGGPOSTING (2 days old)

>Who is Gregg?
Gregg is a Finnish volunteer fighting in Ukraine since 2017. He regularly provides updates from the front lines and engages in media to share insights about the conflict.

>What’s his beef with tourists?
Gregg refers to Russian soldiers as "tourists" sarcastically to underscore their unwelcome presence in Ukraine
13.07.2024 the update. The heat wave continues and with it the forest fires that grill the tourists. The tourists are suffering from water shortages as we are hammering away at their maintenance supplies. Yesterday we knocked out the bridge connecting the Crimea with Kherson Oblast, thereby significantly hindering the enemy's maintenance to Zaporizhzhia. In addition, we attacked the road to Melitopol in 2 places.

The tourists' lack of water will have a major impact on the outcome of the summer's battles.

Back home, the master tourist begins to have financial problems paying out compensation for fallen soldiers. The sums start to become astronomical, if the relatives do not get the compensation, it can start to get hot for the tour leader and his pack.
Damn that's an effective diet program! He lost like 50 kgs in an instant!
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More like 120kg
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By supporting the neocon and EU elites proxy war in jewkraine you are supporting the regimes that are intentionally displacing/disenfranchising/replacing Whites in their own countries.


Putin exterminating yanks would be the ultimate gift to humanity.

The mighty rs-28 sarmat hypersonic missile fly at mach 23, and there's fuckall counter-defence. carrying 16 nuclear-tipped warheads, a single rocket can wipe out all of france or texas.

jewsa and its puppet master israhell must be wiped off the map.
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Do Ukrainians really think they'll get more sympathy by broadcasting their war crimes for the world to see?
Not even worth a reply.
When did "Fake Nationalists" get added to the list? lmao
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post war crimes
>Russia: Look at our based values of White man killing White man just like in the 1800s!

Ohhh wow! At least the Americans have been (Mostly) bombing shitskins, with the exception of Serbia
>By supporting the neocon and EU elites proxy war in jewkraine you are supporting the regimes that are intentionally displacing/disenfranchising/replacing Whites in their own countries
Completely untrue! Your favorite social crusade at home is causally unconnected to what goes on in Ukraine. Putin winning in Ukraine won't magically make the heckin tranners all automatically die. What you're promoting is the politics of blind opposition, where foiling your opponent's plans is the primary objective. You don't care if they're actually doing something that needs to be done. You don't care that, like every organized political movement ever, they're right about some things and wrong about others... just like you are. You just want to treat everything like a monolithic political mono-issue. Why? Because you're low-IQ. You're not capable of interacting with the complexities of the modern world. Due to your prevailing mental deficiencies, your only recourse to insurmountable complexity is to reduce everything into an exercise in tribalism. You are a retard and you're probably brown. Go away, retard.
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>zshillbot post
You belong to third world, nigger.
Voluntary buttsex is evil. Forced buttsex is based!
just rename it to akhmat already to honor the churka overlords
Oy shalom a wise one.
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>the brownie thinks killing your enemy is a war crime... if your enemy is Russian
Kek! Many such cases!
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It doesn't matter what /pol/ thinks. The world in general is starting to develop Ukraine fatigue and this kind of shit only makes it worse.
SBU tried to kill Trump because of his peace deal project :
Force Ukraine into ceasefire negociation with russia (ie giving up liberated territories to Russia.

/uhg/ status ?
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I always knew xoxols were sore losers but attempting at Trump's life may be bringing it too far.
My wife could have easily made the shot that idiot missed. 150m with an AR-15 is farcically easy with a weekend or two of training. His incompetence, in and of itself, proves the lack of a conspiracy. It's such an easy shot and there are so many shooters who could make that shot all day long that it would be retarded to choose that dude.
Killing wounded soldiers who have surrendered is universally accepted as a war crime, yes.
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Can you surrender to an artillery shell, too?
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Hold up, what if Biden gets shot at too
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Can you surrender to an incoming Kh-101 missile?
>shunshin no jutsu
You can't surrender to a drone, but you already know that, you are just pretending you are retarded.
>just pretending
Aren't you giving him a bit too much credit here?
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The second the war is over i'll buy a wild hornet drone
>You can't surrender to a drone
Yet despite that we ukies still managed to save some surrendered russian invaders through a drone
Maybe we shouldnt have, as to not set a precedent so that disingenious pidors like the one above wouldnt use it against us
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oh we are trotting this out again. well, i will respond the same way i did yesterday.
do you really want to die on this hill?
Nooooooooooo you don't understand!!!! If they look like they might be surrendering, you have to send a special operations team to extract them from the enemy trenches or just move on to find another target that hasn't surrendered!!!!!
You are the millions, we are multitude
And multitude and multitude.
Come, fight! Yea, we are Scythians,
Yea, Asians, a squint-eyed, greedy brood.

For you: the centuries; for us: one hour.
Like slaves, obeying and abhorred,
We were the shield between the breeds
Of Europe and the raging Mongol horde.

For centuries your ancient hammers forged
And drowned the thunder of far hates.
You heard like wild fantastic tales
Old Lisbon's and Messina's sudden fates.

Yea, so to love as our hot blood can love
Long since you ceased to love; the taste
You have forgotten, of a love
That burns like fire and like the fire lays waste.

All things we love: clear numbers' burning chill,
The ecstasies that secret bloom.
All things we know: the Gallic light
And the parturient Germanic gloom.

And we remember all: Parisian hells,
The breath of Venice's lagoons,
Far fragrance of green lemon groves,
And dim Cologne's cathedral-splintered moons.

And flesh we love, its color and its taste,
Its deathy odor, heavy, raw.
And is it our guilt if your bones
May crack beneath our powerful supple paw?

It is our wont to seize wild colts at play:
They rear and impotently shake
Wild manes—we crush their mighty croups.
And shrewish women slaves we tame—or break.

Come unto us, from the black ways of war,
Come to our peaceful arms and rest.
Comrades, while it is not too late,
Sheathe the old sword. May brotherhood be blest.

If not, we have not anything to lose.
We also know old perfidies.
By sick descendants you will be
Accursed for centuries and centuries.

To welcome pretty Europe, we shall spread
And scatter in the tangled space
Of our wide thickets. We shall turn
To you our alien Asiatic face.

For centuries your eyes were toward the East.
Our pearls you hoarded in your chests,
And mockingly you bode the day
When you could aim your cannon at our breasts.

The time has come! Disaster beats its wings.
With every day the insults grow.
The. hour will strike, and without ruth
Your proud and powerless Paestums be laid low.

Oh pause, old world, while life still beats in you.
Oh weary one, oh worn, oh wise!
Halt here, as once did Œdipus
Before the Sphinx's enigmatic eyes.

Yea, Russia is a Sphinx. Exulting, grieving,
And sweating blood, she cannot sate
Her eyes that gaze and gaze and gaze
At you with stone-lipped love for you, and hate.

Go, all of you, to Ural fastnesses,
We clear the battle-ground for war;
Cold Number shaping guns of steel
Where the fierce Mongol hordes in frenzy pour.

But we, we shall no longer be your shield.
But, careless of the battle-cries,
Shall watch the deadly duel seethe,
Aloof, with indurate and narrow eyes.

We shall not move when the ferocious Hun
Despoils the corpse and leaves it bare,
Burns towns, herds cattle in the church,
And smell of white flesh roasting fills the air.

For the last time, old world, we bid you come,
Feast brotherly within our walls.
To share our peace and glowing toil
Once only the barbarian lyre calls.
would be ironic. moron who sucked rushit cock to escape "escalation" gets shot by rabid rusnigger migrant.
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>Dick sucking mentioned 1 time
You really cant hel it, dont you
I still think it was a good idea to take prisoners. It's a win-win. You don't lose men in assaulting a fortified position and they get to live. The bonus is that taking prisoners incentivizes more surrenders as long as you have a reputation for not grievously mistreating them.
Did this guy just shit out his own organs?
you know that biden has metal under his skin right. It will deflect any bullets that get shot at him.
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>I actually look like this
So Ukraine lost Vovchansk after all? What AFU doing?
Rope yourself jew
as long as he doesn't campaign in Brighton Beach he should be okay. maybe.
honestly Biden has bigger health problems than loonies with guns.
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Here's a few reminders comrades, make good use of them:
>2 genders, 4 oblasts. SMO won't end until the last bit of the last oblast is liberated.
>the ukraine is a fake made up country AND rightful USSR clay
>shooting at Trump will not work out well for xoxols
>it's so unbelievably hot I couldn't even enjoy the sea this weekend
Also good day to you comrades.
>What AFU doing?
You gonna have to try harder than that, data mining GRU officer
how else can you explain retarded restrictions on striking enemy territory. not a single (1) war was fought like this, he's a chinese-russo-irano cocksucker.
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Explain this shit vatniggers...
Seriously, how do you fuck up defending a river crossing against Russians?
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>Dick sucking mentioned again
from the book: "how to make world better place!"
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Dick sucking is a worthy discussion argument desu comrade. For example, I got my dicked sucked twice this weekend, what about you?
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Lmao, an actual suicide instructions
This is hilarious on so many lelevs
Like, for example, russians cant figure out on their own how to suicide with a grenade?
On the other hand, picrel dropped a few days ago, so perhaps they DO heed an instruction.. holy fuck
Your election would be saner by far without either candidate.
Trump is a narcissist who only cares about being the boss and Biden is clearly suffering from dementia.
It boggles my mind how these became the people that the US had to choose from.
But then again we had Liz Truss as PM so...
>Make Ustaše Great Again
They never left
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Once Serbia joins EU and Nato faggots like you will have mandatory sex change xD
didn't even rybar cope say that was false? are russians suicidally still trying to push to the river to allow the niggers at the plant to leave?
start with crybar and then we'll talk about whatever your shitskin fanfic is
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>and here bald pathetic incel loving cold pasta from shop appears
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>cofi status
>week plans status
>for Ukibros: attempts to avoid melting status

t. Eastern Ukrainian
What is worse?
Killer by an enemy or by your own who kidnaps from streets and shoots you when you try to run?
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These hohols died so Ukraine could lose another village
Never forget about their sacrifice
A whole bunch of good goys in this thread I see. Happily jerking it to the deaths of people defending the world from Jews and niggers. Whatever , when there’s a pack of niggers raping your family don’t say we didnt tell you so. Keep on being good little self hating white genocide supporting goyim.

Reddit is that way we actually care about whites here
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>war in Ukraine
>nigga's and jooos
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>nazi false flagging as if he is pro-russian
Nazism is west, communism is east.
Crusade larp is west, secularism is east.
Racism is west, justice is east.
Begone, barbarian!
Imagine you are a man living a comfy life with your family in a remote village. You never cared about who was in the power and the govt didn't care about your shitty village.
But you are now getting kidnapped and thrown into the trench the next day even if you don't give a fuck about the person ruling your country who still doesn't give a fuck about your shitty village.
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>or by your own
*Killed by your own and then getting written off into hohols by your federal tv
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You killed him.
agreed on all points. 330 million people and we somehow managed to find these two idiots. again.
at least you recognized your mistake with liz quickly and it wasn't repeated.
we are going through a political realignment and things are very stupid. we will eventually work it out but things will continue to be dumb until someone with coherent thoughts gets some traction. but no one is listening to moderates right now so we do this. again.
That's a false premise. Live in Shelomovland countryside is not comfy
>cofi status
It's NOT good for you comrade, in fact too much cofi is really unhealthy. Drank 4 already btw, only 1 actual espresso and 3 more at the nespresso machine (trash).
>week plans status
Survive the crippling 40 degrees heat and welcoming my comrade daughter back from her vacations with my parents.
>in be4 absentee father (lmao)
>for Ukibros: attempts to avoid melting status
Total Hohol Decarbonization means no ac btw comrade.
How was your weekend comrade? Exams status?
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You think getting kidnapped and thrown into a trench is ?
You would think with the 600 billion we have sent there would be better vids than the same old Webms. Something is up because all we see is draft dodging vids or vids of Ukrainian troops surrendering for new media. I know the former health minister just got caught with a dozen other doctors stealing and selling organs. they still are the #1 producer of fentanyl and child porn in the EU so that hasn't changed. They should havr never handed their nukes over to russia 25 years ago, they never would have been invaded with that firepower backing them up. the crooked military leaders auctioned off almost 40 billion in hardware to the cartels and other warlords for profit. So we get to fund 90% of the war due to their greed so they can die for a midget schizophrenic inbred jew. while zelinsky is embezzling billions with his cronies, his wife just spent 1.8 million on a shopping spree and he bought his parents a home in isreal for 8 million. the Ukraine president makes about 150k a year and he was in huge debt at the start of the war. now he has all the cash he needs to help him get over the 2 generations he has murdered. Not to many natural born jews fighting either, he let most of them evacuate when he locked everyone else down.






thank god we are helping this wonderful cash register of a country.
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It it's and I feel bad for every mobik, it doesen't matter if it's Russian. Dagestani or Yakut
Have you seen the video for DJT on the golf cart rash talking Biden to a bunch of golf caddys?
>He's such a fucking loser
>He's so pathetic
Reminded me of how kids would talk on my football team when I was 16 about kids they didn't like.

He wasnt wrong in anything he said regarding his incompetence in the video, but the immaturity of it rubbed me the wrong way. Just like he didn't understand the gravity of his position and station in life. Shit talking your opponent to a bunch of 12 year old boys lol
SAAAR, do not redeem bhenchod maderchod!
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>coffee is bad
Zigger are you okay? Are you okay? Are You okay zigger?
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>muh comfy rural life
Rural life is backwards. Man is an urban and political animal.
USSR was urbanizing Russia rapidly, and even today Russia is very urban. The rural areas are for alcoholic idiots and canibals.
Maybe in your hellhole of a country lol
>unironically posting Röpcope
North America doesn't even has villages, it has shitty suburbs
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Not okay then
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right, a video on July 7th and a russian milblogger constantly claiming that they're still crossing for over a week, yet there's no footage, contradicted by two other russian milbloggers
you're brown
I know you won't join, since shitskins like you already fight on the Russian side, while your shitskin PM outjews Jewtin for rupees. Bharat dalit bhenchod.
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It is comrade. One cup may be ok, but italian coffee culture is very toxic. Vid related. https://youtu.be/1Ve6GaHk1NM?si=ZbWWgxyMXOxF_waH
Good day comrade liberashkabro, you... were not planning on ever being a woman right? Because let me tell you, it's not working.
It's a kotel.
Piggies right in the trap once again.
Madness is repeating the same mistakes, and piggies are indeed mad.
the funny thing here is that jihad julian is still wrong. the forces came from the east across the bridge.
>every single tweet made by Ropke is cited in chug like gospel of God
>ropke points out Russians are shelling buildings 100 meters from hospital indicating its under Ukrainian control
Can you fight a war on your own? Why did you give up your nukes?
Why did your wonderful military elite auction off 80% of the ukraines military hardware 10 years ago and is still selling the stuff we send for profit.
Why is it that the little jew let his kike brethren leave the country while stopping everyone else from leaving?
Why doesnt the EU come even close to giving the amount of aid we give if it's so bad.
Why if you are winning did Zelinsky ok single limb amputees for conscription along with lowering the minimum iq to a whopping 75 for combat service. Let's not forget the new pamphlet that tells the Ukrainian soliders to kill themselves if they are going to be captured? That sounds like a very jewish demand to make.
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I*alian cuisine is overrated. Carbs, carbs, carbs. Same with coffee. Coffee was domesticated in Ethiopia anyway, It*lian opinion on it is irrelevant
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Why do ziggers project so much?
Shelomovs daughter married a jew in Netherlands and lived there until she was deported, another lived in Switzerland until was deported, now both live in Moscow. Shelomovs ex wife lives in France, and his current GF lives in switzerland.
Dimons son was deported from US, now lives in Moscow.
Peskovs(shelomovs spokesman) daughter lives in France, son somewhere in the west.
Timur Ivanovs (deputy of defense of puccia)stepdaughter and wife live in France.
Mishustins ( prime Minister of Puccia) son lives in US of A.
Solovievs son lives in UK.
Shoigus daughter and son in law live in Dubai
That's just tip of the iceberg. SAD
Whoah, Ivan, im pretty sure your post crossed every single picrel point
MANDATORY viewing for all chuds ITT

This is your future. Learn Mandarin.
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By your standards, being from the (fake made up country of the) lituania, you are not entitled to an opinion on literally any matter whatsoever.
> not forget the new pamphlet that tells the Ukrainian soliders to kill themselves if they are going to be captured?
Lmao, holy projection
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Delete it it's not funny.
There literally are videos of russians saying the wounded do not even get leave and get sent back to the meatgrinder. Plus mobiks on crutches were caught on video, lel, but i get it, they might've been wounded, give it the benefit of the doubt.
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Lithuania is 600 years older than Italy

Kangdom of Lithuania founded in 1251
Kangdom of Italy founded in 1861

And yes Lithuania cuisine is better because less carbs
Russia will lose this war. All Russians deserve 30 years of misery and torment for their crimes against civilized humans. I hope all Russians will suffer greatly once the war ends.

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tell us about heleekaaptars, ranjeesh.
>the lituania WOULD be 600 years old than Italy IF ONLY IT WERE A REAL COUNTRY
ftfy comrade
so when are you leaving to fight?
But achieving this will result in the death of Ukrainians.

Why not do it by yourself? How about your country joining Ukraine in this war?
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>30 years
I don't see ruskies falling back anytime soon, even if they get their shit kicked in again a la kherson they will pour in ukraine more soldatos to hold what can be held. Ukrainians now are grinding them with real feints and tactical retreats while sustaining heavy casualties as well but seems to be working, I just don't see how the Ruskies can be ousted from occupied territories by Ukrainians alone.
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no I'm an American that pays taxes through the nose. Putin is a fag and I dont like him but I hate that little murdering jew even more. I'm sorry if I spoke up, we are only supposed to pay for it and ask no questions. This is why 80% of the world is tired of your horse shit. I may have no choice in paying for it but I wont stop enjoying watching the two sides slaughter each other. The Ukraine is and and always will be a total shithole, now I'm going to enjoy watching some Ukrainians get their organs harvested so Zelinsky can pocket some more cash and send moloch more dead goyim. your national seal is a child sacrifice gods symbol. the Ukrainians are the niggers of the white race that are to stupid to realize they are being used, just like russian troops. the difference is we arent paying the russians just you scum.
Gtfo black plague spreader europeans are talking about european things
Too white to be a S*rb
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Ivan, nobody falls for your dumb tricks, youre only doing more damage
So dont stop
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>Lithuania is fake because (fake reasons)....

>Italy is fake despite(real reasons).....
That is Rurikid symbol, it was used by kangds of Russia too
Anon, i see youre unaware about the concept of "false flagging"
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That's interesting comrade but...
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that's funny because you were just german a few days ago, shitskin
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>"The last patrol ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is leaving our Crimea right now. Remember this day," Navy Spokesman Pletenchuk said.
Russian navy has fully abandoned Crimea, fallen back to Novorossiysk and mined the Harbor entrance. Gave up on all that winning I guess.
>it was used by kangds of Russia too
*stolen by false usurpers of a country that renamed itself from Moskovia
Holy kek
This is low-tier russian trollan and you fell for it.
B-but the land war...
if this was reddit, I would give you an upvote, kekaroo
>fallen back to Novorossiysk and mined the Harbor entrance
Mined Crimea or Novorossiysk harbor? kek I ask because you never know...
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Kaja Kallas is going to be the EU's new head of foreign policy, and therefore is resigning as prime minister of Estonia:
>Kallas, 47, has emerged as a strong critic of neighbouring Russia and what she says are its expansionist aims since she became prime minister in early 2021. She has pressed Estonia's allies in NATO and the EU to provide unconditional support for Ukraine in its struggle to push back Moscow's invading forces.
>Under her leadership, Estonia, a small Baltic republic of 1.4 million people, has become one of the biggest donors of military aid to Ukraine on a per capita basis.
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lel. busted.
Novorossiysk. They were spotted mining the entrance 3+ days ago.
Did someone try to surrender to a cruise missile 3 seconds before impact again?
That "Moloch" sigil is the emblem of a Ukrainian heavy metal band, but you probably knew that
big OOF, port's closed.
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>Kaja Kallas is going to be the EU's new head of foreign policy
She is redpilled on kremlin kike tricks
She is also very sexoo
State TV said she is a nazi though
she's 47? dang. looking good. those eesti women hold up. they should sell TZD as a beauty regimen.
I fail to see the problem.
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When will you stop shilling and accept that your place is next to the parasha?
Russia will never collapse, unlike the globohomo establishment.
Also, Trump will win and NATO will officially be disbanded in January.
Stay mad.
>Lithuania is 600 years older than Italy
>Tacitus, in his study Germania, described the Aesti people, inhabitants of the south-eastern Baltic Sea shores who were probably Balts, around the year 97 AD.[9]
>Speakers of North-Western Indo-European might have arrived with the Corded Ware culture around 3200/3100 BC.[5]
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why is it always whores comrades? why do whores fear USSR?
>Tacitus, a roman historian
>famous for his descriptions of barbarians
Do you see the irony yourself or do I need to point it out to you comrade?
Language is not state, retard. Isn't that exactly what you are fighting for?
Trump is going to stop her anti russian madness and prove EU non independent status kek
Stats according to cykablyat TV
>2000 dead Ukrainians per day
>50 destroyed IFVs per day
Do you even have 50 IFVs that could be up for daily destruction
But my sweet pigger child... She got no power... Trump gonna stop your anti russian war and there is nothing you can do about it!
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Tick tock hohols
I thought the whole point of the USSR was to give power to the oppressed workers.

But if your idea of a new USSR is imposed on people (like Ukrainians, and maybe Baltic people, and other Europeans) then that isn't helping oppressed people at all. It's doing the opposite - it's oppressing people.

I don't see how her positions are anti-Russian. Instead she seems to be anti-Putinism. Those are two completely different things.
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Russian tanks now fully drone-proof. Sure you can't turn the turret or see outisde, but who needs that?
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why does everyone in the entire goddamn world act like a bitchy fat woman and hate on innocent staple food items like bread these days?
just eat less of you are a fatso. it easy to NOT do something. jesus.
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>I just don't see how the Ruskies can be ousted from occupied territories by Ukrainians alone.
Drop of popular support. They care about money, and not getting themselves die/get maimed/lose property (fine if it's a husband or especially some completely unrelated guy, broads will make more™). This is why inhabitants of Bilhorod People's Republic are having a very sudden change of heart once war comes close enough to their homes. This is why there is growing dissent due to growing difficulties with getting "coffin money" or even just salary for mercenaries themselves.
>whatever is East of the Rhine is barbarian land.
Topkek, for once we agree on something marxio. It's a shame that you did forget the way of your ancestors.
TZD isn't done so her hatred for Russia is preventing her from ageing. Once the last Russian dies, she'll instantly turn to dust if it takes too long.
Kek, I was waiting for the picture to load, thinking that 4chan is fucking up again.
How many pictures of danemami do you have saved, tranny connoisseur?
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russia is so big! they have everything, especially shitskins!
support on occupied territories are shit, I know, we might see Crimea getting a free-fall drop of support as well now that they might pull back systems. But Russians right now do not give a single fuck about popular support.
>I don't see how her positions are anti-Russian. Instead she seems to be anti-Putinism. Those are two completely different things.
Russian people overheminglt support Putin
>Language is not state
*except when it comes to Russia, Russian language and Russki mir*, right?
>On 7 April 2022, just days after photographic and video material of the Bucha massacre emerged, the eleventh emergency special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations Human Rights Council suspended Russia from the council due to the gross and systematic violations of human rights committed during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Does this mean that ruzzians are not recognized as human and have no rights ?
i guess we can forget about her launching a first strike mission then. she's gonna do it manually.
Explosion in Odesa
When will they learn that Russia is civic nationalist? Just like France.
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Russia is Gulaghomo
I think Putin's invasion should end immediately, but I don't wish for the deaths of Russians - I hope there are no deaths. Although I do think Ukraine absolutely has the right to defend their nation, using weapons if necessary.

Also, I don't think Russians should be blamed for Putin's invasion, but instead vatniks should be. There are Russians who oppose Putin's invasion. E.g. Vladimir Kara-Murza:
>I am proud to have spoken out against Putin’s crimes in Ukraine
>I was convicted solely for publicly expressing my opposition to the Putin regime and the war in Ukraine

Oh of course Dmitri, that's why the last election showed that 500% of Russians voted for him.
Member when Russia pushed a shitload of subhuman piggers to Europe?
I will never forget or forgive them.
>Krasnoyarsk Territory Hungry bear attacked Bolshevik and ate him
i wonder what global south shitholes those people are from.
they are from places that would be impressed by russia so you know it is going to be bad.
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think it's gonna be hard for anything but pajeets to accept the ruzzian lifestyle
>the EU sends its new wunderwaffe
Man, how the turns have tabled. Now only zigger deaths webms
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>Member when Russia pushed a shitload of subhuman niggers to Europe?
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>I will never forget or forgive them.
You will
>oke stands out the most
Yes forceful deportation because their homes got shelled
>attacked Bolshevik
kek, how we know he is bolshevik?
>i wonder what global south shitholes those people are from.
Mostly middle asia like Tajikistan, etc
shit, just have greece empty their TRD stockpile in exchange for debt forgiveness. that'll solve most equipment issues. they have saved every bit of US military aid we have kicked them since the 50s.
the russians are down to T-54s now. it'll be okay.
Yes, not the fact that Russia isn't actually hostile to ukrainian people, nope, it's some schizo mass deportation theory.
kek, old shit are stored in shitty conditions, even new shit, corruption runs deep.
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they rushed to visit the Kuznetsov before the rust devils take it ))))
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okay. that makes sense. the kablamistans are a mess. doesn't turkmenistan have one of those weird african-style crazy dictators that does goofy shit like ban all cars from the capital that aren't his favorite color or something?
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>rust devils
Anon... rust aren't the only devils there...
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>Russia isn't actually hostile to ukrainian people
For obvious reasons, this is always going to be a really, really hard sell. Just warning you. The idea that Russia -- which is currently invading Ukraine and involved in active, kinetic actions every single hour of every single day -- is not "actually hostile" to Ukraine requires massive maneuvers of mental gymnastics. Russia routinely bombs Ukrainian civilian infrastructure and, as I'm sure you've heard, recently struck a Ukrainian hospital. You're going to have a really, really, really hard time arguing for some definition of "hostile" that encompasses the entire context of the war. Nothing short of a direct inversion of the word's definition will do, really...
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uuuh hahahhahahahahahahahha, not fucking way
>komrade can we have optics, armor plate and air support ?
>best I can do is coloring book on how to ack yourself so you're not a liability to the state lmao
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if only russia was a christian country, perhaps what was contained inside wouldn't risk getting out...
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>russophile trash has the gumption to call anyone a traitor
face the wall
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it doesn't have to be good. just better storage conditions than the russians.
also, those M1117s we just gave you are neat armored car thingies. put them in a shed or something.
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Xitter OP posted it like that, don't ask me.
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>those M1117s
based and thanks but i won't answer for the greek MoD's decisions about them....
I watched a great explanation of this the other day where Putin's belief that only a small elite of Ukrainians believe in an independent Ukraine turned out not to be true. So now Russia has to keep killing all the Ukrainians who believe in an independent Ukraine until it's left with the Ukrainians who love Russia.
Basically Russia underestimated how much it is hated and is unable to self reflect to a degree that would let them understand why.
To Russians it seems like madness, to everyone else just common sense.
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Hey, HE is back!
I need only one image to beat you
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they know. they are just liars.
>if only russia was a christian country
russia can be whatever country the tankies and groypers dreamt of and that's it. a mere outlet for a pipe dream yet they still adamantly support it
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>Suddenly gore is... le bad!
Why don't dishonored draft dodging piglets sudoku themselves?
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Is this all you can show for 500k dead ziglets lol?
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>Russian camo
um zister....
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Makes you think. He’s gonna put in his VPN and then pretend to be American
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forgot image
Why dont oathbreaking backstabing ruzzians nuke themselves ?
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Hey he can post all he want, its just mindless spam of stale pics is not exactly effective KEKAROO
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They do be like that
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>feeding pozzed dregs to wildlife
This is animal abuse, where is Greta?
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Funny how the very best ztroon cans do is just 1 body here and there
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Precisely comrade, well said. It's just a bit odd to read this coming from you after 2 and a half gore filled years in this godforsaken general, but better late than never I guess.
citation needed comrade
>people doubt existence of supernatural while there is a literal Nurgle ship out there
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From the Budapest Memorandum
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Nigger, you dont get it
Fresh dead russian drop every day by the piles, up to a point russian suicides dont even make it into the news anymore
Whereas russians have to cope with their stale folders
We are not the same
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i find this gorespam tiresome. it's just spamming images from a folder. it lacks the careful curation and deployment of gore leaf.
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>to a point russian suicides dont even make it into the news anymore
True, I've lost count. Must be approaching 100 soon
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are you in love with that nigger? get a private room in your discord
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Plus these are people who died defending their homes from an invader. So it’s not like there’s even a sense of justice done either.
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>Must be approaching 100 soon
iirc its 80 now
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Now wait for the 2025 photographies of the reconstruction that Russia is currently doing in all the liberated territories.
no. just pointing out that this guy is obviously not into it the way gore leaf is. just doing a thing because he was told to. no passion for his craft. where is the art?
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Nigga, learn some English
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even goreleaf's name is enough to make you discord trannies seethe kek
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its a spam bot. posts come every 30-ish seconds.
Why do you want people to see that you are a subhuman nigger?
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Where bake
Pls use for next op pic
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>Now wait for the 2025 photographies of the reconstruction that Russia is currently doing in all the liberated territories
The future is beutifel
>random invite link to nowhere
>meanwhile screenshots of NAFO discord
step it up nigger lover, post some chatlogs or pictures from this so called /chug/ discord then
I will bake then, lazy fucks
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>baking before 350
Y so spoiled comrade? is it the constant gibs?
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I'll convert missing numbers to webm eventually I promise :)
yeah, i know. just heading off the "why is this gore bad but the other gore isn't" ziggers that follow the bot.
what is up lately? that is multiple spambots within a couple hours. something is happening.
More like nigrants LMAO.
Still no reply from oathbreaking zigger troons i hope they burn for five thousand years in atomic fire
>>random invite link to nowhere
The chugtroon discord which they had to shoah once exposed.
>>meanwhile screenshots of some literal who's
Wow it's fucking nothing
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we get to pay out the ass for this abortion of a war to protect a corrupt shithole. I hate the Russians just as much, the difference is Putin isnt stealing our tax money with his cronies. I fell for it at first but the more I actully looked into it the entire thing is a joke. we get to pay for 90% of a war that effects us in no way
yet the countries in the eu are so worried about the Ukraine that they give a minuscule amount of weapons and money. I'm sorry if I'm a little concerned about the amount of cash getting boosted every month. Almost a million dead Ukrainians and Russians is a great start for sure, I'm still waiting for the answer to why we have to foot a massive amount of the bill when the countries there seem to care less. It's a valid question, forget the child traffickers, fentanyl production, organ harvesting, selling our equipment for profit at our expense, why is it we owe you anything? Your answer is I'm a shill right and this is why you dumb bastards are marching into a 70% mortality rate, you are all idiots. The Ukrainians are too stupid to use the high tech hardware so they sell it and beg for more. Why is it that we have to pay for 90% of this war when there are wealthy countries right there? I think it's because they know what a toilet the Ukraine is and could care less. Their actions do not equal a terrified NATO, so please tell me why the other countries are doing shit? Is it because they know exactly what this whole thing is? you will be dead, crippled or in prison within a year pigger. Spend our money well before the jew meat grinder gets you like all the rest of the idiots. Remember the jews are counting on your stupidity to continue until the last pig has been slaughtered.
thanks for admitting defeat nigger lover, also booked your ticket back to ukraine yet?
Share the updated link, tranny

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