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is it time for peace?

44% of Ukrainians believe it's time to start official peace talks with Russia, survey finds


According to the ZN.ua survey, 35% said they were opposed to peace negotiations, and 21% said they were undecided. There was some degree of regional discrepancy in the results, with the highest number of respondents in favor of negotiations being in the south of Ukraine, at 60%.

In western Ukraine, 35% said they supported peace talks, a similar figure to those from eastern Ukraine (33%), where the bulk of the heaviest fighting and associated war-related destruction is ongoing.

An overwhelming majority of respondents (83%) said they were opposed to the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the partially occupied oblasts of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, which were illegally annexed by Russia in October 2022.

Another 76% said they believed that Putin would only allow a peace deal on his own terms.

A slim majority (61%) were not ready to give any concessions to Russia in order to obtain a peace deal, and 66% of respondents said they still believed in military victory over Russia. More than half (51%) said that a return to the 1991 borders, which would include all four partially occupied regions and Crimea, to be the minimum conditions for a peace agreement.
Less than half.
Raid the families of Magatard Putin sympathizers and auction off everything. The money can be sent to rescue Ukraine.
Punish Them.
why are 44% of Ukrainians such cowards?
dont they understand that they should fight to the last ukrainian man woman and child?
So a majority want to kill Russians without even discussing the peaceful withdrawal of Russia from Ukraine? I wonder if Ukraine will actually stop at Russians borders or keep going?
trick question, they will never even get there.
Why do you hate Ukrainians so much?
I think they should at least be willing to discuss a peaceful withdrawal of Russians from Ukraine. That's pretty messed up. Although I don't blame them for being angry, they should let Russians leave in peace and not shoot them in the back as they retreat.
War will just end with no recognition of the places Putin stole and the proxy war will continue there.
Well they'd have to determine what parts of Ukraine are Ukraine anymore, because given Russia's overwhelming advantage there right now, there's going to be major concessions to Russia. A scenario where Russia simply leaves and gives Ukraine it's land back is never happening at this point.
This hurry and die already goys
>A slim majority (61%) were not ready to give any concessions to Russia in order to obtain a peace deal, and 66% of respondents said they still believed in military victory over Russia. More than half (51%) said that a return to the 1991 borders, which would include all four partially occupied regions and Crimea, to be the minimum conditions for a peace agreement.
What makes a people so delusional?
Need to kill a few more million first I see to get those numbers up. Hopefully soon so we can stop sending our inheritance to these ungrateful pieces of shit. Imagine thinking you had a chance as a little defenselss cuck nation against a world superpower. Fucking suicidal idiot clowns.
Fucking retards. It was time for peace 2 weeks into the invasion.
Women were allowed to flee and you find them around fucking with chads from Poland and western Europe.
A war against feminism makes far more sense than this.
Right and then Iron Man will swoop down and use Harry Potter's wand to balkanize Russia. Maybe if you ask Zelensky nicely he will use Thanos' gauntlet to finally make you a woman
kek less than half of those alive. as more keep dying that percentage will change
Looks like pig holocaust will continue until nation's IQ improves enough to accept reasonable peace terms.
I'm just surprised how many Ukrainians wouldn't even discuss letting Russians leave in peace. They are pissed.
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historically speaking, taking other russian wars into account, just waiting until they run away or collapse is actually a valid tactic.
this is an exact copy paste of every other war russia fought in their history.
>russia invades a neighbour
>its a total fucking disaster, 69 million dead russians
>the opponent lost like 5 people
>peace negotiations, russia either gains or loses 10 meters of land
>wait 20 years and invade again, maybe this time it will work
russian history in a nutshell.
peace will be achieved when every russhit is rotting in a shallow grave and being turned into worm food
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>looks like i found my new draft roster
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how bout no
41% of hyhyls can found their way out on their own, the remaining 3% should be sent to the frontline
While I can't blame them to an extent, reality is a bitch and what they want simply will never happen. Russia will not leave except on Russia's terms and there's very little they can do about it.
it's incredible how cucked the west is.
I bet 90s NATO would have already intervened and beaten modern Russia. And they would probably have noticed the hand of globohomo being behind all the problems and would have started bombing Israel and many other brown countries. Probably nuked China and India. Liberated the United Kingdom.
Instead we live in this gay ass world where evil jews of Russia and Ukraine can exterminate the white population so that they can eventually replace it with brown people.

Absolutely disgusted and demonic. Fuck you
>What makes a people so delusional?
so somebody comes up to you and asks you about a topic that would land you a treason charge if you did not toe the party line. turns out 44% are stupid enough to fall for this trick.
>What makes a people so delusional?
They fell for their own propaganda
>66% of respondents said they still believed in military victory over Russia
I'm not saying Russia would ever accept the peace deal, but it's crazy that Ukrainians wouldn't either. They'd rather just kill Russians until they are all out of Ukraine. As an American I see them both as Soviets and I'm glad my CIA balkanized them and got them to kill each other instead of Americans.
this but unironically, zigger retard
i was going to say "but they still got the largest country in the world", but then i realized that #2 is Canada and most of it is a glacial hellscape, and made myself laugh
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What part of 'To the last hohol' they dont understand?
whats so delusional about it?
The whole thing is fucking tragic. All those lives lost over a fucking meme identity forced by kikes
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yeah, which?
Propaganda, fear of providing the wrong answer, or the numbers are just made up. Polls are just manufactured consent, after all, especially in countries without elections.
wasn't this guy pro-russian until his mind was shattered by Putin not winning the war in 3 days? now he defends literal trannies because they are the strongest in the culture war
Not the majority. This is a democracy. The war goes on. :^)
Jews were also allowed to flee, both men and women.
>now he defends literal trannies because they are the strongest in the culture war
a world without ukrainians would be a paradise
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how about you stop coping? or is lavrov also a nafo tranny islamic kike reptilian soros loving shill as well?
>this is an exact copy paste of every other war russia fought in their history.
Oh yeah? Name five.
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why? they're just there doing nothing, unlike the shit midas of Europe
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Send in the piglets
>russian history in a nutshell.
meanwhile polish history is
>Start shit with russia
>become russias domain TWICE in world history
lets do it third times the charm lmao. future polish oblast
Finnish Winter War and 1920 Bolshevik War, from the newer ones.
no one believes what a pole says about Russia since you have insane heavy bias
send them first then.
simple as.
44% kek
It's kiyiiiiiiiiiiv indepenyint so who knows what the actual number is.
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send the niglets
The other half is enjoying summer on the beaches of Italy and Spain
>me no like
sounds like a you problem, thats still their entire history in a nutshell.
yeah, I wonder why everyone around Russia hates Russia? I'm sure it's just a coincidence. maybe we should ask the circassians about it too
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Leaked ukranian draft video.
None of that shit would have happened, as the west has been pozzed and zionist since the end of WW2. Also Russia was litterally invicible during the 90's while Euro countries barely had functionning militaries.
You are mentally ill.
>all of the interviewed Ukrainians then hastily left in their clown car to escape the body snatchers
Mutts are retards, kek.
Stop what exactly? Their ceaseless retreat?
of course it was. ukraine should have surrender on day 1.
Easy. You are an ordinary citizen in hukraine, what happens from your POV if russia takes over? Nothing. One corrupt govt switched for another.
The only one who have something to lose if the ukraine is taken over are the ultra wealthy elites and gov officials, the same people who will send you, the ordinary citizen to die in the war to protect their money, while they themselves will never go anywhere close to the frontline.
It's insane Russians thought they would be welcome in Ukraine in 2022. 2 years and a war later and ukies still don't want them
Meet the okranians. The dumbest fictional nation on the planet.
You have to be a moron to believe the propiganda rag that the Kiev Independant is
>what happens from your POV if russia takes over? Nothing. One corrupt govt switched for another.
you aren't retarded enough to actually believe this. even if that would be true, you sound like a cucked slave. hope this fate awaits you soon
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Obi-Wan Kenobi needs your help to defeat Russia by spamming more gore in the catalog
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>Start peace talk
>Oh you have to give up 4 regions in addition to Crimea.
>Also you cannot join EU or NATO
>Also you need to de-militarize
>We pinky promise that we won't invade you again in 5-10 years
>We've never broken a promise remember!

Honestly at that point you cease to be a nation. Also why has everyone memoryhole'd the peace talks in the first months of the war?
White countries.
And it's because Russia wasn't willing to destroy their culture and have their country divided into smaller chunks to join Western trading and military blocs. We demand total compliance from them because they're between us and China, but all we did was drive them toward China.
what's with the literal cucks on this board? serious question. Did you retards forget "Communism" or something?
>90s NATO
was bunch of same faggits as they are now. hollywood and commercials are not real.
I dont see the problem, russians using niggers and prisoners as cannon fodder while ukranians are using their children
Traitors >_<
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I don't spam it, I only collect it to laugh my ass off
>Honestly at that point you cease to be a nation
Giving the land back that was never yours and agreeing not to be a pawn of the US doesn't stop you being a nation.
And they did so during the first days of the war.
because it's inconvenient.
really the best strat is to hold the line and retreat across it. This isn't Chechnya where they can just indiscriminately bomb it into dust and claim victory after literal genocide so Russia will have to eat its losses or fuck off.
This all these events have just proven that US special forces, military, and cops are all blow hard paper tigers like they claim China is no one is scared of the US and ever will be
wake up boomer - communism hasn't been around for 30+ years, america isn't great and freedom ain't free
notice communism was in quotes.
they had enough offers where they would have kept basically everything, but they still refused. What else do you expect? Ukraine is fuck around and find out - The Country
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where's the dead children footage then? and I don't mean children's hospitals of course
>become russias domain TWICE in world history
This is the most funniest shit tho.
When will the ukraine start peace talks with the ukraine? That's who started bombing the ukraine.
>russian female soldiers

>that one vid where russian mobik simp starts treating a woman soldier while drones still flying overhead and they both get droned
You talk as if they have most of those regions in their possession, but they don't and never will again. The idea that Crimea will return to Ukraine is unserious.
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>Giving the land back that was never yours

Or how about you not changing your mind afterwards you make a decision?
i still remember russians crying in 1990 that evil polaks betrayed the holy soviet union.
i think i laughed my ass off for a year straight when the USSR collapsed inside its own asshole.
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>>now he defends literal trannies because they are the strongest in the culture war
i'm sure he wrote about it somewhere too, but quick google gave me this radio program


i don't care if you are pro-russia or pro-ukraine, but i don't think you want Karlin in your team, he is just a scoundrel snake that will sell his soul and ass to the strongest power in the block
Too bad, but we need more mongoloids removed
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such good and loyal goys! i have no doubt at all you would happily lay your lives down to protect mr. goldstein's money
big gold star for both of you!
>I bet 90s NATO would have
We are not in the 90s
and I still LOL how lvov is not polish anymore
Too bad. To the last.
Who would've thunk that some people have a strong self-preservation instinct and don't want to become minced meat so some professional actor can LARP as a hero of the people and a competent statesman. Shills will call them cowards.
do you still hang carpets on your walls as a sign of wealth?
all militaries are fucking posers, thing is which one of the posers pose less than others
>You are mentally ill.
> the west has been pozzed and zionist since the end of WW2
yes, but they never dared to do as much as they do today. If the military people of the 80s/early90s saw what was going on now they would nuke everything.
>Also Russia was litterally invicible during the 90's while Euro countries barely had functionning militaries.
I may be retarded but you don't know history. NATO literally solved a chimping out in the east in like 10 minutes.
To the last pig, so rats can claim the desolate land. Then its fixed with EU money.
Very insightful.
thats to catch dust, moron. They bring them outside in spring and fall and use that carpet beater thing on them.
you had to starve our soldiers at Kremlin once too if we are pointing facts; second time we were with Napoleon, so it hardly counts
I'd like our nations to sit this one world war out, but it is what it is
>occupation by a foreign hostile nation is peace
Modern white "man"
Still bigger than the don't negotiate groups. Being so dishonest and this stupid about it leads me to conclude that you are either brown or a liberal. But don't worry, it's fake.
>Kvyjyj independent
Yeah, no
I don't know what do you expect. If you lost you can't make demands. I keep seeing this vague "oh I but you must be FAIIIR". Why? How When the war began everyone who wasn't on copium knew if Ukraine resists and lose it will only get worse as Russia MUST make an example of Ukraine. They wanted X territory, now they will demand twice as much or thrice as much. You don't get a prize because you held out this long. That is only in the head of the Redditors.
If you don't like it then keep fighting until the total collapse where Russia can take everything.
Russians did it to bring peace, prosperity and socialism to Ukraine.
Ukraine is not even a real country, retard.
Very likely fake numbers. The news source is not the most reliable one.
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the asbestos dust?
>just waiting until they run away or collapse is actually a valid tactic
I thank god every day our enemies are unironical retards and this is their actual strategy
>Women start getting drafted because most of the men already laid down their lives
>"Welp! Time to throw in the towel, right ladies?"
Why are they like this?
Kek. I shouldn't laugh because poor pig, but that's fucking funny.
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well it did work for pretty much every war russia has ever fought.... so..... yeah.
They should have surrendered early 2023 whilst they could still put a defence up. Its too late now they will be handing poots the whole of ukraine east of the dniper.
Wheres all the hohols missing in action lol
The other 66% are dead. Article forgets to mention this.
56% kek
Buried by arty, aka fertilizer for blackrock
Everyone who said no to peace talks should be conscripted and send to the front lines.
Hohol "men" = fertiziler for black rock
Hoholina women = fertilized by black cock
New israel in action
To the last Ukrainian. Total Ukrainian Genocide. Dead culture, dead language, empty country. They voted for it, now they don't get a choice.

Get in fox hole and wait to die, retard. You deserve it for making my food my expensive.
Still a majority, shit for brains.
The funny thing is they have no democratic mechanism for enacting this view because Zelensky basically declared himself dictator and said we aren't holding elections anymore in order to defend democracy.
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>I bet 90s NATO would have already intervened and beaten modern Russia. And they would probably have noticed the hand of globohomo being behind all the problems and would have started bombing Israel and many other brown countries.
Somebody clearly think Darth Vader was part of the Rebel Alliance of the Sith to destroy Yoda's Empire
Mutts law, Bulgarians are just turks.
There is no "beating Russia."
If Russia faced real defeat they will simply launch the nukes and that will be that. At most you can say you will destroy them harder than they will destroy you, but you're still going to get rekt.
>Bulgarians are just turks
>Mutts law
goes hand in hand with mutt education
I say we nuke both
If Ukraine had negotiated peace back in March 2022 they would have lost last territory than what they stand to lose right now
Phew! Lucky they live in a democracy and aren't ruled over by a genocidal jew that's intent on feeding them into a meat grin- .... oh...
>A slim majority (61%) were not ready to give any concessions to Russia in order to obtain a peace deal,
No point to negotiating then. Can you imagine walking into the room with that set of demands and expecting something to happen?
>Okay Vladdie, you gotta hand over all the territory you've won including Crimea and don't you dare even ask us to promise not to join NATO, we'll do whatever the fuck we like even if that includes re-arming and bombing the DPR/LPR again, run along now
And that kinda shit coming from a half-dead nation that has nothing to threaten you with in the first place.

Ukraine is over. It was already over just from the sheer mass of dead or fled young men, but if that's their attitude toward a settlement at this point in the war, it's really fucking over. These people won't notice reality until the "cope" cage is rolling down their specific street.
now exclude women, men with exemptions and loyal patriots from the other side of the world
hello kremlin bot, still pushing it was just feint bro, narrative I see.
yeah bro, totally legit data
Everyone is pro-peace where Russia capitulates and pays reparations
Not the one where it's allowed to swallow Ukraine piecemeal
Russia is too big to fail. Zelensky should just take the L if he wishes his subordinates well.
>putin has the infinity gauntlet
Ok mr. butthurt Georgia NGO shill
They aren't coming back either, so those men don't have much else to do but die.
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It used to be even bigger lol
>In western Ukraine, 35% said they supported peace talks
Can someone explain to me what is wrong with Poles?
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Drop american IPs dolboëba kusok
this faggot going back to sucking cock for a living since his NGO cash flow stopped
honestly im surprised someone tried to shoot trump before putin.
Ukraine were invaded, they should not surrender. whats worse is this was planned decades ago for economic bs reasons. so you're proving as a planet you care more about number big than human lives, if you think this way I beg you please just kill yourself.
This. Also chilling in Israel.
>honestly im surprised someone tried to shoot trump before putin.
Putin would never put himself directly in the line of fire.
That's because he's too valuable for Russia. Sacrifices has to be made.
A clear majority (56%) of those who at least had an opinion.
Zelensky will just throw those 44% into the meat grinder to solve the issue
The war must go on until hohols get Crimea back.
Nope. Can't have that. Boris Johnson and the Jewnited States of Murica demand we go down to the last hohol.
Ukranian poll, fudged numbers
>What makes a people so delusional?
>Very likely fake numbers. The news source is not the most reliable one.

>so somebody comes up to you and asks you about a topic that would land you a treason charge if you did not toe the party line. turns out 44% are stupid enough to fall for this trick.
horse shit /k/ike

ukrindians actually think they are going to balkanize Russia
>44% of Ukrainians will save russian
Aid wont stop.
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Do you understand that there are Nazis in Ukraine? Naturally Russia must kill them all, we cannot allow the ultra-right to seize power in Europe again.
They will be the bankers paid for the demise of every ukrainian.
sounds like a fucking pussy
to be clear I hope he gets assassinated and the pointless war ends. it never made sense to me anyway, seemed like a way to distract everyone from covid, and it worked somehow despite not many people really caring about ukraine. im not sure people care about anything after covid. everyone is just mad now.
Putin isn't driving the war. Russia is. Imperial Russia will always be ruled by fear and insecurity.
>military victory on a losing team.
Its just a renewal of constitutional rights now that their men are dead. See WW1 and WW2.
>billions arent enough!
back to twitter with you, retard
NAFO is literally THE globohomo you dumb melonigger
Line up every single one against the wall. These traitors must be eliminated.
Those graves will have rarely honest visitors.
Anyone with a brain that actually cares about the lives of holols knew this a year ago. Considering it is only 44% I say they need another year to figure it out
actually most hohols are for agreements but 'muh f16 gamechanger' shit changed their mids for few months.
sounds like imperial russia whoever that is need to be nuked then.
no more endless conquest, unify or gtfo the mortal coil. I aint got 100 years to wait for earth to reach space utopia and I aint coming back if you fuck it up this time around.
Lmao 90s nato was as faggy and zogged as today you believed a fairy tale
>44% of Ukrainians believe it's time to start official peace talks with Russia, survey finds
the other 66% are dead
As long as Putin demands areas he doesn't control there won't be peace. The poll itself shows heavy negativity to the Russian proposals. Right now Ukraine would likely accept Donetsk,Luhansk, Crimea and military neutrality with the provision that they can either join the EU or at least the single market eventually.
Demilitarisation is collective suicide which they know.
the beatings will continue until morale improves
Putin can't justify the loss of that many boys with a redrawal to 1991
I think Putin's proposal is reasonable with a Yanukovich transitional government
Ahahahahaha. Okay commie.
This. Ukraine was/is the poorest country in Europe and one of the poorest in the world. New management likely would have improved their quality of life. Loyalty to your country is earned and the Ukrainian government was objectively a failure even before the war
It just shows that a significant proportion of the ukranian population is willing to talk to russia to end the war and this is a currated survey for a propaganda media maybe with the anonymity ensured by a real casted vote it would be much more, we won't find out until zelensky accept new elections as his mandate ended officially a few month ago already
It's untenable for Putin.
The win for Ukraine rn is peace with an east-facing government and then have east and west compete for influence using investment monies
Ukraine has seen Poland and the baltics take the EU path, and Belarus's collective suicide approach.

Where would you rather live? Poland or Belarus?
No it didn't you French retarded Sudanese. If wartime powers doesn't apply for ukraine when the fuck would you say they apply?
The remaining 66% are mostly dead or left the country
Not nearly enough.
watched some videos on YouTube where some guy asks questions like that to people on the street. I swear it's always the boomers, women and exempt fags being the biggest "patriots"
also most of those videos are shot in the center of the capital which is a different reality
what region are you from? i still have a couple contacts in Ukraine, but mostly in Odessa or just on the russian side
Zelensky was elected with the voices of eastern ukraine with his promise to talk with russia and then as soon as he got elected he did a 360, now that his mandate is officially over you're telling that's fair to stay on power to continue what the people who elected you clearly didn't want ? Anyway the ukraine is beacon of western democracy according to our medias why are they afraid of the democratic process ? :)
bulgars are turks yes, but you do understand 'mutts law' refers strictly to americans, right anon?
Are those kids even old enough to drink milk?!
it was pretty eye-opening when I took a trip to the west that one time
we were sitting in complete darkness, conserving electricity, empty streets during curfew, constant siren
then as I was passing Kiev on a train it was lit up like a Christmas tree at midnight
those are the people telling us to just keep fighting
why not defect
How many of those not wanting peace talks are women?
Would be more but they drafted and killed them
This. I would also not give a shit if someone replaced the swiss federation. The government is always as bad as it can be. A new government couldn't be worse.
44% ? then you know the actual number is about 80%
It be like the Chechen war.
It "ends"... but cia funded terrorism continues for a few years. Eventually they have enough and take the rest.
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Wait a second, they're years into this conflict already and they haven't even STARTED some kind of official peace talks? Like they really just slugged it out killing 100's of thousands of people and causing trillions of dollars in economic damage and one country has refused to even start peace talks?
Most people are stupid, and in this case 44% are wrong. Peace talks now mean Biden mediates. Peace talks after Trump means an art of the deal leverage enjoyer who *might* at most give up Crimea because you dont just keep all the land you occupied. Also Russia will be paying reparations to Ukraine, instead of the US and Europe. Russia will build a wall and pay for it.
So literally Yanukovich back in power with zero changes other than destroyed demographics and a rump state.
The state of wartime propaganda and most people being normalniggers. We don't really see any Ukranian propaganda here but both Russia and Ukraine have been going full propaganda mode on their own population for the whole entirety of this war.

Most people just toe the line, they think they're actually winning because that's what every single news media piece has told them and it's literally illegal for them to say otherwise, in fact, even before the war the Ukranian state had a large amount of control over their media.
They already rebuild Mariupol.
Oddly enough... hohols arent lobbing shells into it.
yes, better thing is just kamikaze for years on my dime, for USA military kike profit

dumb fuck
That means 56% don’t want peace, t Ukraine can still win, now run those hands chud!
You people all speak exactly like the smuggest fattest reddit faggots you know that.
Peace talks with Russia are a non-starter from Natos perspective because Russia lied about the war from the start and are known to simply just attack again after concessions are made.
>still less than a half
So tired of this kike brainwashed cattle.
>We don't really see any Ukranian propaganda

Massive faggot has opinions....
Did you not see Anderson Cooper jnterview the ghost of kiev? The Kiev Independent is pure propiganda and the source for all western media.

>31,000 ukrainians killed so far.......
>Finnish Winter War and 1920 Bolshevik War, from the newer ones.
>"every war fought in history" turned into 1 (one) war from the last 150 years
Yep, it's a butt blasted pole alright. Thinking he's an expert on Russia.
Biden cant mediate his morning bowel movements, moron
Well, we did get some, but I mean the actually Ukrainian propaganda they're giving to their own population. We see what is given to western viewers so they have continuous media support, and we didn't actually see a lot of it besides that first month or two of constant spam. In my recent memory there's pretty much nothing, last piece I can remember was the HIMARS propaganda.

Yeah, we get a tiny bit of it but it's just some one-off news story or something from some journal nobody cares about like the Kyiv Independent. Not comparable with actual propaganda made for an occupied population.

but are those 44% the ones fighting? Or the ones having a less than fun time at home who want their comforts back?
An actual good example of this was Russia destroying the French army lead by Napoleon, actually this whole thing is more of a point in favor of Russia than against it. Napoleon stomped the entirety of Europe and got BTFO by some disorganized Russian army in full retreat who lost every major battle but starved him out.
So, 56% of Ukrainians are still winning.
Completely and totally inaccurate
Never pretend you know anything about history again
>Poles are stupid and cannot into math
For 7 Anons that said so, 5 were beaten by me and 3 were not.
Nah that's pretty much what happened and I'm right and you're wrong.
None of those girls look underaged, it doesn’t even look like dating
that really sucks. are you going to try and stay there when the russian army comes and hope for the best or what's the plan? there probably isn't many places to go anymore
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Follow your leader.
Traitors! Send them to dieeeee
>Military victory
>Over a nuclear power
I don't know why dny Ukrainian think they get to voice and opinion on Americas war.

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