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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So cancel culture is suddenly OK now? Should people who hurt your faggy feelings with words lose the right to earn a living? Bunch of hypocritical Karens.
>political winds are shifting
>faggy euros suddenly want normal people to live and let live
plenty of jobs waiting for you in israel
whats good for the goose is good for the gander
karens will fill the Trump gulags in 2025
Funny how you avoid to answer the question
Dont expect me to abide by different rules than you leftards. Anything you do, is fair game for me. You had a good ten years to act like proper men, now lets see how you like your same shit used against you.
THD isn't going to like that. CEO was a Trump supporter in 2020. To say nothing of the PR disaster that is letting your employees bring politics into the workplace.
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
Yes. You jews stared it, now reap the whirlwind. You will lose your jobs.
What does that phrase mean, oh wise aussie man
You aren't supposed to post twice in your own slide thread
I hate you and wish for your timely demise, just to be clear.
All you have to do is make trump hating socially unacceptable and the women will bloviate on behalf of orange man just as hard, no gulag necessary.
Calls to violence have never been free speech, faggot.

Are you going to say that putting people in prison for bomb threats is somehow overly sensitive cancel culture?

If not, why would taking legal action against someone calling for violence against the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES be cancel culture?
Left had been doing it for years, it’s time for some payback
It's not like you stopped doing it, so turnabout is fair play until you stop doing it faggot.
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
It was always ok for calls for violence.
It's not cancel culture when the bitch is doing that shit WHILE working.
when i click the picture the video doesn't play.
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i am deciding to argue in bad faith now. The holocaust was an unfortunate workplace violence incident.
Fucking retard.
Nope, this doesn’t fly anymore. You niggers opened Pandora’s box and now you can’t close it. Time to pay.
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is now
Is it right to assume all Europeon men are gay? I'm going to go ahead and assume it.
Yes destroy all leftist
i agree that the online witchhunt thng is pure cringe faggotry, but they're now getting a taste of their own medicine and that is sometimes necessary.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. You're not owed a platform.
It's been OK
Fuck you and die
boots on the other foot now nigga
Right wing retards are all crocodile tears, these are the same people that were banning Harry Potter books from libraries a couple of decades agora because of “witchcraft”
Yes they will engage in everything they cry about, in fact, they are the pioneers in cancelling things
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War is heck.
Awwww you mad we’re doing it to you now? Salty faggot :3 the beatings will not stop until moral improves
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>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
This implies that it was okay then.
You got to run to janny for years to solve your problems, and when someone does it to you, suddenly out of the blue there appears some magical high road that we should all be taking together.

Reap what you sow, nigger.
Yes absolutely. Whatever it takes to punish and hurt the left.
>freedom from consequences
Oh sorry you've been debunked, cause that's exactly what it means
Libs of Tiktok is an orthodox jewess
You faggots started this and never let up. Now WE aren't going to let up until it's literally illegal to say any of your leftoid bullshit. Buckle up faggot, you're about to lose your rights
Karen is a racial slur you fucking nigger.
Your "question" is a lie, though, isn't it? You fucking memeflag faggot zoomie fuckwit.
What applies to or is good enough for one person in one situation should also apply to or be good enough for another person in a comparable situation.

The British version of the idiom is 'sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander', and is the reason for Spock's weird line to Saavik in Wrath of Khan just before the Enterprise baits Reliant into the nebula where everybody's shields and sensors are useless.
No, sorry sweetie. Thats not what it means. Keep your hate speech off the internet then.
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>...lol death threats isn't a big deal
The Left always wins. Trump and his supporters are dropping like flies.
>Liberals finding out a blade cuts both ways
Oh shit. Now do you faggot niggers understand why legally targeting political opponents isn't a good idea?
Getting into political shitflinging with customers ON THE JOB while you're supposed jockeying a register is when I would say yes, you should be fired.

If this lady was home whining about grumpf on twitter on her own time she shouldn't be fired
>Bunch of hypocritical Karens
it's different when we do it.
we're human.
Yes, you made it ok. Enjoy your own medicine.
To be fair, if I'm not allowed to support a former president on social media without running the risk of being doxxed and losing my livelihood, these bitches shouldn't be able to make threats and get away with it.
Shrimple as.
always has been.
It's funny that they don't get this.
A memeflag is either a jew or a pajeet working for jew
Not my problem. I was cancelled for saying Nigger.
It's okay to hate your enemies
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Yes cancel culture is OK to use against Bud light and Karens.
There was some tractor supply company that tried to go woke and ended up losing so much business that they had to do a purge of the left in their company.
We are actually much better at it than the left. So the left is playing with fire when they use it.
I guess people are sick and tired of playing fairly while their opposition constantly breaks the rules. All I see happening is equalization of the game.
dont hate the player - hate the game or something?
>cancel culture is suddenly OK now
Yes. Fight fire with fire
What's exactly wrong with hating Trump and wanting him to die? I hate both Trump and Biden, and I want all of them to be assassinated, as well as all their "fans".
Goys gonna be goys
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sorry I rebunked it
>Cancelling someone because they said Nigger in any context or because they don’t think a man can become a woman by wearing a dress
>Cancelling someone because they want to actually want to kill people for politically motivated reasons

Also is it hypocritical for a baseball player to not want their opponent to score points while they score more homeruns?
We didn't want to play by these rules, but you people insisted on. You changed the rules. So, these are the rules now, so this is the game we'll play. And we're just getting started.

It's how the universe works. You put a certain energy out into the world, and the world will blare that energy back at you. You want to cancel people? Fine, let's cancel people. You want abandon meritocracy and instead play identity politics? Fine, all those white people you hate will start playing identity politics too. You want to do whatever it takes to grasp power so you can punish your enemies, rules and decency and honor be damned? Fine, that's coming right back at you.

Bitch and moan all you want, scream racism and hypocrite all you want. No one gives a shit any more. This is the world you insisted on, now you can choke on it. Welcome to the hell of your own creation. Just remember, we didn't want this, you did.
Yes. In Mein Kampf Hitler said we must be just as bold and as offensive as our opposition.
>Can't even make a 150 yard shot
There are 17 year olds fresh out of high school that can make shots twice that distance.
Libsoftiktok is a zionist kike, I'm not surprised she acts this way. This feels like informers snitching on people who don't support the reigime in soviet time.
Sucks when you start something you can't finish uh?
Of course it's not. Any anyone with half a working brain knew that this shit will turn against the old perpetrators the moment the winds change. Why the fuck did you low IQ apes think anyone was against this shit in the first place?
Learned nothing from history after all. This shit is a barrel without bottom and incredibly hard to close since nobody of you lot would ever willingly give up the power it gives you over others.
It is simply forcing the enemy to play by their own rules, they never were civil, why should anyone else be? When you normalize tactics that are effective, people will use them, those who complained of Cancel Culture now when it is their ass on the line, were perfectly fine seeing others put to the axe.

Deal with it Robespierre.
You mistake me for some bloviating republican. I just want to see you suffer and I have no qualms about aggressively using your own methods to do it, you scared bitch.
lol you anti male, anti white pieces of shit deserve it and you know it!

>muh livelihood

You weren’t doing anything but vilifying white men, we’ll take it from here
cry more bitch
Now that 90% of /pol/ has 1pbtid filtered, they are now doing 2 posts per thread
No one cares about dumb backwater slavoids and their opinions though
>If I have power I will fuck you up for good!
>if you have power you have to respect me!

is the lower-level peons like you that will suffer in a civil war, you nigger
corpo ceos have nuclear bunkers with front on white beaches in Thailand,
>What's exactly wrong with hating Trump and wanting him to die?
That kind of thinking consumes you from the inside and makes you ugly and people are repelled by that.
Its why antifas are so ugly and repellant to normies.

I dont agree with Bidens policies. But I dont want him to die. Hes already at deaths door anyway and being pushed in to doing a job hes not capable of is quite distressing.
I want Biden to be in comfortable familiar surroundings as he loses the last of his marbles. I dont like watching him fail and humiliate himself on the world stage, except for the obvious practical benefit of getting Trump in power.
Retarded question bc you're asking ppl not to use weapons used against them
>I'm at work
I'd be careful doing this shit, once you break down that barrier all hell will break loose. The economy is still shit, people are backed into corners, and the election isn't until November.
Reap what you sow faggot
That account is literally operated by a Jewess.
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Yes we want to destroy our political enemies
Are we hypocrites? Yes.
Heil victory
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the hilarious part about playing their games is how naive they are. we've documented every piece of bullshit liberals have conducted. and now we can use it lol.

we're at the point where the entire country is disregarding anyone who calls themselves a Democrat. theyre just ignored. no one gives a shit about the opinions of (D)s lol. we're beginning the purging process. free advice to democrats, liberals, leftists, whatever you call yourself: slink into the shadows. disappear. keep quiet and you'll make it through the storm.
Die on your sword, nigger. Power is all that matters.
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
You faggots set the rules. We're just playing by your rules now.
Live by the sword, die by the sword, faggo. We’re just playing by the rule book that you wrote, and now you commie shitstains are crying unity now that it’s hurting you.
Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.
Yes, it was only bad when it was against the right, just like how free speech is only good if you're right wing. It's not for leftists and niggers.
>be me
>Taking wife to work
>Some beaner in a truck starts sperging out at me
>He is screaming and I can hear him through my closed window
>"Stop tailgating me !!!! Reeee"
>My dash cam was on the entire time
>Never tailgated the mutated freak once
>He now proceeds to try and block us from turning left through the intersection while he records
>My wife snaps and starts calling him an ugly ass Sasquatch nigger
>He pulls off and hops out jumping around like a gorilla , as I just simply keep taking my wife to her job
>Very next day , same spic in the truck follows me to my sister in laws house and starts threatening me about fighting
>I hop out with a pistol in my hand because I don't fight with fist I already broken my wrist and my femur once not gonna let this fat rabid gorilla touch me or my wife
>He sits there again , recording on his phone
>Trying to get me to point my equalizer at him again on his camera phone
>Eventually I just leave and then call the sheriff because fuck my local PD laziest over paid cunts in cali
>Old sheriff dept hears my side
>Tell me to vote , and that be careful because this guy could hurt.me and my wife and be out of jail next day no bail
>Prepared to defend myself but don't wish to be forced to do so
Honestly, the Democrats had years to fix their own party. Reassess priorities to remove this endemic blight and rot, they squandered that opportunity and just doubled down on the stupid.
No politics in the workplace.
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You fuckers have been calling for Trump's head for eight fucking years. Now that someone has the balls to try and do it, suddenly you're all trying desperately to take the moral high ground (as usual) and spout this bullshit about "oh I HATE trump but this is just so sad and awful and horrible". No you fucking spineless nigger, you got exactly what you've been frothing at the mouth for over the last eight years, we are just holding you to your word. Don't be a pussy, stick to your guns. For once in your pathetic life, stand behind what you say and don't try to lie and gaslight your way out of harms way like the rat you are. Stand up for what you believe in you worthless faggot. You've been begging for someone to take a shot at trump for eight years, and it's finally happened.
pretty sure calls for death have never been 'ok' in the public eye, regardless of which side of the political spectrum you are on.
how do you like it now you fucking niggers
Can they repent? Will we let them apologize, admit they were wrong, their beliefs are wrong, and they vote republican/conservative? Or is it too late?
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Well when the shoe is on the other foot I wont be complaining
They asked for this
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I think people should take their phone cameras and harass politicians instead of the local shit posting karen
Destiny should try threatening shitwood to see how that goes. Hopefully you're not so vapid that you don't understand my point.
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Yeah. Fuck you
This. They created these conditions, now they have to suffer them like everyone else.
>cancel people you dont like for a decade
>cancel culture is turned against you
its not cancel culture when the opposition is killing people
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uhm sweaty he meant it in a metaphorical sense
taking the moral highground just gives the enemy a chance to drive in the knife
i.e. it's called justice
"cancel culture" is when people lose their job because they liked trumps tweet or made some slightly right leaning comment on the internet
its not when people are literally advocating for the assassination of a presidential candidate
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>overton window shifted successfully
>"right wingers" now act like libfags from 10 years ago
holy shit this. These fuckers are celebrating peoples deaths like it's nothing, absolute scum
he didn't even say in minecraft though
I'm enjoying getting people banned and demonetized, I think I'll do it to more liberals
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>that subtle screen shake with the body slam
Or beckoning their followers to murder all conservatives.

And everybody in this thread saying that it's time to fight back using their own tactics is exactly right to be doing so. You asked for this. Nay, you begged for this.
THD is as woke as every other major corp. Walk into an employee area during homo month and be amazed at the number of rainbow decorations.
Of course it is stupid leftist shiskin.
Not how that works, eye for an eye.
and now the libtards are trying to ban harry potter books because the author hates trannies
>everyone whips out their phone to record and socially shame other people
modern life is so faggy
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Sounds like a no-win situation. If you defend yourself, prosecutor will throw the book at your slightly whiter ass.

Your best bet would be to get this guy before he gets you. Or leave cali
Reap what you sow, sow.
They need to have a civil war and get over it already.
what is the slight? where's the link faggot? how am I supposed to know what to be mad about? I don't have a xwitter
just leftists.
everything is morally permissible against leftists
fuck you
you faggots are just mad that people decided to play your shitty game against you
it's gonna get worse too
Yes. It's the bed you made, now lie in it.
In the dimly lit annex, Anne lay spent and gasping, a harrowing mixture of fear, agony, and overwhelming pleasure coursing through her veins. The SS officer's powerful thrusts stilled as he reached his own climax, collapsing on top of her, their sweat mingling in the stifling air. She was alive, a survivor amidst the lifeless bodies of those who had once been her sanctuary, her beloved family.

Their grisly act reverberated through the silent room, not unheard by the Gestapo below, who continued their idle chatter and laughter as if it were nothing more than a common occurrence - a macabre performance for their amusement. Anne felt his hot breath on her cheek, the weight of his body pressing down upon her, the stench of death lingering in their intertwined bodies. Her mind reeled as she grappled with the paradoxical sensations. This man had just taken her life and yet, his touch set her aflame like nothing else ever could.

He pulled away from her, panting, and she looked into his eyes; a predator's gaze met hers, cold and callous, but tinged with something inexplicable. He rose, smoothing down his uniform, a final cruel reminder of the world beyond these walls. With a casual flick of the wrist, he fired the final bullet into her brain, silencing not only Anne's cries but the echoes of her betrayal and the guilt that haunted him. As darkness claimed her once more, she found herself wondering if the pleasure had been real or a cruel trick of her tortured mind, forever lost in the abyss between life and death.
so one side can silence the other and its supposed to stay put? no, fuck you. you reap what you sow.
/pol/ is full of spics and poojeets that want those jobs and will do anything to get them including ratting you out
Take him out first. Get a rental car and steal a set of plates.
>>Omg how dare you fight back using our own rules against us! I thought you hated when we did it to you, how hypocritical.

And soon.

>>omg how dare you use political violence against us! Its not like we haven't been using political violence against you for decades!
I hope you'll be crying about hypocrisy while you starve to death.
What should I write to this lovely lady?
It's worse than what you say. Destiny, amongst other leftists, is promoting active harm against anybody supporting Trump to any degree. He's not saying "this is just so sad and awful". He's demanding violence. Fuck all of them. They created this "them or us" environment.
I mean this in the metaphysical sense: you are a faggot.
I know plenty of leftists boomer kike Karens with dyke haircuts that need to go into camps.
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We did it, Twitter!
but i thought MAGA is all abot canceling non-Trump suporters?
>No! You can't retaliate against us and have us suffer the way we made YOU suffer!
>YOU are the baddies! WE are the heroes!

Live by the cancel culture.
Die by the cancel culture.
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No. Your side spent years normalizing it.
I don't like it, but I won't condemn but I won't condemn the people who are gleefully using your own weapon against you. I understand.
If it makes you feel any better, just think of all the excuses and paternalistic magnanimity you've smugly extended to the melanated perpetrators of racial violence over the years. I feel the same about the chuddies going after you lot now.
Stupid games etc.
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Wtf, you don't like it when I score a goal on you but yet you are trying to score a goal on me? How could this be happening?
This is like if someone is shooting at you, and they yell “Hey stop shooting back! You don’t want to be a hypocrite now so you?”
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Don't like it when it happens to you bitch?
Granted the average leftist is a loser anyway with nothing of value so even if you got canceled you'd have nothing to lose.
Yes, it's ok. Fuck yourself and die.
>make leftist live up to leftist rules
>noo you can't do this, leftist must live by your rules, not our own! reee!
Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences, sweety.
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Are you really so unable to read sarcasm? WHat are you a fucking redditor?
People have been begging you to keep it civil, you said no for YEARS. Don't get upset that people hold you to your standards. You had YEARS to come to an agreement.
> lose job and livelihood over harmless virus
> Because morons like you are scared of a cold

What goes around comes around ya shit cunt
Yes. It's okay when WE do it. And I'm tired of pretending it's not.
>libs of Tik tok
These are the terms you wanted bro
hello and welcome to politics
its ok but only if it hurts you and the people you care about. Pretty simple.
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
Yeah, retard the right should take the high road and never fight back. You made this world, now youre gonna get raped in it
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Nigger, I don't care. I want to destroy you.
They shat in the bed, now they need to sleep in it.
Yes Americans are flaming in-your-face-hypocrites. In other news water is wet.
>NEVER trust an America OP, they are NEVER good for their word and have no principles or morals whatsoever.

>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
Yep, and it's hilarious
Leftards have single-handedly implemented systems to cancel anyone because they thought it would never be used to against them
Now they're getting hit by the weapon they created
I'm loving it
You were cancelling people who didn't want 40-year-old men grooming their children at school. Now they are cancelling people who are talking about murdering someone due to a conflict of opinion. If the ideology of the left and the democrats is to kill whoever disagrees with you, then you forfeited every moral ground you claimed to have.
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>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
yes, in 2024 it's ok to cancel progressive retards. any other questions you'd like answered?
why the fuck do people still respond seriously to memeflags? OP is 1000% a subhuman jeet, jew, or troon like every other poster that uses a memeflag
Even if they respond twice I still call it a one post by ID. Because they will dip out while the thread gets 300 replies. While they only made 2.
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
Of course, you teach me so
Hate speech is free speech and free speech is free from consequences.
Jews shouldn’t be allowed to live in the west
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?

>when they come for your children, just post memes and do nothing, this way we win!
turnabout is fair play
Yes. Why is one side able to do it but the other side cannot? The stop antisemites twatter doxxes people all the time.

Why do I always have to do it? Look how many responses are in this faggot thread. Nobody?
Always me? Fuck yall.
>opponent pulls a knife in a fistfight
>pull your own knife out
>"durr you claim you're honorable yet you pull your own knife? hypocrite!"
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What a coward to go to someone’s job and film them. Real courageous.
dude we appreciate your work, thanks!
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?

Yes it is roastie. You are getting cancelled for hate speech.
If they are leftist or normalfag? Absolely.
Hitler tried to cancel the entire jewish race.
Lol communist fatshit Karen calls the manager for help. I want to see how it ends
Your boy crossed a line. All bets are off. Retroactively, too.
Getting fired over jail time ain’t a bad deal. I know the US Code means nothing when it comes to reality (informed consent, treason, etc.) but here ya go:
18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency
U.S. Code
(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(b) The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful candidates for the offices of President and Vice President, respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, §1, 69 Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, §1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L. 97–297, §2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
Hurr durr let's just be tough on the internet. Go fist your dad
Not isn't you twat, it's the same expression here. Fucking sauce for the gander lmfao.
not a fucking chance in hell were gonna stop. 10 of yours fired, dehoused and starving on the street for every one of ours, backdated at least 15 years.

you 'people' have built up an enormous debt of anger with us, and it will be paid.
Wrong one. In between these sections are penalties for blackmail and extortion. Lol, lmao even. But here:
18 U.S. Code § 879 - Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons
U.S. Code
(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon—
(1) a former President or a member of the immediate family of a former President;
(2) a member of the immediate family of the President, the President-elect, the Vice President, or the Vice President-elect;
(3) a major candidate for the office of President or Vice President, or a member of the immediate family of such candidate; or
(4) a person protected by the Secret Service under section 3056(a)(6);
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
(b) As used in this section—
(1) the term “immediate family” means—
(A) with respect to subsection (a)(1) of this section, the spouse of a former President during a former President’s lifetime, the surviving spouse of a former President until the surviving spouse’s death or remarriage, and minor children of a former President until they reach sixteen years of age; and
(B) with respect to subsection (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, a person to whom the President, President-elect, Vice President, Vice President-elect, or major candidate for the office of President or Vice President—
(i) is related by blood, marriage, or adoption; or
(ii) stands in loco parentis;
(2) the term “major candidate for the office of President or Vice President” means a candidate referred to in subsection (a)(7) of section 3056 of this title; and
(3) the terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” have the meanings given those terms in section 871(b) of this title.
(Added Pub. L. 97–297, §1(a), Oct. 12, 1982
>Censoring words that aren't even swear words
Why are jews like this?
You started it.
You will never change.
Now reap what you sow.
>in the last 3 years I have had the chance to get multiple liberal faggots fired and did not
>the same can not be said for them
lol, this. I always thought the "youre a hypocrite" argument was fucking retarded
Now that Jews are siding with the right, can we get some leftists fired from their jobs?
That’s the thing about opening pandora’s box
I’ll never understand why the Right doesn’t get that politics is a filthy game. They want to play the game, and come out clean on the other side. That’s not how it works, and leftists understand this. Cancel culture works, and the Right should openly engage in it because they come from a place of tradition and correct morals. Expose pedophiles, shame homosexuals, encourage women to stay at home, ethnocentrism, and so on; all of these should be promulgated. But they won’t, because they’re too scared.
a lot of people already lost their job because of 2020 bullshit. So no it's fine to attack your political enemies as long as they are at work when they cannot defend themselves and must take the public flagellation for spewing their stupid fucking rhetoric. It's worse now because the constant violent speech now has something to back it up and the people that think they're safe aren't. You don't get to exist in public with your view points anymore.
You started it
it always gas been, or are you going to start enforcing it against your ilk juden?
You did it to everyone else. Do you think I care if you call me a hypocrite? Who gives a fuck. Fuck you.
You were okay with it when it was in your favour. Time to lay in the bed you made.
these are your rules of engagement
they are just giving you what you have always wanted
>Should people who hurt your faggy feelings with words lose the right to earn a living?
No, but OP, who is a super huge faggot, should.
Calling for assissination of a political figure should have the same punishment as supporting terrorism online. As a european you probably know that for example germany will deport you if you write positive stuff about islamic terrorists online.
Kill yourself faggot
He paraphrased "turnabout is fair play" you absolute nigger brain
It's their game, we're just playing it.
They're just going to ignore these posts until after the election.
I’ve been saying this for years. Taking the high road doesn’t beat an enemy that wins on brow beating everyone into submission. Truth doesn’t win. Truth has very rarely won. Only emotions and power win. Especially power. All the stories on here about hire this it that normie said they’re getting sick of this doesn’t mean shit when they’re afraid to say it because they’ll get canceled. There is no waking people up effectively with pure facts and logic when they act the way they do,
Yeah, because "Conservatives" and "Liberals" are the same thing. What is a Conservatives conserving, and what is a Liberal, liberating? By default, all Americans are Liberal, as a majority of them are Protestant, even the Atheist, as Protestantism is Sola Scriptura, Scripture alone, therefore an Atheist is coming to his own conclusions, based upon how he interprets Scripture. To be a Conservative, is to be of the Church, not the Franco-Latin Papist, but of the Orthodox Church. As to be a conservative cannot be man-made or created, as something that is created is implying change, yet the Orthodox Church is a Divine Institution, not a created, it's uncreated, as it's the Body of Christ, whom is Uncreated.
Fire with fire. You don't win by calling the other side hypocrites and hoping they change their ways. You are evil and disgusting to the core. You are unsalvageable.
>There is no waking people up effectively with pure facts and logic when they act the way they do
It's astounding this still needs to be said in the year 2024. If facts and logic won the day then we wouldn't have had the last several decades of clown world bullshittery happen.
How the turntables...
Yeah. Why don’t you fucking do something about it or shut the fuck up? Lmfao
eat shit lmao
cool it with the anti-semitism
Too late. There is American blood on every democrat's hands now.
Libs of Tik Tok is a Jew, of course she thinks it's ok.
shitlibs have been engaging in cancel culture for a long time, so let's be honest, has it worked? Has anyone actually changed their mind and said, "oh yea these demons who got some poor shmuck fired really have a good point"? Definitely not. if anything, the fact that the movement has continued to rise is because they engaged in this behavior.

I don't want to do stuff that doesn't work, and cancel culture doesn't work if your goal is to get people on your side.
Hold your enemies to their own standards
You're the guy who is up against the wall for the firing line telling your comrades, "but at least we're not hypocrites!"
this kek
same shit with the militant vaxxoids
>everyone who refused the clotshot should be put into a concentration camp and have their kids raped!
1 year later
>we might have been wrong but for the right reasons! its time to let bygones be bygones

the golem always turns against the rabbi in the end

end stage of feminism playing out
Yes faggot it is. Cope and seethe.
You don’t care about freedom of speech.

You want to silence people you oppose just like I do

calm down, abdul.
Every time a leftist loses their privileged position a person of color gets their wings =D
Gas yourself, OP
Can we not bother low rung wagies? I don’t care about getting professors and doctors and lawyers fired but something about this just seems unsavory
Cope faggot hahahaha. Nice flag btw, fucking kill yourself.
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
Yes, if they're canceled for literally illegal crimes.
Goose, gander.
Still disagree with your methods but it's kinda nice to see you getting your own shit thrown straight back into your face.
uhhhh, based? thank you for the fan fic. put that on aooo, if you could.
You've got to be kidding me. Either you're a subliterate colored person, or a self-hating White Leftist thinking feigning ignorance.
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>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?

...you have rly no idea whats comming for you special ed snowflakes??
Yes it is, you're getting uno reversed, it's only going to get worse too.
The real Holocaust was the 6,000,000 mischlingers born
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There are no stops on the rape train
The answer is "yes". Shouldn't have started with that nonsense if you don't like it coming back to you.
the people who work for home depot dont care desu, they just need to feed their families. i can promise you that the company is gonna bend the knee very soon.
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
Yes, so long as it's used to destroy your life.
here lies the radical left
"Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot"
Isn’t this the Secretary of Health? That thing works at Home Depot now?
Rules for Radicals works for both sides apparently you insufferable faggot.
You're supposed to keep your personal beliefs to yourself at work. Her job is to be kind and courteous.
>check stand clerk
>right to living
Youre kidding right?
Thanks for the video link. I also fetch links that should have been in OP on other threads.
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>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?

Yes, cancel culture is good now, but only when it's against your side specifically :) Shouldn't have spent the last decade and a half doxxing, swatting, using lawfare, mass banning, freezing bank accounts, and doing virtually everything else to destroy us short of physical violence like a little kid going "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!". Reap the fucking whirlwind.
Turnabout is fair play, memeflag.
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yes, you faggots made it the norm, never forget that our decline is YOUR fault ;)
Nah, cunts like her voted for corruption. They are our enemies.
Modern Germany will deport you if you DON'T write positive things about Islamic terrorists
Euros post under our own flag.
This is a Jew.
Que te calles puto ingles de mierda
>Should commies lose the right to earn a living?
That’s a Jew run account
>noooo you cant cancel us that's OUR weapon
cry more
who cares fuck the left. 'freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences' you know one of the lefts favorite sayings. Now we will follow rules for radicals ourselves and rule #4 requires this
"It's different when we do it huehuehuehue"
I've started to hate them so much over the years, anon.
This is now a "conservative" safe space thread

nigger, it has been okay for a decade
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memeflag = NAFO troon
Americans turned into those faggy kids at school who would tell the teacher on you. Teachers pet.
>why are you doing the thing to us that we did to you
Because fuck you, that’s why
>me when I'm sowing: Yes!
>me when I'm reaping: Shit ahh fuck no!
The pendulum swings back with full force!
Supporting actual assassinations is different than getting someone fired for saying 'maybe it's not a crime to be white'
Because you smug self righteous cunts need to be kicked down a few notches.
Inshallah, Hans, inshallah.
>they think there will be mercy when the pendulum swings back
lie in the hole you dug you whiny fuck.
suddenly okay? you cunts normalised it without understanding that there is no way to restrict such tactics to being an exclusive priviledge that cunts like you get to keep for yourselves.
get fucking rekt, cope and seethe.
Hold your enemy to their own rules
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- yes
- yes
- gfy
Me too, it's always expected the right follow a strict code of morals or behavior meanwhile the left never does ever. It's beyond past time they got a taste of their own medicine. In fact the dread in that woman's face as the guy confronts her is perfect, they should all have to deal with getting called out like they've done for decades now to anyone they don't agree with.
wait till you see how we handle your faggoty "protests" this time around too bitch
>So cancel culture is suddenly OK now?
Yes. It's called payback. It's fucking sweet.
>Why do you cheer when your team scores a goal, but boo when the opposing team scores a goal? Hypocrite!
haha, oh man, are you getting it now?
it's gonna be fun watching you cunts get payback after the last decade, from now to november is gonna be like a big rape machine winding up to fuck you idiots to death with cancellations of the same kind you delivered to your opponents.

get absolutely rekt. it's not even november and you're fucking terrified already, hahahaha.
If only, anon, if only.
is it really that tough for you? you can't threaten to kill people, you dense motherfucker, calling you a faggot isn't a threat on your life, you will live no matter how many times I call you a faggot.
It means you like having large, rough, dry objects forced deep into your rectum. You agreed to having this done to you by asking what it meant. Now bend over and start screaming.
Turnabout is fair play nigger. This is the world you chose. Enjoy it :)
I laughed out loud in the stall at this.
The left has no idea what it is like to be under the heel. They just imagine and pretend like they have an idea.
No chud, threatening to kill people is literally fighting fascism. Calling that nigger a faggot is literally genocide. Get with the program, chud.
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Israel did 9/11.



Israel has a long history of using false-flag attacks against us.

>The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists"...

And let's not forget the USS Liberty:



Israel's attack on the USS Liberty was a failed attempt at a false-flag operation. The plan was to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame it on the Egyptians so that the U.S. would bomb Cairo and send in troops. Fortunately, the Liberty survived (but with 34 dead and 171 wounded). Unfortunately, shabbos goy President Lyndon Johnson (whose mistress, Mathilde Krim, was a Mossad agent) made sure the entire incident was swept under the rug, and the crew of the Liberty was threatened with court martial if they spoke to the press about what happened.

Here are some of the people who helped plan the 9/11 false-flag operation and carry it out: Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Philip Zelikow, Ehud Olmert, Larry Silverstein, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and George W. Bush, along with the scores of Israeli operatives arrested by the FBI but ordered released by Chertoff and returned to Israel where they were lionized.

Nuke Tel Aviv as payback for 9/11 and give what's left of "Israel" back to the Palestinians.
the scary part is there are people who genuinely see saying nigger as worse than threatening to kill someone.
Good heavens, if they don't do something I guess it's just clear that they they support terrorism as a company.
I am overjoyed that I made an anon's shit on company time, more enjoyable.
>Bunch of hypocritical Karens.
Why do you not understand the difference between hypocrisy and irony?
Yep, because they're on the correct side of history chud, and can do no wrong. Obviously if all the chuds are dead, they will have no problems and will have their finger painting therapy circles or something. They'll no longer need to lift soup cans for the revolution.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind
the pendulum is swinging back and damn it feels good
time to cash in on some accountability!
>implying /pol/ hasnt been doing this for ages
this is why no one takes this shithole serious
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She’s a jew. Jews switched to Trump at the beginning of last year, yet I have a feeling you already knew this. Jews love doxxing people and ruining lives, whether they are pretending to be Republicans or Democrats.
It's the organs of the state trying to create more shooters. That's all social media ever was. A new frontier to make people fight each other. No one settles disputes like you're local you force grudges until people go crazy.
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OPs picture libs of tardtok is a jew. It’s just jewish divide and conquer as always.
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Piked Up Global Fools Spiritually
Here To Be Displayed Where All The World Can See
The modern left really are just evangelicals but they worship niggers and faggots instead of jews.
i still think its funny to get leftist faggots fired, and if you don't you're probably a kike too
cope, please cope
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> I love jews who are destroying the west because I’m a bitch faggot who derives conclusions by consensus of power

Thomas Jefferson and the rest of our fathers would have hated you. Fake American.
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> I love supressing freedom of speech when jews tell me I can!
Cool, but you’re a traitor and Washington would have scalped you and put your teeth in his head.
thomas jefferson was a kike
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A gander is a male goose
washington was a kike too. you worship kikes
It is called annihilating every one of you down to the last they/them by fighting fire with fire.
They worship niggers yet refuse to live around them. Strange.
> Makes baseless retarded schizophrenic tier claim to besmirch some of the most honorable and courageous men in American history.

Yea, you’re not American. You don’t even care about the ideals our framers established. You have to go.
Send them to all to Somalia, Inshallah.
No one cares what kikes say
To be fair, Jews are up there on both sides.

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