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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So does /pol/ really hate that Vance guy or is this just coordinated shilling/concern trolling? I don't see much wrong with him, pretty safe and unspectacular choice, right?
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Paid shills of course. It is NOT okay to call human beings "illegal".
Literal race traitor. Completely irredeemable, no pun intended.
We didn't know much about him I'm guessing, Everything I could dig up on him is pretty positive.
>avoids seed oils
>long time friends with vivek
>"spends time in weird right wing sub cultures"
>staff is mostly 6 foot + young guys who use nicotine
>anti ukraine war
>cares about poor white culture
>has bitcoin

He does kind of come off as a pussy but of the options he seems relatively solid, I would have preferred vivek but Vance literally named one of his kids after vivek so i'll take it.
Does this look like a guy that can help us break free from the federal reserve and the administrative state?
it's been 9 years since 2015. You should be well aware of shill patterns by now. of course these are glowfags attempting to demoralize
Who the fuck cares if he fucks a pajeeta, how does this matter?
He's not throwing romans and saying nigger so /pol/ hates him.
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>pretty safe and unspectacular choice, right?
That's it. He's kinda boring and that's disappointing.
when trump ment unity he mean neoconunity. It is so over you don't even realize how bad things will get.
>blm supporter
>israel supporter
Obese. Literal nobody. Also get vibes hes secretly gay
why are you even bothering to reply to a memeflag, nigger
Paid shills trying to 4channel.
He has dick-sucking lips and a chubby face

That's not what a conservative politician looks like. You need the clint eastwood look.
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He's a bit of a jokester.
Obvious concern trolling.
Regular dude here, this guy is a deepstate jew worshipping shithead. Trumps been on a rampage last few weeks, why he picked this guy is wild and stupid.
>eyeshadow wearing never-Trumper tech lawyer married to a pajeeta
Trump is off his fucking rocker. He didn't learn a single fucking thing after all those other people betrayed him during his last term what the fuck
If you don't understand why this matters, you are literally stupid. Do you think his loyalty could ever lie with white people if his own children are non-white?
Cabinet picks matter more.
Trumps track record is saying things people want to hear and then failing to deliver.
Just the shills who want you to commit terrorism.
i predicted it would be jd vance in the youtube comments
Lmfao. Yall lefty faggots like in a fantasy land of lies and hatred. God bless the USA.
don't care desu, but he seems Pence 2.0
I don't like him but I won't pretend like it'll change my vote or anything. but it's the worst pick out of all of them I think. so many others would've been a slam dunk and added to the momentum in his campaign. but this just is a major buzzkill.
He’s a FAG
This was when they were burning down entire cities?
>coming from the same meme flags who bring you passport bro threads
hes the best option of them all
he follows the following people on twitter:
Martyr Made
Aimee Terese
Richard Hanania
Scott Greer
Ben Braddock
Rogue Scholar Press
Steve Sailer
James Lindsay
Indian Bronson
Second City Bureaucrat
Peachy Keenan
Charles Haywood
Raw Egg Nationalist

these accounts are basically one step removed from the vanguard of the right
hes part of the new right, hes not a stodgy neocon like the others
>Picks young white conservative male as VP


I don't get this place.
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>grew up without a father
>likes strong women like his grandma
>wrote about how trashy and stupid rural white people are, turned into a Netflix movie
>married a poojeeta
>named his children with Indian names
>gay billionaire Peter Thiel's lapdog
>zionist who proudly wears his yarmulke
>said Trump is Hitler and a danger to America
>looks like a closeted faggot
I think that sums it up.
he'll double cross trump like mike pence did

trump is a fucking idiot. wasn't that guy a never trumper?
You sure are up a bit late for a Monday night in Tel Aviv.
Vance was unironically the worst VP choice Trump could have made
>concern trolling
yeah it's pretty much this. Vance, like pre-J6 Pence, is somewhat milquetoast and can be attacked on /pol/ purely on that basis. Ben Carson might have been a better VP choice. But the humiliation shilling here would then have ramped up a billion percent higher because it would be a le based black man
JD Vance is just another shabbos goy.

Literally silicone valleys bitch and hates the poor working class, is a race traitor too.
Carson would have been a much better option. Even picking his son would have been better.
He basically holds all the same positions as Trump but he's not a boomer and he's calmer and more sarcastic
The more important part of him being picked is who/what got snubbed in the process
Also Trump obviously needed to make an insurance policy pick and Vance appears to be as unpalatable to the spooks as Trump is
They were ready to go with shilling regardless of who he picked.
Not concern trolling, look up this fags background.
Didn't he literally call Trump an idiot and Hitler? I don't care for him, but this makes Drumpf look like a cuck.
Trump is Elon and Thiels bitch.
I am wary of him, since his goal is clearly to get young white guys to join the military again, in order to fight more neocon wars.
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>implying anyone goes to india to fuck dirty stinky pajeetas
Why should anyone care what you think moron
honestly I thought Rubio would be VP.
I mean this isn't pols guy but anyone saying this is a bad pick for his election odds is a shill for sure.
Yale guy, might be skull and bones
Holy based. Dead-End millenials would seethe.
Vance is zionist
>muh concern trolling
How delusional do you have to be to think that a never Trumper is a good pick right after an assassination attempt? Holy fuck
OP is asking, retard.
all that would accomplish would be rocketing democrats to the top of the polls from white trash and niggers popping out kids for tax credits and EBT
no, but he's mocking BLM

the joke is that liberals who don't know much about Russian politics were cheering on Prigozhin, thinking because he was anti-Putin he must have also been a liberal. In reality Putin is fairly moderate (by Russian standards) and Prigozhin was an ultranationalists
He supports Russia and India so he is a good guy. Pro BRICS, would dismantle american military and economic influence and make sure America is forgotten within 50 years. Absolutely /pol/s guy. Nobody could do more damage to ZOG.
Flag checks out.
It’s all the rage here recently!
He's a completely lukewarm pick. Not good or bad. Could be better but otherwise completely forgettable.
I agree with this. Surrounding himself with consensus is going to have the opposite effect Trump intended. Again.

Plus he would have already won Ohio and working class Pennsylvania. Maybe Vance helps with blue collar whites in MI & WI but he could have achieved a similar effect with other options.

Trump has learned nothing.
he's married to a poojeeta and that's all I need to know. there is nothing, NOTHING good associated with india.
He's got some upside, but also that Thiel and Poo stank.
he seems more in tune with younger people than any of the possible candidates and that’s very needed this day and age.
Then why didn't trump pick vivek then?
who the fuck is vance and why was he chosen?
He is a douche supreme.
hate for him is shills, and shit posters
No, he's literally deep state. He's homosexual army intelligence groomed for this shit.
he called trump hitler and sucks jewish dick somewhat more greedily than others
Super pro Ukraine war sells it as keeping the tank factory open in Lima, he’s also proud to be a Zionist. Just another aipac faggot
T. Dayton bro
Cares so much about whites, he married a brownie.
ukraine will never cede its territories
he was chosen because he's the white guy who kissed Trump's ass the hardest
All of those points reek of low IQ chudism.
Of course, he is a literal milennial.
no, pajeet, no one actually wants curry swamp pussy, other than maybe this brain damaged son of alcoholics from niggerville alabama who has a fetish for the smell
>Yale gay skull bone faggot
>Pajeeta wife
>Performative christian
>MIC cock lover

The only positive is he doesn't mince words about libcucks but his foundations are rotten meaning we will just get another 4 years of gay faggot jewish nation destruction.
>Unpalatable to the spooks
The deep state may have cia spooks in it, but only because they're jews. The deep state is just jews. Israelis that have infiltrated our institutions and governments and enact bad policies in accordance with the Protocols. The only policies that they're always in agreement about are pro israel. Anything else is negotiable and detrimental to us citizens.

That's the Deep State.

Oh also, Vance is owned by Peter thiel (jewish Prince of the gay cia wing of the deep state).
I don't know the guy, but looks like a faggot and, if posts are even 10% true, acts like one as well.
Pence at least looked trustworthy, this guy doesn't even pass that test.
The Kosher Administration is gonna get the goys all fired up to kill some camel jockeys! Israel can't stop winning!

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Another closet fagcon to hand out Awards to Trans and Homosexual ambassadors
Vance does seem like a bit more of a pussy, is way more agreeable and normal then Vivek.
Vivek is straight up like willing to be very anti-social (he was an ancap in college, vance was a normie republican) Vivek would probably be a bit intimidating as a VP.
With Vance there who is old friends with Vivek, so long as Vivek gets a decent cabinet position he can get the political experience and give some guidance, where he also doesn't compete with trump for the spotlight.

If you followed Vivek after he dropped out he still always said he thinks he'd make the best president and he'd just say trump is the "best candidate still in the race" lol
he is way more agreeable/socially normie
you have to be comfortable being an anti-social sperg to care about race mixing
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He seems pretty young, not as connected to the deep state as someone like Pence. I think Trump is just trying to pick someone without a huge power base that'll have his back instead of stab it this time. Could be wrong but that's my take on it so far.
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A mix of both + a swarm of newniggers who are genuinely shocked that trump would pick a kike lover as a VP after he says he loves kikes.

That's literally it, they don't get any further than that. Most actual info I've seen about him shows him to be a fairly normal conservative. Also he was the project 2025 pick, which /pol/ likes but normalniggers hate. There was a video going around of him thanking the heritage foundation and it looks like project 2025 might be an actual thing that happens now.
This is basically endorsement by the GOP officially, and now Trump is guaranteed to win the election. They got their guy in. The guy seems to be more of a far-right fundamentalist conservative than a lot of other picks so we might see some actually conservative politics at some point.
>Wrote about how trashy and stupid rural white people are
He also has made countless tweets and statements saying how the USA and GOP have done NOTHING for poor white people and that's why the GOP is failing. Seems very pro-white just from statements he's made about white people in the past.
>pence, who looks like he is processed by an actual demon, look trustworthy

maybe standards are different across the pond
100% bisexual just like trump

dems are handicapped without knowing who the VP is and the DNC interns are shilling to get people pushing on Trump to disclose
condolences to Tim Scott's fake gf, her services won't be needed anymore
I hate him and his brown wife and shitty ugly brown kids. He's everything wrong with millennials and how can he be considered a conservative when he couldn't even conserve his own family bloodline?
>board filled with shit skins is upset about white man getting the nod
>but anon JEWISH
>but anon look at his wife
Who cares what his wife is/does has no bearing on anything. And the Jew problem can’t be stopped might as well enjoy the ride
Yeah, honestly every single politician is pozzed beyond belief and there's no perfect one that would satisfy anyone here. At least he seems to like poor white people.
Yeah, mostly this. Establishment pick so Trump gets establishment backing.
I don't mind white guys colonizing brown women and nigresses all that much. I am fiercely opposed to white women getting with any nonwhite men though.
He voted for McMuffin and called Trump Hitler in 2016.
Leftists should be thrilled.
What's he conserving, exactly?
He's just a rich guy using republican party as cover to gain power after he gained wealth.
So basically a younger Trump with terrible taste in women.
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Test tube freak
see, to me his age compared to.his success is a red flag. who the fuck is this former zogbot kid who comes out of nowhere, has his book turned into a movie by fucking Ron Howard, gets funded by tech billionaires and then gets picked as VP? everything about it reeks of a plant that's been groomed for this position.
Remember the last Jr. Senator that suddenly "came out of nowhere" and turned out to be a CIA prop that fucked up the entire nation for 2 terms back in 2007?

Yeah... well here you go... He is simply Obama for the White Man.
This is a good post.
i like how the narrative shifts from Vance being the hardest core MAGA senator to deep cover nevertrumper
Trump historically has terrible appointments. Name one person he appointed to a senior position during his first term who was based. He will just appoint more inept spineless RINOs who will stab him on the back the first chance they get.
Nigs abort most of their kids desu
Just by looking at his face you know this guy is a swamp creature. He will end up betraying him, Pence 2.0, Trump is an idiot who has not yet learned how to choose allies.
He’s pro immigration. He’s also gonna take over when Trump gets incapacitated and then it’s Silicon Valley’s time to rule.
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>At least he seems to like poor white people.
isn't his book about how white hillbillys are stupid and lazy and need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps like the hard working immigrants? that's the impression I get anyway
also forgot to mention his sudden 180 on Trump. another red flag
I feel the same way, but I must admit the mixed offspring disgust me. Vance's kids are real ugly, and look like they smell.
>these accounts are basically one step removed from the vanguard of the right
They are Jewish neoreactionaries

It's not the worst outcome but it's definitely antihuman and does not solve the kike problem

Of course it's a shilling campaign. It didn't matter who he choose, it's all prepared.

Listen to what Vance has to say and not what some faggot on /pol decided to say because he's a heaping nigger faggot.
>Born and raised Appalachian
>Marine vet
>Wrote Hillbilly Elegy where he blames white trash culture and alcoholism for the social decay in White Americans
>Anti-welfare (describes welfare as further perpetuating social rot)
>Bleached a pajeet
It's anti-white kikes and their assblasted poojeet golems
anti-Abortion and anti-Gay Marriage. This is a horrible choice unless it was the 1950s
He's pro abortion, fuck him. I was going to vote again, but not anymore now that this demonic fuck is the pick.
Yeah it's totally white trash culture and not jews ruining all institutions, academic, cultural, military, and legal lmao
the real reason why vivek wasnt chosen is because of his name and skin color. many republicans are racist. they see ramaswamy and think ramadan, foreigner, bad
Ew a pajeet lover gross
>isn't his book about how white hillbillys are stupid and lazy and need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps like the hard working immigrants? that's the impression I get anyway
More about how they're poor and lazy, which is 100% true and if you'd ever lived with them you'd know this to be true.
Yet he still overwhelmingly seems to support them in all of his tweets and press statements and all of the other stuff I've seen about him. He's aware of their flaws but not throwing them under the buss.
>Who care what is wife is
Pussy is a hell of a drug, this cuck is controlled by india.
>t. Alcoholic faggot
Jews peddle you alcohol, they don't force it down your throat, dumb nigger.
He backed off on the abortion, plus he says we should keep the abortion pill legal.
>or is this just coordinated shilling/concern trolling?

Of course. It didn't matter who Trump picked. The shills will instantly go into a frenzy making threads about how his VP pick is a zionist/globalist/anti-white/whatever other buzzword they try to make stick.
Another globohomo stunt pic
Has the Pajeeta wife, so he’s ok with the globohomos. We have nothing but globohomo jew pics in this election.
So he's a two-faced social climber with no principles
Bro regardless of who Trump picked the paid shills would have been saying bad shit about said candidate. They spend millions and millions on astroturfimg campaigns my dude. They have teams ready with pre made posts and images.
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Jewish Redditors from /k/ here for assassination-tourism don't like any Republican who isn't Nikki Haley. Their bot-farm was attacking him here, inorganically, around the time of the assassination attempt -- as if they were preparing their astroturfing for a Vance pick.
Yes, white America's decline is the fault of white America and no one else.
The left is in shambles right now and they're going to be doing anything they can to divide us. Realize this and be aware that the people posting unfavorably about Vance could potentially be your enemy. Especially the ones claiming to be MIGAheads. Now isn't the time for doubt.
lol. Even the very next post is one of these freaks screaming about how he's a globalist.
Grow the fuck up, anon. He's a typical politician. He doesn't have any actual deeply held beliefs. He doesn't believe the shit in that pic from back then and he doesn't truly support Trump today. He'll say or do anything that will get him more power, like all of these fucking weasels. He's pragmatic and he is a pragmatic choice for Blumpf. This faggot with his brown wife and kid named "Vivek", not joking, is better than Burgum, Noem and Ramaswamy. He's intelligent and will destroy Harris in a VP debate. He also helps Trump electorally. And that's what really matters.

The only other candidate with similar, or better, name recognition is Rubio. Rubio could have helped the ticket in a similar way. The only difference is that Rubio would have helped the ticket in the Sunbelt, and specifically with the spic vote.

Of the two Vance is the better choice as Trump is doing well in the Sunbelt and will flip GA back without needing help from a VP pick. Trump is also doing well in the Southwest region of the Sunbelt, NV and AZ. The election is coming down the Blue Wall states. The election will be won there. So Vance is the best pick as he helps electorally in the Midwest.
Plebians will be plebs no matter the age or place, its up to having moral and responsible aristocracy, and the current western aristocracy (satanist/masonic/zionist whites too) needs to be tortuously purged down to the roots but obviously it isn't kosher to toss the money changers back to the desert.
It's unfortunate he decided to have mutt offspring, best he could do now is to not be a deadbeat and keep those lil goblins on the straight and narrow.
I don't think Vivek would be that damaging, the Republicans are not going to let Biden win because there is a black VP, it would subtract some votes but he is a guy who has proven to be 100% with MAGA, he is the most loyal dog Trump could have.
Show tits.
So what actually good about him?
Magafags say he's hated by dems, but why exactly?
it doesn't, glowie psyop posters are trying to make it discredit him
His wife is from over 9000 miles away. His children are mixed race. He's literally a globalist.
White America invited kikes with open arms and allowed them into American institutions. It kind of is White America's fault, retard
No shift there, everyone here knew what he was.
You're thinking of FOX boomers.
Vance is the best choice to win the complete GOP support and broaden the voter base. Just like Trump picked Pence 2016 and won. This is the winning strategy.
>You need the clint eastwood look.
so a different kind of gay guy
The other problem is young kids are leverage.
He's a boring dork. That's my main issue.
>So does /pol/ really hate that Vance guy or is this just coordinated shilling/concern trolling?
I'm no /pol/, and I don't care what he does on his turf. All the power to Americans and their sovereignty over their country.
But, it's obvious that he's Israel's bitch.
So, fuck him.
We'll keep Sinai, and to the best of our abilities, help Palestine be free. No Biden, Trump, Caramella, DJ Vixen, nor Nimrata herself will change this.
Fuck them all.
We could have a good relationship with the U.S. and Americans, but alas.
Good? He is a rich guy who is a race traitor globalist so if you're a rich person he'll cut your taxes and he doesn't give a shit about white people.
coordinated shilling. The dems always plan ahead, so they can push the narrative right away.

For example, when a SCOTUS opening came and the day arrived for the nominee to be named; they had printed up protest signs in advance on all of the names in the short list. Then, when the name was announced, they simply grabbed the correct signs and proclaimed them the worst nominee in history.
>Chooses RINOS for key positions in the administration
>Win the elections
>He is betrayed and sabotaged for 4 years by the party and the internal RINOS he chose.
>Fails to deliver on shitty promises, just as in his first term in office
Wonderful strategy
never heard of him until now.
he's a bilderberger that sucks zionist cock, but he might be on the moderate side of this:
What kind of cookie can i get you?
At the time, it was funny because one organization forgot to fill in the name before sending out their protest on the nomination
Show bussy
They also had teams who filled in the blank on the totally spontaneous and not pre-planned protest signs.
lol, lmao even people defending this yale nigger are pathetic
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With mutt kids, Jews can't accuse him of being a racist White hillbilly.
I stopped considering Americans white long ago.
What I'm interest is what is his political views and stance on Ukraine.
All I know is that he's a zionist, but that's obvious since Americans are golems, so it's a given.
Safe and unspectacular would have been someone like Haley or Rubio.

Vance is a sign Trump is doubling down on the white working class vote, which is a good thing.
It's paid shills. They will make 6 threads about the same thing in a row before moving onto some other thing. Half of them are using memeflags, and they are already out of shit to say and are just on loop now.
Yeah, this was really obvious. Suddenly 1,000 anons log on and they automatically know who this literally who guy is and they have quoted tweets from 8 years ago and they have all these talking points against him, in fact, they aren't voting for him now and they are very angry and ridin' with biden.

Meanwhile, most people actually from here said
>Literally who?
The worst part is with their statements that are supposed to show how "bad" the guy is like more than half of them I've seen make him seem good.
Obviously he can't let that happen this time around. I have little hope Trump he place true loyalists in cabinet positions and within the leadership of the executive agencies. But the VP pick doesn't matter in the same way as they have no real power and they are often completely sidelined after the election. And Vance should be sidelined as he obvious isn't a Trump loyalist.
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down like ohio, skibbidy gyatt , jd vance got the rizz to lead the us as vp no cap. down like ohio swang like ohio, drip like ohio skrrtttt brrrrrr only in ohio
You'd almost never hear a word about Vance here before today despite being one of the top picks, so there's your answer.
He's 39 years old. This is about convincing the youth that even if they don't want to vote FOR him; they might not want to vote AGAINST him. Reduction of dem turnout is the goal. Meanwhile, he becomes the only candidate under 60 on either side's ballot
How is a guy married to a shitskin going to deport shitskins?
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>WWC vote
He's married to a shitskin and has shitskin kids.
His ideology is basically stop giving Ukraine a blank cheque so you can afford to give a blank cheque to Israel and Taiwan
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Why do so many Christcuck Republicans have shitskin wives and shitskin kids?
Ok i like him now.
Part of a deal with Elon.
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Gavin Newsom has done more for the White race by having 4 White kids than JD Vance who has -2 White kids. A delta of 6.
>kikes posting tweets by vance that are clear jokes
the neocons and kikes are very angry trump picked vance
white leftists are a net negative
Vance is a Neocon, he just thinks we should spend all taxpayer $$$ in Israel except for Ukraine. The narcissism of small difference.
Most of those are Jewish supremacists who use HBD to justify Jewish power. Vance is a Thiel puppet.
Never heard of this nigga before.
I know Ben Carson
Nikki Hailey
The nigga with the eyepatch

Why pick this literally who? Would (You) want this nigga as president?
Racemixers should hang. Tell me exactly how Vance is going to deport his own sons?
Jesus. Trump is Jewed and Vance married a shitskin
The VP matters, Pence could have overturned the fraudulent election but he betrayed Trump, and he has the tie-breaking vote, which in even chambers is crucial. But that doesn't matter, the point is that Trump should have the Republican party under control, so he can choose a VP to his liking, the fact that he chose that man indicates that he doesn't, he is an imposed VP, as was Pence. His popularity does not carry over to total party control, there will be obstruction in his tenure.
You forgot to mention that he's a staunch supporter of Israel. I wonder why..

He was a never Trumper.
He's also for giving citizenship to the illegal aliens.. basically this guy is a complete opposite of trump the only thing they have in common is Israel
He'll tell you his stance on Ukraine after the CIA tells him what his stance on Ukraine is.
its irrelevant. One day everyone will be mixed anyway.
>queen of spades bunny eye
He knows.
pol is just incredibly dumb

what do you expect from board with non-stop threads about india and poop
>So does /pol/ really hate that Vance guy
YES. He's married to and breed a Pajeet.
Neither Trump nor Fatboy can change anything with Ukraine and you're unbelievably naive if you believe otherwise.
All the Thiel-connected nrxers believe in assortative mating for IQ, meaning Vance has exposed his typical Silicon Valley belief that jeets are superior to whites. They have zero racial loyalty. Prepare for infinity jeets if he succeeds Trump.
It's an assumed requirement for whoever is running as Trump's VP or Republican in general. I like Trump but find his love of pissreal as repulsive.
he picked an extremist for assassination insurance you dumb nigger
Ukraine policy is perhaps the only thing that will change when Trump gets in
Why does he look so much like Norm Macdonald? I though he wasn't jewish.

imagine the smell
How is a guy married to a shitskin immigrant going to deport anyone? He's a liberal universalist and RINO
He's a predictable zogbot to second a zogged administration in a zogged country. None of this should be surprising to anybody in the least. Be sure you get out there and voot, goy. Freedom is big responsibility and you have to choose the future for America: Red ZOG or Blue ZOG.
He's a never-trumper who immediately cucked out on his beliefs when donnie gave him some good boy points.
So really he's the perfect republican, no conviction or spine and happy to suck trump's dick
So there is no chance that Trump will force hohols to end that shit war so that my taxes will stop being sent to a slavshit tantrum fight?
Trump's kike funded war chest came with this Vance stipulation. America's draft age children are about to get free vacations to the Middle East.
I see three reasons: poo wife, never trumper, and unspectacular. Any of these can be attacked or defended. I think it's fine
Its shilling/concern trolling.
>See guys happy white family just ignore they’re corrupt inhuman leftists
I truly mean this. Niggers are better than white leftists & especially politicians that identify as leftists
I think the sooner people realize all politicians are opportunistic narcissists the better. You should have no loyalty for any politician or party and simply vote for whoever will benefit your life at that moment and the near future.

It’s so pathetic how people put politicians on a pedestal and then cannibalize them once they fail their arbitrary litmus test (that is always changing). Or expecting some chaste, Jesus-like ideolog and being shocked when their hype doesn’t live up to reality.

You’re voting for one ambitious shithead over the other don’t make it into anything more.
He's worthless zogbot like Trump. What a joke.
As far as shabbos goys go, he isn't the absolute worse. He's still Israel first, but at least is neo-reactionary adjacent instead of a turbo neocon. You may die for Israel, but not fur Ukraine. Not ideal, but realistically, it could be a lot worse.
No and even if he tried the Poles and E.U. won't back down. We're years away from peace.
Arriba Arriba!
Vance is a soulless careerist who believes in nothing but his own advancement. He's a blank. When he saw that going full MAGA would help him, he went full MAGA despite being Never Trump. He is the useless blob of putty that the GOP deserves. Enjoy, faggots
post proof or you're gay
>He's pro abortion
so is trump
but abortion as a federal issue is dead dead dead
I'm not voting because I already see the writing on the wall and trump has been given the nod to increase military recruitment, but abortion shouldn't even be a factor
>So does /pol/ really hate
Speaking for myself, I never even heard of this guy but he seems based.
He's a worse version of pence.
Another zogged NuChristain that only cares about Isreal.
His wife is a second generation poo that is a lawyer that went to yale.
So I'm sure she's a real flaming lib..
He's just another rino.
I'm really curious why he chose this dude.
He is a kike lover and pro war >>474336667
Polcucks and EU are shit tier in terms of helping hohols. It doesn t matter what we europoors do or say .

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