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>The building — the AGR International Inc. factory next to the Butler County Farm Fair grounds — was being used by local police as a “watch post” for snipers to scan for threats as the former president spoke onstage only 130 yards away, according to sources.

>Cops were inside, but not on the roof, during the shooting, sources said.

>Thomas Matthew Crooks was spotted at least twice by cops — 26 minutes before he rained bullets on the Pennsylvania rally crowd, wounding Trump and two others and killing an ex-fire chief, according to WPXI sources.

Patsy gets killed while real sharpshooter remains hidden inside the building
can you show water tower?
MIGApedes sure do leave a lot of garbage behind. Fucking pigs.
lot of dna
Just disappointed that all those MAGA fans didn’t care about this country enough to clean up after themselves
That’s disgusting and I expect lazy liberals to expect to have someone clean up after them but was anyone in the crowd a real American
Who ever set this event up needs to be looked into
Bro they force evaluated everyone
Seems like that's what happened.
they get some drugged up MKultra victim to climb on the roof with a rifle to be sacrificed while the professionals hidden in the windows actually shoot what they hope will be the kill shot
You guys are retarded
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picrel = the garbage of chaos zamboni
SS just claimed that the reason they didnt place sniper or cops on those roofs was because it had a slope. LOL
They were concerned about that little ass slope? The shooter certainly didnt.
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You’re retarded.
it makes no fucking sense.
It wasn’t an assassination attempt.

It was a failed execution.
about 1 minute in.
Is there a grassy knoll around there?
Doubtful but I'll play along.. Does that window open? I doubt it does. Some anon would need to check and make sure the window is fully intact and a small portion wasn't cut out.
staged and gay!
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cops involved in this were also involved in the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting ... and the shooter Bowers was mysteriously transferred out of Pittsburg jail to Butler County over protests.
There was a 2nd shooter on the water tower. There were interviews an hour or so after the shooting where rally attendees were claiming there was someone on the water tower seconds after the shooting. These interviews have since been scrubbed from the internet. This is JFK 2.0.
Bro, I have a warehouse, and you hear EVERYTHING in that warehouse. I even have an office, and I can hear fucking ravens climbing on the roof, so I'm sure you could hear someone walking.
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honestly kind of unreal the amount of jewish well poisoning going on after we all saw what happened in real time. ww3 is gay
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The dirty cops who tried to kill Trump were stationed INSIDE THE BUILDING LOOKING OUT THE WINDOWS.
“Sharpshooter” angle makes no sense with Trump turning his head far to the right, leading to his ear getting clipped instead of the center of the side of his head. That angle only works in line with the patsy’s location
Bad angle. A shot would have hit the bulletproof glass in front of Trump.
prove it ... where did all the bullets end up?
Hello agent
link (scowl down) https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/trump-shooting-statement-joe-biden-updates/
evaluated how? Were their penis evaluated? Or perhaps the Bobs and Vagenes?
>inside the building
This is definitely odd.
I don't see him in the image, schizo
plausible misdirection
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Those windows do not provide a good vantage. You are a moron and your well poisoning falls flat.
Picrel is actually the most realistic scenario.
OP is not a faggot.
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From another recent thread that got archived, just throwing it out there so it doesn't get lost and can be looked into or mocked for fakery, either way.

Just to be that Anon that looked this up, all 3 coordinates are as follows:
1: 18.300278, -64.825278
2: 7.783028, 98.297722
3: 59.568, -155.14775

First is Waterpoint Road, St. Thomas-St. John, District, VI, USA. Puts it at the blue and white building on St James Island.

Second is Black rock Viewpoint, Soi Leammumnai, Karon, Phuket Province 83100, Thailand. Puts it on top of a mountain.

Third is Lake and Peninsula, Alaska, USA. Puts it in the middle of Iliamna Lake in Alaska.

F65.4 lookup gets: ICD-10-CM diagnosis code for pedophilia.
Also a camera model...

What does it mean? Who knows, but anyone willing to check can speculate or dig this possible clue or wild goose chase, whatever it turns out to be.

I did the initial search, somebody else can go from there if they can be bothered or care."

Go wild, I guess.
so they put their own sniper teams in a crossfire situation? who were they going to snipe? someone rushing the stage?
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sounds like a new product at McDonalds
Water tower is wrong angle for actual kill shot
>>"For me, it's the McUltra..."
>killing an ex-fire chief
Maybe this was the true target all along and Trump just got in the fucking way.
various locations
that is not where the shooter was.
They just so happened to be on this roof with their sights on the shooter's roof, which was left empty, but able to make a perfect dome shot after shooter fired enough rounds to succeed if accurate
Truly, truly jogs the noggin
The shooter was a deep state contractor who blended in.
Walked the walk hiding in plain site.
Probably had coffee in the command center and attended briefings.
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youre good
pay attention, you
wrong location of the shooter OP.
You >>474442860
too.See >>474444269
then CHECK THE ANGLE on this >>474442860
and realize the SS sniper/observer team probably couldn't even see him (very well) or at all.
To be fair, they all kind left in a rush.
Also, based digits.
are those all water bottles? fucking disgusting humans
What glass?
>>"what a great false flag".

Okay, I'm done.
I knew the 20yo was a Patsy the minute the Jew York Times photographer posted a photo of the blurry whizzing "BULLET THAT WENT THRU TRUMPS EAR" just minutes after the shooting? "Proving" the direction the shot came from?

Why the FUCK would a portrait photographer OUTDOORS in the bright sun just happened to be taking photos with a shutter speed of 1/8000 or greater? That's nearly 100x what is recommended for a 1.6 aperture with that kind of light. Makes absolutely zero sense. Complete set up.

The real shooter was probably in the water tower.
Yeah faggot I don't think they gave everyone time to go to the trash while rapidly evacuating after an assassination attempt holy shit
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could have been here ... they admit there were 3 local cop sharpshooters in those buildings ... pick any window that works, the fact is the local cops did it
This is possible.
Angle of shot seems better.
Any photos showing where the fatal shot ended up in relation to that window?
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well personally i enjoyed our time and fun, fren
look at all the trash the trump trash left behind, disgraceful
Angle is wrong sorry
OP, realistic scenario . Have a bump.
Retard, see: >>474448039
They were made to evacuate.
Really though you shouldn't bring snacks and shit to a rally. Bottle of water. That's all you need.
no one was rapidly evacuated, not even trump
That combine seems conveniently placed to block the view of the crowd
fluid shooting out
>Three inside
>Not enough to have one on the rooftop
makes more sense given the angle of the round in the photo too
Classes thicker then jar bottoms blind 20 year old did this? No, he is the scapegoat.

The person were close and the reason is had to wait was because they can't have the scapegoat fall before the real shooter and spotter fired, everyone would find out!

Most likely the people who gave interviews so quickly are distractions, somone wanted everyone to pay attention to that roof and scapegoat Only!
Problem was something got in the way so it was delayed and it failed.

I think the real Profesional shooters were in the building or in the other one on the side... the roof idiot was a scapegoat, probably videos of him are older then we think, at least by ten or more minutes...

The RNC revealed they thought Trump would be dead, many were in on it and many more knew!

Not to mention the scapegoat was in that commercial, he's wearing glasses and that shoot requires 20 20 vision and expertese of a professional who trained for years and years.

Now ban me again for this!
Yep, execution attempt JFK style.
Except , mafia and FBI got fat and sloppy.
You would only need a ~1/3000 shutter speed to capture a .223 caliber bullet that appears stationary, not sure where you’re getting 1/8000. And considering the bullet is highly blurred we can safely assume the shutter speed on the photo is significantly lower than 3k. Photographer claims he was shooting at 1/60
New cope dropping: shooting victims left trash behind, better vote blue
K keep me posted
As did I, you funky little corn chip.

Does anyone notice the Vincent/whatever jr. guy behind Trump reach into his left breast pocket and squeeze something the moment before the first shot goes off?

I'm not saying any conspiracy, etc., but the action of the guy makes him stand out-head on swivel, slow controlled movements, never panics, and smoothly goes onto a knee to take a picture like he was planning it. Even the woman in front of him just so happens to block his torso during his movements a bit. Just an observation, but if we're looking into the concept of foul play or foreknowledge on every side, then looking for this is something to take note of. It's the man with an umbrella at JFK vibes, whether he's innocent or not.

If the trajectory is in question, it's possible he was hit by somebody else at a more 90 degree angle by like a zip gun or something. IDK.
Video may be cgi too... perhaps he was not even alive up there!

I went to bed and dreamed being on the roof with SS sniper, they had eyes on the real shooters and had to wait for them to finish, reenacting my opinion in dreamland... they were all in on it all.
It's called destroying the evidence they did the same thing after Sandy hookers
Yea sure m8, lets create this elaborate plan involving multiple people, several agents, just as many agencies, and for what? Literally no change in result, just to make it more complicated?
Take your meds.

US military better wake the fuck up and protect Trump and US and Civilization , Now.
Local lodge!
Cops definitely involved, definitely.
>all that trash
good lord mutts are disgusting pigs
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>you funky little corn chip
enjoy the ride, thats wat i always say
just now
>deep state sends an assassin and a patsy
>deep state assassin fails to kill trump
>patsy dies
>all according to plan
you fucking people are retards
yeah there's a blood trail in the OP pic. That's where the shooter was.
They’ve got to put a man back in office after all the demonization they milked out of the last near decade. That requires a public redemption arc.
Words have specific meaning anon. I know you're excited by your hurr durr wordsmithing, but it's retarded. Take it back to plebbit.
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clearly youre a genius
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This meme felt funnier in my head, I wish I hadn't made it, but anyway
OP you have the right idea and correct concept however the shooter would have been closer in line with the patsy for trajectory and would have enabled the shooter to take out the patsy as well if necessary.
Keep in mind that their should have only been one gunshot necessary from that distance but Trump moved just enough to throw everything off.
The patsy got off some rounds but obviously way off target.
A high level sniper would have never climbed onto the roof and positioned himself in front of hundreds of witnesses filming him with cameras on top of the police command post.
thanks for the effort
it would be very helpful if we could place the other shooting victims on a diagram - what direction of fire do those match up with ?
lol are you saying... are you saying the snipers in that building could SEE HIM OUT THEIR WINDOW? If they were in that 2nd story looking out those 2nd story windows they would basically be eye level with Crooks!
Pretty poor attempt at gaslighting. The kid’s in a BlackRock promo video. That’s no mere cohencidence.
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>Is there a grassy knoll
yes, but they have those everywhere in the US
It's why the ss sniper could not shoot... the real assasins lost a direct shoot with the sign going up!

They had to wait for clearance for the shooters to take the shoot then shoot or pretend to shoot the scapegoat up on the roof.

Possible the one giving orders to us to wait was more informed but come on... it's all clear ss was in on it especially snipers.
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>real sharpshooter
>is sophisticated enough to get a patsy to sacrifice his life
>tries to assassinate fat 80 year old man standing still at sub 200 meters
>misses 8 times

Another day. Another jewish glownigger psyops.

>your daily reminder
>flat earth is a psyops
>moon landing denial is an anti-white psyops
>perpetuated by jewish glowniggers
>in an attempt to make anyone who questions the narrative look crazy by proxy


>the shooter was a skitzo kike retard with an extreme case of TDS
>he was able to shoot at Trump because the secret service is incompetent
>they aren't batman
>they don't have an extensive online spy network
>they don't have syfy top secret robot vision
>they don't have any special tactics you don't know about
>they are incompetent DEI hires and dick sucking faggots
>the rumor that you will get shot if you get within 5 miles of them with a gun is a psyops
>its useful to them that the public believes they are fucking Batman or something
>so you don't test them
>but now they've been tested
>and its obvious they are just a group of check cashing bureaucrat dipshits with no special training at all
>just like every other government agency
>they have no fucking clue what they are doing


>the world watched that
>they saw how bad it went
>how incompetent the secret service is
>expect more attempts in the future
>probably alot more
The only multiple shooters explanation that makes sense is the supposed SWAT team inside the building was compromised and planted, and a member of that unit was the real shooter. That shooter would’ve needed to be basically directly below the patsy for the angle to work out. With so many people seeing the shooter, we’d probably have at least one person claiming they saw armed people inside the building, but the only indication that group even exists is from the secret service/media explanation, so I’m not sure how the multiple shooters theory fits
>i know what the deep state's plans are since i can decode their secret messages in my dreams
The JFK shooter was impressive wasn't he. Moving target, weird angle from distance, one shot one kill. The competency crisis has hit assassinations even...
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Her response was so 'tarded even mainstream media called it
> bizarre
> absurd
What's interesting is that she never said
> I made the decision to
> a decision was made
She's covering for somebody. If it comes to light who that "somebody" is, we have a bonafide Treason suspect.
Most like shooters were further away, another possibility is they were inside the building under the scapegoat.

Someone realizing the botch job leaked info knowing full well everyone sane will know instantly other shooters were the ones who did it trying to muddy the waters and keep speculation away fromm inside the building under that roof being the location they said shoots were further like 450... hoping someone will look at the tower or else and not the building itself inside!
I think.
>one shot
Anon, I....
Three shots with a bolt-action rifle, one miss and two subsequent hits, that's the official story.
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The green looks possible, unsure of how the elevation between those windows and the stage and crane. Do we know which shot hit the crane?
Im working on this now. tower too far over
warehouse to far over
A more likely explanation:
> the secret service see the shooter on the roof
> assume he was one of the police snipers, who are loafing downstairs
> doesn't realize it's a bad guy until he starts shooting
> that explains the one snipers surprise at something he was already watching
Needless to say I am pissed they tried to kill Trump again, but I expected that.

I am more pissed that US Military is going to again make an error and there is no more room for errors, Civilization won't make it.

Luck rvery8, except Trump naturally.
>20 year old farsighted man with history of 15.00$ support contribution to democrat causes appears in a BlackRock promo video, registers as a Republican, tries to assassinate a former President, gets very close despite age and implied skill level
It’s not like the nick on the ear had to be a failed attempt. It could be deliberate.
I am also living the cabal itself is refusing to stop going full retard.
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im convinced that the shooter wearing shorts is some kind of clue that will make sense later. nobody who was planning on crawling on a sun soaked boiling hot roof in july would wear shorts. i also note that the media continues ro refer to the shooter wearing tan and/or camo pants - getting a key detail (easily verifiable by the pic of his body on the roof) wrong over and over
That's just one option, they were also on the 2nd floor.

>In an interview with ABC News on Monday, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said local police were inside the building at the time of the shooting, and that it was their role to secure the building roughly 120 to 150 meters away yet outside the hard perimeter and with a line of sight to the rally stage.

>“There was local police in that building – there was local police in the area that were responsible for the outer perimeter of the building,” Cheatle said.

>A source familiar with the investigation told CNN that snipers were stationed inside the building. The local sniper team, which hailed from the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, was located on the second floor providing overwatch of the crowd at the rally, the source said.

No, ss knows ss when they see ss sniper and Noone else is allowed up there.

A jar glasses police and ss with a rifle... insulting to intelligence.
He wasn’t planning to do shit is my theory, he was likely activated by MKU-related methods. Doubt he could even feel the roof borderline burning his skin
But everyone look at the roof and tower only...
We don't know about witnesses and video yet clearly wtf is all that... how delayed, staged and or ,merged with real chaos all really is!
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so the real, trained sharpshooter is a lousy shot? lol

can about guarantee you that if it's true, he's going to be Seth Rich'd very soon.
>Crooks was spotted at least twice by cops — 26 minutes before
cop takes a picture of Crooks from the building the shooter ended up dead on. this is where the “drone footage” picture came from.
after the shooting someone else takes a picture of the dead shooter.
cops realize these guys look nothing alike.
less than an hour after the shooting we get leaked “drone footage” of the shooter before the shooting and then the deceased pic of the shooter, they look nothing alike.
>feds abduct Crooks minutes before Yearick climbs onto the roof and opens fire
>Crooks is never seen again
>Yearick is never mentioned again
The building in question was being used as the HQ for the local police sniper team, who were supposed to be on top; and were supposed to be covering other portions of the event.


The sniper, meanwhile, is wearing a shirt which looked quazi-military. His hair looked too long, but the SS sniper, seeing him, may have had pause, not automatically shooting in case he was part of the local cop team.
I don't get why Yearick is important? Why go through these steps to replace a literal who with another literal who?

Is Yearick some deep state spec-ops asset or some shit?
You're right crooks wasn't the real shooter, it was yearick, which is obvious if you aren't a faceblind autist
a pro would happily set up in an elevated position pretty much exactly from the direction this pic was taken from. patsy on the roof draws all attention completely away from the real shot and counterangle blends in w ak fire
Trump dodged it, not much you could do. Best shooter in the world can probably make that shot 299/300 times, we’re in the timeline with the 1 miss, regardless of who took the shot
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>inside the building
What angle should a bullet shot from the elevation of the building have compared to what's in the photo?
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>Patsy gets killed while real sharpshooter remains hidden inside the building
he wouldnt have been able to his trumps ear the way it got hit from the window you are sugesting in that picture
I too am curious what the Chinese have to say about this clown show.
no there isn't
Staging something alright... police are not permitted snipers only ss!
>the reason they didnt place sniper or cops on those roofs was because it had a slope
They're grasping at straws
It's important it makes it out... it can save US, Israel, Civilization... no war.

Military ha to protect Trump.
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shot estimate
based on Trumps head roughly parallel to the podium when struck
>Why go through these steps to replace a literal who with another literal who?
Because if it was a hit by the USA they would want multiple layers of fake stories so that the truth remains secret and safe. While everyone is primed to discuss whether it's this or that vaguely similar looking people, the reality could be that it was neither at all. If the dead guy is a Trump supporter what are the odds he climbed up there with a camera and the gun got planted after the assassination failed?
this is probably where this is all headed, though im expecting it to be direct remote control using 5g/6g tech on the shooters' vaxx soaked brain
No shortcuts.
Yearick had motive. he hasn’t been seen in months, still hasn’t been heard from since his name has been being thrown out there. if someone thought I shot at a president and was dead on a roof in PA I’d at least come out and tell them they’re wrong.
>Do we know which shot hit the crane?
I'm using this Video as the basis for my analysis (because the camera swings to capture the hydraulics failing)

I count 3 Primary shots (beginning at 6 seconds thru nearly 8 seconds)
then a pause until 10 seconds
now a rapid 4 or 5 shots from Multiple shooters
The final of these 7 or 8 shots takes out the hydraulic line.

Final Shot heard at 22 seconds (I'm assuming Killshot of Shooter (patsy)
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> red line
Is that the official position of the shooter?
Is that blood from the shooters neovagina leaving a trail or something?
In that case, it becomes pretty hard to believe that the southern sniper team didn't have a relatively clear shot. I mean, I realize that Google Earth isn't really ideal for this and that especially the tree is not a perfect representation.
Does anybody know which team is being depicted on the videos going around? The northern team or the southern team?
Why the fuck haven't any spergs actually been on the ground to assess the facts by now??
It's important Military makes sure Trump can make decisions freely of his own choice so US can make it!

He can only do that while he and his family are safe.
I question this image. I don't have the time or the original images to work with, so maybe you can do it. Here's how it should be done....

> locate the person in the crowd who was shot and killed
> run a line from where they were hit, past Trump's ear, back out toward the building
> that line will tell you where the shooter was
Well the assumption that's being made is the only available firing position was from that building. I believe he could have been shot from somewhere else. I do think it all comes down to trajectory and the public will never know the true trajectory based off of google maps.
One of the greatest indicators of trajectory is the natural reaction of the crowd and the target.
I do believe that Crooks is a patsy who was groomed to believe he was going to save the world from a fascist dictator.
The lone gunman is always the go to narrative of the government.
Keep in mind these are the same people who had proof of Russian collusion and zero evidence of what happened to Jeffrey Epstein in his cell.
The same Democratic party that convinced Americans that Lee Harvey Oswald acted on his own and so did Sirhan Sirhan when those two candidates were making campaign stops and were murdered in broad daylight in front of television cameras.
It was obvious all along that (they) were going to try to kill Trump but they missed.

Who had the most to lose?
Who had the most to gain?

More than likely it was a lone gunman who probably wasn't even American and would have easily crossed the border.
An inside job?
No it wasn't anyone actually on the inside who did this job but it was certainly ordered by someone who stood to lose if Trump was elected.
Look at the big picture and ask who had the connections for this kind of action.
Americans have a tendency to have narrow vision because most Americans never leave their own back yard.
zoom in, it's to the right of where the arrow is pointing. the blood trail starts at the top of the roof, where the shooter had to be, and runs down. it intersects with the red border of the arrow.
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the area is closed off to the public for the (((investigation)))
they don't want to miss any evidence before they throw it all into a vault and it never see the light of day again
The gunman was a whole team!

And I see already for two days more water muddying about hints of him being foreign... slight of hand noticed, not sure if you're seeding t
Or just repeating... interesting.

Anyway, no.
That's some logic right there, considering that the dead guy was probably killed during the 5 hail mary shots and not the first three aimed ones.
Way to go, Detective Sherlock, you solved the case.
Did they make sure to get all the Zapruder films, too?
The conditioning has blunted America's vigilance. Air conditioning.
From the other perspective video, it sounds like two suppressed inbound shots, though.
The first one ends the series of shots (I believe it was 3+5 based on the bullet cracks picked up by Trump's mic). I think that one hit close to home but didn't kill the shooter / patsy
The second shot, about 10 seconds later, was likely the kill shot.
>a pro would happily set up
IN A POSITION WITH WHICH HE'S COMPLETELY UNSEEN (while the patsy draws attention away)

Divine Intervention here, for real.
They had him.
This post has the best trajectory map I’ve seen, it tracks with how Trump was hit compared to how you would want to line up such a shot, the crane getting hit, and the other crowd casualties. The position of the people in the crowd that got hit is still a mystery for me I can’t ascertain it from any videos for myself
Save this image before the thread goes away btw I think it will be important to preserve
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come now. Use your basic geometry. If you assume that all shots which hit either trump or spectators came from the same gun, all lines of shot originate from the same location.

Meanwhile, the way I'm suggesting is based on how crime scene investigators do it. You must have see images like this before
>where the shooter was
Im going on the basis there could have been more than one shooter
>Pro shooter expected to take one shot
>Patsy told to wait until he hears the pro fire then spray and pray
>Pro misses his chance
>Patsy fires as ordered
>Patsy dies as planned
>Pro slides away
but one will try to rework it from the single angle but if chud was the lone gunman, after his first 1-3 aimed shots, the rest would be a cone of fire that could place him all over the place
>brainwash autist kid through private discord serves and convince him to attempt against Trump
>let him reach into shooting range even when random rednecks were able to see him
>kid misses his (as expected) and kills random guy in the background
>mossad sniper inside the building also misses and only grazes Trump (shame on you Schlomo)
>sniper on Trumps security kills kid instantly since he was on his sights all the time
So I started with no taxes

Cause the libertarians quite literally

Said taxation be theft yo
>From the other perspective video, it sounds like two suppressed inbound shots, though.
Definitely 3 shot Group from the same First Shooter (1 hits Trump's ear) other two hit the bystanders.
It is all coming back to children and who has been taking child brides?
Seems like a shot from the roof would be angled downward, the window show makes more sense
You can almost see the shooter in this shot (during the firing). But both of the windows look closed.
OK. one way of testing that might be to do the same thing I suggested, but also paying attention to elevation.

For example, some anon suggested that the "real' shooter would have shot from the ground (or lower) level. I don't think it's been proven yet that anyone at a lower level would even have a clear shot.
Am I suppose to believe they have a shot of the bullet and that isn’t some bs photoshop for clicks on webpages? Gimme a break.
We don’t really know the elevation of the area, it’s possible the roof is close to level with the stage if there are slopes in between. I think the shooter was either our guy on the roof or yellow from this image >>474450577
Original video

I'm sorta curious why this guy was running immediately before the firing started.
A photographer shooting dozens to 100s of pics per second has a chance of capturing a photo like this. No less plausible than Trump dodging the damn bullet I’d say
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background info on local Butler county SWAT team;

A professional would have hit his target
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According to this article, he was using:
> Sony A1
> Shutter Speed: 1/8000
> f/1.6
> 24 mm focal length
> multi-pattern metering

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It's pretty realistic that all shots came from the vantage position of the official shooter.
However, notice anything on the picture?
The shooter had to shoot within a pretty cramped window to get Trump, in between the diagonal support of the bleachers, the western crane and the speakers it was carrying.
Making it even more incredible that, within half a minute or less, he was able to bear crawl around the roof to find the ideal position to remain concealed and yet have the ideal access to that window.
Are you French Canadian?
As an English speaking American I unfortunately didn't understand anything you wrote.
Nice find, yea that’s a crazy high shutter speed I figured it would be more like 1/100, kind of surprised the bullet isn’t clearer in the photo with that lol
what was this a rally for ants?
Wow, there really are a lot of obstacles for the shooter there. The shot itself is plausible with iron sights, but that shot through a tight window? Kid was extremely confident or someone with a scope was directly below him..
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>Butler County Emergency Response Unit
>Sniper/Observers Team Members have attended basic and advanced sniper schools in addition to their basic and advanced SWAT training.
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I'm looking at the area with google maps & street view. Looking at it from the ground, that building was obscenely close to the platform. There is zero reason why the secret service shouldn't have had someone on the roof.
probably a pajeet retard
That guy on the right looks guilty of something.
>I'm sorta curious why this guy was running immediately before the firing started.
people in the area were screaming theres a man on the roof with a gun
could have been an undercover agent, or action junkie looking to see
There are 3 points that should line up to give the height: the guy that was killed, trump's ear and the hydraulic line that was shot. That should show exactly where the shooter was. Did it come from the window or the roof?
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Mamma mia please post the whole thing I would kill for that pasta lmao
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He's not the first civilian to run away. This young couple made a break for it first.
It's obvious that the shooter / patsy on the roof and his sinister motives were becoming obvious, because this is roughly when people start shouting "HE'S GOT A GUN"
They realized this might end up not just being an assassination attempt but also a mass-shooting.

1:49 minute mark of the yt video
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>Matthew Wagner - Police Officer - Prospect Borough
>SWAT Operator / Sniper.
>Butler County Emergency Services Unit / Team 400.

Person of interest
That makes sense to me.
If this was true wouldn't it have succeeded?

Y'all are a bunch of nerds
>muh messy mess mess
Karen, you're 58yo. Have some fucking respect for yourself and get a real job. Running defense for child traffickers isn't going to be paying out for too much longer. Tell your faggot boss David Brock hello for me.
There's nothing that can go up against divine intervention. Trump is not perfect but his death would not be helpful.
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Slight rework
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> below him
Impossible. Wouldn't have gotten past the bleachers imho, to hit the hydraulics
The other window as in OP's suggestion>>474439617
is also extremely improbable, look at this version of the pic
Green lines = official narrative
Red lines = OP's suggestion
The green lines are well grouped, the red lines are all over the place.

We're allowing ourselves to become distracted from the real question through some retarded grassy-knoll mental gymnastics!

The question is: how could the shooter have such insights, how could the SS fuck this up this bad, how the fuck could he get up there with the weapon with a ladder, when do the traitors finally get tried and hung for treason??
>Slight rework
There are 3 points that should line up to give the height: the guy that was killed, trump's ear and the hydraulic line that was shot. That should show exactly where the shooter was. Did it come from the window or the roof?
During the event that yellow arm was up and a black thing was hanging from it. Which might have put the 2nd or 3rd window from the Right (facing) as an option.
In basketball terms, pun unintended, you would “take that shot every time”
It was an extremely successful attempt, with the guy getting in position and taking a clean shot, just not a successful outcome. Trump literally dodged that shit, you can’t account for that in planning or execution
Water tower isn't possibility.
Interesting point.
That's the real question.
If you have at least 4 victims who have been struck and a large piece of equipment hit and damaged how many of those hits originate from a single trajectory. So that's basically five targets hit = five bullets.
How many of those recorded gunshots were secret service snipers?
This goes back to the Warren commissions finding on JFK that there was a magic bullet single shot theory that made left and right hand turns to justify Oswald was a lone shooter.
What is the spray? My guess was a bullet hit a hydraulic line but that is just guesswork.
>You're retarded
You kike shills have really boxed yourselves into the memetic corner, haven't you? My favorite is the "I'm more racist than you, that's why I'm Ridin' with Biden" shit. Not very progressive, sis.
you're such a retard. that angle is all wrong.
>There are 3 points
run out there and take those measurements and I will plug it in
>show exactly where the shooter was
I am open to more than one shooter
that would render that triangulation moot
but would be worthwhile to figure
Help me understand why according to this picture, the left side (window as OP suggest) is "not possibe", I am obviously an idiot. The forklift itself isn't really that large.
Also, do you know which sniper team is the one in the viral videos?
Coping, dirty, niggers
Exactly, shooter knew exactly where to go to exploit blind spots in the security perimeter that shouldn’t have been there. Someone/some group was coaching him, the SWAT team inside the building, and the secret service at minimum to create this situation and leave no individual group responsible for the failure.
>Water tower isn't possibility.
I doubt it too, but why do you say it?
Directly below indeed, a sniper and his teammate!
A pro would have hit though, so this doesn't hold weight. It was a relatively easy shot if you have any experience.
Does anyone have an Ariel photo with lines showing supposed bullet paths and where the spectator had been shot and killed along with bullet path for trumps? That would be interesting to see if they have the same origin point. I’m not sure I’ve seen where the firefighter had even been seated
Who anon? Anyone ever wonder why cops are part of fraternal orders? Things done in the dark, shall be revealed in the light.

>For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.
It's more likely the patsy was groomed by the CIA/Mossad, given an inaccurately sighted rifle, and trump had a blood pack behind his ear.

Rally Trump supporters before WW3.
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/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General

/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General
Also, don't forget the person that was killed and his seat...
>>474457788 see >>474448757
yellow equipment hydraulics' hit you can see it drop
The reason OP doesn’t work is because the way trump’s head turned is what saved his life and lead to his ear getting clipped. You can recreate this trajectory by just pointing your finger at your ear where Trump got hit and moving your head around, you’ll see they were aiming at the middle of the side of his head from trumps right and he turned to basically face the shooter when the shot was taken. The shots from the windows on the left, and even the left side of the shooter’s building, don’t agree with that trajectory, plus both crowd injuries and the tractor/crane that was hit are in line with the shooter’s trajectory
I don't think it's impossible to get those measurements from the 3d models. Are people using google earth or something to make these visuals? That will at least show the height difference between the two lots and the roof. There's probably a way to import the data into a CAD program and then use 3d measuring tools to estimate the heights.
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>bullet paths

go here :

/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General
This. He was a 20 year old who got kicked out of the gun club for being a terrible shot. How could he possibly even get close to hitting Trump?

He was a patsy while the real shooter was inside the building shooting from the window.
If they were on the second floor, they would have had a perfect view of Crooks. Look at the (OP) pic, the only two-story bldg. is one just back and to viewer's left.
This pic here is misleading. The location of the shooter is moved to the right ever so slightly. Barely noticeable, just a few feet, but subconsciously supports the narrative that both sniper teams had impossible or barely visible angles. And I no longer buy that.

Does anybody know which sniper team is in the videos?
"Hey kid, wanna watch the Trump rally from the roof?"
Again, the dude literally did hit, Trump miraculously turned to avoid the shot right when it was taken. This was luck, not a failure on the assassin’s part, regardless of who the shooter was
Go to the thread discuss it there
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trumps head was "roughly" parallel to the podium, which itself is parallel to the buildings behind him
if the side of trumps head forms a plane extending parallel to the podium, at some point the shot would to have went through his head before hitting his ear
the exact angle of his head is important and Im working on that, but I think it plausible that maximum angle is reached before the end of the lower buildings roof meaning the left of the large warehouse would be too far
So what you’re saying is….. *breaths in*
Thomas acted as a scapegoat for Iranian terrorists who planned to shoot Trump months ago but wanted to do it in a location and on a date where millions would be paying attention not only to scare Biden and the US but also Israel into a total surrender but it backfired and the CIA and FBI now need to clean up their own mess that the Iranian terrorists worked with them on because the CIA and FBI would lose autonomy without Biden due to 4 executive orders he signed in 2021, 2022, and 2023 giving the CIA and FBI the right to hunt down, extradite, and prosecute “dangerous” individuals.
This is good work.
Here's something to think about.
When you look at the amazing photo of the bullet that passes through Trump's ear mid flight it appears that bullet is on a level flat trajectory.
I guess Trump is like 6' 3" or something and is standing on a raised platform at least six feet high.
Figure out how that bullet came from a roof at 150 yards away and went past the president's ear which is collectively 10 feet from ground level on a flat trajectory.
>Fake n gay
>3 people shot, two are dead and one is missing a piece of his ear
>Uses a gay blockrock ad as his vidrel
Kys you retarded faggot before its too late.
I think what's the real atrocity here is the amount of trash just dumped on a field.

Do Americans really? Are there no bins or self respect? Is not shitting all over your own neighbourhoods a european thing now?

Littering is one of the most non-white activity.
Is the photo circulating of him day of the shooting the one from the sniper? Where did that come from
I think so as well, I think they mentioned a false contradicting distance when they fucked up and understood some will look away from the roof to then look towards the tower and not the aledged police staging areas!
fuck facts, its about MUH FEEEEEEEEEEELINGS
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This is on YOUR streets
an actual trained killer would not have missed
Did you hear his bully's description?
>twenty feet left on a 50 foot target
You have to aim to be that bad. Which means the bully was lying and doesn't know what happened. Or, the kid was mind-fucking all of them and intentionally shot cross targets.
Me too, I am open to two positions plus roof scapegoat!
And I don't think it's the water tower.
I think it’s very difficult to assess the bullet’s path based on the photo.. it appears level but the photo is also taken from ground level, below the stage, so for all we know it could be on a slightly downward trajectory. We also don’t know what the slopes are like in between the shooter’s building and the stage.
>Paki town

not my streets anymore my friend
aiming downward from a roof with natural rise.
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Also, second position may have had to stay down after SS was forced to deal with scapegoat, making another go would have been reveling instantly.

I think if there were two positions they were close.
Biggest reason is because they called attention to it for one thing but the angle is also impossible to make a glancing shot from. Trump would have needed to be practically looking behind himself to make it work but he never turned that far.
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I agree. The business with the head turn makes no sense if the shooter was further to Trump's left.
The "black thing" I believe is a large cluster of loudspeakers.
> the guy that was killed
> Also, don't forget the person that was killed and his seat...
Disinformation. That can't be the position of the sniper team in the video, that's for sure. They were literally at the edge, the ridge of the roof!! Looking at this pic, it looks like the sniper team is to the left of Trump's podium, from the perspective of the main area below.
So this is supposedly the team with the full obstruction. The one that was forced to "re-position"... Do we know if they took the shots or one of the shots??
There was another injury on Trump's left, stage right.
>I think it’s very difficult to assess the bullet’s path based on the photo.. it appears level but the photo is also taken from ground level, below the stage, so for all we know it could be on a slightly downward trajectory.

This is true, the parallax makes it hard to infer the real path from just 2d

>We also don’t know what the slopes are like in between the shooter’s building and the stage.

But you should be able to get that data from google earth which has 3d height maps. It won't have the height of the stage but you can probably estimate that using the relative distances that can be taken from the 3d height map data
>The Beaver County Emergency Services Unit — which traveled to the Butler County, Pennsylvania, Trump rally from the neighboring Pittsburgh suburb — noticed Cooks on the roof, took a picture of him and reported it around 5:45 p.m., WPXI reported.

>The Butler County Police Department Swat Team also fired a weapon on Saturday night at the Trump rally, a law enforcement source told CNN.

>That was in addition to weapons fired by the Secret Service and the shooter himself.

>Audio forensics previously suggested that as many as three weapons were fired.

This isn't look good for the local cops
iranian terrorist plan for months and manage to get SS to leave area unattended and scope the scapegoat with a rifle climbing and stand down?

Please, it's insulting, stop, it's unproductive, OK!
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According to this article:

"The local sniper team, which hailed from the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, was located on the second floor providing overwatch of the crowd at the rally, the source said."

Now look at that picture. There is only on two-story section in the whole complex. They would have been in the row of windows labeled 'Sharpshooter' with a perfect view of Crooks and within earshot of the all of the spectators going nuts yelling about someone on the roof.
Go to the _thread_ >>474457601
>google earth which has 3d height maps
I wouldn't rely on something so half-assed, their height maps aren't very accurate.
bingo, thank you
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/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General

/ASLG/ Assassin Shooter Location General
happens when people run for their lives 8 minutes into the main part of an event.
then everything must remain as it's a crime scene.

amazing deduction though enviro-jew
Reveals trajectory and potentially other shooter positions that can operate from area to mask themselves while scapegoat is alive, potentially more then one shooting nest... maybe!
That's literally Nicollo Machiavelli's view of Merc. Would be funnier if it wasn't true.
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the closest to the shooter is the cap backward guy, the other one has a hat
and audio proves they must have fired
- so they saw the suspect and took pictures (Beaver County or Butler County SWAT)
- they were on the 2nd story and inside to hear him on the roof, so they were in both buildings
- they were looking out the windows
- they fired their weapons

This is getting "sandy hook" level incompetent
There's some damn good chance someone shot Friendly in the event. But we'll never hear about it.
We had technology on site... paraphrasing SS.
What technology?
what about a scapegoat, sniper nest near by and what about a remote set up that can shoot remotely in the confusion.. some noise mask it?
Something close near the cranes, board... maybe that too is an addition!

Imagine a shooter sitting with professionals while using a computer to make the shoot and Noone is the wiser there!

So many possibilities... Trump trajectory and the person that got killed may reveal more then one nest aka position?
Given that they were inside you might think they would recognize a discharge indoors but if one silenced his weapon, uninvolved others probably would have assumed the noise came from shots on the roof. However since the investigating parties are the ones involved, we're never going to find out if another weapon were used regardless.
Are you saying there was a second death casualty?
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Draw a line from this fork-lift at 0:16 through Trumps position to see where the shot originated.
So, first nest shoots, misses, they say go to second nest who had a scope also not successful, SS not giving a go ahead to sniper of SS to tie up scapegoat in case another shoot can be made.
Nest with sniper would be maybe packing, maybe.
Other nest maybe can sit and try to aim from a computer, no go things in the way.... shoot scapegoat tie it up.

Coms were restricted, unusual, why? Drone remote... it was said they did not do usual com ties with locals!

When shoot failed on stage the changing or trajectory towards the person that was killed with by the looks of it things in the way would be difficult?

So, is there a second position that was active and had an aim to go quick but also failed thus Trump got hit as he did and the man that died got hit as he did where he was sitting.
So 2 dead, including roof shooter, 2 severe injuries, and Trump with a new ear piercing.
Great place to put in a bionic earing aid.
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More evidence that police snipers may have been on the second story from this article:

"One of the snipers inside saw Thomas Matthew Crooks outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, a local law enforcement officer tells CBS News.
Crooks came back, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the snipers took a picture of him."

This would explain where this pic (that everyone thought was security cam or drone because of the weird angle) came from. He is sitting on the concrete wall just below them.
Your insistence to not look into the water tower is suspicious as fuck, dude.
you keep using that word

Criminally underrated post.
very easy to debunk this stupid picture, that angle cannot hit his right ear while trump was looking right, you curve your bullets too?
>hurr durr
Your seething is so adorable you pathetic dysgenic lefty troon
That would be the craziest turn of events but these last few years have been full of wild shit so who knows
Line from punctured hydraulic through podium hits first window next to exhaust duct on side of building, which is approximately below roofboi location. Trained snipers confirmed present in the building. Conclusion is obvious.
nah unrealistic beauty standards
- shooter on roof was an incompetent patsy
- identity of shooter a confusing mix of information suggesting switcheroo
- suspiciously sneaked around the area for 30 minutes in full view of police
- positioned himself on the roof with rifle for about 2 minutes - police admit saw him and 'ducked'
- local police, SWAT teams from Butler and Beaver County, were inside both buildings
- local SWAT had at least 3 sharpshooters pointed out the windows
- they were on both ground level under the roof and on 2nd story
- audio indicates several sources of gunfire
- plausible firing angles exist from the windows to kill Trump

Sloppy job.
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> Matthew Butler

Weird. His linkedin is scrubbed, or is it me?

I was thinking there might've been a second shooter utilizing a fire control system to get such an accurate shot through the ear, like the ones the IDF has been using to shoot down FPV drones.
It was less than 200 yards. Even average soldiers train to 300. With a red dot even someone who only shoots once a year can score expert on the marksman test. This guy was shit or it was set up by someone who wants Trump to win. The guys story seems totally FBI instigated though. No friends, no politics. Disappeared into the internet and wasn’t talking to parents. Easy FBI target, but you’d figure they’d give him some fucking money to get trained lol
There was no second shooter. You seem to forgot trump is alive
Perhaps their goal was to graze the ear, or maybe they were made to shoot beside the ear and Trump is queued to put fake blood on his ear.
In the uk, just after it happened, and for about an hour afterwards, both Sky News and the BBC stated there were two shooters, that they had been informed there were two shooters
The drone(!) view of the shooter's side profile and the corpse picture were all mysteriously uploaded and both pictures were zoomed in on the face instead of a general shot of the body and area, what were they hiding out of frame?
I suspect two shooting positions not counting the scapegoat on the roof that is being blamed!
cops are definitely involved. watch this.

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I'm pretty sure >>474452001has downs syndrome

pic related is you face blind fart fucker
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>Be 20-year-old
>Be ROTC rifle reject
>Know exactly where to park
>Know exactly where to climb onto roof
>Know exactly the perfect angle to position yourself out of view of all 3 USSS sniper teams
>Know there would be no over watch on water tower
>Spotted 30 minutes before, points gun in face of cop, no one pulls Trump
>Remains calm, 3 minutes of crawling to apex of roof, 2 cops standing there watching, no one pulls trump
>Hot day, metal roof, know you're about to die, 180bpm hr
>Get within 120 yards of presidential candidate, "protected" by USSS
>Get off 8 shots, one of which if not for shear luck, would have been an instakill
How the fuck do people find this shit? This place is amazing sometimes.
Take the water-tower pill.
Yeah the video of him crawling onto the roof doesn't show the rifle, prob planted that after
That wasn't a drone pic, it was taken by a police sniper from a second floor window.
Here's another question-what's in big black bag the was on the roof? I wanna see what he was carrying.
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Guys, need some help here.
Take a look at this video.
15 seconds in
Is my Picrel one of the Victims?
1. It's difficult to be certain, but he appears very high up in the bleachers
2. If true, then this would need to be reconciled with the Trajectories, or account for a second shooter.
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Ya know maybe they went with a more high tech approach. Make this type of thing (AR-1 drone) imitate the shooters fire rate. It can be set up to use the exact same rifle and caliber of rounds. Extra precise too, expect Trump turned head by freak luck and dodged the bullet.
>they get some drugged up MKultra victim to climb on the roof with a rifle to be sacrificed while the professionals hidden in the windows actually shoot what they hope will be the kill shot
It's what (((they))) always do.

The patsy is just another Kapparot chicken. "Haha, we fooled g-d again!"
You know is staged when boomer kikes change their narrative to retard basedslop.
then they're watching the thread and scrubbing evidence ... i don't have linkedin or I would have saved it, the info was cut-pasted from the search results
A bullet came from where the patsy was, determined because the forklift to the right of the stage was hit causing hydrolic fluid spray and boom to immediately suck in dropping the speaker. Mark a trajectory from Future President Trump to the forklift and back to the building.
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more recent pic from a news story
They're trying in a concerted effort to hit the bump limit, do not respond.
The only job the real shooter had was killing one or two audience members to make it seem like a real assassination attempt. And the only job Trump had was popping the blood bag.
The ladder is seen behind the open door of the plastic shed in the picture
This area is clean by your standards. Not one shit in sight.
What individuals were involved in both shootings? When was the shooter transferred? What protests? Why was the shooter transferred to a county jail?
>>474474474 Sick digits.
>>474747474 (zoom)
I've yet to see an analysis of the location of all the victims in the crowd and directions from which they were hit.

And last I read there were 4 victims (Trump, fireman, 2 others) - but the patsy supposedly fired only 3 shots.
>realize the SS sniper/observer team probably couldn't even see him (very well) or at all.
gosh cant you guys get it? it was too STEEP for anyone to be there. not even a sniper. we dont guard cliff edges or we'd have to guard every atom of air for a square mile around everything. gee paranoid much?
Here’s something I was thinking about: the media and the tiktok videos all show that they knew about the guy in the roof for 30 min. Everyone in that area was yelling and screaming about the guy on the roof. Nobody was looking for a sniper out a window. Maybe the people near the patsy on the roof, we’re supposed to make a commotion so nobody looked at the real shooter and inky focused on the sniper. We should look into the visor guy who looks like Beeker.
they were inside didnt think anyone would be outside on that STEEP roof. man you guys sure are scared arent ya? THINK UR HOT SHIT DONTCHA
best I can do

Sorry, it was Bethel Park police, not Butler County, but they did move Bowers out of Pittsburgh to Butler jail for unknown reasons


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