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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Get in here
Why isn't there a sticky?
There were for previous years
I don't wanna be stuck in ptg
We are in 2016 again, only now it is even 2016ier.
I don’t know it’s fucking weird and yeah ptg is gay
No thanks
Why are all these senate candidates speaking this early? They need to speak in a hour or so when more people will be watching.
After the first nigger fest night I'm done with the GOP. Only way I'm voting for Trump if there is an (I) beside his name.
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super fucking gay, they dont even comment on the jew ensemble singing next to trumps vp pick or any jew quotes. these niggas have bought the jew line and cant comment, lmao.
Shut up goy!
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I'll fucking skin you and repair my foreskin with your flesh rabbi
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Bunch of race traitors and one with two foreign gold digger wives, traitors of America
Its pretty fucking hilarious in a way. I started stopping by the general during and after the first debate and there was some kike hate. but after yesterday announcement that his vp sucks jew cock and the jew singers....yeah, completely dead on the issue and their previous stance. The fucks are just lemmings for trump.
Poor Haley, had her nomination stolen by a stray bullet
>Nikki Haley
literally why?
she's a deep state cunt who hates trump and conservatives in general
my favorite part was the jewish guy coming out and saying "Israel forever" or whatever it means in his stupid heeb language
>Hey now
>You're a rock star
Wow I always hated that one
>get in here

I'd vote for that dog over the average politician
A man so fat he has to sit down that has a dog that is so fat he needs to sit down.
Twinkie is live.

My little Lumberjack
fucking lel
what does this fat fuck have to tell me thta's so important
Oh okay Eric changed his tires
What a fucking hero
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>Why isn't there a sticky?
>There were for previous years
No there never was you disgusting, genocidal kikes.
This is beautiful I am crying bravo G_d bless Israel
As ptg says
Stefanick rally for jews. No thank you bitch, those days are over.
>muh CHYNA
Where my fuckn based negros at?
They doesn't exist retard
Did you miss night one?
Why are all these yt bois yelling it scares m
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Das why I wuz wundern where dey be at you feel me homie?
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JD Vance is married to an Indian. What’s up with Ivy League educated white men marrying pajeets? Such highly educated men should want to procreate with equally educated women of the same race. Also, JD won’t do crap about Indians taking over all franchises in this country including hotels and turning them into crap. Now Indians are not criminals or anything, but they aren’t European or Christian which is what this nation was built on.
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>Trump = Good
>Biden = Bad
fucking kek
is this the laziest political sign ever?
more wall wanking lol
Indians are also high in numbers. Mexicans aren’t taking white jobs. They are taking black jobs nobody wants to do. Indians are taking white jobs in IT and engineering and franchising. Trump imported nonstop Indians here. Mexicans are also Christian. Indians are mostly not. Yeah the Mexicans also shouldn’t be here, but it’s funny the hypocrisy of the GOP. Legal immigration is wrong too at this point unless family in USA and European. Remember the worst immigrant is the assimilated one.
>Black jobs
fucking kek
I don’t care about his height, but how can he say that student loan forgiveness was the plumber giving to the rich man? Less than 150k is rich? Yet he has no problem with tax payer dollars in the form of a PPP “loan” going to Tom Brady’s online drink company that wasn’t even affected by covid lockdowns. Essential businesses should have never gotten that money.
Oh thank god, the House is on the case!
The ppp shit was before his time in the senate
lmfao. if you are an old fag, remember in the 90s or even early 00s when they worked at mcdonald’s? now it’s all mexicans and they do a better job desu.

look at all hospitals now, 90 percent of doctors are indians! trump wants poor white kids to be plumbers and wal mart greeters and only his kids and other wealthy kids should have the chance at an education or minorities who get scholarships. meanwhile, let’s import our doctors from india where they went to medical school for cheap af or free and have a browner country.
>and by god I mean Moloch
yes, but he ain’t talking bad about it. how many criminals also started fake LLCs to take advantage? that money should have only went to businesses actually affected by lockdowns not some asshole’s online LLC. i also know a car dealer owner who took out 5 $2 million dollar loans. car lots were an essential business. this person used the money to remodel their home and buy luxury items.
>muh fiscal responsibilty
so instead of ass-raping the taxpayer for more missles you'll rape them for newer rifles?
actually they go to school here for free.
sadly two of my uber drivers are voting for trump. don’t get me wrong, i voted for trump twice myself and loathe biden, but after trump crashed our economy with those ppp loans, you would have to be a fool to vote for him. this economy we are experiencing now is a result of him not biden. i still won’t vote for biden. i hate to be in this position of saying both are bad because i hated those types, but im really unsure of what to do. seems like a waste for me to go and vote when neither are helping me financially. this Republican convention also proved that the GOP are social liberals and fiscal conservatives. they will support trannies and gay marriage as long as bezos gets a tax cut and they can tell rednecks they keep their guns.
speaking of Indians...
JD Vance named his son Vivek lol
i hate to say it but they are destroying america more than mexicans are. i dont think they are bad people at all. they value money and education and low crime, but they shouldn’t take over america as non whites, non europeans, and non christians to top it off.
Lol. Sean O’Brien’s (Teamsters Union) speech last night was breddy gud if you didn’t listen to it, anons.
It's a result of them both.
they serve the same masters.
And he's also a closeted faggot
Money on Vivek being the father of his child
he is a cuck in that regard. he thinks every white woman is like his mom. sad he destroyed his bloodline. despite being short af, he isn’t ugly at all.

his wife is your typical left wing t14 big law attorney.
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>nigger cocksucking
No. Truth.
amber rose was also a joke. i mean what kind of demographic are they aiming for? the hood rats of the world?
Vivek is a cuck I can’t believe retards wanted him for vp. Vance isn’t much better though.
White boomers who love niggers
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RNC loves niggers so much its a bit odd.
>Make America Goy Again
Are we starting off with anudda prayer for Israel
They fought to free them anon
Republicans always loved niggers
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when is she speaking?
Vivek went full mask off bros
this shit is lame
I live like a 20 minute walk from the RNC. Walked around the perimeter along the East side of the river this afternoon but it was honestly pretty boring, just a smattering of 40-somethings in suits trying to get Ubers and a shitload of cops. Considering going for another walk this time through the yellow zone to see if stuff has picked up at all.
at first glance, vance seems great. white, poor background, self made. then you see his wife and read about what he actually thinks about poor whites. he may have come from a humble background but is now another elitist married to a t14 grad big law nonwhite attorney.
What did you except
last night was diversity equity and inclusion night
tonight is country bumpkin night
that corps can sing prty good.
more sluts and indian pagan mistress, not white man #50 and vivek swadala telling me to die for israel
another pajeet. it’s become the party of legal pajeet immigration. then again a pajeet pretending to be black is our first female vp.
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>woman talking
my fuckign ears
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Who is this bimbo
her makeup is bad
guess i spoke too soon
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Who's Tits McGee?
Damn they got Paris Hilton?
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>scribble tattoo
that's a man
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That's the mayor of Dallas TEXAS?
Look up Chrissy knows best
lmfao. paris on suicide watch.
So outside of some BLM protesters scaring his kids, he's a commie and loves trannies?
Nigger bros…. We’re back
seriously its fucking insane how suddenly indians showed up everywhere in my life
This is completely manufactured
No he’s a based negro
Wondering about this too. I remember her parents getting in trouble with the law but never read about why because I don't care about reality TV. Her dad seems mega gay to me though, just judging by commercials for the show that I've seen.
jews sent out some orders
100% white according to the FBI
I actually like of like Paris Hilton. She's pretty based.
Is this a feed with some trio of Democrat dipshit talking head media figures giving disapproving looks and
" correcting the record™ live" whenever anyone says something positive about Donald Trump specifically, or republicans as a whole, talking over the speakers and musical acts the entire time?
i never remember this many when i was a kid. i mean they always owned dunkin and subway and 711, but not every damn hotel and they weren’t 90 percent of doctors like now!!! they are everywhere now and taking over politics too and virtually every single field where whites used to excel, but they are distracting us talking about mexicans that came here to be bus boys.. Indians are a huge population too. Second after China.
Nick Fuentes' stream is unironically, and ironically, the best one to watch
this guy needs to stop looking at the teleprompter
Fake news. Leafs can't vote.
Ok this is cringe
oh look, it JD Vance the fake CIA hillbilly boy
No that’s tomorrow he’s just going to the crowd
is trump coming out tonight?
bruh, this gay ass convention
I don't think so.
How about that audio being leaked, with him and RFKJr talking?
Yes he’s in his motorcade now on the way
>How about that audio being leaked, with him and RFKJr talking?
no one cares. it was a nothing burger. it won't ever come up again the moment trump starts speaking thursday. msm is just bored
They all are
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Trump chose a fat bobble headed race traitor faggot instead…
Who's dick did ana paulina luna suck to get that seat?
bros, who is this slampig?
I'll mark hard if fofty does trumps intro music
carson is too handsome and tall. why do you think bush picked fat ass chaney as vp? why do you think obama picked hunched and frail biden as vp? they look stoic next to them. vance is taller but he's fat and has a baby face so trump still dominates in pics. this shit matters. carson can't ever be a VP.
YMCA is the most hilarious intro song. Good stuff
Is trump speaking tonight?
big speech tonight is haley
They are all retarded reddit boomers who are scared to death they are being trolled so they cant talk about anything of any importance.
Ana paulina luna
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>the people standing behind him right now
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The delegates Donald
why are we not talking about menendez?
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Anyone else watching this through Hindustan Times channel?
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Why couldn't I have met Trump anons and be his vp
Things would be so different
I would have talked him into gas chambers
But instead I'm in this timeline

Who cares Biden will just pardon him after the election
El Rato
We want to be replaced
Cruz looks sad that vance stole his beard and his vp selection
My bad. Thought he wasn't showing up tonight.
that fat spic was never going to get picked
cruz was never in the running for vp. he does nothing for trump. ever cruz fan is a trump fan.
That was last night, nigger.
did he already speak tonight?
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I wonder if Lion Ted knows this same argument can be used about niggers
I wish we could have Cruz but I think they're saving him for the Supreme Court.
Yeah and he shilled civic nationalism hard to the fucking core
i wish ted cruz would chill the fuck out so he can be senator for life instead of getting replaced by a spic next time around
Joe Biden is a lifelong conman, liar, and corrupt grifter and his crackhead son is the bagman for his crime family.
Joe Biden is also completely fucking braindead senile and the ENTIRE WORLD knows it.
He's going to lose in a Reaganesque landslide.
He's going to lose NY and perhaps California.
His name will go down in history along with Obama as the two biggest disgraces in the history of the empire
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Indians have also lowered the quality of customer service in the USA. They are very very cheap people. Now if you travel anywhere in the USA, you have to stay in a 5 star hotel which sometimes is not even an option in some small towns. Indians have destroyed most chain budget hotels yet both parties will paint them as model immigrants. JD infuriates me. He wants nothing for poor whites. No day care, no student loan forgiveness so we can become educated and compete with pajeet doctors. However, he will gladly spend money overseas and on legal immigrants and PPP “loans” for Tom Brady, Khloe Kardashian, and Kanye West bullshit businesses.
he always has.
I like Cruz better than JD too. He still sucks, but is whiter than most.
Based Ted?
Didnt Trump accuse Cruz of not being an American citizen?
He sucks, but so does Trump.
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>back the blue
what a bunch of faggots
Doesn't he talk shit about poor white americans in his coming out book?
Yeah lol
Yeah, heard this speech from him before.
Old meme, based meme
>the question we have to ask ourselves is...
>are you Canadian?
man that was fucking hilarious.
Why would repubs want to do democrat commie shit? You guys are weird as fuck.
Da police almost go your orange nigger killed, shut the fuck up, goy
Kek most the speakers tonight are primary losers what is it kiss the ring night
hes running as an independent and could open the door for a gop senate steal
Yes, is Desantis speaking tonight?
Police tried to do their job
SS chose to ignore their calls
He’ll probably drop out
SS are police, faggot.
>The Once and Future President
Badass title
There can only be one big guy that's how it is
I watched CNN last night after the RNC ended and they were beside themselves. Each jerk trying to assure the jerk next to him/her that the Republicans are "incohate". They were shidding and farting themselves for sure.
Yes him, lying ted, little rubio, sleepy ben, and the cunt. Just missing low energy jeb
if he was willing to walk away he would have been prosecuted
>Their mission to serve and protect even at the risk of their own lives
Name 3 times
Police were faggot useless boomers
>He, he pointed a gun at me!
>I will slowly walk away and use official channels.
They were just as useless, them firing ONE (1) singular round up in the air would have alerted the secret service immediately and Trump would have been out of there and safe. They didn't do this because it's LE BAD to do and instead they fell for their normalcy bias and let the President almost get killed because they were afraid of being yelled at a little and their decades of being jew cocksleeves sucked out all of their creativity and critical thinking skills.

They sent an unarmed guy to check if a guy with a rifle was a threat.
This, too. Literally the same thing. They have their code of conduct and they follow the books and the orders and that's all it is.
sweet, another foid.
I thought I couldn't possibly be anymore demoralized, and yet I am.
Calling it now this cunt will replace grassley when he retires or dies
Cringe. I don't like prosecutors or cops.
They're witnessing the Silicon Valley Billionaires throwing their chips on a bet on the Trump Train
It's certainly disconcerting
trump will still be a former president after he wins and entitled to the $1M+ annual budget that comes with it
>they're probably imagining a party of DEI
what the fuck does she think she is?
Couldn't agree more. What a horrible foid.
All this cop sucking is disgusting. Fuck this cunt and her tyrant cult.
White women are the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action and dei.
Ted was the best speaker of the convention so far besides trump. I want to hear JD and Eric Holcomb
She is a tyrant. She shouldn't be speaking. This speech was the worst of all.
haley is speaking tonight
Bitch is so monotone, besides the back the blue shit
Oh god I thought it couldn't get any worse. At least there is some booing.
Honestly most silicon valley big guys are still overhelmingly male even if they do keep hiring indian / female CEO's. That means they have at least some level of critical thinking and maybe they're realizing that letting the other side win means our economy fucking dies and they lose money and influence.

Also the more bidenflation they get the more their wagies demand wage increases and the less fresh meat they get signing up in the future. It really is terrible for silicon valley to be in a country with 10% inflation when they're already in such a high cost-of-living area.
and its poo #2
very based.
>All this cop sucking is disgusting
and this is why I was all like off the Trump Train 3 weeks into Feb 2017
I'll never forget what he did that day. It cannot be fixed. There is no reconciliation
welcome, Nikki Haley.
it makes me happy to know that this was supposed to be all about apologizing for trump getting himself assassinated and the republicans nominating a cuck to lose to globohomo with grace
haley's dress is bold I'll give her that
>making jfk jokes on live television
cruz is a fucking moron




(*in a southern accent)

Yes, you can tell how their tripping over one foot for this entire convention
pajamas are all the rage
Why would Trump invite her to speak what the actual fuck. It's not like she was just an opponent. She is a tyrant. She wanted to require self doxxing to post on the internet.
so you have an indian trying to act black and an indian trying to act white? the country is doomed
She's got to talk slow so migatards can understand.
Because muh unity
Republican Party is Party of Java Sars
he's trying to win an election, anon. haley is the queen of the republican establishment. I don't like it either but I get it
I thought the Teamsters dude yesterday was a good speaker, as was Vivek. I kind of liked that Nicaraguan mami from yesterday too, who admitted she voted for Biden. She was pretty funny.
Nah southern are just slow
and you dont think Trump dosnt?
trump told them to get on board or the lid would be blown. its win time
Retarded shit. She is odious.
Laura Loomer says he didn't invite her. Who knows if she's telling the truth though.
Has he put his name on it?
Trump wanted to be there to watch her bend the knee.
Watching Nick and it seems like he tries too hard to make sexual comments about the female speakers, like he's trying really hard to beat the homo allegations. Yesterday he said he'd love to smell the hair of one of the speakers.
Hate this wench
I don't really appreciate it if that's what it's about either. Don't make us watch trash donald.
she's giving the best pro-Trump speech tonight
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Wheres Dubya?
It's tradition; you let your most bitter rival publicly make nice with you so that there aren't any splits in the party for the general election.
>A strong president prevents wars
better pass that along to Israel's own prodigal son, Vance.
Who cares about dubya
Go back to the young republican hq faggot.
sucking big mike's dick
MSNBC just disrespected Haley by cutting away and mocking her for being flip floppy
maybe he will after getting shot.
>we need to keep track of these nut jobs!
Everything this cunt is saying is retarded. And Trump was pulling us out of Afghanistan. It's what we want you dumb fucking cunt.
would like to shove my dick in her mouth
Can't be a very long tradition and it's a stupid one. She lost because she's unpopular and she did herself no favors with her positions.

What is this warmongering bitch talking about? What a hypocrite.
Oh I see. Its time to rile everyone up against Iran now. After all they're plotting to kill Trump.
I don't like her either but her pointing out russia and iran under trump's leadership was different than obama's and biden's is great messaging. better than the cop messaging from all the others
Your girl nikki is up you bad boys you.
my brain simply blanks out when women talk so I don't know what the fuck she has even said.
based lol
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ohh la la cougar vibes
Still butthurt about Trump trashing his legacy in 2016.
Yeah Trump was literally elected on the platform of ending these shitty wars, retard. When he bombed the Syria parkinglot people were pissed.
trump made W look like a filler president
Living the quiet life. Last time he had any public post was 2010.
(((My fellow Republicans)))
>The jewish community is seeing a huge rise in antisemitism
Get this bitch off the stage. Spinning neocon bullshit as something Trump should be doing
Desantis is up next apparently
I love how she's claiming that the long string of world peace under Trump was only because he... was a warmonger.

Fucking insanity.
Trump doesn't speak until Thursday, I don't give a fuck what anyone else has to say.
Down with the tyrant. What a fucking awful witch.
It was just for optics. Didn't do any real harm. I was mad about it initially til I understood it was just a show of strength.
No one wants unity with you, you glowing bitch
I'm watching the death of my country live
This convention has solidified my hatred of mass politics, the air headed plebian masses and their fickle easily pleased and manipulable nature. I cannot imagine any serious country hinging the stability of their nation state on the back of such childish pantomimes.
I'm just going to say it, unpopular as it might be
Looking the way she does right now, I would fuck Nikki Haley
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Here he is
You're the one who is glowing
I've literally never heard him speak. All I know is he signed a bill for forced vaccinations and made it illegal to video record cops.

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>You're the one who is glowing
She looked good.
They're prepping these people for WW3 with China and Russia and they are just cheering and eating it up like pigs at the troth. Its so fucking demoralizing
Jesus Christ that guy is so fucking cringey
No Rizz Ronnie. Weird little sperg
not suggesting they are available but nudes definitely exist, right?
You can tell the audience is completely out of touch when they give Nikki Haley applause. At least there was a good amount of booing. Unfortunately there are Republicans who will forgive and forget.
DeSantis is a nerd that worships tyrants so became one.
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she's going to be the 2028 republican nominee
now give me your you's, mofos
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This is the kind of thinking I had in high school lol
All of Trumps defeated opponents must come to the stage and bend the knee.
You're shilling for Nikki Haley who is arguably the biggest neocon shill there is.
>But just don't send any to martha's vineyard, then they get real upset XD
Can you please not attention whore wherever you go?
He's alright.
And they smell
>You're shilling for Nikki Haley who is arguably the biggest neocon shill there is.
Are you dumb. I've been saying to rip that cunt off the stage. Dumb kike
no, it means Didn't Earn It
RNC should merge with the Westminster Kennel Club and do their big dog show at the same time
She's missing the point but getting the vibe , strong leaders create peace was a nice save
Ron DeSantis hitting Biden hard and Trump is loving it lmao, love this autist
>DEI bad!
>surrounded by DEI
Why did you reply to yourself with that message then. I don't look at IDs fuck you.
being fair, trump is speak loudly and pretend you still have a big stick kind of diplomat. and it worked
:( I didn't vote for this man. He's great.
I think cooler heads will prevail on that front. US will still try and maintain its empire but they won't pull the trigger.
too short to be president. its how it is. sorry, deShortis
that's the based UFO girl
Vance is the same size
oooooh, well, ain't that something now
That’s the thing. He blames “hillbilly culture” rather than poverty for the problems in places like Appalachia.

He is against anything that can help poor whites economically too.
I'm drinking Ronny D right now
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Did u look at the poo’s hand?
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Or face?
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What is this rap video and why just why?
>we voted trump trump baby
Is this real
Am I living in a mental insane asylum and call it home of the brave?
>Trump Trump Baby
lol, lmao even
Holy fuck
Who the fuck is this supposed to appeal to?
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They are already doing commie shit. Giving money to Israel, Ukraine, and PPP “loans” to millionaires who didn’t need the money. I also get corporations make jobs and I wasn’t opposed to bailing out certain industries that employ thousands, but sorry my tax payer money shouldn’t have went to Khloe Kardashian’s online jean business or Tom Brady’s energy drink company in the form of a PPP “loan”. Let them pay their own damn employees. If you want to be against all loan forgiveness fine, but don’t support it for some and oppose it for others. I finished grad school just a few months before the lock down and while I worked the entire lockdown, my salary was lowered. I made just under the 150k mark and paid tons in taxes. I should be able to get 20k taken off my student loan as a white man who didn’t qualify for diversity scholarships if Tom Brady who is worth over $400,000,000 can get $900,000 in a PPP “loan” and pajeet hotel owners can take millions too. Nordic countries are liberal assholes too, but at least their give their people benefits. We get all the social liberalism and are maybe even more socially liberal than Nordics minus any benefits.

Oh but they will just say muh guns and rednecks still vote for them.
Just make sure you wear a rubber when you fuck Amber Rose.
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Enjoying the show goyim?
>minority who are wants to divide white men and women detected.

funny i saw a minority scholarship application and it asked for race. also why did biden ask for a nonwhite woman? why wasn’t it enough to be a women? white women are attacked daily too with the karen memes and yeah the pink haired hr ladies suck, but i think even a flawed white woman is better than marrying a pajeet. at least your kids will look like you and you aren’t destroying your bloodline for generations to come.
Indians are now even overpowering Asians when it comes to being the token minorities and nobody is questioning the fact that the highest paid ethnic group in the USA are now non white and non Christian. The thing about pajeets is they want to be our overlords. Hispanics and blacks will largely segregate themselves and not take over our institutions. Not to mention, they are at least western.
there will be an indian president before a first slavic, italian, german, or even another irishman president. that’s the sad thing. the anglos passed the baton to pajeets.
i miss the 00s and he was all folksy and funny, but google Ty Ziegel and you will see what a scum Bush really was. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_Ziegel

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