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welcome to """"""conservatism"""""""" in 2024
RNC trying to sabotage the republican party
i almost died
black folk be on teluvishun 2 kkkraka
the Republicans have learned from the Democrats and recognize this as their moment to seal the election by scooping up large swathes of Democrat voters, adrift after the implosion of the party the last few weeks

RFK has my vote 100%
lol Colt ford is such a fat faggot wigger
did you miss the entire ceremonies and presentations focused on israel?
it's fucking pathetic.
Bro that's fucking demonic. What the F
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no no this is conservative!!!!
It all makes sense when you realize Trump wasnt supposed to make it
America is a society that worships niggers. We're so far gone we don't remember what conservatism is, what have we even conserved? Nigger babies?
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you gay broh
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did you miss this one? jfc its so fucking over
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it really was supposed to go down like that
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The timeline shifted hard 2 days ago
I love bimbos but hate shaved head meme
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Pick one and only one.
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Imagine showing this to a Bush supporting white southern boomer 20 years ago.
I think it was to get nigs to watch it and listen to republicans talk, and I saw a few vids last night scrolling around on x of nigs that watched because of her and decided to vote trump
Will you shut the fuck up you Ned Flanders ass bitch? This is why you got bullied in school. Leave your "REAL republicans LOSE with HONOR!" at the door and adapt to the changing world. I want a stable economy and common sense foreign policy, if sexy model Amber Rose agrees with that then by all means let's accept her with open arms. We're not winning anything with the same tired old crap.
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>Will you shut the fuck up you Ned Flanders ass bitch? This is why you got bullied in school. Leave your "REAL republicans LOSE with HONOR!" at the door and adapt to the changing world. I want a stable economy and common sense foreign policy, if sexy model Amber Rose agrees with that then by all means let's accept her with open arms. We're not winning anything with the same tired old crap.
Serious vax-scene vibes
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A random Dagestani guy and Janice the muppet.
Why is kanye west cumsleeve slutwalk bald bitch even there
that's the biggest fuck you everyone could do at this point not joking
Convention of Real Niggas
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Looks pretty jewy to me.
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Why didn't anyone listen to Hitler?
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Better than that indian prayer, at least this was funny
Hitler proven eternally right
Trump put a retarded female family member in charge of the RNC.
This is the result. His "genius" picks continue.
Honestly, I wonder if the real Trump actually got killed last saturday. Ever since NuTrump has done one zionist bullshit after another, starting with appointing Vance.
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The parties are just shifting again. We're in that time of change.
jews. next question
Yep they are hoping for a "Maybe they arent so bad" Type of reaction from the hordes. They dont even need to get the horde to like them, just hate them less.
Based. I'm voting Trump now.
peak jew rnc.
The black vote is unironically going to make america great again.
Im surprised they didnt get 50 cents to come up there and diss eminem in a rap song.
Have sex.
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The zionists follow a godless ideology

Atheists who claim to be Jews, it is a lie

The GOP and the DNC are both zionist parties

They uphold anti-Christian genocide in Palestine

The Bible warned us about this, these people serve satan
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satan bitch tryna pretend she not white smdh
me too
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Yeah okay I'm out. Is that other board still safe from this kind of retardation or is everything just niggerfied nowadays?
The Zionists are an International Criminal Mafia.
50 cent would literally like a bullet for eminem
You should not be allowed in front of a camera without getting shot if you are fat. I will vote for whoever promises to pass an anti-fat law.
The insane clown party. It's just gonna get worse and worse.
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they're just the precursor to WH40K orkz
you vill like ze niggers
and you vill like ze degeneracy
and you vill be happy
>gets held up again and nothing new gets built so they can run on it again in 2028
Vance 2028 — Build that wall!
Blacks literally created this country from nothing and us honkies fucked it up. Now Blacks are going to show us how to make America great again. Thank you Nigger god. We pledge of Allegiance to you. Let's all twerk in solidarity.
The NWO had this humiliation ritual planned for Trump in case he survived the assassinatio attempt. Throughout History the rulers who have planned assassinations have always had a humiliation ritual to fall back on if the assassination didn't succeed.
You have to be a retard if you think that the the Republican party can win on the back of conservative messaging and religion shit while also completely ignoring that people love sluts and black culture is seen as cool. Seems like they finally learned you need to have more than just boring white people to win elections now. This is some good shit. We are the party of huge tits and ass, good pussy and consensual fucking that leads to families. They want to win an election.

Go to fucking church and clutch your pearls there. Use the degenerates to win an election and then fuck em.
retarded memeflag is retarded

based bros. i really missed these days. glad to see it back.
>be muh superior strong ultra ubermensch aryan race
>fucking piss your pants and cry for mommy when you see black people on tv
pathetic. i hope all next republican candidates are cubans
>gotta get the young vote
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When you get to the national level everything is jewed. If you don't like this kinda shit the only solution is to get rid of them. The jewing will continue until we get a final solution to the problem (except for real this time).

These fucking morons run around wondering why everything is degenerate, but Hitler warned us about this back in the 30s. The same thing was happening to Germany prior to WWII. Now you're seeing the fruits of jewish influence first hand. And there's a lot of misinformation going around trying to muddy the waters. It's always the jews.
I view it that the left has gone so far left, even weird niggas are checking out
Lmao you will never get shitskins from Democrats
The party of Israel
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>unzips my sword
The hilarious part is they think they're appealing to people who aren't even registered to vote.
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>The party of Israel

LOL so what do you call this then? How many duel israeli kikes are in the jew buyedin administration?
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you mean pandering to niggers and kikes fest 2024
nice tits
When the GOP the party of the White man?
What was the GOP ever done for White men?
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right, opposed to joe biden and the democrats who don't put Israelis into all top cabinet positions
Theyre both the party of Israel, I know it was dumb to say that.
But fucking shit
this ain't your christcuck pastors conservatism anymore chud
Why do Republicucks constantly pander to blacks and homos when they will get like 5% of votes from them, Trump is only thing keeping Republicucks relevant, may as well rename it to loser democrat party with a speed limit
the RNC and republican party is controlled by jews, whoda thunk it??
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Nope it's literally joe biden. Go talk to niggers, if you can. They just hate any old white man. Every white man needs to know, in the west we will all be surrounded by people who hate us even the young whites. We did it's all the patriarch white males fault into our own collapse, they just despise us so much.
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They don't want votes bad enough to pander to whites directly, because then they'd be cut out of the system and lose access to donor money and all the perks of holding political office. They're perfectly happy being the minority opposition because they still get to weigh in on bills and get to be courted by lobbyists and make deals with the dems.

Their job was to manage white decline and were only ever the implicit white party. But just because whites are fast becoming a plurality and soon minority doesn't mean they can't try to win local and national elections in other ways by 1) pandering to "merchant minorities" like a Asians and Indians who own small businesses and just want to make money and not pay taxes 2) poaching "based black" votes from the Dems as African Americans slowly lose their special status in the Democrat party as they get crowded out by central and south Americans who don't get as teary eyed about slavery and Jim crow like white liberals do 3) join in attacking whites but from a religious angle "look at all these immoral white atheists on the left, we need more brown and Latino Christians who haven't lost their faith"
What goes on at the democrat conventions? I wouldn't know, but it'd be funny if the party of faggots and trannies was more respectable than whatever this shit is.
bitch looks like when you're hollow form in Dark Souls
I can't believe voting democrat is the most conservative thing do now.
Island bois
He really understood, bros.
Got any examples?
if the RNC is like this I can't imagine what the DNC will end up being
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>50% off RNC sale!
this is the most blatant humiliation ritual I have ever witnessed.
the GOP as we know it is finished
Those same dumbasses charged the Capitol on J6 and George W Bush came out and called them terrorists not 20 years from 9/11 and the Patriot Act when he got up and said that shit would never be used on Americans.

Being associated with either political party at this point as a white man should be a huge and clear sign to other white men you’re dealing with a mental midget and/or extremely lonely asocial man. These political parties are faggotry by association, and a waste of men’s time.
Rosa Parks only followed laws she felt like following, she didn’t give a fuck who was in office. Try to at leas the as manly as Rosa Parks, then you won’t have to worry which Jewish puppet fag is in office, because it won’t matter.

Actually Prophetic holy shit lmao
who the hell is she
So whos side is satan on? Both? Looks that way. I feel like becoming a mountian monk more and more all the time.
I’m 35. None of my friends or family vote anymore. I’m not the only white dude. We’re done playing pretend with you faggots.
Damn now show us Trumps cabinet after about 4 months in office back in 2017.
She most give the sloppiest toppy there is to have achieved this level of whoredome with those looks.
I'd probably fuck her out of curiosity because there is no way she is getting these rappers to simp for her without blowing that dick the fuck out.
You must be completely gooned by the time she is done with you and susceptible to her hypnosis.
>>>474498928 #
>So whos side is satan on?
the jews. both republicans and democrats are owned by jews. so yes, both.

anyone with allegiance to the jews is not your friend and they never will be. simple as.
remember when street fighter 3 went all urban to appeal to americans?
Middle class people bitched about and feared Marilyn Manson in the 90s, and 25 years later shit like THIS is what gets invited to the ""Republican"" Convention.
seriously i'm going to print a huge poster of this and like put it on the door to my washroom
girls i bring over will understand why and not even hate me for it they be like "you like amber rose too?"

that's it. amber rose tits poster and neon beer signs for the windows that face the road and sidewalk.
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you're more offended by a dumb whore than by the current politicians warmongering and money laundering your tax money?

why do you love death?
Marilyn Manson was worse than this. This is just a tattooed ghetto hoe larping as a demon.
Marilyn Manson would have taken that same picture with tits an all but as a man.
Remember when Street Fighter VI did? I think we're all seeing the cultural and demographic shift of the US in real time, and with it the image of the US is going to change from "strong, healthy, white" to "OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!". A good thing for the Anglosphere and Europe, the less we can relate to Americans the more we'll desire to split from their cultural influence and undermine their economic dominance.
I keep saying, Jews
but its like none of you can hear me
>I love niggers!
we know anon, we can see your flag
Was the shooting totally organic or a setup with a patsy? Who knows? Who cares? There are no good options for people to elect anymore.
You don't get it. Probably never had a proper coom before. Probably got dripply low volume little loads. Only someone with experience in higher level cooming could understand.
Probably why she is bald. She knows how to activate the super soaker.
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She had some funny tweets too
No. Your party platform shouldn't be fucking demonic disgusting whores.
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No matter who wins this next administration is going to run this country into the ground
Someone do something
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OMG who was JD Vance wearing tonight on the red carpet?

Did you see his makeup?
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There was too much outrage that time though and ultimately she got her access revoked, but the intent was there.
>when that filthy jew pops up in the background
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Another example of a staunch white conservative actress.
gud marning saar
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i mean atleast its never been more obviously apparent that kikes control both the democrats and republicans.
This was years ago. Are satanists not allowed to repent? Isnt forgiveness central to our faith?
So what does The God Emperor do now? Burn down both sides?
They repent to God, not to man. Man just sends them to be forgiven BY God.
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>This was years ago.
Why do all you christcucks act like she is some born again Christian? She's a proud whore, she's put her onlyfans on sale the same day she made the speech.
This satanic shitshow was supposed to be celebration of Trump's death.
shes Christian???? WTF??? How far have we fallen....
>cum drinker not using the word christcuck in a sentence: challenge impossible.
A terribly written ARG
You sound like an amoral psychopath using religion to justify your barbarous bloodlust. Dont take my words as criticism or an attack, I just want you to truly consider that when its your time to be judged, do you think you can trick God into thinking these thoughts of darkness were never in your heart?
You can call her whatever you want. I will still redeem her Anon.
well damn..
Ashley Rae is a jew though
This is top kek watching your "conservative" party going in a whole new woke direction.
Lmfao even.
Democrats are the real pedophobes!
>defending a literal nigger whore who has done nothing besides say she votes for Trump
>nooooo don't call us christcucks
Christians are the biggest cucks on Earth
>don't say anything bad about the nigger whore
>she's a modern day Mary Magdalene
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Oh wow a retard has an opinion about the bible... lets be a kike about it.
Too bad you guys banished Liz Cheney, she wouldn't have gone down this road.
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>lets be a kike about it
That's the Christian way


Chuds on suicide watch because the conservative party is changing and they can't handle it lmao
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Next time, I want to make my mother proud and be on that list. I wasn't important enough when I was working at the administration to make it onto the Jews of the Trump administration article last time!
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British Hash, my nigga.
It's sort of like snus.
Looks like a Dark Souls boss, lmao
your mother is an inbred whore
>your time to be judged
I guess so since His judgement is the only thing that matters and not yours you jew sucking apostate.
People are turned off by the right due to cultural marxist brainwashing and thats it, no human outside of white cuck nations cares if a member of their race cares more about them than outsiders. Seriously white people are the most mentally deranged humans in all of history simply because they all behave like this.
Yes. It's similar to how antivax and alternative medicine snake oil bullshit used to be a hippie earthy crunchy thing but now it's a rightoid thing
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Wait so she knows about the Happy Merchant meme and is embracing it??? Does she not realize she's basically confirming it's true?
She looks like she's wearing fat bastard prosthetics. I hate fat people.
10 years ago the argument was that gay people should be allowed to get married so they could visit each other at the hospital after they gave each other AIDS.
Now they brainwash your 1st grader to chop his dick off and Gavin Newsome made it illegal for the teacher to tell you about it.
Then conservatives go "but I thought the slippery slope was a logical fallacy?" and liberals just laugh in their face and go "fuck you, you lost."
You'd think at some point they'd realize these people have serious hatred for them and mean them harm.
RNC down with the kids yo
>You'd think at some point they'd realize these people have serious hatred for them and mean them harm.
You'd think that, but then you realize you're dealing with boomers so pathetically out of touch it boggles the mind.
> here’s your whi-I mean civic nationalism bro
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Am I the only person left on /pol/ that watched the X-Files as a kid and took it pretty seriously?
None of this comes at a shock if you saw what the GOP did to Ron Paul.
Money is the avatar of demonic energy that humans interact with. That's what powers both parties and globalism itself.
The X-Files warned us of the dangers of technology too, right from the first season, Ghost in the Machine.
I would actually pay good money for a swedejak pillow
Are you guys sure Donald Trump isn’t the antichrist?
I love the X Files but Im almost convinced now it was made to taunt us. Especially with the 9/11 plot in the Lone Gunmen.
>be more like the democrats so you can win
Then why not just become a Democrat? If you're OK with democrat shit and you want to "win" then why not just become a Democrat?
What is the point of being a republican while approving of Democrat shit?
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Hitler didn't know about the spic problem
:( he could have saved us all
All of the feminists and communists from 2016 are right wing now for whatever reason
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Well, that's not very nice of you to say, anon. Are you okay? Who hurt you to make you such a bitter and unhappy person? Have you considered therapy and medication? It might help.
Notice how even the "arguments" are fake red herrings that make it seem like there's two ideolgical sides but the one complaining is still carefully staying within the lines of acceptable discourse. Conservatives never said they were against guys, just that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but liberals call them homophobes anyway and pushed through gay marriage anyway. And with immigration, even with Trump, there was no talk about whites being replaced, just that immigration should be LEGAL, and the liberals called them racist anyway. That's not up for a vote or debate.
christianity is the original globohomo
i go to my local church and hear visiting preachers from africa talking about how they need more money for dem programs and need to import migrants into the local community during the sermon
>we wuz republicanz
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It's called having a sense of humor, anon. If more lonely white guys had a self-deprecating sense of humor where they didn't take themselves all that seriously, there would fewer chuds, fewer incels, and a lot more healthy families out there
ive heard some blackpilled missionaries give up on Africa
Conservatives are just as evil as the average Democrat. They wont stand up against literal child mutilation, spying, murder, etc; because theyre afraid of losing their speedboat.
If there ever is a revolution in this country it will look like the Khmer Rouge the way the youngers will treat the olders. Years to resist or even just to speak out and all they did was grovel on Facebook.
What does that cheap swap meet tattoo on her forehead say?
Virtually every "civil rights issue" was unpopular and had to be forced upon the people by decree.
When they lose at the ballot box they just declare it a "civil rights issue" and overrule the people. That's how you know we're a democracy.
XFiles creator has a very murky past, not much known about him. But same can be said about many who breakout in Hwood all of a sudden.
I don't see why Queen wouldn't just sue them like they did Vanilla Ice for using their song for the beat
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Same. Not voting for that flabby old goyslop enjoyer. In this election I’m voting Chad!
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>I'm a succesful slut. I'm also a Christian, a Conservative
All the Republicans do is say things like "that's not us!", "we are a message of peace", "the family is important " while never providing a counter argument or even just flat out saying it's unacceptable. Christianity really got them in line with "we are a religion of peace", fuck that. Democrats are horrible on their own. That's why it's the uniparty.
>things guys have said to me blahblah

This type of content is not protected by free speech, every woman who does this and shows her face should be exposed.

Just like what they’re doing to the people who say they wish Trump had gotten hit
>wasted digits
Yeah, whatever.

Them niggas was smart. They pulled the left so far to the left that anything that isn’t far right is hard left.

They said fuck the dems, we’ll make them so gay that the republicans will become gay and it worked.

no one is coming to save you.
I think the average Republican is genuinely a good person who doesn't want to harm other people and is willing to sacrifice a lot for the sake of social harmony. I think they tend to vastly underestimate the level of hatred the liberals have for them and they tend not to see the true extent of the devastation these progressive causes are engineered to do. This indeed makes them fools but not undeserving of sympathy.
Jeez go back to posting TikTok brats you fuckin weirdo
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where is ron paul
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>None of this comes at a shock if you saw what the GOP did to Ron Paul.

I remember that. 2012 in Tampa, right? Dems basically did something similar to Sanders a few years later. All told, in a way both were fighting the Uniparty and it looks it's been beaten (at least temporarily) in the GOP but not in the DNC.
jewish humiliation ritual goy
Probably dead in a ditch somewhere after they got his milquetoast son in the ever-fading spotlight.
It's happening, alright. A fucking shit sandwich.
Not so fast my friend. Look into JD Vance’s fundraising. I think you’ll find quite a bit of donations that glow.
>tiktok whores
fuck off
Jesus lord what is this trash

Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Repent and believe the gospel.
It's art. It's called art, anon. Also, it's just fun.
Alright can we get one white guy to become Hitler 2.0 yet seriously
the absolute state of chrostian white nationalism
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Don't like tiktok performers? Very well then. Why don't you try a taste of something else?
It's not taunting us. It's the obvious bullshit that was going to be used on us.

Maybe he has a source inside of Laurel Canyon. Laurel Canyon didn't go away. It's still glownigger central.

In 2008 too. Ron Paul wanted all of our troops home and put along the US border as border patrol. Got panned across the GOP for it.
You know he supports Israel, hates nuclear power, and raped his house keeper right?
Rosa Parks was a lifelong activist you fucking retard
It's not that activism is pointless, it's that activism is pointless unless it's a change the elites are already trying to push
Covid protocols hurt the pockets of people who make money off performances. Both live venues and television filming studios got temporarily shut down. A few prominent people in that sphere got sick of it. Successful brown people, in particular, probably didn't appreciate some white nerds in lab coats telling them they can't pursue all avenues of revenue generation.
would fill her with the burning glory of Christian semen/10
they're trying to appeal to niggers and indians beacause they will be the majority of america soon
this nigger bitch is a plant like milos and that mystery meat spic george whatever from nyc who made a mockery of his congress nomination before he was shortly censured

if it looks like a niggerfaggot, walks like a niggerfaggot, talks like a niggerfaggot, its a NIGGERFAGGOT
drop the niggerfaggots
Grim if it weren't already common knowledge that all american politicians are satanic kikes
Because it's easier for the upper echelon Republicans to sell out and win the election than start from the bottom of the Dem power structure.
The parties are whores and just exist as factions which allow lawyers, politicians and lobbyists to profit from and influence the government
this is how you get elected as a total retard with worm brain
you fill the field with a jew owned mummy, and another egotistical fool with a blind spot for aipac jews as he declares "america(israel) first"

fuck them all
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>burning glory
Knowingly giving your sex partner a sexually transmitted disease is highly unethical, anon.
the left lost the culture war
>brown whores and other assorted scum flipping to the increasingly schizoid fake right wing movements
This unironically happened in Yugoslavia before the collapse. Watch out guys

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