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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Too big to cancel?
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holy based!
too short to care
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if you use twitter i already assume you are mentally deranged.
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What a dumbass. You're not supposed to make those feelings public when you're a man.
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fignon and his best frenemy hinault are too family pilled
Observing this little fuck in action this week made it 1000% clear that he is purely a shill. I never paid enough attention to him before to be aware. He needs to be canceled. He is one insidious sophist.
>wtf I like Destiny now?
spam this to all news tips
Destiny wants Trump supporters to be shot:

Destiny calls for political violence against conservatives:

Destiny wants to watch Devin Nunes be killed:

Destiny can't wait to genocide conservatives:

Destiny celebrates the Trump supporter being killed in the assassination attempt:

Endorsed by Youtube
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lmao triggered
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>lmao triggered
Hahahah i wonder if his little zoomer boyfriend who definitely browses here; youtuber Tom Dark will give the same energy he did to other online pedos? Or is this the case of don't bite the hand that feeds you :)? What about his token black friends Aba and Preach? A lot of these Political youtubers like to talk about morals on the face of it, what now when it's someone close to you? Vaush must be smiling right now.
idk seems like an obvious joke to me
Nothing unusual here average lefty behaviour
kek ok fine he's one of the good ones
This bot is literally stuck in 2016. This is how stupid the system that controls the internet is. And yet it is still getting away with it.
Do you have YT timestamps? Would be nice to "see something, say something" as Destiny puts it. Also, if you're going through his backlog, look talks around the time that he picked up his Staccato pistol and Shotgun. He's a heavy drug user and I know he has basically alluded to lying on his 4473 before. He IS a prohibited purchaser because of his drug use and has knowingly lied on an ATF form at least twice swearing he isn't.
lmao pedophile
unfortunately i think most of these arent on yt
we just need the media to blow this up
yt will respond if people want him gone
hence spamming this to news outlets
I mean judging from her pfp I bet she was a pretty hot loli
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Destiny's not a pedo is he?
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Fucking retard he's memeing
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>"you were hot at 10? any pics?"
>She sends them
Zero sympathy.
This dude has completely lost it
Fucking MOGGED
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>Destiny's Child Porn
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Fucking got me deeply in my sides, you fuck Carlos!



You idol is going to be destroyed by their own hands no less and there is nothing you can do about it. Imagine idolizing a cuck that looks, acts and sounds like a petulant teenage boy. Absolutely fatherless behavior.
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The fall of Vauch, Hasaan, and now Destiny. lol
the 4chan curse
kek wills it
you should love them if this proves it then
Too kiked
Follow along as he flies to tel aviv in the next month or so as the investigations starts.
Bet he has a terabyte or 20 of kids getting their ass holes raped on his computer
>Vauch, Hasaan, and now Destiny. lol
Funny. He can go join Dr. Disrespect if true.
this retard destiny is speedrunning is cancellation LMAO
Are you retarded? This is literally what he wants. He's rage farming. Why are you acting as if he's ashamed of what he says?
he just got banned off kick you retard. he's rage farming himself into having no source of income. youtube is all he has left
Controversy always blows over in a couple weeks. Then he's left with thousands of new subscribers. He knows precisely what he's doing.
For shit's sake, Charles....
Also, a "little tykes"? He means a trampoline or a stack of pool toys.
This. If only I had a time machine. So much wasted cunny.
Stupid ass fucking Carlos...
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lol no hes going to get banned now fag
except he was banned because everyone fucking hates him. including every major personality he's ever talked to. it's over. he's gonna be owen benjamin soon opening letters with cash in it from viewers on bitchute on his homestead in fucking iowa
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am I being reverse trolled here? there's literally not a joke here
Cater 2 U
Twitter janitor ARG
I don't get it?
lucky bastard
Vaush didn't get cancelled, just thoroughly humiliated for having to defend his porn choices. Hassan didn't get cancelled either, he's just bleeding viewers from refusing to incite drama with other streamers. There's a huge overlap between all three fanbases, but I expect Vaush to see a surge in popularity in the event that Destiny gets booted from every platform.
Now cuckservatives care about the age of consent? What changed, chuds?
Not technically a Carlos joke but still good
If he's motivated by pedophilia maybe that's why he debates using tricks and gimmicks without regard for the truth. Is it all about the buttsex with children?
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Praying that YouTube nukes his pasty libcuck ass into oblivion.
If you don't redpill as many people outside of /pol/ as possible you probably fuck kids.
This won't reduce his fan base any, its made up of all pedophiles
Courtney is DGG oldfag and a twitter reply girl for him as well as IRL friend
Don't tell me you fell for this
yeah we know the pedo spam/"pedos were conservatives" and most of the pedo tranime spam on /v/ is mainly done by subhuman Russians already
This is what a mental breakdown looks like. I think all the cuck shit really fucked with his head.
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>fell for someone saying they want to fuck someone when they were 10
It's hard to perceive intelligence when you're sub 3 digits but your pasty pedophile was never someone who had a masterplan or a hustle in mind. He is a junkie having a schizo meltdown in front of the whole world, that is your idol, your hero. You're nobody but somehow idolizing this thing has made you even less than that, you would do well to shut your mouth and cut your losses and drop this disgusting freak of nature.
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we actually did kek
we're not done yet though
you're acting like we don't know about ((epstine)) island
Time fir him to book another flight to Israel
uh, anon...you're not supposed to have those feelings you freak
Really wish you faggot would call him by his name instead of his e personality gamertag.
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Conservatives and lolberals care.
4channers don't, but we wanna see that little shit get what he deserves for being a gigantic faggot and cuck.
This is why he's panicking. He knows the end is coming for him.
I hope so, but his excessive shilling for Israel might buy him some protection
You guys are such faggots lmao. Imagine being proud of cancelling someone for hate speech.
That tweet was from 2022, while he was still actively debating the actual pedophile defender mrgirl
It was a topical meme
If you didn't have the context that's fine, but don't need to be a schizo and go off on unrelated tangents
nah fuck em
leftists deserve it, they started this you little faggot
>suspended for half a month
it's fucking nothing
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Carlos pls
Never heard his voice before, he just sounds like a literal faggot. It's surprising he's not a tranny with that voice.
he has the hormonal profile of an 11 year old dude
Nigger music from early 2000
explain joke pls
How did we cancel that faggot? He went out of his way to force these companies to ban him, it took days of his bullshit before they had no choice.

Twitch ban was from trannies upset he called them subhuman. That permaban is probably the catalyst for him spiraling out of control and throwing the rest of his career in the trash where it belongs.
Wow, two whole weeks.

Also, pedophilia will be legalized in the coming years, so this smurf is going to get a slap on the wrist when it's all said and done.
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>don't use the tools they would use on you for much less or you are a faggot
You faggots mass reported his posts. Just like trannies would.
>2 more weeks
>He went out of his way to force these companies to ban him, it took days of his bullshit before they had no choice.
No principles
You would defend to the death any of your favorites faggots not being banned or deplatformed, but the moment it happens to someone you don't like suddenly it's not an issue.
You're values should be consistent, not "it's okay when we do it, but not when they do it to us"
Bye desitny
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wait wait but you lose when you defeat your enemies goy!!!!
like i said, hormonal profile of a literal 11 year old
i could bench 70 kg when i was like 12
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>no no when you win you actually lose!
kill yourself, we're in it to win it not to feel good about our self constructed morality
the most moral man in the world is still a corpse when he gets shot you stupid faggot, nothing special about it
heil victory
Thanks anon, I'm a little out of the loop on nigger pow-wows.
destiny still makes money from YouTube.
Nobody is canceling anyone the midget is shilling this place hard for the last 5 days only to gain relevance he has cero insights he has abnormal body contexture he is a eceleb he is weird he is a pedophile he does have menta and Psychiatrist disorders and he wears exercises brassieres
This is the same guy norm finkelstein dog walked and then got bored so he started making new names for him, right?

Christ that shit was embarrassing. Not surprised the personification of a redditor is a pedo
Finally people are realizing they can just mass-report the fucker. I've reported so many people on twatter, /x/, youtube, ect. Mass reporting has been a working strategy pretty much forever.
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Do you actually think a single word your worthless mind just produced means anything when the average person sees the OP? That everyone will think
>lol it's just a edgy joke xD
when there is so much more evidence of him being a self-professed pedophile?

Your entire fucking life must be the most abhorrent experience to ever imagine, to run defense for a pedophile that couldn't give a fuck less about you is assuredly one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen on this entire website and that is saying something.
yep, defeat your enemies to win
you get nothing by being the better man
no one ever won by being the most moral
I'm surprised no one has dug up his ethicalCP arguments for easy owns on Twitter
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>moral high ground
It's effortless to achieve that when your enemy talks about bending a 10 year old over their bike. You will be annihilated, there is no discussing or bargaining out this. You get what you fucking deserve.
You have to let his peons dig the ditch thinking it's a trench, that's when they all get shoved in.
Too jewish
Nah it's not all of them, I have a VPN + a phone with different wifi so I alone have 3 accounts I can report him with.
brother in christ, he took it so far that all kinds of people reported him, not just conservatives who hate-watch him

It's not even a "it's not an issue" the fucking retard forced these companies to ban him and there is no amount of principles that could of prevented the consequences of his unhinged choices

you have a brainrot take but it's probably because you are crying real tears Destiny is finished, hard to think straight with so many emotions... somehow you are under the impression what you say will convince more than zero people to feel sympathy Destiny killed his own career
he's a liberal, he hates leftists
he aligns with them on 70% of issues, same thing to me
degenerate faggot
these people are just the conclusion of his ideology anyway
garbage civilization ending ideology

It’s the only thing I’ve watched of that e celeb and it was so embarrassing that it eventually pushed through to high comedy. I never thought a scholarly Jew of Jews intentionally disrespecting a redditor while flaying him alive could be so funny. To think people actually hold him as some kind of intellectual because he argues like a redditor kek
destiny has lost it
being cucked broke his mind
he was always just a wikipedia reading midwit with a drooling retard fanbase
Roundhouse kick a Destiny.
go back to r/donald cucknigger fuck trump and fuck this nigger that got his face blasted by big chad incel
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Good work lads

get his ass off youtube now
>hood of their little tikes
I don't even understand what he means by this

He got cucked, too? Lmfao.

And yeah I definitely got the midwit Wikipedia thing from that debate. Dumb people who think they are smart don’t realize how fucking dumb they sound to anyone with intellectual depth about a given topic.
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It's over
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Kek, saved
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It's an American toy for children to ride in, foot powered. Fun stuff.
It's positively shocking to me that the guy saying cp shouldn't be illegal is a predator.
>omg people think I actually sent him pictures of me as a kid
>instead we just "joked" to each other about how much we want to fuck kids
>I want to fuck children
that really isn't helping his case
That's weird. We use the word tike to describe a little kid.
What an absolute weird cunt he is.
Bumping for hilarity and visibility

No wonder this faggot was spamming pol all day yesterday
Little Tikes is just the brand name, but I think that was their most popular product, so people just use the brand to refer to the car in particular. We use the term tike in the same way.
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yeah women never lie to cover people they have the hots for
what is this place filled with virgins? oh wait lmao
In America it's literally that specific brand of toy kids cars

I told my mom already to watch this shit again cousin of my. Don't call police just tell me or your mom , best bet tell my mom and tell her I told you not to call the police call me , she can call police after I punch him around a bit
How does his mouth move like that? jews aren't human, it's blatantly obvious.
still not a commie, even if they both believe in breating air
I'm going to handle destiny
Dude's built like E.T.
lmfao fuck off
his ideology is resentment, Nietzsche warned of bug men like him
Is he an inbred relative of Pedobaum
Leftists are mentally ill, so it makes sense one of their influencers would be too. Trapped in a child-like low-T body, a supposed man who can only dominate women when they were 10 year olds.
If /pol/ was ever going to turn the heat up on somebody it's right now on Destiny. Push him over the edge. Break him for good.
>no response
your comparison is intentionally bad faith, but maybe youre just a drooling retard
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That's because you're a pedophile jew just like him it's either done in the name of plausible deniability I doubt a deranged coomer is capable of this sort of preemptive planning or he's simply saying what he feels because he knows he's an untouchable jew.
Makes me like him now.
did your chicken entrails tell you that
I laugh every time I see this.
cuckstiny's cooked
literal gnome physique
Turkey Tom is a good goy pronoun respecter.
>Bet he has a terabyte or 20 of kids getting their ass holes raped on his computer
Gates can help him out with that
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got me good
Destiny is unironically playing his role to portray the left as radical, unhinged and murderous, as per his satanic israeli handler's desires.

He is forced to adopt these positions not by choice but because like many criminals and degenerate scum on twitch's platform he was given a platform to be an asset when the times comes.

Just like Hassan, just Like Asmon, those are pied piper and honeypoters of their end game.

If you think controlled opposition only exists in the right / fake conservative side, try someone that is given the role to talk and behave like a terrorist and is given free reign to still appear on youtube channels , twitter, despite this degree of violence and fedposting.
no way that's real
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>Imagine being proud of cancelling someone for hate speech.
I hate my enemies and relish when anything bad happens to them, keep kvetching jew.
pretty good shoop if fake
how tall is the guy on the left
or you know, someone able to obviously recognize a joke
i could swing this little brainlet by his feet and toss him far and wide like the dwarf he is
He knows too much about little kids without having kids himself.

Whats the deal with asmon. Dude seems like a mega autist
Bretty good
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>You're values should be consistent, not "it's okay when we do it, but not when they do it to us"
This is directly out of rules for radicals, it's really so simple I like seeing people I hate losing but I don't want it to happen to people I like or myself. This is jewish history in a nutshell but suddenly it's crossing the line to adopt part of their mentality.
origin of desTINY
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It's a tall order.
He already told his audience, and more then once, to not trust anyone, not even him on social media.

I believe it's the only sincere thing he can safely say about it. His own Dad told him it will be soon "time" for it, around 6 months back, then he started a very particular slight "politicization" of his content, while he never did that before for anything in the past.

Back in 2017, Asmon was in the same little network of acquaintances / people that know each others like Nick Fuentes, vee, sargon, and a few other of these long planted controlled assets.
>He knows precisely what he's doing.
He makes the krassenstein brothers look reasonable in comparison. He's a nutcase.
>or you know, someone able to obviously recognize a joke
You can't read minds. If you defend a pedophile it's doubtless you are one aka a jew.
He is sick.
Fucking kek
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yep checks out, I measured myself
i think im like 8 head, but ive got a big head @ 6'4
Someone show the convicts. Do you understand what would happen to this guy if he ever went to jail?
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he grabbin that dude's dick
great, now I have some other autistic measure of myself
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when everyone is a pedo no one is
Trump curse strikes again?
stewie 2k looks huge
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Heres your (you)
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not surprised
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Say my name, say my name
If my wife's around you
Say baby I love you
While I'm streamin game!
“thousands of new subscribers” who he proceeds to ban when he gets triggered over some retarded shit.
It's gonna be ignored, just like how Vaush made some questionable statements regarding CP and AOC laws but got away with it.
There's all the proof you need that he's a paid agitator looking to bait some retard into commiting crimes. Luckily he's too disgusting to take seriously so it falls flat but there's bound to be somebody out there who falls for it.
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simply googled his height, found this
top fucking kek
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the fucking woman to his left has a wider frame
It says 5'8, how is that even possible? I've got two inches (rounded off, so 1 inch and 7/8ths) on the guy and I'm shaped nothing like this.
his proportions might be fucked, but ecelebs lie about their height all the time
perhaps he missed puberty or something
pretty sure i looked a bit like this when i was a child, i grew to 6'4 so i was prolly the same height prior to puberty as him now
you must have misread, I think it meant he's 5/8 of normal height
>Nooo don't fight back! Just sit there and take the lashing

You faggot shills have exposed yourself fullstup with the attempted assassination on trump. Your ilk actually got angry he lifted his fist in the air instead of crying in fear. We will use your tools against you and see how you'll like it
Back broken after getting fucked by both of those men.
wtf are you even saying
grim af
That's what I was thinking. Maybe he smoked pot or cigarettes before his growth spurt? He looks as if he's suffering from a legitimate physical condition to be real with you.

Well, I can't deny that since I think he answered it himself.
we’ll cancel you next
13 year olds on /pol/ being niggers as usual
If anyone ever says that, their hard drive should be checked immediately.
>Destiny is unironically playing his role to portray the left as radical, unhinged and murderous

They could just go to any leftwing meeting ground and just recruit anybody there to real effect. I dealt with enough of them to grasp that their ideology is based on nothing more than emotional rage, pure destruction with no real pathway to the"utopian dream" they speak of. Yeah DEI, culling half the population and eco shit will make us a spacefaring species alright.
seethe lol
This explains his pro-biden stance
I couldn't care less about ecelebs, fuckin moron. Fuck off back to Twitch.
he's calling out you faggot bots LIVE
if you dont care why are you so mad that he got banned? lel
what a nasty little gremlin. This is who calls everyone a nazi.
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Keep up the pressure
Report on youtube
He already lost income from twitter
I literally know absolutely nothing about your gay twitch boyfriends, fag. I'm mad how fuckin cringey and retarded you fucking niggers act. Go back to /b/, you fucking queer.
wow you really are seething
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he's streaming right now and he seems scared shitless and said he might take a 1 month vacation. i wonder wtf people are doing to him. i actually kinda feel bad for him and i hope he stays safe.

but it also bothers me that he's trying to imply he wants people to be violent toward conservatives and then tries to dance around it on stream and say "but i just said i think it's funny a trump supporter was killed at a rally."
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He's faggotmaxxing.
He knows being annoying will somehow pay his bills.
yeah he deserves everything that will happen to him dude
he mocked a father of 2 daughters who was a fire fighter just because he attended a cuckservative rally man
unhinged freakoid schizo tier stuff
wtf I hate trump now
he's outing kike satanic bots set out to cause bloodshed and chaos, you should understand this retard aren't don't you browse this site every day? Haven't you seen what's going on recently?
>He knows being annoying will somehow pay his bills.
What could his expenses possibly be? He just stays inside all day on his computer.
he literally had a bunch of his computers BSOD recently right before the debate with elon musk, right after getting doxxed.
lil bro is not prepared for the shit storm he desired
well damn thats clever
He is fucking losing it. I know drug addicts and he has all the same tweaker nuances and dances that they do. Why doesn't he just fucking log off and go be a dad to his son for once? What does he gain by talking to randos all day?
A respectable Carlos, I dare say

My god he's that kind of unhinged hobbit with serious Napolean complex that eventually devolves into a fucking gollum like jew
Exposure is not rage farming, Pajeet
Carlos, strikes again
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This dude's gonna kys himself for sure.
Digits confirm.
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Checked and kek’d
>spergs pearl clutching over a joke
Wait so this public sperg of just an extreme case of short man syndrome?
It's fucking uncanny how similar AI videos are to dreams.
>destiny is a pdfile
that's really old info from like 2014 when he macked on sketchy teens
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>it's over.
Comrade. I keked.
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Nobody cares
It doesn't warrant a response, you're fucking retarded if you don't see how far left he is. That's it, there's no argument to be had, you're wrong and everyone else knows it.
>sorry what?
nigga unhinged
Because being a father takes effort. Kids can be annoying and needy, and to a narcissist that constitutes competition.
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Oh, Carlos! I am still calling border patrol.
It’s just autists who waste their time sending police and pizzas to eceleb’s houses
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trumpstein made him lose his fucking mind lmao
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See >>474515246
>I can't breeve
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>. i actually kinda feel bad for him and i hope he stays safe.
No sympathy for the devil, I hope no physical harm comes to him but he eats a big fat shit sandwich and humble pie.
Two more weeks
>Kids can be annoying and needy,
Yeah but paternal love overrides that, and you can raise children to not be assholes.
t. loves his mini me
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>he seems scared shitless and said he might take a 1 month vacation
awfully strange for someone who was so sure and so confident of his position just a day ago
Not to mention he lives across the street from fucking MIAMI BEACH and never leaves his apartment on the 20th floor. He may as well live in buttfuck Nebraska to save the money. What a weirdo
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was she cute?
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It doesnt matter if its true or not. If people see it without context it will associate emotion of disgust with that little cuck, and the adverse emotional reaction will persist to a certain degree even after the context is added. There is no need to be fair to him.
awwww shucks
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fuck you you fucking cuck newfag, 4chan has done shit for the lulz and nothing more, lurk moar faggot.
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no, not after this
he is clearly mentally deranged lol
we need to string out this schizo and make him do something drastic
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I never did figure out why fireshot does that retarded thing with the header.
I guess maybe he should have kept his fucking mouth shut, eh?
how is he schizo when he's calling out your bot scripts?
you are mentally ill kek
fuck off newfag, your newfaggness is showing.
I don't get it
Just wait until Trump wins. Fagstiny will do suicide stream. He doesnt need anyone to destroy him, he can do that himself.
On drugs
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and your money literally goes to kike bots KEK you can't make this shit up.
What are you 12? I don't care that he did something controversial or taboo, I care that he will face consequences for it. You're on a political board, the truth doesn't matter, just the ramifications of the public perception of what happened.
Honestly his comment about one less Trump voter in Pennsylvania and this one saying he wants to bend that girl's 10 year old self over her little tykes, is very funny. Unfortunately I think he's sincere about both of these which makes it really really creepy and cringy.
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the destiny schizo arc is hilarious
Kinda based ngl
Reminder leftists aren’t human. Keep that in mind.
who cares, push his contradictions into his brain every single day until he snaps
this is the dude who thinks cuckservatives are morally le bad
more moralizing secular christ cuckery
it's already been proven many times that they use highly advanced AI with official backgrounds and the works to create more bloodshed. How can you even think otherwise you fucking heeb?
maybe the israelis but not me
>the internet is filled with real people with real motives in 2024
go back
God damn

yes im an advanced ai bot dude made by mossad to subvert destiny and the liberal world view its real
Unlikely to be investigated
You need to go back
>destiny sketching 14 year olds
thats old ass news from 2014
10 is way too young by almost anyone's standards

Fuck Destiny. He doesn’t deserve ANY notoriety and he’s sucking up PROJECT MAYHEM potentiates.
Why is it always pedo shit with these fags? Why can't it just be normal weird fetish stuff like furry porn or bdsm? Why is it always kids?
Are you on meth rn?
this shouldn't even be about destiny anymore. They literally have bots that create fake organizations and people to push agendas and sway real life people. This is a fucking nightmare realm now, cats out of the bag completely.
>touches cock
He's literally drinking Onions on stream, I can't believe it.
Why would you expect your political enemy to have principles when you never had any to begin with?
Just got here but I am excited to see what there is to dig up.
he got surgery to be able to speak someone ahd a kid with him and now his kid had this too and has a speech problem hes just kinda mutated

maybe its why he wants young girls, his genes are trying to be salvaged with fresher genes that arnt completely fucked up from his ancestry of old people ho had kids too late and put their balls into microwaves
nobody thinks that
they think he made jokes about pedophilia as if it's a laughing matter
can someone report this guy to the US shit for pedophilia, hes saying he likes someone for being a pedo
Are you re-
if they wanted to lower population they wouldnt rain rice on africans or bring immigrants constantly for generations

they just care about doing drugs, they couldnt care less about the future
>they think he made jokes about pedophilia as if it's a laughing matter
Do you know what website you're on retard?
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>Destiny is unironically playing his role to portray the left as radical, unhinged and murderous,
He's not left at all, so right off the bat your schizo retard-tier analysis on wrong.
it's a website with a number of pedophilic sociopaths but also normal people that hate you this isnt a pedo only website dumb sperm gobbler
Good point...

Now that I think about it, bots do tend to use particularly dated language
Lol I was talking to someone recently about the pedos on pol and they didn't believe me. They always come out of the woodwork on these types of posts though.
No, I'm willing to compromise my morals and anything else for total kike death. Honestly you're such a faggot if you don't.
but the leftist game of cancellation is pretty fun though, why cant we try it?
if trannies will help me cancel destiny then i'm unironically pro tranny
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Desinty is shizoing out on youtube right now.
Seems like he knows he's finished
This guy. He gets it. He's not a fucking pussy. We're talking about existential conflict here not fucking monopoly
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he's being pretty based rn. Fuck AI
You guys have turned in the boomers that we used to prank on fox news.
Courtney is a prominent DGG shitposter.
Research for like a few seconds before posting stupid shit.
I’ve been annoyed at targeting wagies, but this faggot deserves it, he’s literally a shabbos goy that’s openly admitted to taking money from isreal to spread disinformation in this country. Faggot is a literal traitor to this country
Imagine thinking ironically saying how much you wanna fuck kids makes it better.
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bot post
Weird cope
beep boop
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Wow there sure is a lot of lolbertarian faggots here with hot takes on free speech.
Maybe you're too stupid to understand my post.
It'd be like taking 100% of what Alex Stein says as true.
Weird cope but ok
>misses point
>nice cope
Okay, have fun misunderstanding.
Wheres the video of him being cucked?
There's nothing to misunderstand. Have fun damage controlling though.
Very proud
How are you not misunderstanding? Explain your understanding of what courtney posts.
>Talks about getting visisted by mossad and 3 letter agencies.
>Suddenly his political opinions are louder than usual and now has gnome relevance
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I've read alinsky too memekike, I'm happy when (((you))) lose it's that simple. You're such a pathetic kike to be crying about someone adapting 1/100th of your animal behavior to use against you.
lolbertarians are the enemy

He is live right now, you know what to do.
Nah. You're a pedophile.
His head to shoulder ratio makes him cartoonish.
It's a stupid edgy joke but the cringe he posts with the women he fucks is well known. Look up his conversations with lav or his texts about that one girls feet.
Impressive rhetoric.
I don't think your pedophile defense is going to work out. I would go find a different cult leader if I were you.
Shut the fuck up cuck
Your hero is a traitor and a literal cuck
Stop defending him, troon
"defense" lmao
It's just the truth. If you think Courtney is known as someone else let me know.
Stop defending him, cuck traitor
Oh look, someone in a nanny tranny state is calling me a troon, hilarious.
Can we get some Ukraine replies up in here too to match you moralfaggot aus and leaffags?
Rope yourself faggot.
you forget this place is all about the lulz, newfag.
No one is going to give a shit about your stupid copes. They're going to see the picture and know for sure that Tiny is a pedophile.

It's over, find a new cult leader.
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I do have principles. One of them is to use any available means to destroy my enemies. Or what, do you want me to pretend that I want my enemies to flourish, prosper and be happy? They wouldnt my enemies then, dummy.
Your hero is a cuckold
>No one is going to give a shit about your stupid copes.
You have said that word without providing contrary evidence. No evidence = no cope.
Turn off proxy, I know your true country.
Your hero is a race traitor and a cuckold
Fucking faggot loser
While you puff your chest and hyperventilate about stupid shit the impression has already been cemented. It's over.
Your country is mass importing chinks and literally deports people over "hate" speech.
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max difficulty challenge for you and your fellow jews. How about you just stop buggering children, think you can manage that?
It's a joke that literally only pedophiles make. You're outing yourself.
>It's just the truth.
No one cares about the truth in this matter. As long as the cuck is damaged in any way its all good. And spreading slander will damage him.
>no evidence
He watched his wife get fucked by other men before being humiliated and divorce raped. At the same time he was pushing cuckoldry and called for the murder of right wingers
We will bring him down for pedophilia, tranny
I still think he's just not human
I'm outing myself? As what? Somebody that knows who courtney is unlike literally anyone else here?
Your country will get taken over by china, you're not important.
Your hero is a race traitor and a literal cuckold
You are a pathetic cock sucking loser
I don't even like Destiny, you're just mad that you don't know what you're talking about, lol.
What you don't seem to get is that nobody gives a shit about any of your cope. Nobody! The entire fucking world is gonna look at that and say that's a fucking pedophile, and not a single one of them will go "oh it was ironic oh okay that's fine then, keep joking and normalizing it then"
You are fucking brain-dead if you think this plays out any other way retard. This is something you never joke about.
Your hero is a literal cuckold, child rapist and race traitor
We will act like fox boomers and take him down for pedophilia with glee
You will NEVER be a woman, troon
>This is something you never joke about.
Well he's been doing it for 15 years now so I don't think people have become such moralfaggots that he's only gonna get taken out in 2024.
Unless one of you decides to go to his house and take him out directly.
You will never be white.
Embarrassing meltdown.
Weird cope but ok.
Tiny has the excuse of being drugged out of his tiny mind but yours is just pathetic.
That's exactly what unprincipled means, you're no different than any mindless animal like a rat lmao. You can't cry when people call for violence for people like you, because you are just asking for every 556 to the skull.
You keep claiming this but have provided no contrary evidence to courtney being a prominent shitposter.
>you will never be white
Confirmed tranny
Keep crying about boomers like we give a fuck, loser
Hes a child rapist and a cuck
get the fuck off this board, bitch
No. One. Cares. And neither do we. We will absolutely 1000% confront him with it and throw it in his face at every turn so he has to constantly defend against it because people will not stop talking about it.
You think the "I was joking" defense matters to ANYONE? Just ask Vaush how that went.
>french cuck calling anyone a pedo
holy hell my sides
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>You will never be white
the projection is staggering.
>Where are the studies?
Your hero is a child rapist and a cuckold who got backstabbed by his wife
This is who absolute loser troons defend
Nobody cares that a pedophile is a shit poster they care that they're a pedophile.
Who did he rape again?
Hope he kills himself and streams it
>Hes a child rapist and a cuck
Oh my god, he should be in jail! Quick, call the cops and tell them you found a child rapist on the internet.
>You think the "I was joking" defense matters to ANYONE? Just ask Vaush how that went.
Vaush wasn't joking. He literally watches loli and drawn child porn. He got caught on stream.
This thread is a fucking joke, where's Ukraine, where's Israel?
Hows Muhammad, Anders?
Now courtney is a pedophile too? Interesting development.
Aussie anon's mom.
Why shouldn't he say they should be violent to conservatives when you say you should be violent to leftists. You are melting down the moment someone holds a mirror to your face lmfao. Hilarious to see
>are you implying a pedophile predator raped kids?
>where are the studies proving this?
Your hero is a child rapist and a cuckold
This is who you trannies choose to defend
Who did he rape though? Who was it? Did he rape you? wtf :0
Your hero is a race traitor, child rapist and a proud cuckold
You defend him online for free
You are a gigantic faggot
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>I didn't send him pics of me being underaged!
>we just joked about how sexy children are!
>hah, gotcha chud
>That's exactly what unprincipled means
No its isnt. State of war is not state of peace. Justice is benefiting ones friends and harming ones enemies. You can kvetch all you want, you will not convince me to just roll over and die, and let you have this beautiful world for yourself. I honestly would prefer that bad things happen to you rather than to me.
Brown cock sucking tranny defending a pedo cuck
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how's your foreskin, juan?
VERY embarrassing.
kek, actually a good response

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