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Transmitter? What could this be now?

That looks like a garage door keypad anon…
bump, also why the 9 volt battery
Lol that's so fuckin autistic what was in his pockets.
No, that's an old DVD player remote
If he was gen y there would've been some pogs in there.
Wasn't there some initial talk of his car having bombs in it also?
Crooks was a Hamasbollah agent radicalized by the Islamist ayatollah!
I'd guess related to the "explosive devices found in his car" that haven't been shown.
probably a garage door opener he had rigged to the explosives in his van, maybe his escape plan was to create chaos to get away
>tin roof shooter was on
>op post a pic of blow down asphalt roof
sloppy job mossad
honestly looks like an outdoor sprinkler remote
And ? You can make that a detonator eZ

You could make thermite out of your dad's rusty tools and an old bic lightwr bubba
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Yes he did lol
He had bomb making shit in his car
And lit on how

Supervisor. Get the dogs to do a perimeter leash for explosive
We may have a IED over here off the bridge
you think you know a lot more than you do
Here's a closer look at the transmitter.
That’s bizarre. I’d like to see the guts.
might be some red herring shit just to preoccupy the investigators. I doubt the fuckin kid was Jimmy Neutron
kek, he forgot to check the range of that garage door opener
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>"10" "11" "12" buttons

The Jews gotta be fucking with is on this one, guaranteed. That's something an AI might think was logical.
They're making that up. If Trump died, they were going to blame it on Iran, and use the bombs to paint the shooter as a terrorist. President Haley would have used the rage of Trump supporters at his murder as a mandate to glass the middle east. The U.S. came very close to its next 9/11.
ah that's more like an outdoor lighting controller
could be used for obvious reasons
he just went looking for the cheapest thing possible. Or he found it in his dad's closet.
doesn't even have a 0. don't think i've ever seen a keypad without a 0
no viable antenna kek
because the lights that come with it come in a pack of a dozen
my hypothesis is he planned to take the shot then detonate the car to create a distraction so he could get away
little nigger didn't expect to get domed so quick
The transmitter chip inside typically broadcasts a hexadecimal value so it's not anything unusual.
maybe it's something like a christmas light program controller, and you're not putting in a number just triggering some preset
its hard to seem from the image, but I think those might be arabic numerals on the transmitter. This could be an Iranian plot
Oh fuck
Oh shit!
Those are radio channels retard
Why would Mossad want Trump gone
Thank you
Just always have random shit on you to confuse everyone
>so uhm next to the shooter we found an empty dvd case of The Land Before Time
>3 badminton shuttles and 5 boxes of tic-tacs taped together
>a photo of Eminem
>and a printed version of the Wikipedia page on steam engines
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Yeah, just found a similar gadget with the same buttons. 433 MHz transmitter, "long range"

Maybe the Secret Service had jammers that prevented the shooter from setting up us the bomb
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not today jew
>hebrew transmissions
That's not even the same roof!
CIA not sending their best, all they got are shitty DEIs
glownigger shit
Well no, I just think that they were originally planning to run the Iran terrorist angle from day one because it would have been Nikki Haley inheriting the media warmongering. Trump being alive screws it up because he's not really a war hawk.
Sanyo remote
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Remember when BiBi sent Trump that tweet with the prime minister of Israel with JFK? I can't find it now because search engines are covering for Jews. Anybody got the sauce?
>433 MHz transmitter, "long range"
Gotta check the FCC website to see who has access to that frequency range.
Werent they saying police saw him with a rangefinder or some shit?
Remote control relay, similar to this:

>Gotta check the FCC website to see who has access to that frequency range.
I'll save you the trouble. Everyone has access to that frequency range. It's used for remote controls and shit.
once they knew they could rely on him, they gave him a bomb and the instructions
he must have felt screwed on top of that roof when the remote didn't work
Looks like this is the model, says long-range 433Mhz transmitter.

Looks like a garage door keypad
It's used for garage doors, home automation, lots of stuff.
Well where's the damn bomb
Hole on the left is for a speaker, that's a phone/radio not just a "transmitter"
he has posts on /x/, he was the namefag "12" and had a trip for it later
i was skeptical until TMZ paid a classmate for a video of him
he bragged about having a ten inch penis
thats what "12" said
It's probably just the case that the Chinese manufacturers got for cheap and inserted a 433MHz board into. No mention of a speaker here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001676599325.html
Maybe there was an imaginary bomb in his head but nothing hooked up. A few bomb supplies in his car but nothing linked to the detonator nor was the car in a position to help him carry out an assassination.

Its his Meh detonator device. I told ya. The poor kid had gone schizo.. he wasn't mentally stable during this event..
That's my guess anyway..
>his escape plan

their escape plan
if he had a car bomb, then why did he allegedy buy a ladder from home depot 1 mile away and then walk to the rally with a 10 foot ladder and rifle.
It is interesting how many of these groomed types end up having bombs in their cars and homes but none ever seem to detonate them.
That phone is the key. He probably got sucked into some schizo tic toc series about how evil Donald Trump is.. or more likely.. youtube.
It turns out that making such devices that actually function requires a bit of actual skill so probably they tinker for a bit then realize they suck and then abandon the parts in place of something easier like a gun or rifle.
Hexadecimal is 16
Feds gonna need to make bomb making instructions into a tiktok video.
Yes, you can go up to 16 but it doesn't mean you have to use all 16 options, it explains why there's 12 buttons instead of the more familiar decimal keypad.
It's a coded garage door opener. You don't want the one click because then you lean wrong and BOOM. So this is just a enter code and electrical signal is produced on the other end basic Home Depot.
I used to have one of those in that range. old ass phone but you know what was comical. Is if you stepped away from the cradle you would get disconnected and if you did it right when another person was on the same freq, you could hear their phone conversation. its like having a police scanner because before duel trunk or digital scramblers they would broadcast conversations in the neighborhood.

super cool hearing the dirt your neighbors have on you and others
The transmitter probably has a GPS in it so the feds can track his exact location
>Working frequency: 315MHz, 433.92MHz (optional)
Wireless alarm and security systems use 315MHz transmitter modules to transmit signals from sensors and detectors to a central control unit. This instant communication enables rapid responses to security breaches.

>433 MHz is a wireless radio band on which compatible household devices send signals. While TVs use infrared light for handling remote control signals, 433 MHz radio waves enable communication with home devices such as motorized blinds from Somfy, KlikAanKlikUit sensors, or socket switches from LightwaveRF.
This is part of the Muslim Brotherhood's take over of america.
>saudi-chicoms control hollywood
>hamas has infiltrated intelligence agencies
>all porn is produced by iran, ayatollahs run pornhub
>every us president swears allegiance to saudi arabia after being sworn in
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>a fucking leaf

Not just a leaf but a lost time traveler leaf who thinks it is the year 2011.

Could that transmitter have been used to communicate with a very nearby associate?
Not audio so it's fairly limited in communication potential. Would be a lot more suspect if it was a receiver.
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that's a Sega Dreamcast memory card dumbass

So, perhaps the "transmitter" was sort of like a key to his house, ie - the gadget that allowed him to turn off the house alarm before he entered.
The muslim brotherhood uses these to explode bombs. We know for a fact that irans fingerprints are all over this.
Iran already has nuclear weapons.
I think it looks more like a hobbyist grade gadget that someone could easily use as a detonator.
There's a fuckin bomb still somewhere lmao and someone's gonna detonate it with a garage door opener.
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oh shit hes back
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For some reason a lot of shooters leave "devices" to fuck with the cops. Most of them are fake or non functional.
But it begs the question why he would bring that.
the news said it was to blow the explosives in his hyundai sonata
Makes sense, he registered as a republican to troll in the primary, he wore a demolition ranch shirt to troll the gun community, why not troll the cops too?
move zig
to put any number of the RINOs they purchased in his place instead
it's what vance is for, vance is an aipac jew slave
he's a self-avowed never trumper cuck who serves israel, not America
Thank god the CIA and FBI were there for this very reason. When a foreign country gets involved that means all hands on deck. Imagine what would have happened if they weren't there to protect President Trump?
>the bullets would should out in all directions
Can't tell if over the top sarcasm, or if glowniggers are actually this stupid.
Your welcome fren. AI made ID of this remote a snap.
The battery is for the transmitter. He probably had the battery out so that he couldn't accidentally press the button and prematurely set off his bomb. He probably intended to be alive and put the battery in the transmitter and blow it at his discretion or as part of an escape plan.
Didn't they say there were explosives in his car? Could it be a detonator?
sure, the FBI would leave any type of evidence behind that would incriminate them, you dunce cap
Maybe for his rangefinder
this makes most sense so far
That looks like it's it.
Probably this.
who knows?
Nogunz faggots think loose ammo fires like it would from a gun barrel instead of just cooking off loudly with little force.
Well, I’m certain this has nothing to do with our borders being open for four years, our institutions of learning swallowing down donations from the UAE/China/Russia/etc., a government that hates us, a government that also swallows down money from the UAE/China/Russia/etc., or an economy and culture engineered to foster hopelessness and anger in our youth. Maybe after this kid didn’t want to ring up groceries for a living, and instead going to school to get a job feeding drooling Boomers, and then realizing he was paid so poorly he still had to live with his parents had absolutely nothing to do with him hating his country. I’m just spitballing here.
>offbrand duracell
it's over
nah that's laserdisc
>remote firing device kit
Yes that's it - anon found it
no play or power button. Looks like a keypad for a door
Scroll up and you'll see people found it elsewhere online, e.g. aliexpress. These Chinese vendors just resell whatever comes out of factories, so it's not definite that he bought it from "triggercannons". But that is sus.
that's gross I don't think I've ever seen 2 digit buttons before
433 common for electric doors and gates too
Thiel put a hit out on Trump because he was wavering on Vance as VP
delet this so glowniggers don't get free tips
Yes anon just cited one vendor of many that sell them
controls the speed of his vibrating butt plug
What's in his DVD collection?
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Tf is this nonsense.
put tongue in both terminals for that extra confidence boost.
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
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Try here --

Device allows a jew to use the eruv to jew with other jews about jewing
None of this makes any sense. He prepares all of this, allegedly, but then has to go buy 50 rounds of ammunition the day of..

All of this reeks
At the time of the shooting, there was footage of a piece of machinery that appeared to be moving very erratically downrange from the shooter’s position (stage left). At first I figured a stray round/spall popped a hydraulic line, but now I wonder if he rigged something to distract the PSD with the remote to give him time to get off the shot.
it's just a usb stick full of fag porn
It's for extreme explosives that have blast force dialed to 12.
>I recognize that fag porn usb stick
It was some hydraulic contraption that caught a bullet and sprayed water all over, forget what it was exactly
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>It was some hydraulic contraption that caught a bullet and sprayed water all over, forget what it was exactly
it was a lift holding a giant speaker. and it sprayed hydraulic fluid everywhere as seen in this photo (blue circle)
someone has been listening to alex jones
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Israel:Rothschild family military base.

Netanyahu isn't representative of all Jews, neither is Israel, which is why the "global antisemitism" boogeyman is so important to pull Jews of all countries into.

No global Jew network and false controversial dichotomy of "Zionist vs. Nazis", no mask and scapegoat for the Rothschild syndicate.
just so some anons might get something out of this, this looks almost exactly like an electric fuse. I am friends with an amateur pyrotechnician and he has a few of these, each number corresponds to a receiver which has an electric match with nichrome wire inside that gets red hot to light fireworks. just my 2 cents.
Because the Zion Don shills are wrong, that's why. Especially with respect to Bibi. Everyone who has ever been President knows what a psychopath Bibi is.

Harbor freight junk.
>Transmitter found next to dead Trump shooter

He probably tried to blown up something as a diversion.
There's probably a bomb around there who haven't been explode yet.
Paddock also supposedly had bombs in his car made from Tannerite. I don't really remember the details.

He left them all at the jan 6 thing.
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He’s right about more than you think. You temper clips. I remember the nuance of statistics reported by AJ.
So probably a remote for the bomb in his car.
little faggot probably got done like in that black mirror shut up and dance
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>He prepares all of this, allegedly, but then has to go buy 50 rounds of ammunition the day of..

This is an excellent point that I haven't heard anyone mention, fren.
Imagine doing all this preparation for the most "important" thing you'll ever do in your life -- and very likely the LAST thing you'll ever do in your life -- but you don't make sure you have the ammunition beforehand?
What if you go to the store and they're closed for the rally?
What if they're out of 5.56 and .223?
What if their debit card machine is down?
What if a million things.
Why would you leave this essential detail to the last minute when you could easily have done it in the prior days?
you're looking for logic where it doesn't exist, this kid was obviously a retarded beta
>bombs in his car made from Tannerite
that's incredibly retarded
In the 90s I had a cordless phone and live in a big apt complex. At least once or twice a month I would pick up some neighbor's conversation coming onto the frequency clear as a bell.
They couldn't hear me, but I could listen for as long as I wanted.
I used to hit the frequency switch on the hand unit a lot when I was talking... it became a habit because I just assumed they'd hear me now and then too
FBI diversity hire realizes at the last minute that the ammo taken out of the evidence room may be able to be tracked by headstamp
long range remote???
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>"Ah shit! I just thought of something"
>keys radio
>"um, yeah... this is the nest to baby bird. You're gonna need to swing by the ammo store and pick up a box of 5.56"
>"yeah, keep the receipt. ok, over and out. godspeed, baby bird"
> Fuck... fuck his stupid fucking rifle coach was right.
>"Call that kid in Milwaukee."
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Obviously, this proves he was working with other people. Not a lone gunman
I've always think that these bomb making stories are just something the feds make up because these people never actually use them
for me, it's 11
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I think he was just fucking with them like "we" did after the dems mailed themselves fake bombs and fucked up everything about the psyop
>drone signal jammer

The duodecimal system, also known as base twelve or dozenal, is a positional numeral system using twelve as its base.
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wow, he really expected to escape in the chaos like the joker after setting that thing off didn't he?

ree tardy oswald should have known he was spending the rest of his life on that roof
I hope someone is collecting everything that was hit by the bullet, and the bullets themselves. There should be an exhibit in Trump tower with all that stuff in it. The gun included.
It's an RF remote for a fireworks firing system
I PREDICTED THIS was likely the case. There is a video of this kid in a microelectronics class with a teacher introducing it as the “raspberry pi” class. If rasbian kernel paniced and thankfully ruined this little shits plan then next time my media server stops working for no fucking reason I will be less critical. It is also possible the retard was using the 12v out in his car and turned the ignition off lmao. I hope the cia are interviewing the teacher and reviewing everything from that class.
They literally stated everywhere that he had a bomb in his car and a detonator with him. This place is worthless nowadays, I swear.
they said he had bombs in his car that he could trigger
I think it was a remote to trigger the telehandler as a distraction. The telehandler remotes operate in the same frequency range 425 to 450 mhz. I doubt a bullet somehow hit the telehandler and caused that massive unidirectional spray. He threw the gun and was going to get down while everyone was looking at the telehandler. At least that is the plan they told him. In reality he was always going to get wasted by the counter-sniper team or blown up if he made it back to his car.
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This is it. Some sort of firing system remote.

this shit just gets more and more odd
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no, they said "bomb making materials"
they did not say he had a bomb, he had the components which were described as rudimentary.
I'm still confused as to why the two rooftop snipers were already pointing their rifles in the direction of the shooter well before he took his shot. Why were they looking in that direction already? If they saw him crawling with a rifle, why didn't they immediately shoot him? What were they waiting for?
We're looking at one of the biggest conspiracies of our day. 4chan already pretty much figured it out. That bad face on Trump the other day was because he was told that JD Vance is his guy. Vance is pretty much the Israeli pic. The last ditch effort by the zog to have their say in the White House. To have their spy in the oval office privy to defense briefings and military intelligence. Trump was told after he survived that assassination. Whether the assassin was the one guy or the other guy doesn't matter. It was somebody and the bullet was real.
for great justice.
its bananas
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good find, well done gents
>What could this be now
garage/gate remote
Yes, but are there nefarious things the transmitter could be used for?
damn he actually found out what it was i thought this thread was gonna be retards
>What could this be now?
this has been placed there so that they can ban or control lora in some way. lora terrifies them. get on it. search meshtastic.
>What could this be now?
go up crawl to the edge stay there for ten minutes don't move don't do anything just lie there and watch and ten grands yours now grab the rifle


Goys must bomb Iran


Maybe he wanted to blow up his car as a distraction.
The handlers that do this are so evil
probably the same mailbomb that was sent to CNN
Hi, retard.
It's made in China but anyone can order it.
We found our motive boys. He's mad Trump didn't make anime real.
This. Its why the media was so confused for a couple days because the narrative they were ready to roll out had to be changed. Its why some stories still ran with the iranian assassination threat in smaller outlets. It was going to be front page had trump been killed. Thay faggot vance had all his talking points ready for the convention and push to war and he cant help himself but keep bringing up iran when they have been out of the news a long time since the strike on israel.
90% of rangefinders use CR2032 or AAA batteries, rest are very expensive with li-ion.
It'd have to be some uber ghetto shit if it's using a 9V battery.
Looks more like a generic garage door opener than a Alpha Fire 12Q remote detonator. The Alpha Fire doesn't have that imprinted oval on the bottom, and has a telescopic antenna at the top. On a GDO, the bottom row would be "* 0 #" and on an AlphaFire it would be "10 11 12". A clearer image would allow more definitive analysis.
If that device is a GDO, it uses a 9V battery.
>retard shooter had a cell phone
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>escape plan
To where? To what kind of life where you are hunted by the US government all day every day. The boy lacked commitment.
But he walked a significant distance from his car to the rooftop. All he would be doing is blowing up his only getaway vehicle that’s half a mile from away from the rally to begin with
They glow
Was he planning to blow up his own car? Doesn't make sense to do that.
this is the fakest shit ever
Glowies are just throwing shit out there to distract people from the fact that a leftist terrorist tried to assassinate a cuckservative lmfao

The obvious explanation is he was going to suicide afterwards. They said he had explosives so the detonator he probably made for that bomb.
That's because these people are low IQ. They have a cartoonish idea of how things are going to play out. Like in a movie, if someone sets up some bombs, they will come into play at some point. They have these child-like brains raised on star wars and marvel movies. He probably thought he was like a character from Star Wars heroically risking life to take out Darth Vader.
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Allegedly, the shooter had a lot of explosives in their car. Safe to say that if they pulled the trigger on it, it would've blown.
But what do I know? I fundamentally function on the mantra of believing none of what I hear and half of what I see.
It uses a 9V battery so probably just a spare or perhaps a safety measure to avoid unwanted explosions.
>clean it up jannie
It's a fireworks thing.
All it does on the receiver end is send out current when its button is pressed. Model rocketry has an affinity for these, as you can find them cheap and work reliably. Don't think it could set off any serious explosives, but it might at least start a fire.
Why are trump supporters so filthy? Look at all the litter
it's just a generic rf remote, that is often used for that application. But it could be for anything that any company may need an rf remote for.
> Trump refuses to shake the blackmailer's hand
based, but (nearly) fatal.
12 is the new 11
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>Transmitter? What could this be now?
The FBI told me it's not what you think it is.
Biden 2024!
i guess they're should commercial for firework displays and pyrotechnics?
Do you realise he married his only daughter off to a wealthy corrupt Jewish family?

Fake bombs are the fed version of "plant a bit of weed on him"

Apparently the kid studied engineering so it's not out of the question he could have rigged something, but you can classify almost anything as an "explosive device". Nails taped to a brick of tannerite etc.
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>The FBI told me it's not what you think it is.
>firework displays and pyrotechnics?

Push button, create diversion.
Take your shot, set off the pryo, make your escape.

That's how you get a patsy to commit suicide - convince him he is going to survive.
they were awaiting guidance on what to do next after noticing a guy crawling on top of police building. Once shitbird started firing they shot back.
>there's a subject on the roof is he with us?
silence ..
more silence ..
>hold fire
>bam bam bam
>oh shit, this is really happening
regain composure and smoke him.
SS was either severely incompetent or setting Trump up. SS boss lady despises Trump, you can tell.
>vape cartridge
>air condition remote
that's a 9v battery
Oooy vey
>regain composure and smoke him.

Remember, for the record, that the building the ShareBlue shooter was lying on was also the building that was being used as the ready-room for law enforcement.

Yes, the shooter was crawling across the roof of a building that was full of cops.

Think about that for a moment.
What? Pogs were millennial shit. Remember Alf? He’s back. In pog form.
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>he had the remote for the immigration stats
staged shooting confirmed

I think you got it backwards. Assuming he did actually have his car rigged it would probably be a backup plan of sorts if he couldn't find an opening to take the shot.

> Blow up a car
> Everyone is suddenly confused and their attention is redirected
> Feds/Cops turn their attention to explosion
> During the confusion climb up and take a shot
Yes all phones are wireless transmitters and receivers, big discovery, phones are expected to be carries by all individuals despite not being nessassary or important.
1-12 wtf?
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pretty gnarly shit...
The bomb in his car you retarded niggers. Do you not read the news? You just see pictures comment blindly?
Because trump's main support comes from the asshole grifter shitter lobby.

Republicans are just such zio cucks they let these people hijack thief party.

The jews made thief goyem too simple and stupid.
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>all these absolute noobs and feds in this thread pretending he had diversion bombs or some shit as if he was just going to ditch his rifle with prints on it and hoof it out of there

The remote was for him to set up the rifle on trump's head and leave, then remotely fire the shots. He was spotted though, and people drew attention, so he panicked and attempted a shootout.

Alternatively, it was the obvious full schizo situation of brainwashed discord tranny jew takes orders directly from the feds of when to shoot and they were planning to have him escape but then he missed and they were like fuck this let's kill maxwell yearick and say it was this thomas kid that looks nothing like the dead body head that we didn't want leaked to the press but every trumper at the rally was like what the fuck i paid and took time off work for a trump speech and this faggot jew tried to mossad the rightfully elected president

Zoomies really do be seeing shit and thinkin.
5km? Jesus.
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What's the grey thing. A DTMF tone generator? Aren't they like smaller than a pack of smokes now?
Didn't he had a bomb in his car?
the transmitter was to adjust trumps head for the perfect shot
Gen Y is millenials retard
Maybe he tried to have explosives to go off from his car for attempt escape or diversion but either he fucked up or the sniper domed his ass before he could push the button. Just more fuck ups from secret service
it's really not hard. signal - actuater - plunger/striker-igniter-explosives under compression- shrapnel

you can skip the first two if you can imagine a way to physically trigger your striker
the higher numbers mean more damage right?
base 12 ?
those are 12 separate endpoints.
think of it as more of bush than a palm tree
>the shooter was crawling across the roof of a building that was full of cops.
that's why they hesitated. Also those two snipers behind Trump looked like local cops. I don't think SS wears ''POLICE" on their vests. Could be wrong though.
[[[THEY]]]] found a homemade bomb in his car
that was the detonator according to [[[THEM]]]

I've heard the CIA figured out how to manipulate people with frequencies. If this is a transmitter, maybe the "explosives" narrative is to cover up what this transmitter was actually intended for.
It's a detonator

>off by two
Why are those things never made in a stripclub, animal shelter or supermarket...
Transmitter = garage door opener
Bomb material = fireworks
You idiots make 100k a year…tax money fluuuuush
The retard was too stupid to make mud pies
If he picked his nose his head would cave in

Also it's weird how many bots and shills are saying its a garage door opener...
was probably trolled by a fed on how to make a remote explosive
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so he is also "the second shooter"?
I'm an American so I'm at least half retarded.
This is my question:
If you have a transmitter then obviously there should be a receiver.
I only had one year of electronics education as a video game technician so I'm not as well trained as /pol/.
So why did (they) find a "transmitter" Radio Shack general purpose remote keypad but not find the receiver?
A controller only works when there is something to control.
Why is everything that comes from the FBYi only half answered.
Can someone help me out with this please.
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>so he is also "the second shooter"?

Let me carefully adjust my tinfoil headware.
I think there was supposed to be a second shooter, or a two-man team to do the deed.
They were no-shows or the whole thing was some kind of convoluted op.
There was a perfect spot for a real shooter but that shot never came.
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He had a sick mix tape set up for the headshot.
>push the sekret code
>nothing happens (and was never going to)
>hmm maybe the battery is in backward
Thats one explanation for the battery laying there
Arent you up early today? Go back to sleep goy. Let other people handle this.
>For some reason a lot of shooters leave "devices" to fuck with the cops.
the reason is handler instructions
>jammers that prevented...
dont be stupid, if the shooter succeeded to JFK trump that thing would go off as-well with many trumptards dead and all of usa cheering to nuke iran.
Spaghetti. Glowing spaghetti.
detonate car bomb for distraction.
>Crooks was a Hamasbollah agent radicalized by the Islamist ayatollah!
might turn out to be Ukrainian.
garage door opener aint going to work a mile out...
it's a garage door panel
They will only let you see the irrelevant evidence. How about showing us the bullet casings?
or there was a second shooter and he hasn't been detected yet.
Find a real job, glownigger
>So why did (they) find a "transmitter" Radio Shack general purpose remote keypad but not find the receiver?
receiver was in his car, an explosive.
search history has nothing about bomb making
so someone gave him the bomb and transmitter.
it's mean to prove he's supported by a power source, not a lone wolf.
He was groomed to be a shooter by Blackrock, Blackrock owned building, to save Blackrock owned Ukraine.
>I'm still confused as to why the two rooftop snipers were already pointing their rifles in the direction of the shooter well before he took his shot. Why were they looking in that direction already? If they saw him crawling with a rifle, why didn't they immediately shoot him? What were they waiting for?
and if you listen to the shot pattern, they specifically wait until he stopped shooting before they fire the shot. I bet his rifle is jammed.
>he didn't learn at his local library or make himself,
>We have his search history!

Ok you lot are retarded.
Fucking modern humanity is pathetic.
>We're looking at one of the biggest conspiracies of our day. 4chan already pretty much figured it out.
this is a baby cakes ARG for the normies.
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>modern humanity
uh oh
haven't seen one become self aware yet...
*nervous laughter*
>He was groomed to be a shooter by Blackrock, Blackrock owned building, to save Blackrock owned Ukraine.
anon, I'm pretty sure that'd be illegal. You can't go and do that.
reasonable theory though; would be sick if we got to seize blackrock's assets.
>Also it's weird how many bots and shills are saying its a garage door opener...
I said it, I'm just stupid.
There was a boom boom in his car, this was already reported.
They own trump now you can see it on his face. Project 2025 will be Agenda 2030 mark my words.
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Where was he parked does anyone have that
Looks like it's often sold packaged with an accompanying receiver that is essentially a board with a bunch of relays. Almost certainly being used as a detonator.
where was his car? was the story about him walking there with a ladder backpack and rifle/case fake?
Maybe somebody started shooting and they ran
mile away, not sure where.
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fuck you for making me laugh
Definitely Spaghetti
>The obvious explanation is he was going to suicide afterwards. They said he had explosives so the detonator he probably made for that bomb.
Why would you need to remote detonate a bomb that is going to kill you?
That would be the most autistic thing ever done.
Maybe it was for a getaway distraction but an IR remote like that only works for 50 feet and you need a direct line of sight.

This kid was a professional retard
It's genuinely not believable he almost killed the president
It's also genuinely not believable the letter agencies could be this bad at a psyop

I don't know what to believe anymore
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add them up.
The masons are laughing at you
>I don't know what to believe anymore
the facts that the bullet missed a killshot by half an inch after he randomly moved his head and during just enough of a crosswind to achieve that, are beyond what they could control during a gayop. if they wanted to stage an assassination attempt they could just have someone fire blanks at him with a pistol, or even a real gun at him into a vest. i think people are just having trouble coming to terms with witnessing a legitimate miracle, in the same vein as with rittenhouse, where you get so many overlapping uncanny outcomes that it defies belief
plus an overload of psyops has mindbroken so many people, probably as intended, they cannot effectively process reality any longer
liiterally nobody walks around with a 9volt battery. its obviously jews. the question is whether or not theyre trying to tell us something. and my answer to that is, i dont care. not gonna waste my time on some jewish nonsense
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The fuck is this?
>remote numbers go up to 12 instead of the universally used 9
call me a schizo
call me a nigger
call me a glowie kike
but the extra buttons add up to 33, simple as.
You guys are stupid. His plan was to shoot then set off the van explosive, diversion so he can get out of there. It's evidence he wasn't trying to be a kamikaze suicide mission. 3000 ft might have been distance to van. Maybe he was going to blow it up beforehand to divert, but realized they'd pull Trump and miss his shot.

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