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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474511349
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Never Forget !!!
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you think the rnc hasn't been good but the faggotry of the dnc is going to be hilarious
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kek fedoratipper king Sam Harris doomposting about the assassination attempt on Trump
Literally over for them
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they need to take all 16 booster shots
Ben Carson's speech was far, far better than DeSantis, Haley, Vance, and Vivek's speeches. Trump really screwed up by not picking Ben Carson as his Vice President.

Ben Carson Tells The RNC - Donald Trump Is A Gift To Us As A Nation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9fjs1JNbq0
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Yup. Just had plug of some masculine chewing tobacco. It feels good to have a pair of balls.
fuck leftists
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CNN and talking heads still melting down
Why are bartenders liberals I don't get it (I drink at home though. Bars are overpriced.)
>claim people weren't on roof due to the slope(already weak excuse because the barn roof was steeper)
>hours later claim it was because it was too hot
sloppy job glowies, can't even get your story straight
Evening, sir.
The sleepiest, coziest speech.
>fruit flavored
This has to be a joke.
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These are the conservative social media leaders?
It's legal for illegal migrants to vote. Biden has no chance of losing.
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I love this timeline?
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>Evening, sir.
Good evening, sir !!
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I loved Ben Carson's speech.
Trump probably needed a more high-energy running mate but Carson is max comfypilled.
He did. Trump is comped by the IC now
>fed post

Hello, Arthur.
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PART TWO! New news on attempted assassination:
New information, timeline synched up with rally footage, google street map view
all show that security FUCKED up, before during and after.
Local police claims SS was in charge, SS trying to say local police were in charge. SS was definitely in charge. That bitch director is going to fry.
Police snipers were local police wearing "Police secret service" uniforms. They were operating under normal use of force rules for cops, not trained bodyguards of the president.
>snipers in the building the shooter was on top of, confirmed
>total fucking incompetence
Cops finally confronted the shooter, he turned his gun on them, then they dropped off the roof to not get shot, then he started shooting at trump/the crowd.
Understaffed detail for trump, combined with mismanagement and miscommunication with local police caused this, mostly from the fault of the secret service. The local guys weren't in on it.

Part 1:
It also describes the security fuckup in detail
New details have come out which confirm the shooter was seen, and cops were warned, though not sure how much time he was seen with a gun.

Unconfirmed info that there was a post to filled on the roof, but the guy assigned to that post never showed up. Leads to the conspiracy theory that this guy was paid off, or in on it.

Vance info:
Vance interview with hannity at the RNC
JD Vance wrote hill billy elegy in 2016.
Vance signed up for the marines when he graduated high school, and spent 4 years there which is normal, but he was in PR and never saw combat (though he was deployed to iraq a few times).
A woman wouldn't understand. Don't you have dishes to clean or something?
I'm eating oranges, but I wanted the pizza.
>14 key states
There are that many now? Sounds brutal for Biden.
I mean they're right.
What's the point of purity-spiraling?
I like Rita.
I should probably get a pic of her to post here.
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There were no mud witch curses at the RNC tonight so there's that.
Cry about it in November when Biden wins by a slim margin again.
>literal whos nobody has ever heard of
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they roofie themselves man.
Ben Carson had the most authentic and genuine "unity speech" that Trump was looking for. DeSantis, In comparison, Haley, Vance, and Vivek's speeches still sounded like campaign speeches. I am heartbroken that Ben Carson is not Trump's Vice President.
It's not purity spiraling it's not letting the ho have a prominent slot. It's literally the conservatives being yesterday's liberal/accelerating slower towards the cliff. The Teamsters guy was alright don't go with the atheist whore who still has an OF sale going on.
Trump fucked up bigly
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Good evening /ptg/, and welcome to Tuesday night's edition of President Trump's Ultra MAGA #45 Kino Time. 1997's Stargate SG-1 continues this evening with Season 3, Episode 12, Jolinar's Memories. Martouf leads a Tok'ra delegation with crushing news for Carter: her father Jacob/Selmak has been captured by Sokar and imprisoned on Netu, an Egyptian name for hell, on a moon of planet Delmal, where prisoners are sent to suffer eternal torture, and from where no one returns; only Jolinar has ever escaped.


As always, kino starts at 1230 central, so throw those tendies in the oven, break out the Buncha Crunch and get comfy. All frens are welcome, nonfrens are NOT welcome.
So Peter Navarro is out tomorrow. Does he speak at the RNC? He fucking shout.
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>Sounds brutal for Biden.
It would be except that he doesn't know where he is, what states even are, or whether he dropped a 1 or 2 in his pants.
>I am heartbroken that Ben Carson is not Trump's Vice President.
Same, but I understand the angle. Having a ticket of two 70+ year olds undercuts the attacks on Biden's age.
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Getting shot at doesn't mean you aren't a bumbling cvcked leader.

And your sympathy "landslide" vanishes when Biden keels over.

Just sayin'.
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>There were no mud witch curses at the RNC tonight so there's that.
That's a definite improvement.

I didn't watch.
I napped.
The past 2 days have been brutally hot and humid.
>fruity skoal
What are you, queer?
It would have been nice. I'm worried that the deep state would have seen Ben as manipulable though.
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I hope at the least that Ben Carson helps campaign for him.
Maybe he'll get a cabinet post again.
Checked and the background of that clip always makes me laugh.
>I loved Carson's speech

Didn't even know he was speaking tonight...I thought the jews would make sure he never gave another high-profile speech the rest of his life after the fucking ass-reaming he gave them in 2016, although they had him yanked off stage well before his speech was finished

What did he talk about tonight?
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all 16 booster shots. democrats you just have to take them.
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As promised!
Biden's age isnt the issue retard. Its his obvious dementia
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No Mercy !!!
All of these fuckwads deserve it !!
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>what does damaging your enemies do for the movement?
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If you’re having difficulty understanding, I’ll dumb it down for you.
Pouches: bad.
Anything other than wintergreen, mint, or straight: bad.
Don’t forget to charge your watermelon-cotton candy vape.
AP report from last week says yes.
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Back at my hotel. Trump exiting to Creed made all the millennial men (including me) and Xoomer men happy. Exit was way smoother this time.

Apparently the big fuckup yesterday with getting everyone into the arena in the morning was they had to reroute the delegation buses to keep us safe from protesters yesterday. Cops icing that coon this morning was apparently less of a big deal kek. There was a lot less media outside today compared to yesterday, but apparently the lugenpresse cut a bunch of speeches for commercial breaks depending on channel so I guess some of them realized they wouldn't be getting their "chaotic convention" stories and went home, or are waiting for Thursday. There wasn't much "behind the scenes" stuff that I saw differently from the TV today except my distance pics I posted earlier.

Also this hotel's coffee is so awful I actually would prefer Starbucks, let alone the better PNW roasts.
Ben is old though. Also, optics wise, Ben would be relentlessly called an "uncle tom" by the media.
That sums up Vance though
Fantastic. That one is going to be off the fucking hook.
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Age is part of it, dummy.
She doesn't have any effect on the Republican platform and nothing she said went against it.
If she brings some hoes over to the MAGA side that's a good thing.
People can change their minds, and sometimes it's one step at a time and not a complete 180 overnight. It's stupid to be angry at your enemies if you're never going to embrace them once they change their minds.
Checked and STOP THAT
Not so sure anymore. He has all the markings of a redpilled man at this point. No going back from that.
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Oh no not ancient Ellen DeGeneres!
Thanks for posting, I missed tonight and this is a great speech. Why is he so sleepy tho?
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it's blueberry. dickhead
Libtards would hate a Vance presidency.
It was a usual sleepy doctor speech talking up his American dream story, praising Trump, and talking about the Bible. The new bit was how Trump was chosen by God and survived the assassin via divine will.
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anyone have the link to /ptg/ when the shot happened?

I was playing video games when it happened and didn't find out for 20 min
Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/gtfkjqiswz

MO 8/6: YES
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes, yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No


I basically tuned it out until I decided it was getting good.
I don't think so. He won't be pliable at all. Except maybe on Israel to some extent but if he sensed the neocons offed Trump to start a war (which hell, he may now), I think he'd be in on removing Mossad and AIPAC from the US establishment. He's not an inherent jew lover or evangelical but it takes balls beyond reason to come out against the jews unless the big guns (big data, the tools of the NSA), in your very firm hand.
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I'm glad it wasn't really beating you down heat this year. And yeah, it was mostly White guys and women tonight.
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Why hasn't the media mentioned that Trump will be a lame duck?
>muh optics
You fags are sad. You constantly care what the other side thinks, when they just go full steam ahead and win
but nn
>you can't be principled with an enemy that has no soul
they've always been like that too. just think of that body of the dead nun during the Spanish Civil War commie niggers dug up.
it's pathetic to me that people still think being principled will get us out of this mess. it fucking won't one side wants blood the other thinks being moral over them will win.
lots of so called "based" far righters proving they have no spine and are just gay nigger grifters.
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oh my fuckin GOD this thread is goin too fast to keep up with
Then you must want Trump to step down
Peter Thiel already confessed to the press that he is a FBI asset and he never told the press if his role as FBI asset was ever over.
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Good evening, WAwoo...if you make it to the floor over the next few days, see if you can grab Katy Tur's ass and tell Kaitlan Collins what a horrible fucking cunt she is...thanks
Comfy speech about needing God. You should watch it yourself.
This is cope
Vance is fine. He's a young white man. He hasn't done enough to prove himself one way or another, and anyone doompilling over him is either a retard or a shillnigger.
That was years ago and doesn't mean what you're describing. He was cooperating on identifying CCP agents.
nvm found it

That hate all republicans you mental midget. That means jack shit
Trump has been 50 years old for 20 years.
starbucks is sponsoring rnc
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Agreed. It's almost comical.
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that's pretty much chaotic neutral
picrel is lawful evil
A Vance presidency would be worse than Trump for our democracy.
I want Trump to win and she is useful towards that end. Simple as.
>She doesn't have any effect on the Republican platform and nothing she said went against it.
It's exactly the same situation of Ben Shapiro fawning over that one ho because she had a meltdown over taxation. More Byron Donalds, less Tim Scott and whoever this OFslut was.

>If she brings some hoes over to the MAGA side that's a good thing.
Considering how black twitter has been clowning on her, don't get your hopes up

>People can change their minds, and sometimes it's one step at a time and not a complete 180 overnight.
Sure. Just don't let them into a primetime slot until they've fixed their shit.
Trump needs a best friend who is of similar age to himself and Ben Carson can fit that role as his running mate. Trump has nobody he can trust outside his family when you see how the RFK leak revealed that Trump will never be able to have a private phone conversation for the rest of his life.
Pence is fine. Hes a good, white Christian man. Anyone doompilling over him is either a retard or a shillnigger
i'm beting that trump's going to order his admin exactly the way he wants it this time.
so all of the people he appoints would be actually qualified for the shit.
so that means carson would be surgeon general and flynn would be secdef.

or, i'm retarded. lol. probably both
The guy doesn't deserve it. Plain and simple. Trump obviously doesn't care what people say, but Carson isn't Trump.
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>>474517222 trips checked
>I'm glad it wasn't really beating you down heat this year.
There were 8 tornadoes in the area last night.
2 of which were about 20 miles away.
One woman got squished ded by a tree collapsing on her house just South of me.
Not terrible damage locally, but there were lots of scattered tree bits in the road and quite a few stoplights weren't working all day today.
You are a newfag, huh?
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Now, do you think that was a good move or a bad move?
she refused biden's phonecall.
what a woman.
You sound like a paki
don't forget to dilate
I know. I was the one who posted the sponsor list on Sunday. My hotel is like 20 miles away from the convention and lacks Starbucks. They probably have a setup in the pleb zone outside the arena. The vendors inside don't allow third party food or drink sales.
You sound like a fucking retard.
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>flynn would be secdef.
Imagine the butthurt. kek
Add Peter Navarro back into the cabinet too. lololol
Age isn't a big deal for conservatives. Every conservative wants Clarence Thomas to live to 200 years old.
I accept your defeat
How would Vance become president?
It's unfortunate that that leak probably cost RFK a position in the Trump admin, even if it was probably going to just be as EPA administrator.
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Wow 8 tornadoes in one night? That sucks.
Ok Iqbal from Brampton
He cant even trust his family considering Don Jr helped push Vance
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I'll be calling Vance 'Hamel' from now on, because that's his old man's surname...a jew is a jew is a jew is a jew is a FUCKING *jew*, especially someone like him, who, considering how many shekels that faggot billionaire Thiel has poured into his career, he may be an actual faggot himself, that pooette wife of his notwithstanding

Blimpf really fucked this one up, but many believe the jews sent him a message on Saturday:
>pick Hamel or else, Donald

So I'm gonna go with that and see how the coming weeks and months play out
> Hurr Durr: The post.
I thought the plap meme was forced but the last month at my gym has been insane. Tons of new couples where the guy is a skinny faggot and the girl is a corn syrup blimp with tattoos and stretch marks. Most of them are millenials and older zoomers. What the fuck happened to you guys?
>t.GenX with a skinny wife
I hate mudshits and I hate jews destroying western nations with mass immigration. Israel can kill all the sandniggers they want without fucking with western civilization (which they mistakenly claim to be their creation).
Mental illness
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Threads have been high speed since The Happening

He doesn't have to be a running mate to be a friend
Ultimately VP is kind of a do-nothing position unless the potus is either incapacitated, deceased, or explicitly delegates him some task. It's generally pretty overrated in importance, people just like the drama of "who will he pick?"
I'd say he already has it in the bag and all he has to do is not assume room temperature. A major problem of the right is not being able to filter correctly and letting retards get into positions they can't easily be removed from. See: Dan Crenshaw and Amy Coney Barrett
If you cared about optics, then I don't see any black or latino men ever wanting to share a beer with Vance. Meanwhile, blacks and latinos would be down to eating hamburgers with Trump.
Sounds like nignogs blushing everything in da white man

Most open border faga are Lutheran and carholicucks
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I'm always left incredulous at American political commentators attempts to wax lyrical using a plaintive voice to lament the state of affairs there. A school gets shot up and Obama says, '...this isn't who we are'. An assassination attempt on Trump occurs and Biden says, '...this isn't who we are'. The demonstrable truth however is that it is who you are, objectively. It literally cannot be denied, and yet it is. It seems to me America doesn't know who it is. It is plainly suffering from a crippling identity crisis.
You accept your dilator into your science hole.
I want a monarchy. I want Arthur, the Once and Future King, to come back. We need him now more than ever.
it's not surprising either. hell that faggot nick the spic is the biggest faggot offender of this
Anon, I already accepted your defeat. Stop embarassing yourself
I got lucky as hell once. During a storm a tree fell up the road from me and I hit it at like 2am. I had to call the cops but I had 2 30mg oxycontins in the car, so before the cops came I didn't know what else to do and I took them. So the cops and fire department came and I was sitting there trying to talk to the cops and I guess I pulled it off because he didn't ask me why I was sweating so much or anything, but then the fucking news came, so I was talking to this reporter high off my ass and they put that on the 6 o'clock news. I saw myself on the news and I looked fucked up, I was slurring my words and everything. I don't know how the cops didn't know. I don't do that stuff anymore for the record.
She's not just an OFslut. She was a prominent feminist activist and organizer with the anti-rape slutwalk movement. Her coming over to the MAGA side means more than you might think.
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Well he is a gay mexijew fed asset.
You fucked that up in 1776 cucklord
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>>474517799 checked
>Wow 8 tornadoes in one night? That sucks.
Yeah !!
My gf isn't from around here and she freaks the fuck out anytime there's violent weather.
I've grown up around this shit tho.
Tornadoes happen every year.
They usually aren't all that devastating.
Form; fuck up a few things for about a mile; then disappear.

Heck, I've had tornadoes cruise down my street twice in my lifetime.
This is what happens when you let idiots like Katy Griffith or whatever her name is do stupid shit like what she did or have theater plays were they literally murder trump
But you like Mike Pence. Turned total globalist
Peter Thiel isn't as conservative as Erik Prince. Both men are glowies but at least, Eric Prince would be willing to attend a WWE event compared to Peter Thiel who would rather sip wine in his yacht.
>Stop embarassing yourself
Yes, I so wish we were like Canada. Eat shit
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why not just put them in your sock
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You really are retarded, huh?
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watch The Wind and the Lion by John Milius, 1975

>Theodore Roosevelt: The American grizzly is a symbol of the American character: strength, intelligence, ferocity. Maybe a little blind and reckless at times... but courageous beyond all doubt. And one other trait that goes with all previous.
>2nd Reporter: And that, Mr. President?
>Theodore Roosevelt: Loneliness. The American grizzly lives out his life alone. Indomitable, unconquered - but always alone. He has no real allies, only enemies, but none of them as great as he.
>2nd Reporter: And you feel this might be an American trait?
>Theodore Roosevelt: Certainly. The world will never love us. They respect us - they might even grow to fear us. But they will never love us, for we have too much audacity! And, we're a bit blind and reckless at times too.

>To Theodore Roosevelt - you are like the Wind and I like the Lion. You form the Tempest. The sand stings my eyes and the Ground is parched. I roar in defiance but you do not hear. But between us there is a difference. I, like the lion, must remain in my place. While you like the wind will never know yours. - Mulay Hamid El Raisuli, Lord of the Riff, Sultan to the Berbers, Last of the Barbary Pirates.

I wasn't talking about being Canada you fucking leaf. I will take my Arthurs where I can get them.
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Yes just filter it.
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>faggot had Trump literally in his crosshairs when he fired, but because he missed he'll forever be known as a "bad shot"
We're barely Canada anymore ourselves
Damn, you mad
>unless the potus is either incapacitated or deceased
Funny about that, tho. Something like that could never happen in the USA, amirite?
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Talk about luck then.
Peter Thiel is a faggot who'd rather have an anal sex orgy with dozens of participants on his yacht...and who also happens to be a pretty significant bankroller of J.D. Hamel, Blimpf's VP pick

Make of that what you will
Make it a gif.
Trump popping from the ground and the dog laughing
his shot was crooked
You underestimate just how big it needs to be to be too big to rig.
>jews promote a prostitute
well i never
The issue is that the down ballot hasn't changed. People don't want Biden but are still voting Dem for other races.
Not really considering they only rigged like 6 counties in 2020
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And like that a new baker is now needed. Have a Good Night Groyper night. I also recommend using this as an op.
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It wasn't, Trump just had divine protection.
Because I was retarded. I was nervous as fuck, I was coming back from buying them during this storm and when I hit the tree, at first I just tried to just drive away but I realized I was stuck in the tree. This was a huge oak tree, it wasn't just a little tree. If I hadn't of been going so slow because of the rain I would've gotten hurt bad, or killed.
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AWOO polefren!

It's suffering from a loss of moral standards more than anything.
Not just the lack of standards of those who do the shootings, but the families, schools etc. that fuck them up so much and do nothing to intervene and help them before they go off the deep end.
Kodiak wintergrain Or grizzly wintergreen are the only two flavors you're allowed to have if you're a man
Who is be refering to? Dotty Whitaker?
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I look away for 5 seconds and the whole thread is almost to max post count
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>I didn't know what else to do and I took them.
This is never a good idea.

I had a roommate do something similar.
They certainly don't help no. The major driving force behind the Frankfurt School browning of the West has been jews, and that isn't debatable. They straight up roped in evangelical retards with Jerry Falwell buying him a jet to spread the gospel of worshipping Israel. THAT WAS NOT A THING before the mid 20th century. It was conniving, insane jews using Bernays and Alinsky tactics.
Real men dont chew that shit. Only a complete fucking retard would
And you believe they won't ramp their efforts up a hundred fold this time around?
Idk if this is fucked up to say or not, but how are there no memes of a grassy knoll shopped onto the rooftop?
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AWOO indeed.
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yeah get shock and all but damn, had experience with those things and 60mg at once is a lot
Where did I say that?
Don't get any ideas Ivan
I would have liked Ben Carson, but I can see why Trump chose Vance since age is such an issue this go around. Carson in in his 60's or 70's, and he would make a great Cabinet Secretary, I was talking about him with a coworker and I think Secretary of State would be good for him.
Yeah I don't know how the cops didn't notice how fucked up I was. Maybe they just wanted to get it over with so they wouldn't have to stand in the rain.
Yeah man I was really fucked up. I almost nodded out driving home from there but luckily I made it since it was only like a half mile from my house that this happened.
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Sultan Poopypants was wrong. We don't have a place, we have a vector. The yearning of an American to RETVRN is the frontier, the horizon, the sky, the planets, the stars.
Carson is too nice of a man. He didn't deserve to be born a nigger.

My wife chews grizzly.
It was implied by you downplaying the need to get every single vote possible.
Arizona is up plus 5 Trump
Colorado and Utah plus 2
New York is a swing state and all the last swing state are a shoe in.
They'll have to rig 2/3rds the country to get their shit this time.
There is not enough mother fuckers in the cemetery this time around
I suspect martial law coming in if they're bold enough but no, they have zero leeway to rig this shit this time is a shoe in
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>think theyre artists
>think theyre the cool dude who is buildign a community (of drunks)
Thats about it. people who think themselves better than cosmetology school but not good enough to be a real artist or hold a real job.
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to late to AWOOING?
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eternal torture yikes
K. I just dont think they'll be able to do it this time. They have to replace Biden in order for that plan to have a chance of working, but I guess its hopeless and we just shouldn't vote, huh?
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Once again the most extreme TDS cases turn out to be pedos!

Never too late!
They aren't using dead people, they are going to use the illegals in order to generste ballots. Votes don't matter anymore
Being a buttfucker doesn't mean you're a retard that wants to see the West turned into an unlivable cesspool. Some gays do know when to draw the line.
i got it
Teamsters drive the ballot trucks.
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I wish anime girls were real.
Yes. Imagine defending Matt Walsh of all people.
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more fuel on the radical centrist fire
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New portrait dropped today.

It's the best portrait ever taken of him.
Leading in the polls is nice, but only if that translates to actual votes. It remains to be seen if it will, so I would rather just bank as many votes as possible and not leave it to chance. Plus, the bigger the margin of victory, the stronger the mandate Trump will have to implement his agenda.
>but I guess its hopeless and we just shouldn't vote, huh?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Where did you get that from?
>So, I brought up the fact that I'm Hispanic and you know, I'm for Trump, and he said "well you're Hispanic, shouldn't you hate Trump?" and I was like umm, "well no, he's great, he's a great President". And umm, he called me stupid, or insinuated that I was stupid
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>not showing the battle wound to mock your enemies.
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That doesn't inspire confidence
Just like how Herschel Walker was supposed to inspire confidence?

Yes. Imagine how low you have to go to get me to defend Matt Walsh.
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I rewatched Rubio's speech, and I think he was about 10 seconds away from throwing a Roman salute. It's amazing how different things are from 2016.
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>He has all the markings of a redpilled
I always feel bad for that girl when I see that. It's hard enough for a person to fit in, feel accepted, identify with those around them even when they look exactly the same. I always just wish a hug for her. My aunt has two mixed race daughters and they never think about what the children will deal with. It's just a selfish "everybody look how tolerant I am" and then expects 8 billion people to change over night to accommodate the situation.
>Sultan Poopypants
That's Sean Connery you're talking about, show some respect, Daniel Craig.
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Trump is our guy. This is our party.
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I am disgust.
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>it works
And the left proven that they will target you no matter how small you are.
AWOOING is strong today.
sorry, Shultan Poopypantsh
the fact that they were trying so hard to push biden out tells you that they were already losing by a lot, well past the limits of what is riggable
the fact that they stopped tells you that they have completely despaired and conceded this election
no sentient democrat would dare to try to beat trump this cycle, not after the recent events.
it is completely, utterly, irrevocably joever.

ofc that doesn't mean don't go out and vote, nor does it mean don't try to do even more if you can. while the victory in the election is a done deal, the larger the margin, the stronger the mandate
and ofc there's also house and senate, both of which are needed if trump is to be able to do much of anything without facing constant roadblocks in his efforts.
how loud were the haley boos?
That's more like it.
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>AWOOING is strong today.
AWOO must have hit the gym
It's Grover my fellow Clevelandsissies...
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>They said my ear will heal real good. The doctors said that. I like that. Not just because I'm incredibly vain. I'll get my nice BEAUTIFUL EAR back soon. But not just because I'm vain. I don't like being reminded of how close that bullet got. DID YOU SEE THAT? It wheezed past my BEAUTIFUL HAIR. It was this close folks. It could have been a mess. A BIG FAT MESS.
I miss hearing him talk.
When will he make a speech?
Vance gives me Bush Senior vibes more than Pence did. This is Reagan all over again. Everyone knows Reagan did not want Bush Senior as his VP.
is this ironic?
we r anonymous, we r legion

we do not 4giv

we do not
>this prostitute with a 10 minute spot during the first day of the event is a threat to party purity
if Matt Walsh didn’t get his panties in a twist over it, no one would have gave a fuck.
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nothing to see here, move along
Shut up. You must be a shill. Only a shill would dare criticize Vance
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hey a thought i just had remember how ricky vaughn was arrested because a "fellow right-winger" reported him?
He's to young to create a dynasty.
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Give it time!
>we'd just be propping the system up
>therefore we should not participate and just let leftists continue doing what they have been doing and keep fucking us over
Cuckservatives will never not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory if the opportunity presents itself.
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I would love to hear whats the cutoff point according to these people.
What is the lowest class/income/work we are "allowed" to go after for wishing us dead? Fucking concernfags..
Blessed, we need strong AWOOs
The GOP let the Democrats have the first "black" president and the first "female" vice president. If you are this concerned about optics, then the GOP is still considered a party of white men since all GOP presidents and vice presidents have been white men. If Trump picked Ben Carson as his vice president, we could finally say the GOP can ride and die with niggas even better than the Democrats can.
Literally the only thing bad about him is not calling out Israel which frankly you have to have a bit of a literal not just political death wish to do if you have power.
and in the worst case, its going to be a long LONG time before americans are ready to vote for a halfjeet for president.
in the best case, it'll never happen
So since when do law enforcement clean up the crime scene after their investigation?
Bush Senior unironically would've been Youngkin or Rubio.
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since they really don't want anybody else poking around for some reason
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>Agent Clean™
>"Like it never happened at all!"®
Basically the only shitty thing about Vance is his incredibly poor judgment in his personal life. Other than that he seems okay.
I can't stomach the dnc faggotry. rnc is dorky, but dnc is so cringily gay

if the true homo speakers are all gay, asian or arab, then that's good.

i only watched 3 nom acceptance speeches in my life. bush 92, trump 16 and 20. No way i'm sitting thru any other gayness

never finna 4get bush saying he will make cuba democratic in his 92 speech lol

This is a cray timeline, just wanna say i support all u niggers. Keep muds away from our women, that's priority number 1. Voting gop is 1 step towards that
>Ben Carson Secretary of State
Please we would be so fucking back
sorry i don't know who that is i only got interested in politics like two years ago
btw this RNC fucking sucks! it's over, isn't it?
Vance is a poor white guy who became a marine who went to Yale. If he was in skul and bones there my be something to what you're saying.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
>nigger says nigger things
and absolutely no one was shocked. Hang every single fucking nigger.
Nimarata won 2 states.
kys, u niggerloving piece of shit. No nigger should ever be 1 of us. Niggers r inferior

you are trash
Vermont and what else?
you forgot the part where you tell me about your favorite political streamer like i should care!
are you retarded
The Democrats don't even put up "blacks." Obama was a halfbreed and Kamala was a halfbreed. Every time the GOP puts up a black, it's actually a full black dude: Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Byron Donalds, etc. Someone should ask the Democrats why they're afraid to run actual black dudes lol.
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I found this video of Laqueshia Hitler just now. This lady is intense.

Zoomers know him, if the term goes good (it'll go GREAT), he'd have a very easy nom for 2028 since a whole swath of boomers and older will be dead for sure.
all pajeets are filth. Send this kwik e mart faggot back to india where he belongs
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>shills for Pence (enemy)
>shills against Vance (ally)
>shills for complacency in securing votes (bad)
>shills against securing as many votes as possible (good)
I think I've cracked the case, boys.
Skull and Bones stopped publishing public membership lists after 1982
DEI is destroying our nation. a broad should never be head of the usss
I read her quote and my minds imagination automatically made it a southern mammy slave voice. Whoever owns that mammy slave should be reprimanded.
If Trump wins imagine how badass the 2026 250 year anniversary will be. 1976 was well, well before my time but my dad said it was a year long celebration with all sorts of fun shit.
Always. They're not going to leave a pile of blood and guts for the landlord to clean up.
The problem is when they do it BEFORE the investigation.
It was more cringe as that closing prayer garbage.
I think they also started letting women join, which is possibly why everything is so fucking gay and femenist
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look at all these faggots that don't understand the name of the game
>ackshually we want to win on the OPTICS it's about the marketplace of ideals lol
no you fucking crush them at any opening because that's how power works. you have to be fucking braindead about how we even arrived at this current situation if you think libtards simply talked their way into it and then allowed that to undo everything
god so many fucking faggots pumping the brakes for god knows what reason. addicted to losing is the most charitable explanation and i'm running out of charity
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yes i am excited to take a trip to the BIG CITY and engage in the world fair (america edition)
Absolute braindead take.
You need actual consequences for doing shit like this, not some mild libtard hearing something he actually kinda supports.
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You're not going to become unhinged when Biden wins, are you?
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reminder still baking
Your face is garbage
I don't think white women appreciate minority women larping as white women. White women want to be able to say they have an exotic friend with an exotic first and last name. Meanwhile, if a white woman says Nikki Haley is her friend, everybody would think she is a white girl instead of an Indian girl.
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Fear of winning is one hell of a drug..
our morality is "winning," i thought we left these le principled conservative dead ends behind long ago but apparently not
They've been allowing women in since 1992.
This kind of shit just reminds you over and over that there are lots of normal white men who got passed over for affirmative action black scholarship diversity hires working in congress. The only way to fix the US besides ending affirmative action is to pressure the system into swinging back towards 80%+ white/male and the bulk of minorities should be guys who are like "1/4 Japanese, 3/4 German" or "1/2 Spanish Cuba, 1/2 Italian" to bring an end to the never ending attacks against the American people by overrepresented hostile minorities.
>doesn’t address the main point
Again, if Matt Walsh didn’t chimp out like a retard, no one would have cared.
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I've worked as a police officer before and no one ever cleaned up the crime scene. The body is removed and that's about it. Property owner has to call in a private service to clean up the crime scene. Maybe they'll have the fire department hose down the sidewalk if there's blood on it but that's it
Zoomers don't care about Vance. The only Vance fanbodys I see on Twitter are millennial men. Zoomers are more attracted to Trump than Vance since Vance is not meme material at all while Trump is the origin of memes.
>liberals never expected that doxxing could go two ways
>liberals are now screaming "the gloves are off" after they screamed that political violence is uncool but they wish more chud rightwingers got bullied off twitter
The funny part is that I've seen this shit before. Reply to them that you're fuckign ready and waiting for them to start the civil war and you'll gas their whole tranny team and they start crying that you're a psycho.

They realyl unironically think it's just fun and games to fuck your life up and it's a tragedy when they get got in return.
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A woman should never be in charge of anything more complicated than a pie.
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Tomboy status: confirned.
I feel really bad for her, look at that white beauty just begging to be let out, but can't bc of niggerness. Damn shame

1 of caitlin clark's iowa teamates is the same. Potential beautiful white girl ruined by being half nigger. It looks so disgusting.

u can tell it saddens mercedes mone. No matter how much she tries to be sexy, she just can't bc she is an ape
Not as loud as the turtle boos yesterday, and they calmed down in a hurry when she said she was here to surrender.
>Swallow the RNC slop
Good talk.
Will Stephen Miller appear at the RNC? I want him to drop knowledge on national TV and cause MSM to lose it.
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
>Vance is not meme material
He'll get his time.
Reddit cliche. Bye.
Trump probably picked vance because he was a nevertrumper in 2016 (so basically unity within the party), is a millennial (want to bring the young homeowners and not-homeowners who got fucked into the fold), is from Ohio/the midwest (senate seat, increasing republican turnout in Ohio to 60% can flip that seat+house seats) and his pajeet wife shows Trump is le not racist+sucks Modi's pajeet dick as part of the weird shift every boomer is doing trying to get more jeets shitting in the streets.
no, dumbfuck, no more niggers in high office

What part of niggers r inferior do u retards not understand

pol is disapointing lately. NO NIGGERS FFS

Blacks r filth
UN sucks
Implants suck
>if you punish bad people that makes you bad too!
no im not interested in this middle schoolers opinion on morality.
>He says while defending the OF nigger

Was the constant bowing to Israel cringe?
Yep. I worked for one of these companies that cleaned up after you left. I've wiped brains off of walls, cleaned carpets soaked in blood, you name it. You never forget the smell of that much blood.
that's disgusting.
he's assassination insurance.
>willing to burn down the party over some whore who talked on the first day of the event for 10 minutes
She didn’t even say anything controversial.
If Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire camp didn’t chimp out like retards, no one, including you, would have cared.

Reminder that grifters grift easier when the party is on the retreat. They need to be a victim.
I am heartbroken that you are a faggot

carson is a nigger, you idiot. a nigger

Niggers r apes
If you ever talked to Indian nationalists online, they consider Indians who rejected Hinduism to be the ultimate betrayal even if those Indians are pretending they gave up Hinduism and converted to another religion. A white vice president with an Indian wife, who is no longer Hindu, is not going to make Indian men happy at all.
No he didn't, you niggerlover
having a ticket with a nigger on it undercuts our whole purpose, u retard

jfc, pol is officially gay now
>willing to burn down the party
I don't think so considering how minuscule (0) the amount of black votersvoters the whore is going to carry over.

>some whore
glad we can agree she didn't need to be on stage

>If Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire camp didn’t chimp out like retards, no one, including you, would have cared.
Did you have a problem with the constant Israel dicksucking? Are you deficient in your mental faculties?
another niggerlover

No nigger should ever be on the gop ticket. Ever

pol truly doesn't understand that niggers r subhuman
It's his pronigger policies, u imbecile

pol forgot that our purpose is to maga. america was great when niggers weren't ruining it as much, u dumb nigger
bc he would be. He belongs in africa

Niggers belong in africa
I only found out bc I turned the tv on to watch canada football match. I hardly ever watch tv
Assuming black voters to be 100% off-the-table guarantees that you will gain no black voters. You got to try, and acting like a smug puritan gets you nowhere.

>muh juice
America is obligated to Israel on an intelligence level. To expect either party to abandon it is delusional.
no black person should ever be on a gop ticket, u retarded niggerlover
Exactly. always pick a white over a nigger

Niggers r primates
They are most definitely on the table and most definitely aren't watching the RNC they're clowning on her ass on twitter. Pair him with 50cent and Tyson if you want the black vote you dumbass and acting like an out of touch boomer will get you ridiculed and lose the ground you've made. Actions speak louder than words and the thot can have a spot in next year's convention if she quits being a whore cold turkey.

>to expect either party to abandon it is delusional.
so complaining about the juice here is fine but not the OF nigger? pick a lane.
carson is a nigger, u dumb pos

Why does pol not understand that blacks r inferior. Someone answer this
u didn't deny it, sandnigger

kys,pos arab
Vance won over Hispanix with his " r u racist. do u hate mexicans" commercial. Funniest ever. Latins like him, nigger
I feel like this whole assassination thing is a distraction from the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Trump and Biden are both shabbos goy and American politicians are owned by AIPAC so I suppose that's the reason why Trump is experiencing a huge amount of support from the left and right.
nick fountains likes girls, nigger
what part of "go forth and sin no more" do you not want to understand? no OF whores making primetime speeches.

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