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I. Introduction
The recent attempted assassination of Donald Trump has raised numerous questions, not only about the audacity of the act itself but also about the highly improbable series of events leading up to it. When examined closely, these events form a narrative that defies the realm of mere coincidence and instead suggests a coordinated and malicious conspiracy. This article will dissect each aspect of the plot, demonstrating the improbability of these events occurring independently and making a compelling case for a concerted effort behind the scenes.
On the surface, the attempted assassination might appear to be the work of a lone, radicalized individual. However, a deeper examination reveals a web of connections and systematic failures that point to something far more sinister. From the detailed planning and execution of the attack to the glaring security lapses and suspicious financial maneuvers in the days leading up to it, the evidence suggests a level of orchestration that could not be achieved by a single individual acting alone.
Key points of this analysis will include the background and preparation of the shooter, the specific events on the day of the attempt, the execution of the plan, the systematic security failures that occurred, and the financial connections that implicate powerful entities such as BlackRock. Each section will delve into the specifics, piecing together the puzzle that reveals a coordinated effort to carry out the assassination.
By the end of this article, it will be clear that the events surrounding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump were not random or coincidental. Instead, they were the result of meticulous planning, insider knowledge, and deliberate actions taken by individuals and entities with the means and motive to influence the outcome. This case demands a thorough investigation to uncover the true extent of the conspiracy and to hold those responsible accountable.
II. Background and Preparation

The background and preparation phase of the attempted assassination on Donald Trump provides crucial insights into the planning and capabilities of the shooter. By examining the shooter’s profile and the strategic maneuvers leading up to the event, we can begin to piece together a narrative that points to a meticulously planned conspiracy.

The Shooter’s Profile

At the center of this incident is a 20-year-old ROTC rifle reject. Despite being deemed unfit for military rifle training, this individual managed to orchestrate an incredibly sophisticated attack. What’s more alarming is his appearance in BlackRock marketing materials, which immediately raises questions about how a seemingly insignificant figure could be connected to one of the world’s most powerful financial institutions.

The young man’s capabilities far exceeded what would be expected from someone with his background. His actions indicate not only detailed knowledge of the event’s security layout but also a high level of training and preparation. This suggests that he was not acting alone but was likely supported by individuals or entities with significant resources and expertise.

The Shooter's Preparations

On the day of the attempted assassination, the shooter executed a carefully planned sequence of actions. He began by parking his vehicle at a Home Depot located a mile away from the event. This strategic choice of parking location was likely intended to avoid drawing attention to his activities. From there, he walked the mile to the event site, carrying a rifle (an AR-15), backpack, binoculars, and a 12-foot ladder.
The ability to transport such equipment without raising suspicion is remarkable and indicates a well-thought-out plan. However, this also raises significant doubts about the official narrative. Given the cumbersome nature of the equipment, the likelihood of the shooter walking the entire distance without being noticed by traffic cameras or passersby is extremely low. This discrepancy suggests that the shooter was most likely transported by other means, possibly with assistance from individuals who ensured his actions remained undetected.

Knowledge of Security Layout

The shooter demonstrated an uncanny knowledge of the event's security layout. He knew exactly where to climb onto the roof of AGR International to avoid detection by three counter-sniper teams. This level of knowledge is highly improbable without insider information. It suggests that the shooter either had access to detailed security plans or was assisted by someone with intimate knowledge of the security arrangements.

Summary of Preparation Phase

The background and preparation phase of the attempted assassination on Donald Trump reveals a highly coordinated effort involving multiple entities and significant resources. The shooter’s profile, his detailed knowledge of the security layout, and the meticulous planning all point to a carefully planned conspiracy.

In the next section, we will delve into the specific events on the day of the attempt, highlighting the detailed planning and execution of the attack. This will further illustrate the improbability of these events occurring independently and reinforce the case for a coordinated conspiracy.
III. The Day of the Attempt

The day of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was marked by a series of meticulously executed actions that underscore the sophistication and planning behind the attack. Each step taken by the shooter demonstrates a high level of preparation and knowledge, suggesting that this was not the work of an isolated individual but rather a coordinated effort involving multiple actors with insider information.

The Shooter’s Arrival and Equipment

On the day of the attempted assassination, the shooter executed a carefully planned sequence of actions. He began by parking his vehicle at a Home Depot located a mile away from the event. This strategic choice of parking location was likely intended to avoid drawing attention to his activities. From there, he walked the mile to the event site, carrying a rifle (an AR-15), backpack, binoculars, and a 12-foot ladder. The ability to transport such equipment without raising suspicion is remarkable and indicates a well-thought-out plan. However, this also raises significant doubts about the official narrative. Given the cumbersome nature of the equipment, the likelihood of the shooter walking the entire distance without being noticed by traffic cameras or passersby is extremely low. This discrepancy suggests that the shooter was most likely transported by other means, possibly with assistance from individuals who ensured his actions remained undetected.

Uncanny Knowledge of Security Layout

The shooter demonstrated an uncanny knowledge of the event's security layout. He knew exactly where to climb onto the roof of AGR International to avoid detection by three counter-sniper teams. This level of knowledge is highly improbable without insider information. It suggests that the shooter either had access to detailed security plans or was assisted by someone with intimate knowledge of the security arrangements.
Execution of the Plan

The shooter initially climbed onto the roof of AGR International, using a rangefinder to assess the distance to his target. This initial climb went unnoticed, allowing him to return later with the AR-15. His ability to climb the roof twice without detection is alarming and suggests either a significant security lapse or intentional oversight.

On the roof, the shooter benefited from several inexplicable oversights:
• Sniper team 1 was blocked by a tree.
• Sniper team 2 was similarly blocked.
• Sniper team 3 was at a lower elevation and blocked by the roof apex.
• All three sniper teams were suspiciously looking in the same direction, ignoring other high-risk areas.

These oversights are not just coincidental. The alignment and focus of the sniper teams suggest a coordinated effort to create blind spots. The fact that all three teams were looking in the same direction implies a planned distraction or intentional misdirection.

Proximity to the Target

The shooter managed to get within 120 yards of the presidential candidate, who was "protected" by the USSS on the roof of AGR International. He was spotted 30 minutes before the attack, pointing his gun at a cop, but no action was taken to pull the candidate to safety. It is worth noting that had the cop fired a warning shot into the ground, standard protection protocols would have been activated. This failure to act on immediate threat information is inexcusable and indicates either a breakdown in communication or a deliberate decision to ignore the threat.

Despite crawling on a hot, sloped metal roof for three minutes with a heart rate likely soaring to 180 bpm after carrying heavy gear for a mile, the shooter remained steady enough to aim and fire. The physical and mental composure required for such a feat is extraordinary and suggests extensive training or a high level of preparedness.
Summary of the Day of the Attempt

The events on the day of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump were marked by a series of highly improbable actions and security lapses. The shooter's detailed knowledge of the security layout, the absence of critical surveillance measures, the inadequacy of the USSS protection, and the coordinated oversights of the sniper teams all point to a meticulously planned conspiracy. This reinforces the notion that this was not a random act but a deliberate and coordinated attempt on Trump's life.

In the next section, we will delve into the systematic security failures that occurred and the signs of malice that point to a larger conspiracy. This will further illustrate the improbability of these events occurring independently and reinforce the case for a coordinated effort behind the scenes.

IV. Systematic Security Failures and Signs of Malice

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump revealed a series of systematic security failures that, when examined collectively, point to an orchestrated plot rather than a series of unfortunate coincidences. These failures span multiple areas of the security operation, each adding to the improbability of the event being a mere accident. The consistent pattern of oversight and misalignment suggests a deliberate attempt to weaken security and facilitate the attack. Many of these failures represent a willful disregard of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and cannot simply be chalked up to coincidence.

Designated Sectors Ignored

In any high-profile security operation, the concept of designated sectors is crucial. Security personnel are assigned specific zones to monitor, ensuring that all areas are covered and potential threats are identified and neutralized. In this case, the designated sectors were either not properly established or completely ignored. The shooter’s ability to exploit these blind spots indicates either gross negligence or insider information.
The shooter knew exactly where to position himself to avoid detection by the sniper teams. This level of precision implies a deep understanding of the security layout, likely obtained through detailed security plans or insider assistance. The designated sectors should have provided overlapping fields of vision, but the alignment of the sniper teams created significant blind spots.

Misaligned Sniper Teams

The sniper teams, a critical component of the security detail, were systematically misaligned. Sniper teams 1 and 2 were blocked by trees, while sniper team 3 was positioned at a lower elevation and blocked by the roof apex. This misalignment severely limited their ability to detect and respond to threats.

Typically, sniper teams are strategically positioned to provide overlapping fields of vision, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the event area. The fact that all three teams were looking in the same direction suggests a coordinated effort to create these blind spots. This is not a simple oversight but a deliberate attempt to direct the sniper teams’ attention away from critical areas.

Critical Overwatch Positions Left Unguarded

One of the most egregious security failures was the decision to leave critical overwatch positions, such as the water tower, unguarded. These positions provide a clear vantage point over the event and are essential for monitoring potential threats. The absence of security at these positions created a significant vulnerability that the shooter exploited.

In high-security scenarios, all potential vantage points should be monitored to prevent exploits. The decision to leave these positions unguarded indicates either a gross oversight or intentional weakening of the security protocol. Given the importance of these positions, the failure to guard them is highly suspicious.
Ineffective Coordination and Communication

The sniper teams were not communicating effectively, leading to critical blind spots. Effective communication is vital in high-stakes scenarios to ensure all potential threat vectors are covered. The lack of coordination among the sniper teams resulted in a failure to detect and respond to the shooter.
In high-profile security operations, communication protocols are established to maintain situational awareness and coordinate responses. The breakdown in communication observed in this incident suggests either a failure to adhere to these protocols or intentional interference.

Lack of Immediate Action by Cops

Cops stationed outside AGR International did nothing when the shooter pointed a gun at them. All the cop needed to do was shoot into the ground to enact protection actions, but this basic response was not taken. Similarly, cops inside the AGR International building did nothing while the shooter climbed the roof.

The inaction of the cops indicates a significant lapse in security procedures. The failure to respond to a direct threat raises questions about their training, instructions, and potential involvement in the conspiracy.

Untrained or Underqualified Personnel

The replacement of highly trained USSS agents with less experienced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) females compromised the effectiveness of the security detail. The timing and nature of these personnel changes raise questions about their motivations. Deploying less experienced personnel at such a critical time undermined the overall security operation.

The decision to replace experienced agents with less qualified personnel suggests an intentional effort to weaken the security detail. This change in personnel likely contributed to the numerous lapses and failures observed during the event.
Summary of Systematic Security Failures

The systematic security failures observed during the attempted assassination of Donald Trump highlight a coordinated effort to weaken the security operation and facilitate the attack. The ignored designated sectors, misaligned sniper teams, unguarded critical overwatch positions, ineffective coordination and communication, and the failure of immediate action by the cops all point to a deliberate attempt to undermine security.

The involvement of untrained or underqualified personnel further indicates a coordinated conspiracy. These consistent security lapses and oversights suggest a well-planned operation involving multiple actors working together to execute the attack. Many of these failures represent a willful disregard of SOPs and cannot simply be chalked up to coincidence.

In the next section, we will explore the financial connections that point to a larger conspiracy, focusing on the ties between BlackRock, Roper Technologies, and Indicor. This will further illustrate the improbability of these events occurring independently and reinforce the case for a coordinated effort behind the scenes.

V. The Ridiculous and Dubious Claims of the USSS Director

Following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the United States Secret Service (USSS) Director made several claims that, upon closer inspection, appear not only dubious but also indicative of a potential cover-up or gross negligence. These statements, intended to explain the security failures, raise more questions than they answer and suggest a deliberate effort to obfuscate the truth behind the incident.
Claim 1: AGR International Was Outside the Secure Perimeter

One of the most questionable assertions made by the USSS Director was that AGR International was outside the secure perimeter. Given the importance of comprehensive security for high-profile events, such as those involving a presidential candidate, this claim is highly suspect. Secure perimeters are meticulously planned and should encompass all potential vantage points that could be exploited by an attacker.
• Flawed Perimeter Planning: If AGR International was indeed outside the secure perimeter, it reflects a significant flaw in the planning and execution of security measures. High-risk locations, regardless of their perceived distance from the main event, should always be within the secure perimeter and closely monitored.
• Inconsistency with Standard Protocols: The exclusion of AGR International from the secure perimeter contradicts standard security protocols, which mandate the inclusion of all potential threat locations. This inconsistency raises questions about the integrity of the security planning process.

Claim 2: The Roof of AGR International Was Too Sloped to Be Considered a Threat

Another dubious claim by the USSS Director was that the roof of AGR International was too sloped to be considered a viable threat location. This assertion is problematic for several reasons:
• Overlooking Tactical Realities: The slope of a roof does not necessarily preclude its use as a vantage point for an attacker. Trained shooters are capable of adapting to various environments, and the physical characteristics of the roof should not have been dismissed so easily.
• Contradictory Evidence: The shooter successfully used the roof of AGR International to carry out the attack, which directly contradicts the USSS Director’s claim. This suggests either a lack of understanding of tactical realities or an intentional downplaying of the threat posed by the roof.
Claim 3: Failure to Justify Security Lapses
The USSS Director’s statements appeared to be attempts to justify the security lapses rather than addressing the root causes. This approach undermines the credibility of the explanations provided and suggests a possible cover-up:
• Deflecting Responsibility: By focusing on the supposed unsuitability of AGR International’s roof and its location outside the secure perimeter, the USSS Director effectively deflected responsibility for the security failures. This deflection raises suspicions about the true motivations behind the security decisions.
• Lack of Accountability: The failure to acknowledge and address the real reasons for the security lapses indicates a lack of accountability within the USSS. This lack of accountability is problematic in ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of future security operations.
Ignoring High-Risk Locations
The USSS Director’s claims also reflect a broader issue of ignoring high-risk locations that should have been included in the security plan:
• Overwatch Positions: Critical overwatch positions, such as the water tower, were left unguarded. These locations should have been monitored to prevent exactly the kind of exploit the shooter used. The decision to leave these positions unguarded indicates either a gross oversight or intentional weakening of the security protocol.
• Blind Spots: The misalignment of sniper teams and the failure to cover all potential threat vectors created blind spots that the shooter exploited. The USSS Director’s failure to address these blind spots points to a deeper issue of inadequate threat assessment and response planning.
Summary of Dubious Claims

The claims made by the USSS Director in the aftermath of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump are not only dubious but also indicative of a potential cover-up or gross negligence. The assertions that AGR International was outside the secure perimeter and that its roof was too sloped to be considered a threat are both inconsistent with standard security protocols and contradicted by the events that unfolded.

These statements, rather than providing clarity, raise further questions about the integrity of the security planning process and the true motivations behind the decisions made. The failure to acknowledge and address the real reasons for the security lapses points to a lack of accountability and a potential deliberate effort to obfuscate the truth.

In the next section, we will explore the financial connections that point to a larger conspiracy, focusing on the ties between BlackRock, Roper Technologies, and Indicor. This will further illustrate the improbability of these events occurring independently and reinforce the case for a coordinated effort behind the scenes.

VI. The BlackRock, Indicor, Roper, AGR Connection and US Government Contracts
The financial and corporate connections surrounding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump reveal a web of relationships that point to a larger conspiracy. By examining the ties between BlackRock, Indicor, Roper Technologies, AGR International, and their involvement in US government contracts, we can further illustrate the improbability of these events occurring independently and reinforce the case for a coordinated effort behind the scenes.
BlackRock’s Influence and Investments

BlackRock, one of the world’s largest asset management firms, has significant influence across various industries through its vast investment portfolio. Its connections to the entities involved in this case raise substantial concerns:

• Seed Investment in Roper Technologies: BlackRock’s initial funding of Roper Technologies positions it at the core of this intricate network. Roper Technologies, in turn, has established itself as a major player in the industrial sector, particularly in specialized technology and equipment.
• Financial Power and Influence: BlackRock’s substantial financial resources and investment strategies provide it with considerable influence over the companies in which it invests. This influence extends to strategic decisions and operational directions, potentially including those that impact national security.

The Formation of Indicor by Roper Technologies

Roper Technologies, leveraging BlackRock’s investment, formed Indicor to manage its portfolio of specialized businesses. This strategic move integrates various high-tech and industrial companies under one umbrella, further consolidating influence and control:
• Creation of Indicor: Indicor was formed to streamline the management of Roper Technologies’ diverse portfolio. This included the acquisition and integration of several companies, enhancing operational efficiency and market reach.
• Acquisition of AGR International: One of the key acquisitions by Indicor was AGR International, a company with significant ties to the Department of Defense (DoD) and federal agencies. This acquisition positioned Indicor as a critical player in the industrial and defense sectors.
AGR International’s Strategic Importance

AGR International’s connections to the DoD and other federal agencies highlight its strategic importance. The company’s expertise and contracts with the US government place it at the center of national security and defense operations:
• DoD Contracts: AGR International holds numerous contracts with the DoD, providing specialized technology and equipment critical to national defense. These contracts necessitate a high level of security clearance and operational integrity.
• Federal Agency Involvement: Beyond the DoD, AGR International collaborates with various federal agencies, further embedding itself within the infrastructure of national security.
Financial Maneuvers: Shorting $DJT Stocks

In the days leading up to the assassination attempt, $DJT stocks were shorted en masse. This financial strategy involves borrowing stocks and selling them with the hope of buying them back at a lower price, thus profiting from the difference. The massive shorting of $DJT stocks suggests that those involved had foreknowledge of an event that would negatively impact the market.
• Scale and Confidence: Shorting stocks on such a scale requires substantial capital and confidence in the anticipated outcome. This indicates that the conspirators had detailed information about the assassination attempt and expected it to succeed, causing a significant drop in the stock market.
• Sophisticated Operation: The level of financial maneuvering points to a sophisticated and well-funded operation, likely involving individuals with deep knowledge of financial markets and the impending attack.
• Historical Comparisons: This tactic of shorting stocks in anticipation of a major event is not unprecedented. Similar patterns were observed prior to the 9/11 attacks, where airline stocks were heavily shorted, and prior to the 10/06/23 events in Israel, where certain Israeli stocks were shorted. In both cases, the stock market activities indicated foreknowledge of catastrophic events. The parallels to the shorting of $DJT stocks before the assassination attempt on Trump reinforce the suspicion of an orchestrated plot.
Indicor’s Role and Implications

Indicor’s acquisition of AGR International and its broader portfolio of companies underscore its strategic importance:
• Centralization of Influence: The formation of Indicor centralized the management and operational control of several key companies, enhancing strategic decision-making capabilities.
• Implications for National Security: Given AGR International’s role in national defense, Indicor’s influence over the company has significant implications for national security. This connection raises questions about potential conflicts of interest and vulnerabilities within the defense infrastructure.

BlackRock’s Strategic Positioning

BlackRock’s investment in Roper Technologies and, by extension, its influence over Indicor and AGR International, places it in a strategically powerful position:
• Influence Over Defense Contractors: Through its investments, BlackRock indirectly exerts influence over companies critical to national defense. This influence extends to strategic decisions that can impact national security.
• Potential Conflicts of Interest: The convergence of financial power and strategic defense operations under BlackRock’s influence presents potential conflicts of interest. These conflicts may compromise the integrity of national security operations.

Summary of Financial and Corporate Connections

The financial and corporate connections surrounding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump reveal a complex web of relationships involving BlackRock, Indicor, Roper Technologies, and AGR International. These connections, coupled with the companies’ involvement in US government contracts, illustrate the improbability of these events occurring independently. The strategic positioning and influence of BlackRock, combined with the operational importance of AGR International, point to a coordinated effort behind the scenes.
The financial maneuvers, such as the shorting of $DJT stocks, further underscore the sophistication and planning involved in the conspiracy. Drawing comparisons to the shorting of airline stocks before 9/11 and Israeli stocks before 10/06/23, it becomes evident that these stock market activities are indicative of foreknowledge and calculated efforts to profit from impending crises.
VII. The Shooter’s Connection to BlackRock

The connection between the shooter and BlackRock adds another layer of complexity to the narrative surrounding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. This relationship underscores the depth of the conspiracy and highlights the potential involvement of powerful financial entities in orchestrating the attack.

The Shooter’s Background

The shooter, a 20-year-old ROTC rifle reject, managed to execute a highly sophisticated attack that would be difficult for even a trained operative to carry out alone. His ability to infiltrate the security perimeter and position himself on the roof of AGR International suggests extensive preparation and support. The shooter’s background, as someone who was previously rejected from a formal military program, raises questions about how he acquired the skills and knowledge necessary for such an operation.

Appearance in BlackRock Marketing Materials

One of the most startling revelations is the shooter’s appearance in BlackRock marketing materials. This connection is significant for several reasons:
• Unusual Association: It is highly unusual for an individual with no apparent high-profile background to feature in the marketing materials of a major financial institution like BlackRock. This suggests a deeper relationship between the shooter and the company.
• Potential Recruitment: The inclusion of the shooter in these materials may indicate that he was recruited or otherwise engaged by BlackRock. This raises questions about the nature of his involvement and the extent to which BlackRock may have influenced or supported his actions.
Possible Financial Motivations

BlackRock’s substantial financial resources and influence make it a key player in global markets. The company’s potential involvement in the assassination attempt could be motivated by several factors:
• Market Manipulation: By orchestrating an event that would significantly impact the stock market, BlackRock could stand to profit from the resulting market fluctuations. The shorting of $DJT stocks in the days leading up to the attack suggests that those involved had foreknowledge of the event and sought to capitalize on it.
• Strategic Objectives: Beyond financial gain, BlackRock may have had strategic objectives in orchestrating the attack. Influencing political outcomes and destabilizing certain entities could align with broader corporate goals.

BlackRock’s Influence and Operations

As one of the world’s largest asset management firms, BlackRock wields considerable influence over various industries. The shooter’s connection to BlackRock highlights the potential for the company to leverage its resources and networks in pursuit of its objectives:
• Operational Reach: BlackRock’s extensive reach and influence allow it to operate in various sectors, including finance, technology, and defense. This operational reach provides the company with the means to orchestrate complex operations and influence significant events.
• Network of Influence: The company’s vast network of influence includes numerous subsidiaries, investments, and strategic partnerships. This network can be mobilized to achieve specific goals, including those related to political and financial outcomes.
Implications of the Connection

The shooter’s connection to BlackRock raises significant concerns about the integrity of the assassination investigation and the potential for broader conspiracies involving powerful financial entities:
• Conflict of Interest: The involvement of a major financial institution in the assassination plot suggests a conflict of interest that could compromise the investigation’s integrity. Ensuring an impartial and thorough investigation is crucial to uncovering the full extent of the conspiracy.
• National Security: The connection between the shooter and BlackRock, coupled with the company’s influence over defense contractors like AGR International, highlights potential vulnerabilities in national security. Addressing these vulnerabilities is essential to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Summary of the Shooter’s Connection to BlackRock

The connection between the shooter and BlackRock adds a critical dimension to the narrative of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The shooter’s background, combined with his appearance in BlackRock marketing materials, suggests a deeper relationship that warrants further investigation. This connection underscores the potential involvement of powerful financial entities in orchestrating the attack and highlights the need for a thorough and impartial investigation to uncover the true extent of the conspiracy.

In the final section, we will conclude by summarizing the key points and emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation to uncover the true extent of the conspiracy and hold those responsible accountable.
VIII. Conclusion & Summary

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is a deeply troubling event that reveals a complex web of connections, systematic security failures, and potential conspiracies involving powerful financial entities. Through a detailed examination of the shooter’s background, the financial and corporate connections, and the significant security lapses, we have built a compelling case that this incident was not a mere coincidence but a coordinated and malicious conspiracy.

Summary of Key Points

1. Shooter’s Background and Preparation:
o A 20-year-old ROTC rifle reject managed to execute a sophisticated attack, demonstrating skills and knowledge far beyond what would be expected from his background.
o The shooter’s appearance in BlackRock marketing materials suggests a deeper relationship and potential recruitment by the financial giant.
2. The Day of the Attempt:
o The shooter’s actions on the day of the attempt were meticulously planned, from parking strategically a mile away to avoiding detection while carrying significant equipment.
o His knowledge of the security layout and ability to exploit blind spots indicate insider information or assistance.
3. Systematic Security Failures:
o The failure to establish and monitor designated security sectors allowed the shooter to position himself undetected.
o Misaligned sniper teams and unguarded critical overwatch positions point to deliberate weakening of security protocols.
o A lack of effective communication and immediate action by law enforcement further compromised the security operation.
4. Dubious Claims by the USSS Director:
o The USSS Director’s assertions that AGR International was outside the secure perimeter and that its roof was too sloped to be a threat are both inconsistent with standard security protocols and contradicted by the facts.
o These statements suggest an attempt to justify security lapses rather than addressing their root causes.
5. Financial Maneuvers and Market Manipulation:
o The shorting of $DJT stocks in the days leading up to the assassination attempt parallels historical patterns observed before significant events like 9/11 and 10/06/23, indicating foreknowledge and calculated financial gain.
o The scale of these financial maneuvers points to a sophisticated and well-funded operation, likely involving individuals with deep knowledge of financial markets and the impending attack.

6. Corporate Connections and Influence:
o BlackRock’s substantial investments and influence over Roper Technologies and Indicor, and their acquisition of AGR International, place it in a strategically powerful position with potential conflicts of interest.
o AGR International’s involvement in national defense contracts underscores the strategic importance and potential vulnerabilities in national security.

7. Shooter’s Connection to BlackRock:
o The connection between the shooter and BlackRock, including his appearance in their marketing materials, suggests a deeper relationship that implicates the financial giant in the conspiracy.
o This relationship raises significant concerns about the integrity of the assassination investigation and the potential for broader conspiracies involving powerful financial entities.


The evidence presented points to a meticulously planned and coordinated conspiracy involving multiple actors with significant resources and insider knowledge. The combination of systematic security failures, dubious official explanations, and sophisticated financial maneuvers indicates that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was not the work of a lone individual but a well-orchestrated plot.
The connections between the shooter and BlackRock, along with the financial and corporate ties to Roper Technologies, Indicor, and AGR International, highlight the involvement of powerful entities with substantial influence over national security and financial markets. These connections underscore the need for a thorough and impartial investigation to uncover the true extent of the conspiracy and hold those responsible accountable.

Call for a Thorough Investigation

Given the complexity and seriousness of the evidence, it is imperative that a comprehensive investigation be conducted. This investigation must be independent and free from conflicts of interest to ensure that all aspects of the conspiracy are thoroughly examined. Only through such an investigation can we hope to uncover the truth, safeguard national security, and prevent similar incidents in the future.

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities within our security systems and the potential for malicious actors to exploit them. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that those who orchestrate such plots are brought to justice and that the integrity of our democratic processes is upheld.
Pro-tip: make your thread using a mobile device, then switch to another ip address so you can bump your own thread.
>this individual managed to orchestrate an incredibly sophisticated attack.

He's a 20 year old who loony tooned his way into history books. Archduke called and wants his assassin back.
I highly doubt anyone reads it anyway here, but maybe someone of value will read it somewhere.
Don't do this, mobile devices can collect biometrics.

There are better ways to swap Ip's
They are very well aware of who I am anyway.
Be careful OP.
>you're on the list now, goy!
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I've been on that list a very long time.
Incredible breakdown, I was just about to make a thread on the DJT stock; it changed 800% in a single day, the day before the assassination attempt.
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Must clean roof fast can't let anyone else do it
Let's keep this thread bumping for OP and his diligence.
Was about to sleep to catch up on all those hours I was staying awake, I'll read it later but have a bump
Do you feel it would be helpful at all for us to get American anons to go to their state's "report public corruption" page and post this info? I know CIA, FBI, etc. can't be trusted, but I can hardly think of other things to do about it.
I think anything patriotic anons can do to get this information out would be amazing. The only way this doesn't get buried is for a groundswell of people to push back.
Amazing rundown. This shit is insane, and just think.. Had they succeeded the focus would be on the nation in morning.

The shorting of the $DJT stock is going to bury people. Firing squads making a comeback.
JFK was an open borders supporting faggot. Do not compare Trump to him.
Who gives a shit the point is to bump the thread. We're all on a list. Some anon caring about people on 4chins and warning ( more like doing fear mongering) about them getting their info collected out of genuine care for their privacy sounds ridiculous. Glowies tongue my anus. Fuck you.

With the absolutely giganormous volume of garbage and slide threads made by cancerous glowniggers on this website it is evident that they don't want at all for anons to know there's simple means to fight back against slide threads by bumping your own with IP switching.
Holy shit dude
For fuck's sakes man.
>The shot heard around the world
No kidding. Now there's all this talk about Xi Jinping having a stroke and iran being involved in planning the next hit. USSS is apparently compromised through blackmail by various foreign entities.
Joe Biden and whatever we have in DC right now are the treacherous eunuchs who sell out their kingdoms, a frequent trope in chinese history.
Might try and create a Pastebin of all "report corruption" pages I can find for each state. Unfortunately some, like Alabama, you have to submit through mail.
Based af.
if the goal was to kill trump, why wouldn't they give the kid a rifle with a scope? if the kid was a patsy and there was another shooter, why did they miss? dei hire? how embarrassing either way
It's not what it looks like, at least in part.
However, these idiots finally pushed it too far and Trump went with JDVance instead of Carson
Fuck around and find out, I guess.
>typos happen
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bump while I read through all this.
It was a different time.
Have a bump OP. You have massive balls of steel.
saved. thank you
I've been reading through recent information as I have a background in Homeland security and criminal investigation/ forensics.

nothing about this shooting adds up unless you accept an absolutely insane amount of incompetence
o7, hope I get to keep them. This is first time posting something I created on here actually has me worried.
>nothing about this shooting adds up unless you accept an absolutely insane amount of incompetence
Gross negligence and Malice are legally the same thing.
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God speed.
That's because people have lost their moral compass and are lashing out at whoever they don't like, while actual criminals and deviants are having a field day. The failures of that last 4 years should ingrain in the minds of every western citizen just how fucked up they have become. None of this would be happening if people just did what they were supposed to do from 2017-2020, at least partially.
Instead some of these asshole niggers and their stupid kids and spoiled wives were just fucking around with everybody and projecting their own problems to unwary people (for the most part, likely), causing so much social disruption and ruin that it will take years to resolve. These people were quite literally never raised in a corrective environment that follows the rules of nature, but instead began shrinking and going into twilight zones. No wonder everything feels fucked up, because it is. None of it really dealt with problems such as skyrocketing divorce rates, parental abuses and sexual deviancy, or fraudulent behaviors and two faced hypocrisy they seem to consider normal.
The core demographic of this country has been psyop'd throughout three generations with pure COPEcain propaganda because a pioneering nation led by freaked out WW2 generation isolated from the world never learned what real world looked like. They went at it so hard they forgot what planet earth looked like.
Every single social, educational, and political effort has been revolving around dealing with spoiled women, spoiled children, spoiled ROTTEN niggers. Putting men of the house last is the result of generations of COPE that made people weaker and inverted the entire social dynamic.
But a pioneering nation victorious from WW2 (just like Russians) cannot understand certain concepts because it violates the social norms of such nations. At that point, old world powers have no problems running circles around these deluded faggots.
Nice job Op.
Muh dick. Sheeeit. I'm just here to shill the idea of dark ultra maga jihad. I think it's time. We need to end women's sufferage and get this country back on track.
Hanlon's razor. the secret service is run by women and trannies. their mythical status is just a jewish hollywood lie.
Women will vote as men do if the proper dynamic is restored. That will take time.
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(Op) He doesn't rack dishaprine. Don't forget school shooter was a kike. And maybe we can use bullying productively in the future. Anything that advances the noble dream of huwhite Sharia.
Like this thread. Good work.
>Hanlon's razor
Debunking Hanlon's Razor in the Context of These Events
Hanlon's Razor is an adage that advises, "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." While this principle is useful in many contexts to avoid assuming ill intent where simple error or incompetence might be the cause, it falls short when applied to the series of events surrounding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Here’s why Hanlon’s Razor does not hold up in this case:

1. Systematic and Consistent Failures
The failures observed were not isolated incidents but a series of systematic and consistent lapses across multiple levels of security and planning. These include:

Ignored designated sectors and misaligned sniper teams.
Unguarded critical overwatch positions.
Ineffective coordination and communication among security personnel.
Replacement of experienced agents with less qualified personnel.
These are not random mistakes but patterns of behavior that suggest deliberate actions or gross negligence that is legally equivalent to malice.

2. Insider Knowledge and Precision
The shooter demonstrated precise knowledge of the security layout, which would be unlikely without insider information or assistance. The ability to exploit specific blind spots and avoid detection by counter-sniper teams points to a level of planning and execution that exceeds simple incompetence.
3. Financial Maneuvers Indicating Foreknowledge
The massive shorting of $DJT stocks before the assassination attempt, reminiscent of financial activities before major historical events like 9/11 and 10/06/23, indicates foreknowledge. This level of sophisticated financial maneuvering requires significant capital and confidence in the anticipated outcome, suggesting insider information and deliberate planning.

4. Dubious Official Explanations
The USSS Director’s claims about the security perimeter and the suitability of AGR International’s roof do not align with standard security protocols. These explanations appear to be attempts to justify security lapses rather than addressing their root causes, which indicates a potential cover-up or intentional weakening of security measures.

5. Connections to Powerful Entities
The involvement of powerful financial entities like BlackRock, with significant influence over companies critical to national defense and the presence of the shooter in their marketing materials, suggests a deeper conspiracy. The convergence of financial power and strategic defense operations under BlackRock’s influence presents potential conflicts of interest that go beyond mere incompetence.

While Hanlon’s Razor encourages us to consider stupidity before malice, the depth, consistency, and coordination of the failures observed, coupled with the financial and corporate connections, point towards a deliberate and orchestrated effort. The pattern of behavior, insider knowledge, and dubious official explanations collectively debunk the idea that these events can be attributed to simple stupidity. Instead, they suggest a well-planned conspiracy involving significant resources and intent, making a case for gross negligence or malice.
>Japanese glownigger.
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On the other hand it's kind of a pressure tactic to tell you know they are lying and then have to lie about not lying. I'd like to see serious pressure from the "six ways from Sunday " kike AKA chuck Schumer. Is this one of the 6 ways chuck? Because now that the sacred blood of the god emperor has been spilled by a lampshade American I think we as a nation need to make some hard choices involving cattle cars and ditches. JD Vance? Wtf?
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Many cops are just dumb blunt instruments. You should know this. >>474559749
And dishaprine. I'd prefer that the women of America were all based Athena types but they hoes be wildin sumtymes doe. >>474560276
Racks dishaprine. Shamefur dishpray.
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No one can answer this.
i read the whole thing but you didnt bring up his posts on /x/
he was a namefag on /x/ he called himself '12'
you can confirm its him because he brags about "having a ten inch penis huehuehue"
and the website TMZ posted a video of him in a classroom saying the "12" post word for word
he later got a trip but he used to just have "12"
The trip was literally #57. Anyone could have brute forced that shit in 10 minutes.
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Dark ultra maga jihad is an idea whose time has come. I'm sorry that you don't have the intestines for what must now be done. Many will die before it's over. True dark ultra maga jihad is America's only hope .
>lampshade American
Good one.
From what I understand, the 2 SD rule is very much real in jobs such as LE. If you put 150+ IQ guys in the streets to deal 'nicely' with sub 90 IQ fucksticks, they are going to lose their minds sooner or later.
Just finished reading through; I think it's worth mentioning the obvious attempts to strip Trump of his Secret Service protection. Back in April, legislation appeared that aims to remove Secret Service protection from convicted felons. (How many convicted felons out there have protection from USSS?)

Secondly, the repeated requests to raise his security have been declined.
Goede draad
Excellent point. I will add
Is the equivalent of the burger radiation lethal poison that russians do, then they try to claim superiority saying they don't do that, yeah, you do it different, still the same shit at the end of the day
Legislation and Security Implications
Adding to the complexity of the situation, back in April, legislation was introduced that aims to remove Secret Service protection from convicted felons. This raises the question: how many convicted felons out there actually have protection from the USSS? The timing and intent behind such legislation could be seen as part of a broader effort to manipulate the availability and allocation of Secret Service resources. This move, if applied selectively, could potentially weaken the security apparatus surrounding high-profile individuals and events, contributing to the lapses observed during the assassination attempt.
The Secret Service's performance was so bad during the preparation for and the conduct of the 7/13 Trump rally it leads people to believe that it had to be a planned assassination attempt.
- leaving the grounds 100 yards away from Trump's stage unsecured,
- leaving a roof top 150 yards from Trump's stage unsecured
- letting Trump go on stage while there was a reported threat in the area
- keeping Trump on the stage while people in the crowd are screaming that there is a guy with a rifle on the roof 150 yards away from Trump
- not having a reaction force available to respond to multiple reports of an armed person in the immediate vicinity.
- local cops bumbling around unable to communicate with the Secret Service
- SS snipers with scoped rifles on target but for some reason not shooting as the assassin took his position at the peak of his roof
Updated and added to section 4
Did a maps walk from Home Depot to AGR.
By road, there are two routes he could've taken to get there ASAP. Both routes only have 3 lights. The path starts on N Eberhart.
If the shooter took route 68, the third light does not have cameras. If the shooter took Whitestown(based) Rd then all three lights have cameras. 68 has trees for the first 1/8th of a mile or something as you pass a Golf Course. Then it's all open, flat land. Small businesses line both sides of the road. Whitestown Rd is through a neighborhood. Houses are close together.
On foot, there isn't anything really stopping him from just cutting through peoples yards. I didn't see a fence, but these are streetview images from 2023.
There is a stretch of N Eberhart unavailable to view because of road work, looks like they paved from the first light all the way to Whitestown Rd (looks nice btw).

bump regardless
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Excellent work Anon
Additional Failures Leading to Suspicions of Malice

The Secret Service's performance during the preparation for and the conduct of the July 13th Trump rally was so poor that it leads many to believe it had to be a planned assassination attempt. Key failures include:
• Leaving the grounds 100 yards away from Trump's stage unsecured: This significant oversight allowed potential threats to position themselves dangerously close to the event.
• Leaving a rooftop 150 yards from Trump's stage unsecured: This unguarded vantage point provided the shooter with an optimal location to carry out the attack.
• Letting Trump go on stage while there was a reported threat in the area: Ignoring a known threat and allowing the candidate to proceed with the event demonstrated a severe lapse in judgment.
• Keeping Trump on stage while people in the crowd were screaming that there was a guy with a rifle on the roof 150 yards away from Trump: This failure to react to immediate threat information is inexcusable and indicative of either gross negligence or intentional malfeasance.
• Not having a reaction force available to respond to multiple reports of an armed person in the immediate vicinity: The absence of a ready response team to address the threat further compromised the security operation.
• Local cops bumbling around unable to communicate with the Secret Service: This lack of coordination between local law enforcement and the Secret Service created additional vulnerabilities.
• SS snipers with scoped rifles on target but not shooting as the assassin took his position at the peak of the roof: The failure of trained snipers to neutralize the threat despite having a clear shot raises serious questions about their instructions and the overall security strategy.
>updated Section IV again

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If by deal with you mean lawfully arrest then yes. If a 150iq person really wants to be a cop then they should become a glownigger. I pretty sure this is the only way. Let us not forget that our beloved Fuhrer was also a glownigger. There are some who aren't goatse level pozzcum slurpers. At least half a dozen or so? >>474561680
This why six ways from Sunday chuck Schumer should be hiding under a rock from now on. What oh what did he mean by "six ways"? Someone should grab his wife and take her to funkytown in Minecraft. I want everyone who ever threatened one lovely hair on the best orange head there is to fry. Kyle gas should be forced to flea the country and then even only be able to go out at night wearing a disguise. Johnny Depp, that dumb cathy bitch with the fake head, fuck them all in the ear. Ricky Vaughn SIts in jail for memes. Banons a cuck but he shouldn't be in jail. Jack Smith should be in jail and everyday wonder if his family will be sexually assaulted by drunken America first mobs. Does anyone remember how Americans originally did politics?
>If a 150iq person really wants to be a cop then they should become a glownigger.
I'll keep this in mind.
Who wrote this? Can I use it as a script for YT video?
I did, as long as I get to see the video when done
One other thing.
I don't think this country, at least for the moment, has the depth of experience and historical past to tackle the world's problems all at once. Our country doesn't have experience with royal or imperial dynastic politics, or constant Eurasian land warfare and politics of the thousand year royal families.
It's true that the country was founded by landed gentry and hold a superior social dynamic compared to rest of the world still working on their own issues, but unfortunately a lot of people failed to realize we haven't been dealing with our problems, we have been papering over them and coping instead of taking care of the problems to return to the 'normal'.
MURICA FUCK YEA and aspects of evangelical psyop (which is the same programming that gave rise to ISIS) really fucked everybody in the head for three generations because of being victors in WW2. In the year of our Lord 2024, maybe it's time to take a break for about 16 years of Splendid Isolation to work on our many issues.
No well run society or civilization has these constant issues with deviants and criminals as we do. At that point, people have to ask if they were heavily in denial or failed to deal with certain problems in time within a generation's life time by taking into account the unique historical conditions of American civilization.
checkem. I read it. Thank you.
Not ruzia but companeyes like backrok should be partitinode to manageble pieces
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Before you know it the Mafia will be running brothels where you can give unsuspecting "John" powerful psychedelic drugs and other fun stuff like that. We need some good guys in there. *Memeing patriotic ear bandages would be based also.
does anyone have links or etc to official information showing $DJT stocks were shorted en masse? I'd like to look into this further. Where does this info come from?
I'm not reading all of that.
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The stock itself
Its even funnier since it failed its stay above 40 to cash out part
I need some time, and honestly I don't have any real skeletons in my closet (except for some embarrassment). But this requires a sound mind, and some better socioeconomic and cultural awareness. The country's been sick for the last 30 years because nobody wanted to face the problems that happened generations before their time.
Alongside this, there are some leading figures in different situations around the country who really believe they are the only men and women on the planet. They obviously have no intention nor even the capability of acknowledging others in the same reality, because nigger run plantation politics demand that the others are beneath their notice. This of course provokes a lot of hostility from others around the world, especially when we aren't living in 1850 or 1970s anymore.
We need a more modernized, professional and sane sociopolitical culture that moved beyond the archaic problems of the 19th century. It's possible and has been done countless times before.
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>does anyone have links or etc to official information showing $DJT stocks were shorted en masse? I'd like to look into this further. Where does this info come from?
It's logical and organized. well written. I'd be surprised if anyone attempted to refute it and even more so if they did as good a job in presenting their case
Great thread, thank you for your service OP.
thank you. can you link to this Twitter post?
Nah, I like the guy too much, youll have to work to get his account suspended
As an addendum, acknowledging others in the same reality means they too have equivalent sentiments and feelings between themselves, something certain types of people apparently can't tolerate. This might be one of the reasons why there's so much acrimony around the world right now since everybody ran their stuff according to British-American-German Christianized sensibilities.
Evangelical forced meme psyop didn't really help either.
Moving beyond that doesn't mean what these people think, obviously. One of the issues here is that they don't know how to punch from below or work knowing they are highly imperfect. It's always been holy me vs. the savage world. Well, this doesn't always apply IRL. Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do and success papers over the past. Force is everything.
it has 1.6 million likes, what could I possibly do even if I was a bad actor that others did not already?
which I'm not, btw.
this stock shorting thing could be big. I want it to redpill normies, but I need more than "some guy on pol said it"
Again, I have little trust in my line, you have run into an actual glowie
As is you can just search the text, but I would rather be an ass through and through than lose one of the handful of decent posters I still have that havent drunk in the Musk
Bump for rare effort thread, great read OP, still getting through it.
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o7, I've made several updates on the pastebin version

yeah I found it. you're a retarded asshole by the way for thinking not sharing the link somehow protects it when it has 3 million views + we would want people to see it

there isn't anything more important atm
they're desperately trying to get everyone to move on and drop this
the shooter's (supposed shooter) social media has been completely scrubbed with no explanation
The shorts put on Friday show that some very large players were expecting DJT to tank Monday. This shows that the assasination was planned and must habe been undertaken by the CIA, as for stand down orders they would be unnessecary you simply create a ungainly command structure and make everyone seek approvals (which is what appears happened), thus only 1-2 SS / Police were involved the CIA / FBI geared up a lunatic and he failed them. All thr evidence can be seen in a single video with 3 angles.
Nah osint and others have been suspended before
Large viewer counts arent armor
If anythign theyre more a reason to make the ring be kissed, see rain maker and world of engineering being bent over anf fucked raw
I don't understand how accounts like these reach the followers they do. If I have a X account I am instantly shadow-banned and then eventually outright banned within 3 weeks. Last time I was banned for "Aggressively following to many accounts."
>military rifle training

Technically, it's a JROTC unit (high school). ROTC is when you're in college. Also, those JROTC rifle teams are not "military trained." It's just a club for JROTC students who are decent with shooting bb guns (or airsoft guns these days) at targets across a room. That being said, if he was unable to qualify for a high school JROTC rifle team, he truly was either A) a pathetic shooter, and / or B) horrendously incompetent with safely holding and using a bb / airsoft gun around other people.
yeah there's zero chance you're anything but a retard
literally protects nothing as evidenced by the fact that he got the link instantly
I was in JROTC training and the man that taught it was a US Navy Captain & a former Sub Captain.
they were able to reach those heights under Dorsey
The algorithm has been repeatedl;y dithered, from Musk putting himself under the elction profile to his own stupidity like getting rid of likes
Tot he constant fuckery that is his revised blue booster
There is no stable consistent algorithm feeding content anymore, its why he has to go before the EU to explain why thats within the purviews of enshittification vs GPD
I said I was going to be an ass and make the life hard
You see someone willing to die for their beliefs and are scared
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>the president
Anyone notice the lack of shills in this bread?
>Biden won 2020
Super quiet.
>Anyone notice the lack of shills in this bread?
Now that you pointed it out... They probably want it to hit page 11 asap.
So was I. My unit also had a Naval Captain (former F4 Phantom pilot). I was on the drill team and rifle teams. The only "military tactics" taught were those by other cadets who watched too many movies.
you said you were protecting the account from getting banned
you werent, and the fact that you thought you might be means youre a retard who knows nothing of information security, and clearly not anyone of importance
have a good day, self inflated useless faggot retard
this is very comprehensive but I would add one detail
a few outlets have claimed that there was potentially a 2nd shooter, and that supposedly there are ballistics reports that have one or more of the rounds fired coming from much further away than 150 meters. I don't know if that's true but multiple witnesses have reported there being more than one shooter
I have done my part and all you can do is cope with the fact I held to my principles regardless of you
You fear the righteous, come to Christ, for He is not just King, but creator and saviour
What an autistic post kek. This is the sort of poster who writes essays for fun.
I had it in there and took it out as I have no way to confirm it. I wanted the information to be only things that have been confirmed with other sources. I even created a source appendix, I just didn't add it the article.
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>What an autistic post kek. This is the sort of poster who writes essays for fun.
I usually make graphics for fun.
almost every event reports a 2nd shooter
see aurora, people shot int he parking lot
And ballistics is as much a real thing as dental, dna and fingerprints, none of them pass the frye test, theyre just accepted as otehrwise they wouldnt be able to scare people into thinking its real
See the recent scotus dismissal of knife edge evidence for how stupid it all is
thank you for your work anon
you're one of the good ones
This is going to be put in front of "faces".
If it goes anywhere, you will know.
Nice write up anon.
1. TL/DR
2. Stopped reading at “beloved presidents”
>more people hate Trump than love him
>lots of people hated JFK but now he is “beloved” because of nostalgia and death cult.
07, better source >https://pastebin.com/SUp2yAiZ

I tried to rush posting it here so no shills would post between, should have taken my time to clean it up.
Regardless, i see you have had training in writing reports due to your formatting.
Good job on an a detailed analysis on the attempted assassination of trump. Halfway through atm.
It was good, don't post much these days because of the tireless shills
I thought you did a good job, a little repetitive at times but I thought it was insightful

I know, I wish I would have taken the time to go over it a better, I basically posted the rough draft here. Wanted to get it out. Appreciate the feedback.


On the actual website for the Trump Media & Technology Group, it shows a historical report day-by-day. Look at the 12th.

It's the clearest smoking gun that this was an inside job. There is an OVERWHELMING amount of evidence that this was an inside job.
I get why the democrats are trying to downplay this. I hardly understand why the republicans are not pushing this further. I absolutely DO NOT understand why Trump and his team are continuing on like nothing ever happened.
It could represent inside information, or he may have been smart enough to walk around the event prior to getting on the roof, and noting the positions of the sniper teams. It would be interesting to see how visible the sniper teams would have been from various areas he could have easily had access to. I agree that there's a lot of improbability in what occurred, but one must look at all possibilities, and not give in to any sort of confirmation bias.
It's the totality of the evidence. Each individual "mishap" can be luck/negligence/coincidence. The totality points to malice.
Multiple shots. Human reaction time.

Better question is how the camera caught the bullet.
What kind of camera?
How was it set up?
Who took it?
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GOD SAVED HIM FOR A REASON. WE SHALL FIND OUT WHY. i for one Trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and he saved Trump.
A number of scenarios here:

1. Whacko kid gets lucky and the SS etc. are just completely fucking incompetent.

2. Biden Admin as a blanket "fuck you" just gave trump the shittiest security possible hoping something might happened and it did.

3. Glowies intercept some credible intel that someone is gearing up to make an attempt, maybe they have the kid on their radar and they "clear a path" for him so to speak.

4. Glowies get credible intel that some whacko kid could potentially do something and they clear a path for him and seize the opportunity to make their own attempt given that they have a ready-made patsy to take the fall for their other shooter.

5. Glowies actively groom kid into doing it- we can go deeper down the rabbit hole with how they might groom someone to do this etc. and they set him up as a patsy while having a second shooter.
This is a question I thought of myself. Almost as if this Camera was setup to catch the exact moment of impact.

I.e. ShotSpotter...
Maybe improbable, but maybe that is the purpose of the long range transmitter discovered near his body? "I'm about to take the shot," without using any more conspicuous forms of communication; there's video of USSS hurriedly ushering a photographer to the front of the podium right before it happens.
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Very interesting stuff Anonymous I took notice
Keep this shit alive
Bla bla bla amerkiahhhh this is what happens when you have ahem incompetent leaders for your security teams fix your shit amerikahh, fix your shit, shit be leaking to the rest of the World all these hair colors for real tho, tc Allah akbar
“Decoding with kodi” on youtube literally called this out four months ago during a decode video..the gematria all lined up to show trump would emulate the same jfk scenario

I read it...good job OP
>saved. thank you
>I've been reading through recent information as I have a background in Homeland security and criminal investigation/ forensics.
>nothing about this shooting adds up unless you accept an absolutely insane amount of incompetence
^^^^ works at the airport
Sneed poop

There, now if anyone needs to find this thread in archives, just search "Sneed poop". Your welcome.
>shorting DJT stock
this is wrong, I got a second degree in cybersecurity so I'm a tech nerd now.

but why an airport? I can see some connection, but you sound firm in that belief.
Checked. Sorry OP, I didn't read it in full yet. I archived it though. From the glimpses I did read it is a concise breakdown of the timeline and cover up.
Excellent writeup OP, I had talk-to-text read it to me while I'm working
Great stuff, even just a few days after you do a great job putting together what little info we do have
Thanks man keep it up
Wow. Bump.
Intentional Execution

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They fear the straight white catholic cis male breeder
their minds cannot handle the glory of Christ pouring through a Christian ruler
OMG CNN reports it was POPPING NOISES that tried to kill Trump!
>it’s not sticking
CNN report out, it was the GLASS! Th- the TELEPROMPTER glass SHARDS tried to JFK him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report out it! It was a republican who tried to kill him!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report, it was FAKE Blood! STAGED!
>it’s not sticking
New CNN report it was IRAN! guys it was an Iran Plot (tm)!
>you are here
CNN reports Jews force Biden to step down in plan B course of action!
please document a link with mossad and israel and jewish collusion and the matriarchal feminization of politics. We need to out the truth in academics. And the fact that journalists/media outlets tried to memoryhole and downplay the assassination attempt by omitting the terms "assassination"
We all experienced an utter miracle, but at the same time it feels hopeless since there seems to be no changes to Trump's security detail and he is STILL allowing SS to be near him. At this point it's inevitable it's going to happen again.
But the roof is sloped, how is he not falling?
>mossad and israel and jewish collusion
>But the roof is sloped, how is he not falling?
He's FBI, not SS.
What is this?
The aggressors intentionally using “shooting” and “gunman” instead of “assassination attempt” and “assassin”.

Noticeable lack of the usual emotional programming “Horror, Unthinkable, ‘Nation Scarred’, Anger”.

Nothing. Intentionally nothing.
Cute lol
depends on the angle of the roof
also if you only have the money to get useful boots vs counterfeit trump shoes
Why does a very large portion of your text repeat itself?
ctrl+f "cumbersome" if you're wondering what I'm referring to.
>The country's been sick for the last 30 years
Try more like 80 years.
Copy/pasted to fast trying to get it all in before shills start shitting up the bread. Easier to read here > https://pastebin.com/SUp2yAiZ
USA is such a potemkin village it's hillarious. so a skrawny little sperg with herps on his lips outdo Cops, FBI, Secret Service and Marines by himself with no real preparation. how embarassing. and Bidet says people have no chance against Gov't because Gov't has F16 and Nukes. from what it looks any retard with bibi gun can take on USA Military as One Man Army
Try 163 years.
where can I see the $djt stock being shorted?
that's an insane amount of damning evidence imo
Damn, i wish i understood this good enough that my brain would say "Oh i see" but it's just pigs latin to me. :(
>Sell stock you don't actually own on Monday valued at $100 and must deleiver by Wednesday.
>Insider knowledge tells you that stock will drop to $50 on Tuesday for (((reasons))).
>You go to buy the stock you promised on Tuesday when the price is lower so you can get paid $100 on Wednesday after spending only $50 on Tuesday.
>Pocket $50 and deliver on Wednesday

>If he survives the price doesnt go to $50 on Tuesday but you still have to deliver on the promise (legally) or its considered fraud. So you either break even, lose money, or go to prison if you cant deleiver by Wednesday.
this shit is fishy. like gefilte.

Read half of it, are you saying Jews were behind this? Does Biden have anything to do? Is trump still in danger? Thanks for posting
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Umm, look at that, looks fishy.....
I kinda follow, but how can you sell stocks you don't own? Never
mind, i'm sorry, it's not my purpose to derail this thread with stupid questions like this. I guess i'll also try to google how that works right now and see what comes up...
What proof do you have of this stock being shorted en masse? I don't see any...
FBI, always first in the dirt so you don't have to.

WTF is with the day high of $15,638.32 on the 12th?
So... they'll try again. And at this point, it will be even more blatant and obvious. They're desperate. Mark my word, /pol/, Trump is in greater danger than ever before, now.
you can "borrow" stock when shorting. People stock is lent out for ppl to go short or long on - day traders. You can do something to prevent your own stock being lent out tho
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I just looked at the volume on trading view and various charts and I unironically don't see anything out of the ordinary on the 12th (pic related).
Trump should clearly get someone more reliable to take care of his security. Surely he has the money for it. Trusting the same guys he trusted when the assassination attempt happened was a mistake. Hope he doesn't do it again.
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>Call for a Thorough Investigation
The ass. attempt is so egregiously FUBAR it's obvious: they want us to know they put the hit on Trump.
What actually happened, as shown by the charts is:

>Nothing out of the ordinary on the 12th (Friday)
>On Monday, the 15th, DJT price pumps abnormally high from dummies buying up the stock thinking it'll moon like a meme stock
>Shorts pump bigly on the 15th as people know this price movement isn't sustainable.

The massive increase in shorts happened on the 15th, the Monday after the assassination attempt as people were profiting off of the irrational pumping of the stock.

I love a juicy story, but after looking at 4 charts on trading view, this is what happened, and anyone suggesting otherwise is being a disingenuous faggot. Pic related shows no abnormal price nor volume action on the 12th.
JFK wasn't on live TV, dumbass.
I just posted the shorts volume chart and the price chart. Literally the only "out-of-the-ordinary" thing I see is the high price from this link that an anon shared: https://ir.tmtgcorp.com/stock-quote/ but i don't even know wtf that link/site is.

TND, TKD, everyone is lying about everything with this faggotry trying to get attention, including this narrative that'll probably get spread around by retards that don't know how to look at charts. All American politics and American society is a fucking joke.
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>The massive shorting of $DJT stocks before the assassination attempt
Sauce, please.
This chart shows the price mooning on the 15th, the Monday after the attempt, nothing about shorts. Fake and also gay.

BS, there was some increase in short sale volume in late June (June 21-28 or so), but nothing majorly anomalous. Shorts increased on the 15th after the price irrationally pumped. In fact, trade volume was extremely low on the 12th.

Everyone is fake, gay, and probably poor ITT
It's unironically BS, check my posts. I checked every financial chart available related to $DJT.
Liar how? I literally shared charts with dates highlighted...you shared a link. Why don't you point out what you're talking about?
You are glowing so hard it hurts

On July 12, 2024, Austin Private Wealth, LLC reported a significant short position in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT), with a put option for 12,000,000 shares. This activity suggests a substantial bet against the stock during that period.

For more detailed information and a complete list of short positions, you can visit the full data page on Fintel: Fintel - DJT Short Positions.
The link you shared shows nothing, so wtf are you talking about? It is strange to me that people are just literally making shit up at this point that can easily be disproven. I'd record a video and show the charts but am not interested in doxxing myself.
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>points out the 15th
>point out orice going higher
>what is a short?
The expectation is for price to go lower after the event, not higher. Stop being retarded.
>Austin Private Wealth, LLC
Austin Private Wealth, LLC is an independent, fee-only advisory firm based in Austin, Texas. The firm, established in 2010 and registered as an investment adviser since 2019, provides a range of investment advisory services to individuals and other clients. It manages over $1 billion in assets and employs around 21 people, offering personalized financial planning and investment management services.

Austin Private Wealth operates with a fiduciary duty to act in their clients' best interests, using a fee-only pricing structure that avoids commissions and referral fees. The firm's team includes Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) professionals dedicated to providing unbiased and transparent financial advice.

For more detailed information about Austin Private Wealth, you can visit their official website: [Austin Private Wealth](https://austinprivatewealth.com) and their profile on Radient Analytics: [Radient Analytics - Austin Private Wealth](https://radientanalytics.com/firm/adv/austin-private-wealth-llc-304344).



Please, point out what I'm lying about. Or feel free to reference the screencaps I shared of the charts showing exactly what happened.
Austin Private Wealth, LLC is an independent, fee-only advisory firm based in Austin, Texas, that provides personalized financial planning and investment management services. The firm was established in 2010 and registered as an investment adviser in 2019. With over $1 billion in assets under management, Austin Private Wealth prides itself on building deep, trusted relationships with its clients.

The executive management team includes:

Kevin Weaver, CFP®: Joined Austin Private Wealth in 2021 after a career in management consulting and corporate finance. He brings over 18 years of experience in financial advising.
Joshua Dvorak, CFP®: Partner and Director of Investments, he joined the firm in 2016 and advises on corporate and retirement plans, as well as wealth management and financial planning.
Ken Daly: Trading Specialist, with a background in working as a market maker and a deep understanding of trading and market dynamics.
Sadie Hardt: Manager of Business Development and Marketing, who joined the firm in early 2024 with a background in business development and pharmaceutical sales.
The firm operates with a fiduciary duty to act in their clients' best interests and follows a fee-only pricing structure to provide unbiased and transparent financial advice.
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>i don't even know wtf that link/site is.
It's the DJT stock website.
Diversion is a common tactic by those who argue in bad faith. I posted a link to data. I gave you a spoon-fed screenshot.
Glow glow!
>point out what I'm lying about.

I didn't see that, thank you for pointing out. I am not familiar with this site. Any way to get all the details about the specific options?
Austin Private Wealth, LLC was founded by a team including Dan Kraus, Raoul Celerier, Alex J. Wagner, and Kieu Le. This independent, fee-only advisory firm provides personalized financial planning and investment management services. It has a strong focus on acting as a fiduciary, emphasizing the importance of unbiased financial advice.
Yes, but the only place I see an increase in shorts is on the 15th which makes sense as a response to the price increase. (I.e. Price was $30 on Friday, pumps to $45, so people rush to short it above $40).

These anons shared that Austin Private Wealth LLC apparently bought 12M shares of some short option on the 12th which is interesting, but I'd be interested in knowing more info related to those contracts before I can say more. It definitely is the highest volume on the page, so I'm hoping the anons can share more info...
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What a thoughtful and insightful analysis of the situation, good job!
Dan Kraus
Educational and Professional Background: Dan Kraus holds an MBA and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC®), and Accredited Portfolio Management Advisor (APMA®). Before founding Austin Private Wealth, he held various positions in trading and marketing at Fidelity Investments and American Express.
Role at Austin Private Wealth: As Co-Managing Partner, Kraus has been instrumental in growing the firm's assets under management to over $1 billion. He emphasizes the importance of consistency and client-focused service, which he credits for the firm's success
Raoul Célérier
Educational and Professional Background: Raoul Célérier also holds an MBA and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC®), and Certified Estate Planner (CEP®). His extensive experience in financial services complements Kraus’s expertise.
Role at Austin Private Wealth: As Co-Managing Partner, Célérier focuses on delivering a high-quality client experience and implementing technological improvements to enhance service delivery.
Additional Partners
Alex J. Wagner: Joined the firm in 2007, bringing additional expertise in financial planning and wealth management.
Kieu Le: Joined in 2017, contributing to the firm's comprehensive advisory services.
You are engaging in an appeal to authority instead of reading and applying critical thinking skills.

I didn't see those, I apologize and was just going off of the charts I was looking at.

Does anyone have anymroe information related to the terms of these puts? Price info appears hidden...any other info available that people can share?
I fed all the information I collected to an LLM and had it make my research into a complete and readable article using my ideas and outline. I'm not a writer, I'm a researcher. This argument is akin to claiming Ansel Adams work is irrelevant because he took a picture instead of painting the landscape. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
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Thanks though, the next article will be called "The Short Heard Around The World" and will be 100% focused on this. I'm going to rip this firm and it's employees lives apart piece by piece and make sure the GPT writes a big & beautiful article on them.
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I will say their partners are perhaps the most Jewish list of partners I've seen in a while.
TLDR. The entire thing is fake.
I have to retract what I said previously and apologize to people...

This is pretty damning. Why TF wouldn't they just buy like 500k or something so that it isn't such a huge anomaly? They just know that they can argue "it was just a lucky cohencidence!"?
Based on the image provided, the following organizations appear to have Jewish affiliations or origins:

Jewish Community Center
Camp Young Judaea
Shalom Austin
Congregation Beth Israel
Austin Jewish Academy
These organizations are known for their Jewish roots and community involvement.
the shooter fired several times. The first shot that hit him prompted him to raise his hand to his ear exactly as he is doing in the bottom pic, as more shots were fired. The bullet in the air clearly does not line up with the one that hit him in his ear, the two are not the same shot. 5-8 shots were fired well poisoning retard. Pretty sure there would be blood splatter to accompany the one that actually hit him. But that one came through while his hands were still down, AS YOU KNOW
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>6:11 PM
"Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil"
Ephesians 6:11
Have you tried contacting anyone from Austin Private Wealth, LLC? I have some colleagues in Austin that might be willing to try to pay them a visit.
Although that would be interesting, I'm sure I will be able to find anything I need from opensource information
Godspeed anon. All we can do is bring this conspiracy to light with objective, irrefutable evidence. Money is the one thing that doesn't lie. Follow it and most importantly get the message out there.
Trump's team NEEDS to know about this shit.
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OP was not a faggot. Bump
The camera shot of the bullet is hardly difficult to explain. Firstly the photographer is Doug Mills who has forty years of experience in political photography, covered 7 Presidents and won multiple awards for his images, including two Pulitzers. So no, there's no conspiracy about why he was there or why he had his camera pointed at Trump on that particular day. He's spent 8 years photographing Trump.
As regards his equipment, I have no idea what he's using but it will obviously be top of the range kit, capable of just about anything. Obviously capturing the bullet was unintentional, the human eye is not that fast, let alone reactions, but any experience of Trump shows that he moves around a lot so Mills will have been using a camera that utilises constant short exposures. Meaning that when you depress the shutter button, the camera takes continuous photos as long as the button is depressed. The number of images captured per second depends on the camera and memory card, even on my setup which is entry professional you can get about 3-5 images per second but top of the range could easily be multiple dozens of images per second. It's the same technology used in capturing 100mph serves in Tennis. At that speed you don't need a tripod as the camera is taking images faster than your hand will shake holding it or how your breathing might affect it. Tripods are required for long exposures when the camera has to remain steady over time.

Even so, a bullet is even faster, so it was still probably something like a 1 in 5 chance of capturing the right millisecond the bullet went past and Mills was lucky enough to get it. Great photography is literally just luck and waiting.
Who is the christian ruler?
Think they'll refund my subscription fee?
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not fake
a shooting did occur
probably not. Hell I swapped to copilot anyway for my work uses.
Good thread, but the chatgpt bs ruined it, for me. I am tired of this AI crap. Just fucking write your own shit next time, lazy ass. It ruins your credibility.
By the end of the day I will have 2 7900xtx cards and 192gb of ram to run my own LLM. Love prime days.
>This argument is akin to claiming Ansel Adams work is irrelevant because he took a picture instead of painting the landscape. Go be a nigger somewhere else.
>Good thread, but the chatgpt bs ruined it, for me. I am tired of this AI crap. Just fucking write your own shit next time, lazy ass. It ruins your credibility.
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mossad hired or mkultrad him or he was a J or he was blCkmailed…either way it all goes back 2 mossad
The trigger man and the person in the leaked photos is a Ukrainian funded glownigger named Max. The rifle reject who inexplicably became suddenly as skilled as a Ukrainian merc with lots of recent practice, is just a patsy. They abducted and killed that kid to say "Look it was a republican" and get the heat off the Ukrainian merc who are working for Biden's WH.
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I found Dan Kraus' phone number on a government elector page -- also, apparently he has a customer dispute from 2008; pic related.
Might be nothing, but interesting.
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What happen to the fact that his parents reported that he went missing hours before and apparently he was supposed to be on a Van with IEDS, later on it was a hyunday and now apparently he went to the event on a bike, same goes with the ladder so far there been conflicting stories about him bringing the ladder himself to the event while other suspect that the ladder was already there, based on drone footage the ladder was hidding behind trees which is even more weird.

Look at this, why would this ladder be allowed to stay there when SS was using that place as a base of operations and forbid everyone from using the rooftop as it was sloped


Why would the president of the SS blame the sloped roof and not talk about the ladder that was hidden behind trees and the shooter use
AND wet. Do you know how fucking dangerous that is?
All of their email addresses, phone numbers, and linkedin profiles are listed on the company website. I'm really tempted to try calling some fo them for comment :^)

What should I ask? I was thinking "I was hoping you could comment on what indicators you saw that gave you such conviction to take such a large bearish position against the DJT stock on July 12"

How could it be better worded?





I would suggest we deep dive into all the connections before anything like that.
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Dude i saw image of the van being towed and I couldnt find it after that, what the fuck happenin
Cool pic - recall the White House 2020 Christmas ornament - and who Donald Trump’s best friend was before his alleged plane crash.
What do you mean "burned" your account?

If you're talking about github copilot, that's something along the lines of this anon saying "My calculator broke!" And you responding with "I usually use a digital camera to take pictures" as copilot is completely irrelevant to what he's doing...

Anthropic's Claude is a pretty decent LLM if you need an alternative OP.
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I may misunderstand what Austin Private Wealth is, so correct me if I'm wrong, but the guys there might not have any insight. They can buy stocks on clients' behalf, so it could've just been at the order of one of their clients. That said, they are an advisory firm, so... maybe they would. Not sure

I got booted from my account when I started input information blackrock and APW
$5,000 is literally nothing to firms like this. Unironically like a penny to you or me.
>I may misunderstand what Austin Private Wealth is, so correct me if I'm wrong, but the guys there might not have any insight. They can buy stocks on clients' behalf, so it could've just been at the order of one of their clients. That said, they are an advisory firm, so... maybe they would. Not sure
You're correct. But which clients would use it. CIA has a MASSIVE presence in Texas.
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Call me whatever you want but here is what I think went down.
>Shooter gets to the scene.
>The feminist SS and Kabbalah counter sniper see kid with gun.
>They order the sheriffs to stop watching the building and roof because "I got it bro, im a sniper. Trust me."
>Female agents or any of the very very very few compromised ones on foot give the "its okay to leave the building" look.
>Shooter gets up on roof.
>Counter Sniper watches
>Shots miss
>Sniper takes the kid out
>They pull trump to his feet
>FuckIThoughtHeWasHitBeforeFalling.jpg says the female chick who can't holster her gun
I don't believe the CIA was involved. I think there were a few secret service agents who hated guarding trump and wanted to see if the bastard could make the shot. Look at the iconic photo now being passed around with his fist up in the air. The dude in sunglasses (pic Related) looks like he doesnt know what or how this could happen or what the fuck is going on around him for people to not think this is serious. This, in my head, proves the secret service agents werent all compromised and only a few were that wanted to see if the kid could do it. Nothing beyond that other than a few shady people in the crowd who could've been warned by the shooter ahead of time so they can get the best photos of Trump being hit.
I mean, BlackRock itself...Blackrock is trying to start the Texas Stock Exchange...a competitor to to the NYSE
There is 0 chance he walked an entire mile carrying a ladder and there is no footage or testimonies of it
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I literally just had this thought and want to see what anons think. I was trying to come up with the answer to
>"why exactly would Black Rock conspire with SS to assassinate a presidential candidate?"
If trump died on that stage that day, it's almost guaranteed that the Civil War 2.0 forecast would have arrived much sooner, doing great damage to the economy. Yes there's evidence of stocks being shorted, but would they really ignore the long term consequences when they're already filthy rich? I think the shorted stocks would have been Black Rock's payment for an ulterior motive set up by the CIA and SS.
The writing has been on the wall for a while now, and we know that the ideologies behind the Cold War never truly died, but just changed form. I think the real forecast has been a new Great War that has the potential to decimate entire continents, much less nations. This might sound a bit fucked but I think that the attempt on Trump might have been an attempt at choosing between a lesser evil. Biden would have won if Trump died, and Biden is an ineffective geezer most likely taking orders to maintain status quo. More importantly Biden is the face of the US, he's the "leader we chose" which may be strategic in international affairs as a way of signaling to the rest of the world that "The US isn't really gearing up for a major war, they're too busy dealing with internal issues" as a way to avoid further sabre rattling and catastrophe while we wait for the international tensions to die down.
Obviously we don't know what Trump would have done if he were in office for the last four years, but it's not impossible to imagine that the CIA see him as a wild card that could drag us into international affairs that would snowball out of control, which would be a good motive for them to start working on "risk management"
That dude is one of Trump's handpicked close security detail. He's been guarding him for years.

Time to bake a new bread OP
The thing that sets my alarm bells off is the fact he managed to pull up there with a gun, ladders, range finder etc, confidently knowing he was first of all going to get up there. Then once he got spotted he still stayed there for minutes AND was allowed to be there. Surely if you got spotted you would freak out and say holy fuck it's now or never. How did he know he had the time. I litteraly watched a video a couple days ago of a guy dying in his car because he kept reaching under the dash and the cop shot him, but its ok to be on a roof overlooking Trump with a rifle? Wouldn't any cop just start popping off shots? its pretty obvious a sweaty antifa looking kid wasn't plain clothes security, but if he was. Radio
>err is this guy on the roof one of theirs?
>what guy
>ok nevermind
i was talking about the ai Microsoft copilot. It's actually been pretty useful using it for a language model.
it's meme territory but I was stating it as a "im sorry I can't help since I don't use your system"
no need to rage so easily mate we all good here

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